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Preview Fifty-one new species of marine bivalves from tropical West Africa

IBERUS, 13 (1): 1-115 Fifty-one new species of marine bivalves from tropical West África Cincuenta y una especies nuevas de bivalvos marinos del África occidental tropical Rudo von COSEL ABSTRACT Two new genera, fifty-one new species and two new subspecies of marine bivalvesfrom the coastoftropical WestÁfricaare described, and one preoccupied specific ñame is re- placed. The newtaxa resultfrom a detailed systematic study of the extensive West Afri- can marine bivalve material in MNHN and some other institutions, and from several field trips bythe author, in preparation ofan exhaustive identification handbook ofthe tropical West African marine bivalves. Three genera (Fulvia, Cryptomya, Paramya) and one sub- genus (Diberus) were notpreviously recordedfromtheeastern Atlantic, onefamily (Plica- tulidae) and two genera (Plicatula, Ctenoides) were known as Cretaceous orTertiaryfos- silsfrom WestÁfrica (Cameroon, Zaire, Angola) butnotliving, andtwoothergenera (Par- vicirce, Spheniopsis) were hitherto represented only by European Tertiaryfossils. RESUMEN Se describen dos géneros nuevos, cinquenta y una especies nuevas y dos subespecies nuevasdebivalvosde lacostaoccidentaltropical deÁfricayse proponetambién un nom- brenuevoen sustitución deotropreocupado. El reconocimientode losnuevostáxoneses resultado del estudio sistemático del extenso material de bivalvos del oeste africano del MNHN y de otras instituciones, así como de los muéstreos del autor, con el fin de elabo- rar una guía de identificación de los bivalvos de África occidental. Tres géneros (Fulvia, Cryptomyay Paramya) y un subgénero (Diberus) son nuevos para el Atlántico oriental; unafamilia (Plicatulidae) ydos géneros (Plicatulay Ctenoides) eran conocidosdel Cretá- cicooTerciariodel oestedeÁfrica (Camerún, ZaireyAngola), peronoactuales, ydosgé- neros(Parvicircey Spheniopsis) eranconocidossólocomofósilesdelTerciarioen Europa. RESUME Deuxnouveauxgenres, cinquante un espéces nouvellesetdeuxsous-espéces nouvelles debivalves marinsdelacotedAfriqueoccidentaletropicalesontdécrites, etun nom nou- veau est proposé en remplacement d'un nom préoccupé. Les taxa nouveaux ont été re- connus lors de la preparation d'un manuel d'identification de bivalves dAfrique occiden- tale; ils sontfondéssur1'important matériel de bivalves ouest-africains du MNHN etd'au- tres institutions, etsurles recoltes deterrain de l'auteur. Trois genres (Fulvia, Cryptomya, Paramya) etun sousgenre (Diberus) sontnouveauxpourlAtlantiqueoriental, unefamille (Plicatulidae) etdeuxgenres (Plicatula, Ctenoides) étaientconnusdans leCrétacéouTer- tiairede l'OuestAfricain (Cameroun, Zaire, Angola) mais nondans l'actuel, etdeuxautres genres (Parvicirce, Spheniopsis) étaientseulementconnusdans leTertiaire européen. KEYWORDS:Bivalves,newspecies,newgenera,tropicalwestÁfrica. PALABRASCLAVE:Bivalvos,nuevasespecies,nuevosgéneros,Áfricaoccidentaltropical. MOTS-CLEFS: Bivalves,nouvellesespéces,nouveauxgenres,Afriqueoccidentaletropicale. LaboratoiredeBiologiedesInvertébrésmarinsetMalacologie,MuséumNationald'HistoireNaturelle,55 ruédeBuffon,F-75005,París 1BERUS, 13(1), 1995 INTRODUCTION It is to note that three genera (Cryp- tomya, Paramya, Periploma) were not pre- This is the sixth part of a series of viously known either from the eastern papers on taxonomy of tropical West Atlantic (Paramya,Periploma) orfrom the African bivalves published in prepara- whole Atlantic (Cryptomya); four other tion of an identification handbook on genera were known from the eastern the marine bivalves of the región. The Atlantic only as Cretaceous (Plicatula, first five parts appeared