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Financial Highlights: $668.8 TRIMBLE LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: EEuurrooppeeaann RReeggiioonnaall FFuullfifi llllmmeenntt CCeenntteerr INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS Meerheide 45 MIDDLE EAST: Trimble Navigation Limited 5521DZ Eersel 774499 NNoorrtthh MMaarryy AAvveennuuee Netherlands Trimble Dubai SSuunnnnyyvvaallee,, CCAA 9944008855 LLOOBB 1144 OOfffifi ccee 332222 Applanix PO Box 17760 UNITED STATES 85 Leek Crescent Jebel Ali Free Zone OPERATIONS: Richmond Hill, Ontario Dubai Canada L4B 3B3 UAE million in revenue TTrriimmbbllee CChhaannddlleerr INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS 77440088 WWeesstt DDeettrrooiitt SSttrreeeett,, SSuuiittee 110000 MENSI PACIFIC RIM: Chandler, AZ 85226 30, rue de la Fontaine du Vaisseau 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois Trimble Australia Trimble | Annual Report 2004 Trimble Rockies France Level 1/120 Wickham Street 77440011 CChhuurrcchh RRaanncchh BBoouulleevvaarrdd FFoorrttiittuuddee VVaalllleeyy QQLLDD 44000066 WWeessttmmiinnsstteerr,, CCOO 8800002211 INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS Australia EUROPE: Trimble Dayton Trimble China 5475 Kellenburger Road Trimble France Beijing Representative Offi ce ggg sss ttt DDaayyttoonn,, OOHH 4455442244 3322,, rruuee ddee llaa FFoonnttaaiinnee dduu VVaaiisssseeaauu RRoooomm 22880055--77,, TTeennggddaa PPllaazzaa 9944112200 FFoonntteennaayy--ssoouuss--BBooiiss NNoo.. 116688 XXiiwwaaii SSttrreeeett,, HHaaiiddiiaann DDiissttrriicctt TTrriimmbbllee MMoobbiillee SSoolluuttiioonnss IInncc.. France Beijing 100044 China 14301 G Sullyfi eld Circle nnn eee rrr Chantilly, VA 20151 Trimble Germany 666 Fuzhuo Td AAmm PPrriimmee PPaarrcc 1111 Haixin Plaza TTrriippoodd DDaattaa SSyysstteemmss 6655447799 RRaauunnhheeiimm SShhaanngghhaaii 220000000011 iii iii aaa 334455 SSWW AAvveerryy AAvveennuuee Germany China Corvallis, OR 97333 ������� ������� �������������������������� Trimble Italy Trimble Korea � � � AAmmeerriiccaass RReeggiioonnaall FFuullllfifi llllmmeenntt CCeenntteerr Cento Torri Bianche 88FF,, GGeeuummwwoonn BBllddgg..,, 994433--1122 DDaaeecchhii33--ddoonngg ddd ttt ppp ������������� ������������� ������������� 55447755 KKeelllleennbbuurrggeerr RRooaadd PPaallaazzzzoo LLaarriiccee,, 33 KKaannggnnaamm--gguu,, SSeeoouull 113355--884455 DDaayyttoonn,, OOHH 4455442244 2200005599 VViimmeerrccaattee ((MMII)) Korea Italy nnn iii aaa ��� ��� �� INTERNATIONAL Trimble Singapore OPERATIONS: Trimble Russia 80 Marine Parade Rd TTHHDrr-aaii8mmrrii5nnbb6ggll3sseett5 rrTT aaHeessrrssörreeaah 11SSe99naattkirchen-Siegertsbrunn 22MMR33uoo,,s sss11ccissaoottww TT,, vv11ee22rrss55kk00aa44yy77aa--YYaammsskkaayyaa SStt.. 22SSSiii22nnn--ggg00aaa66ppp,, oooPPrrraaeeerr kk44ww4499aa22yy 66PP99aarraaddee iii nnn ������ �� ���� Germany Trimble Spain INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS VViiaa ddee llaass DDooss CCaassttiillllaass NNoo.. 3333 THE AMERICAS: FFF uuu mmm �� �� TTrriimmbbllee JJeennaa AAttiiccaa.. EEddiififi cciioo 66.. PPllaannttaa 33 ��� CCaarrll--ZZeeiissss PPrroommeennaaddee 1100 Despacho B-2 TTrriimmbbllee CCaannaaddaa �� DGe-0rm77a4n0y Jena 2M8a2d2r4id Pozuelo de Alarcon 4T1o rHonotron,e Or Anvtaerniou eM, U8nZi t4 5X4 ttt ccc ��� �� �� Spain Canada TTrriimmbbllee KKaaiisseerrssllaauutteerrnn ��� AAmm SSppoorrttppllaattzz 55 TTrriimmbbllee NNoorrddiicc TTrriimmbbllee LLaattiinn AAmmeerriiccaa rrr 111 �� D-67661 Kaiserslautern Box 64, Rinkebyvägen 17 6505 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 120 �� Germany 182 11, Danderyd Miami, Florida 33126 ��� �� Sweden TTrriimmbbllee NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd JOINT VENTURES: ooo 1111 BBiirrmmiinngghhaamm DDrriivvee Trimble UK � � � P.O. Box 8729 Trimble House CCaatteerrppiillllaarr TTrriimmbbllee CCoonnttrrooll TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess Riccarton, Christchurch Meridian Offi ce Park LLC ppp �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� New