How coronavirus broke the US healthcare system By Leslie Hook and Hannah Kuchler Still delivering luxury... ‘CALL US ON 0208 675 4808 OR ORDER ONLINE Soon ers 4808 INDIAN OCEAN wrvew ndansocesncouk INSPIRATIONAL OUTDOOR FURNITURE ‘Irotate my uniform to make sure I don’t carry any germs into the house’ London bus hve Petrino Forda, 26 “These wines, from ret rs keen to deliver, have impressed me’ une wht Robinsenon he best forkockdow, 239 ‘all vegetables enjay this treatment’ Honey 80,096 FT Weekend Magazine worms simon Kaper feths ew Zealand's omer? + nvemery Seahtens, ster Techworld Wh ll on ll Quit Peedsut ele herd 1 Rabiert Shimaley ‘The orton dil is weghing ne dow ‘Ate pordemis sweeps ero the UB, fond soavble clos Howe thsheppen Inacourey rat bands $2 ayear er ca yale cok end enran ther 12 nervonn Roc Strvot ‘Thaiuartal Wea sends mayerhed aexpetersa6f pala afioebeforebaing thet, yl he cou dy cherce Ue wy Englend sv. Saban Shrinaiy rsa a4 Tha hivarsontha fronting Tandon bur dwar repre Ihe ty nit ween pubs sews urns “hut thay ore peyna a peee ‘Seve Wurghy protograph nor stone 3) Ronan Urigh | OutoFoftice Jack Thorne The miter bob sore of the macs scaled crarascf ho pact zade tats ‘eon Saokenn soar nan pe fd whyhe ves tet tanks Se Honey aco ‘raed bean an potata vegetable stew Seheenn vine when (n Nicholoc Lande Haw [choose wi 1 retaurristorevew Poly Rages gamon recive how nine ‘Tehoutas onthe yorum ames Salento Haw lockdown wepped domestic Seles wet nein hall Coverturvation by Matt Chase SIMON KUPER oFewine sHoT Is this New Zealand’s moment? be Jean talent hubs of the pas 5 years have mostly Deon dense, ‘wellcoanested global ces with cellent vestawante and etal offering, Tha ened is over for ow. the new demand is fora safe haven fram Cavideag, The Weal for many westerners ould be 30 nglispesling dersoursey wit 2 develope seanomy, bso space dnd nice weather, though nat 20 Tht that catches fire summer ving on New Yesland ‘the country’ eaaton Tassuddenlyyone orator diane Lo unigueseling point "iy Monday, Nev Pealand had eported tal jase 1g deaths fr the coroners ieling 40 Gow a ingle utes a a etivctten lena) That day, x month int a srs lockdown, there \wereeniyvocamfimed ne cases, Wehavethe ‘ppemtaritytdoscnethingnoodhercounry hos ‘ehicscimunation of te sires” say prime ‘minster acids Arden f New Deland suosees the or hes timeit wil ea beer placetodo Fane han ew Yr or Londen chelate reroieloation fc eae ucrecnne waking the country should use the pandemic to fare ot Just the world’s highes-value individual instante ‘wer youre a wes quarantine, tn cen nk dad ee as, cori to saying at least 2 year, hive some local 2a, setup a litle Fen with WP, and reewme ie ith wodcmeatingsand schools and cafésasifthe Vobulnightmareneverhappensl: Tex see yo4 ‘ver wantiogehameagain ‘New alana athe ret snthing place ve ceverbeen Unéedin Angus 1¢91anétstearthe unig oder of the sv news watched wa: s.AllBlcksrugby teum2-Somethingaboutsteep {Nihil Govachev2etakas theremin as KG feupestiapees.Fveninthebigget iy, anand, the air ws almost disconcertiagly clean and ve few people the sues were susnously Injendly When openedarmap, aman walked up aidan, "You estsameng te?” “Theparewesrusi erty berewsetew Zea caporceé its embiious people. Years ltr, in Londoa, a lowly Xv oie mate of mine mene SNoned auermemingthat heist urmed dwn a jobanaeta New tesla probable next pine ‘minster. Wy" Laske, bused. "it woul be lice wool for Lelestercourelhe expand [Ry 2045, abt ane igh wniverityredventd ‘New Zeslaaace wae sbxoad te highest shave of ny Enlsspeair oun. "ThoughNew Zealand mportsaswel serparts hein ferone a rately led levee conom: Before Covideo, highvend fereignens tendedtosanipete county hie astute ssbillonairesbuyingapocalyps-proobolibees. ‘Theareaetpe ePayPalsco-loundes Peter Thiel, sho quiet acquired Kit crenahip in 2081 befor buying a 93ha este on Laker Wencea He standin clang rdition “every me soms- ‘thingaraumatichappens nthe worl, theresa huge increase in people wanting to emigrate to [New Zealand” says Jacques Poot, population commis athe Universi of Watkat, Mew ‘ealan’s safe-haven potential was ncted by at researchers Mate Roy and Rk Wilson im 2 prescent pee published ast September: "The Portistion of inland Sotho as eles an ExtremePendeniss” ‘hut ow that the apocalypas is here, ew Tesla cn rodel has stopped working, The ‘Ply over your team, stay at Teast a year and set up ina little Eden with Wiki. Then see if you ever want to go home again’ tourists e-goncand most Kivisheysbad enough of billie. Ardler lan week rece pa to ive visas loelgers ling to ivest $3om Inthecrunt."Wedeuevant pple payingtor psperts she si voiingthe majoriy view of thiscratanian county any Kiwis alsa worry about inmugrantstalergobs Yet New Zealand asc todo someting, rastle. Its lockdown yx8 sohened slightly on Twenlay meet business and ecole am stark reopening, while ‘certain small gatherings are loeed ~ hot. unemplayment Inassyrorketed, What could revive the econmny fy mote nlzepreneur who bring tas business wich them, and maneytoapend."Thas suchbetierthanarich person jar buyingatract fla” sys Philp Nl political scabs atthe University of Oa. Te of owas of highly tesined Kis stack inate aur the world ‘would jampacthechancehuttheyehaethestart i, Poreign (rh Bim, revere erie and marting agencies could ait teirlockad- down sal toa gorgeous ours resort with good foffesuch ac Queenstown,now devidftaorsts. raps Rew York, Landon ana Sn race sill be thrumming agsia within months ‘Alkermatvely, normality might not rerum for year. The lt tie Prope became ulivenbe, Under Hitler, thousands ef act, ntellectals od dnvidente ded w Ube US. New Fork’ New Schoolalone brought together Hannah Arendt, tee Straus, Roman Jakobeon and Gaude Lévic Straus, The city went from semsething of a Daclomater to lending gcbal caltural ceate, ‘That's probably beyond Kew Zealand, bus wo ows the wooldkar armed upelde dow Fad Sinon kuperat com WP xypersian s oy ? INVENTORY SARAH GREENE, ACTOR ‘Tlose my confidence when I'm not working. Work is good for my soul’ Award-winning fl, television (Snd cage sce Sarah Orne, 55, {skaowmforroksin productions ‘Brondny staging of matin ‘MeDouaghs The Cripplaf ‘nvlanam, which carne hor ‘Tony avardemination, 1's any Dreaded the [BBC sub rd, ‘What was yourchldbood reathestambilont? ‘Eobwalon Always wea sceapantomine,nedRiang acd, sets foe cod rare owas goto teste Twas lucky ‘ny paren nee vay apportion Tetarted st CADA Pecorming se [adrama schon! in Cor, Ire ured by Cacherine Mahor-buckley- she started, ‘essesin her ivingtoom adnow ‘assha thoveand of pop Privateschoal or sate achook? ‘Unleesty orstagght tte work? St Tose Nanna choo! In Ghauaue,ien St Aig ‘on Patric’ (in or. loka yearafalerschoa, ‘Worked thes jab, saved cary penny and sete Dublin Gly