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FINITE QUOTIENTS OF GROUPS OF I-TYPE FABIENNECHOURAQUIANDEDDYGODELLE 3 1 Abstract. ToeverygroupofI-type,weassociateafinitequotientgroupthatplaysthe 0 rolethatCoxetergroupsplayforArtin-Titsgroups. SincegroupsofI-typeareexamples 2 ofGarsidegroups,thisanswersaquestionofD.Bessisintheparticularcaseofgroupsof I-type. GroupsofI-typearerelatedtofinitesettheoreticalsolutionsoftheYang-Baxter n equation. a J 6 1 AMS Subject Classification: 16T25,20F36. Keywords: Set-theoretical solution of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation; Garside groups. ] R Introduction G The motivation that led to develop Garside group theory at the end of the 1990’s [7] or, . h morerecently,todevelopGarsidefamilytheory[6]wastoextractthemainideasofGarside’s t theory of braids [10] and to provide a general framework that can be used to understand a m the algebraic structure of other groups or, more generally, categories. This approach led to many developpments in the last decade and it turns out that most of the main objects [ that appear in the context ofbraidgroupscanbe generalizedto Garside theoryframework. 1 Braid groups are nicely related to symmetric groups. More precisely, the symmetric group v on n elements is a quotient of the braid group on n strands. Tits [15] extends this result 7 0 by associating a so-called Artin-Tits group to each Coxeter group, so that the latter is a 7 quotientoftheformer. Braidgroupsand,moregenerally,Artin-Titsgroupsassociatedwith 3 finite Coxeter groups are seminal examples of Garside groups. Moreover, Coxeter group . 1 theory is a crutial tool for the study of Artin-Tits groups. Therefore, a natural problem, 0 which was addressed by Bessis in [1], is to decide which Garside groups can be associated 3 anobject(a generating generated group)thatplaysthe rolethatthe symmetric groupplays 1 for the braid group (see Section 1.3 for definitions and a precise question). At the present : v time, this question remains widely open, even if partial results exist (see [1]). One attempt i to study this question is to consider particular families of Garside groups. In [2], the first X author hasshownthatYang-Baxtertheoryprovidesa largefamily ofGarside groups. More r a precisely, in [9], Etingof, Soloviev and Schedler associate a group called the structure group toeachnon-degenerateandsymmetricset-theoreticalsolutionofthe Yang-Baxterequation. It turns out that, firstly, these groups are the so-called groups of I-type [12, 13], in other wordstheyarethegroupsoffractionsofmonoidsthatpossessapresentationofaparticular type (see Theorem 1.4 below) and, secondly, that these associated monoids are Garside monoids [2]. In particular, structure groups are Garside groups. In the present paper we addressthequestionofassociatingtoeachstructuregroup,afinitegroupthatplaystherole that Coxeter groups play for Artin-Tits groups. One should remark that structure groups are Abelian-by-Finite [13, Cor.2.4]. So, a naive attempt to answer this question could be to consider the finite quotient group provided by the Abelian-by-Finite structure. However it is easy to verify that this approach does not work (see Section 2). We provide a positive Date:January17,2013. BothauthorsarepartiallysupportedbytheAgence Nationale de la Recherche(projet Th´eorie de Garside, ANR-08-BLAN-0269-03). ThefirstauthorwassupportedbytheIsraelScienceFoundation(n0 580/07)and alsopartiallysupportedbytheAffdu-Elsevierfellowship. 1 2 FABIENNECHOURAQUIANDEDDYGODELLE answer for every structure group. Under an extra technical property, denoted by (C), we obtain a presentation of the finite quotient. Let us postpone some definitions to Section 1 and state the main result of the paper: Theorem. (Corollary 2.10 and Propositions 3.3 and 3.8) Let (X,S) be a set theoretical solution of the Yang-Baxter. Denote by n the cardinality of X, by G(X,S) its structure group and by M(X,S) its associated Garside monoid. Then (1) There is a finite quotient W(X,S) of G(X,S) that is a generating generated group for M(X,S). (2)IfM(X,S)verifiesProperty(C),thenW(X,S)isageneratinggeneratedsectionforM(X,S). The order of W(X,S) is 2n and there is an exact sequence (0.1) 1→N(X,S)→G(X,S)→W(X,S)→1 where N(X,S) is a free Abelian group of rank n. The paper is organised as it follows. In Section 1, we introduce the background that we shallneed. WerecallthenotionofaGarsidegroup,theYang-Baxterequation,thestructure group of a set theoretical solution, and the generating group method. In Section 2, we define the group W(X,S) and prove Corollary 2.10. In Section 3, we focus on the special casewhere M(X,S)verifiesProperty(C). We providea presentationfo W(X,S)andprove Propositions 3.3. and 3.8. 