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Preview Financial Markets Theory: Equilibrium, Efficiency and Information (Instructor's Solution Manual) (Solutions)

Emilio Barucci, Claudio Fontana Financial Markets Theory Equilibrium, Efficiency and Information Second Edition Solutions Manual Springer 2 ExercisesofChapter2 SolutionofExercise2.2: (i):ItsufficestoapplyDel’Hoˆpital’stheorem: 1 (cid:16) b−1 (cid:17) lim (a+bx) b −1 b→1b−1 (cid:18) (cid:19) b−1 1 x(b−1) =lim(a+bx) b log(a+bx)+ b→1 b2 b(a+bx) =log(a+x). (ii):Itsufficestonotethat: lim 1 (cid:18)1+bx(cid:19)b−b1 =−lim(cid:16)1+ x (cid:17)−n=−e−ax. b→0b−1 a n→∞ an (iii):ItsufficestoapplyDel’Hoˆpital’stheorem: 1−eax lim =−limxeax=−x. a→0 a a→0 SolutionofExercise2.4: Duetocondition(2.4),theriskpremiumρ (x˜)solvesthefollowingequation: u µ−ρ (x˜)−b(cid:0)µ−ρ (x˜)(cid:1)2=u(cid:0)E[x˜]−ρ (x˜)(cid:1)=E(cid:2)u(x˜)(cid:3)=µ−b(cid:0)σ2+µ2(cid:1). u u u 2 2 Theaboveconditionamountstothefollowingsecondorderequationforρ (x˜): u b b − ρ (x˜)2+(µb−1)ρ (x˜)+ σ2=0. u u 2 2 Undertheconditionthatµ <1/b,thepositiverootisgivenby (cid:114) (cid:16) (cid:17)2 1− 1+ b σ2 µb−1 ρ (x˜)= . u b/(µb−1) SolutionofExercise2.5: Duetocondition(2.4),theriskpremiumρ (x˜)solvesthefollowingequation: u −1exp(cid:0)−a(cid:0)µ−ρ (x˜)(cid:1)(cid:1)=u(cid:0)E[x˜]−ρ (x˜)(cid:1)=E(cid:2)u(x˜)(cid:3)=−1exp(cid:16)−a(cid:0)µ−aσ2(cid:1)(cid:17) u u a a 2 3 and,therefore, ρ (x˜)=aσ2/2. u SolutionofExercise2.6: Recall that, if x˜ is distributed as a log-normal random variable, meaning that logx˜∼N (µ,σ2),thenx˜1−a isalsodistributedasalog-normal,since(1−a)logx˜ isdistributedasN (cid:0)(1−a)µ,(1−a)2σ2(cid:1).Moreover 1 logE[x˜]=µ+ σ2. 2 Duetocondition(2.4),theriskpremiumρ (x˜)solvesthefollowingequation: u (cid:0)E[x˜]−ρ (x˜)(cid:1)1−a=E(cid:2)x˜1−a(cid:3). u Equivalently,passingtologarithmsandusingtheabovepropertiesofthelog-normal distribution, log(cid:0)E[x˜]−ρ (x˜)(cid:1)=µ+1−aσ2, u 2 sothat ρu(x˜)=E[x˜](cid:0)1−e−a2σ2(cid:1). Inanapproximateform,itholdsthatρ (x˜)≈aE[x˜]σ2/2. u SolutionofExercise2.11: Theindifferencebetweengamblesc)andd)impliesthat 1 1 20.25γ = 16γ+ 25γ, 2 2 which is verified for γ =1/2. For this value, the expected utility of gamble a) is 250001/2≈158.11,whileforgambleb)wehave 0.2×320001/2+0.7×100001/2+0.1×10001/2≈108.94. Therefore,since108.94<158.11,theagentwillprefergamblea). ExercisesofChapter3 SolutionofExercise3.2: (i):Theoptimalportfoliocanbeexplicitlycomputedbyrelyingonformula(3.10): 4 (1−bw r )E[r˜−r ] (1−0.006×100×1.1)(1.3−1.1) w∗= 0 f f = ≈7.359. b(cid:0)σ2(r˜)+E[r˜−r ]2(cid:1) 0.006×(1.5+0.22) f (ii):Fromformula(3.10)fortheoptimaldemandoftheriskyassetw∗,wegetthat w∗<0ifandonlyif1−b×100×1.1<0,i.e.,b>1/110. (iii):Byapplyingformula(3.10)withr(cid:48) =1.2,wecancomputethatthenewopti- f malvaluebecomesw∗≈3.09.ObservethatthisresultiscoherentwithProposition 3.5,sincethequadraticutilityfunctionisIARAandthedemandoftheriskyassetis