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New Real Women magazine Shallotte, N.C. | DeCeMBeR 30, 2010-JaNuaRy 5, 2011 SpeCial SeCtioN iNSiDe toDay! ® 49th Year, No. 6 | © 2010 the BruNswick BeacoN 70 pages, 5 sectioNs, plus iNserts | 75¢ per copY Fire board letter: Apologize DON’t mIss thIs! Our latest issue Says firefighters were publicly embarrassed by BCES director’s claims of Real Women is inside this week’s Beacon. It’s one of By LAUrA LeWiS fire at Capt. John’s Seafood Fire Department board, on the most talked StaFF WRitER House in Calabash. behalf of the entire board. about magazines The letter references an Edge, contacted Monday, The Calabash Fire issue of radios working im- said an apology isn’t the crit- in the county. Department is taking issue properly during the fire. ical part. Pick up today’s with the county’s emergency “To come out publicly and “We want them to fix the radio system as well as re- say the radio problem is be- radio system is what we issue to see cent statements by county cause the firefighters do not want,” he said. what’s inside. emergency services director have proper training on the Edge said fire departments Anthony Marzano. use of the radios is ridicu- are being told to use the old Last week, the Calabash lous at best and outrageous radio system at structure board of directors sent a let- at worst,” reads the letter fires. ter to Brunswick County dated Dec. 22. “Well, what’s the point of commissioners stating The letter is directed to having a new radio system Marzano owes its department Phil Norris, vice chairman of if you’ve got to go back to the and firefighters an apology the Brunswick County Board old radio system?” he said. for “the public embarrass- of Commissioners, and is “I think the whole county BEaCon FilE photo ment experienced by the fire- signed by Jennings Edge, Calabash Fire Chief Randy Bork exits Capt. John’s Seafood fighters” following a Nov. 30 president of the Calabash SEE rAdiOS, 16a House the morning after it was damaged in a fire. Sheriff’S Office: thE yEar StorieS that Shaped IN phOtOs fatal Check out some of the best photos 2010 shooting that appeared in the Beacon during 2010 on 1, 2C. was a ‘tragic 20 yEars OF publIc sErvIcE accident’ cOmEs tO aN END Brunswick County and their impact on the By cArOLiNe cUrrAN StaFF WRitER District Attorney Rex Gore prepares Future More than two days after 42-year-old Tammy Lamonds to leave office was found shot to death in her after 20 years of Supply home, officials ruled the fatal shooting an accident. service. Take a According to Brunswick look back at his When it comes to County Sheriff’s Office Public career, page 2A. the Information Officer Sgt. April Stanley, Brunswick County economy and Sheriff’s deputies responded unemployment, the year to a home at 1650 Cattail Way in Supply, where deputies 2010 gets a big fat F. baskEtball found Lamonds shot to death, It was a year of around 7:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. actION flooding, foreclosures and 20. In the days following Area high school funding modifications. Lamonds’ death, sheriff’s of- teams take part in While residents look fice officials released little tournament. Find forward to 2011 suspect information, saying only Lamonds’ fiancé Thomas with hope, out how they did Wesco Lovett had been ques- inside the Sports inside this tioned in the shooting. issue we take Asked several times if there section today. were any suspects, Stanley a look back declined to comment, saying on 2010 and only, “it is still under investi- gation.” INDEX see what Last Wednesday afternoon, stories had Stanley released a statement Classifieds Section D an impact on calling the shooting death “a Cooking 3c tragic accident.” Court doCket 15A Brunswick An autopsy performed last Crossword 9c County and Tuesday showed Lamonds obituaries 10A evaluate died from a single gunshot opinion 4,5A wound to her back. publiC safety 14,15A how they “After reviewing statements real estate Section D may impact from witnesses and examin- religion 8c the future. ing the scene, it suggests Mr. sports Section B Thomas Lovett had gone out- tV listings 5,6c side to start the vehicles due to the weather. After re-entering the residence, Mr. Lovett and thE FlOOD FuND usagE IN FOrEclOsurEs Ms. Lamonds were preparing Brunswick ranks in Tropical Storm Nicole gOvErNmENt to go to work. As Mr. Lovett the top 10 counties in came through the area in County commissioners was about to exit the front coNtact door again, Ms. Lamonds’ North Carolina for the late September, causing made changes to their back was turned toward Mr. the BeacoN number of foreclosures in damage to homes and salary and per-diem rates Lovett,” Stanley said. “Mr. Lovett had in his cov- 208 Smith Ave. | PO Box 2558 2010. Local numbers set roads. What’s happened in 2010. What does that eralls a .44-caliber revolver Shallotte, NC 28459 an all-time record, 8-9A. since then? See page 7A. mean for 2011? See 13A. to carry to work as his daily www.brunswickbeacon.com routine. The gun was secured 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday SEE ShOOTiNG, 2a tel: (910) 754-6890 Fax: (910) 754-5407 [email protected] [email protected] www.brunswickbeacon.com 2A the Brunswick Beacon from the front thursDaY, DeceMBer 30, 2010 SHOOTING: a look back at 20 years in office with outgoing Da rex Gore FROM PAGE 1A eDItor’S note: this is the first in a district during Gore’s tenure, his re- for a year,” Gore became an assistant two-part feature series with outgoing district sponse was resounding. district attorney, where he worked inside the holder at that time. attorney rex Gore. “Oh, my Lord, yeah. Just the tech- for several years before going back The gun then fell out of Mr. nology makes so many changes…the into general law private practice in Lovett’s pocket and fell onto By CAROLINE CURRAN whole district has changed. When I Shallotte until his election as DA in the wooden floor of the resi- StAff WrIter took office, the population base was 1990. dence, causing the gun to fire Columbus County. “There weren’t but like 15 or 20 through the holster, striking BOLIVIA—When the New Year rings “For years, Columbus County lawyers here when I first came. There Lamonds. in, district attorney Rex Gore will had always been the administrative weren’t a lot of lawyers here, so you “The sheriff’s office has hand over the reins of the district’s center of the district. Even though had to do a whole lot,” Gore said. not found any evidence at this prosecutorial office to DA-elect Jon Easley spent his time here, the ad- Given the circumstances, Gore time suggesting any domestic David. ministrative office still remained in practiced many aspects of the law, violence between Mr. Lovett Gore, who was first elected district Columbus County. And that changed, but found he really liked criminal and Ms. Lamonds,” Stanley attorney in 1990, will leave office just and the administrative office came law. said. as he entered it—no pomp and cir- down here as this county grew, and Then he decided to run for public After consulting with the cumstance—just business. the population grew and the county office. district attorney’s office, in- When David takes over as district became able to provide so many re- “It’s an old story, and people get vestigators have deemed the attorney of the 13th Prosecutorial sources…this became the center of tired of hearing it, but it’s the reason. shooting an accident, pending District, which encompasses administration. I grew up in a farming family, and I lab results and tests from the Brunswick, Columbus and Bladen “This county has changed so much was the first person in my family to fired weapon, Stanley said. counties, Gore leaves behind 20 years in the 31 years that I’ve been here and go to college. And I had a grandma The case will be handed as the district’s chief prosecutor. Photo contrIbuteD especially in the last 20 as I’ve been who just thought that public service over to the DA’s office for final Gore was first sworn into office Rex Gore has been serving as district attorney. The population has was about as high a calling as you review to determine what, if at the home of then-Senior Resident Brunswick County’s district attorney just exploded. We’ve been blessed could get. And she had passed while I any, charges would be filed. Superior Court Judge Giles Clark on since 1990. with a lot of good people who have was still a lawyer, and she was proud The case remains under in- Jan. 1, 1991. moved in and contributed handily, of me for being a lawyer. vestigation. “That’s what I did. I actually got cessfully for attorney general, before greatly to the county with their ser- “But I always liked the idea of sworn in on the first of January over going on to serve two terms as North vice and their volunteering. It’s real- serving—being a public servant. So in a judge’s house in Bladen County,” Carolina governor. Before Easley, Lee ly been a lot of good positive changes Michael [Easley] was stepping down, Gore recalls. “I was going to a New Greer was DA for the 13th District. from the old days,” Gore said. so I said, ‘Well, I’d like to try this. It’s Year’s get-together with some ex- Add Gore in, and there have only an extension of what I do as a defense tended family and folks, and it was in been three district attorneys to repre- ‘THe Old dayS’ attorney, as a lawyer. And I think I ISSN 1528-6169 Bladen County. Janice and I stopped sent the 13th District. A graduate of North Carolina State can make a difference.’ There were Established Nov. 1, 1962 there and he swore me in. And we “The 13th [district] wasn’t created University, Gore began his career in some things I wanted to see changed. Telephone (910)754-6890 kept it secret, and the next day he until around 1970. They actually did sports journalism. Gore worked for I just thought it would be a good Published Every Thursday swore me in again,” Gore said with a a judicial reform act across the state the Raleigh News and Observer from chance to contribute back to my com- At 208 Smith Avenue smile. that changed the way the districts 1969 until 1977, before he was bit- munity and make a halfway decent Shallotte, N.C. 28470 “My term officially ends the end were aligned. Before that we were ten by the legal bug and went to law living at the same time,” Gore said. of the year, but will run until [David] part of a huge district that covered school. gets sworn in because you can’t not Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Gore moved to Brunswick County SUBSCRIPTION RATES have a DA.” Hanover, all kinds of places,” Gore in 1979 and opened a small law prac- CAROLINE CURRAN is a staff writer at the Gore succeeded former district said. tice with a classmate from law school. beacon. reach her at 754-6890 or at IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY attorney Mike Easley, who ran suc- When asked about changes in the In 1980, “after starving to death [email protected] One Year .........................$28.00 Six Months ......................$16.50 ELSEWHERE IN NORTH CAROLINA One Year .........................$38.00 Early College senior finds love of law and puts bilingual skills to work Six Months ......................$22.50 ELSEWHERE IN U.S.A. By KATHRyN JACEWICZ He would like to study law ity and one he takes seriously. One Year .........................$45.00 StAff WrIter in Raleigh for a chance to be in “The whole reason why [my Six Months ......................$26.50 the city but ultimately wants parents] worked so hard is so Every Friday, Elmer Garcia to return to Brunswick County we could get a diploma and Periodicals postage paid dresses in professional busi- to practice law and buy a beach have a great job and be able at Shallotte, N.C. 28459 ness attire and heads to Hill & house on Ocean Isle Beach. to support ourselves—just to USPS 777-780 High LLP law firm for a day of Garcia said he is on track to know they have done their jobs meeting with clients, sitting in become the first member of his in making their kids success- Postmaster, send address on depositions and learning family to graduate high school ful,” Garcia said. “And that’s changes to: what it’s like to be a lawyer. and attend college, which he what I’m trying to do, be suc- P.O. Box 2558 The Brunswick County considers a great responsibil- cessful.” Shallotte, N.C. 28459-2558 Early College High School senior is only gaining valu- able real world experience BED but also fulfilling a school re- quirement. As part of Firebird Connections, Early College LAND’S students volunteer and work at PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS various jobs in the community three Fridays each month. StAff Photo bY KAthrYn JAceWIcZ “I come here to get the expe- Brunswick County Early College High School senior Elmer rience I need and it helps me Garcia works most Fridays at Hill & High LLP law firm in out a whole lot, because I actu- Whiteville. As part of Firebird Connections, students are work- ally know what it feels like to ing or volunteering in the county to gain real-world experi- be a part of the law firm,” he ence. said. One Friday a month, stu- speaking English to my sister ents and told them about their dents come back to school and and look over to my mom and cases,” he said. “One time I present what they are doing at start speaking Spanish. It just was sitting by myself. I had to their jobs, what they are learn- comes to me.” basically walk in there and act ing, how they budget money Garcia said he would consid- like an attorney.” and time and share personal er English his main language. The inmate, he said, “was experiences. “A lot of people, when I’m on kind of at first shocked be- WALTON *FREE O R O R “It’s great because not only the phone talking to them, they cause he didn’t really know *FREE *FREE do you get to hear other peo- don’t realize I’m Hispanic until why I was there, why I was LOCAL ple’s opinions about their jobs I tell them my full name,” he alone. But then after I sat down PILLOWTOP-EXTRA THICK & SUPER PLUSH MEMORY STANDARD and what they do at the job, but said. “I think I do have a little and I explained all the details DELIVERY $499 they also get to hear what you accent in Spanish because my about his case, then he under- FOAM BED do at your job,” Garcia said. English is so much better. And stood I knew what I was doing AND “And they can sometimes pick when people ask me a question, and I was helping out the attor- SET UP PILLOW FRAME up and say ‘Maybe I would like I answer in English. I don’t neys.” Queen 2 pc. set to do that and go into their ca- think to answer in Spanish.” In addition to meeting with reer path.’” But growing up with non- clients, Garcia has interpreted COUPON EXP. 1/11/11 COEUXPPO.N 1 E2X/P1. 