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Finite geometry and oding theory Peter J. Cameron S hool of Mathemati al S ien es Queen Mary and West(cid:12)eld College London E1 4NS So rates Intensive Programme Finite Geometies and Their Automorphisms Potenza, Italy June 1999 Abstra t In these notes I willdis usssome re ent developments at the inter- fa e between (cid:12)nite geometry and oding theory. These developments, are all based on the theory of quadrati forms over GF(2), and I have in luded an introdu tion to this material. The parti ular topi s are bent fun tions and di(cid:11)eren e sets, multiply-resolved designs, odes over Z4, and quantum error- orre ting odes. Some of the material here was dis ussed in the Combinatori s Study Group at Queen Mary and West(cid:12)eld College, London, over the past year. This a ount is quite brief; a more detailed version will be published elsewhere. Many of the parti ipants of the study group ontributed to this presentation; to them I express my gratitude, but espe ially to Harriet Pollatsek and Keldon Drudge. 1 Codes There are many good a ounts of oding theory, so this se tion will be brief. See Ma Williams and Sloane [18℄ for more details. Let A be an alphabet of q symbols. A word of length n over A is simply n an n-tuple of elements of A (an element of A ). A ode of length n over A 1 n is a set of words (a subset of A ). A ode of length n ontaining M words is referred to as an (n;M) ode. The Hamming distan e d(v;w) between two words v and w is the number of oordinates in whi h v and w di(cid:11)er: d(v;w) = jfi : 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) n;vi 6= wigj: n It satis(cid:12)es the standard axioms for a metri on A . The minimum distan e of a ode is the smallest distan e between two distin t words in C. A ode of length n having M odewords and minimum distan e d is referred to as an (n;M;d) ode. The basi idea of oding theory is that, in a ommuni ation system, messages are transmitted in the form of words over a (cid:12)xed alphabet (in pra ti e, usually the binary alphabet f0;1g). During transmission, some errors willo ur, that is, some entries in the word willbe hanged by random noise. The number of errors o urring is the Hamming distan e between the transmitted and re eived words. Suppose that we an be reasonably on(cid:12)dent that no more than e errors o ur during transmission. Then we use a ode whose minimum distan e d satis(cid:12)es d (cid:21) 2e+1. Now we transmit only words from the ode C. Suppose 0 that u is transmitted and v re eived. By assumption, d(u;v) (cid:20) e. If u is 0 another odeword, then d(u;u) (cid:21) d (cid:21) 2e + 1. By the triangle inequality, 0 d(u;v) (cid:21) e+1. Thus, we an re ognise the transmitted word u, as the ode- word nearest to the re eived word. For this reason, a ode whose minimum distan e d satis(cid:12)es d (cid:21) 2e+1 is alled an e-error- orre ting ode. Thus, good error orre tion means largeminimumdistan e. On the other hand, fast transmission rate means many odewords. In reasing one of these parameters tends to de rease the other. This tension is at the basis of oding theory. Usually, it is the ase that the alphabet has the stru ture of a (cid:12)nite (cid:12)eld GF(q). In this ase, the set of words is the n-dimensional ve tor spa e n n GF(q) , and we often require that the ode C is a ve tor subspa e of GF(q) . Su h a ode is alled a linear ode. A linear ode of length n and dimension k k over GF(q) is referred to as a [n;k℄ ode; it has q odewords. If its minimum distan e is d, it is referred to as an [n;k;d℄ ode. Almost always, we will onsider only linear odes. The weight wt(v) of a word v is the number of non-zero oordinates of v. The minimum weight of a linear ode is the smallest weight of a nonzero 2 odeword. It is easy to see that d(v;w) = wt(v (cid:0)w); and hen e that the minimum distan e and minimum weight of a linear ode are equal. 