PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 116(3):732-736. 2003. First fossil record of a finfoot (Aves: Heliornithidae) and its biogeographical significance Storrs L. Olson Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A., e-mail: [email protected] — Abstract. The distal end of a humerus from the Lee Creek Mine in North Carolina is identified with the modern Neotropical species as Heliornis aff. fulica and provides the first fossil record for the family Heliornithidae. The fossil was determined to come from the Middle Miocene (14 Ma) Pungo River Formation based on sedimentary, preservational, and other lines of evidence. This in turn implies that Heliornis did not spread into South America until Ma after the isthmian land connection about 3 and that the interchange of Heliornithidae between the Old and New World probably took place through the Northern Hemisphere in the Paleogene. The finfoots or sungrebes (Heliornithi- the "higher" orders of arboreal land birds dae) comprise 3 species, each in a mono- (Olson 1985). It differs from all of these in typic genus, that are placed in the tradition- the very rounded, hemispherical condylus al avian order Gruiformes. On the basis of ventralis (ulnar condyle), which contrasts both morphology and molecular data, the markedly with the narrow, transversely family is probably most closely related to ovoid, and often proximally flattened con- rails, Rallidae (Houde 1994, Livezey 1998). dyle in the traditional orders Coliiformes, The species are sedentary, swimming and Trogoniformes, Coraciiformes, Piciformes, diving birds of forested streams in the trop- and Passeriformes. Another highly distinc- ics of the New World, Africa, and southeast tive character is the extension of the epi- Asia. Hitherto, there has been no fossil re- condylus ventralis distally well past the cord of the family (Brodkorb 1967, Houde margins of the distal condyles. These two 1994, Tommy Tyrberg, Kimstadt, Sweden, features (Fig. 1) in combination with the pers. comm.). This has changed with the overall size and shape are diagnostic of the discovery of the distal end of a humerus in Heliornithidae. spoil piles of the Lee Creek phosphate mine near Aurora, North Carolina, from which tens of thousands of fossil bird bones had Genus Heliornis Bonnaterre, 1791 been recovered previously (Olson and Ras- mussen 2001). There is little in the way of qualitative Systematics differences in the distal half of the humerus to distinguish the three genera of Heliorni- Class Aves thidae. Podica and Heliopais differ from Order Gruiformes Heliornis and the fossil in their much larger Family Heliornithidae size, so that on size and geographical The fossil humerus is characterized by its grounds it is more reasonable to assign the short, curved overall shape, which at first fossil to the type-genus of the family, He- suggests a medium-sized species of one of liornis. VOLUME NUMBER 116, 3 733 Fig. 1. Left humeri of Heliornis (top row anconal view; bottom row palmar view): A, fossil Helioniis aff. fulica from Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina; B, C, modern Heliornisfulica (UF 38828 = PB 35036; USNM 321493; UF 33412 = PB 29333). The distally projecting epicondylus ventralis (long arrow) and the very rounded, hemispherical condylus ventralis (short arrow) are diagnostic features of the Heliornithidae. 734 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Table 1. Measurements (mm) of the humerus of erably in the modern series. Qualitatively, modern Heliornis fulica (HeHornithidae) compared the only apparent differences are the some- with fossil humerus of Heliornis aff. fulica (USNM what more curved shaft, the relatively larg- 5 8297) from the Miocene of North Carolina. 1 er condylus ventralis, and the wider sulcus Heliornisfulica musculo humerotricipitalis in the fossil. Rang(eN(=meai3n)) SD Heliornifsossaiflf. fulica These differences may indicate slight dif- ferences in flight capability, but given the Distal width 6.2-7.0 (6.8) 0.24 6.9 Shaft width 2.4-3.2(2.8)0.19 3.2 time disparity they are very minor. There is Shaft depth 2.4-2.8(2.6)0.12 2.9 nothing in this single fossil to suggest that it represents a divergence from the lineage leading to the modern species Heliornisfu- lica. This perception might be altered if Heliornis aff fulica (Boddaert, 1783) . more of the skeleton were available. — Referred specimen. Distal half of left humerus. National Museum of Natural His- Discussion USNM tory, Smithsonian Institution, 518297, collected 13 June 2001 by Geoff The Heliornithidae are among the classic Keel. examples pantropical families of birds (Fig. — Locality. Lee Creek Mine, south side of 2), such as barbels (Capitonidae) and tro- Pamlico River, near Aurora, Beaufort gons (Trogonidae), which likewise occur in County, North Carolina (35°23'22"N, the Old and New World tropics, but not in 76°47'06"W). Australasia. This pattern invites the ques- — Horizon. Pungo River Formation, Mid- tion of whether their distribution is the re- Ma dle Miocene; Langhian stage, ca. 14 sult of vicariant events or dispersal. (Gibson 1983). Fossil birds at the Lee Modern Heliornis fulica extends practi- Creek Mine come from deposits of two cally throughout the Neotropics from Mex- — ages separated by an unconformity the ico to northern Argentina. The fossil record Middle Miocene Pungo River Fm and the from North Carolina is more than 2600 air Lower Pliocene Yorktown Fm (Olson and line km NE of the nearest occurrence of Rasmussen 2001). Assignment of the pre- Heliornis in Veracruz, Mexico. The speci- sent