in Bulletin du Ctenoides) or Tertiary fossils (Plicatula, Muséwn national d'Histoire naturelle, Pa- Parvicircen. g., Spheniopsis). rís, (Cosel, 1989, 1990; Salas and Co- Apart from the introduction of two sel, 1991; Oliver and Cosel, 1993a, new genera in order to lodge two of the 1993b). newspecies,this paperdoesnotattempt When work on the book started in to revise the supraspecific status oftaxa, 1987, there were 350 bivalve species andassucha ratherconservativeappro- known from the West African coast ach has been adopted, especially where between Rio de Oro (southern part of therehasbeenno recenttaxonomicrevi- West Sahara) and Baia dos Tigres (sout- sión (e. g. in Crassatellidae, Mactridae, hern Angola). Among the remaining Tellinidae and Donacidae). Comprehen- taxa, 86 (that is 19.6% of the 440 species sive worldwide revisions of these fami- treated in the handbook), were undes- lies are needed to document decisions cribed, others were known from other onthegenericandsubgenericlevel. regions but were new records for tropi- cal West África. Subsequent taxonomic MATERIALS AND METHODS revisions of the West African species of the families Arcidae, Noetiidae, Gale- ommatidae,Condylocardiidae, Pharidae This study is mainly based on the and Psammobiidae, have resulted in the extensiveWestAfrican mollusc material descriptionof33ofthenewtaxa (Cosel, inMNHNcollectedbythefollowingexpe- 1989, 1990, 1993; Salas and Rolan, ditionsorpersons:MissionGruvel(1909, 1990; Salas and Cosel, 1991; Gofas, 1911,wholecoast),thecruisesoftheR/V 1991;OliverandCosel, 1993a, 1993b). "Calypso" (Gulf of Guinea, Sao Tomé, Thispapernowprovidesthedescrip- Principe,1956,CapeVerdeIslands,1959), tions of 52 undescribed taxa revealed material collected byM. Nicklés (mostly duringtheproject;oneotherspecieswill SenegalandGuinea),I.Marche-Marchad be described elsewhere. Surprisingly, (Senegal,Coted'Ivoire,1953-65),A.Cros- not all ofthe 86 new taxa are small spe- nier and J. Marteau (Congo, Gulf of cies,butsomearefairlylarge, thelargest Guinea, 1962-69), P. Le Lceuff(Coted'I- new species, Pharus chenui Cosel, 1993, voire, 1965-1972), B. Richer de Forges reaches a length of 130 mm. Also it was (Mauritania,1981-1983),S.Gofas(Angola, C surprising to find that, within groups 1981-1987), P. Bernard and Chevalier which are already represented by many (Gabon, 1982-1989), M. Pin (Senegal, ca. nominal taxa in West African waters 1980-1990) and myself(Senegal, Guinea- (e.g. Unguhnidae, Crassatellidae, Cardi- Bissau,Guinea,Cameroon,Gabon,Congo, tidae, Donacidae, Tellinidae), therewere CapeVerdeIslands,1969,1978-1979,1985, morespeciestobedescribed. 1988).MuchoftheGuineamaterialorigi- Onedescription(Yoldiellaorstomi)was natesfromthetwoSEDIGUIcruises(May takeninpartfromanunpublishedmanus- andOctober-November,1988),carriedout criptofthelateM. Nicklés,andtheñame on board the ORSTOM research vessel chosen by him was maintained; another "André Nizery" fora sedimentological chapter(Limopsidae) isinco-authorship survey of the continental shelf off the withP.G. Oliver,NMW,Cardiff. GuiñeancoastbyF. Domain(sedimento- Moreover, a well-known species, logy) and myself(benthos). Corbula striata E.A. Smith, 1871, had to Other studied material is in IRSNB receivea replacementñame. (Dautzenberg collection), ZMC (Mate- Cosel: Fifty-one new species ofmarine bivalves from tropical West África rial of the "Atlantide" and "Galathea" ded.:dedit,givenby. cruises and littoral material, mostly ht:holotype. from Gambia), ANSP (Congo, Zaire IFAN: Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, (mouth of Congo River)) and MNCN Dakar. (First Iberian Expedition to Cape Verde IRSNdBe:BeInlsgtiiqtuueí,rBoryuaslsedless.Sciences Naturelles Islands). The material collected