lessthantheinitialwealth. (iv):Formula(3.10)givesusavalueofw∗≈0.22fortheoptimalportfolioincor- respondenceoftheinitialwealthw(cid:48) =150.Observethatthisresultiscoherentwith 0 Proposition 3.3, since the quadratic utility function is IARA and, hence, the risky assetdemandisdecreasingwithrespecttoinitialwealth. (v): Formula (3.10) gives us a value of w∗ ≈3.75 for the optimal portfolio in cor- respondenceofanexpectedreturnofE[r˜(cid:48)]=1.2.Again,observethatthisresultis coherentwithProposition3.5. SolutionofExercise3.6: (i):Thevarianceoftheportfolio(w,1−w)canbeeasilycomputedas σ2(r˜)=w2σ2+(1−w)2σ2+2w(1−w)σ σ ρ, 1 2 1 2 sothat σ2(r˜)≤w2σ2+(1−w)2σ2+2w(1−w)σ σ =(cid:0)wσ +(1−w)σ (cid:1)2≤max{σ2;σ2}, 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 wherewehaveusedtheassumptionthat0≤w≤1. (ii):Ifρ=1,thenσ2(r˜)=(cid:0)wσ +(1−w)σ (cid:1)2,sothatthevarianceoftheportfolio 1 2 canbereducedtozerobylettingw=−σ /(σ −σ ). 2 1 2 (iii):Ifρ =−1,thenσ2(r˜)=(cid:0)wσ −(1−w)σ (cid:1)2,sothatthevarianceoftheport- 1 2 foliocanbereducedtozerobylettingw=σ /(σ +σ ). 2 1 2 SolutionofExercise3.8: (i): The problem consists in maximizing the expected utility function, so that, de- notingbywthedemandoftheriskyasset, (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:19) max π w r +w(u−r )+(1−π) w r +w(d−r ) . 0 f f 0 f f w∈R Differentiating with respect to w at equating the derivative to zero, we obtain the followingoptimalitycondition: π(u−r ) (1−π)(d−r ) f f =− . (cid:112) (cid:112) w r +w∗(u−r ) w r +w∗(d−r ) 0 f f 0 f f Solvingforw∗weget 5 π2(u−r )2−(1−π)2(d−r )2 w∗=−w r f f . 0 f π2(u−r )2(d−r )−(1−π)2(d−r )2(u−r ) f f f f (ii):Theproblemconsistsinmaximizingtheexpectedutilityfunction,sothat,de- notingbywthedemandoftheriskyasset, (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17) max πlog w r +w(u−r ) +(1−π)log w r +w(d−r ) . 0 f f 0 f f w∈R Differentiatingwithrespecttow,equatingthederivativetozeroandsolvingforw∗, weget (cid:0) (cid:1) r − uπ+d(1−π) w∗=w r f . 0 f (u−r )(d−r ) f f (iii):Theproblemconsistsinmaximizingtheexpectedutilityfunction,sothat,de- notingbywthedemandoftheriskyasset, (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1)γ (cid:0) (cid:1)γ(cid:17) max π w r +w(u−r ) +(1−π) w r +w(d−r ) . 0 f f 0 f f w∈R Differentiating with respect to w at equating the derivative to zero, we obtain the followingoptimalitycondition: π(u−r )(cid:0)w r +w∗(u−r )(cid:1)γ−1=−(1−π)(cid:0)d−r )(w r +w∗(d−r )(cid:1)γ−1. f 0 f f f 0 f f Lettingα :=1/(γ−1)andsolvingforw∗weget (cid:0) (cid:1)α (cid:0) (cid:1)α −(1−π)(d−r ) − π(u−r ) w∗=w r f f . 0 f (cid:0) (cid:1)α (cid:0) (cid:1)α (u−r ) π(u−r ) −(d−r ) −(1−π)(d−r ) f f f f SolutionofExercise3.9: Notefirstthatthevariance-covariancematrixV oftherandomreturnsanditsinverse V−1takethefollowingform: V =(cid:20) 4 6ρ(cid:21) and V−1=(cid:34) 4(1−1ρ2) −6(1−ρρ2)(cid:35). 6ρ 9 − ρ 1 6(1−ρ2) 9(1−ρ2) (i):Byformula(3.11),theoptimalportfoliocanbeexpressedas 1 w∗= V−1(e−r 1), f a andthus,inthecontextofthepresentexercise, 6 1 ρ w∗= 0.1− 0.2, 1 4a(1−ρ2) 6a(1−ρ2) ρ 1 w∗=− 0.1+ 0.2. 