FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES FOR BOUSSINESQ TYPE EQUATIONS DENYSDUTYKH∗,THEODOROSKATSAOUNIS,ANDDIMITRIOSMITSOTAKIS Abstract. Finite volume schemes are commonly used to construct approximate solutions to conservation laws. In this study we extend the framework of the finite volume methods to dispersive water wave models, in particular to Boussinesq type systems. We focus mainly on 1 the application of the method to bidirectional nonlinear, dispersive wave propagation in one 1 spacedimension. Specialemphasisisgiventoimportantnonlinearphenomenasuchassolitary 0 wavesinteractions. 2 n a J 0 1. Introduction 1 The simulation of water waves in realistic and complex environments is a very challenging ] problem. Most of the applications arise from the areas of coastal and naval engineering, but also h fromnaturalhazardsassessment. In this workwe will study numerically bidirectionalwater wave p - models. Specifically, we consider the following family of Boussinesq type systems of water wave s theory, introduced in [4], written in nondimensional, unscaled variables s a l η +u +(ηu) +au bη =0, c t x x xxx− xxt (1.1) . u +η +uu +cη du =0, s t x x xxx− xxt c i where a, b, c, d R, η =η(x,t), u=u(x,t) are real functions defined for x R and t 0. s ∈ ∈ ≥ y h a= 1(θ2 1)ν, b= 1(θ2 1)(1 ν), c= 1(1 θ2)µ, d= 1(1 θ2)(1 µ), p 2 − 3 2 − 3 − 2 − 2 − − [ where 0 θ 1 and µ,ν R. 1 ≤ ≤ ∈ Finite volume method is well knownfor its accuracy,efficiency and robustnessfor approximat- v ing solutions to conservation laws and in particular to nonlinear shallow water equations. The 8 2 aforementioned bidirectional models (1.1) are rewritten in a conservative form and discretization 7 by the finite volume method follows. Three different numerical fluxes are employed 1 . a simple average flux (m-scheme), 1 • a central flux, (KT-scheme) [16, 14], as a representative of central schemes, 0 • a characteristic flux (CF-scheme), as a representative of the linearized Riemann solvers, 1 • 1 [10]. : v along with TVD, UNO and WENO reconstruction techniques, [18, 12, 15]. Time discretization i is based on Runge-Kutta (RK) methods which preserve the total variation diminishing (TVD) X property of the finite volume scheme, [17]. We use explicit RK methods since we work with BBM r a type systems (1.1) and not with KdV equation which is well known to be notoriously stiff. The present text is organized as follows. In Section 1 we present the mathematical model under consideration and the context of this study. Then, Section 2 contains a brief description of various numerical schemes we implemented. Accuracy tests and several numerical results on head-on collision of solitary waves are presented in Section 3. Finally, some conclusions of this study are outlined in Section 4. Keywords and phrases. finitevolumemethod; dispersivewaves;solitarywaves;runup;waterwaves. ∗ Correspondingauthor. 1 2 D.DUTYKH,T.KATSAOUNIS,ANDD.MITSOTAKIS 2. Numerical schemes In the present section we generalize the finite volume method to systems (1.1) of dispersive PDEs. Boussinesq system (1.1) can be rewritten in a conservative like form as follows: (I D)v +[F(v)] +[G(v)] =0, (2.1) − t x x where v = (η,u)T, F(v) = ((1+η)u,η+ 1u2)T, G(v) =(au ,cη ), and D= diag(b∂2,d∂2). 2 xx xx x x The simplest discretization is based on the averagefluxes m for F and m for G. For the other F G two choices of the numerical flux the evaluation of Jacobian is needed. Let A denotes the F Jacobian of F, then u 1+η A= , 1 u (cid:18) (cid:19) with eigenvalues λ = u √1+η, i = 1,2. It is readily seen, since F is a hyperbolic flux, that i ± A can be decomposed as A=LΛR thus for the characteristic flux CF we have with µ= W+V, F 2 s =sign(λ ), i=1,2 i i 1(s +s ) 1√1+µ (s s ) (W,V)= 2 1 2 2 1 1− 2 . A (cid:18) 2s√11−+sµ21 12(s1+s2) (cid:19) Forevaluatingthenumericalfluxes , simple cellaveragesorhigherorderapproximationssuch F G as UNO2 or WENO can be used. For more details we refer to our original researcharticle [9]. Remark 1. The discretization of the elliptic operator D is based on the standard centered