1. Background In this section, we introduce the backgroundthat we need. We start with the definitions ofa Garside group andofaGarside monoid. Then, we introducethose Garsidegroupsthat ariseasstructuregroups, inotherwordsasgroupsofI-type,andrecallhowthey arerelated to the Yang-Baxter equation. Finally, we recall the crutial notion for our study, that is the generating group method. 1.1. Garside monoids. Here, we recall some basic material on Garside theory, and refer to [5], [6] for more details. We start with some preliminaries. If M is a monoid generated by a set X, and if g ∈ M is the image of the word w by the canonical morphism from the free monoid on X onto M, then we say that w represents g or, equivalently, that w is a word repesentative of g. A monoid M is cancellative if for every e,f,g,h in M, the equality efg =ehg implies f =h. The element f is a left divisor (resp. a right divisor) of g if there is an element h in M such that g =fh (resp. g =hf). It is left noetherian (resp. right noetherian) if everysequence (gn)n∈N of elements ofM suchthatgn+1 is a leftdivisor (resp. a rightdivisor)ofg stabilizes. Itis noetherianifitis bothleft andrightnoetherian. n An element ∆ is said to be balanced if it has the same set of right and left divisors. In this case, we denote by D(∆) its set of divisors. If M is a cancellative and noetherian monoid, then left and right divisibilities are partial orders on M. Definition 1.1. (1)Alocally Garside monoid isacancellativenoetherianmonoidsuchthat (a) anytwoelementshaveacommonmultipleforleft-divisibilityifandonlyiftheyhave a least common multiple for left-divisibility; (b) any two elements have a common multiple for right-divisibility if and only if they have a least common multiple for right-divisibility. (2) A Garside element of a locally Garside monoid is a balanced element ∆ whose set of divisorsD(∆) generatesthe whole monoid. Inthis case,D(∆) is calleda Garside family of M. (3) A monoid is a Garside monoid if it is a locally Garside monoid with a Garside element whose set of divisors D(∆) is finite. (4)A(locally)Garsidegroup G(M)istheenvelopinggroupofa(locally)GarsidemonoidM. FINITE QUOTIENTS OF GROUPS OF I-TYPE 3 Garside groups have been first introduced in [7]. The seminal examples are the spherical type Artin-Tits groups. We refer to [8] for general results on locally Garside groups. Recall that an element g 6= 1 in a monoid is called an atom if the equality g = fh implies f = 1 or h = 1. It follows from the definining properties of a Garside monoid that the following properties hold for a Garside monoid M: The monoid M is generated by its set of atoms, and every atom divides the Garside elements. there is no invertible element, except the trivial one, and any two elements in M have a left (resp. right) gcd and a left (resp. right) lcm; in particular, M verifies the Ore’s conditions, so it embeds in its groupof fractions [4]; in the sequel we will always consider M as a submonoid of its group of fractions. The left and right gcd of two Garside elements are Garside elements and coincide; therefore, by the noetherianitypropertythereexistsauniqueminimalGarsideelementforbothleftandright divisibilities. This element ∆ will be called the Garside element of the monoid and the set D(∆) will be called the Garside family of M, and the elements of D(∆) will be called the simple elementsofM. Finallyitisimportanttonoticethatif∆isabalancedelementthen, D(∆) is closed under factors: if fgh belongs to D(∆), then f,g and h belong to D(∆). 1.2. Set theoretical solution of the Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation. Here, we introducebasicnotionsrelatedtotheQuantumYang-BaxterEquationandthemainobjects of our study, that is, structure groups. We follow [9] and refer to it for more details. Fix a finite dimensional vector space V on the field R. The Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation on V is the equality (1.1) R12R13R23 =R23R13R12 oflineartransformationsonV⊗V⊗V wheretheindeterminateisalineartransformationR: V ⊗V →V ⊗V, and Rij means R acting on the ith and jth components. A set-theoretical solution ofthisequationisapair(X,S)suchthatX isabasisforV,andS :X×X →X×X is a bijective map that induces a solution R of the QYBE. Following [9], we introduce the convenient functions g :X →X and f :X →X for x in X by setting x x (1.2) S(x,y)=(g (y),f (x)). x y The pair (X,S) is said to be nondegenerate if for any x ∈ X, the maps f and g are x x bijections. It is said to be symmetric if it is involutive, that is S ◦S = Id , and braided, X thatisS12S23S12 =S23S12S23,wherethemapSii+1 meansS actingontheithand(i+1)th components of X3. Definition 1.2. Assume (X,S) is non-degenerate and symmetric. The structure group of (X,S) is defined to be the group G(X,S) with the following group presentation: (1.3) hX | xy =g (y)f (x) ; x,y ∈X, S(x,y)6=(x,y)i. x y Since the maps g are bijective and S is involutive, one can deduce that for each x in x X there are unique y and z such that S(x,y) = (x,y) and S(z,x) = (z,x). Therefore, the presentation of G(X,S) contains n(n−1) non-trivial relations. In the sequel, we denote by 2 M(X,S)themonoiddefinedbythemonoidpresentation(1.3). Inparticular,G(X,S)isthe enveloping group of M(X,S). Let α:X×X →X×X be defined by α(x,y)=(y,x), andlet R=α◦S. The mapR is the so-called R-matrix corresponding to S. Etingof, Soloviev and Schedler show in [9] that (X,S) is a braided pair if and only if R satisfies the QYBE. A solution (X,S) is said to be trivial if the maps f and g are the identity on X for all x∈X, that is if S is the map α x x defined above. TheconnectionbetweensettheoreticalsolutionsoftheYang-BaxterequationandGarside groups has been established by the first author. Before stating it, let us recall the following definition: 4 FABIENNECHOURAQUIANDEDDYGODELLE Definition 1.3. A monoid M is a monoid of I-type if it admits a finite monoid presenta- tion hX |Ri such that: (a) the cardinalityofRis n(n−1)/2,where nis the cardinalityofX,andeachrelation in R is of the type xy =zt with x,y,z,t∈X; (b) every word xy, with x,y in X, appears at most once in R. Actually this isnotthe initialdefinitionofamonoidofI-typebut the onegivenherehas been shown to be equivalent to the initial one. We will say that a group is of I-type if and only if it is the envelopping group of a monoid of I-type. The above presentation will be called a presentation of I-type. Theorem 1.4. (1) [12, 13] Let G be a group. Then, the group G is of I-type if and only if G is a structure group. More precisely, (a) if(X,S)isanon-degeneratesymmetricset-theoreticalsolution(X,S),thenM(X,S) is a monoid of I-type and the presentation (1.3) is a presentation of I-type; (b) assume M is a Garside monoid that admits a presentation hX | Ri of I-type, then there exists a map S : X × X → X × X such that (X,S) is a non-degenerate symmetric set-theoretical solution. Moreover, the presentation in (1.3) is hX | Ri. In particular M(X,S)=M. (2) [2] For every non-degenerate symmetric set-theoretical solution (X,S), the structure group G(X,S) is a Garside group, whose Garside monoid is M(X,S). Moreover, the atom set of the monoid M is X, and the Garside element is both the left lcm and the right lcm of X. As explained in Section 1.1, in the sequel M(X,S) (can and) will be identified with the submonoid of G(X,S) generated by X. Example 1.5. Set X ={x ,x ,x ,x }, and let S :X ×X →X ×X defined by S(x ,x )= 1 2 3 4 i j (x ,x ) where g and f are permutations on {1,2,3,4} as follows: g = (2,3), g = gi(j) fj(i) i j 1 2 (1,4), g = (1,2,4,3), g = (1,3,4,2); f = (2,4), f = (1,3), f = (1,4,3,2), f = 3 4 1 2 3 4 (1,2,3,4). Adirectanalysisshowsthat(X,S)isanon-degeneratesymmetricsettheoretical solution. The defining presentation of G(X,S) contains six non trivial relations x x =x2; x x =x x ; x x =x2; 1 2 3 1 3 2 4 2 1 4 x x =x x ; x x =x x ; x x =x x 2 3 3 1 1 4 4 2 3 2 4 1 and four trivial relations. 1.3. The generated group method. We turn now to the notion of a generating finite group of a monoid. We almost follow [1] (see also [14]). Let W be a group equiped with a set X that generates W as a monoid. The pair (W,X) will be called a generated group. We define the length ℓ (w) of an element w in W as the minimal length of a word on X X that represents w. A reduced expression of an element w in W is a word representative x x ···x on X such that ℓ (w)=k. When w ,w ,w belong to W such that w =w w 1 2 k X 1 2 3 1 2 3 with ℓ(w ) = ℓ(w )+ℓ(w ), we say that w and w are a left X-factor and a right X- 1 2 3 2 3 factor of w , respectively. Because of the condition on the length in the definition of a left 1 X-factor, the relation “w is a left X-factor of h” is a partial order on W. Similarly, the notion of a right