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KIMBERLITl CONFEREt Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries https://archive.org/details/fifthinternation05inte FIFTH INTERNATIONAL KIMBERLITE CONFERENCE Araxa, June 1991 EXTENDED ABSTRACTS o CPRM-Special Publication 2/91 Brasilia Copyright © 1991 by CPRM. All rights reserved. Additional copies and other volumes associated with the Conference may be purchosed from: Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais - CPRM Centro de Documentagao T6cnica - CEDOT Av. Pasteur, 404 - Urea - 22.290 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil. Tel.: (021) 295-0032 R. 389 - Fax.: (021) 542-3647 International Kimberlite Conference, 5. Arax6,1991. Extended abstracts. Brasilia, CPRM, 1991. 584p. ilust. (CPRM - Speciai Publication, 2/91). 1. Kimberlito - Congressos. I. Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, il. S6rie. HI. Titulo. CDD: 552.063 CDU: 552.323.6 Abstracts were submitted by the authors in camera-ready form and, therefore, were not edited. The Organizing Committee of the 5^^ International Kimberlite Conference takes no responsability for author errors or omissions. FIFTH INTERNATIONAL KIMBERLITE CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN H. O. A Meyer O. H. Leonardos Purdue University University of Brasilia SECRETARIAT J. C. Caspar L A. Tompkins University of Brasilia University of Western Australia SPONSORSHIP The Organizing Committee of the Fifth International Kimberlite Conference generously acknowledges the help and sponsorship of the following organizations: Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (ABC) Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineragao (CBMM) Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerals (CPRM) Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) Departamento Nacional da Produgao Mineral (DNPM) International Mineralogical Association (IMA) Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) National Science Foundation (NSF) Purdue University RTZ Mineragao Ltda. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia (SBG) SOPEMI - Pesquisa e Exploragao de Min§rios Ltda. Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) Author Index Afanas’ev, V.P.1 Clark, T.C.46,373 Garanin, V.K. . 481,484, 490, Jacques, AL. 202, Afanasiev, V.P.391 Clarke, L.B.49 .... 505,508,510,525,530 . 205,392,475 Allsopp, H.L.76 Clement, C.R.361 Gaspar, J.C. . . .127 Jago, B.C.193 Almeida, F.F.M. de .3 Colgan, E.A.76 Geach, C.L. . . .130 Jagoutz, E.122,190 Ambroise, M.6 Condliffe, E.310 Gerneke, D.A . .318 Janse, AJ.A.196,199 Amshinsky, A.N.339 Cooper, G.1.279 Gibson, S.A . . 133, 136, 420 Jennings, C.M.H.58 Amstrong, R.17 Coopersmith, H.G.52 Girnis, A . . . . . . . 513,564 Jianping, Z.248 Andi,Z.10,154, Crozaz, G.410 Gittins, J. .193 Jianzong, Z.10 . 208,285,448 Cumming, B.C.58 Gobba, J.M. . . .116 Jin,Z-M.212 Ashchepkov, I.V.13 Damarupurshad, A. . 