Fine Structure of Open Shell Diatomic Molecules in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields Martin G¨arttner,1,∗ Juan J. Omiste,1 Peter Schmelcher,2 and Rosario Gonz´alez-F´erez1,† 1Instituto Carlos I de F´ısica Te´orica y Computacional, and Departamento de F´ısica At´omica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain 2Zentrum fu¨r Optische Quantentechnologien, Universita¨t Hamburg, Luruper Chaussee 149, Hamburg, 22761, Germany (Dated: January 22, 2013) 3 Wepresentatheoreticalstudyoftheimpactofanelectricfieldcombinedwithamagneticfieldon 1 therotationaldynamicsofopenshelldiatomicmolecules. Withintherigidrotorapproximation,we 0 solve the time-independent Schr¨odinger equation including the fine-structure interactions and the 2 Λ-doublingeffects. Weconsider threesets of molecule specificparameters and several field regimes n and investigate the interplay between the different interactions identifying the dominant one. The a possibilityofinducingcouplingsbetweenthespinandrotationaldegreesoffreedomisdemonstrated. J inestructure, rotational motion, magnetic field, electric field 9 1 I. INTRODUCTION views [17, 18]. The avoidedcrossings in the field-dressed ] h spectrumofOHwereusedtotransferpopulationbetween p The controland manipulationof all molecular degrees twostates of opposite parity,andthe trapdynamics was - of freedom, i.e., the center of mass,electronic, rotational observedincombinedfields[18]. Thetheoreticalanalysis m and vibrational motion, is an ambitious goal in mod- has been carried out under the assumption that the to- e ern molecular physics. Ensembles of cold and ultracold tal angular momentum remains approximately constant, h molecules present a paradigm in this context. Within and, therefore, only the coupling between different Λ- c . thelastdecade,manyexperimentaltechniques,basedon doublet states has been taken into account [17, 18]. s c the use of external fields, have been developed to cre- Thepresentstudygoesbeyondthisapproximationand i ate samples of cold and ultracold molecules [1–5]. Cur- aimsatanextendedapproachtotherotationalmotionof s y rently, different species of cold molecules are becoming an open shell dimer in a 2Π electronic state in combined h available [6–9] with a special focus on heteronuclear al- electric and magnetic fields. In particular, we describe p kali dimers [4, 10–13]. These experimentalefforts should itwithintherigidrotorapproximationincludingthefine [ beaccompaniedbytheoreticalstudiestounderstandhow structureinteractionsandtheΛ-doublingeffects. Taking 1 externalfields modify the internalstructureofthese sys- as prototype examples the LiO and OH radicals in their v tems. 2Π electronic ground state, we explore a wide range of 6 Inthe recentyears,a seriesofstudies ofthe rotational fieldstrengthsandtwodifferentregimescharacterizedby: 8 spectrumofseveraldiatomicmoleculesina1Σelectronic i) the field-dressed dynamics taking place within a cer- 5 state exposed to combined electric and magnetic fields tainrotationalmanifold;andii)the possibilityofmixing 4 wereperformed[14,15]. Thesesystemsarecharacterized states in neighbouring rotational manifolds of the 2Π . 3/2 1 by twodistinctenergyscalesassociatedto the rotational fine structure component. Our focus is on the energy 0 degreesoffreedomandthehyperfinestructure. Thenext shifts, the directional properties, and the hybridization 3 key structural ingredient is given by the electronic spin of the angular motion as either the electric or magnetic 1 and orbital angular momentum, i.e., molecules in a 2Σ field strengths, or the inclination angle between them is : v or2Πelectronicstate. Thesesystemsareidealtoanalyze varied. We also investigate field-induced couplings be- Xi theinterplaybetweenthespin-orbitcouplingandthe ro- tween levels of the fine structure components 2Π1/2 and tational structure in the presence of externalfields. Fur- 2Π by using the external fields. For a molecule with r 3/2 a thermore, the Zeeman and Stark effects might be com- small rotational splitting, we show that the coupling be- parable for moderate field strengths. At the end of the tween the spin and rotational degrees of freedom could 1990s, polar 2Σ molecules were investigated in congru- beachievedatrealisticfieldstrengths. Ithasbeenshown ent fields with the focus on their directional properties recently, that the spin-rotational coupling can be ex- andthe possibility oftrappingthem[16]. Recently,open ploited for tailoring the interactions between ultracold shelldiatomicmolecules,in2Πelectronicstates,exposed molecules [19–21]. We show that similarly the presence to combined electric and magnetic fields have been also ofquasi-degenerateΛ-doubletsofstatesprovideversatile analyzedfromboththeoreticalandexperimentalpointof tools for shaping the properties of ultracold molecules. The paper is organizedas follows. In section II we de- fine our working Hamiltonian. In section III, we discuss ∗ Max Planck Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 the numerical results for two diatomic molecules with a Heidelberg, Germany 2Π electronic groundstate, OH and LiO, as the field pa- † [email protected] rameters are modified. In particular, we explore three 2 given by H =H +H +H +H (2) 0 rot so sr Λd where H is the rotational Hamiltonian [22] rot H = N2 = (J S)2 (3) rot B B − with N being the total angular momentum operator ex- cluding spin, J the total angular momentum operator excluding nuclear spin, S the electronic spin, and the B rotational constant. The spin-orbit coupling term reads FIG. 1. (a) Laboratory fixed frame, Euler angles, schematic H =AT1(L)T1(S) (4) so 0 0 fieldconfigurationanddiatomicmolecule. (b)Field-freelevel