fossil is based on several lines of evi- men comes from deposits about 14 Ma, dence. It was recovered from a spoil pile whereas a land connection was established that was topped by sediments of the Pungo between North and South America only River Fm; the preservation is excellent, the about 3 Ma, with mammalian overland dis- bone having a hard, shiny surface, unlike persal having taken place in both directions the etched appearance of many of the bones before about 2.5-2.8 Ma (Marshall 1985). from the Yorktown Fm; blackish phosphatic Finfoots, being weak fliers and with very sand characteristic of the Pungo River Fm specific aquatic habitat requirements, are al- was adherent to the fossil; and no strictly most certainly incapable of dispersing over tropical elements occur in the Yorktown Fm an oceanic barrier. Thus, the evidence now but are known from the Pungo River and at hand suggests that Heliornis fulica must equivalent formations. have spread into South America from North — Comparisons. In size, the fossil falls America after the isthmian land connection within the range of modern Heliornisfulica formed, and perhaps considerably after that, in two measurements, though near the high given that it has no recognized subspecies end, and is very slightly larger in shaft (Hellmayr and Conover 1942). depth (Table 1). Although the shaft of Heliornis differs from other finfoots in USNM 518297 is thus generally somewhat having altricial young that are carried in ax- more robust, this character varies consid- illary marsupia (Houde 1994), so that it is VOLUME NUMBER 1 16, 3 735 Fig. 2. Modern distribution of the three species of Heliornithidae (soHd) and the only fossil record (arrow). Map modified from Fisher and Peterson (1964). presumably the most derived of the three and Swisher 1995). Thus, fossils of Helior- species. Houde (1994) found Heliornis to nithidae might be anticipated in Paleogene be closer genetically to the Asian genus He- deposits of the northern continents. liopais, than to the African genus Podica, DNA although the quality of the of Helio- Acknowledgments pais may have been equivocal. He also found that the degree of genetic divergence I am most grateful to Geoff Keel for col- between Heliornis and the African genus lecting and donating the specimen, and to Podica was too small to be compatible with Mark Florence and David Bohaska, Dept. a trans-Atlantic origin of the former and of Paleobiology, National Museum of Nat- subsequent separation via sea-floor spread- ural History, Smithsonian Institution ing, which would have necessitated a com- (USNM), for processing the specimen and mon distribution across what is now Africa associated information. Photographs are by and South America well back into the Cre- John Steiner, Smithsonian Photographic taceous (Smith et al. 1994). Services. Production of the figures was by Assuming finfoots to require tropical en- Brian Schmidt, Division of Birds, Smith- vironments and to be incapable of crossing sonian Institution. I thank Helen James for marine water barriers, interchange of fin- processing statistics and Scott Wing for cer- foots between the Old and New World must tain bibliographical references. For lending have taken place early in the Tertiary across specimens of comparative material I am the Northern Hemisphere, because Helior- grateful to Mark Robbins, University of nis was already in North America by the Kansas Museum of Natural History, Lawr- W Middle Miocene. There is abundant floral ence (KU); J. V. Remsen and S. Cardiff, and faunal evidence for interchange be- Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana tween North America and both Europe and State University, Baton Rouge (LSU); Carla Asia in the Eocene (Manchester 1999) and Cicero, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, in particular for invasions of mammals University of California, Berkeley (MVZ); from Asia in the late Eocene (Woodburne David W. Steadman, Florida Museum of 736 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Natural History, University of Florida, charact—ers, with an emphasis on the rails (Ral- Gainesville (UF); and Kristof Zyskowski, lidae). Philosophical Transactions of the Roy- Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale al Society B 353:2077-2151. Manchester, S. R. 1999. Biogeographical relationships University, New Haven (YPM). I thank Da- of North American Tertiary floras.—Annals of vid W. Steadman and Gareth Dyke for com- the Missouri Botanical Garden 86:472-522. ments on the manuscript. Marshall, L. G. 1985. Geochronology and land-mam- mal biochronology of the transamerican faunal interchange. Pp. 49-85 in F G. Stehli and S. D. Literature Cited Webb, eds.. The great American biotic inter- Brodkorb, P. 1967. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 3 change. Plenum Press, New York, 532 pp. (Ralliformes, Ichthyornithiformes, Charadriifor- Olson, S. L. 1985. The fossil record of birds. Pp. 9- — mes). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, 238 in D. S. Farner, J. R. King, and K. C. Biological Sciences 11:99-220. Parkes, eds.. Avian biology, vol. 8. Academic Fisher, J., and R. T. Peterson. 1964. The world ofbirds. Press, New York, 256 pp. Doubleday and Co., Garden City, New York, Olson, S. L., and P. C. Rasmussen. 2001. Miocene and 288 pp. Pliocene birds from the Lee Creek Mine, North Gibson, T G. 1983. Stratigraphy of Miocene through Carolina. Pp. 233-365 in C. E. Ray and D. J. Lower Pleistocene strata of the United States Bohaska, eds.. 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