X-factor induces a partial order on W, too. We say that an element w in W is X-balanced if its sets of left X-factors and right X-factors coincide. In this case, we denote this set by D (w). Now,for everyX-balancedelementw in W, andgivena copy X {v,v ∈D (w)} of D (w), we define a monoid M by the following monoid presentation: X X w,X vv′ =v′′ (1.4) v,v ∈D (w)|vv′ =v′′ when v,v′,v′′ ∈D (w), . X X ℓ (v)+ℓ (v′)=ℓ (v′′) (cid:28) (cid:26) X X X (cid:29) FINITE QUOTIENTS OF GROUPS OF I-TYPE 5 Example 1.6. (1) Take W =hs|s2 =1i, X ={s} and w =s then M is {sj |j ∈N}. s,{s} (2) Take W =hs|s4 =1i, X ={s,s−1} andw =s2 then Ms2,{s,s−1} is ha,b|a2 =b2i with a=s and b=s−1. Now,oneshouldnotethatforafinitegroupW,asubsetX ofW generatesW asagroup if and only if it generates W as a monoid. Definition 1.7. We say that (W,X) is a generating generated group for a monoid M if W isafinitegroupthatcontainsaX-balancedelementwsuchthatD (w)generatesW andM X is isomorphic to M . When furthermore, D (w)=W, we say that (W,S) is a generating w,X X generated section for M. As long as it will not introduce confusion, we will often say that W is a generating gen- eratedgroup(resp. a generating generatedsection) for M instead of (W,X) is a generating generatedgroup(resp. ageneratinggeneratedsection)forM. Itiseasytoseethatthe map W → M , v 7→v is into and there is a morphism of monoids p : M → W defined by w,X w,X p(v) = v. Also, the length function ℓ : M → N is additive and for every a ∈ M , X w,X w,X one has ℓ (p(a))≤ℓ (a). As a consequence, {v |v ∈X∩D (w)} is the atom set of M . X X X w,X Moreover, in the special case where D (w) =W, we have ℓ (p(a)) =ℓ (a) if and only if a X X X belongs to D(w). Here, the crucial result is Theorem 1.8. [1, 14] Let W be a finite group and X be a generating set. Assume w is X-balanced in W and that D (w) is a lattice for both partial orders associated with the left X and right X-factor notions. Then M is a Garside monoid with {s | s ∈X ∩D (w)} as w,X X atom set. The element w is a Garside element of M with D(w)={v|v ∈D (w)}. w,X X Any spherical type Artin-Tits monoid A+ has a generating generated section (W,X): in thiscasethegroupW istheassociatedCoxetergroupequippedwithitsstandardgenerating setX;theelementwistheCoxeterelementw ofW. IthasbeenshownbyBessisin[1]that 0 dualbraidmonoidshaveageneratinggeneratedgroup. Inthiscase,thegroupW isagainthe associatedCoxetergroup, the set X is the set of all reflections,and w is a Coxeterelement. It could be noted that in the case of dual braid monoids, D (w) is not the whole group. X These results led Bessis [1] to address the following question: which Garside monoids have ageneratinggeneratedgroup? Clearly,onecannotexpectthateveryGarsidemonoidhasa generating generated group, since there are Garside monoids with non-homogenous length function associated with their atom set. So, the question is restricted to those Garside monoids that possess an additive length function on their atom set. This is clear that monoidsofI-type areGarsidemonoidsthatsatisfy this restriction,asthe defining relations are homogenous (see Section 1.2). 2. A linear representation of G(X,S) Let X be a finite set of cardinality n, and (X,S) be a non-degenerate symmetric set- theoretical solution of the QYBE, defined by S(x,y) = (g (y),f (x)), where g : X → X x y x and f :X →X are bijective. Let M(X,S) and G(X,S) be respectively the corresponding x Garside monoid and Garside group. We denote by ∆ the Garside element of M(X,S). We recall that X belongs to D(∆) and is the atom set of M(X,S). In this section, we define a linear representationof G(X,S) that permits us to answer Bessis’s questionin the positive. In other words, we associate a finite generating generated group W(X,S) to G(X,S), and later on (in Section 3) we find a necessary and sufficient condition on (X,S) so that W is a generating generated section. The group G(X,S) is a group of I-type. Jespers and Okninski showed that groups of I- type are Abelian-by-Finite (see [13]). Indeed, they showed that if G(X,S) is a group of I-type associated with a set theoretical solution (X,S), where X has cardinality n, then 6 FABIENNECHOURAQUIANDEDDYGODELLE G(X,S) is a subgroup of the (obvious) semi-direct product FA ⋊Sym , where FA is n n n the free Abelian group on n generators and Sym is the symmetric group on {1,··· ,n}. n Moreover,the first projection G(X,S)→FA is one-to-one, and there is a subgroup W of n Sym and an Abelian subgroup A of FA , such that the sequence