structureoftheOHmolecule. Theenergysplittingduetothe whereL is the electronicorbitalangularmomentumand Λ-doubling is not visible on the scale of this figure, the plus A the spin-orbit constant. Note that we are using the and minus signs indicate if the even or odd component of a spherical tensor notation [23]. The contribution due to doublet is energetically higher or lower. the electronic spin-rotation coupling is given by H =γT1(N) T1(S) (5) sr · different cases: (i) for fixed magnetic fieldandfour incli- whereγ isthespin-rotationconstant. Fora2Πelectronic nation angles, we vary the electric field strength; (ii) for ground state, the Λ-doubling term reads fixed electric field and two inclination angles, the mag- neticfieldisincreased;(iii)forfixedmagneticandelectric fichealdngsetdrenfrgotmhs,0t◦hetoa9n0g◦le. bFetinwaelelyn, tfhoermaims ocodneltinsyusotuesmly, HΛd =mX=±1e−2imφ(cid:16)pT22m(S,N)−qT22m(N,N)(cid:17) (6) we investigate the possibility of mixing states from two where p and q are the Λ-doubling parameters. The term different fine structure components. The conclusions are H is a second order term causing a splitting between provided in section IV. Λd levels with different electronic angular momentum pro- jection quantum numbers Λ. It is due to the mixing of rotational states with even and odd parity, and the cor- II. THE HAMILTONIAN OF A LINEAR RIGID ROTOR IN EXTERNAL FIELDS responding ones in the Σ electronic state [22]. The electric dipole moment couples to the static elec- We consider a polar linear molecule in a 2Π electronic tric field, resulting in stateexposedtoahomogeneousstaticelectricfieldanda H = µ E = µE cosθ (7) homogeneous static magnetic field. The field configura- s − · s − s s tion is illustrated in Figure 1: The magnetic field vector withE =E (sinβXˆ+cosβZˆ),andE beingthe electric B points along the Z-axis of the laboratory fixed frame s s s field strength. The angle between the dipole moment µ (LFF) (X,Y,Z), and the dc field E is contained in the s andthisfieldisθ ,cf. Figure 1,andcosθ =cosβcosθ+ XZ-planeforminganangleβwiththeZ-axis. Thez-axis s s sinβsinθcosφ with 0◦ β 180◦. of the molecule fixed frame (MFF) (x,y,z) is defined by ≤ ≤ The interaction with the magnetic field is given by the permanent dipole moment of the molecule µ. These two frames are related by the Euler angles θ and φ, cf. H =µ B (g L+g S) (8) z B L s Figure 1 (a). The system is described within the rigid · rotor approximation, assuming that the vibrational and where µ = e~/2m is the Bohr magneton, and g and B L electronic dynamics are not affected by the fields. We g ,arethe electronorbitalandspingyromagneticratios, s have included the fine structure interactions and the Λ- respectively, which can be approximated by g 1 and L doubling effects, this last term being the largest second g 2. ≈ s order correction for a Π-state [22]. The effects due to H≈ere, we consider molecules having a spin-orbit con- higher order relativistic and hyperfine interactions have stant A larger than the rotational constant . For the been neglected. Thus, the effective Hamiltonian [22] descriptionofthesesystems,theHund’scase(Ba)coupling reads is suited best [22]. The basis set is formed by eigen- states of the commuting operators L , S2, S , J2, J , H =H +H +H (1) z z Z 0 s z andJ . The operatorsL , J andS are the projections z z z z where H is the field-free Hamiltonian, and H and H of the electronic orbital angular momentum L, total an- 0 s z standfortheinteractionwiththestaticelectricandmag- gularmomentumJandspinSonthez-axisofthe MFF, netic fields, respectively. The field-free Hamiltonian is respectively, whereas J is the projection of J on the Z 3 LFF Z-axis. Since this study is restricted to the vibra- III. RESULTS tional ground state of the electronic ground state, the electronic and vibrational Hamiltonians have not been The molecules LiO, NaO, OH and NO have 2Π elec- included. The eigenstates of this basis ΛSΣJM Ω are J tronic ground states. The parameters of the effective labeled by Λ,S,Σ,J,M ,Ω, with Ω = Λ| +Σ. For ia 2Π J Hamiltonian are listed in Table I [22, 24, 25]. For LiO electronic state, S = 1/2 and Λ = 1. Performing a [24] and NaO [25], the values of the spin-rotation con- ± transformation to a basis of parity eigenstates stants are not available in the literature to the best of our knowledge, so we have estimated them using an approximation based on a pure precession hypothesis 1 γ p/2 [26–29]. In this work, we consider two of |JMJΩsi= √2(cid:16)|ΛSΣJMJΩi the≈se−molecules, LiO and OH, as benchmarks to illus- trate our results. While both molecules have spin-orbit +s( 1)J−S ΛS ΣJM Ω (9) J constants ofthe same order of magnitude, the rotational − |− − − i(cid:17) constant of OH is around 15.4 times larger than in LiO. ForOH,therearetworotationalmanifoldsof2Π ener- 3/2 geticallybelowthefirstrotationalmanifoldwithJ =1/2 thelabelΛbecomesobsoleteandisreplacedbytheparity of 2Π , see the states with J = 3/2 and 5/2 of 2Π s = 1. Thus, only Ω, J, M , and s are needed to 1/2 3/2 ± J in Figure 1 (b). Opposite to this, for LiO, 8 rotational uniquely label the states. manifolds with Ω = 3/2 have energies smaller than the The field-free Hamiltonian is invariant under any ro- rotational ground state of 2Π . For both systems, 1/2 tation, and J, M and the parity s, are good quantum the energy gap to the neighbouring Σ electronic state J numbers, whereas, Ω is not well defined. The field-free is large enough, so that its influence can be described stateshavingdifferentΩarecoupled,andtheirlabelingis by the Λ-doubling [22]. The contribution of the hyper- based on the adiabatic limit of vanishing spin-rotational fine structure is negligible, being the contribution