during leg:.legit,collectedby. the cruise M6-6 (1988) of the german MNCN: MuseoNacionaldeCienciasNatura- R/V "Meteor" off Zaire and northern les,Madrid. Angola (now at Paleontological Institute MNHN: Museum national d'Histoire nature- of Würzburg University, Germany) was lle,Paris. alsostudied. NMW(Z): National Museum ofWales (Zoo- A diagram of the shell inside, with logy),Cardiff. explanations of characters and parame- OptR:SpaTrOatMy:pe.Institut Franqais de Recherche ters used in the descriptions is given in Scientifique pour le Developpement en Fig. 187. Coopération. Anindexcontainingallthementioned RMNH: Rijksmuseum van natuurlijke Histo- taxaisgiveninpages 113-114. rie (now: Nationaal natuurhistorisch Figures given in Measurements hea- Museum),Leiden. dingrefertomilimetres. R/V: researchvesselortrawlerconverted for research purpose (vessels mentioned withoutthisprefixaremarineshipsorcom- Abbreviationsused in thetext: mercialfishingboats). sh.:shell,shells. ANSP: Academy ofNatural Sciences ofPhi- SMNH: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet (Swe- ladelphia,Philadelphia. dish Museum ofNatural History),Stock- ass. spm.: associated specimen (spm. fron the holm. typelocalitycollectedatthesametimeas SMF: Natur-Museumund Forschungsinstitut the types but not included in the type Senckenberg,Frankfurt,M. lot). spm.:Specimen,specimens(live-collected). BMNH: British Museum (Natural History) sta.:samplingstationofaresearchvessel. (now: The Natural History Museum), v.:valve,valves. London. ZMC: Universitets Zoologisk Museum, colín.:collection. Copenhagen. SYSTEMATICS FamilyNuculidae Genus Nucula Lamarck, 1799 Nucula nicklesi n. sp. (Figs. 1-5) Type material: HolotypeMNHN, 1 completespm., offVridi,Coted'Ivoire, 35 m, dredged R/V "ReinePokou",leg. P. LeLceuff,22.XI. 1966. Paratypes:8live-collectedspecimens,samelocality (1 coatedforscanning):3MNHN,1 SMNH,1 IRSNB, 1 ZMC,1 SMF, 1 NatalMuseum. Typelocality:Vridi,Coted'Ivoire. Description: Shell very small, 2-3.6 ventral córner rounded and not well mm long, oval, more or less thick and marked. Lunule not seen, escutcheon solid, rather inflated. Anterior margin broad and ill-defined. Beaks within the rounded and gradually passing into the posteriorfourthofthevalves. evenlyconvexantero-dorsalmarginand Surface glossy, with slightly irregu- the well rounded ventral margin. Poste- lar, concentric ridges which are most rior margin short-truncated and usually pronounced on the marginal part of the slightly sinuous, postero-dorsal margin valves and generally obsolete on the very short and well rounded, postero- umbonal part. There are also fine IBERUS, 13(1), 1995 growth lines and a few coarse and well- of Gorée, 14° 41' N, 17° 23.2' W, 17 m, defined growth stages, occasionally also fine muddy sand, 2 v., 24. III. 1988; N- extremely fine radial striae are visible. Casamance, 12° 44.5' N, 17° 27.3' W, 40 Posterior angle (that is the keel or ridge m, fine sand, 1 v., 28. III. 1988, both running from the beak to the postero- dredged R/V "Louis Sauger", leg. von ventral córner and delimiting the poste- Cosel, all MNHN. Guinea-Bissau: Bissa- rior slope) rounded and hardly visible. gos, 3 v.; no precise locality, 7 sh., 6 v., Periostracum thin, very palé yellowish both Mission L. Gain, 1913, MNHN. W green. Guinea: ofSierra Leoneborder, 9° 06' Hinge píate with 11-14 anterior and N, 13° 32' W, 16 m, 5 v. SEDIGUIsta. 72; 4-5 posterior teeth, both narrow, rather 9o 05.9' N, 13° 35' W, 23 m, 5 v., thick and slightly chevron-shaped; resi- SEDIGUI sta. 71; 9o 05.7' N, 13° 38' W, W lifer quite large. Ventral margin with 24 m, 1 v., SEDIGUI sta. 70; Tannah extremelyfinecrenulations. Is.,9o 12' N, 13° 34.5' W, 15 m, 1 sh., 6v., Valves translucent whitish, interior SEDIGUI sta. 79, all in bottom grab nacreous. samples, R/V "André Nizery", leg. von Cosel, 14. V. 1988, all MNHN. Cote d'I- Measurements: voire: offJacqueville, 30 m, 3 spm., 25. 