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Psycholofical Bulletin 1969, Vol. 72, No. 6, 426-444 FIFTEEN YEARS OF FEAR AROUSAL: RESEARCH ON THREAT APPEALS: 1953-1968 KENNETH L. HIGBEE 1 Purdue University Research on threat appeals has yielded conflicting findings concerning the relative effectiveness of high threat versus low threat in persuasion. Studies reviewed here have investigated the effects on persuasion of variables in each of five areas: (a) the nature of the recommendations, (6) personality char- acteristics of the recipients, (c) source credibility, (d) learning of the message content, and (e) the interest value of fear. Few variables have been found which consistently interact with fear. One conceptual consideration and four methodological considerations are suggested as possible sources of the incon- sistency in the findings. A postulated curvilinear relationship between fear level and persuasion may help reconcile some of the conflicting findings on high- versus low-threat appeals. The use of threat, or fear arousal, is quite nique has only recently come under much common in many types of persuasive at- rigorous experimental investigation. Table 1 tempts. The procedure generally used is either shows 27 studies of fear-arousing appeals, to associate an undesirable practice (e.g., published since 1953, which have involved smoking) with negative consequences (e.g., experimental manipulation of the level of lung cancer), or to associate a desirable prac- threat in a persuasive communication. Of tice (e.g., brushing teeth) with the avoidance these 27 studies, 17 (63% of the published of negative consequences (e.g., cavities). experimental research in the area in the last Then, after making the association, recom- 15 years) have been published within the mendations are offered for attitude change or last 4 years. Table 1 also indicates the levels for action to take to avoid the consequences. of threat used in each study, which will be Typically the projected consequence of not discussed later. conforming to the communication's recom- Reviews of the threat-appeal literature mendations is spelled out in vivid, threatening (see Janis, 1967, 1968a; Janis & Leventhal, detail. The assumption is that the higher the 1968; Leventhal, 1965, 1967; McGuire, 1966, level of fear aroused, the greater will be the 1968; Miller, 1963) have revealed consider- persuasiveness of the communication. able inconsistency among the findings regard- Areas of persuasion which use such a ing the relative effectiveness of high threat "scare" technique might include public- versus low threat in persuasive messages. The opinion campaigns (e.g., safe-driving, health, first section of this paper indicates some of and anti-smoking campaigns), propaganda ef- the variables which research since 1953 has forts (e.g., atrocities committed by the enemy indicated may affect the persuasiveness of in war), advertising (e.g., mouthwash, tooth- threat appeals (see Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, paste, and deodorant advertisements), and 1953, for a review of the relevant research prior to 1953). In the second section are preaching (e.g., hellfire and damnation for suggested some possible sources of the in- sinners). consistency among the findings on high threat However, despite the widespread use of versus low threat. Finally, the present state threat appeals in applied settings, the tech- of theorizing and knowledge concerning fear- 1 The author is indebted to Richard Heslin and arousing appeals is summarized. W. C. Redding for their valuable comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. High Threat versus Low Threat Requests for reprints should be addressed to Ken- The "common-sense" approach used in neth L. Higbee, Department of Psychology, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana 47907. many applied settings of persuasion suggests 426 FEAR AROUSAL AND THREAT APPEALS 427 that the more you scare someone the more tooth care, but the three versions differed in likely he will be to accept your recommenda- their vividness and in the degree to which tions for avoiding the portrayed threat. they emphasized the possible dire conse- However, Berelson and Steiner (1964) stated, quences of such neglect. The results of the as one of the scientifically substantiated facts study indicated that the minimal-threat ap- of human behavior, that "strong appeals to peals were more effective than the high-threat fear, by arousing too much tension in the appeals in eliciting reported conformity to the audience, are less effective in persuasion than recommended procedures for tooth care. minimal appeals [p. 552]." This conclusion Subsequent studies which have been widely may also be found in many introductory cited as supporting this negative relationship psychology textbooks (e.g., Hilgard, 1962; between fear arousal and persuasive effec- Morgan & King, 1966) and in some social tiveness (although such an interpretation of psychology textbooks (e.g., Kretch, Crutch- their results is not completely justified in field, & Ballachey, 1962; Secord & Backrnan, some cases, cf. Leventhal & Niles, 1965, 1964). Footnote 3) include Goldstein (1959), Haef- The conclusion that low threat is superior ner (1956), Janis & Feshbach (1954), and to high threat in persuasion is based mainly Janis and Terwilliger (1962). on a study by Janis and Feshbach (1953) Some studies, however, have found no rela- in which three groups of high school students tionship between fear arousal and persuasion were presented with three versions of an (Frandsen, 1963; Millman, 1968; Moore, illustrated lecture on dental hygiene. Each 1965; Payne, 1963). In some of these studies, version stated the dangers of dental neglect the lack of a clear-cut relationship between and recommended specific procedures for fear level and persuasion may have been due TABLE 1 THREAT-APPEAL STUDIES EXPERIMENTALLY MANIPULATING THREAT LEVEL Studies Fear, intensity, anxiety, or threat levels Janis & Feshbach (1953) Minimal, moderate, strong Janis & Feshbach (1954) Mild, strong Moltz & Thistlethwaite (1955) None, weak, strong Goldstein (1959) Minimal, strong Nunnally & Bobren (1959) Low, high Berkowitz & Cottingham (1960) Minimal, strong Janis & Terwilliger (1962) Mild, strong Leventhal & Perloe (1962) Optimistic, threatening Frandsen (1963) Minimal, moderate Leventhal & Niles (1964) Low, mild, high Gollob & Dittes (1965) No-threat, threat Hewgill & Miller (1965) Low, high Insko, Arkoff, & Insko (1965) Low, high Leventhal, Singer, & Jones (1965) Low, high Powell (1965) Mild, high Stern, Lana, & Pauling (1965) Neutral, fear-arousing Chu (1966) Mild, moderate, strong Dabbs & Leventhal (1966) None, low, high Leventhal, Jones, & Trembly (1966) Low, high Leventhal & Singer (1966) None, low, high Leventhal & Watts (1966) Low, medium, high Miller & Hewgill (1966) Mild, strong Duke (1967) Neutral, fear Fischer, Cohen, Schlesinger, & Bloomer (1967) Low, moderate, high Leventhal, Watts, & Pagano (1967) Moderate, high Leventhal & Trembly (1968) Low, high Millman (1968) Neutral, anxiety provoking 428 KENNETH L. HIGBEE at least in part to methodological considera- VARIABLES WHICH MAY AFFECT THE tions, such as failure to arouse differential PERSUASIVENESS OF THREAT fear levels in the subjects (see Hewgill & There is thus some inconsistency among Miller, 1965; Moltz & Thistlethwaite, 19SS; the studies on fear-arousing communications, Sastrohamidjojo, 1968). some indicating a negative relationship be- Some research has yielded mixed findings tween threat level and persuasion, some indi- concerning threat level and persuasion. For cating no relationship, and most studies indi- example, high fear has been found to affect cating a positive relationship. Considerable attitude change without affecting behavior research has been aimed at attempting to change (Leventhal, Singer, & Jones, 196S; determine the variables which may affect the Radelfinger, 1963); and Leventhal and Watts persuasiveness of threat (i.e., interact with (1966) found that high fear produced more the fear level). Although the review in this compliance in adopting the recommendations section is largely objective, at least two points to decrease smoking, but less compliance for are brought out in the studies summarized: taking an X ray. First, few of the variables which have been Thus, some studies have indicated a nega- studied have been found to interact with fear tive relationship between fear level and per- level consistently enough to account for in- suasion, others have found no relationship, consistencies in past studies. Second, some of and others have yielded mixed findings. the findings contradict the fear-drive model, However, most of the recent studies in the which views fear as a force which motivates area have found a positive relationship be- the recipients to reduce the fear. tween fear and persuasion. Studies finding that strong fear is more effective than weak Recommendations fear have involved such diverse topics as Katz (1960) has stated that the findings dental hygiene practices (Haefner, 196S; of Janis and Feshbach (1953) may be due Leventhal & Singer, 1966; Singer, 1965), to a lack of a clear-cut relationship in the smoking (Insko, Arkoff, & Insko, 1965; minds of the children between the failure to Leventhal & Niles, 1964; Leventhal & Watts, brush their teeth properly and the gangrene 1966; Leventhal, Watts, & Pagano, 1967; jaws of the aged (which were portrayed as Niles, 1964; Snider, 1962), tetanus inocula- one of the undesirable consequences in the tions (Dabbs & Leventhal, 1966; Kornzweig, high-fear group). He suggested that the use 1968; Leventhal, Jones, & Trembly, 1966; of fear arousal depends for its effectiveness Leventhal et al., 1965), safe-driving practices upon the presence of well-defined paths for (Berkowitz & Cottingham, 1960; Leventhal avoiding the punishment, that is, upon the recommendations which are given for avoid- & Niles, 1965), fallout shelters (Hewgill & ing the undesirable consequences portrayed Miller, 1965; Miller & Hewgill, 1966; Powell, in the communication. The nature of the 1965), tuberculosis (DeWolfe & Governdale, recommendations has been the subject of sev- 1964), roundworms (Chu, 1966), proper eral subsequent studies. viewing of the sun during an eclipse (Kraus, Dabbs and Leventhal (1966) found that El-Assal, & DeFleur, 