of the coupling. Therearetwomanifoldsoffinestructurelevels quadrupole moment for the LiO in the order of tenths 2Π and2Π ,eachoneconsistingofseveralrotational of MHz [22, 30, 31]. Compared to OH, LiO has a larger 3/2 1/2 levels (cf. Fig. 1 (b)). For molecules having a negative dipole moment and a smaller rotational constant, thus, fine structure constant, A < 0, e.g., the OH, LiO and the same electric field strength would provoke a larger NaO molecules, the ground state has Ω = 3/2. The Λ- impact on the LiO rotational dynamics. doubling splitting between states of different parity is smallcomparedtotherotationalsplitting. Thefield-free states are degenerate in M . TABLEI.ParametersoftheeffectiveHamiltonianforthe2Π J ground state of theOH,LiO, NaO and NO molecules. Thesymmetriesofthissystemaresignificantlyreduced when the fields are applied. In the presence of a static Molecule OH LiOa NaOa NO electricfield,theHamiltonianisinvariantunderarbitrary B (cm−1) 18.535 1.204 0.422 1.696 rotations around the field axis CEs(δ) and reflections in A (cm−1) −139.051 −111.672 −107.151 123.15 any plane containing the field axis, being MJ a good γ (cm−1) −0.119 −0.105 −4.42×10−2 −6.47×10−3 quantum number if β = 0◦. If only the magnetic field p (cm−1) 0.235 0.210 8.84×10−2 1.17×10−2 is applied, the symmetries of the Hamiltonian consist on q (cm−1) −0.039 −1.89×10−3 6.23×10−4 9.41×10−5 arbitraryrotationsaroundthe LFF Z-axis (δ) andin- CZ µ (D) 1.655 6.5 8.7 0.159 versionswithrespecttothe originofcoordinates. Inthis case, M and s remain as good quantum numbers. For a Thespin-rotationconstants ofLiO[24]andNaO[25]molecules J parallel or antiparallel fields, the Hamiltonian is invari- hasbeenestimatedusingtheapproximationγ≈−p/2[26–28]. ant under any arbitrary rotations around the field axis (δ) and M is a good quantum number. If the fields Z J C are perpendicular the reflection in the plane perpendic- ular to the magnetic field, σ is a symmetry. For any XY A. Influence of the electric-field strength other angle, i.e., β =0◦,90◦ or 180◦, all the symmetries 6 of the Hamiltonian are broken. We start by analyzing the impact of a static electric Thetime-independentSchr¨odingerequationassociated field taking β = 0◦. We restrict this study to the low- to the Hamiltonian(1) is solvedby a basis setexpansion est lying eight states with Ω = 3/2 and J = 3/2. Note in terms of the functions (9). For reasons of address- that they well represent the main physical features ob- ability,wewilllabelthe field-dressedstatesas JM Ωs , servedintheoverallmoleculardynamics,andsimilarbe- J | i evenifJ,M orsarenotgoodquantumnumbers. Thus, havior and properties are, therefore, obtained for highly J JM Ωs refers to the level that is adiabatically con- excited levels. For the Ω = 3/2 and J = 3/2 states of J | i nectedasE ,B,and/orβ aremodifiedwiththefield-free LiO, Figure 2 (a) and Figure 2 (b) show the energy and s state JM Ωs . cosθ , respectively, as a function of E , for β = 0◦ and J s | i h i 4 effect correction reads E2 ∆E = Λ +µ2 E2 (10) ±r 4 eff s for the s= 1 states with E being the Λ-doublet split- Λ ± ting, and µ = µM Ω/J(J+1). The odd and even eff J − | | parity states are initially high- and low-field seekers, re- spectively. IftheΛ-doubletsplittingissmall,evenavery FIG. 2. For LiO, we present (a) the energy and (b) the ex- weak electric field might induce an efficient orientation, pectation value hcosθsi versus the electric field strength of but the two states with different parity have their effec- the states |3/2,3/2,3/2,±1i (blue thick and thin solid), and tive electric dipole moments pointing in opposite direc- |3/2,1/2,3/2,±1i (blue thick and thin dashed). Some states tions. For LiO and Es = 20 V/cm, cosθ = 0.60 and with J = 5/2 are also plotted: |5/2,5/2,3/2,1i (green thick 0.20 for the even and odd states whith Mi =±3/2 and J dot-dashed) and |5/2,3/2,3/2,1i (green thick solid). Due to 1±/2, respectively. For OH, a stronger dc|-fiel|d is needed the degeneracy in |M |, only those states with M > 0 are J J toachieveasimilarorientation,e.g., cosθ = 0.57and presented. The inset in panel (a) shows the energy splitting h i ± 0.19 for the even and odd states with M = 3/2 and for weak electric field. The field configuration is β =0◦ and ± | J| 1/2, respectively, for E =10 kV/cm. B=0 T. s By further increasing E , the couplings to the next s rotational manifold, and, therefore, the contribution of thesestatestothe field-dresseddynamicsshouldbecome more important. However, this is not the case for OH, andthesecouplingsarestillsmallevenforstrongelectric fieldsduetoitslargerotationalconstant. ForalltheJ = 3/2levels,thevariationof J2 comparedtothefield-free valueisbelow0.8%evenfo(cid:10)rE(cid:11)s =500kV/cm. Then,the OHstateskeeptheirlow-andhigh-fieldseekingcharacter and their orientations vary smoothly, cf. Figure 3. Incontrast,thesecouplingstohighJ-valuestatesleave their fingerprints in the LiO spectrum even at moder- FIG. 3. For OH, we present (a) the energy and (b) the ex- ate electric field strength. To illustrate the hybridiza- pectationvaluehcosθsiversustheelectricfieldstrength. The tion of the total angular momentum in LiO, we have inset inpanel(a) shows theenergysplitting forweak electric plotted in Figure 4 J2 versus E for the J = 3/2 s field. The labeling of the states is done as in Figure 2, and and J = 5/2 levels o(cid:10)f 2(cid:11)Π . For weak electric fields, duetothedegeneracyin|M |,onlythosestateswithM >0 3/2 J J are plotted. Thefield configuration is β =0◦ and B=0 T. J2 presents a plateau-like behaviour around the field- (cid:10)free(cid:11)values J2 = 3.75 and 8.75 for the J = 3/2 and J = 5/2 sta(cid:10)tes(cid:11), respectively. For the 5/2,±3/2,3/2, 