163,383 Green, D.H. . . . . .313,417 Kaminsky, F.V.214 Aspen, P.241 Daniels, L.R.M.55,58 Green II, H.W. .212 Kharkiv, AD.551, Bailey, D.K..237 Danni, J.C. M.60 Grib, V.P. . . . . . . 367,530 . 567,579 Baker, N.R.14 Dante, C.32 Griffin, B.J. . . . . . . 82,231 Keller, J.217 Barankevich, V.G. . . 495,556 Davies, G.R. 63,66, Griffin, W.L. . . ... 42,119, Kingston, MJ.219 Barasckov, Yu. P.565 .310,326 . 139, 142, 145, 148, Kinny,P.D.45,222 Baxter-Brown, R.14 Dawson, J.B.69 .310, 316, 332, 463, 475 Kirkley, M.B. 224,225 Bezborodov, S.M. . . 391,481 DeWit,M.J.17 Griffin, B.W. . . .231 Kiser S.1.516 Billington, F.R.58 Deakin, AS.71 Griffin, S.R. . . .463 Knutson, J.205 Bizzi, L.A..17 Dehuan, X.10 Grossi-Sad, J.H. .60 Koeber, C.163 Blade, J.D.20 Deines, P.74 Grubb, M.D. . . .151 Kogarko,L. ...26,513,564 Blaine, J.L.58 Dhamelincourt, P.448 Guanliang, L. .234 Kolesnik, Yu.N.514 Bodinier, J.L.281 Dickin, AP.133,136 Ganther, M. . . .122 Kolod’ko,AA .516 Bodrov, V. A.527 Dheprovskaya, L.V. . 558, 573 Guo, L. . . . 154, 448 Komov .518 Bogatikov, O.A .484 Dobbs, P.N.76 Gurney, J J. 119, 125, 142, Kononova, K.A .484 Bogdanov, G.V. 492, Doroshev, A.26 .167, 177,224,225,264 Koptil, V.1.391 .495, 498 Downes, H.281 .298, 318, 320, 322, 336 Kornilova, V.P.521 Boltenkov, AV.573 Duncan, D.J.76,160 Haebig, AE. . . .376 Kostrovitsky, S.1.523 Borch,R.S.212 Duncan, R.205 Haggerty, S.E. . .157, . 525,527 Botelho,N.F.60 Eckert, J.0.410 . . . 323, 347 Kudrjavtseva, G.P. ... 481, Botkunov, A.1.391 Edgar, AD.79 Hall, AE. 202, 376, 380 .484,490,505, Botova, M.M.579 Edwards, D.82 Hamilton, R. . . . 112 . 508,510,530 Boyd,S.R.231 Eggler,D.H.85,88 Harris, J.W. . . . . . 160,318, Kulakova, I.I. .... 533,547 Boyd, F.R.323, 329 Egorov, K.N. 492, .336, 456,459 Kuligin, S.391 Brandt, S.B.558 . 495,498, 573 Hart,R.J. . . . .163 Kvasnitsa, V. N.569 Brey, G.P. 23,26, Ermolaeva, L.A.367 Harte, B. . . .167,224, Lasnier, B.M.35 . 29,92,106 ,Falk,R.W.261 . 313,318,456,459 Lashchenov, V.A .543 Bristow, J.W.46 Fengxiang, L.248,454 Hatton, C.J. . . . . . 370, 383 Laverova, T.N. 490, Brown, M.A .76 Feoktistov, G.D.501 Hearn, B. CJr. . .170 . 508,530 Brown, L.329 Fett, A .92 Helmstaedt, H.H. . .173, 224 Laz’ko, E.E. 228,581 Browning, P.405 Field, S.W.94,323 Hendry, G.L. . . . 133,136 Le Bas, M J.49 Bulanova, G.P.486,488 Fipke, C.E.97 Hochella, M.FJr. .432 Leat, P.T. 133,420 Bulatov, V.V .... 29 Fodor, R.V.101 Hoefer, H. . . . .106 Lee, J.E.58 Bush,M.D.435 Fogel, R.20 Hollis, J.D. . . . .398 Lee,D.C.231 Bushueva, E.B.490,530 Foley, S.F.29, Hongfu, Z. . . . .248 Lei, Z..248 Caporuscio, F.A . . . 267,385 .. 103,106,109 Hops, J.J. .177 Leonardos, O.H. . . 408,437 Carlson, R.W. 183,329 Foster, J.G.112 Horsch, H. . . . .383 Levin, V.1.516 Castelo Branco, R.M.G. . . 35 Frdhlich, G.245 Hu, S. . . . .76,466 Lihe, G.10,208 Chappell, B.W.344 Frantsesson, E.V.516 Huntley, P.M. . .261 Lipskaya, V.1. 495,556 Chaves, M.L.S.C.40 Furlong, K.P.85 Hwang, P. ... .180 Lloyd, F.E.79,237 Chen,Y.D. 42,45,316 Galimov, E.M.502 Irving, AJ. . . . 