dif- ference. This is a second order accurate approximation and it is compatible with the TVD2 and UNO2 reconstructions. For higher order interpolation we need to modify the elliptic and flux dis- cretization to match the reconstruction’s order of approximation. Indeed, the finite volume scheme is modified as d V +10V +V V 2V +V +10 + i 1 i i+1 i+1 i i 1 i 1 i i+1 − (b,d) − − + H− H H =0 dt 12 − ∆x2 12 (cid:20) (cid:21) where = 1 ( )+ 1 ( ), is a fourth order accurate approximation. Hi ∆x Fi+12 −Fi−21 ∆x Gi+21 −Gi−21 Remark 2. In thesequelfor thediscretization ofthedispersive termGweusemainly theaverage numericalfluxGm definedas Gim+12 =(a,c)Yi+2Yi+1, where Yi = Vi+1−∆2Vx2i+Vi−1. In caseof higher order WENO reconstructions we use the average numerical flux based on the reconstructed values of Y i.e. the flux lm = (a,c)YiL+12+YiR+21, where YL and YR are reconstructed values of i Gi+21 2 i+12 i+12 Y . i 2.0.1. Boundary conditions. InthecaseofBona-Smithtypesystemswithflatbottomweconsider herein only the initial-periodic boundary value problem which is known to be well-posed [1]. 3. Numerical results FortheBoussinesqsystem(1.1)wepresentfirstresultsdemonstratingtheaccuracyofthefinite volume scheme. Then, we study interaction of solitary waves. 3.1. Accuracy test, validation. We consider the initial value problem with periodic boundary conditionsfortheBona-Smithsystemswithknownsolitarywavesolutions[7]tostudytheaccuracy of the finite volume method: η(ξ)=η sech2(λξ), 0 u(ξ)=Bη(ξ), with η0 = 29 · θ12−−7θ/29, cs = √2(14−(θθ22−)(2θ/23−)1/3), λ= 12 (θ2 31(/θ32−)(7θ/29)2/3), B = 2θ(21−1θ/23). − − − q q FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES FOR BOUSSINESQ TYPE EQUATIONS 3 (a) AverageFlux (b) TVD2MinMod ∆x Rate(E2) Rate(E ) ∆x Rate(E2) Rate(E ) h h∞ h h∞ 0.5 1.910 1.978 0.5 2.042 2.032 0.25 1.910 1.954 0.25 2.033 2.029 0.125 1.923 1.937 0.125 2.026 2.023 0.0625 1.936 1.941 0.0625 2.021 2.019 0.03125 1.946 1.948 0.03125 2.017 2.016 Table 1. Rates of convergence. 0.51 1.5 0.5 1.45 0.49 1.4 ∞0.48 1.35 kh, I1h U k0.47 1.3 0.46 1.25 0.45 CF−UNO2 1.2 CF−UNO2 CF−TVD2 CF−TVD2 average average 0.440 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1.150 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 t t (a) Evolutionofη amplitude (b) EvolutionofI1h Figure 1. Preservation of the solitary wave amplitude and conservation of the invariant Ih: Gm flux with Minmod limiter 1 We fix θ2 = 8/10 in the system and an analytic solitary wave of amplitude η = 1/2 is used as 0 the exact solution in [ 50,50] computed up to T = 100. The error is measured with respect to − discrete L2 and L norms, namely we use: ∞ 1/2 E2(k)= Uk / U0 , Uk = ∆xUk 2 , h k kh k kh k kh | i | ! i X E (k)= Uk / U0 , Uk =max Uk , h∞ k kh,∞ k kh,∞ k kh,∞ i | i | where Uk = Uk denotes the solution of the fully-discrete scheme at the time tk = k∆t. The { i }i expectedtheoreticalorderofconvergencewasconfirmedforallfinitevolumemethodswepresented above. TwoindicativecasesarereportedinTable1fortheaveragefluxandTVD2implementation with MinMod limiter. We also check the preservation of the invariant I (t) = (η2(x,t) + (1 + η(x,t))u2(x,t) 1 R − cη2(x,t) au2(x,t))dx by computing its discrete counterpart: x − x R η η 2 u u 2 Ih = ∆x η2+[(1+η )u ]2 c i+1− i a i+1− i , (3.1) 1 i i i i − (cid:20) ∆x (cid:21) − (cid:20) ∆x (cid:21) ! X aswellasthediscretemassIh =∆x η . Figure1showstheevolutionoftheamplitudeandthe 0 i i invariantIh ofthesolitarywaveuptoT =200. Thecomparisonofvariousmethods isperformed. 1 P We observe that the UNO2 reconstruction is more accurate while KT and the CF schemes show comparable performance. We note that the invariant Ih = 1.932183566158 conserved the digits 0 shown for all numerical schemes. In this experiment we took ∆x=0.1, ∆t=∆x/2. 