1 | − i and 5/2,±1/2,3/2, 1 levels, the coupling to states in | − i the lowest rotational manifold is initially dominant, and B=0T.ThecorrespondingresultsforOHarepresented J2 decreases as E is increased, reaches a broad min- s in Figure 3 (a) and Figure 3 (b). (cid:10)imu(cid:11)m increasing thereafter. For the rest, J2 mono- The Stark interaction (7) couples states with opposite tonically increases due to the couplings to(cid:10)sta(cid:11)tes with parity, if β = 0◦, MJ is a good quantum number and higher field-free J-values. The 3/2,±3/2,3/2,1 levels suf- | i the levels with MJ are still degenerate, although the feranavoidedcrossingwith 5/2,±3/2,3/2,1 fromthenext ± | i field-free degeneracy in M is broken. In the weak dc- rotational manifold for E 81.437 kV/cm of width J s fieldregime,thetwoΛ-doublingcomponentsarestrongly ∆E = 1.01 10−3 cm−1, ≈and they interchange their × coupled because they are energetically close. In addi- intrinsic character. Then, the 3/2,±3/2,3/2,1 levels be- | i tion,thecouplingtothenearestrotationallevelsisrather come oriented and acquire a high-field seeking charac- weak because they are far apart in the spectrum. The ter, see Figure 2. In the strong dc-field regime, all the Λ-doubling splitting within the Ω = 3/2 and J = 3/2 J = 3/2 states are high-field seekers, and their orien- manifold are 10−4 cm−1 and 5.6 10−2 cm−1 for tation monotonically increases as E is increased. For s ∼ ∼ × LiO and OH, respectively; whereas they are separated E = 200 kV/cm, the levels with M = 3/2 and 1/2 s J by 5.96 cm−1 and 44.5 cm−1 to the levels with Ω = 3/2 and s = 1 have achieved a signific|ant|orientation with and J =5/2. Thus, in the weak dc-field regime, the sys- cosθ = 0.84 and 0.68, respectively, whereas cosθ = h i h i tem could be described as a two state model formed by 0.54 and 0.51 for the corresponding states with odd par- the even and odd parity levels with the same M . Only ity. Theyalsoshowastronghybridizationoftheangular J for very strong static electric fields, the couplings to the motion, e.g., for E =200 kV/cm, J2 =5.11 and 6.62 s states within the nextrotationalmanifoldmight become (8.37 and 11.18) for the odd (even)(cid:10)M(cid:11)J = 3/2 and 1/2 | | more important. Within this approximation, the Stark states. 5 FIG. 5. For the Ω = 3/2 and J = 3/2 states, we show their energy versus themagnetic field strength for (a) OH and (b) LiO. The inset in panel (a) shows the energy splitting for weak magnetic field. The states are |3/2,3/2,3/2,±1i (thick and thin solid), |3/2,−3/2,3/2,±1i (thick and thin dotted), |3/2,1/2,3/2,±1i(thickandthindashed),and|3/2,−1/2,3/2,±1i (thickandthindot-dashed). DuetothesmallΛ-doublingthe two states forming a Λ-doublet cannot be distinguished on thescale of this figure. The field configuration is β =0◦ and FIG. 4. For LiO, we show the expectation value (cid:10)J2(cid:11) ver- Es =0 V/cm. sus the electric field strength of the states |3/2,3/2,3/2,±1i (blue thick and thin solid), |3/2,1/2,3/2,±1i (blue thick and thindashed),|5/2,5/2,3/2,±1i(greenthickandthindot-short- 5.2 0.6 dashed), |5/2,3/2,3/2,±1i (green thick and thin solid), and 5 |5/2,1/2,3/2,±1i (green thick and thin dashed). Due to the 0.5 4.8 degeneracy in |MJ|, only those states with MJ >0 are plot- 4.6 ted. The field configuration is β=0◦ and B=0 T. 0.4 4.4 0.3 4.2 4 0.2 3.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 B. Influence of the magnetic field strength FIG.6. FortheΩ=3/2 and J =3/2 states of LiO,weshow Here, we investigatethe evolutionofthe energyas the theirexpectationvalues(a)(cid:10)cos2θs(cid:11)and(b)(cid:10)J2(cid:11)versusthe magnetic field strength. The field configuration is β = 0◦ magneticfieldstrengthisincreased. FortheOHandLiO and Es = 0 V/cm. The labeling of the states is done as in molecules,Figure 5(a)andFigure 5(b)showtheenergy Figure 5. oftheΩ=3/2andJ =3/2statesasafunctionofBwith E = 0 V/cm and β = 0◦. In this field configuration, s M and s are good quantum numbers. The states with J MJ <0(>0)arehigh-(low-)fieldseekersasBisvaried, electric field, J2 monotonically increases with B. andthetwocomponentsofaΛ-doubletrunparallel. The (cid:10) (cid:11) OH molecule presents the linear Zeeman effect, i.e., the energy linearly depends on the magnetic field strength C. Influence of combined magnetic and electric B, and the states with different parity and MJ suffer ex- fields act crossings, see inset in Figure 5, when B is increased. For OH, the mixing with states of the neighbouring ro- The rotational dynamics is drastically modified when tational manifold is negligible even at B = 10 T, where the molecules are exposed to combined magnetic and the variation of J2 compared to its field-free value is electric fields. The Zeeman and Stark interactions break below 1.2%, and(cid:10)the(cid:11)alignment is also weakly affected. different symmetries of the field-free Hamiltonian, and DuetothesmallΛ-doublingsplittingofLiO,thestates the order in which the fields are turned on determines with even and odd parity are very close in energy and the evolutionofthe field-dressedstates. Indeed,their la- indistinguishable on the scale of Figure 5 (b). If the belsdependonthepathfollowedontheparameterspace, magnetic field is strong enough, the coupling to lev- E , B and β, to reach a certain field configuration. This s els of the neighbouring J-manifold becomes more im- phenomenon,calledmonodromy,hasbeenpreviouslyob- portant, and the linear Zeeman behaviour is lost. The served in diatomic and polyatomic molecules in external alignment cos2θ and hybridization of the angular mo- fields [32, 33]. In Figure 7, it is illustrated by the evolu- tion J2 a(cid:10)re pres(cid:11)ented in Figure 6 (a) and (b), respec- tion of the Ω=3/2 and J =3/2 states of OH increasing tively(cid:10). T(cid:11)he alignment of the states with MJ < 0 (> 0) first the electric field and then the magnetic one (left increases (decreases) as B is increased. Only the lev- panel) or vice versa (right panel) with β =30◦. els with M = 3/2 present moderate alignment with Thesetwopathwaysthroughtheparameterspacelead J cos2θ > 0.5 fo−r B & 1.7 T. As in the case of a static to different state labels atthe final point. The main rea- (cid:10) (cid:11) 6 3/2, 1 3/2, 1 -18 -17 -18 -19 -3/2, 1 3/2, -1 -19 1/2, 1 1/2, 1 -1/2, 1 1/2, -1 -20 1/2, -1 -1/2, 1 -20 -1/2, -1 -1/2, -1 -21 3/2, -1 -3/2, 1 -21 -22 -23 -3/2, -1 -3/2, -1 -22 0 20 406080100/0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3/0 20 40 60 80 100 -18 FIG. 7. The J =3/2 manifold of 2Π3/2 is presented at inter- -19 mediatefieldstrengths. Therelativeanglebetweenthefields is β =30◦. The labels of the states are put according to the -20 adiabatic following. -21 -22 0 20 40 60 80 1000 20 40 60 80 100 son is that, as indicated above, by modifying the field configuration we change the symmetries of the system FIG.8. FortheΩ=3/2andJ =3/2statesofOH,wepresent andondifferent parameterpathwaysthe symmetriesare theenergyversustheelectricfieldstrengthfor(a)β=0◦,(b) brokenindifferentorder. Theenergeticorderingdepends β = 30◦, (b) β = 60◦ and (c) β = 90◦, with B = 1 T. The on which field is present at first. If the electric field is labeling of the states is done as in Figure 5. turned on first, the parity in the field-free limit deter- mines the low or high-field seeking character of a level, see Figure 7 (a), whereas in the case of a magnetic field, -48 it is the sign of MJ, cf. Figure 7 (b). It shall be noted -50 that the electric field immediately mixes states of differ- -52 ent parity. So the label s is given according to adiabatic -54 following and no longer has the meaning of the parity of -56 -51 -51 theeigenstatebutindicatesifastateisoriented(s= 1) -58 -52 -52 − or anitoriented (s = 1). As the second field is switched -60 -53 -53 on, the previous energetic ordering of the states is kept -62 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 -48 since there are no more good quantum numbers and all -50 crossings encountered in the spectrum are avoided, ex- -52 cept for the case β = 90◦. This non-uniqueness of the -54 state labeling is typical for systems which cannot be de- -56 -51 scribedusingasinglesetofirreduciblerepresentationsin -58 -52 the whole parameter space. -60 -53 -62 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 20 40 60 80 1000 20 40 60 80 100 1. Constant magnetic field strength and increasing electric field strength FIG. 9. Same as Figure 8 but for LiO. The insets show the weak electric field regime. Some states from the rota- tional manifold J = 5/2 are included: |5/2,5/2,3/2,1i (green Now, we consider a field configuration in which after thick dot-short-dashed), |5/2,−5/2,3/2,±1i (green thick and turningonamagneticfieldofB=1T,theelectricfieldis thin long-dashed), |5/2,3/2,3/2,1i (green thick solid), and switchedonforminganangleβ withtheLFFZ-axis. For |5/2,−3/2,3/2,±1i (green thick and thin dotted). LiO and OH, the variation of the energies of the states withΩ=3/2andJ =3/2asafunctionofE ispresented s in Figure 8 (a), (b), (c) and (d) and Figure 9 (a), (b), (c) and (d), for the inclination angles β = 0◦, 30◦, 60◦ LiO, the Λ-doubling is so small that the even and odd and 90◦, respectively. The corresponding results for the parity states are still quasidegenerate. As E is in- s orientationcosines cosθs arepresentedinFigure 10and creasedthe odd (even) parity states become high- (low-) h i Figure 11. field seekers. The levels 3/2,−3/2,3/2,1 , 3/2,−1/2,3/2,1 , | i | i Let us start analyzing the results for the parallel- 3/2,1/2,3/2, 1 and 3/2,3/2,3/2, 1 have the same en- | − i | − i field configuration. In this case, M is still a good ergy for E 28 kV/cm and E 6.4 kV/cm for OH J s s ≈ ≈ quantum number, and within this manifold the states and LiO respectively. For LiO, we find an avoidedcross- suffer exact crossings. At Es = 0 V/cm and B = ing among the levels 3/2,−3/2,3/2,1 and 5/2,−3/2,3/2,1 1 T, the M -degeneracy is already lifted and the 8 atE 77.782kV/cm| ofwidth∆Ei=8.5| 10−4cm−1,ai J s ≈ × states are identified on the OH spectrum, whereas for secondoneisencounterbetweenthestates 3/2,3/2,3/2,1 | i 7 0.6 and 5/2,3/2,3/2,1 at Es 86.7827 kV/cm of width ∆E =| 1.15 10−3i cm−1. F≈or this system, all the states 0.4 × are high-field seekers in the strong field regime. 0.2 For non-parallel fields β = 90◦, there are no symme- 0 6 tries left on the rigid-rotor Hamiltonian. The real cross- -0.2 ings appearing for β = 0◦ become avoided, in particu- -0.4 lar,thestates 3/2,−3/2,3/2,1 and 3/2,−1/2,3/2, 1 suffer -0.6 two consecutiv|eavoidedcrosisings|atE 3.783−5kiV/cm 0.6 s with ∆E = 2.2 10−4 cm−1 and E ≈12.350 kV/cm 0.4 s with ∆E = 7.2× 10−5 cm−1. Analog≈ously, the levels 0.2 × 3/2,3/2,3/2, 1 and 3/2,1/2,3/2,1 undergo two avoided 0 | − i | i intersections. The positions of these avoided intersec- -0.2 tions is shifted as β is varied, and their widths increase -0.4 as β increases and approaches 90◦. In the strong elec- -0.6 tric field regime, the energies of the states having the 0 20 40 60 80 1000 20 40 60 80 100 same field-free M run parallel as E is augmented. For J s perpendicular fields, the Hamiltonian is invariant under FIG. 10. For the Ω = 3/2 and J = 3/2 states of OH, the the reflection in the plane perpendicular to the mag- netic field. When the electric field is strong enough to expectation value hcosθsi is shown versus the electric field strength for (a) β = 0◦, (b) β = 30◦, (c) β = 60◦ and (d) overcomethe Λ-doubletsplitting, then, the levelshaving β =90◦, with B=1 T. The labeling of the states is done as the same field-free M form pairs of quasidegenerate | J| in Figure 5. states. ForOH,theenergygapwithinthesedoubletsde- creasesasE isincreased. WhereasforLiO,againdueto s the smallΛ-doubling,the two statesarequasidegenerate 0.8 even for weak dc fields. 