23January2002Revision;AcceptedbyApJLetters PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.19/02/01 FIRST 0747+2739: A FIRST/2MASS QUASAR WITH AN OVERABUNDANCE OF CIV ABSORPTION SYSTEMS Gordon T. Richards1, Michael D. Gregg2, Robert H. Becker2, and Richard L. White3 23 January 2002 Revision; Accepted byApJ Letters ABSTRACT WepresentaKeckESIspectrumofFIRST074711.2+273904,aK =15.4quasarwithredshift4.11that is detectedbybothFIRST and2MASS.The spectrumcontainsatleast14independentCIVabsorption 2 systems longward of the Lyα forest. These systems are found over a path length of ∆z = 0.984, 0 constituting one of the highest densities per unit redshift of C IV absorption ever observed. One of the 0 C IV systems is trough-like and resembles a weak BAL-type outflow. Two of the C IV are “associated” 2 absorptionsystemswith|v|<3000kms−1. Ofthe11remainingsystemswithv >3000kms−1,eightare n eitherresolvedorrequiremultiplediscretesystemstofitthelineprofiles. InadditiontoCIVabsorption, a there aretwolow-ionizationMgII absorptionsystems alongwith twodampedLyαsystems,atleastone J of which may be a C IV system. The overdensity of C IV absorption spans a redshift range of ∆z ∼ 1. 8 Superclusters along the line of sight are unlikely to cause an overdensity stretching over such a long 2 redshift path, thus the absorptionmay be an example of narrow,high-velocity,intrinsic absorptionthat originates from the quasar. We suggest that this quasar is a member of a transitional class of BAL 1 quasars where we are just barely seeing the spatial, density, or temporal edge of the BAL-producing v region(orperiod); themultiple high-velocityabsorptionsystemsmaybe theremnants(orprecursors)of 7 a stronger BAL outflow. If correct, then some simpler absorption line complexes in other quasars may 4 also be due to outflowing rather than intervening material. 4 1 Subject headings: quasars: absorption lines — quasars: individual (FIRST J074711.2+273904) 0 2 0 1. introduction sources, and then further matching to an optical catalog / such as the APM (McMahon & Irwin 1992). This ob- h It is generally agreed that the broad absorption line jectalsohasbeendiscoveredindependentlybyBennetal. p (BAL) systems seen in the spectra of many quasars are (2002). FIRST 0747+2739 has R−K = 2.5, not partic- - intrinsic to the quasar, arising from high velocity outflow o ularly red, but it is undetected on the blue Palomar sky of gas directly from the accretion disk region (Weymann r surveyplate,yieldingB−K &7. Theinitialspectrumwas t et al. 1991). Narrow absorption lines in quasar spectra, s obtainedusingtheKastspectrographontheLickObserva- however, arise from a variety of sources. Narrow absorp- a tory 3m telescope. A higher signal-to-noise spectrum was : tionlineswithsmallvelocitiesrelativetothe quasaremis- v obtained at Keck Observatory using the Low Resolution sion redshift could be caused by galaxies along the line of i ImagingSpectrograph(LRIS;Okeetal.1995),revealinga X sight,cloudsintheinterstellarmediumofthehostgalaxy, strikingly rich system of absorption lines redward of Lyα. or even smaller scale gas flows within a few parsecs of the r FIRST 0747+2739 is located at 07h47m11s.208 + a black hole. On the other hand, most of the narrow ab- ◦ ′ ′′ ′′ 27 3904.00 (J2000). There is a 2MASS source within 1 sorptionsystems thathavelargevelocitieswithrespectto with J, H, and K magnitudes of 16.77, 16.16, and 15.38, theemissionredshiftofthequasararethoughttobeinter- respectively. The peak 20cm flux density as measured by vening (Sargent et al. 1988); however, there is increasing FIRST (Becker et al. 1995) is 1.08±0.14mJy; the inte- evidence that even some fraction of these may be intrin- grated FIRST flux density is 1.55mJy. sic. In many BAL quasars, the absorption troughs have Motivated by the LRIS spectrum, we obtained a high- considerable structure, suggesting a connection to narrow dispersionspectrumofFIRST0747+2739usingtheechelle absorption line systems. We discuss the spectrum of a spectrographandimager(ESI;Epps&Miller1998)onthe newlydiscoveredquasar,FIRSTJ074711.2+273904(here- Keck II telescope on the night of 2000 April 6. The night after FIRST 0747+2739),with an overdensityof CIV ab- ′′ was photometric with 0.9 seeing. A 900s high-resolution sorbersinitsspectrum. Itmaybeanexampleofanobject ′′ spectrum was taken through a 1.0 slit in the echellette whose BAL component has been caught in a transitional modeofESI.Inthismode,thespectralrangeof3900˚Ato statethatcouldberelatedtoorientation,time,ordensity. 