3.6x3.0 Dakar,7m XI. 1966; off Gonzagueville, 30 m, 1 3.5x2.8x1.8 ptMNHN spm., 1 sh., 20 III. 1966; Abidjan región 3.1x2.5 ht (no precisión), numerous sh. and v., all 3.0x2.4 ptSMNH dredged R/V "Reine Pokou", leg. Le 2.8x2.3 ptMNHN Lceuff, all MNHN. Equatorial Guinea: 2.8x2.2 ptSMF Io 40' N, 9o 25' E, 150 m, boxcorer, 1 v.; 2.8x2.2 ptNatalMus. Isla Bonga, Bahia de Coriseo, 1 v., colín. 2.7x2.1 ptZMC IFAN, 17. VI. 1955,bothMNHN. Congo: 2.6x2.1 ptIRSNB Pointe-Noire, Plage Mondaine, near 2.4x2.0 ptMNHN lighthouse, on beach, 1 v., leg. von Cosel, XII. 1985, MNHN. Angola: Distribution: Senegal (Dakar) to Ambrizete, Zaire province, 45 m, 9 v., northernAngola (Luanda). 1981; Ambrizete, on beach, 7° 17.49' S, 12° 53.05' E, 5 v., II. 1982; Barra do Material examined: The type mate- Dande, Bengo province, 0-2 m, 3 v.; rial; Senegal: N of Cap Vert, 14° 53' N, Cabo Ledo, Bengorovince,40m, 1 v.,all 17° 33' W, 205-230 m, 1 v., 18. III. 1958; leg. Gofas, 1981-86,allMNHN. 14°51.5' N, 17°30' W, 180-165 m, 1 sh.,2 v., 18. II. 1958; SE ofMadeleines, 48 m, 5 Biotope: In muddy sand and fine m m v., 15. IX. 1953; Baie de Gorée, 170-200 sand,from 1 toabout80 depth. m, 2 v., 24. I. 1954; offGorée, 16-25 m, 1 v.,9. III. 1954;58 m, 2v.,5. VIL 1955; 14° Derivatio nominis: The species is 19' N, 17° 23' W, 78 m, 2 v., 3. VI. 1955; named in honour of Maurice Nicklés, SE ofGorée, 33-34 m, 12 v., 27. XI. 1953; the pioneer of modern West African S ofBaie de Gorée, 32-34 m, 6 v., 13. XI. malacology, who had worked on a revi- 1953; 38-42 m, 1 v., 27. X. 1953; 65 m, 1 sión of West African Nuculidae and v., 18. II. 1954; 110-112 m, 1 v., 18. II. Nuculanidae but could not finish the 1954; 145-170 m, 1 sh., 5 v., 7. VI. 1955, manuscriptbeforehisdeath. all dredged R/V "Gérard Tréca", leg. Marche-Marchad; SE. of Gorée, 14° 41' Remarks: This rather common N, 17° 16' W, 14 m, gravel and shell grit species has been overlooked in the past 2spm.,5. 1. 1982; 14°41' N, 17°21' W, 17 because it has most probably been mis- m, fine grey sand, 1 spm., 17. III. 1982; taken foryoungN. nitidosa Winckworth, 13° 59' N, 17° 21' W, 70 m, fine grey 1930, a températe European species sand, 1 sh., 17. III. 1982,alldredged R/V which goes southward to Senegal and "Laurent Amaro", leg. Leung Tack; SE alsooceurs inAngola. From this species, Cosel: Fifty-one new species ofmarine bivalves from tropical West África N. nicklesi is easily distinguished by its curved postero-dorsal margin. The much smaller size, a more inflated shell, marked growth stages typicalforN. nic- the narrower hinge píate and the more klesiarenotpresentinN. nitidosa. FamilyNuculanidae Genus Yoldiella Verrill and Bush, 1897 Yoldiella orstomi n. sp. (Figs. 6-9) .Type material: Holotype MNHN, offGrand Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire, 200 m, a fresh sh., dredged R/V "ReinePokou", leg. Le Loeuff,30. IX. 1966. Paratypes: Mauritania,21° 15' N, 17° 38' W,400 m,R/V"Meteor" sta.60-56,1 spm,8.II. 1982,SMNH;21°15'N,17°48'W,795m,R/V"Meteor" sta. 60-52, 1 spm.,7. II. 1982, MNHN,bothtakenbybox-corer, R/V "Meteor", cruiseSubtropex '82,leg.RicherdeForges. Typelocality:GrandBassam,Coted'Ivoire. mm Description: Shell 3.5-5.1 long, Measurements: oval-rostrate, quite solid, inflated. Ante- 5.1 x3.2 ptSMNH rior margin rather narrowly rounded, 4.9x3.4 ptMNHN posterior part rostrate, posterior margin 4.0x2.7 ht pointed with the tip very narrowly rounded. Antero-dorsal and postero- Distribution: Yet known only from dorsal margin straight, ventral margin MauritaniaandCoted'Ivoire strongly and