1966), and even the manipulations of the effectiveness of the use of stairway handrails for safety (Piccolino, recommendations did not have any significant 1966). effect either on intentions to take action Not only have numerous studies found that or on action taken (obtaining an inoculation a persuasive communication containing strong for tetanus). Similarly, Moltz and Thistle- fear-arousing appeals can be effective, but thwaite (1955) found that although explicit there is evidence that even the arousal of assurance as to the efficacy of the recom- fear which is irrelevant to the communication mended procedures was effective in producing can facilitate persuasiveness (Lundy, Simon- anxiety reduction, the anxiety reduction was son, & Landers, 1967; McNulty & Walters, not associated with greater reported conform- 1962; Simonson & Lundy, 1966). ity to the recommendations. Thus, although FEAR AROUSAL AND THREAT APPEALS 429 one study (Chu, 1966) did find a slight tend- interact with fear level. Leventhal et al. ency (p < .07, n = 1024) for subjects to (1967) found a tendency (p < .10) toward minimize the threat when the recommended an interaction between fear and instructions solution was not seen as efficacious, research on how to stop smoking; the presentation of has not sufficiently indicated that perceived instructions made more of a difference in the efficacy of the recommendations offered in a high-fear condition than in the moderate-fear threat appeal significantly interacts with fear condition. level in affecting persuasion. The positioning of the recommendations Leventhal (1965), after his review of some relative to the threat in the communication relevant findings, concluded that when the was suggested by Cohen (1957) as an im- actions recommended are clearly effective, portant variable. Cohen found that a fear- attitude and behavior change are more likely arousing communication in which informa- to take place than if doubts exist about re- tion assumed to satisfy the aroused needs is sponse effectiveness. However, this conclusion placed after need arousal brought more ac- describes efficacy as a main effect; that is, ceptance of that information than a situation regardless of the fear level, persuasion is more in which information was placed before the likely if the recommendations are perceived need arousal. as efficacious. Therefore, the efficacy variable In Cohen's study, however, fear level was will not aid in reconciling inconsistencies in not experimentally manipulated. Later studies past studies. do not indicate that positioning of the recom- Another variable which appears to be im- mendations affects persuasion. Leventhal and portant as a main effect is the specificity of Singer (1966) found that although fear re- the recommendations. In communications on actions were reduced by moving the recom- tetanus, Leventhal et al. (1966) and Leven- mendations on dental hygiene from before, to thal et al. (196S) varied the fear levels and intermixed with, to after the fear stimuli, the specificity of instructions for obtaining this positioning had no effect on acceptance. shots. More of these subjects who received Singer (1965) also found that the order of specific instructions actually took shots than presentation of the recommendations did not those who did not receive specific instructions, significantly affect attitude change or behav- regardless of the fear level of the communica- ior change. It may be noted that, as was true tion. Similarly, Leventhal and Niles (1964) of the findings on efficacy and specificity (see noted that the ease of carrying out the previous discussion), the finding of no inter- recommended action facilitated the effective- action between positioning and fear does not ness of a fear-arousing message. Thus, specific support the fear-drive model, which would instructions are more effective in persuading suggest that the positioning of recommenda- subjects to change their behavior than are tions after the threat should be more effective general instructions. than before the threat. The lack of an interaction between fear level Although positioning of the recommenda- and efficacy or specificity of recommendations tions apparently does not affect persuasion, is not consistent with the fear-drive model. one study indicates that positioning may af- If fear becomes increasingly motivating as fect the learning of the content of a threat fear level increases, then specificity and ef- appeal. Fischer, Cohen, Schlesinger, and ficacy of recommendations should have more Bloomer (1967) interspersed threatening ma- effect for a high-fear message than for a terial throughout safe-driving manuals and low-fear message, since the recipient should found that threatening stories after instruc- be more motivated to take action to reduce tions were superior to stories preceding the the fear and to avoid the threat. instructions, in the retention of the message There is some suggestion that although content by the subjects. efficacy and specificity may not interact with Thus, research on the recommendations in fear level, the mere presentation of recom- a fear appeal indicates that the specificity mendations (as compared with