0.6 0.4 Intheparallelfieldconfiguration,thestateswithfield- 0.2 free odd and even parity are oriented and antioriented, 0 respectively,see Figure 10(a)andFigure 11(a),butthe -0.2 additional magnetic field does not modify significantly -0.4 their absolute orientation cosθ . For LiO, cosθ -0.6 s s is larger for the state hav|ihng a nie|gative field-|frhee Mi|. -0.8 J 0.8 If the two fields are tilted, the presence of new avoided 0.6 crossingsmodifiesthedirectionalpropertiesofthestates, 0.4 and cosθ changesabruptlyintheproximityoftheseir- s 0.2 h i regular regions. Thus, for small variations of the electric 0 field strength, a molecule prepared in the anti-oriented -0.2 statewouldflipitsdipolemomentandturnintooriented. -0.4 Such an electric field steered dipole switcher could have -0.6 0 20 40 60 80 1000 20 40 60 80 100 applications in tailoring the interactions between polar molecules. Byrampingtheelectricfieldstrengththrough thesecrossingsatdifferentspeeds,theLandau-Zenerdy- FIG. 11. Sameas Figure 10 but for LiO. namicscouldbestudiedandtheLandau-Zenertunneling probability measured. For a strong enough electric field with β > 0◦, the pairs of states 3/2,MJ,3/2, 1 have | ± i very close orientation. All the J = 3/2 levels of LiO a state in the same J =3/2 manifold. The effect of this are orientated parallel to the field in the strong dc-field avoidedcrossingon J2 is verysmall,becauseboth lev- regime, and their cosθs increases as Es is increased. elshavethesamefie(cid:10)ld-fr(cid:11)eevalueof J2 . Thus,indepen- h i To illustrate the impact of an additional magnetic dently of β, its J2 shows a smoot(cid:10)h a(cid:11)nd increasing be- field on the hybridization of the angular motion of haviour as Es is(cid:10)inc(cid:11)reased. Furthermore, independently LiO, we have plotted the expectation value J2 of of E , J2 achieves the largest value in the absence of s 3/2,−1/2,3/2,1 and 3/2,3/2,3/2,1 as a function(cid:10) o(cid:11)f Es the ma(cid:10)gne(cid:11)tic field. This is explained by the increase of | i | i in Figure 12 (a) and Figure 12 (b), respectively. There theenergyseparationofthisstatefromtheneighbouring we provide a comparisonbetween the results of the field J = 5/2 levels for β > 0◦, which results in a reduction configurations B = 1 T with β = 0◦, 30◦ 60◦ and 90◦ of the hybridization of the angular motion, and, there- with those obtained with only an electric field. As indi- fore, of J2 . A different behaviour is observed for the catedabove,thelevel 3/2,−1/2,3/2,1 sufferrealcrossings state 3/(cid:10)2,3/(cid:11)2,3/2,1 . For all these field configurations, with neighbouring leve|ls for β =0◦;iand due to the level 3/2,3/2|,3/2,1 has ithe larger energy within the J = 3/2 reorderingit suffers anavoidedcrossingsfor β >0◦ with |manifold of 2iΠ and shows a low-field seeking charac- 3/2 8 6 10 9 -51 --1188 5.5 8 -19 5 7 -52 4.5 6 -20 5 -53 4 4 -21 3.50 20 40 60 80 10030 20 40 60 80 100 -54 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 FIG.12. ForLiO,weshow theexpectation value(cid:10)J2(cid:11)of the 0.4 0.2 0.2 states |3/2,−1/2,3/2,1i and |3/2,3/2,3/2,1i versus the electric 0 0 field strength for B = 0 T (dot-long-dashed), and B = 1 T -0.2 with β =0◦ (dashed),β =30◦ (dotted),β =60◦ (solid), and -0.2 -0.4 β =90◦ (dot-short-dashed). -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 FIG.13. FortheJ =3/2levelsofthe2Π3/2 stateofLiOand OH,energy and expectation value hcosθsi as a function of B forthefieldconfigurationEs =4kV/cmandEs=17kV/cm, respectivelyandβ=0◦. Thelabelingofthestatesisthesame ter when the dc field is turned on. As a consequence, as in Figure 5. itsuffersseveralavoidedcrossingswithhigh-fieldseekers from the J = 5/2 manifold of 2Π , which are reflected 3/2 as abrupt changes of J2 when E is varied. Note that s for β = 30◦ and 60◦,(cid:10)this(cid:11)state undergoes two consecu- 2. Constant electric field strength and increasing magnetic field strength tive avoided crossings. A third kind of behaviour is en- countered: For levels such as the rotationalgroundstate 3/2,−3/2,3/2, 1 , the additional magnetic field provokes Hereweanalyzetheimpactofincreasingthe magnetic |only minor va−riaitions on J2 . fieldstrength,whenthesystemisalsoexposedtoanelec- (cid:10) (cid:11) tric field,whichis turnedonfirst. Forthe J =3/2levels oftheLiOandOH2Π electronicstates,Figure 13and 3/2 The behaviorfor a weak electric field illustrates nicely Figure 14 display the energies and orientation cosines as an interesting feature of open shell states compared to B is increased for β = 0◦ and β = 30◦, respectively. Σ electronic states: In the presence of only a magnetic For LiO and OH, the dc field strengths are fixed to field, the ground state 3/2,3/2,3/2, 1 is separated from Es = 4 kV/cm and Es = 17 kV/cm, respectively, so 3/2,3/2,3/2,1 by the Λ|-doubling sp−lititing. By switching that at B = 1 T and β = 0◦ the Zeeman and Stark o|n an electriic field, these two almost degenerate states interactions are of the same order of magnitude. miximmediately,andtheorientedsuperpositionbecomes Forparallelfields,the field-freestateswiths=1show the ground state while the anti-oriented one increases in a high-field seeking behaviour as B is increased,whereas energy with Es (see Figure 8 and Figure 9). The two those with s = −1 are low-field seekers. Since MJ is states of this doublet