Zealand Osborn Way, Hook 5475 Kellenburger Road HHaammppsshhiirree RRGG2277 99HHXX DDaayyttoonn,, OOHH 4455442244 ���������������������������������� TTBBrrooiixxmm 66bb44ll,,ee RRSSiiwwnneekkddeebbeennyyvvääggeenn 1177 UU..KK NNiikkoonn--TTrriimmbbllee CCoo..,, LLttdd.. ppp ����������������������������� 182 11, Danderyd Trimble Benelux Technoport Mitsuiseimei Building Sweden Meerheide 45 16-2, Minamikamata 2-chome, Ota-ku 55552211DDZZ EEeerrsseell TTookkyyoo 114444--00003355,, JJaappaann ooo NNeetthheerrllaannddss Financial Highlights: $668.8 TRIMBLE LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: EEuurrooppeeaann RReeggiioonnaall FFuullfifi llllmmeenntt CCeenntteerr INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS Meerheide 45 MIDDLE EAST: Trimble Navigation Limited 5521DZ Eersel 774499 NNoorrtthh MMaarryy AAvveennuuee Netherlands Trimble Dubai SSuunnnnyyvvaallee,, CCAA 9944008855 LLOOBB 1144 OOfffifi ccee 332222 Applanix PO Box 17760 UNITED STATES 85 Leek Crescent Jebel Ali Free Zone OPERATIONS: Richmond Hill, Ontario Dubai Canada L4B 3B3 UAE million in revenue TTrriimmbbllee CChhaannddlleerr INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS 77440088 WWeesstt DDeettrrooiitt SSttrreeeett,, SSuuiittee 110000 MENSI PACIFIC RIM: Chandler, AZ 85226 30, rue de la Fontaine du Vaisseau 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois Trimble Australia Trimble | Annual Report 2004 Trimble Rockies France Level 1/120 Wickham Street 77440011 CChhuurrcchh RRaanncchh BBoouulleevvaarrdd FFoorrttiittuuddee VVaalllleeyy QQLLDD 44000066 WWeessttmmiinnsstteerr,, CCOO 8800002211 INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS Australia EUROPE: Trimble Dayton Trimble China 5475 Kellenburger Road Trimble France Beijing Representative Offi ce ggg sss ttt DDaayyttoonn,, OOHH 4455442244 3322,, rruuee ddee llaa FFoonnttaaiinnee dduu VVaaiisssseeaauu RRoooomm 22880055--77,, TTeennggddaa PPllaazzaa 9944112200 FFoonntteennaayy--ssoouuss--BBooiiss NNoo.. 116688 XXiiwwaaii SSttrreeeett,, HHaaiiddiiaann DDiissttrriicctt TTrriimmbbllee MMoobbiillee SSoolluuttiioonnss IInncc.. France Beijing 100044 China 14301 G Sullyfi eld Circle nnn eee rrr Chantilly, VA 20151 Trimble Germany 666 Fuzhuo Td AAmm PPrriimmee PPaarrcc 1111 Haixin Plaza TTrriippoodd DDaattaa SSyysstteemmss 6655447799 RRaauunnhheeiimm SShhaanngghhaaii 220000000011 iii iii aaa 334455 SSWW AAvveerryy AAvveennuuee Germany China Corvallis, OR 97333 ������� ������� �������������������������� Trimble Italy Trimble Korea � � � AAmmeerriiccaass RReeggiioonnaall FFuullllfifi llllmmeenntt CCeenntteerr Cento Torri Bianche 88FF,, GGeeuummwwoonn BBllddgg..,, 994433--1122 DDaaeecchhii33--ddoonngg ddd ttt ppp ������������� ������������� ������������� 55447755 KKeelllleennbbuurrggeerr RRooaadd PPaallaazzzzoo LLaarriiccee,, 33 KKaannggnnaamm--gguu,, SSeeoouull 113355--884455 DDaayyttoonn,, OOHH 4455442244 2200005599 VViimmeerrccaattee ((MMII)) Korea Italy nnn iii aaa ��� ��� �� INTERNATIONAL Trimble Singapore OPERATIONS: Trimble Russia 80 Marine Parade Rd TTHHDrr-aaii8mmrrii5nnbb6ggll3sseett5 rrTT aaHeessrrssörreeaah 11SSe99naattkirchen-Siegertsbrunn 22MMR33uoo,,s sss11ccissaoottww TT,, vv11ee22rrss55kk00aa44yy77aa--YYaammsskkaayyaa SStt.. 22SSSiii22nnn--ggg00aaa66ppp,, oooPPrrraaeeerr kk44ww4499aa22yy 66PP99aarraaddee iii nnn ������ �� ���� Germany Trimble Spain INTERNATIONAL SALES CENTERS VViiaa ddee llaass DDooss CCaassttiillllaass NNoo.. 3333 THE AMERICAS: FFF uuu mmm �� �� TTrriimmbbllee JJeennaa AAttiiccaa.. EEddiififi cciioo 66.. PPllaannttaa 33 ��� CCaarrll--ZZeeiissss PPrroommeennaaddee 1100 Despacho B-2 TTrriimmbbllee CCaannaaddaa �� DGe-0rm77a4n0y Jena 2M8a2d2r4id Pozuelo de Alarcon 4T1o rHonotron,e Or Anvtaerniou eM, U8nZi t4 5X4 ttt ccc ��� �� �� Spain Canada TTrriimmbbllee KKaaiisseerrssllaauutteerrnn ��� AAmm SSppoorrttppllaattzz 55 TTrriimmbbllee NNoorrddiicc TTrriimmbbllee LLaattiinn AAmmeerriiccaa rrr 111 �� D-67661 Kaiserslautern Box 64, Rinkebyvägen 17 6505 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 120 �� Germany 182 