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Asbury Teological Seminary ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange Papers, PDF Files, and Presentations Advocacy on US Government Foreign Assistance 2012 Final Taxonomy Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty Follow this and additional works at: htp://place.asburyseminary.edu/advocacypapers Recommended Citation Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty, "Final Taxonomy" (2012). Papers, PDF Files, and Presentations. Book 20. htp://place.asburyseminary.edu/advocacypapers/20 Tis Document is brought to you for free and open access by the Advocacy on US Government Foreign Assistance at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Papers, PDF Files, and Presentations by an authorized administrator of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. For more information, please contact Organizational Assessment Matrix for Christians Working in Advocacy Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem 4 My Canada Mission statement: Target Issues: Types of Methods, Tools and Efforts to ensure Levels of Advocacy Research & Sources of Funding: 4MyCanada is a national Advocacy: Activities participation of Evaluation Address: non-profit organization 1.Human Trafficking in 4MyCanada works those affected by Local/ Provincial 4MYCanada is a PO Box 79128, that stands for Motivated Canada and abroad Government to: the problem: -4MyCanada hosts 4MyCanada does not non-profit 262 Montreal Rd, Young People for a 2. Life abortion, policy: localized prayer have a mandated organization that is Ottawa, ON, Strong Canada. suicide, and euthanasia Once a year, Educate young 4MyCanada concerts and vigils evaluation program 100% donor funded. K1L 6C0 3. 24/7 Prayer Siege 4MyCanada takes Canadians on some represents a socially for the work it’s Everything they do Canada Vision of Change: (partnering with local a national of the legislative conservative voice in -They form doing across Canada. and accomplish in 4 My Canada consists of congregations to pray delegation of issues facing the Canada. Their delegations to visit the nation is directly Telephone: a group of young leaders and fast about current young adults to nation today effectiveness and the constituency In an informal due to the generous 613-695-3186 in Canada from many issues) Parliament to meet financial viability is offices of Members interview with a support of financial Christian perspectives 4. National with Educate young dependent on like- of Parliament 4MyCanada partner, partners (private Email: that have a heart to walk reconciliation (First Parliamentarians Canadians on how minded Canadians Jen Jewett, she donations) and Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem Canadian Church into informed and often political action. Africa Faith The Africa Faith and US military policy in AFJN continues its Grassroots Efforts WITH and The Africa Faith and 4 staff members and and Justice Justice Network, inspired Africa, Fair Trade, advocacy on Capitol organizing and BY those who are Justice Network is 6 interns in the head Network by the Gospel and Access to potable Hill and wherever advocacy (events, affected by injustice supported financially office in DC informed by Catholic water, Uganda, Freeing policy is made that letters, petitions), in Africa by institutional and http://www.afjn. Social Teaching, Child Soldiers, Ending affects Africa. The individual and individual members Coalition of org educates and advocates conflict in the DRC bi-monthly congregational (you can purchase organizations for just relations with newsletter/e-mail membership individual or committed to justice 125 Michigan Africa. AFJN’s Christian updates keep (newsletters, organizational in Africa Ave. NE, Suite faith states that we are all members aware of conferences), and memberships to 481, Washington, God’s children, the status of Africa- political advocacy receive updates and DC 20017 Tel: connected to one focused legislation, (lobbying) newsletters) 202.884.9780 another. It is this and inform people of Fax: connection to the people opportunities for 202.884.9774 of Africa which drives public action. Annual Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem American The American Family They focus primarily on Sitting down to They do both public Seminars, AFA carried out Disney/ABC cancels AFA support comes They are based here Family Association exists to the influence of watch TV with his interest policy Rallies; monthly pornography week, the pro-homosexual from individual in the US. Association motivate and equip television and other family one day, (writing letters to letter about a specific They and other pro- show Ellen, for "lack supporters Budget not known to citizens to change the media – including Donald E. congressed), rallies issue with a family groups of ratings." AFA led There are also me. PO Drawer 2440 culture to reflect Biblical pornography – on the Wildmon (the against issues that recommended action sponsored a rally in the campaign to products that the sale As of 2005 HRW Tupelo, MS truth. society. founder of are ungodly i.e. sending a postcard or support of judge encourage so, I am guessing employed 233 staff 38803. Phone: ii. Decency and American Family homosexuality, making a phone call Moors who will not responsible they use such plus short-term 662-844-5036, morality Association), to senators AFA take down the ten advertisers to drop resources. fellows and Fax: 662-842- iii. Sanctity of Human discovered all publish a Journal commandments from the show. consultants. Our 7798 Life channels were with news on various The 43 federal work is http://www.afa.n iv. Stewardship showing things moral and family prisons removed supplemented with et/ v. Media Integrity unfit for family