are indeed strongly oriented and stillagoodquantumnumber,weencounterseveralexact antioriented, respectively, before they start to interact crossings among these levels, whose positions are differ- with other states. If one could prepare the ground state ent for LiO and OH. The directional properties of OH in such a field configuration, this amounts to a two-level arenotaffectedbythe additionalmagneticfield. Incon- molecule with an oriented and an antioriented compo- trast, cosθs increases (decreases) for the levels of LiO h i nent. If the dc field is turned on slowly, the molecule with field-free even (odd) parity as B is enhanced. adiabaticallyfollowstheorientedgroundstate. Whereas, Whenthefieldsaretilted, alltherealintersectionsbe- population could be transferred to the antioriented level come avoided, and the complexity of the field-dressed if the switching on is done fast enough. In a molecular spectrum increases significantly. The widths of these ensemble,wheredipole-dipoleinteractionhastobetaken avoided crossings increases as β is increased toward 90◦. into account,this allowsoneto accessdifferentphasesof Compared to LiO, the avoided crossings in OH are themany-body(spin-)systembytuningthefieldparam- broader. For instance, the OH levels 3/2,+3/2,3/2, 1 | − i etersorthespeedofthefieldramps. Theimplementation and 3/2,−1/2,3/2, 1 suffer an avoided crossing at B = of spin Hamiltonians with a high degree of control over 0.377|8 T with ∆−Ei = 1.386 10−2 cm−1, whereas × the system parameters may be achieved this way. Also, for LiO it occurs at B = 0.3750 T with ∆E = field parameters could be used to shape the intermolec- 9.4 10−5 cm−1. The states 3/2,−3/2,3/2, 1 and × | − i ular interactions themselves [34–36]. 3/2,3/2,3/2,1 do not suffer any avoided crossing, and | i 9 -50.5 0.8 -51 -18 -51 0.6 -51.5 0.4 -52 -19 -52 0.2 0 -52.5 -0.2 -53 -20 -53 -0.4 -53.5 -0.6 -21 -54 -0.8 -54 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 FIG.15. FortheJ =3/2levelsofthe2Π3/2 stateofLiO,(a) 0.2 0.2 theenergyand(b)theexpectationvaluehcosθsiareplottedas 0 0 a function of the inclination angle β. The field configuration -0.2 -0.2 is B = 2 T and Es = 10 kV/cm. The states are labeled as -0.4 in Figure 5. -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 smoothly as β is enhanced towards 90◦. For β = 39.5◦, FIG. 14. Sameas Figure 13 but for β=30◦ thestates 3/2,−3/2,3/2,1 , 3/2,−1/2,3/2,1 , 3/2,1/2,3/2,1 , | i | i | i and 3/2,1/2,3/2, 1 do not show any orientation. | − i theirorientationsmoothlyvariesasBisincreased. Com- D. A toy molecular system pared to the parallel field configuration, their absolute orientation cosθs is reduced. For the remainder of In this section, we explore the possibility of using ex- |h i| the states, cosθs changes abruptly in the proximity of ternal fields to couple rotational levels from the two fine h i the avoided crossing. Once the magnetic field is strong structure components of a 2Π electronic state. Our aim enoughtheir cosθs alsoshowsa smoothbehaviourasa is to investigatefield-inducedcouplings betweenspinde- h i function of B. grees of freedom and the molecular rotation. We are interested in predicting general properties and principal effects with the focus on their understanding, thus we 3. Influence of the inclination of the fields do not address a specific molecule but use a toy system. ThismolecularmodelhasbeenconstructedusingtheOH In this section, we investigate the impact of the incli- molecule as a prototype: its rotational and spin-orbit nation angle on the rotational dynamics. For the lowest constants have been reduced by a factor of 10, whereas lying rotational manifold of LiO, i.e., the J =3/2 levels the spin-rotationand Λ-doubling parameters by a factor of 2Π , we present in Figure 15 (a) and Figure 15 (b) of100. We haveusedthis ratiobasedonthe simplepure 3/2 the energy and orientation of the dipole moment with precession hypothesis to estimate the Λ-doublet param- respect to the electric field, cosθ , respectively, as a eter p = 4AB/∆E, where ∆E is the energy separation s function of β with E = 10 kVh/cm aind B= 2 T. In this between the 2Π electronic ground state and the 2Σ low- s regime of field strengths, only states within a rotational estexcitedelectronicstate. Thedipolemomenthasbeen manifold suffer avoided crossings with each other. The fixed to µ = 2 D. Note that both, increasing the dipole admixture of states having J = 5/2 is very small. For moment or decreasing the rotational or spin-orbit con- β = 0◦, the degeneracy of the states is lifted, with M stant, leadto the appearance ofcrossingsat lowerfields. J being still a good quantum number. As β is varied the For this system, the field-free spectrum is similar to symmetriesofthesystemarereduced,andfororthogonal the OH energy structure presented in Figure 1, but the fields, pairs of quasidegenerate states are formed, which energyscaleshavebeen reducedsothat the coupling be- is a sign for the emergence of a new symmetry. tween different degrees of freedom can be achieved at The states 3/2,−3/2,3/2, 1 , 3/2,3/2,3/2,1 , lower field strengths. In the 2Π3/2 fine structure com- 3/2,−1/2,3/2,1 , an|d 3/2,1/2,3/−2, i1 d|o not suffeir ponent, the J = 3/2 and 5/2 rotational bands are sepa- a|ny avoided cirossings a|s β is vari−ed,i and their orien- ratedby 8.4cm−1,andthey haveΛ-doubletsplittings of tation changes smoothly. The state 3/2,−3/2,3/2, 1 5.6 10−4 cm−1 and 2 10−3 cm−1, respectively. The presents the larger orientation, and co|sθs is redu−cedi grou×ndstateof2Π1/2 lie×s12.6cm−1 and4.2cm−1 above from 0.67 for β =0◦ till 0.40 for β =9h0◦. i the J = 3/2 and J = 5/2 levels of 2Π3/2, respectively, The pair 3/2,−3/2,3/2,1 and 3/2,−1/2,3/2, 