evenly rounded. Beaks just in front of the vertical midline. Lunule Material examined: The type mate- narrow and ill-defined, escutcheon rialonly. narrow and delimited by a rather faint ridge. Biotope: Most probably in muddy Surface smooth with fine irregular bottom,inabout200-800m. growth lines and a few slightly coarser growth stages. Posterior angle rather Derivatio nominis: The species is sharp but not keeled. Periostracum thin, named after the French research organi- glossy and nearly colourless, on the zationORSTOM. umboseroded. Hinge píate with 10-11 anterior and Remarks: This species can be distin- 13 posterior teeth, all close-set, rather guished from Y. philippiana (Nyst, 1845) strong and more or less chevron-shaped. (Europe to Senegal) by its much more Resilifer small, high-triangular and pointed posterior end, a well developed deeplysunken. posteriorangleandthevisibleescutcheon. Valvesentirelywhite. Theventralmarginismoreevenlyconvex. Family Limopsidae (by P. G. OLIVERand R. von COSEL) Genus Limopsis Sassi, 1827 IntheAtlanticOcean,theLimopsidae lathea Knudsen, 1970 (West African areprimarilyadeepwatergroupinhabi- records: Senegal-Angola;3730-4595 m); tingregionsatandbeyond thecontinen- and thethirdisbathyal,L. cusíalalanceo- tal margin zone. In tropical West África lata Oliverand Alien, 1980 (Angola;974- threespeciesarerecordedbyOliverand 1559m). Thematerial considered hereis Allen (1980). Two are abyssal: Limopsis from much shallower depths, mostly tenellaJeffreys,1876(WestAfricanrecords: between80-250m,and theonlydetermi- Senegal-Angola;2840-4595m)andL.ga- nationsarethoseonmuseumlabelswhich 1 IBERUS, 13 (1), 1995 identify some lots as L. minuta Philippi. Atlantic. Therefore we must consider This species is a Pliocene fossil but the whethertheWestAfricanformsrepresent ñame has been used for a continental southerly range extensions oftempérate margin zone-upperbathyalzonespecies speciesorwhetherthebathyalformshave whichiswidelydistributedintheboreal a wider depth range than indicated by and températe regions of the north east OliverandAllen (1980). Limopsispyrenoides Oliverand Cosel, n. sp. (Figs. 10-12) Type material: Holotype MNHN, Senegal, Baie de Gorée, 170-200 m, 1 spm., dredged RV "GérardTréca",24-1-1954. Paratypes: offCapVertPenínsula,200-170m, 7spm.,6v. MNHN, 1 spm.,1 v.SMF,1 spm., 1 v.IRSNB, 1 spm., 1 v. NMWZ,1 spm. 1 v.ZMC,dredgedR/V "Gérard Tréca", 10. I. 1956; offGorée, Dakar, 112-145 m, 1 sh., 8 v., all MNHN, dredged R/V "Gérard Tréca",7.VI. 1955,allleg.Marche-Marchad. Typelocality:BaiedeGorée,Dakar,Senegal. mm Description: Shellsmall,2 to5.5 Inner margin finely crenulate, crenula- in height, slightly compressed, equi- tions weaker on the posterior margin valve, slightly inequilateral. Outline and absent at the posterior ventral junc- ovate, somewhat oblique, higher than tion. Adductor muscle scars unequal, long or as high as long. Posterior theanterior1,3thesizeoftheposterior. margin slightly curved to almost Shell white, periostracum a rust straight, weakly disjunct at posterior brown. ventral margin; ventral margin rounded curving continuously into rounded Measurements: anterior margin. Dorsal margin very 5.2x5.5 ptMNHN short. Dorsal área cleft, narrow, beaks 4.2x4.5 ptMNHN notwidelyseparated. 4.0x4.2 ptMNHN Sculpture in well preserved speci- 3.8x3.9 ptMNHN mens ofwidely spaced but narrow con- 3.1x3.3 ptSMF centric ridges, these finely interrupted 3.1x3.2x2.0 ht by the insertion marks of the periostra- 3.0x3.1 ptZMC calbristles. This detail is rapidlyeroded 2.8x3.0 ptNMWZ in larger specimens and on dead valves. 2.7x2.1 ptIRSNB Periostracum with a primarily concen- 2.6x2.5 ptNMWZ tric arrangement of short, semi-erect, 2.4x2.4 ptZMC pointedbristles. 