This Page Intentionally Left Blank. Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments - Arctic (NGEE Arctic) Submitted to J. Michael Kuperberg Program Manager Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research June 12, 2015 Prepared by Stan Wullschleger, Tom Boden, David Graham, Baohua Gu, Les Hook, Colleen Iversen, Jitendra Kumar, Scott Painter, and Peter Thornton Oak Ridge National Laboratory Alistair Rogers, Alice Cialella, Keith Lewin, and Shawn Serbin Brookhaven National Laboratory Susan Hubbard, Gautam Bisht, Baptiste Dafflon, Charlie Koven, John Peterson, William Riley, Neslihan Tas, Margaret Torn, and Haruko Wainwright Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Cathy Wilson, Ethan Coon, Dylan Harp, Jeff Heikoop, Satish Karra, Elizabeth Miller, Brent Newman, Joel Rowland, and Chonggang Xu Los Alamos National Laboratory Robert Bolton, Vladimir Romanovsky, Amy Breen, Robert Busey, Bill Cable, Eugenie Euskirchen, Jessica Cherry, Alexander Kholodov, A. David McGuire, Dmitry Nicolsky, Santosh Kumar Panda, and Jessie Young University of Alaska Fairbanks Dave Billesbach University of Nebraska Lincoln This Page Intentionally Left Blank CONTENTS SIGNATURE PAGE ................................................................................................................................................... v ABBREVIATED TERMS ........................................................................................................................................ ix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... xiii 1. ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 2. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 3 3. VISION ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 4. PROGRESS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS .................................................................................................... 9 Establishment of physical infrastructure ............................................................................................. 9 Multi-scale characterization of landscapes across the Barrow Peninsula ............................ 11 Integration of ModEx philosophy into modeling and scaling strategies ................................ 15 Data availability for project participants and the larger community ..................................... 20 Impact and relevance of Phase 1 research ....................................................................................... 20 5. Research Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 21 5.A Modeling and Scaling Strategy ................................................................................................... 21 5.B Site Selection and Sampling Strategy....................................................................................... 28 5.C Integrated Research Plans ........................................................................................................... 31 Question 1. How does the structure and organization of the landscape control the storage and flux of carbon and nutrients in a changing climate? ....................... 31 Question 2. What will control rates of CO and CH fluxes across a range of 2 4 permafrost conditions? ....................................................................................... 36 Question 3. How will warming and permafrost thaw affect above- and belowground plant functional traits, and what are the consequences for Arctic ecosystem carbon, energy, water, and nutrient fluxes? ...................................... 41 Question 4. How will shrub distributions change and generate climate feedbacks with expected climate warming in the 21st century? ......................................... 46 Question 5. Where, when, and why will the Arctic become wetter or drier? ........................ 51 6. MANAGEMENT PLAN AND TEAM INTEGRATION ............................................................................. 57 7. INFORMATION/DATA MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH .................................... 63 8. KEY PERSONNEL ......................................................................................................................................... 67 9. USE OF DOE FACILITIES AND CAPABILITIES IN SUPPORT OF THE NGEE ARCTIC PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................................ 69 10. PROPOSED COLLABORATORS................................................................................................................ 73 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................... 93 12. BUDGET ....................................................................................................................................................... 109 13. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ 125 CONTENTS Pag e | vii 14. CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................................................................ 145 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................. A-1 Project Publications ................................................................................................................................. A-3 Project Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities ........................................................................... A-7 Data Management Plan ........................................................................................................................... A-9 Data Sharing Policy ............................................................................................................................... A-11 Model Sharing Policy ............................................................................................................................ A-17 Fair Use Policy ......................................................................................................................................... A-19 Selected Dataset DOIs and Citations ............................................................................................... A-21 Project Work Flow Diagram ............................................................................................................... A-23 CONTENTS Pag e | viii ABBREVIATED TERMS 1D one-dimensional 2D two-dimensional 3D three-dimensional ABoVE Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment ACME Accelerated Climate Model for Energy AGU American Geophysical Union ALM ACME land model ALT active layer thickness APS Advanced Photon Source ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement ASR Atmospheric System Research ATS Arctic Terrestrial Simulator model or Advanced Terrestrial Simulator BEO Barrow Environmental Observatory BER Office of Biological and Environmental Research BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory CAMS Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry CARVE Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center CLM Community Land Model CS Chief Scientist DEM digital elevation model DGVM Dynamic Global Vegetation Model DM Data Manager DMT data management team DOC dissolved organic carbon DOE Department of Energy DOI Digital Object Identifier DOM dissolved organic matter ED Ecosystem demography EESD Energy and Environmental Sciences EL elevation EMSL Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory EOMI Experiments, observations, modeling, and other investigations ERT Electrical Resistance Tomography ESGF Earth System Grid Federation ESH&Q Environment, Safety, Health, and Quality ESM Earth System Model FACE Free-Air CO Enrichment 2 FTP File Transfer Protocol ABREVIATED TERMS Pag e | ix GHG Greenhouse gas GPP Gross and net primary productivity HPC High Performance Computing IDEAS Interoperable Design of Extreme Scale Application Software IL Institutional Lead ILAMB International Land Model Benchmarking [Project] IM Integrated Modeling IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change JGI Joint Genome Institute J maximum electron transport max LAI leaf area index LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LiDAR Light and Radar (or Light Detection and Ranging) LRD Laboratory research director ModEx Model-experiment integration MR model requirement NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research NEE Net ecosystem exchange NEON National Ecological Observatory Network NetCDF Network Common Data Form NGEE Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSA North Slope of Alaska NSF National Science Foundation OM organic matter OME Online Metadata Editor ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory PCN Permafrost Carbon Network PCN Permafrost Carbon Network PFLOTRAN A multiphase, multicomponent model of subsurface flow and reactive transport PFT Plant functional type PM Project Manager POC point of contact POC Point of contact POD Proper Orthogonal Decomposition PVC polyvinylchloride Q science question ROM Reduced order model SC Office of Science ABREVIATED TERMS Pag e | x SFA Science Focus Area SOM Soil Organic Matter SPRUCE Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change Experiment SSRL Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource STL Science Team Leader TEM Terrestrial Ecosystem Model TES Terrestrial Ecosystems Sciences TL Task Leader TRF Temperature response functions TRY Plant trait database UAF University of Alaska Fairbanks UAS Unmanned aircraft systems UQ uncertainty quantification USGS United States Geological Survey V maximum rate of CO carboxylation c, max 2 VD variance decomposition WBS Work Breakdown Structure XAS X-ray absorption spectroscopy ZPW zero power warming ABREVIATED TERMS Pag e | xi This Page Intentionally Left Blank. ABREVIATED TERMS Pag e | xii