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Fire and rescue operations at Heathrow Airport PDF

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CAP 356 r - - <I ) �AP�b 1'13 l. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Firaen dr escoupee rations atH eathroAwi rport Repoorftt hweo rkipnagr ty LONDON: HER MAJESTY'SST ATIONERYO FFICE Pri£ce1 .80 net CAP 356 DEPARTMEONFTT RADEA N DI NDUSTRY Firaen dr escoupee rations followainna gi rcraacfcti dent atH eathroAwi rport Reporotft he worpkairntgy LONDO N :H E R MJAESTYS'TSA TOINERYO FFICE 1971 SBN 5I1I0 717 1 Conetnts page Liostfr ecommendations 1-6 ChapIt eGre neirnatlr oduction Origins 7 Reprnetsaetion 7 Workianrgr angements 7 Termosfr eefrence 7 WorkiPnagrf tiynn gdasin dpr ograecshsi eved 8 Itner-sceor-vioirncdaet ioenr-geepmnlcayn s 8 Poliacnycd o setfe fctiveness 10 Locatoifao cnc id'eonnot'r' off"a etrhoed rome I I ApplicoafWt oirokni Pnagrfi tnynd gis ottoha eerr odromes I I Repoorft tDheep artmCeonmtmailto tne eFS ierrev ice I I HeathArioprwo rt-Lnon:d o 12 Genedreaslc ription Chap2t eFri raenr de scue Itnroduction 14 Aerodromsee rfivriec e 14 Licensing 14 Function 14 Operatpiloannanli ng 14 Locaault hofirriet ys ervices 14 Staturteosrpiyob nislity 14 Traenrso ffc ommandr cartaa cfactii daetn tHse athrow 1 5 Operatrioolanetaa ilcr raafctc idaetHn etast hrow 15 Locaault hofirrisete yr vwiicteahse rodriontmh eesai rre a J6 Operataitao enrso drwoimtdehes p lefitreed services 1 6 Meanianngd eofffde cetp leftisereder vices 16 Poligcoyv ernriensgt roipcetreadt ions 17 Then eefdo gru idance 17 Resnpsoibfiolsric tnyd tihnBegA A/F00St' haee rodrome 17 Strenagntdh arocpae raotfai B oAnA /FaSt tendoaftnfhc ee of t8 aerodrome Strenagntdh duroafBt AiAo/nFa St tendaatdn ocmee sfitriecs 1 8 SitoifnB gA Afi rset ataitHo enast hrow 19 Presseintotef Bs A Af isrtea taitHoe nast hrow 19 BAA/FrSe spotnismteer ials 19 Possriebs-lieto iffin rgse t ations 20 Conclusion 20 Commaanndmd a npoo\\fet rhB eA A/FS 20 Equipment 21 '" page Geneorbaslae rtvion,) 21 Foaamn wda tleern ders 21 Hydrants 22 Monitors 22 Resctueen ders 22 Mannifonrg r ae �ctlelned er 24 Minoroiptiyno ifto hnBe r itAiisrhp oArutt:-.h ority 25 Grourneds cdueev ices 25 Training 26 General 26 Combienxeedr cises 26 Co-operaantdria ioclni atft'oircdseb dya irlcionmep anies 27 Techntircaailn ing 27 Conclusions 27 Chapr3 t eMediacnaadlm bulsaenrcvei ces Itnorduction 29 Respiobnistloip tryo vaimdbeau nlcmee,d iscearlv aincde s equipamtel neitnc saeedr odromes 29 Ambunlcaes 29 Othmeerd iscearlv aincedeq su ipment 29 Medicaamlb,u laanncdhe o spsietravlai vcaeisl aanbdtl hee,i r deployment 29 Mediacnaadlm bunlcasee rvaivcaeisl oantb hlaeee rodrome 29 HealCtohn tUrnoilLt o,n dBoonr ouogrHh i lgldionn 30 BritAiisrhp oAruttsh ority 30 AiCro rporaJtoiiMonentds i Scearlv ices 3 1 Departomre nTtra anddJe n dustry 3 1 Mediacnadl