4 D.DUTYKH,T.KATSAOUNIS,ANDD.MITSOTAKIS (a) Bona-Smith (b) BBM-BBM Ih Ih 1 1 m-flux 0.000944236 m-flux 0.00092793 UNO2 0.00094423 UNO2 0.00092793 TVD2 0.00094 TVD2 0.00092 WENO3 0.00094423 WENO3 0.00092793 Table 2. Preservation of the invariant Ih. 1 3.2. Head-oncollisions. Thehead-oncollisionoftwocounter-propagatingsolitarywavesischar- acterizedby the changeof the shape along with a small phase-shift ofthe wavesas a consequence of the nonlinearity and dispersion. These effects have been studied extensively before by numer- ical means using high order numerical methods such as finite differences, [3], spectral and finite element methods [2] and experimentally in [8]. In Figure 2 we present the numerical solutions of the BBM-BBM system and the Bona-Smith system with θ2 =9/11 (in dimensional and unscaled variables)alongwiththe experimentaldatafrom[8]. Thespatialvariableis expressedincentime- ters while the time inseconds. The solutionswereobtainedusing the CF-scheme withUNO2 and WENO3reconstructionusing∆x=0.05cmand∆t=0.01s. Forthis experimentweconstructed solitary waves for Boussinesq systems by solving the respective o.d.e’s system in the spirit of [5] such that they fit to experimentally generated solitary waves before the collision. The speeds of the right and left-traveling solitary waves are c =0.854 m/s and c =0.752 m/s respectively. r,s l,s We observethatBoussinesqmodelsconvergeto the samenumericalsolutionwithallnumerical schemes we tested. A very good agreement with the experimental data is observed. The discrete mass for the Bona-Smith system is Ih = 0.0059904310418 and for the BBM-BMM system is 0 Ih =0.0059199389479for all fluxes and reconstructionsused. The variancesin Ih are mainly due 0 1 to different types of reconstruction and not to the choice of numerical fluxes. In Table 2 these values are reported. 4. Conclusions Initially, the finite volume method was proposed by S. Godunov [11] to compute approximate solutions to hyperbolic conservation laws. In the present study we made a further attempt to generalizethismethodtotheframeworkofdispersivePDEs. Thistypeofequationsarisesnaturally in many physical problems. In the water wave theory dispersive equations have been well known since the pioneering work of J. Boussinesq [6] and Korteweg-de Vries [13]. Currently, the so- calledBoussinesq-typemodelsbecomemoreandmorepopularasanoperationalmodelforcoastal hydrodynamics and other fields of engineering. We extend the finite volume framework to dispersive models. We tested several choices of nu- merical fluxes (average, Kurganov-Tadmor,characteristic), various reconstruction methods rang- ing from classical (TVD2, UNO2) to modern approaches (WENO3, WENO5). Various choices of limiters have been also tested out. Advantages of specific methods are discussed and some recommendations are outlined. Acknowledgment D. Dutykh acknowledges the support from French Agence Nationale de la Recherche, project MathOcean (Grant ANR-08-BLAN-0301-01)and Ulysses Programof the French Ministry of For- eignAffairsundertheproject23725ZA.TheworkofTh.KatsaouniswaspartiallysupportedbyEu- ropeanUnionFP7programCapacities(Regpot2009-1),throughACMAC( The work of D. Mitsotakis was supported by Marie Curie Fellowship No. PIEF-GA-2008-219399 oftheEuropeanCommission. WewouldliketothankalsoProfessorsDianeHendersonandCostas Synolakis for providing us their experimental data and Profs Jerry Bona and Vassilios Dougalis for very helpful discussions. FINITE VOLUME SCHEMES FOR BOUSSINESQ TYPE EQUATIONS 5 3 3 Bona−Smith θ2=9/11 Bona−Smith θ2=9/11 BBM−BBM BBM−BBM 2.5 Experimental data 2.5 Experimental data 2 2 1.5 1.5 η η 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0−.350 0 −200 −100 x0 100 200 300 −0−.350 0 −200 −100 x0 100 200 300 (a) t=18.29993s (b) t=18.80067s 3 3 Bona−Smith θ2=9/11 Bona−Smith θ2=9/11 BBM−BBM BBM−BBM 2.5 Experimental data 2.5 Experimental data 2 2 1.5 1.5 η η 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0−.350 0 −200 −100 x0 100 200 300 −0−.350 0 −200 −100 x0 100 200 300 (c) t=19.00956s (d) t=19.15087s 3 3 Bona−Smith θ2=9/11 Bona−Smith θ2=9/11 BBM−BBM BBM−BBM 2.5 Experimental data 2.5 Experimental data 2 2 1.5 1.5 η η 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0−.350 0 −200 −100 x0 100 200 300 −0−.350 0 −200 −100 x0 100 200 300 (e) t=19.19388s (f) t=19.32904s Figure 2. 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