IAAS EUROPEAN CONGRESS 2018 2ND IAAS EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON AMBULATORY SURGERY BUDAPEST, HUNGARY | 11-12 MAY, 2018 WWW.IAASEUROPEANCONGRESS2018.COM FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT WELCOME NOTE It is our privilege and special pleasure to invite you to the 2nd European Congress of the International Association For Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS) that will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from 11 – 12 May 2018. Following the impressive success of the 10th IAAS International Congress On Ambulatory Surgery, in Budapest 2013, Budapest is chosen again, because it is believed to be an excellent setting to discuss the current progress of day surgery, the start and development of day surgery in the countries of Central and East Europe under the different socio-economic and health reform processes, the new concepts and the advances in modern surgical interventions in the fields of endoscopy and laparoscopic technology that will certainly enhance the rapid expansion of our method to shorten hospital stay, and to give a better way of treatment and quality of life to our patients. High scientific level sessions will be organized: plenary lectures, symposia, free paper sessions, interactive workshops and debates in all the aspects of surgeons, nursing, management and technology. A large number of day surgery experts and scientists have already committed themselves to actively participate in the scientific programme. However, we rely on the most meaningful participation of many colleagues from all over the world in order to make our congress another milestone in IAAS history, and history in all European countries, especially the countries of Central-Middle Europe. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities not only in Europe but in the entire world, to enjoy the Congress, tourism and the famous Hungarian Hospitality. With our kindest regards Dr. Gamal Eldin Mohamed Dr. Beverly Philip President of the Congress President of the IAAS GENERAL INFORMATION SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE LOCAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chair: Douglas McWhinnie (UK) Chair: Janecskó Maria Members: Members: Beverly Philip (USA) Iványi Zsolt Sándor József Janecskó Mária (Hungary) Fülesdi Béla Gerő György Ian Jackson (UK) Wéber György Hupuczi Petronella Carlo Castoro (Italy) Corrine Vons (France) Paulo Lemos (Portugal) IAAS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORGANISING COMMITTEE President: Secretary: Beverly Philip Jan Eshuis Chair: Gamal Eldin Mohamed (Hungary) Immediate past president: Tresurer: Members: Gamal Eldin Mohamed Luc Van Outryve Beverly Philip (USA) Past President: Arnaldo Valedone Luc Van Outryve (Belgium) Ian Jackson Vons Corinne Marian Aland (Norway) Zhang Zhenzhong Hanne Fons (Denmark) Past President: Carlos Magalhaes Jelena Petrovic (Serbia) Carlo Castoro Hanne Fons Masa Hrelec Patrlj (Croatia) President elect: Florentina Cadariu (Romania) Douglas McWhinnie Jan Eshuis (The Netherlands) Zhang Zhenzhong (China) Carlos Magalhaes (Potugal) CONGRESS VENUE Danubius Hotel HÉLIA CME ACCREDITATION Address: Budapest, Kárpát u. 62-64, 1133 Phone: (+36 1) 889 5800 (EACCME) European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) the accredation is in progress. PROGRAMME AT GLANCE FRIDAY | MAY 11, 2018 ROOM A ROOM B ROOM C ROOM D 08.30 OPENING CEREMONY 09.00 OPENING LECTURES 10.00 BUILDING AND MANAGING A DAY SURGERY UNIT: OPTIONS FOR ALL? 11.00 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 INNOVATION IN AMBULATORY INFORMATION AND EDUCATION HUNGARIAN SESSION FREE PAPERS SESSION: SURGERY FOR BOTH STAFF AND PATIENTS – ANESTHESIA (ANAESTHESIA AND SURGERY) CAN WE DO BETTER? 