2 6a(1−ρ2) 9a(1−ρ2) Fromtheaboveexpressionitcanbecheckedthatw∗,w∗>0ifandonlyifρ<3/4. 1 2 Notealsothatw∗>0foreveryρ ∈(−1,1). 2 (ii):Frompart(i),itfollowsthatforρ=0.5theoptimalportfolioisdiversified.Sup- posethenthatρ =0.5.AsshowninSection3.1,theoptimalportfolioisdiversified ifandonlyif ρσ σ 10.2<0.1< 1 0.2. σ ρσ 2 2 Ascanbeeasilychecked,theaboveinequalitiesholdifandonlyif (cid:26) (cid:27) σ 2σ ρ ≤min 2 ; 1 . 2σ σ 1 2 Hence,giventhevaluesofthevariancesandpreservingtheinequalityσ ≤2σ ,if 2 1 thecorrelationcoefficientρ increases,σ mustincreaseand/orσ mustdecreasein 2 1 orderfortheoptimalportfoliotoremaindiversified. (iii):Forρ =0.5,theoptimalportfolioisgivenbyw∗≈ 1(0.011,0.019)(cid:62),sothat a the agent invests an amount greater than one in the risky assets if a≤0.03. For ρ=−0.5,theoptimalportfolioisgivenbyw∗≈ 1(0.056,0.041)(cid:62),sothattheagent a investsanamountgreaterthanoneintheriskyassetsifa≤0.097. SolutionofExercise3.16: Letusdenotebye=(e ,e )(cid:62) theexpectedreturnsofassets1and2and,similarly, 1 2 by σ2 and σ2 the variance of r˜ and r˜ , respectively, and by ρ their correlation 1 2 1 2 coefficient.Then, 1 (cid:18) σ2 −ρσ σ (cid:19) V−1= 2 1 2 , σ12σ22(1−ρ2) −ρσ1σ2 σ21 sothat σ2e +σ2e −ρσ σ (e +e ) A=1(cid:62)V−1e= 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 , σ2σ2(1−ρ2) 1 2 σ2e2+σ2e2−2ρσ σ e e B=e(cid:62)V−1e= 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2, σ2σ2(1−ρ2) 1 2 σ2+σ2−2ρσ σ C=1(cid:62)V−11= 1 2 1 2. σ2σ2(1−ρ2) 1 2 and D=BC−A2. The claim then follows by replacing the above expression into thegeneralformula(3.16)giveninTheorem3.12. 7 SolutionofExercise3.21: (i):Inthecaseoftworiskyassetsonly,theexpectedreturnofaportfolio(w,1−w)is completelydeterminedbytheproportionofwealthinvestedinthetworiskyassets, meaningthat E[r˜ ]=wE[r˜ ]+(1−w)E[r˜ ]=w×1.2+(1−w)×1.3. w 1 2 Hence, in order to yield a given expected return µ ∈R, the portfolio w has to be equaltow=(µ−1.3)/(1.2−1.3).Thecorrespondingvarianceisgivenby σ2(r˜ )=w2σ2(r˜ )+(1−w)2σ2(r˜ )+2w(1−w)ρσ(r˜ )σ(r˜ ) w 1 2 1 2 (cid:18) µ−1.3 (cid:19)2 (cid:18) µ−1.3 (cid:19)2 µ−1.3 (cid:18) µ−1.3 (cid:19) =4 +9 1− +2ρ 1− 6 1.2−1.3 1.2−1.3 1.2−1.3 1.2−1.3 (cid:18) µ−1.3 (cid:19)2 µ−1.3 =(13−12ρ) +(12ρ−18) +9, 1.2−1.3 1.2−1.3 thusconfirmingthat,inthevariance-expectedreturnplane,theportfoliofrontieris representedbyaparabola. (ii):Inthepresentsetting,itholdsthat V−1=(cid:32) 4(1−1ρ2) −6(1−ρρ2)(cid:33)=(cid:18) 1/3 −1/9(cid:19). − ρ 1 −1/9 4/27 6(1−ρ2) 9(1−ρ2) RecallfromSection3.2thatσ2(r˜ )=1/C,where wMVP (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) 1/3 −1/9 1 C=1(cid:62)V−11=(1,1) =7/27, −1/9 4/27 1 sothatσ2(r˜ )=27/7.Moreover: wMVP V−11 27(cid:18) 1/3 −1/9(cid:19)(cid:18)1(cid:19) (cid:18)6/7(cid:19) wMVP= = = . C 7 −1/9 4/27 1 1/7 (iii):RecallfromProposition3.15that e−r 1 we=V−1 f . 