11000˚Aiscoveredin10spectralorderswithanearlycon- 2. data stantdispersionof11.4kms−1pixel−1. Thesignal-to-noise of the spectrum ranges from 20 to 40 per pixel. Wave- FIRST 0747+2739was discoveredin the early stages of length calibrations were performed with observations of a an ongoing project to search for extremely red quasars CuAr lamp. The spectrophotometric standard G191-B2B (Gregg et al. 2002). Candidates are found by match- (Massey et al. 1988; Massey & Gronwall 1990) was ob- ing point sources from the The 2-Micron All-Sky Sur- vey (2MASS; Kleinmann et al. 1994) with FIRST radio 1 DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,ThePennsylvaniaState University,UniversityPark,PA16802; [email protected] 2 UC-DavisandIGPP/LLNL, L-413,7000EastAve.,Livermore,CA94550;gregg,[email protected] 3 SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute, 3700SanMartinDrive,Baltimore,MD21218; [email protected] 1 2 served for flux calibration. All observations were carried What can explain the large overdensity of absorption out at the parallactic angle. The data were reduced using toward FIRST 0747+2739? All possible explanations can a tailored set of IRAF and IDL routines developed by us be classifiedas intervening or intrinsic. In the intervening specifically for ESI data. case, the absorption lines arise from material associated with galaxies along the line of sight that have no rela- 3. analysis and discussion tion to the quasar. In the intrinsic case, the absorption is caused by high velocity ejecta from the quasar itself. The overdensity of absorption features in the spectrum ofFIRST0747+2739isimmediatelyapparentintheKeck ESI data (Figure 1). Also conspicuous are a weak trough- 3.2. The Intervening Hypothesis like feature near 7815˚A and two damped Lyα systems. The number density of strong C IV lines towards this The region longward of Lyα emission is plotted on an ex- quasar is much larger than is normally observed. An ex- panded scale in the lower panels of Figure 1. We used amination of the spectra and tables from Sargent et al. an automated routine to search this spectral region for (1988) and Steidel (1990) along with a query of the York absorption lines with significance greater than 10σ. A to- etal.(1991)catalogofquasarabsorptionlinesrevealsthat tal of 42 absorption line systems were identified, 34 being such a concentration of C IV absorption over such a long C IV doublets, including a BAL-like C IV trough. The pathlengthisextremelyrare. Noneofthe11high-redshift systems are given in Table 1, which lists the system iden- quasars from Steidel (1990) has a density of CIV absorp- tification code, the redshift, the rest equivalent width of tion higher than FIRST 0747+2739. Two of the 55 lower the blue and red components of the C IV doublet (if de- redshiftquasarsfromSargentetal.(1988)dohaveabsorp- tected), the “ejection” velocity of the system, and other tion line densities higher then FIRST 0747+2739;Q0013- absorption species belonging to each system. The veloci- 004(UM224;z =2.086)andQ0854+191(z =1.896)have ties are with respect to the quasar redshift and are given sixandsevenstrong(W >0.15˚A)“Poisson”systemsover by v =(R2−1)/(R2+1),where R=(1+z )/(1+z ). r em abs path lengths of ∆z ∼0.6, respectively. The individual systems are merged into 18 “Poisson”sys- Quasars that have relatively high densities of absorp- tems(14ofwhichareCIV)bycombiningabsorberswithin tion have created much interest in the search for signs of 1000kms−1 (Sargent et al. 1988). superclustering at high redshift (e.g., Heisler et al. 1989; Romani et al. 1991; Foltz et al. 1993; Dinshaw & Im- 3.1. Line Densities pey 1996). However, most of these quasars have absorp- HowunusualistheabundanceofCIVabsorbersseento- tion systems where the overdensity is very limited in its wardsFIRST0747+2739? Athigh-redshift,Steidel(1990) redshift