11, Danderyd Miami, Florida 33126 ��� �� Sweden TTrriimmbbllee NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd JOINT VENTURES: ooo 1111 BBiirrmmiinngghhaamm DDrriivvee Trimble UK � � � P.O. Box 8729 Trimble House CCaatteerrppiillllaarr TTrriimmbbllee CCoonnttrrooll TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess Riccarton, Christchurch Meridian Offi ce Park LLC ppp �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� New Zealand Osborn Way, Hook 5475 Kellenburger Road HHaammppsshhiirree RRGG2277 99HHXX DDaayyttoonn,, OOHH 4455442244 ���������������������������������� TTBBrrooiixxmm 66bb44ll,,ee RRSSiiwwnneekkddeebbeennyyvvääggeenn 1177 UU..KK NNiikkoonn--TTrriimmbbllee CCoo..,, LLttdd.. ppp ����������������������������� 182 11, Danderyd Trimble Benelux Technoport Mitsuiseimei Building Sweden Meerheide 45 16-2, Minamikamata 2-chome, Ota-ku 55552211DDZZ EEeerrsseell TTookkyyoo 114444--00003355,, JJaappaann ooo NNeetthheerrllaannddss TRIMBLE’S PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES ENABLE COMPANIES AND PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE BY REVOLUTIONIZING WORK PROCESSES WITH POSITION-CENTRIC INFORMATION. EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Steven W. Berglund Robert S. Cooper, Ph.D., Chairman The Company’s annual report on Form p President and Chief Executive Offi cer President 111000---KKK,,, aaasss fififi llleeeddd wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee SSSeeecccuuurrriiitttiiieeesss EEExxxccchhhaaannngggeee AAAAAAeeeeeerrrrrroooooossssssppppppaaaaaacccccceeeeee EEEEEElllllleeeeeeccccccttttttrrrrrroooooonnnnnniiiiiiccccccssssss DDDDDDiiiiiivvvvvviiiiiissssssiiiiiioooooonnnnnn CCCooommmmmmiiissssssiiiooonnn,,, iiisss aaalllsssooo aaavvvaaaiiilllaaabbbllleee ooonnn ttthhheee IIInnnvvveeessstttooorrr Rajat Bahri TTiittaann CCoorrppoorraattiioonn RRReeelllaaatttiiiooonnnsss ssseeeccctttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee cccooommmpppaaannnyyy’’’sss wwweeebbbsssiiittteee aaattt::: MARKETS SERVED % OF PRODUCT EXAMPLES REPRESENTATIVE CUSTOMERS Chief Financial Offi cer An aerospace company http://www.trimble.com/ir_reports.html TOTAL i REVENUE Richard A. Beyer Steven W. Berglund President PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennnttt aaannnddd CCChhhiiieeefff EEExxxeeecccuuutttiiivvveee OOOffffififi ccceeerrr Engineering and Construction 68% h MMMMMooooobbbbbiiiiillllleeeee SSSSSooooollllluuuuutttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss IIIIInnnnnccccc..... TRIMBLE INVESTOR INFORMATION JJoohhnn BB.. GGooooddrriicchh,, SSeeccrreettaarryy Survey GPS, robotic and mechanical Surveyors total stations Civil engineers Bryn Fosburgh Business Consultant Traded: The NASDAQ Stock Exchange Digital levels and theodolites Construction contractors Vice President Symbol: TRMB Data collectors and fi eld computers Transportation agencies s GGGeeennneeerrraaalll MMMaaannnaaagggeeerrr,,, EEEnnngggiiinnneeeeeerrriiinnnggg aaannnddd CCCooonnnssstttrrruuuccctttiiiooonnn William Hart Field and offi ce application software Utility companies VVVVVeeeeennnnntttttuuuuurrrrreeeee CCCCCaaaaapppppiiiiitttttaaaaalllll IIIIInnnnnvvvvveeeeessssstttttooooorrrrr aaaaannnnnddddd ©©©©©©©© 22222222000000000000000055555555,,,,,,,, TTTTTTTTrrrrrrrriiiiiiiimmmmmmmmbbbbbbbblllllllleeeeeeee NNNNNNNNaaaaaaaavvvvvvvviiiiiiiiggggggggaaaaaaaattttttttiiiiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnn LLLLLLLLiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmiiiiiiiitttttttteeeeeeeedddddddd........ AAAAAAAAllllllllllllllll 3D laser scanners Plant engineers AAllaann RR.. TToowwnnsseenndd BBuussiinneessss ccoonnssuullttaanntt rrriiiggghhhtttsss rrreeessseeerrrvvveeeddd... TTTrrriiimmmbbbllleee,,, ttthhheee ggglllooobbbeee aaannnddd tttrrriiiaaannngggllleee r Vice President logo, AgGPS and EZ-Guide are trademarks Construction Machine guidance systems Earth-moving contractors General Manager, Field Solutions Ulf J. Johansson, Ph.D. of Trimble Navigation Limited registered Laser and optical positioning General construction contractors Chairman iiinnn ttthhheee UUUnnniiittteeeddd SSStttaaattteeesss PPPaaattteeennnttt aaannnddd TTTrrraaadddeeemmmaaarrrkkk and alignment tools Utility contractors DDeennnniiss LL.. WWoorrkkmmaann EEEEEuuuuurrrrrooooopppppooooollllliiiiitttttaaaaannnnn VVVVVooooodddddaaaaafffffooooonnnnneeeee AAAAABBBBB OOOOOOOOfffffffffifififififififi cccccccceeeeeeee........ TTTTTTTTrrrrrrrriiiiiiiimmmmmmmmTTTTTTTTrrrrrrrraaaaaaaacccccccc,,,,,,,, EEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ--------SSSSSSSStttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd AAAAAAAAuuuuuuuuttttttttooooooooppppppppiiiiiiiillllllllooooooootttttttt aaaaaaaarrrrrrrreeeeeeee Field and offi ce application software Wall and ceiling contractors e Vice President AAA mmmooobbbiiillleee ttteeellleeecccooommmmmmuuunnniiicccaaatttiiiooonnnsss cccooommmpppaaannnyyy tttrrraaadddeeemmmaaarrrkkksss ooofff TTTrrriiimmmbbbllleee NNNaaavvviiigggaaatttiiiooonnn LLLiiimmmiiittteeeddd... Transportation agencies General Manager, Component Technologies All other trademarks are the property of their Bradford W. Parkinson, Ph.D. respective owners. TID13475 Infrastructure GPS reference networks and software Government and scientifi c agencies William C. Burgess Professor (Emeritus) General constuction contractors d Vice President DDDeeepppaaarrrtttmmmeeennnttt ooofff AAAeeerrrooonnnaaauuutttiiicccsss aaannnddd AAAssstttrrrooonnnaaauuutttiiicccsss HHuummaann RReessoouurrcceess SSttaannffoorrdd UUnniivveerrssiittyy Field Solutions 15% a Joseph F. Denniston, Jr. Nickolas W. Vande Steeg Mapping and GIS Handheld GPS fi eld data collectors Utility companies Vice President President & COO Field and offi ce application software Natural resource agencies Operations PPaarrkkeerr HHaannnniififi nn CCoorrppoorraattiioonn Government agencies AAAAA dddddiiiiivvvvveeeeerrrrrsssssiiiiifififififi eeeeeddddd mmmmmaaaaannnnnuuuuufffffaaaaaccccctttttuuuuurrrrreeeeerrrrr e MMaarrkk AA.. HHaarrrriinnggttoonn Agriculture Manual and automated steering systems Farmers Vice President for farm vehicles Agricultural contractors Strategy and Business Development Grade control systems for irrigation and drainage L IIIIIrrrrrwwwwwiiiiinnnnn LLLLL..... KKKKKwwwwwaaaaattttteeeeekkkkk VVViiiccceee PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennnttt aaannnddd GGGeeennneeerrraaalll CCCooouuunnnssseeelll SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION Component Technologies 12% Corporate Headquarters: Chip and Board Level Products GPS chipsets, boards and modules Electronics OEMs Michael W. Lesyna Trimble Navigation Limited Embedded silicon and fi rmware Portable appliance manufacturers Vice President 774499 NNoorrtthh MMaarryy AAvveennuuee BBuussiinneessss TTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn SSSSSuuuuunnnnnnnnnnyyyyyvvvvvaaaaallllleeeee,,,,, CCCCCaaaaallllliiiiifffffooooorrrrrnnnnniiiiiaaaaa 9999944444000008888855555 Tracking Devices TrimTrac Locator System integrators PPhhoonnee:: ((440088)) 448811--88000000 Security device suppliers Bruce E. Peetz Fax: (408) 481-2160 Vice President www.trimble.com Timing CDMA base station clocks Wireless infrastructure providers Advanced Technology and Systems Time and frequency boards and instruments Anup V. Singh INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Mobile Solutions 2% Vice President Corporate Controller Ernst & Young LLP Fleet Management GPS-enabled mobile devices Local fl eet operators PPaalloo AAllttoo,, CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa Municipal fl eet operators John E. Huey TTrreeaassuurreerr Security GPS-enabled mobile devices Commercial vehicles TRANSFER AGENT & REGISTRAR American Stock Transfer & Trust Company Portfolio Businesses 3% 59 Maiden Lane Plaza Level Defense GPS receivers for aircraft U.S. Department of Defense NNNNNeeeeewwwww YYYYYooooorrrrrkkkkk,,,,, NNNNNYYYYY 1111100000000003333388888 Military time and frequency boards Allied defense ministries 11--880000--993377--55444499 Defense contractors www.amstock.com Applanix Integrated