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First Afrotropical records of Doithrix and Georthocladius, with notes on the Pseudorthocladius group (Diptera: Chironomidae) PDF

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Preview First Afrotropical records of Doithrix and Georthocladius, with notes on the Pseudorthocladius group (Diptera: Chironomidae)

Olea. SyETHER&TrondANDERSEN MuseumofZoology, UniversityofBergen FIRSTAFROTROPICAL RECORDS OF DOITHRIXAND GEORTHOCLADIUS, WITH NOTES ON THE PSEUDORTHOCLADIUSGROV? (DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE) Szether,O.A.&Andersen,T., 1996.FirstAfrotropicalrecordsof DoithrixznAGeorthocladius, with notes on the Pseudorthocladius group (Diptera: Chironomidae). - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 139:243-256,figs 1-29 [issn0040-7496]. PubÜshed 18December 1996. The diagnoses of the genera Doithrix Ssether et Sublette and Georthocladius Strenzlce are emended. ToyamayusurikaSasaet Kawai is shown to be ajuniorsynonym ofGeorthocladius. ThemaleimaginesofthenewspeciesDoithrixlongipes,Doithrixamegabei, Georthocladiuslong- icalcaneum, and Georthocladiusamakyei, all from Ghana, are described. Eight newcombina- tionsaregiven: Doithrixfujiseptimus(Sasa) comb, n., Doithrixtogateformis(Sasa,Watanabeet Arakawa) comb, n., Georthocladiusasamasextus(SasaetHirabayashi) comb, n., Georthocladius fujiquinta(Sasa)comb, n., Georthocladiusshiotanii(SasaetKawai) comb, n.,Pseudorthocladius amamikonaseus(SasaetSuzuki) comb, n., Pseudorthocladiuskurobesugoidus(SasaetOkazawa) comb, n.,andPseudorthocladiustogakuroidus(Sasa,WatanabeetArakawa) comb. n. The morphological expressionsofadaptations bychironomid male imagines to tropical areas arediscussed.Theseadaptationsoften,butnotalways,consistinconsiderablysmallersizeand associatedlowernumberofsetae,reductionofeyeelongation,considerablyshorterantennalra- tio,lossorreductionoftheanallobeofthewing,lossofsetaeonsquama, longercostalexten- sion, longerfrontmetatarsus resultingin higherfrontlegratio and, atleast in orthoclads, re- ductionoftheinferiorvolsella. O.A.Sjether&T.Andersen,MuseumofZoology,UniversityofBergen,Muséplass3,N-5007 Bergen,Norway. Keywords.-Chironomidae,Afrotropical,newspecies, Doithrix, Georthocladius,adaptations. The Pseudorthocladius group consists of the four and beginning near the anteptonotum, curved Cu, closely related genera Parachaetocladius Wiilker, andananalpointwithstrongsetaeandmicrotrichiae DoithrixSsether et Sublette, GeorthocladiusStrenzke, to apex or nearly to apex will separate the andPseudorthocladiusGoetghehuer.Whiletheimma- Pseudorthocladiusgroupfromotherorthocladgenera. tures of the first of these genera, Parachaetocladius, In connection with a project in Ghana supported liveinsprings,streamsandrivers,theotherthreegen- by the Norwegian Universities' Commitee for eraallaresemiterrestrialtosemiaquaticlivinginava- Development, Research and Education (nufu), four rietyofdamp habitats including mosses, hygropetric newspecies belongingto the Pseudorthocladiusgroup regions, seepages and floodplains alongstream banks were found. These finds are interesting not only be- & (Strenzke 1950,S^ether Sublette 1983,Cranstonet causetheyrepresentthefirstAfrotropicalfindsofthe al. 1989). genera Doithrixand Georthocladius, but also because ThegenusgroupwasrevisedbySsether&Sublette their morphology indicate some common trends of (1983) showingthatitformsawelldelineatedmono- adaptationsto tropical rain forests. phyletic group with Metriocnemus v.d. Wulp plus Thienemannia Kieffer