range, such as CSO 118 (Ganguly et al. 2001) found that (based on 11 quasars) the expected number of and the well-studied PKS 0237−233 (Foltz et al. 1993). CIVabsorbersperunitredshiftisapproximately1.0±0.5 FIRST 074711.2+273904is different in the sense that the at z ∼ 3.25 for rest equivalent width larger than 0.15˚A overdensity of CIV absorption is spread over a large red- and βc > 5000kms−1. If we sum the equivalent widths shiftrange(∆z ∼1)—muchtoolargetobe explainedby of the each of the C IV systems within 150kms−1, and a single supercluster. A search of the NASA Extragalac- ignorethosethreesystemswithβc<5000kms−1,wefind tic Database (NED) to look for other quasars to test the sevencombinedsystemswithrestequivalentwidthslarger superclustering hypothesis found no other known quasars than 0.15˚A for both lines in the C IV doublet. The path within 30 arcminutes, although there are five other radio length searched for C IV between Lyα emission and C IV sources within 10′ of FIRST 0747+2739. emission is ∆z = 0.984. Thus, dN/dz is 7.11 for this line Onepossiblewaytoreconciletheinterveninghypothesis of sight — an excess of 12 standard deviations from the withthe absorptionline overdensityinFIRST 0747+2739 Steidel (1990) measurement. isifthequasarisbeinggravitationallymagnifiedbythein- For weak C IV lines, Tripp et al. (1996) find dN/dz = tervening material. Such magnification could occur with- 7.1±1.7 for W > 0.03˚A and 1.5 < z < 2.9 (based on out producing multiple images, and might help to explain r four quasars). If weimpose constraintsonthe Trippetal. why a quasar with z > 4 is so bright. The possibility of (1996) data to match our more conservative 10σ signifi- compoundmicrolensingofquasarsbytheirabsorptionline cance limit and combine systems within 200kms−1, then systemsisnotanewconcept(Thomasetal.1995;Vanden the density reported by Tripp et al. (1996) is reduced Berketal.1996). Thisobject,however,isapointsourcein to dN/dz = 3.75±1.25. In our Keck ESI spectrum of ourNIRCK-bandimagefromKeckObservatory,obtained ′′ FIRST 0747+2739 we find, using the same criteria, at in 0.4 seeing. least 9 distinct high-velocityCIV systems. Over the path Finally, it is possible that the apparent overdensity of length observed,that yields dN/dz =9.1±3.0, which is a absorption systems in FIRST 0747+2739 is either just 4.3σ excess as comparedto Tripp et al. (1996); thus there chance coincidence, or is not actually all that uncommon. is evidence that the overdensityofabsorptionmay extend The number of high-redshiftquasarsthat are well-studied to weaker systems. for absorptionis still quite smallandadditionalinvestiga- SinceSargentetal.(1988)andSteidel(1990)foundthat tions may yet turn up more cases like FIRST 0747+2739. the density of absorption lines decreases with increasing Suchafindingwouldnotnecessarilybeevidenceforeither redshift (for strong lines) and since the C IV absorption the intrinsic or the intervening hypothesis, however. For systemsfoundinFIRST0747+2739areathigherredshifts now, we conclude that the nature of FIRST 0747+2739 than either the Tripp et al. (1996) or Steidel (1990) sam- is highly unusual and next to impossible to reconcile with ples, our observed density of lines may be even more sig- any picture where a significant number of the absorbing nificant. systems can be attributed to intervening objects unasso- 3 ciated with the quasar. our systems as a function of velocity. Many of the high- velocity systems do indeed have coverage fractions that 3.3. The Intrinsic Hypothesis are consistent with the intrinsic hypothesis; however, the Strong circumstantial evidence to support the intrinsic majority of the systems are resolvedinto multiple compo- interpretationfortheplethoraofnarrow,high-velocityab- nents or blended, which means that the coverage fraction sorption systems in FIRST 0747+2739 is the presence of results are not entirely reliable. Thus, on the basis of our similar,almostcertainlyintrinsic,absorptionatlowveloc- covering fraction analysis alone, we are not able to con- ities relative to the quasar emission line frame. System S firm (or exclude) the possibility that the overdensity