n n (2.1) 1→A→G(X,S)→W →1 is exact. A question that arises naturally is whether this exact sequence can provide a generating generated group for G(X,S), or in other words whether this group W is a generating gen- erated group for G(X,S). As the following example illustrates it, the answer is negative. Take G(X,S) to be the free Abelian monoid FA(x,y) on x,y. It is a group of I-type with thepresentationhx,y |xy =yxi. Ifthisapproachworked,asFA(x,y)isaArtin-Titsgroup of spherical type, W should be the Coxeter group hx,y | x2 = y2 = 1;xy = yxi. But, unfortunately, it is easy to see that the group W provided by the above exact sequence is the trivial group, so this approach does not work, and W is not be a generating generated group for G(X,S) in general. 2.1. Frozen elements and simple elements. The main objectof this sectionis to recall a technical result, namely Proposition 2.1, which turns out to be a crucial argument in the sequel. We recall that for every non-degenerate symmetric solution (X,S) and every x in X there exists a unique y in X such that S(x,y) = (x,y). In the sequel, we call such a pair(x,y)afrozen pair. Inthis case,theword(resp. the element)xy willbecalledafrozen word(resp. afrozenelement). Afrozenelementhasthereforeauniquewordrepresentative, the associated frozen word. Themainresulthereisthatasimpleelementcannotberepresentedbyawordcontaining a frozen word as a subword. As already remarked, the defining relations in the presenta- tion (1.3) are homogenous, so we can define a length function ℓ:M(X,S)→N so that the length of an element is the length of any of its word representatives on X. Proposition 2.1. [2, 3] Let a be in M(X,S). Denote by X (a) the set of its left divisors l that belongs to X and by X (a) the set of its right divisors that belongto X. Then, a belongs r to D(∆) if and only if it is the right lcm of of X (a) if and only if it is the left lcm of X (a). l r Moreover in this case, X (a) and X (a) have the same cardinality, which is ℓ(a). l r From the above result, we deduce that Proposition 2.2. Let a be an element of M(X,S) and x be in X. (1) Assume a belongs to D(∆) and xa does not belong to D(∆). Then there exist y in X and b in D(∆) such that a=yb and (x,y) is a frozen pair. (2) a belongs to D(∆) ⇔ no expression of a contains a frozen word as a subword. (3) Assume y lies in X so that both xa and ay are in D(∆) but xay is not. If a=z ···z 1 k withz ,...,z inX,thenthereexisty ,...,y inX andx ,...,x inX sothaty =y, 1 k 1 k+1 1 k k+1 S(z ,y )=(y ,x ), no (z ,y ) is a frozen pair and (x,y ) is a frozen pair. In particular, i i+1 i i i i+1 1 ay =z ···z y x ···x =y x ···x in M(X,S). 1 i−1 i i k 1 1 k Proof. (1) Assume a belongs to D(∆) and set k = ℓ(a). By Proposition 2.1, there exist k distinct elements x ,...,x in X and k elements a ,...,a of M(X,S) such that a = x a 1 k 1 k i i for i = 1,...,k. Now, assume that no pair (x,x ) is a frozen pair. Then we have defining i relations xx = y z . Moreover y = g (x ) and g is a bijection so that g (z) = x if (x,z) i i i i x i x x is a frozen pair. Then, all the y are distinct and distinct from x. It follows that xa has to i be left divisible by the lcm of x,y ,··· ,y . But, by Proposition 2.1, the length of this lcm 1 k is k+1, that is ℓ(xa). Thus xa has to belong to D(∆). Hence, since from assumption, xa doesnotbelongtoD(∆)thereis someiin{1,...,k}sothat(x,y )isafrozenpair. Finally, i a belongs to D(∆) and a is a factor of a, therefore, a belongs to D(∆). i i FINITE QUOTIENTS OF GROUPS OF I-TYPE 7 (2) It follows from Proposition 2.1 that frozen words does not belong to D(∆): they have length two and only one left divisor. As D(∆) is closed by factors, no expression of an element in D(∆) can contain a frozen word. Conversely,assume a is not in D(∆) and write a=x ···x with x ,...,x in X. As x isin D(∆) anda is not,there is asubscripti such 1 k 1 k k that x ···x is in D(∆) whereas x ···x is not. By (1), there exist y ,...,y in X so i+1 k i k i+1 k that y ···y = x ···x and (x ,y ) is a frozen word. But a = x ···x y ···y . i+1 k i+1 k i i+1 1 i i+1 k Hence, there is an expression of a that contains a frozen word. (3)Weprovetheresultbyinductiononk. Ifk =0,thereisnothingtoprove. Assumek ≥1. Let y be in X so that (x,y ) is a frozen pair. Since xa belongs to D(∆), it follows from 1 1 (2) that y and z have to be distinct, and from (1) that both left divide ay. As the map 1 1 g : X →X is a bijection, and M(X,S) is cancellative, there exists a unique pair (y ,x ) z1 2 1 of element of X, so that S(z ,y )=(y ,x ). This imposes that (z ,y ) is not a frozenpair, 1 2 1 1 1 2 z y and y x are equal in M(X,S), and are the right lcm of y and z by Proposition2.1. 