16//1019/11 COEUXPPO.N 1 E2XP/.1 16/1/01/911 Twin, set. ...........SALE....$279 A career in law wasn’t on English-speaking parents has documents, such as deposi- Full, set ..............SALE....$429 Garcia’s radar. He always helped him prepare to work tions, met with private inves- Express King, set.............SALE....$699 thought he would be a com- with clients at Hill & High LLP. tigators and learned how to Bedroom Delivery puter engineer because of his “Most of the people that file and pull paperwork at the Suites interest in technology. Getting come in here don’t really know courthouse. He hasn’t gone to involved in the law firm was when I work here. Whenever court for any cases, because As Low As$749 by coincidence. they do come, they’re very that requires translator certi- Garcia called Hill & High happy to know they can actu- fication. LLP of Whiteville to set up an ally communicate with the at- “It’s what happens before appointment for his cousin but torney,” he said. “Most of them the court that is the impor- was told he would need to come come here asking that, wonder- tant stuff, because if you don’t along to translate. He was of- ing if there’s a Spanish-speak- know what the client is talk- Ledger Budget Sterling Firm Alexander Pillow-Top fered a job soon after. ing person here. And once we ing about or what his problem Twin, 2 pc. set..........SALE....$149 Twin, 2 pc. set..........SALE....$249 Twin, 2 pc. set..........SALE....$299 Garcia has been acting as an tell them there is, they seem is, how could you possibly al- Full, 2 pc. set ...........SALE....$199 Full, 2 pc. set ...........SALE....$299 Full, 2 pc. set ...........SALE....$399 interpreter and translator as pretty grateful and a little re- ready end up at the courthouse Queen, 2 pc. set. .....SALE....$249 Queen, 2 pc. set. .....SALE....$349 Queen, 2 pc. set. .....SALE....$449 King, 3 pc. set ..........SALE....$499 King, 3 pc. set ..........SALE....$599 long as he can remember. lieved.” and try to fight for that client?” “My mother and my father Acting as an interpreter and he said. “You need to know ev- Posturepedic are both non-English speakers, accurately conveying what ery detail behind it before you so if they ever went to a hospi- each party is saying is of the go to court. You only have one Plush or Firm Firm or Plush Classic Pillow-Top tal or apply for a credit card, I utmost importance to Garcia. chance to stand before that Twin, 2 pc. set..........SALE....$399 Twin, 2 pc. set..........SALE....$549 Twin, 2 pc. set..........SALE....$599 had to go with them and trans- “The thing about being an judge, and if you don’t have Full, 2 pc. set ...........SALE....$499 Full, 2 pc. set ...........SALE....$599 Full, 2 pc. set ...........SALE....$649 late,” he said. “I’ve been doing interpreter is that you don’t all your evidence and all your Queen, 2 pc. set. .....SALE....$549 Queen, 2 pc. set. .....SALE....$649 Queen, 2 pc. set. .....SALE....$699 King, 3 pc. set ..........SALE....$849 King, 3 pc. set ..........SALE....$949 King, 3 pc. set ............SALE..$999 that as long as I could speak.” want to paraphrase what facts straight, there’s no way Although he doesn’t remem- they’re saying,” he said. “You of winning that.” ber what language he learned want to interpret exactly word- Getting his certification is 4536 Main St. first, he guesses he first began by-word what they’re saying just the beginning of a planned Shallotte (Beside Wal-Mart) speaking Spanish, as that’s and interpret what the attor- career in law. Bedding Priced As Sets what his parents speak. He ney’s saying as well, because “After working here and be- Odd Prices Available began to learn English when you don’t want to cause some ing around such great people Delivery And Disposal Available he entered kindergarten at sort of confusion or throw off like the ones that work here, BED LAND Waccamaw School. some details because you’re it’s amazing, and I kind of Pictures For Illustrative Purposes Only “I was born and raised like paraphrasing.” would like to become a lawyer,” *Tempurpedic Excluded an American, but my par- Garcia has also had to act as he said. “I think that would be *Must present coupon at time of purchase. MATTRESS & BEDROOMS ents being at home, I learned a translator for clients unable very awesome, and I haven’t Valid with minimum of $499 purchase. Spanish,” the North Carolina to come to the office. seen a lot of Hispanic attor- Hwy. 130 Main Street native said. “It’s crazy in my “I’ve gone to the jailhouse neys. That would be a great ac- 754-2525 • 1-800-944-4233 own house, because I’ll be and actually translated for cli- complishment.” Wal-Mart Bed Land Smith Ave. STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri.: 9-7 Sat.: 9-6 Hwy. 17 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2010 StorieS that Shaped 2010 THE BRUnSwiCk BEACon 3A VA officials optimistic about veterans’ services in 2011 By CAROLINE CURRAN be part-time clinic hours at a StorieS that StaFF Writer primary care physician’s al- Shaped ready-established practice. It’s a far cry from what most It wasn’t perfect, but of- BeaCoN File photo had originally hoped, but 2011 2010 ficials agreed it was a start. U.S. Rep. may shape up to be a good Brunswick County would also Mike year for Brunswick County benefit from a pilot transpor- McIntyre, veterans. tation program to take vet- D-N.C., left, and their impact on the With Brunswick erans to larger facilities in and William Community Hospital vacat- Future Wilmington and Fayetteville. Schoenhard, ing in the summer of 2011 Then, in December, Hartsell deputy un- when Novant Health opens said VA officials notified dersecretary Brunswick Novant Medical R-N.C., ranking member of her of a change of plans— for VA Health Center, most veterans hoped the Senate Veterans Affairs Brunswick County would get Operations for—and most local officials Committee, told the Beacon its veterans clinic after all. and endorsed—the idea of convert- this summer that with a pro- VA officials accepted bids Management, ing the hospital to a Veterans posed super clinic slated to lease a 2,000-square-foot tour Affairs (VA) hospital. to be built in Wilmington, facility between Supply and Brunswick But despite local, state Brunswick County simply Shallotte with frontage on U.S. Community and federal efforts to make would not be awarded a large- 17, or easy access to U.S. 17. Hospital—a the conversion a reality in scale clinic. The new plans for the clinic site county 2010, it wasn’t in the cards for Brunswick County Veterans would be to operate with a VA commission- Brunswick County. Services Officer Jack Garrison primary care physician, nurs- ers have When the hospital is va- said last week the Wilmington es and support staff on a part- twice en- cated, the hospital and the super clinic is on hold indefi- time basis a few days a week. dorsed con- property will revert back to nitely. Garrison said the VA plans verting to a the ownership and control of “The reason is the land is to open the clinic by May 2011. VA facility—in county commissioners. on airport land, and they have “We know they got several April 2010. Commissioners have twice been told by the developer people interested, but I do not endorsed the idea of making that when he puts the build- know how many,” Garrison Reliable, Experienced Attorney the facility a VA hospital, with ing up there, and the VA even- said about the bidding process Providing Quality Legal Services commissioners chairman Bill tually moves out, the building for the clinic space. Sue even telling VA officials, becomes property of the air- “I know they have several Corporate, LLC & Business Law “We’ll make you an offer you port,” Garrison said. opportunities,” he said. DWI, Criminal & Traffic Defense can’t refuse.” “I don’t know if that’s going So far, the transportation Commercial Real Estate Transactions U.S. Rep. Mike McIntyre, D- to be a solvable problem.” program has been “woefully Residential Real Estate Transactions N.C., who serves on the House unutilized,” Garrison said. • Tax Deferred Exchanges Armed Services Committee, CliniC past and future In the three weeks of its op- Visit our • Refinancing threw his support behind the The road to a possible VA eration, only one veteran has website Estates, Wills & Powers of Attorney idea, but VA officials wouldn’t clinic in Brunswick County used the transportation assis- 910-754-6908 Sheila K. McLamb budge. began in 2004 when VA tance program, but Garrison attorney at law In April 2010, McIntyre Capital Asset Realignment for said he and Hartsell are con- www.brunswickbeacon.com 201 Village Rd. • Brunswick Professional Center • P.O. Box 3168 • Shallotte, NC 28459 hosted a veterans’ summit in Enhanced Services (CARES) fident the usage will increase Brunswick County, complete Commission report was re- in the New Year, when the VA with a tour of the hospital leased. It indicated Brunswick adds service to Fayetteville. Join Us with high-ranking state and County’s veteran population “The last we heard about regional VA officials. warranted a VA facility. transportation to Fayetteville, Veterans pleaded their cas- Hartsell said plans were that will probably start some- es—it’s too much for aging vet- continually pushed back, from time in March or early April. erans to drive to Fayetteville 2004 to 2006, then from 2006 to The VA has vans on order, and or Wilmington for treatment. 2008. Eventually, Brunswick will start as soon as they are While the VA office of the County was taken off the list delivered,” Garrison said. actuary reports 12,847 veter- altogether, Hartsell said. “But we expect it to pick up. nd ans live in Brunswick County, Then, in 2010, things began It’s only a matter of time.” January 2 from 2–4 pm Brunswick County Veterans to change. Despite all the setbacks, Services Director Anita After McIntyre’s April Garrison said 2010 was a good Hartsell said that number is summit, VA officials took a year for local veterans, and for guided tours and light refreshments. closer to 15,000. closer look at the feasibility of 2011 would only get better. After the tour, it appeared bringing Brunswick County “We’re getting a clinic, VA officials had little interest a veterans’ clinic. In June which is definitely a step for- Discover Senior Living in using the hospital for a VA 2010, McIntyre announced ward,” Garrison said. for a New Generation! facility. However, Brunswick Brunswick County would get County will still receive a VA its VA clinic. CAROLINE CURRAN is a staff writer clinic, though it will be on a The clinic, slated to open in at the Beacon. reach her at 754-6890 much smaller scale. fall 2010, wouldn’t be a stand- or at [email protected] U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, alone clinic; instead, it was to Local team helps area veterans Brunswick County Veterans new claims and for filing for costs if not service-connected. Hwy. 179 near Brick Landing Services Director Anita pension medical services. •Disability compensation for Hartsell and a small team at Services provided at all veterans who suffered in- Plantation Brunswick County Veterans’ Brunswick County Veterans jury or illness while serving in Services help navigate the way Services include: the military. 910.754.8080 for benefits and other servic- •Disability pension for war- •Vocational rehabilitation. es for the county’s estimated time veterans. •Educational benefits. Person Centered. Service Focused. Passion Driven. 15,000 veterans. •Disability compensation for •Home loan guaranty for vet- Hartsell and a small staff all veterans who suffered inju- erans of service after Sept. 11, help veterans obtain disability ries or illnesses while serving 1940. benefits, medical benefits, edu- in the military. •Burial benefits to include cational opportunities, home •Dependency and indemnity assisting a veteran’s fam- loan guarantees and burial compensation of death pen- ily with applying for free VA benefits. sion of a widow or child of vet- gravemarker for veterans Brunswick County Veterans’ erans. and assisting a veteran’s fam- Services office is in Building •Assistance with enrollment ily with applying for VA burial F at the county complex in in the VA healthcare system for benefits. Bolivia. The office is open from treatment of all veterans based For more information about 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Walk-ins on whether the veteran has a Brunswick County Veterans’ are welcome, but staff asks service-connected disability or Services, call 253-2233 or visit people make appointments for the veteran’s ability to defray www.brunsco.net. Brunswick VA Clinic: A timeline Network, said the Va had no plans 2004 septeMber-OCtOber 2010 for a Va community-outpatient clinic a Va Capital asset realignment for Va officials accept bid applications in Supply, as previously endorsed, or enhanced Services (CareS) Commis- for physicians to run the outreach anywhere in Brunswick County. sion report states Brunswick County’s clinic, which won’t be a stand-alone at that time, U.S. rep. Mike Mc- veteran population warrants a Va clinic, but part-time hours at a local intyre, d-N.C., said the Va’s informa- facility. physician’s office. tion was incorrect, and he was “fully pressing ahead for a Va clinic,” even 2006 deC. 6, 2010 working directly with Secretary of Brunswick County is set to receive Va officials launch a pilot transpor- Veterans affairs eric Shinseki. its Va clinic, but clinic plans are pushed tation assistance program in Brunswick back to 2008, then to 2010 before County to take local veterans to the Va being pulled off the list altogether. april 7, 2010 clinic in Wilmington. the daily program Mcintyre hosts a veterans’ summit takes veterans from the hardee’s OCtOber 2009 in Brunswick County. Mcintyre, along restaurant at the intersection of U.S. Brunswick County Commission- with regional Va officials and local 17 and N.C. 211 in Supply. hartsell ers endorse converting Brunswick veterans tour Brunswick Community hopes the program will expand to take Community hospital to a veterans’ hospital, before hosting the roundtable, veterans to the larger Fayetteville Va clinic once Brunswick Novant Medical where officials heard from local veter- hospital by February 2011. Center opens in summer 2011, and the ans about needs in Brunswick County. hospital reverts back to the county. Mcintyre said the summit “got their deC. 8, 2010 Va officials notify hartsell plans attention” at Veterans affairs. 