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Finite-Band-width Effects on the Transition Temperature and NMR Relaxation Rate of Impure Superconductors PDF

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Preview Finite-Band-width Effects on the Transition Temperature and NMR Relaxation Rate of Impure Superconductors

Finite-Band-width Effects on the Transition Temperature and NMR Relaxation Rate of Impure Superconductors Han-Yong Choi Department of Physics, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea (Oct. 10, 1995) Westudythethermodynamicpropertiesofimpuresuperconductorsbyexplicitlytakingintocon- siderationthefinitenessofelectronicbandwidthswithinthephonon-mediatedEliashbergformalism. Forafiniteelectronic bandwidth,thesuperconductingtransition temperature, Tc, issuppressed by nonmagnetic impurity scatterings. This is a consequence of a reduction in the effective electron- phononcoupling, λ . Thereducedλ is reflectedin theobservation that thecoherencepeak in eff eff 1/(T1T),whereT1 isthenuclearspin-latticerelaxation timeandT isthetemperature,isenhanced 6 by impurity scatterings for a finite bandwidth. Calculations are presented for Tc and 1/(T1T) as 9 bandwidths and impurity scattering rates are varied. Implications for doped C60 superconductors 9 are discussed in connection with Tc and 1/T1 measurements. 1 n a J 3 2 I. INTRODUCTION 2 The Eliashbergequationis usually solvedin the limit of aninfinite electronic bandwidth, W, and Fermienergy,ǫ v F 7 [1–3]. The ǫF →∞ limit maybe justified inthe conventionalsuperconductorswhere the Fermienergyis muchlarger 2 than the characteristic phonon frequency, ω0. The superconducting pairing occurs mainly within a region of width 1 ω aroundthe Fermisurface,andfor ǫ ≫ω ,it makesnodifference whether wetake ǫ finite orinfinite. Thereare, 0 F 0 F 6 however, superconducting materials where ǫ is comparable with ω : For fullerene superconductors, ω ≈0.05−0.2 F 0 0 0 eV, ǫ ≈ 0.05−0.2 eV, and ω /ǫ ∼ 1 [4]. It is, therefore, of great interest to study how the superconducting F 0 F 5 properties are modified as the bandwidth and Fermi energy are reduced. This is an important as well as difficult 9 problem which concomitantly calls for a reinvestigation of the Migdal theorem and Coulomb pseudopotential µ∗ / t [1,2,5]. The Migdal theorem ensures that the phonon vertex corrections are smaller than those terms included in a m the theory of superconductivity by the factor of ω0/ǫF, hence may be neglected for conventional low temperature superconductorswithǫ ≫ω . TheCoulombrepulsion,µ, isreducedtoµ∗ =µ/[1+µlog(ǫ /ω )]≈0.1−0.2,owing - F 0 F 0 d to the retardation effect. If ω /ǫ ∼ 1, however, then the phonon vertex correction should be important, and the 0 F n Coulomb repulsion will not be reduced, µ∗ ≈µ∼1, which will almost always kill superconductivity. o We will not, however, try to investigate these complications in this paper. We will instead assume that supercon- c ductivity results within the framework of Eliashberg theory, and will investigate how the strong-coupling Eliashberg : v theory is modified due to a finite bandwidth and what the consequences are of the modification. This problem was i first treated by Zheng and Bennemann [6] in the context of fullerene superconductors, who calculated the pressure X dependence of the transition temperature, T , for doped fullerenes within the strong-coupling Eliashberg formalism. r c a Their calculationswith the finite bandwidth explicitly included agreewellwith the experimentalobservations. In the different context of a non-phonon superconductivity, Marsiglio [7] investigatedthe dependence of T on nonmagnetic c andmagneticimpuritiesincludingthe effectsofafinite