issues. Boycotting porn magazines from the generous help of consummation, products, soft ware their commissaries interns, volunteers, than he said: If the to filter TV programs after efforts by AFA and members. TV’s were going supporters to bring garbage in AFA has promoted his home, I'm successful boycotts going to do all I of several national can to change it advertisers because (he was a pastor of they were leading a Church). He sponsors of TV sex, plan for our violence and church to turn off profanity. Because of the TV for a week. the boycotts, some He sent out a press release and the national media picked up on it. American It’s a practical Agriculture, Share Friends’ Policy advocacy Free materials for AFSC focuses on Trade Matters Donation (individual The website offers Friends Service expression of the faith of Community desire for peace (immigration policy), non-commercial, immigration, peace, Program takes a or organization): annual report from Committee Religious Society of development, and social justice. Bureaucratic educational use. On economic justice and leadership role in Give online, 2002 to 2006. In (AFSC) Friends (Quakers). Democratization, For Example: advocacy (Iraq), line store and humanitarian creating a social Honor/Memorial September 30, 2006, Committed to the Education, Emergency Sagewriters, Interest-group newsletter to assistance programs. movement which Gifts, Gifts with total revenues are Contact: principles of nonviolence response, Environment, Heartland advocacy, Mass publicize and report Staffs who take part effectively Heart & Hope, Gift $40,379,497, total Mary Ellen and justice, it seeks in its Global economy and Alliance, Back to advocacy (Peace current advocacy in the programs work campaigns for Planning, Monthly expenses are McNish work and witness to economic development, society, Inc., building) contents. with local people. On alternative fair trade Giving $43,295,434, and net Tel: 1(215)241- draw on the transforming Human rights, Labor, National CURE, line policies. AFSC assets at the end of 7000 power of love, human Minority issues, The Beautiful newsletters/periodi- sponsored two the year are Fax: 1(215)241- and divine. Nonviolence, Poverty, Struggle, PA cals report the news elected members of $141,245,056. The 7275 For peace and social Sustainable American Civil of the programs and the Iraqi parliament funds are used for Email: justice. development, Women Liberties Union new topics of the to travel to New international Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem 19102, USA who leads us to respect find a path to peace Staffing need: Peace Website: the worth and dignity of and stability in Iraq. Building Program http://www.afsc. all. AFSC seeks to Director, Quaker org understand and International Affairs address the root Representative, causes of poverty, Northeast Asia, Area injustice, and war. Director, Volunteers- Administrative Committee Members, Volunteer- Stop Torture Project- Event Coordinator, Volunteer-Stop Torture Mission- Petition Team Member, etc. Geographical spread: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, Central America, Middle East and North America. Association for Vision Strategy Public Policy Research: AJS uses a AJS works Series of Newspaper Financial Partners a More Just Christian communities AJS supports efforts in Legal Reform AJS and its partners combination of by, regionally in and AJS produced Tear Fund, the Society doing justice and mercy Honduras that promote Education engage in research to with and for Tegucigalpa, reports chronicling International Justice close to home and the interests of the most People Centered track down and approaches. Honduras and some success. No Mission (IJM), the PO Box 888631 globally. poor in legislative Law Enforcement evaluate the ways of the surrounding available internal Christian Reformed Grand Rapids, projects, defend the that government For example: area on case measures World Relief MI 49588 Mission rights of the most funding allotted for Case Advocacy is advocacy, education Committee http://www.ajs- To accomplish the vulnerable in judicial development is done both with and and legal reform. (CRWRC), Dan us.org/ vision, AJS: processes, increase the actually used in for, empowering They are looking to Church Aid (of 1 (800) 897-1135 Invites others to join us awareness and Honduras. people by coming replicate the Gideon Denmark), Trocaire in doing justice and democratic along side them, and centers to other parts (of Ireland) mercy. participation of Education: working for them to of Honduras. Enables others to churches to practice the AJS trains local provide legal increase justice in their Biblical teachings on youth and leaders in representation It works nationally own society. justice, and publish human rights law and on Policy Reform Inspires others to support journalistic advocacy in order to AJS’s youth and awareness the work of Asociación investigations on issues empower local empowerment raising, acting as a para una Sociedad más that affect the poor of communities to programs train youth watchdog Justa (ASJ), our sister Honduras. These ensure they are to do advocacy work organization for organization in projects are generally getting their rights for themselves. Honduran human Honduras. implemented by rights abuses and Expands the success of Asociación para una Awareness: AJS staff are policy complaints. Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa AJS uses media to Primarily Honduran Sociedad más Justa (ASJ), our sister bring awareness to and Cases are (ASJ), our sister organization in issues of government individual and born organization in Honduras. We work and corporate out of grassroots Honduras. especially in five areas: corruption issues Land Rights Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem The Bible presents a Labor Rights Case Advocacy: clear message of Gideon Centers (legal AJS takes on cases reproach to the unjust and pscyhological aid that have violated (James 5:1-6) and centers located in poor human rights and its compassion for the most neighborhoods) lawyers work within vulnerable. Working for Peace & Justice / the legal framework social justice is an act Rescue (investigative, to ensure fair trials both of obedience and legal, and psychological and victim rights love. God commands us aid for poor victims of to "Maintain justice and sexual and gang- do what is right" (Isaiah perpetrated violence) 56:1). Revistazo.com (online investigative journal At AJS we claim God's covering government messianic promise that transparency and "He will bring justice to human rights issues in the nations" (Isaiah Honduras) 42:1). Bread for the Bread for the World is a Hunger/ Food issues: Bread for the Public interest, BFW's 58.000 Represent Evaluation of results Contributions Program Services World nationwide Christian Bread conducts World Institute policy members are Network based on: and Membership 73.8% www.bread.org citizens' movement that extensive research into (BFWI) is the organized by Empower -ability to influence 78% Management and 50 F Street, NW, seeks justice for the the issues and policies research and congressional district Congress from Investment Related General Suite 500 world’s hungry people related to hunger; educational into local networks -empowers civil cutting budget for Gains 1.0% 11.3% Washington, DC by lobbying our nation’s produces studies, partner of Bread nationwide. They society leaders from nutrition programs Fundraising and 20001 decision makers. Bread educational resources, for the World. write, call and visit Africa to speak to (successful) Churches and Membership 202-639-9400 for the World is 58,000 policy analyses and BFWI generates members of Congress -increase and breadth Denominations Development 14.9% members strong, and strategies studies on hunger Congress, and in size of 18.9% growing. Our members issues and vital generate media -influence in membership (Record focus on using the power educational attention about advocacy comes number of churches they have as citizens in a resources national legislation largely from studies participating in democracy to influence and other efforts that of hunger related “Bread for the government policies address hunger. issues World” Sunday) affecting hungry people. BFW staff keep -frequency that members up-to-date hunger issues are on hunger-related considered in issues and pending Congress decisions. CARE Mission is to serve Mainly issues related to People living in Combination of Letter writing Combination of Government funds 66 countires www.care.org individuals and families women and children: communities all public interest, campaigns, lobbying efforts by, for, and and donor money represented 10 fundraising in the poorest poverty, education, over the world. policy, people- alongside those in offices and 38 communities in the health care centered (depending need. $590 million country offices world. Drawing strength on the issue they are contributed to 901 Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem innovative solutions and are advocates for global responsibility. Catholic Relief Mission Statement: Although rooted in CRS has other CRS is highly “[CRS] collaborates CRS collaborates CRS encourages CRS takes donations Annual net income Services “Catholic Relief Services social teaching where areas that focus on involved in policy closely with the U.S. closely with the U.S. Catholics in the from individuals, for 2006: complements its CRS focuses on the humanitarian and advocacy and public Conference of Conference of United States to be parishes, http://www.crs.or Geographical humanitarian and issues that are development. interest – but the Catholic Biships Catholic Bishops faithful citizens; to corporations, g/get_involved/a Spread: development activities dramatically impacting Based on the work majority of focus (USCCB) and other (USCCB) and other actively participate organizations and dvocacy/index.cf They operate on 5 with policy analysis and the safety and well- they’ve done there being in political Catholic Catholic in the political foundations. m continents in 98 advocacy that seek to being of vulnerable and based upon influence and policy organizations to organizations to process and help countries. address root causes of people, they approach the principles of change. develop public develop public bring about policies poverty, conflict, and advocacy in terms of Catholic social policy positions and policy positions and and practices that Staff: CRS has local marginalization. CRS issues as they attempt teaching, they advocates for these advocates for these benefit our brothers staff as well as examines issues with a to influence the politics analyze policies policies with the policies with U.S. and sisters networks throughout "justice lens," assessing of the situations and and advocacy to U.S. and and international worldwide. CRS the world. social, economic, policies. try to find the root international public public and private offers educational cultural, and political cause of poverty and private decision- decision-makers. resources, promotes “CRS examines issues structures in the context and to respond. makers. national campaigns with a "justice lens," of justice and based on and provides assessing social, the principles of the trainings, speakers economic, cultural, and principles of Catholic and advocacy political structures in social teaching, primarily opportunities on key the context of justice the principle of international and based on the protecting the dignity of development issues. principles of