2010 for the outreach clinic have changed. “the turning point in that was the the Va office of the actuary reports officials begin accepting bids to lease april 7 summit when i was finally able 12,847 veterans are living in Brunswick a 2,000-square-foot facility between to get them to come down here, see County, though local Va director anita Supply and Shallotte with frontage the veterans face-to-face, hear their hartsell estimates it’s closer to 15,000 on U.S. 17, or easy access to U.S. 17. stories, listen to their concerns and veterans. the new plans for the clinic would visit at least one of the potential sites,” Commissioners again endorse be to operate with a Va primary care Mcintyre said. converting BCh to a veterans facility physician, nurses and support staff on a once Brunswick Novant Medical Center part-time basis a few days a week. June 2010 opens in summer 2011. Mcintyre announces Brunswick deC. 16, 2010 MarCh 2010 County will receive a Va outreach the bidding ends for leasing 2,000 Bruce Sprecher, director of public af- Clinic. originally, officials estimated a square feet to the Va for an outreach fairs for the Va Mid-atlantic healthcare fall opening for the clinic. clinic in Brunswick County. O piniOn 4A the brunswick beacon thursday, deceMber 30, 2010 EDITORIAL Thanks, Rex, for 20 years of public service For the past 20 years, Rex Gore has faith- fully served the citizens of Brunswick, Columbus and Bladen counties as district attorney. It’s a job that doesn’t come without a lot of criti- cism or controversy. When you’re the man leading a team that’s working to send people to jail, the reality is it’s unlikely you’re making a whole lot of friends. But Gore handled the position with professional- ism, and many crime victims from the area will tell you he also did it with compassion and sensitivity. Throughout his tenure, Gore has adapted to a number of changes—most specifically an increas- ingly larger workload from an ever-growing ser- vice area and the adaptation of new technologies that have impacted the way the office operates. It’s a lot to take in, but Gore and his teammates LETTERS TO THE EDITOR have attempted to do their best in serving our area. Gore will be in office through the end of the year; Enjoyed serving Doesn’t like new then new district attorney Jon David will take over. what was said about Mr. Warren’s han- dling of the DSS case that is under inves- David has a tough job ahead of him. Brunswick Christmas meal golf cart rules tigation and not yet complete. County continues to grow and so does, unfortu- You condemn him for following the nately, the volume of criminal cases in this and To the editor: law as set by the county personnel manu- To the editor: surrounding counties. My wife and I, along with numerous al and state law that concerns the rights In a recent Beacon, I noticed the We wish David good luck with his new venture volunteers, had a very gratifying experi- of people who are under investigation county was going to require golf carts to and say farewell to Gore. We wish Gore the best ence helping Dean Siler distribute a great and the people who complain. There is be registered. The new law was to go in dinner to the needy on Christmas Day. a reason for this so they can’t be tried in effect Dec. 1. I received my paper Dec. 2. and look forward to seeing how he chooses to serve The meal he served included baked the news by bias or misinformed public Besides a $25 registration fee, I need to this community next. ham, roasted turkey, scalloped potatoes, information. have liability insurance, carry a driver’s green beans, rolls and cupcakes. I think whoever wrote this editorial license, have a slow-moving vehicle flag Dean insisted that everyone got as for your paper knew that from past re- or sign and brakes. Emergency radios must many meals as they needed to give to quests that Gary Shipman is the lawyer While this is all fine, I can’t be on any their neighbors or other people in need. for the DSS board for this investigation road with a speed limit higher than 35 He had also collected large quanti- and your reporter had made the request mph. On my bicycle, I can ride on any work properly; users ties of bread, rolls, clothing items and for the close sessions and was directed road except a super highway without li- toys to be given away. The Brunswick to what was going on with the minutes cense or a registration fee. If I had a mo- need to be trained Motorcycle Enthusiasts also donated a of these sessions and that when this ped, I could ride it without the required large quantity of toys. investigation was over and all things liability insurance or driver’s license, This was our first time helping Dean, were resolved, then your request could just a helmet, which I wear when I ride It’s becoming a matter of who said what when it but it won’t be the last. It was an honor be handled so as the rights of the people my bike. comes to the county’s emergency radio system. to be involved in helping the people of involved would be protected. My golf cart can’t run more than 21 Recently, the Calabash Fire Department Shallotte on such a special day. Commissioners before Mr. Warren mph but my bicycle can. Most mopeds Carl and Dottie Crowthers served on this board and it was not a I’ve passed on the road will run more Board of Directors drafted a letter to county com- Sunset Beach conflict of interest. Your paper knew this than 21 mph. missioners saying members believe Brunswick and still wrote an editorial as you did I believe state law states all roads have Don’t publicize County Emergency Services Director Anthony about Mr. Warren and his action when a 55 mph speed limit unless otherwise Marzano owes firefighters an apology for statements you already knew that he was following posted. This presents me with a lot of your charity work he made about how they used emergency radios proper procedure. roads that I would break the law to ride Your paper wrote about perception on. during a recent restaurant fire. To the editor: to the public, and transparency in what I thought by having a battery-powered Marzano says he hasn’t yet seen the letter and While perusing the Beacon one last elected officials do, but you did not speak cart, I would help the environment by can’t directly respond to it. time before the new year, I noticed sever- of truth and justice. not using an oil-based fuel system, but Honestly, we don’t think the focus of this issue is al organizations publicly declaring their Bernest Hewett, president I guess now I’m not paying the road use what Marzano should or shouldn’t say. It should be acts of kindness to various children and Brunswick County NAACP tax that is included in every gallon of gas about being certain emergency radios work proper- their families by giving a party, deliver- We need curbside I purchase. This seems like another way ing toys, etc. and taking pictures of some to put another dollar into the system. ly and that everyone who must use them knows how of these children for the paper. I can ride my farm tractor on the road to operate them properly. recycling in county I personally find this offensive. The going from field to field without all this Calabash isn’t the first fire department to com- ultimate act of humility is to give anony- unnecessary paperwork. plain about the county’s emergency radio system. mously and not to picture these children To the editor: Commissioners need to rethink this. It’s not the first to ask questions about safety when in such an open way as to expose their We absolutely need curbside recycling, Bob Thompson misfortunes. I feel it takes an enormous and tax everyone for it. We buy products Supply these radios are in use. Maybe, however, because amount of dignity to ask for help, and we and we should pay for their disposal, it is being the most vocal right now, it will draw should not feel in any way that we need either landfill or forced recycling. This is Letters to the editor enough attention to the issue to have it resolved. to exploit them. about lifecycle management. If radios aren’t functioning properly as emer- Karyn Hart Voluntary recycling will not work. It’s the Beacon welcomes letters on topics of gen- gency personnel claim, the county must invest in Shallotte being offered now and I’ll bet less than 5 eral interest. all must carry the name and town of getting them up to par. There’s no price that can be Doesn’t agree with percent of residents do it by the fact that residence of the writer. Writers must include their the landfill needs to be expanded. assessed for the safety of our emergency responders daytime telephone number. the telephone number Challenge the law in court. It makes and all of the lives in this community they’ve vowed editorial position will be used for verification only and will not be no sense to not have personal responsi- published. Unsigned letters will not be published. to serve and protect. bility for what we consume. Become an Letters submitted by organizations must include Stop arguing semantics and quickly get down to To the editor: environmental progressive county. the business of getting this resolved. No one wants When I read your editorial about DSS Daniel Johnston chair Charles Warren, I was upset at Calabash see LETTERS POLICY, 5a to have to say “sorry” later if someone gets hurt. From the editor … ® Address letters to: The Brunswick Why is it the older we get, the easier we forget how old we are? Beacon, P.O. Box 2558, Shallotte NC 28459, Fax us at (910) 754-5407 E-mail: [email protected] Hey, 2010, where are you going? sometimes days. The closer it was to my not to make a New Year’s resolution. all. Editorial Board | Scott Harrell, It seems like you just got here birthday, the more precise I was—right I’ve been pretty good about keeping I’ll try to stop by at least twice in Stacey Manning, angie Sutton, and already we’re preparing down to the hour. that one the last few years, but it’s a bit 2011 to see those folks I grew up with. caroline curran, KeitH WHite to say goodbye. My, oh my, how things have changed. overplayed. Hopefully, I’ll do the same with family BRunSwicK Beacon Staff I remember as a child Someone asked my husband his age Maybe it is time to focus on the fu- in Canada at least twice next year. That asking older relatives recently. He faltered for a while, and ture—at least one year of it. means I’m going to have to resolve to Scott R. HaRRell | PubliSHer about their ages. Often numbers crunched in his head. He spit Yes, of course I want to lose weight use all of my vacation time in the com- Stacey Manning | Managing editor they would pause, and out an incorrect calculation, which I and exercise more. Don’t we all? But ing year, instead of letting it pile up MicHael Paul | SPortS editor lauRa lewiS, caRoline cuRRan, then do a bit of math in corrected. The number didn’t seem to that won’t really work for me if I set it until the end of the year where time KatHRyn Jacewicz and RacHel JoHnSon their heads before spit- matter. He just wanted to make an an- as a resolution. (Bless those of you who and schedules won’t allow me to do the Staff WriterS ting out an age. nouncement I am older than he. have better luck.) things I’ve resolved to do. angela Sutton | advertiSing director Frequently, they’d Which, for the record, I am not. Guess I’ll just commit to being I’ll try to still work hard but enjoy anne t. Hewett, linda cHeeRS, realize they had miscal- Oh, how time flies when you’re not healthier in 2011 than I was in 2010. life more in the coming year. I want to cHRiSty williaMSon, Julie laMay stacey culated and would soon having fun and instead are doing all I resolve to do better at keeping in laugh more, cry less and start more advertiSing SaleS make a correction and the grown-up things of paying bills and touch with friends and family. If I can’t mornings with smiles—even before I’ve KiM BleecKeR | claSSified SaleS manning indicate another age, working. text you or read about your life on had my coffee. doRotHy BRennan, KeitH wHite most often a number And so here we are about to let anoth- Facebook, the likelihood is I have no Come on, 2011, let’s get going. Soon & taMMie daviS | graPHic artiStS higher—another year er year pass by while time is messing idea who you are anymore. I’ll be old enough where I really won’t cindy tuRneR | office Manager older—than originally up ages in lots of our heads. Shame on me. know my age, and then what will I re- Sue SMitH, SaRaH Hiatt thought. ’Tis the season to think of the new While I don’t see myself picking up solve to do? & SaM tyndall | office Staff This always perplexed me because year and to list all the things we want to the phone and engaging long-lost rela- lonnie SPRinKle | Production Manager not only did I always know exactly how accomplish in the next 365 days, no mat- tives in conversations, in 2011 I’ll try to STACEY MANNING is the managing editor JeRRy Mooney, PaRRen williaMS old I was, in most cases I could clarify ter how old we are. go home more than I did in 2010, which, at the Beacon. Reach her at 754-6890 or at | PreSS tecHnicianS it down to the number of months and I thought about resolving—again— when it comes to Kentucky, was not at [email protected] THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2010 opinion/community THE BRUnSwiCk BEACon 5a East Coast travel troubles find flyer in a not-so-feel-good time Forgive me if I sound mystery location inspected up “enhanced pat-down,” complete all that, but just to be sure, my Two other ladies who ran like a broken record, and down my body, the voice with charade-like hand mo- hands were swabbed on both across the airport ended up but I do need to pref- of mystery came through the tions of the sweep. sides and tested for any poten- breathless and in tears when kathryn ace. radio worn by the security Let me tell you, friends. tially deadly chemicals I might they were told they were too I’m all for airport security, jacewicz checkpoint lady and apparently Charades are totally different have doused myself in. late to board. They were headed a fan of new technology and told her something about my than the real thing. I almost All part of the procedure, to a funeral for their mother respectful of authority. person was suspicious. feel like I can’t complain about she told me. and grandmother. That being said, I can’t help Without telling me why, she it because I had fair warning, Finally, I was set free with A man picking up his lug- but feel a little weary of the told me I needed to be searched but it was pretty darn exten- a clean bill of health, safety, gage in Wilmington had just advanced image technology cozy or holly and jolly. After a and asked if I had a problem sive. Just about all of my places whatever you want to call it. I driven from Philadelphia in a and heightened security check- cancelled flight, three delays, with it being done right then were checked for who knows was let