bandwidth. Hefoundthatthe nonmagneticimpurities reduce T forfiniteW. ThisisinterestinginviewoftherecentdebateovertheAbrikosovandGorkov(AG)theoryofimpure c superconductors [8,9]. Kim and Overhauser [10] pointed out that the AG theory, if evaluated literally within the non-retardedweak-couplingBardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer(BCS)framework[5],impliesasubstantialreductionofT by c nonmagneticimpuritiesinanapparentcontradictiontotheAnderson’stheorem[11]andtoexperimentalobservations on conventionallow temperature superconductors [2]. It is now understood that the AG theory is in accordwith the Anderson’s theorem if treated within the Eliashberg theory taking fully into account the retarded nature of a pair- ing interaction, whereas the criticism by Kim and Overhauser should be valid for a non-retarded pairing interaction [12,13]. The problem of retardedness is directly related with a cutoff in the frequency or momentum summation. By working with a more realistic finite bandwidth Eliashberg theory, with cutoffs both in the frequency and momentum summations, we will be able to understandthe recentcontroversyonthe AG theory more clearly as will be discussed later. IntheAGtheoryofimpuresuperconductorsofinfinitebandwidths,thethermodynamicpropertiesareindependent of the impurity scattering rates because there exists a scaling relation between pure and impure superconductivity [8,9]. Thissimplerelation,however,breaksdowniffinitebandwidths aretakenintoconsiderationaswillbe discussed 1 below. Therefore, the thermodynamic properties of dirty superconductors are no longer independent of impurity scattering rates when the finite bandwidths are explicitly taken into account. Two of the thermodynamic properties, transitiontemperature,T ,andnuclearspin-latticerelaxationrate,T−1,arestudiedinthispaperwithinthephonon- c 1 mediated Eliashberg theory. When an electronic bandwidth is finite, T is suppressed as impurity scattering rate, c τ−1,is increased. The rateofT suppressionbyimpurities is determinedbythe electronicbandwidthandstrengthof c electron-phononcoupling,andinthelimitofǫ →∞,T isindependentofimpurityscatteringrateinagreementwith F c the Anderson’s theorem. The impurity suppression of T is not a consequence of a time reversal symmetry breaking, c but follows dynamically from the modified Eliashberg equation of a finite electronic bandwidth, as is reflected in the fact that nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T−1 is rather enhanced by the impurity scatterings. As the electronic 1 bandwidthisreduced,theavailableelectronicstatestoandfromwhichquasi-particlescanbescatteredarerestricted, and the effective electron-phonon coupling constant, λ , consequently, is decreased. The reduced λ implies eff eff decreased T and enhanced NMR coherence peak in (T T)−1. c 1 ThereareseveralfactorsthataffecttheNMRcoherencepeakof(T T)−1[14,15]. ThesuppressionofNMRcoherence 1 peak may be attributed to (a) gap anisotropy/nons-wave pairing of superconducting phase [14], (b) strong-coupling phonon damping [16,17], (c) paramagnetic impurities in samples [9,14], and/or (d) strong Coulomb interaction [18] suchas paramagnon/antiparamagnoneffects [19]. The nonmagnetic impurity scatterings,onthe other hand, haveno influence on (T T)−1 for conventionalsuperconductors of infinite bandwidth [8,9,11], other than the smearing of gap 1 anisotropy. This is because (a) there exists a simple scaling relation between the gap and renormalization functions of pure and impure superconductors of infinite bandwidth, and (b) in the expression for (T T)−1, the numerator 1 and denominator are of the same powers in renormalization function, as will be detailed below. We found that T