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Preview Final Abstract book (e-pdf) - World Glaucoma Association

Disclaimer The Hippocrates Glaucoma Foundation, based upon an agreement with the World Glaucoma Association, organizes the World Glaucoma Congress with the aim of providing education and scientific discourse in the field of glaucoma. The Hippocrates Glaucoma Foundation accepts no responsibility for any products, presentations, opinions, statements or positions expressed by speakers at the congress. Inclusion of material in the scientific program does not constitute an endorsement by The Hippocrates Glaucoma Foundation. Produced for The Hippocrates Glaucoma Foundation by Kugler Publications, P.O. Box 20538, 1001 NM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. © 2013 World Glaucoma Association No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior consent of the copyright owners. Table of Contents Glaucoma Society Symposiums 4 Symposiums 16 Courses 56 Grand Rounds 101 Video Sessions 121 Poster Abstracts 152 Blood flow 153 Drug and gene delivery systems 159 Drug delivery: iris-ciliary body/intraocular fluids/posterior segment 163 Ganglion cell structure and function 168 Glaucoma: biochemistry and molecular biology, genomics and proteomics 173 Glaucoma: biomechanics 191 Glaucoma: clinical drug studies and clinical trials 220 Glaucoma: electrophysiology 291 Glaucoma: epidemiology 299 Glaucoma: genetics 378 Glaucoma: IOP measurement and characterization 406 Glaucoma: laser therapy 485 Glaucoma: neuroprotection 541 Glaucoma: ocular blood flow 554 Glaucoma: pharmacological intervention or cellular mechanism 575 Glaucoma: structure/function relationships 596 Glaucoma: surgery or wound healing 655 Glaucoma: trabecular meshwork and ciliary body 924 Glaucoma: visual fields and psychophysics 942 Glial cells 980 Health care delivery and economic research 982 Image post processing and analysis methodologies 999 Imaging: glaucoma 1013 Imaging: new technologies and techniques 1096 Intraocular pressure/physiology pharmacology 1130 Nanomedicine, nanopharmaceuticals, nanotherapy 1142 Ocular surface health and disease 1148 Optic nerve 1167 Stem cells 1180 Visual function and quality of life 1184 Additional Posters 1195 Index of Authors 1260 Index of Abstracts 1290 GlAuCOmA SOCIeTy SymPOSIumS WGC 2013 Abstract Book Glaucoma Society Symposiums GS1 CeNTRAl CORNeAl THICKNeSS IN PATIeNTS WITH PSeuDOeXFOlIATIVe GlAuCOmA S. Ivanova1 1Alexandrovska Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria Wednesday July 17, 2013 • 8.00 – 9.45 am GS Background: To make a comparative study of the Central Cor- neal Thickness (CCT) between patients with pseudoexfoliative S glaucoma (PEG) and healthy people of the same age group. C methods: CCT is measured to 60 eyes with PEG with the help of ultrasound pachymeter. The intraocular pressure (IOP) is mea- GR sured by the standard automatic Goldmann applanation tonom- eter. All other routine diagnostic methods used in the ophthal- VS mological practice were made: biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, computer perimetry, optical coherence tomography (OCT). A comparative research of the records was made, as the P results were compared with those of the same number of healthy people at the same age. I Results: The results have been analyzed and compared between them and with those of other authors. Conclusions: The relevant conclusion is made for the signifi- cance of CCT as a risk factor for patients with PEG. 5 WGC 2013 Abstract Book Glaucoma Society Symposiums GS2 meASuRemeNT OF TOP FIVe TOPOGRAPHIC PARAmeTeRS OF THe OPTIC DISK uSING HeIDelBeRG ReTINA TOmOGRAPH II IN PRImARy OPeN-ANGle GlAuCOmA PATIeNTS IN VARIOuS STAGeS OF PeRImeTRIC CHANGeS A. Toshev1, B. Anguelov1 1UMBAL ‘Alexandrovska’ Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria GS Wednesday July 17, 2013 • 8.00 – 9.45 am S Background: То determine the values of the top five topographic C parameters of optic nerve head measured by Heidelberg reti- na tomograph II in healthy volunteers and patients with primary GR open-angle glaucoma in various stages of perimeter changes. VS methods: 73 eyes (38 volunteers at the age of 56 years ± 13, 11 men and 27 women) and 170 eyes (90 patients at the age of 66 years ± 12, 33 men and 57 women) were examined. We P performed the comprehensive ophthalmic examination, standard automated perimetry and measurement of the top five topograph- I ic parameters of optic disk - rim area, rim volume, cup shape measure, height variation contour and mean RNFL thickness. For the purpose of this study we used Heidelberg retina tomograph II(software version 3.1.2.). Results: We determine the values of the investigated topo- graphic parameters of the optic disk for healthy volunteers (rim area=1.68 ± 0.22, rim volume=0.44 ± 0.07, cup shape mea- sure=-0.2 ± 0.06, height variation contour=0.38 ± 0.08 and mean RNFL thickness=0.24 ± 0.03) and for the patients with primary open-angle glaucoma in various stages of perimeter changes (early stage: rim area=1.52 ± 0.47, rim volume=0.38 ± 0.17, cup shape measure=-0.14 ± 0.1, height variation contour=0.36 ± 0.09 and mean RNFL thickness=0.22 ± 0.11; moderate stage: rim area=1.21 ± 0.46, rim volume=0.27 ± 0.17, cup shape mea- sure=-0.09 ± 0.1, height variation contour=0.36 ± 0,17 and mean RNFL thickness=0.16 ± 0.12; severe stage: rim area=0.97 ± 0.01, rim volume=0.18 ± 0.17, cup shape measure=-0.06 ± 0.1, height 6 WGC 2013 Abstract Book Glaucoma Society