0 0 Two linear odes C and C are said to be equivalent if C is obtained from C by a ombination of the two operations: (a) multiply the oordinates by non-zero s alars (not ne essarily all equal); and (b) permute the oordinates. Equivalent odes have the same length, dimension, minimum weight, and so on. Note that, over GF(2), operation (a) is trivial, and we only need operation (b). A linear [n;k℄ ode C an be spe i(cid:12)ed in either of two ways: (cid:15) A generator matrix G is a k(cid:2)n matrix whose row spa e is C. Thus, k C = fxG : x 2 GF(q) g; and every odeword has a unique representation in the form xG. This isuseful for en oding: if the messages to be transmitted are allk-tuples overthe(cid:12)eldGF(q),then we anen odethemessagexasthe odeword xG. (cid:15) A parity he k matrix H is a (n(cid:0)k)(cid:2)n matrix whose null spa e is C: more pre isely, n > C = fv 2 GF(q) : vH = 0g: This is useful for de oding, spe i(cid:12) ally for syndrome de oding. The n > syndrome of w 2 GF(q) is the (n(cid:0)k)-tuple wH . Now, if C orre ts e errors, and w has Hamming distan e at most e from a odeword v, it an be shown that the syndrome of w uniquely determines w(cid:0)v, and hen e v. If h1;:::;hn are the olumns of the parity he k matrix H of a ode C, then a word x = (x1;:::;xn) belongstoC if andonlyifx1h1+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+xnhn = 0, that is, the entries in x are the oeÆ ients in a linear dependen e relation between the olumns of H. Thus, we have: 3 Proposition 1.1 A ode C has minimum weight d or greater if and only if any d(cid:0)1 olumns of its parity he k matrix are linearly independent. n There is a natural inner produ t de(cid:12)ned on GF(q) , namely the dot prod- u t n X v (cid:1)w = viwi: i=1 If C is an [n;k℄ ode, we de(cid:12)ne the dual ode ? n C = fv 2 GF(q) : (8w 2 C) v (cid:1)w = 0g; ? it is an [n;n (cid:0) k℄ ode. Then a generator matrix for C is a parity he k matrix for C, and vi e versa. Sometimes, in the ase when q is a square, so that the (cid:12)eld GF(q) admits p (cid:27) q an automorphism (cid:27) of order 2 given by x = x , we will use instead the Hermitian inner produ t n X (cid:27) v Æw = viwi : i=1 We now give a family of examples. A 1-error- orre ting ode should have minimum weight at least 3. By Proposition 1.1, this is equivalent to requiring that no two olumns of its parity he k matrix are linearly dependent. Thus, the olumns should all be k non-zero, and should span distin t 1-dimensional subspa es of V = GF(q) , where k is the odimension of the ode. Multiplying olumns by non-zero s alars, or permuting them, gives rise to an equivalent ode. So linear 1- error- orre ting odes orrespond in a natural way to sets of points in the proje tive spa e PG(k(cid:0)1;q). Many interesting odes an be obtained by hoosing suitable subsets (ovoids, unitals, et .). But the simplest, and optimal, hoi e is to take all the points of the proje tive spa e. The ode thus obtained is the Hamming k ode H(k;q) of length n = (q (cid:0)1)=(q(cid:0)1) and dimension n(cid:0)k over GF(q). To reiterate: the parity he k matrix of the Hamming ode is the k(cid:2)n ma- k trix whose olumns span the n one-dimensional subspa es of GF(q) . It is a [n;n(cid:0)k;3℄ ode. One further ode we will need is the famous extended binary Golay ode. This is a [24;12;8℄ ode over GF(2), and is the unique ode (up to equiv- alen e) with this property. The o tads, or sets of eight oordinates whi h 4 support words of weight 8 in the ode) are the blo ks of the Steiner system S(5;8;24) (or, in other terminology, the 5-(24;8;1) design). We dis uss brie(cid:13)y some operations on odes. Let C be a linear ode. (cid:15) Pun turing C in a oordinate i is the pro ess of deleting the ith oor- dinate from ea h odeword. (cid:15) Shortening C in a oordinate i is the pro ess of sele ting those ode- words in C whi h have entry 0 in the ith oordinate, and then deleting this oordinate from all odewords. (cid:15) Extending C, by an overall parity he k, is the pro ess onsisting of adding a new oordinate to ea h odeword, the entry in this oordinate being minus the sum of the existing entries (so that the sum of all oordinates in the extended ode is zero). We denote the extension of C by C. (cid:15) The dire t sum of odes C1 and C2 is the set of all words obtained by on atenating a word of C1 with a word of C2. The weight enumerator of a linear ode is an algebrai gadget to keep tra k of the weights of odewords. If C has length n, its weight enumerator is n X n(cid:0)i i WC(x;y) = aix y ; i=0 where Ai is the number of words of weight i in C. Note that WC(1;0) = 1, and WC(1;1) = jCj. The weight enumerator has many important properties. For example, the weight enumerator of the dire t sum of C1 and C2 is the produ t of the weight enumerators of C1 and C2. For our purposes, the most important result is Ma Williams' Theorem: ? Theorem 1.2 Let C be a linear ode over GF(q), and C its dual. Then 1 WC?