183, 186, 188 Logvinova, AM.240 Chien-Lu, C.38 Gandhok, G.R.101 Jacob, D. .190 Long, A. .241 Lorand, J.P.88 Otter, M.L.261,318, Silva, N.B. da .460 Towie,N.J.435 Lorenz, V.245, 392 .320,322 Sinitsyn, AV.367 Ukhanov, AV.567 Lucas, H.380 Pasteris, J.D.323 Skinner, E.M.W.46, Ulbrich, M.N.C.437 Maggiore, C.20 Pavlenko, T.A.579 Upton, B.G.J.241 Makhin, A. 1.579 Pavlova, L.A.488 Skripnichenko, V.A. . . .527 Valenca, J.G.359 Makhotkin, I.L.484 Pearson, N.J. 42,332 Skvortsova, V.L. . . . 533,547 Valle, P.460 Manning, E.R.435 Pearson, D.G. 323, Smelova, G.B.549 Valley, J.W.353 Mariano, A.N.251 .326,329 Smirhov, G.1.551 Valter, AA. .569 Marshall, T.R.254 Plusnin, G.S.527 Smith, C.B.17,46, Varlamov, D.A .490 Marx,M.R.435 Pokhilenko, N.P.1, .76, 373, 383 Vasiljeva, E.R.530 Maslovskaya, M.N. . . 558, 573 .329,339 Smith, Chris B. . . .202,376, Verichev, E.M.530 Mathez, E.A..20 Ponomarenko, AI. . 391,581 .380,392 Viljoen, K.S.46, Matthews, M.B.167 Posukhova, T.V.530 Smith, J.V.69‘ . 353,373,440 McCallum, M.E. . . .151,163, Preser, LB.334 Smyth, J.R. 267,385 Vishnevsky, A A.571 . . . 257,261,273,276,320,443 Ramos, Z.N.383 Sobolev, N.V.1,119, Vladimirov, B.M. 498, McCandless, T.E.264 Ramsey, R.R.380,429 .142,190,240,339,391 . 501,543,560,573 McCormick, T.C. . . 267,385 Raynor, L.R.398 Sobolev, E.V.388 Vladykin, N.V. 576, McDonough, W.F. . 270,344 Reddicliffe, T.231 Sobolyev, V.K.553 . 577,578 Memmi, J.M.273,276 Rex,D.C.63 Solovjeva, L.V. . . .495,556, Vos, W.P.443 Mendelssohn, MJ. . . . 279, Rickard, R.S.225,336 . 558, 560, 562 Vukadinovic, D.79 .285,290 Robey, J.V.460 Solovova, 1.513,564 Waldman, M.A . . . 139,264 Mendes, M.H.66 Robinson, D.N.440 Souza, J.C.F.408 Wall, F.446 Menshagin, Yu.V.543 Robison, H.R.463 Spetsius, Z.V.391 Wang, W. 154,448 Menzies, M.A. . 186,241,281 Rock,N.M.S.82,112, Spicuzza, M.353 Wang, A. 154,448 Meyer, H.O.A..17,88, .80, 364, 414 Spiro, B.49 Wedepohl,K.H.451 .163,279, Rodionov, AS.339 Spriggs, A.J.63 Weikun, Ye.454 . 285,290,408 Roksandic, Z.202 Stachel,T.392 White, S.H.71 Mia, Q.160 Rombouts, L.342 Steele, I.M.69 Wilding, M.C.318, Middleton, R.C.287 Rudenko, AP. 533,547 Stern, C.R.395 Mikhailichenko, O.A . . 484, Rudnick, R.L.344 Stock, C.F.370 Williamson, P.A.460 .510,530 Ryabchikov, 1.513,564 Suddaby, P.339 Win,T.T. 142,145,475 Milledge, HJ. . 279,285,290 Ryan,C.G. ...119,139,142, Sun, S-S.82 Winterburn, P.A.167 Mitchell, T.E.20 . 145,148, 475 Sutherland, F.L.398 Wuyi,W.10,208 Mitchell, J.G.136 Safronov, A.F.541 Suvorov, V.D.541 Wyatt, B.A .463 Mitchell, R.H.251, Sautter, V.347 Svisero, D.P.3 Xilin, X.208 .292,295 Schepina, N.A . 481,490,530 Svoren, I.M.565 Xiling,X.10 Moore, R.O. . . 125,177,298 Schulze, DJ. . . 148,350,353 Swash, P.M.440 Yefimova, E.S.391 Morrison, M.A. . . . 133,136 Seal,M.285 Szab6,C.401 Zaitsev, AI.541 Muggeridge, M.T.301 Seckerin, AP.543 Tainton, K.M.405 Zavjalova, L.L.562 Nadejdina, E.535 Sellschop, J.P.F.163 Tallarico, F.H.B.408 Zhang, F.160 Navon, 0.304,307 Sen,G.356 Tal’nikova, S.B.565 Zhang, P.466 Neal, C.R.410 Serenko,V.P.228 Taylor, W.R. 82,180, Zhenxin, D. 470,473 Nenashev, N.1.541 Sgarbi, P.B. A .359 . 