is c reducedandtheNMRcoherencepeakisenhancedasτ−1 isincreasedforafinitebandwidth,becausetheeffectiveλ eff isreduced. Thisinterpretationisconsistentwiththe previousstudyofparamagnetictransitionmetalsbyMacDonald [20]. In considering the effects of a finite bandwidth of the d electrons on the mass enhancement, MacDonald found the reduced bandwidths cause a reduction in the mass enhancement due to electron-paramagnon interaction. The reduced m means reduced λ in agreement with the present work. eff eff This paper is organizedas follows: In Sec. II, we will present the Eliashbergequation on imaginary frequencies for impure superconductors with finite bandwidths. Within the formalism, we will also discuss the Anderson’s theorem including the scaling relation between the pure and impure superconductivity. We can solve the Eliashberg equation either in the imaginaryfrequency to obtainthe gapfunction, ∆(ip ), and renormalizationfunction, Z(ip ), or in the n n realfrequencytoobtain∆(ω)andZ(ω). Itis,however,mucheasiertosolvetheEliashbergequationintheimaginary e e frequency. We therefore carriedout the T calculations in the imaginary frequencies. Detailed numericalcalculations c e e of as well as qualitative discussions on T will be presented in detail in Sec. III. A brief comment on the theory of c T of impure superconductivity will be made in view of recent debates on the topic. For calculating 1/T , we need c 1 ∆(ω) and Z(ω) in real frequencies. It is more efficient to solve the Eliashberg equation in the imaginary frequency and perform analytic continuations to real frequency than to solve it in real frequency. Using the iterative method e e for analytic continuations [21] extended to finite bandwidths, we calculate the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates 1/T as the bandwidths, electron-phonon couplings and impurity scattering rates are varied. The results of these 1 calculations will be presentedin Sec. IV. Finally, we will summarize our results andgive some concluding remarksin Sec. V. II. ELIASHBERG THEORY OF FINITE BANDWIDTH SUPERCONDUCTORS The electron-phonon interaction is local in space and retarded in time. Consequently, it’s momentum dependence is weak and neglected in the isotropic Eliashberg equation, but the frequency dependence is important and fully included. The isotropicEliashbergequationin the imaginaryfrequency including the finite electronicbandwidth and impurity scatterings on an equal footing is written as [2,3] 1 1 Σ(ip )=− λ(n−m)g(ip )− g(ip ), (1) n m n β 2πτ Xm where ∞ 2Ω α2F(Ω) λ(n−m)=N dΩ , F Z Ω2+(p −p )2 0 n m W/2 iW +(ǫ −µ+χ )τ −φ τ g(ip )=− τ G(ip ,k~′)τ = dǫ m k n 3 m 1. (2) m 3 m 3 k X~k′ Z−W/2 fWm2 +(ǫk−µ+χn)2+φe2m f e 2 Here,N isthedensityofstatesattheFermilevel,τ ’sthePaulimatricesoperatingintheNambuspace,iW ≡ip Z , F i n n n φ ≡ ∆ Z , where p is the Matsubara frequency given by p = π(2n+1)/β, β = 1/k T, and µ is the chemical n n n n n B f e potential, which should not be confused with the Coulomb repulsion. Z ≡ Z(ip ), ∆ ≡ ∆(ip ) and χ ≡ χ(ip ) e e e n n n n n n are, respectively, the renormalization function, gap function and energy shift, when analytically continued to real e e e e frequency. A tilde on a variable denotes that it is renormalizedby impurity scatterings. From Eq. (1), we obtain the following three coupled equations: 1 (θ1 −θ2 )iW 1 (θ1 −θ2)iW iW =ip + λ(n−m) m m m + n n n, n n β 2πτ Xm e W2e+φf2 e W2e+φf2 f q m m q n n 1 (θ1 −θ2 )fφ e1 (θ1 −θ2)φf e φ = λ(n−m) m m m + n n n, n β 2πτ Xm eW2e+φe2 eW2e+φe2 e q m m q n n 1 fcos(θ1e) 1 fcos(θ1e) χ = λ(n−m)log m + log n , (3) n β Xm (cid:20)cos(θem2 )(cid:21) 2πτ (cid:20)cos(θen2)(cid:21) where e e W/2−µ+χ −W/2−µ+χ θ1 =tan−1 n , θ2 =tan−1 n . (4) n (cid:20) (cid:21) n (cid:20) (cid:21) W2+φ2 W2+φ2 e q n n e q n n This coupled equation should be solved simfultaneeously with the followingfconsteraint of number conservation which determines µ: 1 1 n = + Tr G(ip ,~k)τ eiδ, (5) f n 3 2 β Xn,~k h (cid:3) where n is the band filling factor, n = N /N , N the number of electrons, N the number of available states f f e a e a including the spin degeneracy factor, and δ is a positive infinitesimal. We took the Coulomb pseudopotential µ∗ =0 in Eq. (3) for simplicity. For the half-filled case of n =1/2, Eq. (3) is greatly simplified because χ and µ vanish identically. We have f n 1 2θ iW 1 θ iW m m n n iW =ip + λ(n−m) + , n n β πτ Xm We2 f+φ2 We 2f+φ2 f q m m q n n 1 2θ φf e1 θ φ f e m m n n φ = λ(n−m) + , (6) n β πτ Xm We2 +e φ2 We2e+φ2 e q m m q n n where f e f e W θ =tan−1 . (7) n (cid:20) (cid:21) 2 W2+φ2 e q n n This is the Eliashberg equation for the half-filled case incfludingefinite bandwidths and impurity scatterings. For discussions on the Anderson’s theorem, it is convenient to rearrangeEq. (6), moving the last terms of the right hand side to the left, as follows: 1 2θ iW m m iW ζ =ip + λ(n−m) , n n n β Xm We2 f+φ2 f q m m 1 2θ φf e m m φ ζ = λ(n−m) , (8) n n β Xm We2 +e φ2 e q m m f e where ζ = 1− θn 1 . If we multiply both the numerator and denominator of the right hand side of Eq. (8) n πτ W2+φ2 e n n by ζ and identifypW ζ = W and φ ζ = φ , where untilded variables simply imply that they are for pure m m m m m m m e e superconductors, we obtain f e 3 1 2θ iW m m iW =ip + λ(n−m) , n n β W2 +φ2 Xm em m p 1 2θ φ m m φ = λ(n−m) . (9) n β W2 +φ2 Xm em m p Note that the correct equation that describes the pure superconductors is obtained from Eq. (6) by taking the limit τ →∞, which is just Eq. (9) with θ replaced by θ . m m Whenthebandwidthisinfinite, wehaveθ =θ =π/2,andEq.(9)describesbothpure(W andφ )andimpure e m m n n (W and φ ) superconductivity. They are related by the following scaling relation: n n e f e 1 W =η W , φ =η φ , η =1+ , n n n n n n n 2τ W2+φ2 n n f e ip or, ∆(ω)=∆(ω), Z(ω)=Z(ω)+ . (10) 2τ ω2−∆(ω)2 e e p This constitutes a proof of the Anderson’s theorem that the transition temperature and other transport properties remain unchanged under nonmagnetic impurity scatterings for infinite W. When the bandwidth is finite, Eq. (9) is not the correct equation describing pure superconductivity. Consequently, the Anderson’s theorem does not hold in this case, and we expect that the thermodynamic properties, such as transition temperature T , will change as the c impurity scatterings are introduced. We will turn to this topic in the following section. III. TRANSITION TEMPERATURE Before we solve the Eliashberg equation of Eq. (6), let us first try an approximate solution to understand what to expect from detailed numerical calculations. From Eq. (7), θ ≈ π − 2 W2+φ2. We plug this into Eq. (9), and n 2 Wq n n take T =T so that φ =0, to obtain c m e f e π p 4 m Z =1+ λ(n−m) 1− W , n m π pnβ Xm 1 |pm|(cid:18)4 πW (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)f (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:19) 1= λ(n−m) 1− W . (11) m β Xm |Wm|(cid:18) πW (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)f (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:19) We take λ(ǫ−ǫ′)=λ for |ǫ|≤ω and |ǫ′|≤ω , and 0 otherwise, which is a standard weak-coupling approximation. 