(x;y) = WC(x+(q (cid:0)1)y;x(cid:0)y): jCj We illustratethis theoremby al ulatingthe weight enumerators of Ham- ming odes. It is easier to (cid:12)nd the weight enumerators of their duals: 5 Proposition 1.3 Let C be the q-ary Hamming ode H(k;q) of length n = k ? (q (cid:0)1)=(q (cid:0)1) and dimension n(cid:0)k. Then every non-zero word of C has k(cid:0)1 weight q . ? We say that C is a onstant-weight ode. Proof Let h1;:::;hn be the olumns of the parity he k matrix H of C. ? We laim that ea h word of C has the form (f(h1);:::;f(hn)), where f belongs to the dual spa e of the k-dimensional spa e V of olumn ve tors (cid:3) ? of length k; and every element of V gives rise to a unique word of C . ? ? This holds be ause H is a generator matrix of C , so the words of C are linear ombinations of the rows of H. Now the ith row of H has the form (ei(h1);:::;ei(hn)), where ei is the ith dual basis ve tor. So the laim is proved. (cid:3) Now for any non-zero f 2 V , the kernel of f has dimension k(cid:0)1, and so k(cid:0)1 ontains (q (cid:0)1)=(q(cid:0)1) one-dimensional subspa es, and so it vanishes at ? this many of the olumns of H. So the orresponding word of C has weight k k(cid:0)1 k(cid:0)1 (q (cid:0)1)=(q (cid:0)1)(cid:0)(q (cid:0)1)=(q (cid:0)1) = q : ? It follows that the weight enumerator of C is (qk(cid:0)1)=(q(cid:0)1) k (qk(cid:0)1(cid:0)1)=(q(cid:0)1) qk(cid:0)1 x +(q (cid:0)1)x y ; and so the weight enumerator of C is (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 (qk(cid:0)1)=(q(cid:0)1) k (qk(cid:0)1(cid:0)1)=(q(cid:0)1) qk(cid:0)1 (x+(q (cid:0)1)y) +(q (cid:0)1)(x+(q (cid:0)1)y) (x(cid:0)y) : k q Finally on this topi , we mention that the weight enumerator of the ex- tended binary Golay ode is 24 16 8 12 12 8 16 24 x +759x y +2576x y +759x y +y : ? ? A ode C is self-orthogonal if C (cid:18) C , and is self-dual if C = C . The extended binary Golay ode just mentioned is self-dual; other examples are the extended binary Hamming ode of length 8 (a [8;4;4℄ ode with weight 8 4 4 8 enumerator x +14x y +y ), and the binary repetition ode of length 2 (a 2 2 [2;1;2℄ ode with weight enumerator x +y ). 6 Using Ma Williams' Theorem, we see that the weight enumerator of a self-dual ode C of length n over GF(q) satis(cid:12)es 1 WC(x;y) = n=2WC(x+(q (cid:0)1)y;x(cid:0)y): (1) q This gives a system of equations for the oeÆ ients of WC, but of ourse not enough equations to determine it uniquely. Gleason [13℄ found a simple des ription of allsolutions of these equations, using lassi alinvarianttheory. Wedes ribehiste hnique forself-dualbinary odes. Let G be a (cid:12)nite group of 2(cid:2)2 matri es over C. Let f(x;y) be a poly- nomial of degree n. We say that f is an invariant of G if (cid:18) (cid:19) a b f(ax+by; x+dy) = f(x;y) for all 2 G: d Sin e the sum and produ t of invariants is invariant, the set of G-invariants is a subalgebra of the algebra C[x;y℄ of all polynomials in x and y over C. G We denote this subalgebra by C[x;y℄ . If f(x;y) is a G-invariant, then its homogeneous omponent of degree k i j (the sum of all terms aijx y with i + j = k) is also G-invariant. So the G algebra C[x;y℄ is graded, a ording to the following de(cid:12)nition: L Let A = k(cid:21)0Ak be an algebra over C. We say that A is graded if Ai (cid:1) Aj (cid:18) Ai+j for all i;j (cid:21) 0. If dim(Ak) is (cid:12)nite for all k (cid:21) 0, then the Hilbert series of A is the formal power series X k dim(Ak)t : k(cid:21)0 G Molien'sTheoremgivesanexpli itformulafortheHilbertseriesofC[x;y℄ for any (cid:12)nite group G: Theorem 1.4 Let G be a (cid:12)nite group of 2 (cid:2) 2 matri es over C. Then the G Hilbert series of C[x;y℄ is given by X 1 (cid:0)1 (det(I (cid:0)tA)) : jGj A2G 7 Now let C be a self-dual binary ode. Sin e all words in C have even weight, the weight enumerator of C satis(cid:12)es WC(x;(cid:0)y) = WC(x;y): Also, sin e WC(x;y) is homogeneous of degree n, we an rewrite Equation 1 as (cid:18) (cid:19) x+y x(cid:0)y WC p ; p = WC(x;y): 2 2 These two equations assert that the polynomial WC is an invariant of the group G = hA1;A2i, where (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) p p (cid:19) 1 0 1= 2 1= 2 A1 = ; A2 = p p : 0 (cid:0)1 1= 2 (cid:0)1= 2 Now it is easily he ked that 2 2 8 A1 = A2 = (A1A2) = I; so G is a dihedral group of order 16. Now Molien's Theorem, and some G al ulation, shows that the Hilbert series of C[x;y℄ is 1 : 2 8 (1(cid:0)t )(1(cid:0)t ) >From this we see that the dimension of the nth homogeneous omponent is equal to the number of ways of writing n as a sum of 2s and 8s. We know some examples of self-dual odes: among them, the repetition ode of length 2 and the extended Hamming ode of length 8, with weight enumerators respe tively 2 2 r(x;y) = x +y ; 8 4 4 8 h(x;y) = x +14x y +y : i j Moreover, any polynomialof the form r h is a weight enumerator (of the dire t sum of i opies of the repetition ode and j opies of the extended Hamming ode). It an be shown that, for (cid:12)xed n, these polynomials (with 2i+8j = n) are linearly independent; thus they span the nth homogeneous omponent of the algebra of invariants of G. This proves Gleason's Theorem: 8 Theorem 1.5 A self-dual binary ode has even length n = 2m, and its weight enumerator has the form bn=8 X 2 2 (n(cid:0)8j)=2 8 4 4 8 j aj(x +y ) (x +14x y +y ) j=0 for some aj 2 Q, j 2 f0;:::;bn=8 g. The te hnique has other appli ations too. We give one of these. A self- orthogonal binary ode has the property that all its weights are even. Su h a ode is alled doubly even if all its weights are divisible by 4. If C is a doubly even self-dual ode, then the weight enumerator of C is (cid:3) (cid:3) invariant under the group G = hA1;A2i, where A2 is as before and (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:3) 1 0 A1 = : 0 i (cid:3) It an be shown that G is a group of order 192, and the Hilbert series of its algebra of invariants is 1 : 8 24 (1(cid:0)t )(1(cid:0)t ) Now there exist doubly even self-dual odes whi h have lengths 8 and 24, namely the extended Hamming ode and the extended Golay ode. The weightenumeratoroftheextendedHamming odeisgivenabove. Theweight enumerator of the extended Golay ode is 24 16 8 12 12 8 16 24 g(x;y) = x +759x y +2576x y +759x y +y : Again, these two polynomialsareindependent, and we have Gleason's se ond theorem: Theorem 1.6 A doubly even self-dual ode has length n divisible by 8, say n = 8m, and its weight enumerator has the form bn=24 X 8 4 4 8 (n(cid:0)24j)=8 aj(x +14x y +y ) (cid:2) j=0 24 16 8 12 12 8 16 24 j (cid:2)(x +759x y +2576x y +759x y +y ) for some aj 2 Q, j 2 f0;:::;bn=24 g. Several further results of the same sort are given in Sloane's survey [26℄. 9 The (cid:12)naltopi inthis se tion on erns the overing radiusof a ode. This is a parameter whi h is in a sense dual to the pa king radius, the maximum number of errors whi h an be orre ted. Let C be a ode of length n over an alphabet A. The overing radius of C is maxmind(v; ): v2An 2C That is, it is the largest value of the distan e from an arbitrary word to the nearest odeword. Said otherwise, it is the smallest integer r su h that the n spheres of radius r with entres at the odewords over the whole of A . We saw that, if the number of errors is at most the pa king radius, then nearest-neighbour de oding orre tly identi(cid:12)es the transmitted odeword. The overing radius has a similar interpretation: if the number of errors is greater than the overing radius, then nearest-neighbour de oding will ertainly give the wrong odeword. We give one result on the overing radius of binary odes whi h will be used in Se tion 5. We say that a ode C has strength s if, given any s oordinate positions, all possible s-tuples over the alphabet o ur the same number of times in these positions. The maximum strength is the largest integer s for whi h the ode has strength s. Theorem 1.7 Let C be a ode of length n over an alphabet A of size q and n v an arbitrary word in A . (a) If C has strength 1, then the average distan e of v from the words of C is n(q (cid:0)1)=q. (b) If C has strength 2, then the varian e of the distan es of v from the 2 words of C is n(q (cid:0)1)=q . Proof (a) For 1 (cid:20) i (cid:20) n, let di( ) = 0 if v and agree in the ith oordinate, 1 otherwise. Then n X d(v; ) = di( ): i=1 So the average distan e from v to C is n XX 1 di( ): jCj i=1 2C 10

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