364,414,417 Zhiqiang, X.234 Nixon, P.H. . . 63,145,310, Shalashilina, T.535 Taylor, L.A.401,410 Zhou, J. 208,475 . 323,326,329 Shcherbakova, Y.P.541 Temby,P.398 Zhu, Y.160 Novgorodov, P.G.537 Shee, S.R. . . 76,361,370,463 Thirlwall,M. 241, 281 Zhuravlev, AZ.581 O’Brien, H.E.188 Sheppard, S.364 Thompson, R.N.133, Zimanowski, B.245 O’Reilly, S.Y.42,45, Sheraton, J.202 . 136,420 Zinchuk, N.N.551 . 139,145,316,332 Shirey,S.B.329 Thornber, C.R.423 Zuev, V.M.391 Odling, N.W.A. .313 Shpount, B.R.545 Tingle, T.N.212,432 Zweistra, W.L. .463 Oleinikov, O.B.539 Sial, A.N. 101 Tompkins, L.A . . . 426,429 CONTENTS Exogenous Changes of the Indicator Minerals at the Formation of Mineralogical Halos of Kimberlite Bodies .1 Structural Setting and Tectonic Control of Kimberlite and Associated Rocks of Brazil .3 Geology of the NE Angolan Kimberlite Region .6 The Status and Future of Diamond Exploration in China.10 Composite Garnet Peridotite Xenolith from Picrite-Basalt, Vitim Plateau (Trans Baikal); Implication for the Thermobarometry and Reconstructions of the Mantle Sections.13 Discovery of Diamond Deposits in the Quebrada Grande Catchment, Venezuela.14 Mesozoic Kimberlites and Related Alkalic Rocks in South-Western Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: a Case for Local Mantle Reservoirs and their Interaction.17 Oxygen in Diamond by the Nuclear Microprobe: Analytical Technique and Initial Results.20 Fictive Conductive Geotherms Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton ..23 The Join Pyrope-Knorringite: Experimental Constraints for a New Geothermobarometer for Coexisting Garnet and Spinel.26 Origin of Low-Ca, High-Cr Garnets by Recrystallization of Low-Pressure Harzburgites .29 Experimental Evidence for the Exsolution Origin of Cratonic Peridotite.32 Geology and Geophysics of the Redondao Kimberlite Diatreme, Northeastern Brazil.35 Inclusions of Carbonatite Calcite from the Oka Complex, Quebec.38 Palaeogeographic Studies on the Diamond-Bearing Sopa Conglomerate in the Diamantina Region (Minas Gerais), Brazil.40 Applications of Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Spinel Oxygen Geobarometers to the Redox State of the Upper Mantle .42 Dating the Cratonic Lower Crust by the Ion Microprobe Shrimp: An U-Th-Pb Isotopic Study on Zircons from Lower Crustal Xenoliths from Kimberlite Pipes.45 Isotopic and Geochemical Variation in Kimberlites from the South Western Craton Margin, Prieska Area, South Africa.46 Rare Earth, Trace Element and Stable Isotope Fractionation of Carbonatites at Kruidfontein, Transvaal.49 Geology and Exploration of the Kelsey Lake Diamondiferous Kimberlites, Colorado, USA.52 A Crystallization Model for Peridotitic Diamond Inclusion Spinels .55 The Geology of the Ml Kimberlite, Southern Botswana.58 Bulk and Mineral Chemistry of the Olivine Leucitite from Juana Vaz, Sacramento, Minas Gerais, Brazil.60 A Non Cognate Origin for the Gibeon Kimberlite Megacryst