as the likely sister group. The Methodsandmorphology genus Doithrixwas emended slightly byCranston & The mounting procedure used is outlined by Oliver (1988). Within the Pseudorthocladius group Ssether (1969). Morphological nomenclature follows Doithrixplus Georthocladiusapparently form the sis- Scether(1980).Themeasurementsaregivenasranges tergroup ofPseudorthocladiusplus Parachaetocladius. followedbyameanwhenfourormoremeasurements The presence ofwell developed pulvilli, naked eyes, are made, followed by the number measured in an apical antennal seta, acrostichals absent or long parentheses (n). 243 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 The holotypes ofthe new species are deposited at Ssether et Sublette sharing a synapomorphy in the the Museum of Zoology (zmbn), University of basal swelling ofthe gonostylus. Ueno & Iwakuma Bergen, Bergen, Norway. (1996) recorded D. villosa Ssether et Sublette from theMiyatokomireinJapan. DoithrixSsetheretSublette Doithrixlongipessp. n. DoithrixSxû\exetSublette, 1983:6. (figs. 1-7) Typespecies. - DoithrixvillosaS^etheretSublette, Type material. - Holotype •, Ghana: Western re- 1983: 9. gion, Ankasa Game Production Reserve, 6- Diagnosis of male imago. - As in Ssether & 12.xii.1993, NUFU project (ZMBN No. 173). - Sublette (1983: 6) and Cranston et al. (1989: 191) Paratypes: 3 • asholotype. with the following emendations: Minute to moder- ately small species, wing length 0.7-2.0 mm. Diagnostic characters. — The small size (wing Antennal ratio between 0.2 and 2.0. Eyeswithoutor length 0.7-0.8 mm), extremely long metatarsus giv- withveryslighteyeelongation.Antepronotum mod- ing an LR, of 1.01-1.04, the very long costal exten- erately to well developed. Dorsocentrals extending sion, absenceofsetaeonsquamaandtheevenlywide well forward, singleto triplein front; acrostichals ex- gonostylus will separate the species from all other tending to one third to half the length of scutum Doithrixexcept D. amegabeisp. n. described below. fromantepronotum;prealarsfewtonumerous,when The short antennal ratio (0.2-0.3), the subtriangular few in anterior and posterior group. Scutellum with inferior volsella, and the shorter and less sclerotized setae in uni - biserial transverse row. Anal lobe of phallapodeme will separate D. longipes from D. wingwelldevelopedtoveryweak,usuallyprotruding. amegabei. Virgaconsistingofatmostabout6veryfinespinesor occasionallyabsent. Gonocoxitewithstrong, posteri- Male imago (n = 4 exceptwhen otherwise stated). orly directed, apically pointed or rounded inferior - Total length 1.41-1.54, 1.47 mm. Wing length volsella or occasionally inferior volsella broad based, 0.73-0.77, 0.74 mm. Total length / wing length relatively low and subtriangular or reduced. Gono- 1.90-2.01, 1.98. Wing length / length ofprofemur styluswithorwithoutexpandedbase,apicallystrong- 2.62-2.75, 2.68. Coloration pale brown with vittae, lyattenuatetotruncateorslenderandapproximately median anepisternum II, ventral part ofpreepister- evenlywideforitsfulllength;withafewtonumerous numandpostnotumdarkbrown. longsetaeon innermargin. Head (figs. 1-3).AR0.23-0.27,0.25. Ultimatefla- Included species. - In addition to the four species gellomere77-109, 87 [im long; apical seta30-45, 37 describedbySaether & Sublette (1983) and Doithrix |im long. Flagellomere2with 1 sensillachaetica, 29- dillonaeCranston etOliverdescribedbyCranston & 36 pm long; flagellomere 3 with 2 sensilla chaetica, Oliver (1988), Wang (1994) described Doithrix 28-36 and 33-38 pm long, the longest about 3 pm emeiensis