inertial/GPS positioning and Land, marine and aerial surveying [email protected] orientation systems and mapping contractors Trimble Outdoors Mapping software Outdoor enthusiasts INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACT GPS-enabled mobile phones (408) 481-6914 Web-based mapping applications [email protected] Enhancing productivity and profitability through location-based solutions. For over 25 years, Trimble has helped transform the lives of our customers by providing products and services that enhance their productivity and profi tability. Though Trimble is best known for its Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, our rapid growth over the last fi ve years has been driven by products and services that integrate a range of positioning technologies with wireless communications and applications software. Through these capabilities, Trimble brings a new level of innovation to markets such as construction, agriculture, mobile workers and vehicle fl eet management. Trimble transforms complex positioning data into customized information that solves unique business problems. These innovations, in turn, provide Trimble with leaders’ advantages of higher revenue growth, improved prof- itability and sustained competitive position. It is this strategy of providing unique solutions for our customers that drives Trimble’s growth and confi dence about the future. s r e o d t l o r h Field Solutions segment revenues grew by 32 percent with operating margin growth of 73 percent. Both businesses in the segment, e e agriculture and geographic information systems (GIS), refl ected improved performance. Agriculture was particularly strong as a result of the market success of the AgGPS® EZ-Guide® Plus guidance t r product. We reinforced that success late in the year with the announcement of the EZ-SteerTM system that allows farmers to t a upgrade EZ-Guide Plus to a fully automatic system. Mobile Solutions segment revenue grew by 81 percent and generated an operating loss of $6 million. This business continued to be the key e h investment area for Trimble. We were very encouraged by the 380 percent subscriber growth during the year and the resulting improved 222222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000444444444444444444444444444L s revenue mix, with a higher percentage of recurring revenues. We saw a narrowing loss at the end of 2004 and expect profi tability in 2005. The Component Technologies segment had mixed results. Revenues grew by a relatively modest two percent and operating profi ts declined by 16 percent. The business is exposed to the phenomenon of increasing unit volumes accompanied by lower prices. We expect to counteract this trend by releasing new generations of unique, higher value products. An early example of this strategy was the announcement of the TrimTracTM locator in 2004. TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES AND PARTNERS— Over the last fi ve years, Trimble established many of the capabilities The Portfolio segment currently includes our defense business, to create success. This success has been refl ected in our fi nancial Trimble Outdoors and Applanix Corporation. Revenue grew by results—from 1999 to 2004 our revenue grew at a compound 101 percent with operating margin growth of 390 percent. These growth rate of 20 percent and our GAAP operating margins grew businesses demonstrated continuing progression in the year as well at a compound growth rate of 33 percent. In 2004 we continued as greater consistency. this progression. Revenue for the year grew by 24 percent, GAAP BASIS OF FUTURE SUCCESS operating margins grew by 59 percent and GAAP net income grew Our progress of the last fi ve years has established a tough standard by 76 percent. We enter 2005 with a strong product portfolio, an for the future. Our ability to maintain this standard depends upon improved market position and an organization that keeps getting getting the fundamentals right. These fundamentals center on better and better. breakout innovation, leveraged engagement