no recommen- and efficacy of the recommendations may dations on how to avoid the threat) may facilitate the persuasiveness of the appeal, 430 KENNETH L. HIGBEE regardless of the fear level; that the presenta- intensity of threat strengthened the coping tion of recommendations may be more impor- (see following discussion) efforts of middle- tant in a high-fear appeal than in a low-fear and high-esteem subjects but decreased the appeal; and that the positioning of the recom- efforts of low-esteem subjects. Going from mendations relative to the threat is not an mild- to high-threat messages, Dabbs and important factor in persuasion, although it Leventhal (1966) found increases for high- may affect the retention of the message. esteem subjects and decreases for low-esteem subjects on stated intentions to take tetanus Personality Characteristics shots; and Kornzweig (1968) recorded a In their review of some of the fear-arousal similar and stronger effect for actual shot literature, Miller and Hewgill (1966) sug- taking. Consistent with these findings-, gested that individuals differ in the kinds of Zemach (1966) observed that low self-esteem statements they perceive as strong fear- subjects were more persuaded by a low-guilt- arousing appeals. Similarly, Leibler (1967) arousing appeal than by a high-guilt-arousing suggested that the type of person who re- appeal. sponds to a threatening mailed questionnaire Thus, the interaction of self-esteem with is different from the type of individual who fear level in persuasion is quite well sup- responds to a nonthreatening questionnaire. ported. People with high self-esteem are more Thus, the characteristics and predispositions persuaded by a high-threat appeal than are of the threat-appeal recipients may contribute people with low self-esteem. One reason for to the relative effectiveness of high threat this may be that high-esteem subjects are versus low threat. less personally threatened by a high-threat Self-esteem of the recipients contributes to appeal and thus can react to such an appeal differential effects of fear on persuasion, ac- by taking realistic action rather than by at- cording to a number of studies. In their in- tempting to avoid thoughts about the threat vestigation of the effects of threatening versus (see subsequent discussion on these two reac- optimistic messages on the perception of army tions to fear), which may be the reaction of life, Leventhal and Perloe (1962) found that the low-esteem subjects. self-esteem was negatively related to accept- Reference has already been made to coping ance of the threat appeals. Subjects high in behavior; and the "coping style" of a person self-esteem were influenced more by the opti- (his characteristic means of dealing with mistic communications, while subjects low in tension-producing material) has been found self-esteem were influenced more by the by Goldstein (1959) to affect how the person threatening communications. These results, will respond to a high-threat appeal. Gold- however, occurred only among subjects who stein's results indicate that "copers" receive received communications from sources dis- strong-fear appeals better than "avoiders," similar to themselves with respect to person- whereas among avoiders the minimal-fear ap- ality characteristics. peals receive greater acceptance. Coping style The above study by Leventhal and Perloe has also been found to be related to psycho- did not vary fear level but rather had one pessi- physiological responses to tension arousal mistic (threat) appeal and one optimistic ap- (Goldstein, Jones, Clemens, Flagg, & Alex- peal. In addition, the results held only for a ander, 1965). Ability to cope with tension- certain kind of subjects. In contrast with the producing material may be a facet of a high finding by Leventhal and Perloe of a nega- self-esteem (cf. Leventhal & Trembly, 1968). tive relationship between self-esteem and per- The directions of the results concerning self- suasiveness of threat, subsequent studies have esteem and coping style are consistent with consistently found a positive relationship; this suggestion. that is, high-esteem subjects tend to be more In addition to self-esteem and coping style, persuaded by high-threat appeals, and low- the subject's perceived vulnerability to danger esteem subjects tend to be more per- appears to interact with threat level. Niles suaded by low-threat appeals. Leventhal and (1964), in a study on smoking and lung Trembly (1968) found that increasing the cancer, divided subjects on the basis of their FEAR AROUSAL AND THREAT APPEALS 431 initial feeling of vulnerability to lung cancer. subjects who are high in anxiety before the Only those people expressing low susceptibil- message is presented. ity were increasingly persuaded to stop However, the effect of chronic anxiety level smoking and to take X rays as threat in- reported by Janis and Feshbach (1954) has creased; more vulnerable people showed no not been replicated in a number of subse- difference in their expressed desire to stop quent studies which examined anxiety (e.g., smoking or to take X rays as messages be- Goldstein, 1959; Niles, 1964; Singer, 1965). came more frightening. This