13.00 LUNCH 14.00 WORLDWIDE EXPANSION OF DILEMMAS IN MANAGING THE HUNGARIAN SESSION MEET THE EXPERT: PROCTOLOGY AMBULATORY SURGERY AMBULATORY PATIENT 15.00 NURSING AND REHABILITATION 15.30 TEAMWORK, COMPETENCY FREE PAPERS SESSION: AND SKILL ASSESSMENT IN SURGERY AMBULATORY SURGERY 16.30 LIMITS IN BARIATRIC SURGERY HUNGARIAN SESSION 17.30 END OF THE DAY SATURDAY | MAY 12, 2018 ROOM A ROOM B ROOM C ROOM D 09.00 OPTIMISING PRE-ASSESSMENT VARIA 10.00 HOW SAFE ARE OUR PATIENTS? HUNGARIAN SESSION 10.30 SHOULDER SURGERY 11.00 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 FINANCING DAY SURGERY IN HUNGARIAN SESSION WORLDWIDE ROLE OF NURSES DIFFERENT COUNTRIES GUIDING AS UNITS & NURSE GUIDED DISCHARGE 13.00 LUNCH MEET THE EXPERTS (ORTHOSPACE LUNCH WORKSHOPS 14.00 FINAL INVITED LECTURES 15.00 CLOSING CEREMONY AND WELCOME TO PORTO AND SEVILLE 15.30 END OF THE CONGRESS PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME FRIDAY | MAY 11, 2018 | ROOM A 08.30-09.00 OPENING CEREMOMY Gamal Mohamed and Beverly Philip 09.00-10.00 OPENING LECTURES Chairs: Gamal Mohamed, Beverly Philip 09.00-09.20 Worldwide Advances in Ambulatory Surgery – how are we doing? - Beverly Philip 09.20-09.40 The Barriers to Day Surgery - Gamal Mohamed 09.40-10.00 Ambulatory pathways, elective and emergency... pause for thought - Doug McWhinnie 10.00-11.00 BUILDING AND MANAGING A DAY SURGERY UNIT: OPTIONS FOR ALL? Chairs: Gamal Mohamed, Beverly Philip 10.00-10.15 Major hospital options - Jan Eshuis 10.15-10.30 Peripheral hospital options - Ian Jackson 10.30-10.45 Free-standing options - Beverly Philip 10.45-11.00 Administrative and legislative approaches - Bill Pentrice 11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.00 INNOVATION IN AMBULATORY SURGERY (ANAESTHESIA AND SURGERY) Chairs: Paulo Lemos, Xavier Falieres 11.30-11.50 What is new in Ambulatory Anesthesia? - Paulo Lemos 11.50-12.10 Non-intubated thoracoscopic surgery - Xavier Falieres 12.10-12.30 New surgical procedures in ambulatory practice - Carlos Magalhaes 12.30-12.50 General anesthesia in ambulatory surgery: opioid free? - Xavier Falieres 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.00-15.30 WORLDWIDE EXPANSION OF AMBULATORY SURGERY Chairs: Marian Aaland, Jelena Petrovic 14.00-14.18 Hungary - Gamal Mohamed 14.18-14.36 Serbia - Jelena Petrovic 14.36-14.54 Developing day surgery in Croatia - Masa Hrelec Patrlj 14.54-15.12 The Chinese experience - Zhenzhong Zhang 15.12-15.30 Ambulatory Surgery in Norway and Moldova, sharing experinece and transference of knowledge - Marian Aaland 15.30-16.30 TEAMWORK, COMPETENCY AND SKILL ASSESSMENT IN AMBULATORY SURGERY Chairs: Naresh Row, Carlo Castoro 15.30-15.50 How do we assess skill levels in Ambulatory Surgery? - Vicente Vieira 15.50-16.10 Teamwork for postoperative home care - Naresh Row 16.10-16.30 When teamwork goes wrong - a near disaster - Petra Tietze 16.30-17.30 LIMITS IN BARIATRIC SURGERY Chairs: Corrine Vons, Girish Joshi 16.30-16.50 Suitable Surgical procedures and pathway for Day Surgery Sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity - Corrine