dean shook ‘Who water stllieyour mentor? (detae] Anta Reeves, syne Tange vith, taught sean rch, She wninreciblouman boing she nad ahuse mpactenme Hor plrsialy ere you? Th ater go eon hae Attheroment Prats bi biking and yo. Ts ved sping tothe ym, baton, ‘Ambition or tle which ‘matters tore tosccest? atl ow polticaly ‘connate are you? Foracauseclosetomy hear, ecialy fold. Bar Tao Uy otal pople ow thik, artim nota hat thik impstfanna many hinge ty Teokeep my pltisvo mpl ‘What would yuTiceto ww that ossdon' eurrenthy pores? howe ir ofmy ove weld belay ‘Whats yourbigeetextnvaganos? Lnmennabsceneamn of ‘ioeeand boos Irtanaddetcn Mspatngaditelatout of Ina, Imembarrsseas sy heaght ab abe! marant for ‘aidicaousemoure of oney Ibutevery ine ur tant ied geal Ob ad share prt! {nat place are youappiest? Surrourded by my lend and Fay ly ery ins Cen ‘Whatamitons do you stillkave? Wille tabesnnen rar roles, jest want 0 fomnne wrk Vleet ‘oabiopicet Natale Wood {eoaliat net dathisjo9 hea <dohave timect, lrzveto act, incertae the needa tll stories, to expose msl 1do Itbetter on tage anon scien ‘thant my rife Creare, ed haute. tlose ny (ualdeace ln Pun nl was, ‘Wrlespaod or ra sel. ‘What Wiegreatet achievement ‘atyourlfese tar? ‘iy ane ith ysis Fetatinginotherpeaplet lon ind people tating. Maybe ‘tery jabber ou wero ee peoplectn empaths, Tog Tm turesly baste ity Siewsetpoopleshontewerette “ontnntagram and Tite Ifyonr 20-year-old selfconl sce ‘yettnow, what would she think? Fiuksbe be ule happy veil whore dc a, ‘Whichobjecttharyou'velost <doyeu wish oustThad? ‘Tea, botagheata mela nother ig at was give ee “phen she vas tthe ave: me ‘Shen Tana. Doing Te Ore ‘finatmean, Loreitencry dy ‘jae dappeaned. And antag Che gu os Tying back rom Nev Zealand. Sor, fmm Thsethinge weep ‘Whats thegreatst allngeot om tet Aight now. kccping sane. not being ‘nohardan oueeves ateting ‘overated by the curren Scon and haved Doyoubelieveinanaferier Yes Tekin. see my gtsdmethes acai einat ‘rary. tevetabatere See cnvetackssonvehing dos someting bali ‘youhadenrate yoursasifation ith ynurfese far est of 10, what would you score? Toivonen ek pes Sevens bls Ed Iver Tater aay. “arranger RC ‘reson SayBaray snot "nore Pale sly BAC andavaaleasa DOCS beret 01432 353 353 | [email protected] | Pr} elo|n| ED BY ELAINE MOORE Why multbillion- dollar Quibi needs ahelpinghand serapbe deen person sow ‘huis atc Helena ‘rultbilee-daarsreamine SeviseQubtInspieara sfkteringarayafesebly backers, lange a ube 880 Apples Uk eatedainnemt apes ‘Mar Reviewsare hier, (ibis popuae aa Super ‘Sime Simian vet Her eal Sle") a HaldBoth, wick flrs te how rou pictures ot ‘shar youwouldoake hike bald ‘Taesteaming service ow stots batngconsienng Yeneas Sambudgetand nett of ser senecous oday Reel What feudaisa belo sow What eae gotamfortanately te fhacolen Anna eogrananethat sg ‘inl foral the wreng reasons ‘rung aya cen zach ato rete a cpt ke ‘Towin whi tackel Beale, Crumysmari-veoringstaro "he Meee, snghad smdloleaatally verheraroae Drosthet lm and then whispered hry with en dena “Taeel looked rides that i opti cab fe those wsibemil. "Ween Eee This Quis Show starving ached [romana Aa vlan Obscicd {Wiener Golden Arm fe Accaly eal? wrote as agaregeto: Dg, "Why oneath doce Theale umes and why neath died acel Brosranan agrse to stat CF hed GQ naj ‘Drea provabhy Ins serabingte daw Quite nl be. The Caen Arm, fevtatahamorathagy by der er