of is typicalofintrinsicabsorptionline systems seenin other absorptionlinesinthis quasarspectrumisduetointrinsic quasars, exhibiting N V absorption and a small blueshift absorption. relative to the quasar’s CIV emission redshift. System Q Regardless of the lack of conclusive evidence from vari- appears to be a weak BAL-like outflow; System P is also ability or coverage fractions, the presence of trough-like broad,buttheblueandredcomponentsofthetroughsare absorption at moderate velocities and the large redshift resolved. Finally,SystemR,withavelocityofonly+1600 span of the overdensity of the C IV absorption points to- km s−1, may also be an intrinsic absorption system. wards an intrinsic origin of at least some of the relatively There is ample evidence in the literature for the in- narrow, high-velocity C IV absorption systems. We sug- trinsicinterpretationofhigh-velocitynon-BALoutflowsin gestthatFIRST 0747+2739is aquasarintransitionfrom quasars. Jannuzi et al. (1996) and Hamann et al. (1997a) (to)aquasi-BALobjectto(from)astandardquasar. The found weak, high-velocity, trough-like outflows; Hamann lackofstrong,broadabsorptioncanbe explainedasbeing etal.(1997a)showedthattheoutflowsinQ2345+125are theresultofoneormoreeffects. Astimegoeson,itmaybe intrinsic because the absorption profiles varied in ∼ 3.5 naturalfor the lines to become narrowasthe clouds dissi- months in the quasar rest frame. Richards (2001) and pate down to their small, dense cores; or BAL features Richards et al. (2001) give statistical evidence that some might be a superposition of many narrow features and narrow,high-velocityCIVabsorptionlinesystemsmaybe FIRST 0747+2739 has a relatively low density of them; intrinsic in nature. Finally, Ganguly et al. (2001) discuss or perhaps the many narrow absorbers can somehow be an overdensity of CIV absorption in CSO 118. attributed to orientation effects. FIRST 0747+2739is similar to one of the quasars that comprise the so-called“TololoPair”(e.g., Dinshaw & Im- 4. conclusions pey 1996), namely Tol 1038−2712, which also has weak In summary, we find that that overdensity of BAL-like troughs. This well-studied pair is a favorite for C IV absorption lines seen along the line of sight to superclustering studies (e.g., Jakobsen et al. 1986) since FIRST 0747+2739is sufficiently high that it is likely that the two quasars appear to have common absorption line ′ at least some of these systems are high-velocity, intrinsic systemsdespitetheratherlarge(17.9)separationbetween absorption systems. The presence of weak trough-like ab- the quasars. Other authors (e.g., Cristiani et al. 1987; sorptionfeaturessuggeststhatFIRST 0747+2739maybe Robertson 1987) still favor the hypothesis that both are atransitionalBALquasarthatisbeingobservedatabrief BALQSOs and the absorption is from intrinsic high ve- phase in its transition to (or from) a standard quasar, or locity outflow. The velocity separation of the lines in the is being viewed at a highly specific orientation, or that TololoPairisreminiscentoftheofthedouble-troughBAL it is a BAL with a very low absorber density. If the ab- structure found by Korista et al. (1993) for BALQSOs in sorptionisintrinsic,monitoringwithhighresolutionspec- general, lending credence to the idea that the absorption troscopy over the course of & 18 months may reveal vari- lines in the Tololo pair are intrinsic. In any case, the sim- abilityoftheabsorbers,asignatureofintrinsicabsorption. ilarity of Tol1038−2712andFIRST 0747+2739may help Confirmation(or exclusion) of the intrinsic hypothesis for lead to an understanding of the nature of the absorption the unusually large number of high-velocity CIV systems in both systems. inFIRST0747+2739wouldhaveinterestingconsequences Q1303+308 provides another interesting comparison; for CIV absorptionline studies, particularly high-redshift because of its complex absorption structure, it has been superclustering studies. classified as a BALQSO (Foltz et al. 1987); however, the absorption lines are all very narrow and do not meet the traditional BAL criteria set forth largely by the same au- GTR acknowledges support from NSF grant AST99- thors a few years later (Weymann et al. 1991). One must 00703. RHB and MDG acknowledge support from the then wonder, how we would classify an object with a NSF (grants AST-98-02791 and AST-98-02732) and the slightly lower incidence of absorption than Q1303+308. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (operated Such an object might simply be classified as a quasar under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by with an overdensity of absorption line systems much like the University of California Lawrence Livermore National FIRST 0747+2739. Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48). This The fashionable method of determining whether a par- research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic ticular absorption system is intrinsic is either to deter- Database (NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion minethe“coveragefraction”ofthequasarortoshowthat Laboratory,CaliforniaInstitute ofTechnology,undercon- the absorptionline system is variable (Barlow et al. 1997; tract with the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- Hamann et al. 1997b). Lacking the data to test for vari- tration. We thank Rajib Ganguly and Jane Charlton for ability,wehaveanalyzedthecoveragefractionsforeachof useful discussions. 4 REFERENCES Barlow,T.A.,Hamann,F.,&Sargent,W.L.W.1997,inASPConf. Massey,P.&Gronwall,C.1990,ApJ,358,344 Ser.128:MassEjectionfromActiveGalacticNuclei,13 Massey, P., Strobel, K., Barnes, J. V., & Anderson, E. 1988, ApJ, Becker,R.H.,White,R.L.,&Helfand,D.J.1995,ApJ,450,559 328,315 Benn,C.R.,Vigotti,M.,Pedani,M.,Holt,J.,Mack,K.-H.,Curran, McMahon, R. G. & Irwin, M. 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However, the absorption in these regions is probably real since the spectrum of another quasar taken on the samenightshowednoresidualabsorptionaftertelluriccorrection. (Bottom Six Panels)AnexpandedviewofthespectrumlongwardofLyα at the full 11.4kms−1pixel−1 resolution. The 14 CIV systems are labeled; a horizontal lineconnects the wavelength of the lowest redshift λ1548tothehighestredshiftλ1551line. 5 Table 1 Absorption Systems CIVWr Vel. Sys. z 1548 1551 (km/s) OtherLines A1a 1.3762a 193330 MgII A1b 1.3766 193300 MgII,MgI A2 1.3783 193170 MgII,MgI B 2.0704 140840 MgII,MgI,FeII2344, 2374,2383,2587,2600 C 2.6083b 100370 FeII2344,2374,2383 D 3.0741 0.18 0.11 66830 E1a 3.1556a 0.09 0.05 61150 E1b 3.1565a 0.14 0.08 61090 E1c 3.1574 0.24 0.18 61030 E2 3.1585 0.22 0.17 60950 F1 3.1893 0.09 0.06 58830 F2 3.1939c 0.21 0.12 58510 G1 3.4212 0.28 0.24 43140 DLA,SiII,FeII,AlII G2 3.4222 0.15 0.08 43070 DLA G3 3.4231 0.09 0.04 43020 DLA,SiII,FeII,AlII H1 3.4534d 0.06 0.03 41000 H2 3.4546d 0.04 0.04 40920 Ja 3.5344a 0.10 0.05 35680 SiIV?,AlII? Jb 3.5353 0.21 0.14 35620 SiIV?,AlII? K1 3.6248d 0.06 0.03 29830 K2a 3.6260 0.11 0.06 29750 K2b 3.6268a 0.04 0.03 29700 L 3.7380 0.24 0.15 22630 M 3.8428 0.11 0.05 16100 N1 3.8972a 12750 DLA,OI,SiIIe,CII, II II Fe ,Al N2 3.8985a 12670 DLA,OI,SiIIe,CII, II II Fe ,Al N3 3.8996 ? ? 12610 DLA,OI,SiIIe,CII, FeII,AlII,SiIV? O1 3.9008f 0.06 0.07 12530 SiIV O2 3.9036f 0.20 0.11 12360 SiIV O3 3.9050f 0.14 0.10 12280 SiIV O4 3.9065f 0.15 0.11 12190 SiIV P1 3.9289g 0.06 0.04 10820 P2 3.9297g 0.08 0.03 10770 P3 3.9306g 0.11 0.05 10720 P4 3.9315g 0.08 0.04 10660 Q 4.0449h BAL? BAL? 3850 R 4.0825 0.06 0.03 1620 S1a 4.1164a 0.05 0.04 -380 NV S1b 4.1174 0.11 0.07 -430 NV S1c 4.1182a 0.07 0.05 -480 NV S2a 4.1200a 0.11 0.09 -590 NV S2b 4.1208 0.23 0.22 -630 NV Note. — Systemsare combinedwithin 1000kms−1. The letter “I” isskippedtoavoidconfusion. Majorsubsystems(distinctminima)are indicatedby1,2,3,4afterthesystemletter. Minorsubsystems(needed to explain the line profile) are indicated by a, b, c. Unless otherwise indicated, the absorption line systems are damped Lyα (DLA); MgII λλ2796,2804; MgI λ2853; AlII λ1671; OI λ1602; CII λ1335; FeII λ1608;SiIIλ1527;SiIVλλ1393,1402;andNVλλ1238,1242. aWeakersystem. Neededtoexplainprofileofstrongersystem. bBasedonFeII.MgIIisbeyondthewavelengthrangestudied. cLineprofileisresolvedatthisresolution. dQuestionablesystem. eAlsoSiIIλ1304. fHeavilyblended. gHeavilyblended,trough-like. hTooblendedandtrough-liketoresolveintocomponents.