go and left feeling pretty $316-a-night, economy-sized car. points after what I just experi- two gate changes and an over- and there, out in the open in the what, and it made me feel really darn violated for just a suspi- How’s that for capitalizing enced. night stay at Charlotte Douglas middle of security checkpoints uncomfortable. cious underwire. on misfortune? From my understanding, at International Airport, I was C and D. “Do you do this to everybody, If you happen to be a pas- But no worries. A ticket checkpoints with the full body just ready to get through secu- Go ahead, I told her. At this or is it just random?” I asked senger that was supposed to be agent said things should be scanners, you had a choice. rity and find out how to get the point, how could my travels get the security lady. on one of the 4,000-plus flights back to normal by next week. Scan or opt for what many call quickest flight home. worse? Turns out, I’m just lucky. cancelled because of winter What’s that saying about the an “extensive pat-down.” I chose the shortest secu- You know, I do that to myself The mystery man thought he weather, I feel your pain. It was light at the end of the tunnel is Before this week, I didn’t rity line and didn’t realize it a lot—think things are going to saw something on my scan, and still is a rough time for sometimes an oncoming train? really have a preference. was the one with the full body be OK but end up completely which I was informed could travelers. Whatever needs to be done in scanner until it was too late to blindsided. You’d think I’d just be the underwire of my One lady in line behind me KATHRYN JACEWICZ is a staff the name of safety, I thought. switch. No problem, I thought. learn, but no. bra. Take heed, ladies. Take told me she was most likely go- writer at the Beacon. reach her at My holiday experience did We’re all professionals here. My optimism then led to a heed. ing to miss her son’s wedding 754-6890 or at kjacewicz@bruns- not leave me feeling warm and After a mystery person in a brief explanation of so-called You’d think I’d be done after in Florida. wickbeacon.com White Christmas is worth a write-up Bullying issues in the workplace FROM THE SNOWY SIDE OF or Santa-sleigh in sight. by city snow plows. There is a lot of talk micheal been accused of sexual ha- INTERSTATE 40—One of my •Christmas Day, Saturday, Worry about the weather one about bullying rassment, which is classi- New Year’s resolutions for 2011 Dec. 25: Jaw drops as I rise ear- day after Christmas is some- and intimidation. darBy fied as workplace bullying. is to keep a better diary—or ly and gaze out the bathroom what overwhelming, forcing Most of the talk centers Perhaps the most blatant weather log, whichever comes window of my mother’s house me to eat holiday cookies and guest on student bullying in the form of workplace harass- first. in the Tennessee mountains. several slices of pie. public school system. Most columnist ment is status harassment. Since conditions this week Blinded by the white, then •Monday, Dec. 27: Several schools have an anti-bully- It is discrimination against decided to take a thrilled as I realize it’s the first pounds and millions of snow- ing policy. Punishments are those who do not have turn of white— Christmas snowfall I can recall flakes later, snow continues to clearly defined for students Lots of workplace ad- the finances, prestige or one for the sea- in decades of my decades-old fall as I saw a hungry coyote who choose to bully or in- ministrators are guilty of status to fight back. Some son and record life. Just in time, too, Santa left making tracks across my timidate others in a public the Sin of Omission. Some housekeeping and cafeteria books—I decided a cozy pair of fuzzy pink sheep mother’s white-blanketed patio school setting. administrators refuse to ad- workers are victims of sta- to start early and pajamas with matching slip- shortly before 6 a.m. I’m grate- The problem with bul- dress legitimate workplace tus harassment. Low pay do both, smack pers, along with a few credit- ful I don’t seem to have it as bad lying is it does not always bullying and intimidation increases the potential of at the tail end of card receipts nobody has to fret as him or people shown on the involve students. Some of due to a lack of respect for a employment harassment 2010. about until January 2011. news stuck at airports to the the most serious bullying victimized employee, a fear and abuse. •Christmas •Sunday, Dec. 26: I was sup- North, where the snowstorm is laura and intimidation are in the of retaliation from a board Lots of low-paid workers Eve, Friday, posed to head back to the beach moving. I think. workplace. or commission, and in some are harassed and written Dec. 24: this morning, but with steady All I have to worry about lewis Bullying in the work- cases, a personal connec- up without a fair hearing. Pleasant and flakes still snowing down on now is shoveling my way out place is generally more tion with a bully may deter Numerous employees are sunny outlook the inches-high accumulation of the driveway and back to covert than overt. proper action. working in fear of losing leaving my from Christmas Day, Mama work 400 miles east sometime Administrators who solve Administrators should their jobs because they Carolina coastal says I’ll have to wait as she before this week’s newspaper employment problems be aware there are federal know that they can be fired abode headed for the moun- probably can’t come and fetch deadline—along with a new subjectively rather than and state laws that outline or disciplined unfairly tains. A white Christmas is in me should I become stranded, shape-up strategy for the New objectively open the door what constitutes workplace based on the words of an the forecast, according to the most likely in the blizzard Year thanks to all the pie. to employee harassment bullying. Those who fail to employee who is working in weather pros, but the biggest through Asheville. My diary and end-of-year and intimidation. It is un- address workplace bullying a higher position. storm I see so far is the lines “I’m just an old woman and column? fortunate there are a lot of may face severe legal penal- Bullying and intimida- of traffic of last-minute, pro- can’t help much,” she says. Thanks to the miracle of the subjective decisions in the ties. tion are problems in all crastinating shoppers headed Pink sheep slippers look and snow-free Internet, they’re on workplace. Some capable General workplace bul- age groups and not just in to all the malls and piling into feel fine on her indoor carpet, their way. employees are victims of lying and intimidation fall public schools. Student bul- parking lots along the inter- but not so well in the cold snow, LAURA LEWIS is a staff writer at the unfair subjective adminis- under the following head- lies are usually punished, state. Feeling smug I can miss which fell like a maniac all day Beacon. reach her at 754-6890 or at tration decisions. Lots of ings: racial, sexual and sta- whereas workplace bullies that mess as I cruise through again over the Smokies, obliter- [email protected]. less capable employees have tus. Racial workplace bully- usually continue in their Asheville with not a snowflake ating previously dug clearances been promoted because of ing and intimidation make positions with no fear of their likeability or physi- up more than 35 percent reprimand or punishment. cal appearance rather than of reported employment It is time for workplace CCaassuuaall DDiinniinngg AAtt IIttss FFiinneesstt capability. discrimination. Race is a administrators to be fair Theologians say there are major factor in workplace and objective when address- two kinds of sins, the Sin of discrimination. ing harassment and dis- Omission, which is the fail- Sexual harassment is an- crimination complaints. ure to do what is required, other major problem in the and the Sin of Commission, workplace. In recent years, micheal darby of supply has which is an intentional/bla- male and female coworkers master's degrees in divinity and reli- tant transgression. and administrators have gious education. community Brief Open Regular Business Hours Funds available penses. Repayment terms run Robeson, and Scotland. New Year’s Eve Dinner Features from one to seven years. Sasser said effective for farmers Ownership loans provide Nov. 30, farmers in Bladen, (Full Menu Also Available) capital to purchase or enlarge Brunswick, Columbus, The Farm Service Agency a farm, construct or improve Robeson and Scotland coun- Grouper Portabella (FSA) has announced the buildings, promote soil and ties may apply for EM loans availability of funds targeted water conservation and pay for production losses. The Lightly breaded and topped with a Portabella mushroom for Socially Disadvantaged closing costs. Direct owner- deadline for filing an appli- (SDA) individuals who want ship loan terms are up to 40 cation is Aug. 1. Any farmer Crab cream sauce. $24.95 to purchase or operate a fam- years. Guaranteed loan terms who suffered a production ily-size farm in fiscal year are established by the lender. loss should contact their local Surf & Turf 2011. Qualified candidates are office for additional informa- In fiscal year 2010, which provided information and tion. Tender, melt in your mouth ended Sept. 30, the Columbus assistance to develop sound The local office is at 45C County Farm Loan Program management practices, ana- Government Complex Road in 9oz. Filet and a 4oz. Lobster tail Team, which covers Bladen, lyze problems and utilize Whiteville with office hours Brunswick, Columbus, available resources essential from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday baked with a scampi glaze. $30.95 Robeson and Scotland coun- for successful farming opera- through Friday. Call (910) 642- ties, made loans totaling tions to cope with the chang- 2196, ext. 2. Steak Au Poivre $364,800 to SDA applicants. ing agricultural environ- In addition, beginning farm- ment. A peppercorn crusted Sirloin fi nished with ers received loans totaling SDA loan applicants do letters policy $3,701,893. not receive automatic ap- a mushroom brandy cream sauce. $19.95 “This special financing proval. Individuals must be is for people who have been U.S citizens with a satisfac- FROM PAGE 4A All Entrees served with your choice of house salad, or subjected to racial, ethnic or tory history of meeting credit the signature of the president or gender inequality without re- obligations; have sufficient another officer. Caesar salad, with fresh baked croissant or baked potato gard to their individual quali- education, training or experi- letters should be brief and to the ties. SDA members include ence managing or operating a soup & choice of side item. point. letters should not exceed 250 women, African Americans, farm; possess legal capacity words. in all cases the editor reserves American Indians, Hispanics, to incur debt; and be unable the right to edit letters for space, Asian and Pacific Islanders to obtain credit elsewhere. style and content. and Alaskan Natives,” said On Nov. 30, Secretary the right is reserved to reject any Dean Sasser, Columbus Vilsack declared a natural letter—in whole or in part—includ- County FSA Farm Loan disaster in the state of North ing those determined potentially Program manager. Carolina based on damages libelous. no acknowledgment of The SDA program provides and losses caused by drought direct and guaranteed as- and excessive heat that oc- unused letters will be made. sistance in the form of farm curred from May 1 through a writer may not submit more operating and farm owner- Oct. 1. than one letter to the Beacon per ship loans. Direct loans are As a result of this natural month. letters by the same writer made to applicants from FSA. disaster, 42 North Carolina that repeat an issue previously writ- Guaranteed loans are issued counties were declared eligi- ten about will not be published. At Callahan’s by lending institutions, but ble for federal disaster assis- address letters to editor, the typically 90-95 percent of the tance, including Farm Service Brunswick Beacon, p.o. Box 2558, loan is guaranteed by FSA. Agency (FSA) emergency shallotte, nc 28459 or send them via 1045 River Road • Calabash, NC Operating loans may be (EM) loans for eligible family e-mail to editor@brunswickbeacon. used to purchase livestock, farmers. Included with those com. all letters should be received by www.BoundaryHouseRestaurant.com • 910-579-8888 equipment, feed, seed, and primary disaster counties 5 p.m. monday for consideration in *Voted Best Restaurant, Best Restaurant Service & Best Dinner other business-related ex- are: Brunswick, Columbus, each week’s issue. by Th e Brunswick Beacon Reader’s Choice Award 6A the Brunswick Beacon stories that shaped 2010 thursDaY, DeceMBer 30, 2010 staFF photo BY LaUra LeWis Angie Bertsch, adult nurse practitioner for the Brunswick County Health Department, checks patient Sylvia Thompson of Leland. Of the 2,324 patient visits there last year, Bertsch estimates 70-75 percent received free care. Healthcare in 2011 Officials get ready for reform, new hospital, other changes in New Year BY LAURA LEWIS StorieS that healthcare staFF Writer Shaped iN BruNswick Though federal reform hasn’t fully kicked in, changes 2010 couNty in healthcare are already evi- dent in Brunswick County. 