ambuslearnvaicvceae isl oaubtlsteih daeee rodrome3 1 Ambularncaciel ities 32 LondAomnb ulaSnecrev ice 32 SurrAemyb uanlce Service 32 BucgkhianmsAhmibruel aSnecrev ice 33 Hospiraticalilie ts 34 Designaantsdeu dp porhtoisnpgi tals 34 Hospimtaajlaosrc' c isdcehnetm es 34 Consideorfea mteirognea nrcrya ngements 35 Statistics 35 Mediacnadl ambuelqaunicpem ent 38 Stretchers 38 38 Blankets Plasbtaigcs 39 Ambulaanvcaei laabniadl" ietsys moerrn etq uirements 39 Usoe fo thveerh itcolt ersa nsipnojrustru erdv ivors 40 Hospiotraglasn'i sation 40 Conclusion 41 Attendaaton ffc-ea eroadcrcoimdee nts 4J Firasidt 42 'Unjiunrseduv'rivors 42 J-JeathErmoewr geOnrcdye -rSse ctFi on 43 Customsi mmaignrda tAiuotnh orities 43 Terminology 43 page Referriagtion 43 Traineixnegrc ises 44 Conclusions 44 ChaptePro lice 4 ftnroduction 45 Poldicuet ies 45 BAACI fnormatRiooonm 46 Conclusion 46 RendezPvooiuOnsft f icer 46 Conclusion 47 fnciOdffiecnetrr 'epsso nsibilities 47 Operatrieosnpiaolbn islities 47 Staturteosnrpsyoi ibeisl it 48 IcnideOnfficte rr'esq uirermroetmnh tes airline 48 Searfcohar n cdo lleocfpt aisosne nagseurasl/tcies 49 Vehifcolcreo sl lepcatsisnegn gers 49 Guidatnoac ienr elasin odt hoerrg anisations 50 Persoonnb so ard 50 Extinocftf liaosnlh iignohgntv se hicles 51 Identifiocfaa itrilpoiennr eso nnel 52 Morutarayn d probpueerarut y 52 Responiseiosbfp i ollibitacsese t ation 53 Conclusions 54 ChapteCro mmunications 5 Introduction 55 Thea lerstyisntge m 55 BAA/FnSo rsttha twiaotnc hroom 59 'On-airrapdocirootm 'm unications 59 'O-fafirpseorrvtci'oc memsu nications 61 Communicatihoonssp itwailthh 61 Conclusion 63 Incidencto mpmousnti cations 63 Conclusion 64 Othceorm municpartoibolne ms 64 ltiter-sceormvmiucnei cations 64 Commoenm,e rgecnocmym uniccahtainonne l 64 Conclusion 64 Multi-cmhoabninrleaelde iqou ipment 64 Conclusion 65 Termiongyo l 65 Communiceaxteirocniss e 65 Conclusions 65 Chap6t eRre ndezpvooiunst s Introduction 66 RVPo perat'ioontn'has ee rodrome 66 The nfeoeardn fdu nctionRsV Po f an 66 v ." page M inimuamr eaan sdu arcfceo ndirteiqouniasrt R eVdsP 66 Numebro nldo caotfie oxni sotnidpn rgo poRsVesPda tH eathro6w7 Idnciatainnrdgo ute-marking 69 ChangtihnRegV Ps eleicntte hiden ailmt eissage 69 Guieds afsosre mabnlddye porptruorcee dures 71 Commucnaitions 71 Telephones 71 Radiom ucnOillclations 72 Idenctaitifiooft nh ReV PO fficer 72 RVPo perat'iofTot'nha see rodrome 72 FirBer igoapdeer otions 72 MetropoPloiltioacpnee rations 72 Iednitciaftoifao cnc idleoncla tions 72 Systoefmi sd einctaitfions 73 Systuesmesod rr equibryte hdee m ergeniccye ss en 73 Conclusions 74 Appendices AppenId iTxe rmosfr eefrenacnegd u idannoctee ') 75 Appen2d iMxe mberosfhW iopr kiPnogr ty 77 Appen3d iCxo peyx tmfcrtosam L ocAault ohriEtmye rgency ServPilcaen 80 Appen4d iCxo pCy\ trfarcottmsh Reep orot[t hDee partlllellta' CommillteheFe i rSee rll(iCcem n4d73.1 ) 