with our markets, and RESULTS FOR 2004 consummate execution. These, in turn, all rest on the foundation Engineering and Construction segment revenues grew by 20 percent of an organization that is capable of continually redefi ning the with operating margin growth of 31 percent. The impressive results for meaning of “outstanding.” survey and machine control were driven by a relatively strong market A commitment to innovation has always been central to Trimble. environment, continuing industry consolidation, focused marketing As we grow, our challenge will be to maintain and embellish the and new product categories. Our construction layout tools business environment that enables innovation to fl ourish. We continue to refl ected sales growth and stronger profi tability. STEVEN W. BERGLUND President and Chief Executive Offi cer strive to create a balance between discipline, as represented by our or extend compelling leadership in our markets. “Compelling” is a structured T5 product development program, and an unbounded function of both market share leadership as well as active leadership creative environment, encouraged by programs such as the Trimble in establishing new standards by which users measure competitors. Fellows program, the quarterly Technical Innovation award, and Secondly, we expect the strategies to deliver fi nancial performance our Future Technology Conference. A recent example of successful in the top quartile of the relevant universe of comparable companies. product innovation is the Trimble S6 total station. This instrument, The rest of this year’s report highlights four market opportunities and the supporting software, was developed in fi ve locations in four which provide our current strategic launching platforms—the con- countries. It was a highly collaborative, around the clock effort, with nected construction site, precision agriculture, mobile and fi eld worker each time zone handing off to the next at the end of the day. productivity and advanced devices. Each of these areas is defi ned in A signifi cant majority of our revenues originate from applications that a way that provides us with signifi cant head room for future growth, require both an intimate knowledge of the needs of the user and an without being constrained by current defi nitions of product categories. ability to effectively deliver cutting edge technology. In these markets, These strategic platforms have two common themes. One is that we we fully embrace the concept of “solution” as the foundation of our are searching to be a “transforming” participant in the market place, success. To be effective in profi tably delivering this solution, we need striving to make ourselves unique by bringing breakout potential to the to perform two different tasks. First, we do our homework and pre- user. The other is the leverage we achieve by the internal coupling that cisely defi ne the market space in which we intend to participate—in occurs inside Trimble with products moving into different markets, effect to determine who our customers are and are not. Without this technologies created for one application being applied to another, and intellectual precision, our efforts in the marketplace will be diluted the knowledge developed in one market migrating to another. and ineffective. The second task is to fully embrace the users and LOOKING AHEAD put in place all the elements required to make their experience with We enter 2005 with the elements in place for continued success. Trimble uniquely positive. This requires a great deal beyond a simple Our focus areas for the year remain consistent with our long-term defi nition of the product and includes elements of product quality, “fi rst principles”: on time delivery, technical advice in special circumstances, and service availability. Most importantly, it requires us to have a robust and • Maintain tight fi nancial discipline to recognize strong incremental effective third party distribution channel. profi tability on our growth in revenues; The ability to converge on world class