0 0 Then, taking the advantage of the scaling relation of Eq. (10), we obtain 1 2λ|p | 1+λ(1−1/πτǫ ) n F Z =1+λ 1− − Z = . (12) n n (cid:18) πτǫ (cid:19) πǫ 1+2λ|p |/πǫ F F n F The second equation of Eq. (11), after carrying out the summation over Matsubara frequency ip using m 1 dz F(ip )= f(z)F(z), m β Z 2πi Xm 1 1 F(ip )= dǫ Im F(ǫ) , (13) n π Z ǫ−ipn h i can be written as dz 1 1 iλ 2 i 1=π f(z) dǫ Im − 1+ , (14) Z 2πi π Z ǫ−z (cid:20)|ǫZ| πǫF(cid:16) 2τ|ǫZ|(cid:17)(cid:21) where f(z)=1/(1+eβz) is the Fermi distribution function. Then, ω0 f(ǫ) 1=−λ dǫ =λ log 1.13ω /T , eff eff 0 c Z−ω0 ǫ h i λ(1−1/πτǫ ) F λ = . (15) eff 1+λ(1−1/πτǫ ) F 4 From this, we find 1 T =1.13ω e−1/λeff ≈T − T , (16) c 0 cp cp πτǫ λ F where T = 1.13ω e−(1+λ)/λ is the transition temperature for pure superconductor of a given bandwidth. We note cp 0 thatT is equalto the transitiontemperatureof infinite bandwidth, T , inthe approximatetreatmentthatreplaces cp c0 Z(ǫ)byZ(0). Moredetailednumericalcalculations,however,yieldthatT ≤T asshowninFig. 1. Eq.(16)clearly cp c0 shows that impurities are pair-breaking when the bandwidth is finite in agreement with Marsiglio [7]. T is reduced c not because the time reversal symmetry is broken as is the case with magnetic impurities, but because the effective electron-phonon coupling constant is decreased by impurity scatterings for finite bandwidth as can be seen from Eq. (15). For ǫ →∞, Eq. (16) implies that T is not changed as was discussed in the previous section. F c It seems appropriate to comment here on the recent debate on the AG theory of impure superconductivity. This, as already pointed out by Radtke [12], stems from using non-retarded interaction of weak-coupling scheme [10]. For this, let us rewrite Eq. (9) with θ =π/2 for infinite bandwidth, before the integral over ǫ . m k e π ∞ φ m φ = dǫ λ(n−m) . (17) n k β Xm Z−∞ Wm2 +eφ2m+ǫ2k Then, we have, for T =T f e c π ∞ η m 1= dǫ λ(n−m) . (18) β Z k η2 p2 +ǫ2 Xm −∞ m m k If we proceed the same way leading to Eq. (16), we have T = T for ǫ → ∞. Kim and Overhauser [10], however, c c0 F exchangedtherangeofsummationbetweenǫ andip ,asdidAG,andevaluatedtheresultingequationexactly. This k n leads to a contradictionto the Anderson’s theorem and experimental observations,as was pointed out by them. The origin of this contradiction is clear. This procedure amounts to neglecting the retarded nature of electron-phonon interaction, because λ(n−m) now becomes frequency independent, which implies an instantaneous interaction in time. TheimpuritysuppressionofT wediscussinthispapershouldbedistinguishedfromthepreviousstudies[7,10]. Kim c and Overhauser found that the nonmagnetic impurities suppress T for a non-retarded pairing interaction. We point c out that T is suppressed by nonmagnetic impurities for a retardedpairing interactionalso if the bandwidth is finite. c On the other hand, Marsiglio found that nonmagnetic impurities suppress T of finite bandwidth superconductors c for non-phonon pairing interactions. It is now understood that his results are due to both the finiteness of W and non-phonon nature of pairing interactoins. For a pairing interaction not of the form of Eq. (6), the proof of the Anderson’s theorem of Sec. II does not go through. Therefore, nonmagnetic impurity scatterings can suppress the transition temperature. 5 FIG.1. Transitiontemperature,Tc,asafunctionofimpurityscatteringrate,τ−1,forhalf-filledfinitebandwidthsupercon- ductors, as calculated from Eq. 6. Fig. 1(a) is for NFα2 = 0.02 eV and Fig. 1(b) for 0.05 eV. The solid, dotted, dot-dashed, short-dashed,andlong-dashedcurvesrepresent,respectively,bandwidthW =0.1, 0.5, 1,5,and10 eV.Thedotslabeled asA, B,andCinFig. 1(b)areselectedforcalculatingNMRrelaxationratesshowninFig. 3. Tc isdecreasedbyimpurityscatterings for finite bandwidth supercondcutors, while it is unchanged for those with infinite bandwidths. The rate of Tc suppression by impurities is larger for narrower bandwidth superconductors. The qualitative discussion above is well verified in the detailed numerical calculations. In Fig. 1, we show the transitiontemperatureT ,calculatedfromEq.