dcetorsam Haiti) 5 tte Fright, is bea usreaon eraist shot, comincngly acted and ptesnu'y apie Misery ‘xperaivelokng tral, The Palette el Tat rend sya lege hl eller pate rorecazes Dut he Glien rmt ial prfetescpien vn me wntehedhoursi old, oro uibianlyprowdes zorsominitesa The nen ‘20m; chopped up into theese fepsides mine sess streams ‘chaphoneare tbe mpptecling ob designed tobe watched buna hile comming tng cote Obie. ery eo {usaredangercnerefse tangs git, ant bingesntched ‘leh eden Walang aphane not particulary strange. “Testes, on Uo ld ze [ice fever ear core tot, ‘fer eon ran wae athorror drama abet. bal of “watching Quis content on aphone Is not particularly strange, The shows, on the other hand, are like a fever dream come tolife’ ‘vine aveaity show in which chels Srebitinene fice nth fondand » ‘comedy about wires ‘enh her yin se dl {thet one dace sound bling ‘ercuhytenconside that tisa SSrvoftruestory bated on wate ody lelersneienship with [Mee tory crestor Dan Harton, ‘ae slection of show makes lialesersethoughsome ae ‘calla NptCovan abou te sfeaton of drag perormance ght, persuading. "et palgant, ut riage salam il Piendg ‘ie anki, shih frlesriensicharjenater pen ‘See sray Sioa H00 ky aot Fler?) The more twsthed, "he mre od eset ort aletve, aon some shows fered terete ale ile ‘ne much costo ebincegeac, ‘hui fonder etey atzenbeg, colounderc! Hollywood tude DreamWorks, siddeteaceulive ug Wat, ‘oemer baa ebay, sould be spud fo ying eon, et Holsood knows that ‘Tl ptf ae rterete “levers are. Cinema going sata twnedecadelnwinthe CR hfe oral erst eit Sill there Theapricesry Ts ot gee ad Que ldeaet gnacreatrs the ris liter wrk saga one "Yt despite s,s ett doomed rom teeta he name (Short oe quick) sterile sndthe9259 month aderee susedprioe i ompetingayzinst ‘Reevideo content a Teak, ots, Lnegean end Stapchat se wellar better oxown stresnag ance Qubitanched on Ap, said ageballecdown ver “eile ace sbacripln are Marcas high een tert have ean oneal, “ThereiesilemmeforsIt show toturathe apps fortes around Hise gh deetorssowen Spielberg, Sever Soderbergh tedcathene Hard eb Sllmadcconte: tid willbe Fefeaed inthe coming ments, wont epee my sueriien uni eee wnat those ebowesre Tie. ane if gubicomes ont ‘eth The Galden rms calder tnehooket Ej “Hane ore ithe seputy “Lacie curoty in Davee Imperial School Imperial means Intelligent Business what-the-future/ft ROBERT SHRIMSLEY THE NATIONAL CONVERSATION =] Reply ‘The coronavirus diet _Watanexeontarticle Cinide “urs chinvsatugglto contol 'swelghing medown Une isa and easel pelag/26). We need rar ke al wilco Us plese Wesel ck enare egmare dey fournales tha shade alight tothe hoare tava atl pig ovecnei ‘Chi ad wats ese views reachingthe concur tha hi tmgh:bethe right enoment lve iow pads etncetver git Fea nt haf bd "eeejone sevitsteaeysnditean be ‘engerous Bat as ene ean inthina bas an evormousgaet ‘olgtto catch this and youre at ‘onhat happens everyere ie Serious sf youd, fatboy" ‘Ghinen ofeveryhereeis Pru that asthe conan ac ofthe phase eomorbibee tha pushed me mp tnn. Foot ass fora superb arte ‘ealy adds much-a2edad ray are what acorn, ‘humarvlees tothe sering battens sousd Uke womeang Lunt ay woes sta ‘fle ise poste ths ‘youvantto ave tinder ery raving Sen, her our eeu to (re only see ure prea Inceeing aman andi prctymack thesameastetore, | hvsjogiagetfrlsty alongside Statist ad Communist igfaltyestanysnice tUvnkith | Wiretsnowanadedpresure | hemt-(haveaskslet Sgurewith ——urtpcetarl fntage hich bertoleepmy daaiieaionstr | tobe Thats afcrtrewacks | hood andscyacmaterag Imaskthe Chine peoples isiadowmenthebare minim, | teloekdown, fold probably Ccldy:"Coeonnnns leegofor —— suntormened sperene Thetarmabo sews people nee few poset yeaieg | Weburn® ‘enema Teor Gkmiceyrardemiteynaearthe | abate Termt beacknontadend at topes tee att ol Thavedonethisteere Twent | ihnatthebestnnment forth. Agrevtartek: CAnentint tcuslybebarwihasbrurand | ona praouee let before my Detagsackathome nf0 tate, Nast speeches: therace tkeoberenioatottbe wee | edn emer nthe ceretns gy and an my rome lusoricrecening serving ees jiyet tac cccion nha ‘ppetuniatsforutenbreak ‘Bpelagi) ne ary personal Contre the amelear | uleeo machtotethonae Miottwathe laiied athetdes!_ forme Myuncle wae asecanty ctsning “Yeah wellesmoked | efcalngen is paingtar Suurntirs Wilby aneaebe— gondat thc Beis Museum Soadaydifather teprthat | sixmontha That aot exticely machina voichTancurenity——Inaymnd tatitpecnetin fSmycoestvoudbemereaie, | fertompanfotertwmsathy | ammgsmlwtichwtbessry indy onthe aga st among ae i "ath bathe didlikeatiobreb” | spyteicagonthecase. Then,” | fercryigelebcslwecvortind aches Imaghebeingatie 3 So anyon. thinow deplying | etwustynictegcomed someone | vaccine Whestaevores often Fy syowncstoremadevelghtlos | tntomaeringms, it teeta t Toowender however itTwill characters om x00 yea u frganniewtahtathe'sy | ya realy sick withit ater al, Sgu Maybe Congle basedjua FE aningrikeanasara"aiet There | "rhea roger ora whte defo snusetmpurbuce've Stour the corer ror the iH feterauedowneestodhihe | butever sno thar tnbe sllbeen sel waned bythe Frisntabargeantelndigte AE fintotwhichisobvinsl-that | achowbeedia ny deszeto | pithy slogan dapioyed by this wit weber fo prove it deindeedhaveostopeatingtike | atthatTiomabharcutveled | fevernmentihaticmay prove hard Toto fture enero. iH ‘est ny dase ae ane. lemthenecsaryelvefor Remsen i Pm ih “Taco downsietsthatit "aissthekevissu;veurdesze | thelorgthal ahead. Weat ned fT boring Thetoadisboring.the | snbetvntastobegreaerdian | fehuvsfabnonanepdomwey gg u repatsonis boring ad aoe ose oeaThbnob- Oras aeingine up wax nail ara che a fa ‘hentameringFepleon die | Thar Piety migitenpresit: | tech "Twanttnsaptoyauitle Sepamerteentome BE sem abootthem THeytakakeut | ToH Bul theysodaewsmmeis | hn Thavetalewl wih you tt a unary sod hve ther eal he tine atm preteencetornotcying | there ville dare das busts 2 ester mvtallengabouti voecamebere | fromcontsenis streets | merent for everyonetorite Ropingtrsbiateomieredetand | ydestelerantherEcbncb, | ‘ebareoworkogeherte ead insted yougstsomebiokeboag | crevena deny bmkewel sackingpacing You nec tay eT Hayaadea wy ‘abouther tach hemes NDC=CR Yourealycantbsata | stomeProscitheRHS an” weareobectcé wh ons” Breadand cweate Highiysentagiouskerdisearefor | Step vay iothe Hobmobs” [gj ereieners “Tore alse erat stoi AIrheng Doth ‘barat fankyoa very rch, assvsngthisinlocsown and | atapesonl waner. Gabe people | uh sbrnedeyafwn veh. ikea rtaraimgoworkisking | Taveauactned ausiarealed | yp qrobershinsey Pedra Tean Re A CcriheveccocdtreCallpodcas wechet-oFTHacnennyLeighesout Resins ‘wtatonctehrwarulvhslengermmgpctlockiowncaatiiovcon tances, Teegemaamprrumenhers ttt lus wicharttorse work wellrine (and hicy dont feeomveuturercall ‘rotten cme nya