2.1x2.1 ptIRSNB Ligamenta simple eíastic alivincular triangle (Type II, Oliver, 1983). Hinge Material examined: The type mate- prominent; anterior teeth stronger than rial. Senegal: OffDakar, 14° 51.5' N, 17° posterior; anterior set ofup to 6 vertical 30'W,180-165m,manyv.,18.II.1958;14° teeth; posterior set of up to 5 more 53.5' N, 17°30.5' W,230-205m,manyv., oblique teeth; edentulous gap narrow. 18.UI.1958;BaiedeGorée,80-250m,many (Rightpage)Figures 1-5.Nuculanicklesin. sp., Vridi,Coted'Ivoire, 1-3: paratype,rightvalve; 4-5: holotype,3.1 x2.5mm.Figures6-9. Yoldiellaorstomin. sp.,6-7: holotype,GrandBassam, Coted'Ivoire, 200m, interioroftherightvalve; 8-9: paratype2, 5.1 x 3.2mm, Mauritania,21° 15' N, 17°48' W,795 m,dredgedR/V "Meteor". (Páginaderecha)Figuras 1-5. Nuculanicklesispec. nov., Vridi, CostadeMarfil, 1-3:paratipo, valvaderecha;4-5:holotipo, 3,1x2,5mm. Figuras6-9. /bldiellaorstomispec. nov., 6-7:holo- tipo, GrandBassam, CostadeMarfil, 200m, interiordela valvaderecha; 8-9:paratipo2, 5, x3,2mm, Mauritania, 21° 15'N, 17°48'W, 795m, dragadoR/V "Meteor". Cosel: Fifty-one new species ofmarine bivalves from tropicalWest África IBERUS, 13 (1), 1995 v., 20. II. 1956; offCap Vert, 200-170 m, centric ridges are notapparentin any of many v.; offGorée, 112-145111, 9 v.; 230° the subspecies ofL. cristata described by offCap Manuel, in stomach of holothu- OliverandAllen.L.cristataagg.isabath- rian, 120-215m,4spm.,17v.,23.III. 1954, yal species and would not be expected alldredgedR/V"GérardTréca",leg.Mar- from thecontinentalmarginzone oftro- che-Marchad,allMNHN.Guinea:OffCo- picalWestÁfrica. nakry,9o29'N,16°03'W,132m,15v.,in There appears tobe a second species bottomgrabsample,R/V"AndréNizery", present in West África, Limopsis cf, SEDIGUIsta. 220,MNHN. minuta (Philippi, 1836) (Not Limopsis minuta (Philippi) in Oliver and Allen, Distribution: Known only from off 1980: 96-99). Severaloíd and poorlypre- Senegal(Dakarregión) andGuinea. served valves have been dredged in Baie de Gorée (80-250m), Dakar región. Biotope:Unknownbutfromdatapre- Despite the poor preservation of these sented byOliverandAllen (1980) one valves it is possible to recognize that would expect a species of this shape to theybelong toa complex with othertro- inhabit fine sand to muddy sand. It has pical species such as L. antillensis Dalí, beentakenindepthsbetween80to230m. 1881 (Caribbean) and L. natalis Barnard, 1964 (Indian Ocean). The subquadrate Derivatio nominis: pyrenoides - outline is distinctive as are the few mar- resembling a small hard seed, from ginal crenulations and fine decussate "pyrenos" (Greek)= a pip or hard seed sculpture. In these respects all of these and "oides" suffixfromGreek "eides" - to species resemble the pliocene L. minuta resemble. (Philippi, 1836) and because of the poor preservation of the West African mate- Remarks: The form of the periostra- rial we are unwilling to consider sepá- cum, crenulated inner margin and liga- rate nomenclatural status at this time, menttyperelatethisspeciestotheL.cris- and it will not be included in the forth- tataagg.Jeffreys,1876.L.cristatafromoff coming identification guide. Oliver and southernAngola differs inbeing less tu- Allen did not adequately consider the mid,inhavingtheperiostracuminapri- pliocene material but followed Jeffreys marilyradialarrangementandinthebris- (1876, 1883) in adopting nomenclature tlesbeingmuchlonger. Thenarrowcon- fromthepliocenefaunasofItaly. Family Mytilidae Genus Lithophaga Róding, 1798 Subgenus Diberus Dalí, 1898 Lithophaga (Diberus) carmenae n. sp. (Figs. 13-15) Type material: Holotype MNHN, off Port-Gentil, o 55' S, 8o 40.8' E, "Anguille" oilfield, in incrustation on the piles of an oil rig platform, 8-20 m, a dried spm., leg. Chevalier, 