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Final, General Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement... Arkansas Post National U.S. Department of The Interior PDF

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Preview Final, General Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement... Arkansas Post National U.S. Department of The Interior

FINAL GENERAL MANAGEMENT PLAN/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ARKANSAS POST NATIONAL MEMORIAL Arkan(s caousnty , Arkansas Foust alternative: for future management and use of Arkansas: Poet National Memorial are presented and analy red on the document AlternAa rtefilecv tee t he dite: hon and sce dnendbemtienetnemendasnetGhdenain thse werae oe ha ere for comparing the other alternative: Staffing and funding level would inc tease to accommodate the opening of the Osotowy Unit Viettor service: would remain at Outrent level and current law: pobor: and gadetine: would guide resource management acthom: Under alternative A.t he National Park Service ¢ (NPS) preferred alternative. the emphae: wo aid be on interpreting the nich cultural heritage that fourtehed ower the centuries in the ares of Araneae Poet National Memornal It would provide new and wnnowative ware to celebrate the ares: cultural diverety while maintaining the “¢n atural and cultural resource: | inder alternative ( the management emphaw would be on the preservation of the cultural and natural resource: of the part for future generation: The management phitosapin would reeult on menemining intrveve feature: on the part + landec ape (modern etnacture: and paved trath and providing onh muinunal feceman for viettot wer and feecurce protection at the Ovotowy Unit Alternative D would emphaure education and unterpretie goak of Arkansa: Poet Nathonal Memornal through an atte of recteatonal activites: while emphasing interpretation of the part » hietorical sagrafe: ance The opact: of amplementing each alternative are drecuseed mn the ©P ovironmental Comeqsuecteon nof tche edoc:ume nt They inchade impact: on cultural resources, vieitor wer and tec teahonal resource: the soctorconoma environment. natural resources. and tramacoprdoon rctircualatinon oandn ti nk: Qurehom about the document vhould be sent to the superintendent. Artanse Pow Natonal Memorial. 1741 Old Pow Road Gillet AR 72055. <arpo superintendegonw>t. @orn (p870 ) $48 2207 Thurty dave after the publication of a notice of awailability of the document in the Federal Regnier a cote: of acthon will be approwed through the meuance of a record of Bev reacen 1% DRegpernemere of the teeter Nate al Part Geren e SUMMARY The purposes of the general management underast tthe aMemnoridal i| nnit agnd the plan ie to help guide decison: during the complete lack of interpretataito tnh e peat 10 to 1S veare in managing Arkansas: Post National Memorial resources. telling the history of the Arkansa: Post area. comerving cultural resources and traditions. and developing education programe abonst the ares document presente four alternative approac hee to managing the part The proces: of developing theer alternative: included reemarch public meeting: with local commuannd iintetrnali NePS srevi ew The alternatives are purposely to allow for fueture flexibility will take years. and resource condition: and opportmuayn chiantge ioveer sti me ALTERNAATNDI EVNVEIRSON . MENTAL CONSEQUENCES vearly activiatt tihee psar k The picnic ares and road and trail evetem at the Memorial (nit would be retained. an informal AlteA rreflencts aongtoingi actvionse at the See park and serves a: 2 base for comparing the other alternatives At the Memoria|li n it the resource: associated with the Civil War would be enhanced A (tain unit) programe: and activities wouhd latge portion of the Memorial (nit would be continue under current funding level: and managed for the maximum protection of it: with current limitahom: Staffing under thi natural and cultural resources Some water alternative would remain at about 10 perme nent emplowitvh tehe provssitul.ity of bawed recrewoauldt bie oallnowe d adding about four permanpoetinonst to admunthie eOvottouey r|n it |a ndat t he A mall vieitot contact