WangfromChina (examinedbythesenior wide. Temporal setae 8-19, 9; including3-4, 4 inner author),andtwospeciesdescribedfromJapaninoth- verticals; 2-3, 3 outer verticals; and 2-4, 3 postor- ergeneraclearlybelongto Doithrix, namelyDoithrix bitals.Clypeuswith6setae.Tentorium77-86,84pm fiijiseptimus(Sasa), comb. n. describedas Pseudortho- long; 8-13, 10 pm wide. Stipes 60-71, GG pm long, cladiusfujiseptimusmSasa (1985: 126); andDoithrix 15-23, 19 pmwide. Palpwith 5 palpomeres, lengths togateformis (Sasa, Watanabe et Arakawa) comb. n. (inpm): 15-23, 18; 23-30, 25;45-49,47; 56-71, 62; described as Toyamayusurika togateformis in Sasa, 75-94, 82. Third palpomere with about 6-7 sensilla Watanabe et Arakawa (1992: 235). Both are typical clavatain2-3groups; fourthpalpomerewith0-1 api- Doithrix, thefirstnearlyidenticalto D. emeiensisand calsensillumclavatum. possiblyclose to D. hamiltoniSjetheretSubletteand Thorax (fig. 4). Antepronotum with 4 setae. D. barberiSsetheretSublette,allfoursharingsynapo- Dorsocentrals 8-11, 10; acrostichals about 6-8; pre- morphiesin thehook-likeinferiorvolsellaeandother alars4-5, 5, including2-3, 3 posteriorand 1-3, 2an- details; and the second probably close to D. ensifer teriorprealars. Scutellumwith4setae. Figs 1-8. DoithrixlongipesSÇ.n.,maleimago.- 1,Cibarialpump,tentoriumandstipes;2,Thirdpalpomere;3,Flagellomere 1to5,showingthesensillachaeticaonflagellomeres2and3;4,Thorax;5,Wing;6,Analpointanddorsalaspectofleftgono- coxiteandgonostylus;7,HypopygiumwithanalpointandlaterosterniteIXremoved,leftdorsalaspect,rightventralaspect; 8,Gonostylus,ventralaspect. 244 S^THER&Andersen: Doithrix&Geonhocladius 245 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 246 S/£THER&Andersen: Doithrix&Geonhocladius Table 1. Lengths(in pm)andproportionsoflegsof maleimagoofDoithrixlongipessp. n. P. p. p.' TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 248 SyETHF.R&Andersen: Doithrix&Geonhockdius Table2. Lengths(in pm)andproportionsoflegsofmaleimago(ÄDuithrixamegabeis^. n. TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 great to be coincidental and the two species may be ofhind tibia 34-41, 38 pm and 17-19, 19 pm long. conspecific. G. shiotaniiisverysimilarto G. longical- Widthatapexoffronttibia21-23, 23 pm; ofmiddle caneumsp. n. described below, sharingfor instance a tibia21-23,23pm;ofhindtibia26-28,27pm.Hind unique synapomorphy in the triangular and curved tibial comb of 10-11, 11 setae; shortest setae 19-23, outer heel ofthe gonostylus, and appear to form its 22 pm long; longest setae 30-34, 32 pm long. sister species; while G. fujiquintus (asamasextus) is Lengthsandproportionsoflegsas inTable3. close to G. amakyeisp. n., the other Georthocladius Hypopygium (figs. 20-22). Anal point 15-21, 19 describedhere.Thetwospeciesdescribedhereaswell pmlong;with9-12, 10strongsetae;laterosterniteIX as theJapanese species all differ from previously de- with 2-3, 3 setae. Phallapodeme 45-51, 49 pm long; scribed species in the male hypopygium. Theycould transverse sternapodeme 26-34, 29 pm long. represent the unknown males of the subgenus Gonocoxite 109-120, 116 pm long; inferior volsella Atelopodella, but without knowledge of the imma- triangular, with strong anteriomedially directed mi- turessuchasubgenericplacementispremature. crotrichiae alongmedian margin. Gonostylus 54-75, GGpmlong;withlong,slightlycurvedouterheel;dis- tancefrombasetoapexofheel 56-75, 68 pm; toout- Georthocladiuslongicalcaneumsp. n. er furcation between gonostylus and heel 36-41, 40 (figs. 16-22) pm from base; gonostylus beyond heel tapering to gioTny,peAmnaktearsiaal.G-aHmoelotyPpreodSuc,tGihoanna:ReWseesrtvee,rn r6e-- aHpVex;2.m1e9g-a2s.e9t8a,82-.1461.,9pmlong.HR1.60-2.00, 1.76; 12.xii.1993, NUFU project (zmbn No. 220).