2010 In 2010, a new facility for •Construction continues on the nonprofit New Hope Clinic and their impact on the Novant’s new $107 million, opened in Boiling Spring Future 252,000-square-foot hospital. Lakes. •New hope Clinic’s new In 2011, Brunswick 4,000-square-foot facility Community Hospital will move opens in Boiling spring Lakes. to a brand new building north electronic medical records that of the current facility on U.S. can be accessed by all health- 17. And longtime Brunswick care providers. While there 2011 County Health Director Don are protests the program is an •New Brunswick Commu- Yousey is retiring. intrusion by “Big Brother,” nity hospital is slated to open “From our perspective, Yousey says it’s a way to pro- this summer. [healthcare] is not going to vide uniformity and eliminate •a replacement is being change this year,” Yousey said duplication of services as well sought for longtime Bruns- in a recent interview, speaking as “doctor shoppers”—people wick County health director on his department’s outlook for who visit different doctors for don Yousey, who is retiring the New Year. the same types of treatment in July. At the same time, they’re and drugs—who will “stick out preparing for it. like a sore thumb,” he said. “We expect to be affected,” “Can we afford to continue Yousey said, noting the univer- to be wasteful?” he asked. “We ments tie in with healthcare re- sal plan and mandate slated to have to work out a compro- form initiatives, Mihal says. take effect in 2014 has a lot of mise—something people can all “Nothing is perfect initially.” positives. live with.” But “we have to do some- At the same time, there are Overall, “we’re ahead of the thing about healthcare,” she “negatives” his department is curve in universal healthcare,” said. “We can’t [continue] down already anticipating. he says, citing the department’s the road we have today.” While the federal govern- adult primary care clinic and If people continue to ignore ment is picking up universal pediatric clinic. it, it’s not going to go away, care, the state stopped univer- “We provide care to anyone Mihal said. sal vaccines July 1. who comes regardless of their “To have a plan is at least Under the old program, any ability to pay,” he said, noting something, a move in the right child in North Carolina could earnings from the department’s direction,” she said. get shots for free. flu vaccine program are used to It’s also shining a light on Once the federal program pay for the adult primary care “our own individual responsi- kicks in within two years, practice. bilities” toward good health, “they’ll carry all vaccines,” In 2011, a search also will get Mihal said. Yousey said. “They’ll still cover under way for a new county She said she’s happy there uninsured and under-insured,” health director since Yousey will be focus on safety and qual- the latter being hard to define, plans to retire at the end of July. ity care and national, manda- he added since the rules have The plan calls for having some- tory benchmarks for best prac- gotten more rigid. one in place by then so there’s tices and standards “so we can “The only ones they’re not a one-month overlap with the compare apples to apples.” going to cover are those with no new hire before Yousey leaves. “You can’t go wrong with em- insurance or whose insurance phasis on quality and safety.” does not cover the vaccine,” New hospital Two changes related to Yousey said. With the new Brunswick health reform that are expected The two-year hold has freed Novant Medical Center slated to take effect in 2011 are: up money for the health board to open sometime next August, • Insurers will be prohibited to buy vaccine, he said. hospital president Denise Mihal from setting annual and life- “The state freed up money is making moving plans. time limits, dropping coverage, this past year,” he said. For the big move from and excluding coverage to chil- With the state facing a $3 bil- the one-story, 70,000-square- dren based on pre-existing con- lion budget shortfall, Yousey foot Brunswick Community ditions. said his department is antici- Hospital to the new four-story, • Parents will now be able to pating “they’ll probably be cut- 252,000-square-foot facility just include dependent children up ting out a lot of services,” but at a few miles north up U.S. 17, to age 26 on their health insur- this point he has no idea what “we’ve hired a moving com- ance. they will be. pany that specializes in moving “While we support increas- Yousey says it’s crucial to hospitals,” she said. ing the numbers of insured plan ahead in these economi- The hospital will have a lot individuals, we continue to be cally challenging times as the more space, including 21 emer- concerned by how this is be- cutbacks start to hit local gov- gency treatment areas instead ing paid for, specifically dra- ernments. of the current nine—as well as matic cuts in reimbursement “If we didn’t have the stimu- room for wellness campaigns to hospitals and the expansion lus money that allowed folks tying into the hospital’s em- of Medicaid—a program that to stay at work, they may go ployee health initiative. currently pays us only 85 cents home,” said Yousey, adding he “You won’t have to go out on the dollars of costs,” Mihal had to let three positions go and walk around the hospital says. in the past year—one unfilled five times,” Mihal said of the job, one vacated and one that spacious new facility. “You get Dosher: progNosis is involved a transfer to another your exercise in.” strategic department. Day beds will be among new What does 2011 hold for Looking ahead, Yousey said amenities at the new hospital, Dosher Memorial Hospital in under the state Department to accommodate family mem- Southport? of Health Services plan, there bers who want to stay over- “This is going to be a year are things to look for if funds night with a patient. that we begin to re-assess our are cut. If there’s a $7 million The new hospital isn’t offer- strategic plans,” says Edgar cut, for example, school nurses ing new services but will have Haywood, CEO/president at the could lose their jobs, he said. state-of-the-art equipment, in- public facility. Under the new universal cluding an MRI/CAT Scan ma- For one thing, “we’re sched- healthcare plan, those wish- chine built in the facility. ing to participate have to have Part of their accomplish- see HEALTHCARE, 16a THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2010 stories that shaped 2010 THE BRUnSwiCk BEACon 7A Family rebuilds after home floods twice in one week BY KATHRYN JACEWICZ StorieS that Kellie Gore said her chil- staFF Writer dren were hoping Santa Claus Shaped would bring some of what was OCEAN ISLE BEACH— lost in the flooding. Brunswick County officials 2010 “That’s what we think,” she declared a state of emergency said earlier in December, as an Monday, Sept. 27, as inches excited Jewelie listed off what of rain hit the county and and their impact on the she hoped was underneath the more was expected to fall lat- tree on Christmas morning. Future er in the week from Tropical And although Santa Claus Depression 16, otherwise cannot fit all of what needs to known as Tropical Storm be done in his sleigh, the Gores Nicole. Gore’s house spread quickly say they will do what they In Ocean Isle Beach, Kellie through the community, and have to do to stay in a house Gore and her family were deal- countless volunteers began that has been in the family for ing with their own emergency. to offer help and donations about 50 years. Their home flooded twice that poured in. People washed “My granddaddy built the week. Inches of water seeped clothes, offered supplies and house. My mom stayed here. into the home, while nearly 3 spent countless hours along- My dad stayed here,” Kellie feet of water collected in the side the Gores. Gore said. “Now we’re here; backyard. Damage from the Somebody donated $50 to- and it’s the first place that storm displaced the family for ward the family’s electric bill, we’ve had that’s our own that’s weeks, damaged much of the while others came by with our family’s and we know we house’s structure and ruined more cash donations. don’t have to worry about it. thousands of dollars’ worth of Members from New And it does mean a lot.” personal belongings. Beginnings Church helped For the most part, structur- As the rain fell, it crept into the family by donating new Beacon File photo al repairs are complete. The the Gores’ home. The fam- cabinets, while members from Kellie Gore wades through the front yard of her Culpepper Road home in Ocean Isle Beach children’s bedrooms are not ily worked quickly to move Paws-Ability brought food and on Thursday, Sept. 30. Five water pumps were pumping water out of the house and yard that finished. They are sleeping in belongings off the floor, but took the family dog, Lucy, for a morning. The house flooded twice that week with as much as 8 inches of water in the family’s the only untouched bedroom the water was ankle deep that play date. home. while Kellie and Jason sleep evening. The family pumped “I’ve got like three pages,” on couches. The downstairs water out of the house for two Kellie Gore said of the volun- bathroom is not finished, and days and got rid of the last of teers and donations the fam- a lamp moved from room to it around 5 p.m. Wednesday, ily received. “There are just so room serves as the downstairs Sept. 29. many people who have helped light source as the family By 3 a.m. the next morning, us out.” waits for the electricity to be it all came back. wired in the newly renovated The Gores awoke Thursday, EMERGENCY FUNDS downstairs level. Sept. 30, to 8 inches of water On Oct. 14, President Barack “It’s aggravating,” Kellie standing in the lower level of Obama declared six eastern Gore said of the displacement, their two-story house. Water North Carolina counties disas- which she said has been the overtook the kitchen, dining ter areas. Brunswick County— most difficult thing to deal room, both children’s bed- which accumulated nearly with since the house’s first rooms, bathroom and laundry 2 feet of water as a result of flooding in late September. room. Tropical Storm Nicole—was Jason Gore said there are Outside, the backyard was not included. several options he is looking hidden beneath nearly 3 feet of The following day, Gov. Bev at for the backyard, which in- standing water. The top of an Perdue requested an addi- cludes some sort of drain sys- outdoor table was barely vis- tional eight counties be added tem. ible—it paralleled the surface to the declaration. Brunswick While the family is in the of the standing water. County, along with three oth- early process of deciding how Again, the Gores, family and ers, was later added. staFF photo BY KathrYn JaceWicZ to permanently fix the drain- friends went to work using five Because of the declaration, Gore stands in her back yard in early December and reflects on this year’s rainfall. At the height ing problem, they are deter- gas-powered pumps to pump individuals were able to ap- of the flooding, nearly 3 feet of rain collected in the backyard—enough water to parallel the mined never to let it overtake water from the home and yard. ply for Federal Emergency top of the outdoor dining table seen in the back. their house again. For the first 10 days, Kellie Management Agency (FEMA) “We’ve got a couple of differ- Gore and her husband, Jason assistance and federal, low-in- est loan from the SBA. FEMA money to show it is be- the house’s structure, costs of ent options,” he said. “I think Gore, were at the house ’round- terest loans from the U.S. Small The FEMA grant has helped ing used properly. replacing everyday items con- we’ll be in good shape.” the-clock. Business Administration the family pay to repair struc- “As long as they see you’re tinue to mount. Despite it all, there’s no- Their children, 8-year-old (SBA). tural damage caused by flood- doing the right things, they’ll Jewelie’s “big girl bed,” as where else the Gores would Alex and 5-year-old Jewelie, “That was kind of a blessing ing. The loan has helped the help you out. And that’s a good she calls it, was ruined, along rather be. stayed with relatives. for us, because if we hadn’t family with expenses such as thing,” she said. with her tea set. “Our family any way, even “They were really thrown been declared a disaster area, appliances, but it comes with Alex lost a favorite wres- before all this stuff happened, out of the loop there for we wouldn’t have had any several requirements. REBUILDING HOME tling toy. was close,” Kellie Gore said. awhile,” Kellie Gore said. help,” Kellie Gore said. “The SBA loan is really So far, the family has spent The entire family lost all “We’d rather be together as a It took the Gores two weeks The Gores were among 522 kind of cool,” Kellie Gore said. more than $10,000 to repair the their shoes. family. We’d rather stay here.” to pump all the water out after Brunswick County residents “One of the rules, if feasible, house. Although much of the All food and condiments in the second flooding. However, who applied for FEMA assis- you have to buy all American- expense includes fuel for the the refrigerator and cabinets KATHRYN JACEWICZ is a staff the ground was so wet, water tance. They were approved for made products.” gas-powered pumps to remove needed to be restocked, as writer at the Beacon. reach her at resurfaced several days later. an $8,400 FEMA grant as well Kellie Gore said they have water from the home and con- well as laundry detergent and 754-6890 or at kjacewicz@bruns- News of flooding at the as a 30-year, 2.5 percent inter- to send all receipts used with struction materials to repair cleaning supplies. wickbeacon.com County not eligible for public FEMA funds Brunswick County not be reimbursed. ment does not help the depart- Emergency Services Director “FEMA tells the state it’s not ment in a fiscally tight budget Anthony Marzano said an emergency that we would year, but Marzano said emer- Brunswick County will not be reimburse you for,” Marzano gency services will work with reimbursed $750,000 of expens- said. what they have. es incurred during September’s While $750,000 is not the exact “The public’s safety has to rainfall and flooding caused amount of local money spent be served, and when you’re in a from storm effects of Tropical during the storm, it includes situation where you have flood- Storm Nicole. major expenses such as emer- ing and you need specialized To be eligible for public gency road repair, emergency water resources and additional FEMA assistance, the state responder overtime or addi- dispatchers…you do what you must meet a threshold of $10.4 tional staffing and emergency need to do to make sure the million. Because the state did protective measures, such as public is protected and you fig- not meet the threshold, coun- the cost for running generators ure out, to an extent, how to pay ties that met individual thresh- and pumps, Marzano said. for it later,” he said. “That’s just olds, such as Brunswick, will Being denied a reimburse- a reality.” 2010 : brunswick flooding what happened 10:35 p.m. holden Beach officer 7:05 a.m. Gray Bridge road MONDaY, SEpt. 25 reports large pothole near intersec- near ash drive is washed out; 4:20 p.m. parts of u.s. 17 south tion of Gray Bridge and holden road also washed out at bridge on near shallotte begin to flood. Beach road large enough to do oxpen road near captains Wheel. photo contriButed 4:33 p.m. the department of damage to vehicles. Water over road reported at Village An aerial view of Brunswick County shows the massive rain that collected in streets and land in transportation is contacted as early September. Brunswick County counted about 22 inches of rain during this year’s flooding. Mount pisgah and holden Beach point road near owendon drive. roads flood. tHURSDaY, SEpt. 30 six inches of rain reported on Record rainfall prepares Brunswick’s 4:45 p.m. u.s. 17 north floods 12:41 a.m. state highway patrol Mount pisgah and holden Beach near snee Farm. reports u.s. 17 southbound at mile roads in supply. large amounts of 5:46 p.m. Between 4 and 5 feet marker 19 completely flooded. water reported on holden Beach emergency personnel for future storms of water is reported to be flooding 4 a.m. about 400 Brunswick road within city limits. old ocean u.s. 17 north near Goodman road. electric customers are without highway at Bryant hankins road: 6:02 p.m. entry to the Waterford power. high water reported, but road is Hurricane season has been to work. team during hurricane sea- subdivision in leland is blocked. 