(6),asafunctionofimpurityscatteringrateτ−1forseveralbandwidths. c We took following Bickers et al. [22] 1 1 − 1 for |Ω−ω |≤Γ , F(Ω)= R(cid:20)(Ω−ω0)2+Γ2 Γ2c+Γ2(cid:21) 0 c (19) 0 otherwise, withω =0.05eV,Γ =3Γ=0.015eV.Risanormalizationconstanttomake ∞dΩF(Ω)=1. Using200Matsubara 0 c 0 frequencies,self-consistencyisreachedwithin afewtens ofiterationsatagiveRntemperature,exceptfortemperatures close to T . The solid, dotted, dot-dashed, short-dashed, and long-dashed curves correspond, respectively, to W = c 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 eV. We considered half-filled cases for simplicity, so that the Fermi energy ǫ = W/2. Fig. F 1(a) and (b) are for N α2 = 0.02 and 0.05 eV, respectively. The long-dashed curves representing W = 10 eV, are F indistinguishable from infinite bandwidth curves. As we expected from the qualitative analysis above, the impurity suppression of the transition temperature is more pronounced for narrower bandwidths. As the bandwidth becomes wider, however, the rate of T suppression by impurity scatterings is smaller until ǫ ≈ 1, beyond which we are c F almostin the infinite bandwidth limit whereT is independent of the impurity scatteringrate in accordancewith the c Anderson’s theorem. We wish to consider how other transport properties of finite bandwidth superconductors, NMR relaxation rate for example, are altered in the following section. If the reduction in T is due to time reversal symmetry breaking, c the NMR coherence peak below T will be reduced. If, on the other hand, it is due to reduction of the effective c electron-phonon coupling as is the case we consider here, we expect that the NMR coherence peak will be enhanced. This is because the strong-coupling effects cause phonon dampings and reduce the coherence peak as was discussed. IV. NUCLEAR SPIN-LATTICE RELAXATION RATE To calculate nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T−1, we need to perform analytic continuation to obtain the gap 1 and renormalization functions on real frequency, ∆(ω) and Z(ω), from those on imaginary frequency, ∆(ip ) and n Z(ip ). It was carried out via the iterative method by Marsiglio, Schossmann, and Carbotte (MSC) [21]. The MSC n e e e equation which relates the gap and renormalization functions on imaginary frequency with those on real frequency, e extended to half-filled finite bandwidth impure superconductors, is given by i ∞ 2θ(ω−Ω) (ω−Ω) Z(ω)=1+ dΩ α2F(Ω) N(Ω)+f(Ω−ω) ω Z−∞ (ωe−Ω)2−∆(ω−Ω)2h i e q e 6 1 2θ ip i θ(ω)ω n n + λ(ω−ip )−λ(ω+ip ) + , n n βω πτω nX≥0 pe2n+∆2nh i ω2e−∆(ω)2 q q i ∞ e 2θ(ω−Ω) ∆(ω−Ω) e ∆(ω)= dΩ α2F(Ω) N(Ω)+f(Ω−ω) Z(ω)Z−∞ (ωe−Ω)2−e∆(ω−Ω)2h i e q e 1 2θ ∆ e i θ(ω)∆(ω) n n + λ(ω−ip )+λ(ω+ip ) + , (20) n n βZ(ω)nX≥0 pe2n+e∆2nh i πτZ(ω) eω2−e∆(ω)2 q q e e where e e ∞ 2Ω α2F(Ω) λ(ω±ip )=N dΩ . (21) n F Z Ω2−(ω±ip )2 0 n This equation is solved iteratively for Z(ω) and ∆(ω), taking Z and ∆ , solution to the Eliashberg equation on n n Matsubara frequencies of Eq. (6), as an input, until self-consistency is reached. We show in Fig. 2 the gap function e e e e ∆(ω) as a function of ω at T = 0.001 eV. We took the impurity scattering rate τ−1 = 0, and the phonon spectral function α2F(Ω) as given by Eq. (19) with N α2 = 0.05 eV which corresponds to Fig. 1(b). Fig. 2(a) is for an F e infinite bandwidth, and (b) is for bandwidth W = 1 eV. The solid and dashed lines, respectively, stand for real and imaginary parts of the gap function. The obtained results for W → ∞, where previous studies are available, are in good agreement with the published data [22]. FIG. 2. The gap function, ∆(ω), as a function of ω at T = 0.001 eV. We took τ−1 = 0 and NFα2 = 0.05 eV, which correspondstoFig. 