stahon. parking area. Okotowy Unit would continur to be acquired prot ates. research support facility. mainattea eandn paath rnangecr heous ing from willing sellers ( urrent annual handing would be constart tuhe cOsottoeuy d(n it for the park tej ust over $700,000 Requested An interbopopr treail twoiuldv aleso be inc heaere In antral onthe would bring thie tob etwee §900a,nd0 $09500,00 0 developed that emphatuher Ameetdica n This increase of about $200,000 to $250,000 ie primarily to hire otaff to manage the the intebretwaeenc tthe itwoo cunltur es Oxotouy Unit The extefuntdiing nlevgel of Impletmhi: ealtenrnattivei wnoulgd c ost the park would have a long term. adverse. about $2 6 million in one time construction minot to moderate impact on the visitor experience The extterentds iatn theg pa rk expenses It would aloo requite an increase on staffing to about |) full time equivalent would rewult in a long term. minor to (FTE) positions tor a total of about 22 FTPs moderate adverse impact on the vieitor (ont theme would include expanding and expebrecaiusee onf thce leimit ed rehabitlhei vitsitaor tcenitern agt t he opporttou prnoviidet viysit or Sr eneanes MemUniot, cornetriu: tiang vilettor and in otaftof abiowtn |g) f all tine equivalent park facilities at the Osotowy init, and (FTE) positions for 4 total of about 2) FTPs const4 rreseuarchc eatppoirt nfaciglity at (oot iteme would include expanding and the OrecotonUsnyit rehabitlhe ivietitoar tcenitern agt t he MemUniot, corntraictinag vileitot and The alterwounld ahavte ail ovng eter m. park facilities at the Osotouy Unit, removing major beneifmpaictc oni thae vlisit or traile at the Memorial Unit. and constructing experionce because it would provide various trails at the OsotouUnyi t level: and types ofu nderstandiofn tgh e national memorial at both the Memorial and Thie alterwounlda hatve ilonvg eter m. tinot to moderate. positive impact: on scile and native plant epecies resulting from the restoration of Aloo the increase of unbroken habitat areas would have a tinot to moderate. beneficial. long term impaon cwiktdli fe AlteD rwounld aemphtasiize vdeveelopi ng new wave for the visitor to understanadnd be minemized Mamo f appreciate the part + cultural and natural in the Memorial | init would be removed and resoTheu visritorc ceneters at the testored to natural contour: and vegetation Memorial (nit would be expanded and The trail: that remain would be concen rehabtoi beltteri hitghlaightt tehe dpar t + trated in the ares of the viettor center and cultural. natural, and recreatiroesnouarcle s Front Street At the MemorUniit athel vi ew A new facility for researchintgh e park's tot center would be expanded and rehatil natural and culturer oaurlce s and for park tated The viettor center media would adminiwsoultd bre acontstriuctoedn T he provide an in depth understandiofn tgh e trail and road eyetem would be retained resouart bcoteh suni te The picnic ares Some fiehing area: at the park would be would be retained with road accom. but formawhille aireazs teo prdovi.de an opportunity for the park's ugnificance and history be provided A email vieitot contact station. parking area. mainattea eandn parak rnangcer heous ing would be constart tuhe cOsottoeuy d| n it An tterplroope trtaili wvouled be devteo emlphasoize pthee intedract ion between the American Indian and the Euro American cultures atO sotouy An area along Lake Dumond would be developed a: a deugnated fishing area this alternawotuildv ceos t about $3 4 million in one time construction expenses It would also require an increase this alternawotuildv ceos t in staffing to a total of about 13.5 full-time about $2 6 million in one time construction equivalent (FTE) positions for a total of 24 expenses It would aleo require an increase FTEs (ost items would include expanding orem ema) and rehabitlhe ivietitoat cteni'ctn agt t he thee Femail (emer alM anagemenMatn Memorial Unit, conetnac ting meitot and Peeromlemnpaesi nUVattemaentl w ae park facilities at the Osotouy | nit, and prepared A record of decision identifying cometa rehseaurch cantd adiminnistgrati ve the selec ted alternative (the approved plan) facility at the MemoriaUlni t will be