1980-89. Paratypes:samelocality,3sh.MNHN,1 sh.ZMC,1 sh.SMF,1 sh.NatalMuseum. Typelocality:Port-Gentil,Gabon. Description: Shell 20-42 mm long, between them a marked bend. Umbos elongate-dateshaped, with broadly subterminal. rounded anterior margin and more or Surface smooth, with growth lines less narrowly rounded posterior mar- only. Ligament rather long, extending gin, thin, very inflated. Ventral margin slightlybeyond thevertical midline. No slightly and evenly convex, antero-dor- hinge teeth. Periostracum strong,brown sal (ligamental) margin straight, pos- todarkbrown,withstrong,lightgreycal- tero-dorsal margin somewhat convex, careousincrustationwhich,whennotero- Cosel: Fifty-one new species ofmarine bivalves from tropical West África ded, covers the whole shell. A narrow, 4o00'N,6o11'E,34m,inaChama,1 spm., sharp,moreorlessmarked incisiónruns dredgedR/V "Calypso",sta.28,leg. Mar- from thebeaksto thepostero-ventralex- che-Marchad, 26. V. 1956, MNHN. An- tremityand cuts the incrustation into an gola: Ilha de Luanda, Luanda province, antero-ventral partand a postero-dorsal 40-60 m, numerous spm., 90 m, 11 spm.; part. Antero-ventral part with a rough, BaiadeCorimba,Luandaprovince,10-20 file-likesurface.Postero-dorsalpartofthe m, 1 juv. spm.; Cabo Ledo, Bengo pro- valve with a thicker calcareous layer vince,10-40m,5spm., 1 v.;BaiadeSanta whichslightlyprojectsbeyondtheposte- Maria, Benguela province, 10 m, 6 spm., riormarginandwhich,beginningonthe fragm., 30-40 m, 1 spm., all leg. Gofas, posteriorthirdorstillmoreposterior,has 1981-85, all MNHN. Sao Tomé: Punta typical,strong,irregular,divaricatewrin- DiogoVaz,0.6m, 1 spm.,R/V "Calypso" klesarranged likeaplume. sta. 68, leg. Marche-Marchad, 1956, Valvesbrownish, interiornacreous. MNHN. Annobon: Io 27' S, 5o 35' 48"E, 50-60m,1 spm.,leg.Crosnier,11.XH.1965; Measurements (including posterior Io28.5' S,5o 37.5' E,35-55 m, 3 spm., leg. incrustation): Poinsard, 16. VI. 1967,bothMNHN. MNHN 42.5x14.6x12.7 pt 37.5x14.1 x13.0 ptNatalMuseum Biotope: Boring in limestone, coral 36.3x11.7x10.0 ht and shells, usually offshore from about 33.4x13.2x11.3 ptZMC 25 to 90 m. In southern Angola also 28.8x11.3x10.0 ptMNHN found shallower, from 10mdownward. 25.6x9.0x7.6 ptSMF 19.6x7.5x7.2 ptMNHN Derivatio nominis: The species is named after my colleagueCarmen Salas Distribution: Senegal (Petite Cote) with whom I had many fruitful discus- to southern Angola (Santa Maria, Ben- siononbivalves. guela); Annobon, Sao Tomé and pro- bablyalsoIlhadoPrincipe. Remarks:Thislocallyrathercommon species is very cióse to L. (D.) mucronata Material examined: The type mate- (Philippi, 1846) fromEastÁfricatoIndo- rial.Senegal:OffM' Bour,PetiteCote,25 nesia and L. (D.) plumilla (Hanley, 1844) m,1 spm.,dredgedR/V "GérardTréca", fromtropicalWestAmerica,butthelength leg. Delais, 19. V. 1949, MNHN. Guinea: ofthe"plumulate" sculptureontheWest offSierra Leoneborder, 9o 03' N, 14° 11' African species is shorter than on the W, 38 m, numerous spm., trawled R/V Panamic species. The Caribbean L. (D.) "AndréNizery",SEDIGUIsta. 18CH,leg. bisulcata(d'Orbigny,1842)completelylacks vonCosel, 12. V. 1988, MNHN. Coted'I- theplumulatesculpture,theobliqueinci- voire:Abidjanregión,4o16.5'N,7o30'W, siónisbroader.OthercloselyrelatedIndo- 40 m, 1 spm., dredged R/V "La Raíale", PacificspeciesareL.(D.)divaricalxIredale, GuiñeanTrawlingSurvey, leg. Cherbon- 1939 and L. (D.) pessulatus (Reeve, 1857) nier, 8. IV. 1964, MNHN. Ghana: Cape (Wilson,1979);thislatterspecies,aswell Coast, 26-31 m, 1 spm., leg. LeLceuff, 10. asL.