Vons 16.50-17.10 Worldwide experience with bariatric Day Surgery: The anesthetic challenge - Girish Joshi 17.10-17.30 Endoluminal therapies for obesity - Légner András FRIDAY | MAY 11, 2018 | ROOM B 11.30-13.00 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION FOR BOTH STAFF AND PATIENTS – CAN WE DO BETTER? Chairs: Ian Jackson, Vicente Vieira 11.30-11.48 Education for hospital managers to better understand the role of AS - Carlo Castoro 11.48-12.06 Information and education for both staff and patients - Vicente Vieira 12.06-12.24 What essential information do patients require? - Madhu Ahuja 12.24-12.42 Patient information after discharge... ”please show me the way to go home” - Mark Skues 12.42-13.00 Undergraduate training program in AS - Fernando Docobo 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.00-15.00 DILEMMAS IN MANAGING THE AMBULATORY PATIENT Chairs:Mark Skues, Maria Janecsko 14.00-14.20 What is best for acute pain management - Girish Joshi 14.20-14.40 Managing the obese patient through AS - Mark Skues 14.40-15.00 How I manage PONV - Beverly Philip 15.00-16.30 NURSING AND REHABILITATION Chairs:Marie Louise Ulsoe, Kirsti Lehtonen 15.00-15.30 An educational program for nurses in Ambulatory Surgery - Marie Louise Ulsoe 15.30-16.00 Optimising post-operative recovery - Karianne Hostmark 16.00-16.30 Continuity of patient care in Day Surgery - Kirsti Lehtonen FRIDAY | MAY 11, 2018 | ROOM C 11.30-13.00 HUNGARIAN SESSION - EGYNAPOS SEBÉSZETI FINANSZÍROZÁSI MODELL Moderátor: Mészáros János Résztvevők: Mészáros János, Gulácsi László, Boncz Imre, Gamal Mohamed 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.00-15.30 HUNGARIAN SESSION - ÁPOLÁS ÉS BETEGUTAK AZ EGYNAPOS SEBÉSZETBEN Moderátor: Németh Gabriella 1. A kommunikáció fontossága a betegút menedzselésében - Németh Gabriella 2. Betegút szervezési lehetőségek az egynapos sebészetben - Kovácsné Balogh Ildikó 3. Az ápolási igazgató szerepe a betegút szervezésében - Marth Krisztina 4. A koordinációs munka 10 év alatti fejlődése - Groman Judit 5. Protokollok szerinti ápolás - Tóth Mária 6. Egynapos Sebészet kardiológus szemmel - Tumpek Andrea 7. Altatásos colonoscópia jövője az Egynapos Sebészeten.... - Leviczky Anikó 15.30-16.30 FREE PAPER SESSION: SURGERY (7’+3’) Chairs: Douglas McWhinnie, Carlo Castoro 15.30-15.40 Ambulatory Ozonated Auto Haemotherapy for treatment of ulcers not responding to conventional pharmacological and surgical treatment - Amato De Monte 15.40-15.50 Ambulatorial topic Ozone/Oxygen treatment in a case of chronic abdominal abscess not responding to usual therapy - Giovanni Sermann 15.50-16.00 Feasibility of outpatient laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy - Elie Mikhael 16.00-16.10 Percutaneous vertebroplasty in metastatic spine disease - Slavisa Zagorac 16.10-16.20 Phlebological day surgery - Evolution and management - Cădariu Florentina 16.30-17.30 HUNGARIAN SESSION - BEAVATKOZÁSI LISTA ÉS BŐVÍTÉSE – KEREKASZTAL Moderátor: Göböl Zsolt Résztvevők: Domján Zsolt, Gombos Katalin, Horváth Zsolt, Szokoly Miklós FRIDAY | MAY 11, 2018 | ROOM D 11.30-13.00 FREE PAPER SESSION: ANESTHESIA (7’+3’) Chairs: Jan Eshuis, Marc Coppens 11.30-11.40 Patient-reported sufficiency, adherence to, and adverse effects of ambulatory surgery pain medication - Noora Skants 11.40-11.50 Adequat local anesthesia - how much local anesthetic is sufficient - Dejan Dabic 11.50-12.00 Local infi ltration anesthesia