Symposiums variation contour=0,28 ± 0,11 and mean RNFL thickness=0.17 ± 0.11). Hodapp-Parrish-Anderson staging system includes three separate levels (early, moderate and severe) of glaucoma accord- ing to visual field defects. Each stage is additionally characterized by the values of the top five topographic parameters of the optic nerve head. GS Conclusions: Early diagnosis, staging and follow-up of primary open-angle glaucoma are based on both function and structure S assessment. The determined value for the top five topographic parameters of the optic nerve head for healthy volunteers and C patients in different perimetric stages of glaucoma helps and sup- ports their right classification. Patients with different level changes GR require different kind of treatment at different price. In this respect the acquired data is an initial step at the development of primary VS open-angle glaucoma staging system based on the topographic parameters of optic nerve head obtained by Heidelberg retina tomograph II. P I 7 WGC 2013 Abstract Book Glaucoma Society Symposiums GS3 COmPARISON OF TWO ReTINAl NeRVe FIBeR lAyeR THICKNeSS meASuRemeNTS ASSeSSeD By OPTICAl COHeReNCe TOmOGRAPHy IN PRImARy OPeN-ANGle GlAuCOmA PATIeNTS K. Petrova1, B. Anguelov1 1Alexandrovska Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria GS Wednesday July 17, 2013 • 8.00 – 9.45 am S Background: To evaluate the degree of correlation and agree- ment between two retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measure- C ment patterns (RNFL 3.45 and ONH map), obtained with optical coherence tomography, in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) GR patients. VS methods: In this study were enrolled of 76 primary open-angle glaucoma patients (109 eyes). All subjects had comprehensive clinical examination, including standard automated perimetry and P optical coherence tomography. RNFL was measured with two different measurement patterns - RNFL 3.45 (RNFL 1) and ONH I (RNFL 2). For this comparison Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated and paired T-test and Bland-Altman analysis was made. Additionally, ganglion cell complex (GCC) was evaluated and compared with RNFL 2. Results: The analysis showed that there was statistically signifi- cant (p<0.0001) positive correlation between RNFL 1 and RNFL 2 and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was R = 0.905. Paired T-test found no statistically significant difference between measurements t = 0.362 p>0.05. Bland-Altman analysis showed that measure- ments of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness by RNFL 1 and RNFL 2 are in good agreement (from all 109 eyes, only 5 are out of the interval from -9.19 to 9.52). We found a good correlation between GCC and RNFL 2 (R = 0.678, р < 0.0001). 8 WGC 2013 Abstract Book Glaucoma Society Symposiums Conclusions: RNFL 3.45 is with operator-dependent centring, while ONH scan has automatic centring and with 3D disk refer- ence gives the contour of the disc automatically. Although these differences in the way the two patterns are performed, we found that they have high correlation and good agreement. The GCC measurements seem to be valuable addition to RNFL thickness measurements, according to these results. Therefore, the combi- GS nation of diagnostic parameters may help to improve the diagnos- tic accuracy of POAG. S C GR VS P I 9 WGC 2013 Abstract Book Glaucoma Society Symposiums GS4 APPeARANCe OF eXFOlIATION SyNDROme IN THe PROGReSS OF PRImARy OPeN ANGle GlAuCOmA - A DIFFeReNT WAy FOR DeVelOPmeNT OF eXFOlIATIVe GlAuCOmA M. Kostianeva1 1Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Bulgaria GS Wednesday July 17, 2013 • 8.00 – 9.45 am S Background: Many studies have demonstrated that exfoliative glaucoma (XFG) develops as a consequence of exfoliation syn- C drome (XFS). A progressive intraocular accumulation of exfoliation deposits may lead to glaucoma development in 40-60% of patients GR with XFS. However, the elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) and glaucoma onset may precede the detection of clinically visible VS XFS and affected glaucomatous eyes may initially diagnosed as having primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). The aim of this study is to describe another way of XFG development - clinical ap- P pearance of exfoliation syndrome in patients previously diagnosed to have POAG. I methods: We present a series of 20 patients with diagnose POAG (5 male, 15 female, mean age 71 ± 7 years) that reveal exfoliation material on anterior lens surface and pupillary border of the iris in the progress of disease. The patients included in the study group have a long history of glaucoma disease - from 3 to 16 years (mean 9±3 years) Results: The exfoliation syndrome is established after period of 7±3 years (range 2-15 years) from the beginning of the disease’s treatment. Twelve patients present bilateral exfoliations, and 9 - unilateral. The mean age of XFS appearance is 69 ± 7 years. Fifteen patients (75%) have underdone trabeculectomy and /or phacoemulsification before XFS identification. During follow-up period 3 patients have only medical treatment. At the time of XFS discovery 15 patients demonstrate IOP elevation and the rest 5 patients show a progress of glaucoma disease (optic disc or visual field changes). 10

Jul 17, 2013 The Hippocrates Glaucoma Foundation, based upon an agreement with the .. CHIlDHOOD GlAuCOmA IN IRIDOCORNeAl meSODeRmAl.
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