1 2 1 1 1 1 Hence, by cancellativity, y left divides z ···z y. Denote by x′ the unique element of X so 2 2 k 2 that (x′,y ) is a frozen pair. Then, x′z ···z y is not in D(∆) by (2) and z ···z y is in 2 2 2 2 k 2 k D(∆) since it right divides ay. Now, we claim that x′z ···z lies in D(∆) too. Otherwise, 2 2 k by (1), we could write z ···z =y a′ and we would have xa=xz y a′ =xy x a′, which is 2 k 2 1 2 1 1 impossible as xa belongsto D(∆). So,we arein positionto apply the induction hypothesis: there exist y ,...,y in X and x ,...,x in X so that y = y, S(z ,y ) = (y ,x ), 3 k+1 2 k k+1 i i+1 i i and no (z ,y ) is a frozen pair. (cid:3) i i+1 Proposition 2.3. (1) If a is in D(∆) then it has ℓ(a)! representative words. (2) The number of simple elements of length k is n! and so the cardinality of D(∆) (n−k)!k! is 2n. Proof. (1) This is immediate by induction on ℓ(a). If ℓ(a)=1, then a is an atom and has a unique representative word : no relation can be applied to this representative word. Now, assume ℓ(a) ≥ 2. Let x be in X that is a left divisor of a, and write a = xa with a 1 1 inM(X,S). Thena belongstoD(∆)andhaslengthℓ(a)−1. Bytheinductionhypothesis, 1 a has (ℓ(a)−1)! representative words. Thus, there is (ℓ(a)−1)! word representatives of a 1 thatstartwithx. ButbyProposition2.1,ahasℓ(a)distinctleftdivisorsinX (eachofthem has aunique representativeword). Thena hasℓ(a)×(ℓ(a)−1)!,that isℓ(a)!representative words. (2) It follows from Proposition 2.1(1) that there is a bijection between the subsets of X whose cardinality is equal to k and the elements of D(∆) whose length is k. The result follows. (cid:3) 2.2. A representation of G(X,S). We are now ready to define the representation ψ of G(X,S). We are going to define a first representation φ, that will not be suitable, and then modify it to obtain the expected representation ψ. In the sequel we denote by φ :X →X the map f−1. So, for every x,y in X, one has φ (y)x=φ (x)y. x x x y So,bedefinition, y rightdividesφ (y)xinM(X,S)and,fory 6=x,the elementφ (y)xis x x the left lcm of x and y in M(X,S). Moreover,for any x in X, the pair (φ (x),x) is frozen. x It will be convenient to use the diagramatic representation of Figure 2.1. Now, we extend the map φ : x → φ to a morphism φ : w → φ of the free group on X to the symmetric x w group S(X) on X. So, for a word w=xε1xε2···xεk with x ,...,x in X and ε ,...,ε in 1 2 k 1 k 1 k {±1},wehaveφw =φεx11◦φεx22◦···φεxkk. Inthe sequelthefollowingeasyresultwillbe useful. Lemma 2.4. Let y ∈ X and w ∈ X∗. Then, in M(X,S), the element y right divides the element represented by the word φ (y)w. Moreover, if y does not right-divide w, then w φ (y)w is the left lcm of y and the element represented by w. w 8 FABIENNECHOURAQUIANDEDDYGODELLE Proof. If w belongs to X, then the resultholds as remarkedabove. Now, it is easy to prove the result by induction on the length of the wordw (see Figure 2.1), and we left the details to the reader. (cid:3) φy(x) φx(y) y φw(y) y S S S S x x1 xk−1 xk Figure 2.1. the φ-maps of x∈X and of w =x ···x . 1 k Proposition 2.5. The morphism φ:w →φ induces a morphism from G(X,S) to S(X), w the symmetric group on X. It was proved in [9] that the map x7→f defines a right action of G(X,S) on the set X. x The above result easily follows. For completeness, we provide a direct proof. Proof. Assume S(x ,x ) = (x′,x′) with x ,x in X and x 6= x′. We need to prove 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 thatφx1x2 =φx′1x′2. Ify 6=x2andy 6=x′2,thenycannotrightdividex1x2byProposition2.1. Fromlemma 2.4, this implies thatφx1x2(y)x1x2 andφx′1x′2(y)x′1x′2 areboth equalto the left lcmofy,x2 andx′2. Therefore,wehaveφx1x2(y)x1x2 =φx′1x′2(y)x′1x′2,andbycancellativity, φx1x2(y) and φx′1x′2(y). Assume now y = x2 or y = x′2. As S is involutive, we may assume y =x2. Then φx′1x′2(x2)=φx′1(φx′2(x2))=φx′1(x′1)=y1′ so that (y1′,x′1) is a frozen pair (see Figure 2.2). Let y′ be in X so that (y′,x ) is a frozen pair. Then, we have φ (x ) = 2 2 2 x1x2 2 φ (y′) (see Figure 2.2). Since (x ,x ) is not a frozen pair, we have x 6= y′. Using that x1 2 1 2 1 2 φx1(y2′)x1 = φy2′(x1)y2′, we get φx1(y2′) 6= φy2′(x1). Now, by Proposition 2.1, the element φx1(y2′)x1x2 of M(X,S), that is equal to φy2′(x1)y2′x2, is not in D(∆) because one of its representing words contains a