1(cid:62)V−1(e−r 1) f Thedenominatorcanbeexplicitlycomputedas (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) 1/3 −1/9 0.1 1(cid:62)V−1(e−r 1)=(1,1) ≈0.02963. f −1/9 4/27 0.2 Therefore: (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1/3 −1/9 0.1 0.375 we≈ = . 0.02963 −1/9 4/27 0.2 0.625 8 LetusalsocomputetheexpectedreturnE[r˜we]ofthetangentportfolio: E[r˜we]≈0.375×1.2+0.625×1.3=1.2625. (iv): In Exercise 3.9, we have shown that the optimal portfolio for the exponential utilityisgivenbyw∗= 1(0.011,0.019)(cid:62).Hence,thevalueofaforwhichtheop- a timalportfoliofortheexponentialutilitycoincideswiththetangentportfoliowe is givenbya≈0.0296. (v):Withoutariskfreeasset,thedesiredportfolioissimplyobtainedbyfindingthe valuew∈Rthatsatisfiesthefollowingequation: 1.25=w×1.2+(1−w)×1.3. Thisimpliesthat,inthecaseoftworiskyassetsonly,theequallyweightedportfolio (0.5,0.5) achieves the given expected return. In the case of two risky assets and a riskfreeasset,sinceanyfrontierportfoliocanbewrittenasthelinearcombination of the risk free asset and the tangent portfolio we, it suffices to determine the pro- portionofwealthα investedinthetangentportfolio.Theoptimalα isobtainedas thesolutiontothefollowingequation: 1.25=αE[r˜we]+(1−α)rf ≈α×1.2625+(1−α)×1.1, whichyieldsα =0.923.Hence,theoptimalportfolioforthegivenexpectedreturn µ =1.25isgivenby(0.923×0.375,0.923×0.625)(cid:62),while1−0.923isinvested intheriskfreeasset. (vi):Letuscomputetheexpectedreturnandthevarianceofthereturnofthegiven portfoliow(cid:48): E[r˜w(cid:48)]=0.6×1.2+0.5×1.3−0.1×1.1=1.26, σ2(r˜w(cid:48))=0.62×4+0.52×9+2×0.6×0.5×3=5.49. Letusnowcomputethefrontierportfoliowhichminimizesthevarianceforanex- pected return equal to µ =1.26. As done in part (v), it suffices to determine the optimal proportion of wealth invested in the tangent portfolio we, solving the fol- lowingequation: 1.26=αE[r˜we]+(1−α)rf ≈α×1.2625+(1−α)×1.1, yieldingassolutionα ≈0.985.Hence,thevarianceofthecorrespondingportfolio w(cid:48)(cid:48):=αwecanbecomputedasfollows,forρ =0.5: (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) σ2(r˜w(cid:48)(cid:48))=α2σ2(r˜we)≈0.9842×(cid:0)0.3750.625(cid:1) 4339 00..367255 ≈5.31. Sinceσ2(r˜w(cid:48)(cid:48))=5.31<5.49=σ2(r˜w(cid:48)),whileE[r˜w(cid:48)(cid:48)]=E[r˜w(cid:48)],wehavethusshown thattheportfoliow(cid:48)cannotbelongtotheportfoliofrontier. 9 SolutionofExercise3.22: (i): The expected return of a portfolio w investing in the two risky assets only is givenby E[r˜ ]=wE[r˜ ]+(1−w)E[r˜ ], w 1 2 sothat,inordertoachieveagivenexpectedreturn µ ∈R,theoptimalportfoliow mustbegivenbyw=(µ−E[r˜ ])/(E[r˜ ]−E[r˜ ]),withacorrespondingvariance 2 1 2 (cid:18) µ−E[r˜ ] (cid:19)2 (cid:18) µ−E[r˜ ] (cid:19)2 σ2(r˜ )=2 2 +4 1− 2 w E[r˜ ]−E[r˜ ] E[r˜ ]−E[r˜ ] 1 2 1 2 √ µ−E[r˜ ] (cid:18) µ−E[r˜ ] (cid:19) +4 2ρ 2 1− 2 . E[r˜ ]−E[r˜ ] E[r˜ ]−E[r˜ ] 1 2 1 2 (ii):TheminimumvarianceportfoliowMVPcanbecomputedbyrelyingonformula (3.26), which gives wMVP =(0.82,0.18)(cid:62), if ρ =0.5, and wMVP =(0.61,0.39)(cid:62), inthecaseρ =−0.5. (iii): The