89 011 Appen5d iCxo peyx trfarcotSmse ctViIoo nfC AP1 86 (SecEodnid t1i7o91n), 92 Appen6d iCxo py OoAfTM emoranNdou.1m / 7109 95 Appen7d iP,l avni eowfH eaotwhAr irport-London 97 Appen8d ,Cxo py Soefc tViIooInfC AP1 86 (SecoEndidio tn17,9 1 ) 98 Appen9d iLxi osfts upporhtoisnpgi tals lOO Appen1d0iC xo peyx trforcotWmse sMtid del",1 0IspiMtaajlo,r AccidSecnhte me 101 Appen1di1Cxo poyf emerignesntcryu icstsiuoeAndCsJ MbyS toi tu&n iattHs c athrow 104 Appen1d2iL xi osfta s'-,i�ftraonomct ehs eerr vaincode rsg anisations, \\ hicmha yb er eqeudib yrt hPeo lIincec idOfefincte r 108 Appen1d3iL, i osfto ctitoankb eynt hBer itAiisrhp oAruttsh ority atH eolt1la"s0 r\\a e soufl ttR heep oornt the Accidteon tB o7e0i7Gn -gA RWE 109 Acknowledgement� II I LisotfR eocmmendaotnis -indictahtabetyts h tei emo fo ur fmieneatili nnM ga y1 971 actihoanbd e etna kbeynt he autohroo rrgiatnyi sation concerned. ParagrPaapghe RecommenNdoa.t ion I Thatth BeA As eutspa tH eatharS otwa ndCionmgm illeIIe 10 witrhe pernetsaftriootmnh oet haeurht orities or organisiantvioolnvksee det,ph et oe mearrgreanncgye ments undreerv iaenwtd o p rovaif docea plo ifnotdr e alwiintgh suggesotrci rointsi cisms. Thatth BeA A insatp irtoucteewdshu irrceeh q utihree s 42 18 ATe WaStucephr viosnod ru,tw yh eann a icrraafctc ident occuorust stihdaeee rodrboomuen dariyn,f otrthmoBe A A FirSee niocfte h e occaunridr telsnoc cea tion. 3- Thatth e BFAiArS ee rvciocnet itnoau lelsea nidr craft4 5 18 accidoecnctusr,r iitnhtgih ne aerboodurnodmwaeir tyh, \\ alalv ailaapbpllei afnoacrce csi;d oecnctusrb reiynogn d thbeo undaanrtdyh outgohb etl ocantoemtdo rteh an 2m .iiferso tmh e aipreproirmrteo taetdrh, e attendance shounlodet x ce5e0pd e cre notft hmee dibae;y o2nm di les noa utomatic allebnem daadnaecl octu hgsahhtt,o huel d discroeft itBohAneA F irSee rvOinciec erh-airngo-enC,e applimaanybc eed espaticnrh eesdp otnoas r ee qufersotm the acsciiftdoreet netc hnaidcvaiolcrf e o sru ppwoirtth speciaelqiusiepdm ent. 4- Th.tth BeA A FSiernie c aet teanlcdlas l tlofis r eosc curr4i6n g 19 ina erodrboumlfeku eiln slalilnUla iiortncp sra,arf koend aproonris nh angaArlesln.dn acseh ouble"d i tahl l the availaapbiplalen ciens fitrh�ietn stdaunteco et hnea tuorfe thefisreea sn dt hrei t�hke pyr esteoon pte raatitto hnes aerodraonmbdee ,c aoufst eh e sepqecuiiaplwm heintcthh e BAAF irSee rvhiacasev ailable. 5- Thatth e BFAiArS ee rvmiackee psr edetearlmlienne-d4 6 19 a danfcoecr a ltloas lo lt hfeirri ensv olpvrienmgit seecsh,n ical instalolrsa ttriuuorcneotssrf ori ncidwehnetprsee r sons arken owonra rteh outgobh et raitsT kh.iw si nlolr mally beo naep plicaanpcaeob flf ei re-fiogphetriantTgih oen s. deciisinro ens poefac nta dditaitotneanldi anrn ecsep onse toam essaget hfiern ocmi sdheanblteal tt he disocfr etion thBeA AF irSee rvice Officehra-viinrn-egCg hatarord g e, the antaitctiepnadatanenddc er estpiomonefts heLe o ndon FirBer igade. 