frozen word, namely y′x . Since its length is 3, still by 2 2 Proposition 2.1, its left divisors in M(X,S) that belong to X are φx1(y2′) and φy2′(x1) only. But, we have φ (y′)x x = φ (y′)x′x′ = y′′x′′x′ with (y′′,x′′) = S(φ (y′),x′). x1 2 1 2 x1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 x1 2 1 Thus y2′′ is either equal to φx1(y2′) or to φy2′(x1). Assume the second case holds. Then, from the equality y2′′x′1′ = φx1(y2′)x′1, it follows that φy2′(x1)x′1′ = φx1(y2′)x′1. But, we have also φy2′(x1)y2′ = φx1(y2′)x1, and φx1(y2′)x1 is the right lcm of φy2′(x1) and φx1(y2′). we conclude that x = x′, a contradiction. Therefore, y′′ =φ (y′). Since we have (y′′,x′′) = 1 1 2 x1 2 2 1 S(φ (y′),x′), this means that (φ (y′),x′) is a frozen pair. Using that (y′,x′) is a frozen x1 2 1 x1 2 1 1 1 pair, we obtain φx1(y2′)=y1′, that is φx1x2(x2)=φx′1x′2(x2). (cid:3) y1′ x1 φy′(x1) y2′ 2 y1′ S x′1 S x2 φx1(y2′) S y2′ S x2 x′1 x′2 x1 x2 Figure 2.2. φx1x2(x2) and φx′1x′2(x2). In the sequel, we still denote by φ : G(X,S) → GL(V), g 7→ φ the morphism induced g by φ : w 7→ φ . As S(X) is a finite group, regarding the main question we address in this w article, one may wonder whether the image of G(X,S) in S(X) by the morphism φ is a generating finite groupfor M(X,S). However,it is easy to see that the restriction to D(∆) ofthe mapφis notintoingeneral. ConsiderforinstanceM(X,S)=hx,y |xy =yxi. Then FINITE QUOTIENTS OF GROUPS OF I-TYPE 9 φ =φ =Id . Onthe other hand,recallfromthe introductionthat X is a baseofa finite x y X dimensional vector space V. So, our strategywill be to see φ as an element of GL(V) and w to modify the map φ in order to obtain a generating group as a finite subgroup of GL(V). For x on X, we define ψ :V →V to be the linear map defined on the base X of V by x ψ (y)=φ (y) for y 6=x; x x ψ (x)=−φ (x). x x Note that for every x in X, the linear map ψ belongs to GL(V), as its matrix in the x base X is monomial (it has a unique non zero entry on each line and on each colomn), with non-zero entries equal to ±1. Its determinant is therefore ±1. As for φ, we extend the map ψ : x → ψ to a morphism ψ : w → ψ of the free group on X to GL(V). x w So, for a word w = xε1xε2···xεk with x ,...,x in X and ε ,...,ε in {±1}, we have 1 2 k 1 k 1 k ψw =ψxε11◦ψxε22◦···ψxεkk. Foreveryw inthefreegrouponX,thelinearmapψw isinGL(V) with determinant equal to ±1. Our first objective is to prove that Proposition 2.6. The map ψ : w → ψ induces a linear representation of G(X,S) in w GL(V) whose image is a finite group. Proof. For every x in X, the linear map ψ permutes the set {±x | x ∈ X}. So for every x element w of G(X,S), the linear map ψ permutes {±x | x ∈ X} too. Since X is a basis w for V, the image of ψ is finite. Assume S(x ,x ) = (x′,x′) with x ,x in X and x 6= x′. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 As for Proposition 2.5, we need to prove that ψx1x2 = ψx′1x′2. Let y be in X, and let us prove that ψx1x2(y) = ψx′1x′2(y). If y 6=x2 and y 6= x′2, then ψx2(y)= φx2(y) and ψx′2(y) = φx′2(y). We have S(φx2(y),x2) = (φy(x2),y). If φx2(y) was equal to x1, we would have S(φ (y),x ) = (x′,x′), a contradiction since y 6= x′. Thus, φ (y) 6= x and, therefore, x2 2 1 2 2 x2 1 ψx1(ψx2(y)) = ψx1(φx2(y)) = φx1(φx2(y)). Similarly, ψx′2(y) 6= x′1 and ψx′1(ψx′2(y)) = ψx′1(φx′2(y))=φx′1(φx′2(y)). Therefore, ψx1x2(y)=ψx1(ψx2(y))=φx1(φx2(y))=φx1x2(y)= φx′1x′2(y) = φx′1(φx′2(y)) = ψx1(ψx2(y)) = ψx′1x′2(y). Now assume that y = x2 or y =x′2. As S is involutive, we may assume without restriction that y = x . Let y be in X so that 2 2 (y2,x2)isafrozenpair. Wehaveψx′2(x2)=φx′2(x2)=x′1. Thereforeψx′1x′2(x2)=ψx′1(x′1)= −φx′1(x′1) = −φx′1(φx′2(x2)) = −φx′1x′2(x2). On the other hand, y2 6= x1 since (y2,x2) is a frozen pair whereas (x ,x ) is not. Moreover, ψ (x ) = −φ (x ) = −y . Therefore, 1 2 x2 2 x2 2 2 ψ (x )= −ψ (y )= −φ (y ) = −φ (φ (x )) = −φ (x ). By Proposition 2.5, we x1x2 2 x1 2 x1 2 x1 x2 2 x1x2 2 deduce that ψx1x2(x2)=ψx′1x′2(x2). (cid:3) In the sequel, we still denote by ψ : G(X,S) → GL(V), a 7→ ψ the morphism induced a by ψ : w 7→ψ . By W(X,S) we denote the subgroup ψ(G(X,S)) of GL(V). So, for every w x in X and every a in G(X,S), we have ψ (x)=±φ (x). For ρ∈GL(V), we set a a n(ρ)=#{x∈X |ρ(x)6∈X}. We turn now to the proof that W(X,S) is a generating generated group for M(X,S). We denote by X the set {ψ | x ∈ X}. Then, X is a generating set for the group W(X,S). x It follows from both facts that W(X,S) is a finite group and X is a generating