5 a.m. increasing number of passable in the northbound lane. relatively calm the last few Fifteen county officials were son. 6:28 p.m. a near 10-foot wash- residents without power this morn- smith avenue and Main street in years in Brunswick County, sent earlier that month to a “I have a much better un- out is reported on n.c. 74/76 W ing. number grows to 1,571. Most shallotte are flooded. but the 22 inches of water that swift water and flood training. derstanding of where our past Mount Misery road. affected are in longwood, ash and 7:40 a.m. 1200 block of holden fell on Brunswick County gave “Just a few weeks later, strengths and where our op- Winnabow areas. Beach road has washed out. the Brunswick County Emergency they were a major component portunities for improvement 5:30 a.m. More than 1,800 shoulder of the road has washed Services personnel a chance to of us being able to respond,” lie, and that better positions WEDNESDaY, SEpt. 29 Brunswick electric customers are away and the asphalt has buckled. brush up on how to handle a Marzano said, noting about a me to target our efforts to- 2:52 p.m. supply Fire depart- without power. progress energy high water in the curve was storm of such magnitude. dozen water rescues were com- wards improving before the ment reports dirt portion of Middle outages also reported in Yaupon reported at 3100 block of shell Such flooding has not been pleted during the storms. next hurricane season,” he river road washed away. unable to Beach area. point road. seen in Brunswick County “That shows us in what we said. reach residences. 6:50 a.m. Brunswick county 2:20 p.m. empire road (about since 1999’s Hurricane Floyd, were thinking, we perceived a Although the storm has 3:34 p.m. 6 to 8 inches of water emergency services reports u.s. 17 half a mile from Mount pisgah and Anthony Marzano, di- need for that resource and we passed, emergency services’ is reported coming over n.c. 133 is closed from n.c. 211 south to road) is washed out and caving rector of Brunswick County didn’t have one.” work is never done. Marzano and Funston road. red Bug road in both directions. in. high water reported at Medcalf Edemaelirngge nwcyi th Stehrev iceefsfe, ctss aoidf CoBuenitny,g nMewar ztaon oB ruqnusiwckiclky hseemadins atro ian n Jaatinounaarly h aunrrdi csaanide 3:53 p.m. high water on the road n.c 133 remains closed. road drive and sunset lakes Boule- Hurricane Earl and Tropical gained experience from those the department will continue at u.s. 17 south at naber dodge. conditions throughout the county vard. the dam at lake Medcalf is Storm Nicole was a time to September storms that he will to work and improve its emer- 4:49 p.m. hale swamp road are deteriorating rapidly. overflowing. closed with barricades. put pre-planning mechanisms need to lead an emergency gency plan. 8A the Brunswick Beacon STORIES THAT SHAPED 2010 thursDaY, DeceMBer 30, 2010 Number of foreclosures at a record-high County ranks in top 10 counties in N.C. for foreclosures StorieS that Shaped BY RACHEL JOHNSON Communications Director Jeff 2010 STAFF WRITER Shaw, “because the per capita figures include everyone living During 2010, economists in a given county—including kept saying the economy was children and non-homeown- recovering. However, a look and their impact on the ers. Still, it provides a thumb- future around Brunswick County nail sketch of how widespread doesn’t show the telltale signs foreclosure is throughout of a recovering economy. that, now more than ever, we North Carolina,” the release According to the U.S. Bureau have to protect homeowners states. of Labor Statistics, the unem- by preserving the Housing Foreclosures have rocked ployment rate for Brunswick Trust Fund and supporting Brunswick County. They have County was 9.8 percent in effective, common-sense anti- not been limited to one in- October. Foreclosures set an foreclosure programs,” says come category. The issue has all-time record with 1,663 filed Bill Rowe, director of advocacy affected people from all walks with the Brunswick County with the N.C. Justice Center, in of life. Clerk of Superior Court as of the release. “The solution is more in- Dec. 20. Brunswick County made the vestment by all levels of gov- In a November press release top-10 county list for foreclo- ernment in quality, affordable issued by the N.C. Justice sures coming in at No. 9 with rental housing that will create Center based in Raleigh, state- a projected 1,801 foreclosures. construction jobs and stabilize wide North Carolina is on pace It ranked No. 2 in the top-10 households in a home they for 70,476 total foreclosure fil- counties per capita at 1.63 per- can afford,” said Chris Estes, ings in 2010. This is more than cent of individuals. executive director for the the 63,286 foreclosures filed in “The per capita figures un- N.C. Housing Coalition, in a 2009, which set a state record. derstate the problem consider- November press release issued STAFF PHOTO by RAcHEl JOHnSOn “These projections show ably,” said N.C. Justice Center by the N.C. Justice Center. Melanie Clark, assistant clerk of Superior Court, files recent foreclosure paperwork. Robo-signing scandal Investigations led to foreclosure moratorium BY RACHEL JOHNSON ers, some homeowners may not get a fair STAFF WRITER chance at loan modifications that could save their homes. In the fourth quarter of 2010, several “When a foreclosure happens, a family major mortgage lenders voluntarily sus- loses its home, neighbors lose property val- pended foreclosures in North Carolina after ue and the bank loses money,” Cooper said. an investigation showed their affidavit pro- “That’s why lenders need to make a real cedures were not in compliance with state effort to work out payment plans and loan law. modifications.” North Carolina Attorney General Roy By mid-October, Cooper’s Consumer Cooper began an investigation in late Protection Division reviewed the top 15 September following a nationwide investi- mortgage companies’ foreclosure pro- gation into GMAC Mortgage employees’ ac- cesses to ensure they are fair and legal. Of tions. Allegedly, employees routinely signed the mortgage companies involved in the off on large numbers of foreclosure affida- investigation, GMAC, JP Morgan Chase, vits without proper review—known as ro- Bank of America, PNC Mortgage and PHH bo-signing. This practice may have caused Mortgage agreed to the delay of foreclo- some homeowners to lose their homes un- sures and halted foreclosure sales in North fairly. Carolina while the review is under way. “If mortgage companies are using poten- North Carolina is one of 23 states under STAFF PHOTO by RAcHEl JOHnSOn tially unlawful practices to push through a foreclosure moratorium. Experts don’t Deputy Chris Powell sorts foreclosure paperwork at the start of his shift. As a deputy in the foreclosures in North Carolina, that needs know what the outcome of the moratorium civil division of the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office, he posts foreclosure notices. to stop,” Cooper said in a press release. will be. Many believe it will only delay the “Foreclosures have to happen when people recovery of the housing industry. don’t pay, but homeowners deserve a fair During the moratorium, select banks shot at keeping their homes when possi- have stopped foreclosure proceedings while What happens in a foreclosure? ble.” they review past foreclosures. It is unsure North Carolina law requires lenders to how long the moratorium will last, but the make a good faith effort to work out a loan best advice given to homeowners is to save, Is the increased checked including statutory are virtually sales every day at modification before they proceed with a save, save while you can. Foreclosure rates requirements, an affidavit of the courthouse.” foreclosure. The concern is that if foreclo- are anticipated to increase once the morato- number adversely default and the note/deed of The sale is cried [read aloud] sures are not properly reviewed by lend- rium is lifted. trust. There must be a clear on the sale date by the trustee. affecting the chain of holders attached to the The clerk’s office must report on note as frequently lenders’ notes the sale. If a bid is made at the county? The future may not be bright change. sale, there is a 10-day upset bid Once everything is in order, period where anyone in the pub- Brunswick BY RACHEL JOHNSON the clerk’s office issues a service lic has 10 days to come forward A look to 2011 “I can’t say what will hap- STAFF WRITER and sends the paperwork to the and outbid the original bidder. pen next at the national County sheriff’s office to be delivered so The bidding process has the po- level. We just don’t know,” With each foreclosure the pa- all parties are given notice of the tential to last for months as each BY RACHEL JOHNSON MacCullum said. foreclosures perwork mounts and one county hearing date, time and location. time a new bid is placed, the 10- STAFF WRITER The moratorium caused a office feels the impact more than “It is our task to get the pa- day upset bid period starts over. freeze on foreclosures in the any other—Brunswick County pers to the sheriff’s office as According to the clerk’s office, It appears the number of last few months of 2010. The Clerk of Superior Court. soon as we reasonably can to the majority of sales occur with- foreclosures in Brunswick freeze came after a deeper 2007 ....................418 “It is a big issue for the coun- give them latitude to serve the out a single bidder. Winning bid- County tapered off in the last look into foreclosure practices ty,” said Jim MacCallum, clerk papers,” MacCallum said. ders have a limited amount of few months of 2010. by large national banks and 2008 .................1,083 of Superior Court. “For the last Another issue facing the time to pay their bid price. One hundred eighty four lenders found employees sign- 2009 .................1,648 three years, foreclosures have clerk’s office involves schedul- Once the sale is confirmed, foreclosures in October set ing off on foreclosures with- comprised more than 90 per- ing the hearing. Clark, a hearing the clerk’s office must continue the record high for 2010 with out properly reviewing the 2010 ............1,663*+ cent of our special proceeding officer, said as of Dec. 22, hear- to make a final account and re- numbers dropping to 113 in paperwork. actions. Next in numbers are ings were already booked well port of sale. They must check November, and December This caused numerous name changes, adoptions and into March. There are 25 to 30 all of the numbers, math and ac- closing out with less than 100. foreclosures to be placed on Breakdown of incompetencies.” booked a day. Each hearing typi- counts listed. Records, receipts However, the numbers are hold while lenders imposed There are currently 28 em- cally lasts 15 minutes; however, from the foreclosure sale and misleading and could mean a voluntary moratorium on 2010 by month ployees in the clerk’s office—five they can take much longer if the other documents are placed in more bad news is in store. foreclosures statewide. As dedicated to handling foreclo- homeowner testifies. the deed book with the page “The numbers make it look the New Year ushers itself January .................142 sure proceedings. In 2007 only “If all legal requirements are numbers recorded, the date and like 2010 was the same as 2009, in, many of the homes and two employees focused on fore- met at the hearing, paperwork time of the sale and much more which might lead one to think investments affected by the February ...............150 closures. is signed to allow a sale,” Clark information before the foreclo- it has bottomed out when in moratoriums will continue March ...................178 The process is lengthy from said. “A notice of the sale must sure process is complete. fact the moratoriums came with foreclosure proceedings. start to finish. be published, posted to the bul- Sales may also be postponed in the last quarter of 2010,” This could potentially cause a April .....................156 “From the filing date until the letin board and sent to all par- due to special circumstances. said Jim MacCallum, clerk of jump in foreclosure numbers May ......................124 end—the shortest is 75 days, but ties.” After the final account is ap- Superior Court. “Sometime in for 2011. it can be much longer depend- The bulletin board announc- proved for the new owner, the 2011, the glut of cases will be The devastation of a fore- June .....................153 ing on the circumstances,” said ing upcoming sales is on the eviction process can begin at revisited.” closure isn’t felt only by the Melanie Clark, assistant clerk main floor of the Brunswick any time. Asked if the rate of fore- homeowners and the lend- July .......................142 of Superior Court. County Courthouse across from The process is time-consum- closures will taper off in 2011, ers. The larger picture affects August .................136 Understanding the process the elevators. Each notice of ing for all parties involved, and the response is a mixture of everyone in a given area as of a foreclosure confuses many sale must be posted on the board the paperwork is immense. The uncertainness. foreclosure properties sell for September ............147 people. for a full 20 days and published clerk’s office has files dating “There is no trend indicat- much less than other homes “It is a complicated issue and for two full weeks. from the early 1960s through ing that is happening yet,” in the same area, driving October ................184 a really confusing technical le- Often sales occur near the 2009 on one large wall-length said Melanie Clark, assistant down the equity of nearby november.............113 gal process,” MacCallum said. bulletin board area or on the shelf. clerk of Superior Court. “I homes. “There are many dates, times, courthouse steps. The sale goes The files for 2010 stand on suspect the numbers will be According to statistics December .............58* deadlines and hoops to jump to the highest bidder; if there their own large wall shelf, which very similar in 2011 to what provided by the Center for through.” aren’t any bidders, the property is almost half the size of the one they are now if not greater. I Responsible Lending, between *numbers reflect Jan. 1-Dec. One of the first tasks the is returned to the lender. containing more than 40 years hope that there is not a signifi- 2009 and 2012, there will be clerk’s office must complete is “It is very routine to see a of files. The visual imagery of cant increase.” an estimated $1.9 trillion loss 20, 2010 giving notice of the hearing. trustee downstairs auctioning these two shelves tells the story “I think it will continue of home-equity wealth due to +A foreclosure moratorium Prior to giving notice, there off property. It’s an age-old pro- of foreclosures in Brunswick through 2011 and it will be nearby foreclosures. In North occurred during 2010 freezing are several things that must be cess,” MacCallum said. “There County in 2010. much of the same for a while,” Carolina that breaks down to MacCullum said. $5.2 billion in lost home-equity foreclosure proceedings for A lot of the future depends wealth. The average loss per several months if you are facing foreclosure, here are a few steps from best-case scenario to on decisions made on a na- home is an estimated $2,328. Facing worst to save your home: •Data provided by the state of north tional level which will directly foreclosure? 