execution is a key enabler for • Reinforce our market leadership by creating an ever increasing Trimble in a fi ercely competitive world. If we are to achieve our twin standard of excellence for our customers; objectives of making the customer experience uniquely positive and • Successfully establish new market beachheads with products such of delivering superior fi nancial returns, we need to signifi cantly elevate as the TrimTrac and in new areas such as India; our standards of what constitutes outstanding execution. Recognizing the challenges of redefi ning the standard, as well as implementing the • Continually develop our organization so that it is capable of needed changes, in 2004 we created a new role—the vice president aggressively implementing our strategy. of transformation. This is a role without preset boundaries aimed at Complacency is our enemy and we need to embrace continual change examining every element of how we do business as a company and as the underpinning of our success. In this changing world, I am asking the question “how good can we become?” continually heartened by the intelligence, enthusiasm for improvement, STRATEGY and character of the people in the Trimble organization. They delivered Our strategy development is tested within the context of a market a record year and have created the conditions for future success. goal and a fi nancial goal. First, we expect our strategies to establish MMMMMMMMMMoooooooooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee tttttttttthhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn 666666666666666666666666000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 EEEEEEEEEnnnnnnnnngggggggggiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrsssssssss &&&&&&&&& TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooggggggggggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssssss TRIMBLE’S GLOBAL WORKFORCE HAS SOME OF THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST TALENT IN THE INDUSTRY. BUILT INTO OUR CORPORATE DNA IS A UNIQUE CULTURE BASED ON OUR CORE VALUES: WE DEMAND TRANSPARENCY, INTEGRITY, AND RESPECT; WE VALUE DISCIPLINED ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND RISK TAKING; WE ARE MARKET DRIVEN AND FOCUSED ON ANTICIPATING CUSTOMER NEEDS; WE PRIZE INNOVATION DRIVEN BY VISION. THESE VALUES, COMBINED WITH THE TALENT OF OUR EMPLOYEES, ENABLE US TO REALIZE OUR STRATEGIC VISION. d n e e o t t i i c t s e c n u n r o t C s n o c REAL TIME PRODUCTIVITY Today, Trimble uses advanced positioning technologies combined with The engineering and construction market presents signifi cant software and wireless communications to create integrated solutions opportunities for Trimble. The demand for precision tools in emerging for the engineering and construction markets. These solutions improve markets, such as India and China, is growing rapidly. Even in more accuracy and productivity in all phases of the construction process mature markets, our technology has not yet been fully adopted. In from the initial survey, to planning and design, through site preparation these markets, penetration rates are only about 10 to 25 percent. and into the building phase. We are expanding both our technological range and our breadth of A typical solution is the use of Trimble’s grade control systems. These vision in the construction market space. Our starting point is the belief systems integrate high precision GPS and optical positioning together that the trillion dollar construction market has been a late adopter of with a sophisticated control system and extensive software to enable technology. It is now possible to transform construction productivity operators to precisely grade complex sites up to an accuracy of fi ve through the application of emerging technologies. Trimble is poised millimeters. This precision reduces rework and increases job site to be a signifi cant participant in this transformation to the “connected productivity by more than 25 percent. construction site.” Another example where Trimble technology is