(D.)mucronataaresynonymizedwith II. 1968,MNHN. Bénin: (nopreciseloca- L. (D.) plumula by Kleemann (1983). L. lity) in coral, 55 m, 3 spm., X. 1953, leg. carmenae is the first record of the subge- Crosnier,MNHN.Nigeria:offNigerdelta, nusDiberusintheeasternAtlantic. GenusModiolus Lamarck, 1799 Modiolus verdensis n. sp. (Figs. 16-18) Type material: Holotype MNHN, Boavista, CapeVerde Islands,betweenSal Reiand Punta do Rife, onrocks, 2 m, divers, 1 dried spm., R/V "Calypso" sta. 69, leg. Marche-Marchad, 25. XI. IBERUS, 13 (1), 1995 1959. Paratypes: samelocality,4driedspm.,3MNHN, 1 SMF;Boavista,PuntaManuelLópez,6- 8 m, divers, 1 spm., "Calypso" sta. 69; Sao Tiago, 15° 16.6' N, 23° 47.7' W, 55-60 m, 3 spm., "Calypso" sta.24,18.XI. 1959,1MNHN,1 ZMC,1 IRSNB. Typelocality:SalRei,Boavista,CapeVerdeIslands. mm Description: Shell 10-15 long, 15.1x10.1x9.0 ht variableinoutline,broadlymodioliform, 8.1 x5.3x4.7 ptMNHN,Boavista, with narrowly rounded anteriormargin, "Calypso"69 solid, quite inflated. Ventral margin slightly concave to nearly straight, an- Distribution: Cape Verde Islands, tero-dorsal (ligamental) margin straight. endemic. Postero-dorsal and posterior margin more or less evenly convex, with a Material examined: The type mate- rounded córner to the ventral margin. rial. Santo Antáo: (no precisión), nume- Bendbetweenantero-andpostero-dorsal rous v.; Sao Vicente: (no precisión), 2 v.; margin rounded to rather sharp. Umbos Ilha do Sal: (no precisión), 6 v., fragm., broad,ratherprominent,terminal. all leg. Cadenat, 1950, all MNHN. Sao Surface with quite coarse, irregular Tiago: Baia de Tarrafal, 0-8 m, hardbot- growth lines and growth stages and tom, 5 spm., R/V "Calypso", Cape Ver- irregularfoldsalong theventral margin. de Islands cruise 1959, sta. 25. Brava: Periostracum rather thin, yellow to Punta de Anciáo, low water, on rocks, 2 brownish. Bristles moderately long to spm., R/V "Calypso" sta. 42; Punta very long, thin and hair-shaped, not se- Tantáo, 40 m, 1 spm., R/V "Calypso" rrated, with more or less broad base, sta. 51, all leg. Marche-Marchad, XI. mostly rather scattered, occasionally 1959,allMNHN. denser near the posterior margin. Liga- ment rather broad and short, extending Biotope: On rocky shores on stones on about two thirds ofthe antero-dorsal and rocks, also attached to hard objects margin. on soft bottom such as sand with shell Exterior palé to bright yellow, debris and calcareous algae, from low orange, red to purple or violet, near the water mark to about 10-15 m, occasio- ventral margin often whitish. Interior nallydeeper,to60m. nacreous white, dorsally often purplish toviolet. Derivatio nominis: The species is namedaftertheCapeVerdeRepublic. Measurements: 15.7x9.8x8.5 ptMNHN,SaoTiago, Remarks: This species belongs to a "Calypso"24 group of small and superficially very 14.3x8.3x9.3 ptSMF,Boavista, look-alike modiolids of tropical West "Calypso"69 África which up to recently were un- 11.7x7.1 x7.4 ptZMC,SaoTiago, known or mistaken for M. lulat Daut- "Calypso"24 zenberg, 1891. Finally, Ockelmann 10.7x5.6x6.2 ptIRSNB,SaoTiago, (1983) revealed three species from the "Calypso"24 continental coast: Modiolus thorsoni Oc- (Rightpage)Figures 10-12.Limopsispyrenoidesn. sp., 10: holotype, 3.1 x3.2mm; 11: paraty- pe,5.2x5.5mm, 14°56.5' N, 17°35' W; 12:paratype,4.2x4.5mm,samelocality.Figures 13- 15.Lithophagacarmenaen. sp., 13-14: holotype, 36.3mm; 15: paratype,42.5 mm.Figures 16- 18.Modiolusverdensisn. sp. holotype, 15.1 mm, Boavista,CapeVerdeIslands. (Página derecha) Figuras 10-12. Limopsis pyrenoides spec. nov., 10: holotipo, 3,1 x3,2 mm; 11:paratipo, 5,2x5,5mm, 14°56.5'N, 17°35' W; 12:paratipo, 4,2x4,5mm, misma locali- dad. Figuras 13-15. Lithophagacarmenaespec. nov., 13-14: holotipo, 36,3 mm; 15:paratipo, 42,5mm. Figuras 16-18. Modiolus verdensisspec. nov. holotipo, 15,1 mm, Boavista, Archipié- lagode Cabo Verde. 10

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