1) Request a loan modification 4) Deed in lieu of foreclosure affect the rate of foreclosures RACHEL JOHNSON is a staff writer at carolina, brunswick county clerk of 2) Make a whole sale 5) Foreclosure in Brunswick County as well the beacon. Reach her at 754-6890 or Superior court 3) Utilize a short sale as nationwide. at [email protected]. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2010 STORIES THAT SHAPED 2010 THE BRUnSwiCk BEACon 9A the job: no one wants to be the bearer of bad news StorieS that Shaped 2010 and their impact on the future BY RACHEL JOHNSON STAFF WRITER Snakes, poison ivy, tears, cursing, barking dogs, people hiding: It’s all in a day’s work for the bearer of bad news. “I have had everything hap- pen from being cussed, yelled and screamed at to people thanking me and others who want to talk,” said Brunswick County Deputy Chris Powell. “You never know what kind of reaction you are going to get.” The responsibility to serve foreclosure papers falls on the civil division of the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO). Lawyers have STAFF PHOTOS By RAcHEl JOHnSOn the option to privately service Deputy Chris Powell posts a foreclosure notice on an oceanfront home in Brunswick County. the papers; however, for ef- The home appears to have been a vacation rental property. ficiency, most select the sher- iff’s office. Superior Court is accounted papers in one day.” what is going on,” Powell said. The papers must be served for by the fact that with each Powell and other civil-di- “My goal is to be as discreet in person or posted on the foreclosure, notice must be vision officers serve several as I can because the last thing property, depending on the re- given to each individual listed types of papers including: I want to do is even remotely quest of the lawyers involved on the loan. At times there evictions, foreclosures, civil embarrass somebody because in the foreclosure litigation. If may be anywhere from one summons, magistrate sum- that makes it even worse.” the property is in Brunswick name to five or more. mons, subpoenas, notice to According to Powell, a lot of Powell posts a foreclosure notice on a tree in an empty lot in County but the debtor lives in “In two years’ time, it has have exemptions designated, times people know it is com- Brunswick County. another county, both locations more than doubled,” said Lt. writ of possession and more. ing and show a sense of relief must be served. Deputies with Mark Troll. During the course of the to see the papers. Powell has seen it all from “It’s not like arriving to a the sheriff’s office post papers There are currently five of- work day, officers average “The last thing people are vacation homes left perfectly call where you know what’s at vacant lots and/or homes, ficers in the civil division: two driving more than 100 miles, trying to do is to let their intact, fully furnished and going on behind the doors,” and a deputy in the other full-time deputies who deal with some days approach- house go,” Powell said. “There awaiting someone to arrive Powell said. “Behind the door county must serve the owners with serving foreclosures and ing 300 miles. Officers also are a lot of good people losing with a suitcase, to homes with it could be a typical hard- in person. This is a frequent several part-time employees. run into a little of everything stuff. It is all over Brunswick shotgun holes in the ceilings working family busting their occurrence in Brunswick Deputies sometimes work 12- from snakes and poison ivy to County, even Bald Head and walls marred with human tail to keep food on the table, County, where a large number to 14-hour days delivering pa- people refusing to be served. Island.” feces. or it could be someone into of foreclosures are on second pers that are time-sensitive. “There are some people that During the course of a day, “Sometimes people are so narcotics. You never know homes/investment lots. One of the deputies is are difficult to get up with; Powell serves papers every- mad they take the light fix- what is behind the door. It In 2008 the civil division of Powell. He has been with the they refuse to be served,” where from oceanfront hous- tures, the fans and the doors,” could be a meth lab or a 95- the BCSO issued a total of 900 civil division for the past two Powell said. es to inland condominiums Powell said. “It is unbeliev- year-old woman who is about foreclosure papers. The num- years. Powell understands he isn’t to empty lots off dirt roads. able the way people leave stuff. to lose everything. I try not to ber drastically rose in 2009 “It is unbelievable the always welcome but he has a There are 32 homes on Bald Some are just lots in new sub- think about it and just pray with 1,819 issued. As of Dec. amount of paperwork we are job to do, and he tries to do it Head Island where foreclosure divisions where the property the good Lord brings me home 21, 2010, that number was at going through,” Powell said as with compassion. proceedings were finalized on was never built on. We just every day.” 2,040 with 10 more days left in he sorted hundreds of papers “This year we went to a in 2010. have to tape it to a tree.” the month. inside his car at the start of shirt and tie, and it helps be- “Everybody is affected by When Powell and other civil RACHEL JOHNSON is a staff writer The difference in the num- his work day. “Serving 10 used cause people are more relaxed. the economy from the higher deputies knock on a door, they at the Beacon. Reach her at 754-6890 bers reported by the sher- to be a good day; now it’s 30 to It saves the embarrassment up to the roofers. Everyone is never know what will be be- or at rjohnson@brunswickbeacon. iff’s office and the clerk of 40. I have served as many as 86 from the neighbors knowing affected,” Powell said. hind it. com. Tips for saving your home from foreclosure The future of real estate BY RACHEL JOHNSON to get in touch with the lender tance. ery stone,” Lee said. BY RACHEL JOHNSON ty continues to increase. One STAFF WRITER and talk to them honestly. There are several options STAFF WRITER solution mentioned is putting “Talk to the banks. You can available to someone who wants loan aSSumption people back to work via the It was your dream…now it’s get a loan modification if you to walk away from their home/ According to Lee, this is a Predicting the future of the housing industry. your nightmare. can prove to the lender how property. It starts with a simple practice that used to be used in real estate industry is a chal- “The housing industry is When you find yourself much you are making. There answer to a basic question from the real estate industry all of lenge. No one knows when the single most important in the position of losing your is still income even if you have the lender. the time. This is where a new the industry will recover. One industry in the United States home, where do you turn? Who a reduced interest rate. They “When you call, the lender owner takes over the existing thing agreed upon is it will and worldwide,” Lee said can you trust to give you solid would rather do that than a they will ask, ‘Do you want to loan, relieving the present loan never be the same. “There are approximately advice? short sale or foreclosure,” Lee sell the house and get out, or do holder of the debt. “The landscape of real 300-600 jobs attached to every The Brunswick County Clerk said. you want to stay?’ Say ‘stay’ and estate has changed,” said home built—from the lumber of Superior Court’s office isn’t “If you don’t open the mail or they will work with you. If you Friendly ForecloSure Realtor Martha Lee. “It took company to the dry wallers permitted to give advice; it can take those phone calls, there is say you want out, there are only A deed in lieu of foreclosure us a long time to get here and and tile manufacturers to the only explain the process. only one way it will go—foreclo- five things that can be done,” is often called a friendly fore- it’s going to take a long time carpenters, brick masons and Most people are in a financial sure. You have to face the music Lee said. closure. This saves the lender to get out. Things need to landscapers to the sod grow- crisis and can’t afford to spend even though it’s not your song money from hiring an attorney change for the good of all.” ers. money to seek advice, so where playing,” Lee said. “The impli- Short Sale and walking through the steps 2010 was the year of foreclo- “Then, there are the do you turn? cations are so bad if you don’t The first option is a short of the foreclosure process. By sures in Brunswick County, lawn mowers, the furniture Real-estate offices all over the resolve the issues.” sale. Lee says lenders require signing a deed in lieu of it keeps breaking previous records in brought into the home, win- county are fast becoming a reli- One option is a special for- paperwork to prove your cir- your name out of the paper in the number filed. 2011 is fore- dows, glass, doors, hardware, able source for those seeking bearance, a repayment plan that cumstances have changed. association with a foreclosure. cast to be much of the same. PVC pipes…I can talk for an help. It makes sense; they know allows homeowners not to make Lenders want to see your tax If you agree there is no judg- “A huge percentage of peo- hour about all the compo- the legalities and the right peo- a payment for six to 12 months, returns for the past two years, ment, you are returning the ple are under water in their nents that go into a house, ple to contact. giving them time to get on their two months of bank statements property to the lender, there homes,” said Realtor Maria and all are affected. If we For one real estate firm in feet. including the most recent and are no taxes to pay, and it saves Erwin. “As long as they keep aren’t building houses, look Brunswick County, the cur- As for calling a lender, Lee they want to know what your money and embarrassment. foreclosing, property values at the jobs lost. Creating jobs rent foreclosure crisis has rede- offers a little-known piece of ad- assets include. won’t increase, and people is the single most important fined jobs. Realtors used to sell vice—call the 800 number on a Final approval for a short sale ForecloSure will continue to walk away thing. To create jobs, you have homes; now they help people bill reflecting a current balance. must be made by the lender. A The final option is foreclo- because they owe more than to build houses.” hold onto their homes. They “Never call an 800 number short sale enables the homeown- sure, a process that can take their home is worth. Challenges in the real-es- still sell homes but these days from a statement that is past er to sell the home/property for anywhere from three months “Some would like to be- tate industry are causing helping people stand and fight due. People don’t know this, and less than the owed loan amount. to a year. A typical foreclosure lieve it’s an individual who people all over the country to in the face of foreclosure has they get so frustrated,” Lee said. For example, if you owe $200,000 costs the lender between $7,500 borrowed too much money evaluate their situations and become a top priority at Martha “Collections are relentless. They on a loan, if the lender approves and $10,000. A foreclosure notice but it’s bigger than that. The make choices. Lee Realty. don’t care about your circum- it, you may be able to sell the will be posted on your home/ question isn’t difficult of how “People are downsizing in “We felt the hardship imme- stances because they get paid a home for $150,000. property. It will be advertised it happened. It’s the answers all areas and living on less,” diately and realized this isn’t a commission on the money they The IRS will want the hom- in the newspaper, and the home that are complicated. They Lee said. “Brunswick County short-term dilemma; this has collect.” eowner to pay the difference. will be sold on the courthouse caused a catastrophe because is a major retirement commu- long-term impacts,” said Realtor By calling the number on a A 1099 will be required, there steps. A foreclosure stays on it affected every industry. nity. People are coming here Martha Lee, who has 38 years of current bill, you will be able to will be a deficiency judgment your credit score for seven There is no answer without in droves that can’t sell their experience in the industry. access the loan modification against the homeowner and years. the cooperation of politicians, homes, which was the most “We get calls every day from department and the loss mitiga- taxes must be paid. The short Wall Street and the banks to valuable thing they owned. people in trouble. This has af- tion department. Both depart- sale mars a person’s credit for a start building America.” They are finding their house fected everybody in every walk ments work with clients to help period of three years, a shorter Lee and Erwin feel strongly is worth less than they paid of life,” added Realtor Maria find a solution to an impending time period than a seven-year inSide inFormation moSt the market won’t improve un- for it.” Erwin. “Don’t be afraid. Don’t foreclosure. foreclosure mar. people don’t know: til all of the distressed proper- Lee and Erwin said the be embarrassed. Don’t be irre- “If you have a problem or •The 800 number on a past due ty is off the market. This isn’t