the the human person.” principles of Catholic social teaching, primarily the principle of protecting the dignity of the human person.” Caux Round international network of Issues: working to Research Core Values Kyosei Agenda N/A Businesses N/A Table principled business promote a moral – The Japanese CRT Principles for Stephen B. leaders working to capitalism concept of “Kyosei” Business Young promote a moral means living and http://www.cauxr capitalism. The CRT working together for Seven Principles: oundtable.org/ind advocates the common good, ex.html implementation of the enabling cooperation CRT Principles for and mutual Business through which prosperity to coexist 1. Recognize principled capitalism can with healthy and fair stakeholder flourish and sustainable competition. constituencies and socially responsible prosperity can become the foundation for a fair, Human Dignity – free and transparent “Human Dignity” 2. Create wealth global society. refers to the for development of "I believe the major sacredness or value the world problems the earth is of each person as an currently experiencing end, not simply as a Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem can be categorized into means to the three forms of fulfillment of what 3. Act with imbalances: imbalances others desire or even sincerity, candor and in trade among what a majority truthfulness developed nations; would prefer. imbalances in wealth and material conditions between industrialized Stakeholder 4. Respect the law and developing nations; Stewardship – With and imbalances between power comes generations. I expect the responsibility. 5. The World is Caux Round Table to one economic stimulate actions to community address these issues." Ryuzaburo Kaku Chairman Emeritus, Canon Inc…"What has 6. Sustain the differentiated the Caux environment Round Table from its inception is that it consists of individual senior business leaders 7. Avoid who share common corruption and illicit values and a conviction dealings that business should assume a leadership role in bringing positive changes in society. We seek to affect the policies and conduct not only of internationally involved businesses but also of governments and multinational institutions. We believe that sensitivity to the concerns of all stakeholders, dialogue that leads to advocacy and action, and collaboration with others are the keys to greater prosperity, sustainability and fairness in a global economy." Winston R. Wallin Former Chairman, Caux Round Table and Chairman Emeritus, Medtronic Inc. Chab Dai Started in 2005 Essentially a network of Public Projects: learning Research includes Advocacy is focused Researching Individual donors, Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem Coalition Has bases in US, UK, 40+ Christian interest/policy in community; talking with children within Cambodia. currently among churches, no other Canada, Cambodia. organizations working Cambodia, prevention & who fear being However, people are children at risk of source listed P.O. Box 1185 Chab Dai means “join to fight human participatory intervention; trafficked; future encouraged to find being trafficked. Phnom Penh hands.” Vision is to trafficking and sexual advocacy, and advocacy & research. research includes out about trafficking Future plans include Cambodia bring together and exploitation in established a Advocacy 4 Action victims' wellbeing. in their own longitudinal studies Organization, Mission, purpose, Focus of efforts or the Information Type or types of Methods, Efforts with, by or Evaluation Sources of Annual budget, Contact vision, philosophical, issues they choose to gathering that advocacy do they approaches, or for those affected; strategies and funding— geographical ii information, theological basis work on—including informs their engage in—public activities approaches to results they have individual donors, spread, staff i iv website whether they focus on work interest, policy, characterize their assuring seen. Changes they government (volunteer and full iii vi viii x people or issues people centered, efforts? participation of expect support, time) ix other or some those affected by foundations? v vii combination the problem Excellence Objective 2: Scale up high impact health, - Accountability reproduction and and Transparency nutrition interventions - Cooperation and and services, targeting partnership the poor, disadvantaged - Option for the and vulnerable groups poor and the Objective 3: Strengthen health system capacity marginalized to expand, manage and sustain high coverage of services Objective 4: Improve governance and sustainable financing Christian “Christian Peacemaker -Target issues: “CPT “nonviolent direct • human rights With All of the above “Teams are “A range of Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is a living places violence- action” monitoring and accountable to their denominations and Teams answer to the question, reduction teams in reporting How assure local partners and groups are official Box 6508 · ‘what would happen if crisis situations and • non-violence participation: inviting bodies and sponsors. Thousands Chicago, IL Christians devoted the militarized areas around training -Only go/work where to the whole of CPT of individuals and 60680-6508 same discipline and self- the world at the • presence and CPT is invited through a twice- hundreds of Tel: 773-376- sacrifice to nonviolent invitation of local peace accompaniment -Many of the yearly review of their congregations make 0550 Fax: 773- peacemaking that armies and human rights activities are directly work by the CPT up by far the largest • court witnessing 376-0549 devote to war?’ workers.” with affected Steering Committee percentage of • education and

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