Suite.63 The Petrogenesis of Metasomatised Sub-Oceanic Mantle Beneath Santiago: Cape Verde Islands.66 Peralkaline Plutonic Magmatic Rocks of the Carbonatite Volcano Oldoinyo Lengai.69 Shear Zone Control of Alkali Intrusives - Examples from Argyle and West Africa.71 Model Simulations of Carbon Isotope Variability in the Mantle.74 The Geology of the Mengyin Kimberlites, Shandong, China.76 Distribution of Fluorine between Minerals and Glass in Lamproites, Lamprophyres and Kamafugites: Implications for the Role of F in Deep Mantle-Derived Magmas...79 The Aries Diamondiferous Kimberlte Pipe, Central Kimberley Block, Western Australia: Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry of the Pipe Rock and Indicator Minerals.82 Destruction of Subcratonic Mantle Keel: the Wyoming Province.85 Sulfides, Diamonds, Mantle f02, and Recycling.88 Significance of Aluminium, Calcium, Chromium, Zirconium, Niobium and Iron Concentrations in Rutile from High Pressure Rocks.92 Symplectites in Upper Mantle Harzburgites and Garnet Harzburgites .94 Significance of Chromite, G5 Mg-Almandine Garnet, Zircon and Tourmaline in Heavy Mineral Detection of Diamond Bearing Lamproite .97 Vertical Sampling of Mantle beneath Northeastern Brazil as Represented by Ultramafic Xenoliths and Megacrysis in Tertiary Basalts.101 Experimental Studies of Olivine Lamproite at Pressures in the Diamond Stability Field.103 The Stability of Priderite, Lindsleyite-Mathiasite and Yimengite- Hawthorneite under Lower Continental Lithosphere Conditions: Experiments at 35 to 50 Kbar.106 The Origin of Kimberlite and Lamproite in Veined Lithospheric Mantle ....... o, ... ..109 The Minercdogy, Petrology and Geochemistry of Ultramafic Lamprophyres of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia...112 The Geology and Mineralogy of some Kimberlites in the Mwadui Area.116 Comparative Geochemical Evolution of Cratonic Lithosphere: South Africa and Siberia.. 119 Systematics of Isotopic Disequilibria between Minerals of Low Temperature Garnet Lherzolites.. 122 Geochemical Correlations between Kimberlitic Indicator Minerals and Diamonds as Applied to Exploration .125 The Magmatic Evolution of the Jacupiranga Complex, Brazil .127 Byro Sub-Basin as a Potential Diamond-Bearing Province .130 Ultrapotassic Magmas along the Flanks of the Oligo-Miocene Rio Grande Rift, USA: Monitors of the Zone of Lithospheric Mantle Extension and Thinning Beneath a Continental Rift.133 Geochemieal and Petrographic Evidence for High Mg-Ultrapotassic Magmas in SE Colorado, USA .... 136 Indicator Minerals from Prairie Creek and Twin Knobs Lamproites: Relation to Diamond Grade.139 Chromite Macrocrysts in Kimberlites and Lamproites: Geochemistry and Origin.142 Trace Elements in Garnets from Tanzanian Kimberlites: Relation to Diamond Content and Tectonic Setting.145 Ilmenite and Silicate Megacrysts from Hamilton Branch: Trace Element Geochemistry and Fractional Crystallization.148

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