majority of their clients are sponsible. Don’t be discouraged. know you are one month be- Short Sale making it whole bill takes the caller to a lender’s col- going to happen overnight. seeking homes in the 1,200- to Don’t give up.” hind or you know next month The second option is a short lection department According to Lee, there is cur- 1,900-square-foot range “Foreclosure is the worst you may be behind, pick up sale making it whole with a •The 800 number on a current bill rently a 20-year supply of lots “We are going out into thing that can happen,” Lee the phone and call 579-2042. We deed of trust. The homeowner takes the caller to the loss mitigation on the market, not including Brunswick County as pio- said. “There are lots of reasons don’t charge fees to help you,” can short-sale the home/prop- department ones the banks are holding. neers in a brand new econo- peoples’ circumstances change Erwin said. “Our job right now erty and make payments on the •The collection’s department “The market won’t improve my,” Erwin said. “Our indus- due to hardship…Bad things as Realtors is to get the word out remainder of the loan by sign- works on commission until the distressed inventory try will never be the same. happen to good homeowners. and it’s our duty, it’s our profes- ing a deed of trust. This option •The majority of home loans are is depleted,” Erwin said. “It’s We, the American people,, This isn’t the time to be embar- sion…Get up the self-esteem lowers monthly payments and sold and the banks act as service pro- going to be an issue as long have the paint brush now.” rassed by it. I don’t care if you and call. Get assistance.” cancels out property taxes, in- viders as the banks continue foreclo- “I think when the economy are a prince or a pauper, it is Lee and Erwin agree what- surance and HOA dues, as you •Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae own sures.” gets better, Brunswick County happening to everyone.” ever is discussed stays confiden- are no longer the owner of the a large percentage of all home loans The issues are complex and will be one of the first places The No. 1 question Lee and tial. They can help advise you property. •A foreclosure mars your credit run deeply. With hundreds of to rally,” Lee said, attributing others are asked is, ‘What can I on your options. In addition, “This option saves your cred- score for seven years homeowners facing potential this to the desirability of the do?’ other Realtors throughout the it, which is the most important •The foreclosure process can take foreclosure every day, the in- proximity to the ocean, the She says the place to start is county are also offering assis- thing right now. Turn over ev- anywhere from 3 months to one year ventory of distressed proper- golf courses and the weather. 10A the Brunswick Beacon obituaries/community thursDaY, DeceMBer 30, 2010 Charles Frizol Hickman and the late was also a member of the VFW home; one granddaughter, died Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010, ter of the late Alfred Wesley Charles Edward “Chuck” Judith Melle “Judy” Hughes Post 728 Women’s Auxiliary in Micaela Juliet Mendoza-Ward; at his home. and Mary Greer Parrish Frizol, 77, of Southport, Hickman. Calabash and was a member a brother, Herbert Cortez He was born on April 23, Williamson. died Wednesday, Dec. 22, In addition to his mother, he of Yardley Golf Club for 30 Ward Jr. of Shallotte; two sis- 1927, in Robeson County, a son She is survived by her hus- 2010, at New Hanover was predeceased by his pater- years. ters, Sherrill Ward Hewett of of the late Lawrence and Anna band, Harold G. Worley, of Regional Medical Center in nal grandparents, Grover and Survivors include her hus- Holden Beach, and Cynthia Oxendine Woods. He was a U.S. Little River, S.C.; one son, Wilmington. Jeneara Hickman, and his ma- band, G. Peter Jelstrom; chil- Ward of Longwood; and sev- World War II Army veteran. H.G. Worley Jr. and his wife He was born ternal grandparents, Weldon dren and their spouses, Peter eral nieces and nephews. Survivors include his wife, Meredith of North Myrtle on June 6, and Kitty Hughes. L. Jelstrom, N.J.; Tracey (Bob) Funeral services will be at Zola Mae Woods; two sons, Beach, S.C.; two daughters, 1933, in Peru, Survivors in addition to Schutz, Missouri, Greg (Tracy) 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30, at Willard Richard Woods of Lindsey Blair Worley and Ill., a son of his father are his son, Hunter Jelstrom, California, Scott the Brunswick Funeral Home Shallotte, and Jessica Gail Worley, both of the late Justus Hickman of Shallotte, and his (Liz) Jelstrom, N.Y., and Perian Chapel. Interment will fol- Clifton Woods Little River, S.C.; four sisters, Frizol and daughter, Katie Hickman of Jelstrom, N.Y.; grandchildren, low in the Ward Cemetery, and wife Ruth of Geri Bibey (Joel) of Shallotte, Olive Smith Ash; a sister, Polly Whitesides Jordyn and Sydney Jelstrom after which friends and fam- Killeen, Texas; Brenda Butler (John) of Loris, Frizol. He was a veteran of the and her husband Seth of and their mother, Barbara ily are welcome to gather at two daughters, S.C., Bobbie Justice (Randy) of U.S. Army having served in Ocean Isle Beach; and two Jelstrom, N.J.; Chelsey, Lauren Friendship Baptist Church Joanna Woods of Fredericksburg, Va., Rhonda the Korean Conflict. nephews, Brady and Jaxson and Erin Alston, Missouri, Fellowship Hall for an infor- Laurinburg, and Kathy Evans Barnette (Kent) of Virginia Survivors include his wife, Whitesides. Ryan, Heather, Rachael mal celebration of Brooks’ life. and husband Richard of Beach, Va.; and three grand- Jacqueline Hocker Frizol, of Memorial services are set Jelstrom, California, Audrey, Private online memorials Shallotte; four grandchildren; children, Holland Grace, Southport; two sons, Craig for 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30, Brennan, Tommy and Will may be made to www.bruns- and a caregiver, Tammy Blake. Holden and Hudson Worley. Frizol of Wilmington, Mass., in the Brunswick Funeral Jelstrom, N.Y., and Derek wickfuneralservice.com. Funeral services were The family would like to and Karl Frizol and wife Lisa Service Chapel. Ignas N.J.; and one brother, Arrangements by Monday, Dec. 27, in the extend our deepest gratitude of Kings Park, N.Y.; three The family will receive Richard (Janice) Brennan. Brunswick Funeral Service & Brunswick Funeral Service to our Aunt Donna Worley for daughters, Lisa Caldwell and friends one hour prior to the Services were private. Crematory, Shallotte. Chapel. The Rev. Chester the loving sacrifices and devo- husband Bert of Spokane, service at the funeral home Arrangements by Myrtle Chavis and the Rev. Ike tion she held for our mother Wash., Deanna Frizol of and other times from the resi- Beach Funeral Home. John Wilding Cummings officiated. Burial through this long journey as Springfield, Va., and Michelle dence. John Sullivan Wilding followed in the Cummings her caregiver. Ciconte and husband Dominic Memorials may be made to Brooks Ward passed away on Monday, Dec. Cemetery, Maxton. The family was set to re- of Lumberton, N.J.; seven the charity of your choice. Mr. George Brooks Ward III, 27, 2010, at his home in Ocean Online condolences may ceive friends from 6-8 p.m. grandchildren; and one sister, Online condolences may 55, of Greensboro and former- Isle Beach. be sent to the family at www. on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at Lee Barbara Webb of Moline, Ill. be sent to the family at www. ly of Longwood, died Sunday, Mr. Wilding was born on brunswickfuneralservice.com. Funeral Home. A memorial service will be brunswickfuneralservice.com. Dec. 26, 2010, at Moses Cone Oct. 22, 1932, in White Plains, Arrangements by Funeral services will be at 1 at a later date in St. James. Arrangements by Memorial Hospital. N.Y., a son of the late Joseph Brunswick Funeral Service & p.m. Thursday at First Baptist In lieu of flowers, memo- Brunswick Funeral Service & He was born L. and Mary Sullivan Wilding. Crematory, Shallotte. Church of North Myrtle rials may be made to Lower Crematory, Shallotte. in Wilmington, He was predeceased by a son, Beach. Burial will follow in Cape Fear Hospice, 1414 a son of the Leith Wilding, and a brother, sandy Worley North Myrtle Beach Memorial Physicians Drive, Wilmington, audrey Jelstrom late Herbert Brandwood L. Wilding. Sandra Gail “Sandy” Worley, Gardens. NC 28403. Audrey Brennan Jelstrom, Cortez Ward He leaves his wife, Ruth; 61, died Monday, Dec. 27, 2010, In lieu of flowers, memori- You may send online condo- 77, of Sunset Beach, died Sr. and Sarah daughter, Gaelyn Lovejoy at Grand Strand Regional als may be made in her mem- lences to www.peacocknewn- Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010, at Dorris Wright or Irondequoit, N.Y.; and Medical Center after a coura- ory to The Esophageal Cancer amwhite.com Brunswick Community Ward. He was son, Jon Stephan Wilding of geous battle with cancer. Awareness Association, Inc., Arrangements by Peacock- Hospital in Supply. preceded in Laxawacken, Penn.; three She was a devoted Christian, P.O. Box 55071 No. 15530, Newnam & White Funeral and Mrs. Jelstrom was born in death by his Ward grandsons; and one grand- a loving wife of 40 years, moth- Boston, MA, 02205-5071 or Cremation Service, Southport. Bergen County, N.J., a daugh- parents and daughter. er and grandmother. She loved First Baptist Church of North ter of the late William and his oldest daughter, Julia Memorials may be made to spending time with her family Myrtle Beach Building Fund, William hiCkman Mary Burke Brennan. She was Carol Evans. Arnold P. Gold Foundation, and friends, helping others and 200 Hwy. 17 South, North William Trey Hickman, pre-deceased by two brothers, Survivors include his wife, 619 Palisades Ave., Englewood gardening. She was a mem- Myrtle Beach, SC 29582. 35, of Ocean Isle Beach, died William and Rodger Brennan. Sheila Stanaland Ward; three Cliffs, NJ 07632. ber of First Baptist Church of Arrangements by Lee Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010. Mrs. Jelstrom was a regis- daughters, Sheila Michelle North Myrtle Beach, S.C. Funeral Home & Crematory He was born in Wilmington, tered nurse. She was an avid Ward Mendoza of High Point, Wilton Woods She was born on Dec. 11, of Little River/North Myrtle on Sept. 25, 1975, a son of golfer and loved to play bridge Sarah Catherine Ward and Wilton Woods, of Shallotte, 1949, in Carthage, a daugh- Beach. William Albert “Billy” with the Brunswick Girls. She Starla Bethany Ward of the Complimentary Services FREE community briefs Cooks needed “Service with dependability, distinction and dignity.” people per booth. Awards will the event are now available. E- Hearing Test John W. Bennett and Arthalia Bennett Spaulding, Founders be given to the top winners in mail [email protected]. W. Ernest Shipman, President and Treasurer for cook-off Receive a FREE, no-obligation Teresa Gore-Burnett, Funeral Director/Offi ce Manager each of two categories: busi- Health officials hearing test from your Miracle-Ear® LIFE INSURANCE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS � •Standard •Pre-Need •Companion Plans The Brunswick County ness and individual. A cash hearing care consultant. Funeral Pre-Arrangement � No Medical Exam � 24-Hour Service � 7 Days a Week Chamber of Commerce is cur- prize will be awarded for the issue grades Shallotte Over 25 Years of Service rently seeking chefs in the area best stew, along with bragging 5211 S. Main St. 910.754.6242 5190 Ocean Hwy. W. for its third annual Brunswick rights for Brunswick County. Environmental health spe- (Brunsw7ic5k4 S-q2u6a8re4 V illage) 910.754.6244 NiFgahxt 9s 1901.07.5644.26.2044688 ShaPl.lOo.t tBeo, xN 2C6 2486459 stew cook-off on Feb. 5 at Planet Reserve a booth today. Entry cialists with the Brunswick Fun/Starz Grille in Shallotte. fee is $25, so act fast as spaces County Health Department Area restaurants, media mem- may fill up quickly. The dead- inspected and graded local bers, businesses, individuals line for applications is Jan. 17. restaurants and other food es- Thank You and nonprofits are invited to For more information, call the tablishments during the week participate in this event by Brunswick County Chamber of of Dec. 10-16 cooking their “best” Brunswick Commerce at 754-6644, ext. 104. Grades are based on a per- stew. Workshop, fect score of 100, with points Each contestant will be re- taken away for infractions quired to prepare 8 gallons of meeting planned of state health standards. A Many thanks to our Brunswick stew. Each serving score of 90 or better repre- of about 2 ounces will be served The Carolina Shores Board sents an A; 80-89, B; 70-79, C. patients young and in a 4-ounce cup. The stew must of Commissioners will con- Establishments with a score be cooked at your restaurant/ vene at its monthly pre-agenda below C would not be allowed young at heart for kitchen and transported to the meeting at 10 a.m. Monday, to operate. Establishments event site. Entrants must pro- Jan. 3, at town hall. which have two scores dur- allowing us to provide vide their own equipment to The board’s monthly meet- ing the same inspection pe- keep hot food hot and cold foods ing is scheduled for 3 p.m. riod have been regraded at the healthcare for cold. Electricity, burners, warm- Thursday, Jan. 6. management’s request. ers and coolers will not be pro- Copies of meeting agendas Establishments on the list you and your vided. are available through deputy with their grades are: The chamber will provide town clerk Nicole Marks. Restaurants: Bald Head family. cups, napkins and spoons, but Free class Island Clubhouse, Bald Head entrants must provide their Island, 96.5; Calabash Seafood own 10-by-10 tent, table, equip- reunion pictures Hut, Calabash, 98; Capt. Besh Wishes For A ment, presentation supplies, Pete’s Seafood Restaurant, banner (optional) and table Shallotte High School Class Holden Beach, 98.5; Captain Prosperous New Year! decorations. Entrants will be of ’58 recently had its reunion. allowed a maximum of three Free professional pictures of see COMMUNITY BRIEFS, 11a Jenny Todd December, 1970 H Lordy, Lordy A Horseback Riding Lessons Debbie Varnam P All Ages & Skill Levels MSN, FNP-BC, FAANP P Beginners Welcome Look who’s 40 English Lesson Horses Available Y Lighted Arena/Day & Evening Classes www.wonderlandfarm.net We love you! 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Calabash Fire Chief Randy Bork exits Capt. John's Seafood Calabash. Fire. Department is taking issue with the county's emergency radio system as well as re- their likeability or physi- Race is a major factor in workplace.
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