DEDICATED TO a CARSON tis AB RTURe MNT OF THE ee COMIC MAGAZINES Every one a winner—jam-packed full of fast action [mma«unn and dramatic | || adventure SS Vice THE NEXT ISSUE OF FIGHT COMICS (Ne, 31, APRIL) ON SALE AT YOUR NEWSSTAND JANUARY 25th, ANE AS THE GREIRY Doge. Maron, Zone WES VDE re. anes Cemrnes)| lee NSS VICE. QUEK! THEVICE HED 33 puinonr anc ew’ | We ° BE FIGHT COMICS FIGHT COMICS MEI MiTLEe? FIGHT COMICS Fcariran sonuiZT| Bianee ane ae RECOGNISED YS FIGHT COMICS BiLENce 1S G2LDEN,) Bkoriee? os ee. Biren y LE Z Te Guam wanmvee sveceepsr Bur as | 4) Rip Fuesries THe te Maen RD. K 3 erase Eire WEE Ba ee eho BME We RE