- Etymology. - From Latin, longus, long, and calca- Paratypes: 3 (Î, asholotype. neum, theheel, as anoun in apposition, referring to Diagnostic characters. — The small size (wing thelongouterheelofthemalegonostylus. length0.7-0.8 mm), absenceofsetaeonsquama, low Remarks.- G. longicalcaneum sp. n. isverysimilar antennal ratio (0.3-0.4), and the extremelylongout- to G. shiotaniifrom Japan in the male hypopygium erheelofthegonostyluswillseparatethespeciesfrom and appear to form its sister species. It is, however, allother Doithrix. onlyabouthalfthesize, havemuchlowerchaetotaxy, lowerantennal ratio, higherLR, andVRetc., allpos- Male imago (n = 4 exceptwhen otherwisestated). sibleadaptations toatropicalclimate. - Total length 1.54-1.64, 1.61 mm. Wing length Distribution. -The species is known only from a 0.71-0.76, 0.73 mm. Total length / wing length rain forestin western Ghanaclose to theborderwith 2.15-2.25, 2.19. Wing length / length ofprofemur theIvoryCoast. 2.34-2.43, 2.37. Coloration pale brown with vittae, mneudmiaanndanpeopsitsntoetrunmumdaIrI,kvbernotwrna.l part ofpreepister- Georthocladiusamakyeisp. n. Head (figs. 16, 17). AR0.36-0.44, 0.40. Ultimate (figs. 23-29) flagellomere 105-150, 126 |im long; apical seta 26- Typematerial. —Holotype S, Ghana: Western re- 34, 29 pm long. Temporal setae 7-12, 10; including gion, Ankasa Game Production Reserve, 6-12. xii. 3-6, 5 inner verticals; 2-4, 3 outer verticals; and 2 1993, NUFUproject (zmbnNo. 219). postorbitals. Clypeus with 4-5, 5 setae. Tentorium Diagnostic characters. — The species is similar to 75-94,85pmlong; 15-17, 16pmwide.Stipes64-75, theprecedingspeciesinthesmallsize,lackofsetaeon 71 pm long; 15-19, 17 pm wide. Palp with 5 squama,andthelowantennalratio,butdifferinhav- palpomeres, lengths (in pm): 15-21, 19; 21-30, 25; ingashorter, triangularouterheelofthegonostylus. 53-58, 54; 68-83, 73; 64-83, 72. Third palpomere apicallyswollen, with about 6-7 sensillaclavata in 2- Male imago (n = 1). - Total length 1.67 mm. 3 groups; fourth palpomerewithout apical sensillum Wing length 0.79 mm. Total length / wing length clavatum. 2.11. Winglength / length ofprofemur2.23. Color- Thorax (fig. 18). Antepronotumwith 2-4, 3 setae. ation pale brown with vittae, median anepisternum Dorsocentrals 11-13, 12; acrostichalsabout6-8; pre- 11, ventral part of preepisternum and postnotum alars 5-6, 6, including2-3, 3 posteriorand2-4, 3 an- blackish brown. teriorprealars. Scutellumwith4setae. Head (figs. 23, 24). AR 0.46. Ultimate flagellom- Wing (fig. 19). VR 1.33-1.46 (3). Anal lobe re- ere 154 pm long, apical seta 26 pm long. Temporal duced, not projecting. C extension 79-90, 86 pm setae 7, including 4 innerverticals, 2 outerverticals, long. Brachiolum with 1 seta; R with 2-4, 3 setae; and 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 7 setae. Tentorium otherveinsbare. Squamabare. 79 pm long, 17 pmwide. Stipes 77 pmlong, 26 pm Legs. Spuroffronttibia26-30, 29 pm long; spurs wide. Palp with 5 palpomeres, lengths (in pm): 19, ofmiddletibia 19-26,21 pmand 17-19, 18pmlong; 26, 54, 81, 86. Third palpomere apically swollen. 250 S/ETHF.R&cAndersen: Doithrix&Geonhocladhts Table3. Lengths(inijm)andproportionsotlogsofmaleimagoofGeorthocladiuslongicalcaneumsp. n. TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139, 252

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