6- Thatth BeA AF irSee rvciocnet itnoiu nefso trhme Air4 6 19 TraffiCco ntirfot,lh rotuhgdehi schoafer xgtei nguishing Recommendatio1n s RecommenNdoa.t ion ParagraPpahge medioar r ora nyo therre asotnh,ea vailasbtlree ngortt hh e Servidcreo ps by ortm woor ec ategorini teesr mosf t he sC�lsleeot u ti nS ectiVoIno ft hel icensdioncgu ment CAP1 86. 7' Thatt heB AA FirSee rvimcaek easv ailaJbulnei oOrffic ers 54 21 ora gradneo tl estsh aSne citonL eadewri trhe sponsibility rort hec onducotrp artosr t hef iregrooupnedr atiaotn s ana ircraacfct idelneta,v itnhgeO fficer-in-Chea orftg he overlalat tendanucseu,a lalnyA erodromFei rOeffi cer 1,1 Grade tod ireacltpl h aseosrt heo peration. 8 64 24 Thatu nleas rse scutee ndcera nb ep rovidwehdi cmhe ets ther ecommendreeds ponlsiem teo a ll paofr tsta heer o- dromefr olloln ef ir�el alitohne.B AA proviad reess cue tendeirne achfi res tatiaotnH e athrow. 9 67 24 Thati ft hel wor escutee nderresc ommendfeodrH eathrow arep rovideeadc,hs houlbde m annebdy a two-marne scue I tcalO1n1c. ohfe s er esculee ndesrhso uladl scoa rrtyh e Officer-in-Choarrt gheeW atchI.ro nloyn er escutee ndeirs availabbolteht, w o-marne scucer ewssh oulrdi dteh is appliance. 10 69 26 Thatt heD epatrmenotr T radaen dI ndusternys urtehsa t researbcehc ontinueidmp rtoov aei rcreasfcta pe equipmeanntd,a studbye m adeo ft hen eedf ora.n dd esign of,a groundde victeof acliitaetvea cuation. I I 75 27 Thatt heD eparmtento rT radaen dI ndustprryo vides 3 4 shortceoru rsepsr,o babllays tintgo dayss,p ecifically forp oliacned l ocaalu thorfiirteay n da mbulnacep ersonnel, ata na ttacrtifveee\ \ h icrhe cognitsheastt h esceo ursweisl l consio�fll ecurteasn dd iscussbiuotns wililn vnooltv e participiant ifoeinxr eer cises. 1'2 50 106 38 Thatt heB AA holdas r eserovre Furlesyt rteche(rosr 30 theimro derne quivalaenndt )c arriyngca nvasweist h 6 pairosrc arri)n gp oles. I3 106 38 Thatt heD epartmenotrT radaen dI ndustarmye nds 5 VII�I VII Scaleo rT able orS ection ort hen ewL icensing (CA1P86 ) Document tor equiar mei nimuhmo ldionrg 80 50 30 strehtecrcso mprisinFgu rletyy paen d carrying 6 canvasweist h pairosfp oles. 1'4 Thatt heB AA hold3s0 0bl ankeotnts h ee mergency 107 38 mediceaqlu ipme\n-te hiclc. 108 39 I 5 Thatf urtheenrq uiarnyd r esearicnht ao m ores uitable ande conomibcaaglt oc ontacionr psbcesm adeb yt hose direcctolnyc ernWehde.n a sourcoers uitabbalges is founds,o mes houlbdea cquirTehde.r ies h,o wevear , divisoifor ne spnosibiilnivtloyv ebde cauasier ctra acfcidents mayo ccubro tho na ndo fft hea erodromAcc.co ridngltyh e Rf!l'Ollll1lell(/aliOlH 2

DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND I NDUSTRY. Fire and rescue operations following an aircraft accident at Heathrow Airport. Report of the working party.
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