ieeved after a minimum VW day no at htheoP ne derlR eafgteer rt ohef tda hteee vofa hbiiy oft iin Cteater acces to the memorial and multiple optone for visitor use would have e major. document This Fimal emer alM anagement long term. positive impact on the visitor Man bensronlmenepacnt tWaatelmen i rxperionce inc hades agency and organizaletttiero: nan d to all substantive comments (se the “Public Review of the Draft Document” COMMEON NTHTE DSRA FT amc thon | PLAN Queetom: on thie plan should be submitted to The Daft General ManagemenMatn Superintendent Fenrromleepamcte Mnattemaentl f or ArkPoaet nNatisonala Me:mor ial Arkansas Poot Nattonal Memorial wae sent 1741 Old Post Road out for public review and comments Gillett, Arkansas 72055 Follthe o60 wday irevinew gper iod commewerne atnalsyze d ( hanger: were Internet addres made to the discussion of Wallace Bottom: <atpo superintendnegsn tgo@v - and the “Mitigation Measure: section. and CONTENTS Introduction Background | Brief Descrofi thpe tAreia aondn Pa rk = 4 Purpose of and Need fot Action =7 Purpoof tshee Pl an 7 Nefoer tdhe P lan 7 Constlreevaes,i anndt Csonc,er n = 7 Guifdor tahe Pnlanncinge Ef fort 9 Purpose Statements 9 Carrying Capacity 23 impact Topics Dismissed from Further Consideration 24 Flements Common to All Action Alternative: 29 Amerinidiacn Caonncer m 29 Viettor Use 29 Boundaries: 29 Alternative A No. Action (Exiting Management Direction) Alternative 47 Concept 37 MemoriaUlni t = 47 Osotouy Unit 19 Offsite Actions 9 Partnerships 19 Maffaindn Cgost s 99 Alte-native Bo =M aximize Understanding of ( ultural Diversity and Interaction while Ensuring Historic Integrity. Protofe Rescourctes.i Reocreantio nal Opportunitiesa,n d Visitot Enjovment (Preferred Alternative) 40 Concept #0 MemoriaUln it 40 Osotouy Unit 42 Park Boundary 42 Offsite Actions 42 Partnerships 42 ( co~tewtes Implementation 42 Staffanid nCogst e 43 Development Costs 43 Alternative © — Maximize the Protection of Cultural and Natural Resources while Providing for Visitor Access and Understanding of Their Significance 44 Concept 44 MemoriaUln it 44 Osotouy Unit 46 Development Costs 47 Alternative D — Expand Recreational Opportunities while Ensuring Protection, Perpetuationa,nd Understandiofn tgh e Park's Resources 48 Concept 48 Future Plans and Studies Needed $4 Planning Concepts Considered but Dismissed 56 Puture Potential Actions $7 Shuttle System $7 Offsite Interpretive Facilities $7 EnvironmPreefenrrted aAlltelrnaytiv e 58 Affected Environment Cultural Resources 69 introduction 69 Owerview 69 Archeological and Historical Resources 70 Cultural Landscapes 71 Ethnographic Resources 72 Collections 72 Visitor Use and Recreational Resources 73 Visitor Use Facilities 73 Visitor Services and Interpretation Programs 74 vin ( ombemte RecreationaUls e 75 Socioeconomic Environment 78 Population 78 Economy 78 Transportation /Access 78 Land Use and Trends 78 Natural Resources 79 Physical Setting 79 Soils 79 Water Quality 79 Vegetation 80 Wildlife 81 Environmental Consequences Introduction 85 Methodsfo r Analyzing Impacts 85 Cumulative Impacts 86 Impairment 86 Impon aCultcuralt Ressour ces 88 Method of Impact Assessment 88 Alternative A 90 Alternative B 92 AlternativeC %6 AlternativeD 100 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources 103 Relationship between the Local Short-Term Use of the Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity 103 Energy Requianrd Ceonsmerveatinon tPotsent ial 104 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts 104 Impactons V \. tor Use and Recreational Resources 105 Interparnde Otrieantattioin/oVisnito r Services 105 Recreation 105 Method of Impact Assessment 105 Alternative A 106 Alternative B 107 AlternativeC 109 AlternativeD 111 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources 113 Relationship between the Local Short-Term Use of the Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productiviiy 113 Energy Requiraendm Ceonnsertvastio n Potential 113 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts 114 Impon athe cSoctioecsonom ic Environment 115 Method of Impact Assessment 115 Alternative A 115

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