set of the group W(X,S) that X is also a generating set of W(X,S) considered as a monoid (every element of X is of finite order, so its inverse is equal to some of its positive power). As a consequence, W(X,S)=ψ(M(X,S)). Lemma 2.7. (1) For every a,a′ in M(X,S), one has n(ψaa′)≤n(ψa)+n(ψa′). (2) For every a in M(X,S), one has ℓ (a)≥ℓ (ψ )≥n(ψ ). X X a a (3) For every a in M(X,S) and every x in X, if ψ (x) = −φ (x) then x right divides a a a in M(X,S). (4) For every a in M(X,S), if ℓ (ψ ))=n(ψ ), then ψ =ψ for some b in D(∆). X a a a b 10 FABIENNECHOURAQUIANDEDDYGODELLE Proof. (1) Let a,a′ lie in M(X,S), set X1 ={x∈X |ψa′(x)6∈X} and X2 =ψa−′1({x∈X | ψa(x)6∈X}). We have #X1 =n(ψa′) and#X2 =n(ψa). It is easy to see that ψaa′(x)6∈X implies x∈X1∪X2. Therefore n(ψaa′)≤n(ψa)+n(ψa′). (2) Let a be in M(X,S). If a = x ···x with x ...,x in X, then ψ = ψ ◦···◦ψ . 1 k 1 k a x1 xk Thus, ℓ (a)≥ℓ (ψ )). Now, ℓ (ψ ))≥n(ψ ) by (1): if ψ =ψ ◦···◦ψ =ψ with X X a X a a r a y1 yr y1···yr r =ℓ (ψ ) and y ,...,y in X, then n(ψ )≤ n(ψ )=r. X a 1 r a i=1 yi (3) Let a lie in M(X,S). Assume that x belongs to X and is such that ψ (x) = −φ (x). a a P Assume a = y ···y with y ,··· ,y in X. Set a = 1, and for i = 1,··· ,k, set a = 1 k 1 k k+1 i y ···y . Since ψ (x)=−φ (x) and ψ (x)=φ (x), there exists j ∈{1,··· ,k} such i k a1 a1 ak+1 ak+1 for ψ (x)=φ (x) and ψ (x)=−φ (x) that is, ψ (φ (x))=−φ (φ (x)). By aj+1 aj+1 aj aj yj aj+1 yj aj+1 definitionofψ ,thismeansthaty =φ (x). Bylemma2.4,xright-dividesφ (x)a , yj j aj+1 aj+1 j+1 that is y a , in M(X,S). Hence, it right divides a , and a in M(X,S). j j+1 j (4) Assume ℓ (ψ )) = n(ψ ) for some a in M(X,S). Write ψ = ψ ···ψ with k = X a a a y1 yk n(ψ ) and y ,··· ,y in X. Set b = y ···y in M(X,S). By (3), there are k distinct a 1 k 1 k elements x ,··· ,x in X that right divide b. Therefore the left lcm of x ,··· ,x right 1 k 1 k divides b. But this lcm is in D(∆) and its length is k by Proposition 2.1. Therefore it is equal to b and the latter belongs to D(∆). (cid:3) Proposition 2.8. (1) Let a lie in D(∆). We have ℓ (a)=ℓ (ψ )=n(ψ ). Moreover, for X X a a x in X, ψ (x)=−φ (x) if x right divides a, and ψ (x)=φ (x) otherwise. a a a a (2) The restriction of ψ to D(∆) is into. (3) The element ψ is X-balanced in W(X,S) and D (ψ )={ψ |a∈D(∆)}. ∆ X ∆ a Proof. By Lemma 2.7, we have {x∈X |ψ (x)6=φ (x)}⊆{x∈X |x right divides a} a a and ℓ (a) ≥ ℓ (ψ )) ≥ n(ψ ). Since ℓ (a) = #{x ∈ X | x right divides a} and n(ψ ) = X X a a X a #{x ∈ X | ψ (x) 6= φ (x)}, in order to prove (1), we only need to prove that if x right- a a divides a, then ψ (x) 6= φ (x). Assume x right-divides a in M(X,S). Write a = a x a a 1 with a in M(X,S). We have ψ (x) = ψ (ψ (x)) = −ψ (φ (x)). Since a x belongs 1 a a1 x a1 x 1 to D(∆) and (φ (x),x) is a frozen pair, the element φ (x) cannot right-divide a , from x x 1 Proposition 2.2(2). By Lemma 2.7(3) this implies that ψ (φ (x)) = φ (φ (x)). Thus, a1 x a1 x ψ (x)=−ψ (φ (x))=−φ (φ (x))=−φ (x), and (1) holds. a a1 x a1 x a (2) is a direct consequence of (1) since every element of D(∆) is the left lcm of its set of right-divisors that belong to X. (3) Let a be in D(∆). Then there exist a′,a′′ in D(∆) so that aa′ = a′′a = ∆. Therefore, ψaψa′ = ψa′′ψa = ψ∆. Since ℓX(a)+ℓX(a′) = ℓX(a′′)+ℓX(a) = ℓX(∆), it follows from (1), that ψa is both a X-left factor and a X-right factor of ψ∆. Now, let us prove that the X-left factors, and the X-right factors of ψ∆ belong to ψ(D(∆)). Assume ρ,ρ′ belong to W(X,S) so that ψ = ρρ′ with ℓ (ψ ) = ℓ (ρ)+ℓ (ρ′). Since W(X,S) = ψ(M(X,S)), ∆ X ∆ X X there exist a and a′ in M(X,S) so that ρ=ψa and ρ′ =ψa′. Then, it follows from (1) and Lemma2.7(1)(2)thatn(ψ∆)≤n(ψa)+n(ψa′)≤ℓX(ψa)+ℓX(ψa′)=ℓX(ψ∆)=n(ψ∆). This imposesn(ψa)=ℓX(ψa)andn(ψa′)=ℓX(ψa′). ByLemma2.7(4)wededuce thereexistb,b′ in D(∆) so that ψa =ψb and ψa′ =ψb′. This proves (3). (cid:3) Proposition 2.9. Assume M is a Garside monoid with Garside element ∆, with Garside group G and with atom set X. Assume the length function ℓ on M is additive and W is X a quotient of G that is a finite group. Set X = ψ(X), where ψ : G → W is the canonical morphism. Assume (a) the restriction of ψ to D(∆) is into; (b) for every g in D(∆), ℓX(g)=ℓX(ψ(g)); (c) ψ(∆) is X-balanced in W and DX(ψ(∆))=ψ(D(∆)). Then Mψ(∆),X is a Garside monoid that is isomorphic to M; more precisely, the map x 7→ ψ(x) induces an isomorphism from M onto Mψ(∆),X. In other words, W is a generating generated group for M.

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