1(b). Thesolidanddashedlines,respectively,representtherealandimaginary partsofthegap. Fig. 2(a) is for an infinite bandwidth,and (b) is for W = 1 eV. 7 The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T−1 is given by [23] 1 1 1 2 = lim A Im χ (ω+iδ,~q) , (22) T1 ω→01−e−βω Xq~ (cid:12)(cid:12) q(cid:12)(cid:12) h +− i (cid:12) (cid:12) whereA isaformfactorrelatedwiththe conductionelectronwavefunctions,andχ (ω,~q)isaspin-spincorrelation q +− function at frequency ω and momentum transfer ~q. The impurity scatterings are included in the self-energy of renormalized Green’s function. For a finite bandwidth, it is easy to derive 1 ∞ ∂f(ǫ) ǫ θ(ǫ) 2 ∆(ǫ) θ(ǫ) 2 ∝ dǫ Re + Re . (23) T T Z ∂ǫ (cid:26)(cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:27) 1 0 ǫ2−e∆(ǫ)2 eǫ2−∆e(ǫ)2 q q ∞ ∂f ǫ2+∆2 e e → dǫ , (24) Z ∂ǫ (cid:26)ǫ2−∆2(cid:27) ∆ wherethe∆(ǫ)andθ(ǫ)areobtainedbysolvingEqs.(6)and(20)iteratively. Thestandardstrong-couplingexpression forT−1 given,forexample,byFibich[24]canbeobtainedbyputtingθ =π/2forinfinitebandwidth. Eq.(24)follows 1 e e for infinite bandwidth weak-coupling limit. Before we present the detailed numerical calculations, let us first aenalyze the expression for (T T)−1 of Eq. (23) 1 qualitatively. For T >T , ∆ = 0 in Eq. (23), and c e itanh−1 W for ǫ≥ W, θ(ǫ)=tan−1 iW = (cid:20)2ǫZ(ǫ)(cid:21) 2Z (25) (cid:20)2ǫZ(ǫ)(cid:21)  π +itanh−e1 2ǫZ(ǫ) for ǫ≤ We. e 2 (cid:20) W (cid:21) 2Z e  e Taking Z(ǫ)≈1 for simplicity, we have Re θ(ǫ) =π/2 for ǫ≤W/2, and 0 for ǫ>eW/2. Then, h i e 1 e W/2 ∂f(ǫ) 1 ∝ dǫ =− tanh 1βW , T1T Z0 ∂ǫ 2 h2 i tanh W/2T (T T) or, 1 n = h i. (26) (T T) 1 s tanh W/2T c h i (T T) /(T T) , therefore,decreases as the temperature is increased, which is contrastedwith the constantvalue of 1 1 n 1 s fortheinfinitebandwidthcase. Thedecreaseof(T T) /(T T) asthetemperatureisincreasedaboveT wasobserved 1 n 1 s c in the 51V NMR study of V Si superconductors by Kishimoto et al. [25]. This observation was interpreted in terms 3 of narrow bandwidths in accordwith the present work. The range of integrationfrom 0 to W/2 is just what we may expectintuitively. TheT <T region,onthe other hand,isdifficult to analyzewithoutdetailedinformationon∆(ǫ), c because the height of NMR coherence peak is mainly determined by the magnitude of imaginary part of ∆(ǫ) in the e Eliashbergformalism. We mayexpect, however,thatthe coherencepeak willbe enhancedasW isdecreasedandτ−1 e is increased, because λ is reduced. eff 8 FIG.3. Thenormalizednuclearspin-latticerelaxationratebythenormalstateKorringavalue,(T1T)n/(T1T)s,asafunction ofthereducedtemperature,T/Tc0,whereTc0 isthecriticaltemperatureofinfinitebandwidthcase,withNFα2 =0.05eV.The solid, dot-dashed, and dashed curves, labeled, respectively, as A, B, and C, are computed for W and τ−1 equal to 10 and 0, 0.1 and 0, and 0.1 and 0.05 eV, as can be read off from their counterparts in Fig. 1(b). The normalized relaxation rates show progressively enhanced peaks as one goes from A to B to C. This can be understood in terms of theeffective electron-phonon coupling constant alone, because large λ suppresses NMR coherence peak due to strong-coupling phonon dampings. As W eff is reduced and τ−1 is increased, λ is reduced. The computed λ for A, B, and C are 1.67, 0.63, and 0.60, respectively. eff eff In Fig. 3, we show the normalized NMR relaxation rate by the normal state Korringa value, (T T) /(T T) , 1 n 1 s calculated from Eqs. (6), (20) and (23) as a function of T/T , where T is the critical temperature for infinite c0 c0 bandwidth case. We took the phonon spectral function α2F(Ω) as given by Eq. (19) with N α2 = 0.05 eV, which F corresponds