1 suffer and has a Λ-doublet splitting of 1.6 10−3 cm−1. | i | − i × an avoided crossing, and around this irregular region Figure 16 (a) displays the energies for the levels with their orientation changes abruptly, analogously for the J = 3/2 and J = 5/2 of 2Π and J = 1/2 of 2Π 3/2 1/2 3/2,3/2,3/2, 1 and 3/2,1/2,3/2,1 levels. After these as a function of the electric strength. When the dc | − i | i avoided crossings, their directional properties evolve field is turned on, the levels in a J-manifold are driven Molecular Physics 10 12 now takes place between the states 1/2,−1/2,1/2,1 and 11 | i 10 |e5n/e2,rg1/y2,g3a/2p,1∆iEfo=r E1s.4= 21004−.447c4mk−V1/.cm and has a larger 9 × IV. CONCLUSIONS 8 7 6 We have investigated the impact of combined electric 5 and magnetic fields on the rotational spectrum of open 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 shell diatomic molecules in a 2Π electronic state. This studyhasbeenperformedwithintherigidrotorapproxi- FIG.16. Forthetoysystem,weshowtheenergyofthestates mation, including the fine-structure interactions and the with J = 5/2 (green) from 2Π3/2 and J = 1/2 (red) from Λ-doubling effects. For several field configurations, the 2Π1/2 as a function of the dc field strength Es for the field richness and variety of the field-dressed rotational dy- configuration (a) B = 0 T and β = 0◦ and (b) B = 2 T and namics has been illustrated by analyzing the energies, β = 30◦. The labels of states are: M = 1/2 and s = ±1 J the directional properties, and the hybridization of the thick and thin dashed, M = −1/2 and s = ±1 thick and J angular motion. thin dot-dashed, M =3/2 and s=±1 thick and thin solid, J M = −3/2 and s = ±1 thick and thin dotted, M = 5/2 Consideringseveralfieldregimes,wehaveexploredthe J J ands=±1thickandthindot-short-dashed,andM =−5/2 roleofthedifferentinteractions,andthepossibilityofin- J and s=±1 thick and thin long-dashed. ducingcouplingbetweenthe differentdegreesoffreedom by using the external fields. Due to the large rotational constant of the OH radical, we have shown that for the apart in pairs having the same MJ and depending on J =3/2statesof2Π3/2,thefield-dresseddynamicstakes | | the field-free parity they have a high- or low-field seek- placewithinthismanifoldevenforstrongexternalfields, ing character. The 1/2,±1/2,1/2,1 levels are high-field and the contribution of levels with higher J is negligi- | i seekers, then, when E is increased they will encounter ble. In contrast, we have proven that strong electric or s the low-field seeking states from the J = 5/2 mani- magnetic fields induce coupling between states of differ- fold of 2Π3/2. Indeed, 1/2,±1/2,1/2,1 undergoes exact ent rotational manifolds of 2Π3/2 in the LiO spectrum. | i crossingswith 5/2,±5/2,3/2, 1 and 5/2,±3/2,3/2, 1 for Finally, we have considereda realistic model system and | − i | − i E = 151.698 kV/cm and E = 171.718 kV/cm, re- demonstratedthefeasibilityofinducingcouplingbetween s s spectively. In addition, it suffers a very narrow avoided rotationallevels of the 2Π1/2 and 2Π3/2 electronic states crossing with 5/2,±1/2,3/2, 1 for Es 209.22 kV/cm by means of external fields. of width ∆E =| 2.1 10−5−cmi−1, and≈through it these Inalltheseregimes,thecomplexityofthefield-dressed × levels interchange their intrinsic character. At these ir- spectrumischaracterizedbytheamountofavoidedcross- regular regions, the dc field induces a strong mixing and ings that the states suffer in the field-dressed dynam- interaction between the rotational and spin degrees of ics. Around them, the fields become control knobs that freedom. Thus,weencounterinteractionsbetweenstates could be exploited to tailor the interactions between po- in different rotational manifolds of given fine structure larmoleculesandinfluencetheirrotationaldynamics. In- components, but also among levels in 2Π and 2Π . deed, by tuning the field parametersone canfind config- 3/2 1/2 The results for this molecule exposed to an additional urationswhereeitherthe dipolemomentandorientation magnetic field of 2 T forming an angle β =30◦ with the are flipped or the electronic spin interchanged. Then, dc field are presented in Figure 16 (b). Now, M is not Landau-Zener tunnelling between these states could be J a good quantum number, the M -degeneracy is lifted observed if the corresponding field strength is changed J and the real intersections amon|g le|vels appearing in an fastenougharoundthe crossingregion,andRabioscilla- electric field become avoided. Thus, the first avoided tions could be induced. Here, we have shown that these crossing between 2Π and 2Π states takes place at phenomenamightappearatfieldstrengthswhicharewell 3/2 1/2 a lower electric field strength E . Indeed, the states within experimental reach. s 1/2,−1/2,1/2,1 and 5/2,5/2,3/2, 1 suffer an avoidedin- | i | − i tersection for E 122.898 kV/cm, and energy width s 2.96 10−4 cm−1≈. Thus the effects due to the mixing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS × of different fine structure components come into reach under experimentally realistic conditions. By further in- Financial support by the Spanish project FIS2011- creasing E , we encounter a cascade of avoidedcrossings 24540(MICINN), the Grants P11-FQM-7276and FQM- s within the J = 5/2 rotational manifold of 2Π . We 4643(Junta de Andaluc´ıa),and the Andalusianresearch 3/2 haveidentifiedtheavoidedcrossingequivalenttotheone group FQM-207 is gratefully appreciated. J.J.O. ac- at 209.22kV/cm in the absence of the magnetic field. It knowledges the support of ME under the programFPU. [1] M. Zeppenfeld, B.G.U. Englert, R. Glo¨ckner, A. Prehn, and R.G., Nature491, 570 (2012). M. Mielenz, C. Sommer, L.D. van Buuren, M. Motsch