tangent portfolio we can be computed by relying on Proposition 3.15, which gives we =(−1/3,4/3)(cid:62), if ρ =0.5, and we =(0.51,0.49)(cid:62), in the case ρ =−0.5. (iv):Fromthegeneraltheory,weknowthattheagentwillchooseanoptimalport- foliow∗ belongingtotheefficientportfoliofrontier.Hence,duetothepropertiesof theportfoliofrontier,theoptimalportfoliow∗canalwaysberepresentedbyalinear combinationofthetangentportfolioweandtheriskfreeasset.Hence,wecandeter- minetheoptimalportfoliow∗byapplyingformula(3.10)withrespecttothecouple tangent portfolio - risk free asset. Therefore, for a fixed initial wealth w =1, the 0 optimalinvestmentα∗inthetangentportfolioweisgivenby α∗= (1−brf)E[r˜we−rf] . b(cid:0)σ2(r˜we)+E[r˜we−rf](cid:1)2 Clearly,theagentwillinvestmorethanoneunitofwealthinthetangentportfoliowe ifandonlyifα∗>1.Intermsoftherisk-aversionparameterb,thelattercondition holdsifandonlyif b(cid:0)(σ2(r˜we)+E[r˜we]−rf)2−(E[r˜we]−rf)rf(cid:1)<E[r˜we]−rf. SolutionofExercise3.23: (i):Thevarianceofthereturnr˜ associatedtoaportfolio(w,1−w)isgivenbythe w generalformula σ2(r˜ )=w2σ2+(1−w)2σ2+2w(1−w)ρσ σ . w 1 2 1 2 Inordertoshowthatthereexistsw∈(0,1)suchthatσ(r˜ )<σ ,itsufficestoshow w 1 that the first derivative of the function w(cid:55)→σ2(r˜ ) evaluated at 1 is positive. The w firstderivativeisgivenby 10 dσ2(r˜ ) w =2wσ2−2(1−w)σ2+2(1−2w)ρσ σ , dw 1 2 1 2 and,whenevaluatedat1,itisequalto2σ2−2ρσ σ andispositiveifρ <σ /σ , 1 1 2 1 2 while,whenevaluatedat0,gives−2σ2+2ρσ σ .Sincethelatterquantityisneg- 2 1 2 ativeifρ<σ /σ ,thisimpliestheexistenceofw∈(0,1)suchthatσ(r˜ )<σ (as 1 2 w 1 canbeverifiedbyminimizingthefunctionw(cid:55)→σ2(r˜ ))andthat,forallw∈/[0,1], w itholdsthatσ(r˜ )≥σ . w 1 (ii): This follows from the general formula for the variance σ2(r˜ ), using the as- w sumptionthatσ2≤σ2. 1 2 (iii):Thisfollowsbyargumentsanalogoustothoseusedtoprovepart(i)oftheex- ercise. (iv):Foranyw∈R,itholdsthat σ2(r˜ )=σ2(cid:0)w2+(1−w)2+2ρw(1−w)(cid:1). w Thevalueofwwhichminimizesσ2(r˜ )canbefoundbysettingequaltozerothe w derivativeofthefunctionw(cid:55)→σ2(r˜ ),yielding w dσ2(r˜w) =2σ2(cid:0)w−(1−w)+ρ(1−2w)(cid:1)=2σ2(2w−1)(1−ρ), dw whichimmediatelyimpliesthatwMVP=(1/2,1/2)(cid:62),providedthatρ(cid:54)=1.Notethat ifρ =1thenthevarianceofaportfolioisconstantandalwaysequaltoσ2. SolutionofExercise3.27: Theagentmustsolvethefollowingoptimizationproblem: (cid:0) (cid:1) max πu(w −D−wp+w)+(1−π)u(w −wp) 0 0 w∈R+ (cid:18) (cid:16) b (cid:17) = max π w −D−wp+w)− (w −D−wp+w)2 0 0 w∈R+ 2 (cid:16) b (cid:17)(cid:19) +(1−π) (w −wp)− (w −wp)2 . 0 0 2 Thefirstorderconditioncanbewrittenas π(1−p)−πb(w −D−w∗p+w∗)(1−p)=(1−π)p−(1−π)pb(w −w∗p), 0 0 whichgivesthefollowingoptimalvalue π−p−bπ(w −D)(1−p)+b(1−π)w p w∗= 0 0 . bπ(1−p)2+b(1−π)p2 If p=π,thenitiseasytocheckthattheaboveexpressionreducestow∗=D.On theotherhand,ifp>π,thenonecanverifyfromtheaboveexpressionthatw∗<D, thusconfirmingtheresultofProposition3.23.

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