to Fig. 1(b). We selected 3 sets of W and τ−1 values, labeled as A, B, and C in Fig. 1(b), for T−1 1 calculations. W and τ−1 of A, B, and C are, respectively, in unit of eV, 10 and 0, 0.1 and 0, and 0.1 and 0.05, as can be read from Fig. 1(b). Note that as one goes from A to B to C, the normalized NMR relaxation rates have progressivelyenhancedpeaks,andT isreducedaccordingly. Theseresultsarestraightforwardtointerpret,asalready c explained before. The computed values of λ for A, B, and C are 1.67, 0.63, and 0.60, respectively. As λ is eff eff decreased, T should be reduced and NMR coherence peak should be enhanced, because there is no time reversal c symmetry breaking in the present problem. The solid curve of A, having λ = 1.67, has substantially reduced eff coherence peak, in agreement with the previous works [16,17]. Note also that the normalized NMR relaxation rates for finite bandwidths decrease as T is increased beyond T as expected. c V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, we have investigated the effects of a finite bandwidth on the thermodynamic properties of impure superconductorswithinthe frameworkofphonon-mediatedEliashbergtheory. We foundthatthe transitiontempera- tureandNMRcoherencepeakaresuppressedandenhanced,respectively,byimpurityscatteringswhenthe finiteness of bandwidths is explicitly taken into consideration. These results can be understood in terms of reduced effective electron-phononcouplingλ . The motivationforthis workwas,inpart,the observationthatthe phononfrequency eff and the Fermi energy are comparable and a substantial disorder is present in the fullerene superconductors [4]. The NMRcoherencepeakin(T T)−1 wasfoundabsentfordopedfullerenes[26,27]. Wewishtopointoutthatthe present 1 theory is not concerned with why the NMR coherence peak is absent for a given material. The present theory shows that if the disorder is increased for a finite bandwidth superconductor, its transition temperature should be reduced andcoherencepeak shouldbeenhanced,respectively,comparedwiththoseofacleanmaterial. Inviewofourresults, it will be very interesting to systematically investigate how the transition temperature and NMR coherence peak behave as the degree of disorder is varied for doped C . 60 In A C , almost all other experiments than NMR relaxation rates seem to point to a phonon-mediated s-wave 3 60 pairing[4]. Also, due to the orientationaldisorder[28],the Fermisurface anisotropyis notstrongenoughto suppress the coherence peak [29]. The presentstudy shows that a quite strong electron-phononcoupling of λ ≈2 is needed eff tosuppresstheNMRcoherencepeakinagreementwithNakamuraetal.[16],andAllenandRainer[17]. Theλ ≈2 eff seems too large for doped fullerenes since the far infrared reflectivity measurements of DeGiorge et al. [30] show that 2∆/k T ≈ 3.44−3.45, a classic weak-coupling value. Because there are no magnetic impurities in A C , the B c 3 60 absenceofNMRcoherencepeakisstilltobe understood. Stengeret al. [31]suggestedthatthe appliedmagneticfield is responsible for the suppressed NMR coherence peak. Their explanation, however, seems to be more a puzzle than an answer. According to the Eliashberg theory, the energy of applied magnetic field should be at least h¯ω ≈0.1∆ to suppress the coherence peak. The magnetic field in their 13C NMR experiment corresponds to h¯ω ≈ 10−5∆. Such a small energy scale in the coherence peak suppression is really a puzzle. We are currently investigating the strong Coulombinteractioneffects with a paramagnonapproximation[19]. We suspect that the strong Coulombinteraction may be responsible for suppressed NMR coherence peak in doped fullerenes. 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