as the anesthetic technique of choice for abdominal wall hernias repair in ambulatory surgery - Ivan Palibrk 12.00-12.10 High post-operative pain scores despite multimodal analgesia in ambulatory anorectal surgery: a prospective cohort study - Aline Ceulemans 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.00-15.00 MEET THE EXPERT: PROCTOLOGY Chairs: Luc van Outryve, Gamal Mohamed 14.00-14.12 The HAL-RAR-technique and its modifications - Alexis Freitas 14.12-14.24 What factors prevent ambulatory haemorrhoidectomy? - Luis Hidalgo Grau 14.24-14.36 Results from Mumbai in Ambulatory proctology - Manmal Begani 14.36-14.48 Recent advances in the treatment of anal fistulas and fissures- Jelena Petrovic 14.48-15.00 A single-centre analysis on Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (HAL) and Recto-Anal repair (AR) after 10 years - Marie de Vos SATURDAY | MAY 12, 2018 | ROOM A 09.00-10.00 OPTIMISING PRE-ASSESSMENT (PLENARY) Chairs: Beverly Philip, Hanne Fons 09.00-09.20 The value of nurse-led preoperative reception desk - Luc van Outryve 09.20-09.40 Setting up a preassessment service - Hanne Fons 09.40-10.00 Preoperative tests: minimal testing for maximum gain - Kirsti Lehtonen 10.00-11.00 HOW SAFE ARE OUR PATIENTS? Chairs: Maria Janecsko, Naresh Row 10.00-10.20 Patient at risk - Maria Janecsko 10.20-10.40 Use of WhatsApp to maximise patient safety - Naresh Row 10.40-11.00 Information technology and Patient Safety - Corinne Vons 11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.00 FINANCING DAY SURGERY IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Chairs: Paulo Lemos, Jan Eshuis 11.30-11.48 State, private or Hybrid system - Paulo Lemos 11.48-12.06 Netherlands - Jan Eshuis 12.06-12.24 France - Corrine Vons 12.24-12.42 USA - Beverly Philip 12.45-13.00 Hungary - Gulácsi László 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.00-15.00 FINAL INVITED LECTURES Chairs: Beverly Philip, Sándor József 14.00-14.20 Going green in ambulatory surgery, is it possible - Douglas McWhinnie 14.20-14.40 Technology supporting our patients throughout the pathway - Ian Jackson 14.40-15.00 Five thousand years old history of handwashing. Continuous challenges to maintain hygiene – Sándor József 15.00-15.30 CLOSING CEREMONY AND WELCOME TO PORTO AND VALENCIA Chair: Beverly Philip, Gamal Mohamed, Carlos Magalhaes, Fernando Docobo SATURDAY | MAY 12, 2018 | ROOM B 09.00-11.00 VARIA Chairs: Zuvela Marinko, Corrine Vons 09.00-09.24 Digital communicating program pre-and postoperatively in Ambulatory Surgery - Marc Coppens 09.24-09.48 The role of new technology - Corrine Vons 09.48-10.12 The ENTpatient in Ambulatory Surgery - Marc Coppens 10.12-10.36 Ambulatory Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - a nation wide perspective - Fernando Docobo 10.36-11.00 Challenging Inguinal Hernia Repair under local anesthesia - Zuvela Marinko 11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-12.30 HUNGARIAN SESSION - FÁJDALOMCSILLAPÍTÁS AZ EGYNAPOS SEBÉSZETBEN Moderátor: Darvas Katalin 1. Fájdalomcsillapítás az egynapos sebészetben az Irányelvek alapján - Janecskó Mária 2. Fájdalomcsillapítás az egynapos sebészetben a gyakorlatban - Hupuczi Petronella 3. Egy régi ismerős új köntösben : ultrahang vezérelt idegblokádok az egynapos sebészetben - Zubek László 13.00-14.00 LUNCH SATURDAY | MAY 12, 2018 | ROOM C 10.00-11.00 HUNGARIAN SESSION - OKTATÁS AZ EGYNAPOS SEBÉSZETBEN – KEREKASZTAL