providing productivity to During 2004 we began to introduce products to accomplish this the user is through virtual reference station networks. These networks are mission. Examples included the extension of our fl eet management being implemented by governments and other organizations to provide solutions onto the construction site and the extension of our infra- surveyors access to positioning information and required reference data structure solutions to further enable high precision applications. from up to 70 kilometers away. The system is fast, accurate and can cut the typical surveyor’s hardware needs in half. r e 333333333333388888888888880000000000000 k r d o IIIIIIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnnnnnnnnnncccccccccccccccrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMooooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSooooooooooooooollllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssssssssssss’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ n w SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 22222222222222222222222222222222222222000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000044444444444444444444444444444444444444 a e d l l i e b i o F m OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS, TRIMBLE HAS AUGMENTED ITS TECHNOLOGY WELL BEYOND ITS ORIGINAL GPS-BASED FOUNDATION. WE HAVE EXTENDED AND DEEPENED OUR TECHNOLOGY CAPABILITIES IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH ACQUISITION AND INTERNAL INITIATIVES. TRIMBLE BRINGS UNIQUE ADVANTAGES TO MARKETS THAT REQUIRE THE INTEGRATION OF MULTIPLE TECHNOLOGIES TO ENABLE A SOLUTION. AS A RESULT, TODAY TRIMBLE DEVOTES A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF ITS ENGINEERING RESOURCES TO DEVELOPING APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. TRIMBLE IS NOW A COMPLETE PRODUCTIVITY SOLUTIONS COMPANY, NOT JUST A GPS PROVIDER. CONNECTING THE FIELD TO THE OFFICE The convergence of three different technologies is impacting workers In addition, our bundled mobile resource management solutions who are either continuously on the move or who work in remote empower fl eet managers to signifi cantly improve results by monitoring locations. The knowledge of location, together with the ability to access all relevant aspects of performance such as driver safety and equipment and share signifi cant amounts of information through wireless links, and labor utilization. The basis of the solution is a device that includes enables a fundamental redefi nition of the way work is done. a GPS receiver and a cell phone which is mounted in the vehicle to be tracked. A dispatcher is able to receive frequent updates from the vehicle Trimble provides key elements of this transformation in work fl ow. For as well as communicate with the driver. Trimble also provides subscrip- example, utilities, municipalities and natural resource agencies utilize tion services to the fl eet manager, delivering a complete solution. Trimble’s geographic information system (GIS) solutions to manage their geographically dispersed assets or resources. This solution consists The mobile and fi eld worker technology transformation is still in its of a GPS-capable, rugged handheld device that includes extensive infancy. For the last four years, Trimble has invested heavily in building applications software. This handheld is the key tool used by the fi eld the capabilities that position us to be a serious participant in bringing worker to collect and maintain fi eld data. Increasingly, our GIS information tools to the market place. As the technology is adopted, solutions are also wirelessly enabled, allowing the exchange of data we anticipate signifi cant growth in the market. between the offi ce and the fi eld.

product innovation is the Trimble S6 total station. This instrument, and the . WE LEVERAGE OUR INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE TO MARSHAL THE. RESOURCES . William Hart. Venture . Nikon-Trimble Co., Ltd. ikon-Trimble
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