indicates that Thus, one cannot say that an interaction be- high threat is more effective than low threat tween anxiety and fear level is substantiated for people who do not feel especially vulner- by the research evidence. able to the threat, but that threat level makes Note that, again, the fear-drive model does no difference for those who do feel vulnerable. not predict the results which have been ob- An even stronger interaction between fear and tained for some of the personality character- vulnerability is indicated by the findings of istics, such as the interactions of esteem and Watts (1967) and Leventhal and Watts vulnerability with fear level and the lack of (1966) that higher feelings of vulnerability an interaction for anxiety and fear level. One actually tended to reduce the desire to take response to such findings has been to abandon action as the fear level of the message the concept of fear as a drive and to develop increased. a model that explains the responses to fear Leventhal et al. (1966) and Leventhal and appeals as being mediated by variables other Singer (1966) did not find significant effects than fear (see Leventhal, 1967, discussed of perceived vulnerability on persuasiveness subsequently). of fear arousal. However, the consistency Of the personality characteristics which among those studies which did find such ef- have been suggested as interacting with fear fects indicates that perceived vulnerability level, self-esteem and perceived vulnerability may be an important source of individual dif- appear to be well supported, coping style ferences in responses to threat appeals. The has been suggested in one study, and chronic indication is that perceived vulnerability anxiety level does not appear to be an impor- interacts negatively with fear level, so that tant variable. Two other suggested variables high fear is more effective for low-vulnerable are the recipient's concern with the topic subjects and low fear is more effective for (Singer, 1965) and his need for cognition high-vulnerable subjects. (Cohen, 1957). Janis and Feshbach (1954) suggest that Source Credibility anxiety level may be an important variable for threat appeals. They found that subjects The results of a study by Hewgill and high in anxiety were less influenced by a Miller (1965), on attempts to persuade PTA strong fear appeal than were low-anxiety sub- members of the importance of fallout shelters, jects. Consistent with this finding is a study indicate that strong fear appeals bring about on frustration and language intensity by Car- greater attitude change than do mild fear michal and Cronkhite (1965), which suggests appeals when the source has high credibility that a subject at a high activation level tends with the recipients. Powell and Miller (1967) to reject a persuasive speech that would also found a positive relationship between further increase his activation. This negative source credibility and persuasiveness of in- relationship between chronic anxiety level and creasing fear levels. persuasiveness of increasing threat is an Incidental observations by the authors of assumption underlying the defense-avoidance two studies lend further support to the im- hypothesis of Janis and Feshbach (1953), portance of source credibility in fear-arousing who stated that high fear may be less effective appeals. Insko et al. (1965), in their study than low fear because it arouses a high level on smoking, noted that their source was of anxiety in the subjects and causes them highly credible (source was a teacher, sub- to reject the anxiety-provoking message. Such jects were junior high students) and that this an effect would presumably be greatest for fact probably influenced the results of their 432 KENNETH L. H1GBEE study, which yielded a positive relationship messages are longer in many studies, because between fear level and attitude change. they often consist of the same material as that Rosenblatt (1962) found an interaction be- in the low-fear messages plus additional fear- tween threat and discrepancy (strong threat arousing material. For example, such a pro- became less effective than weak threat the cedure resulted in the high-fear messages greater the amount of change advocated) and being longer than the low-fear messages (270 suggested that this was due to the effects of words as compared with 190 words—42 % both variables on the intervening variable of longer) in the study by Janis and Milholland credibility. (1954) described subsequently. Duke's results If the source is not highly credible then indicate that there were differential learning the response of the subjects may be merely effects as a function of communication length; to discredit the source further rather than subjects presented with the shorter communi- to accept the recommendations of a high- cation (low fear) learned more. threat communication. Miller and Hewgill In contrast with the finding by Duke (1966) presented evidence of a lack of atti- (1967) of differential learning due to dif- tude change by subjects exposed to strong- ferential message lengths, several studies have fear messages which were attributed to low- not found any differences between the dif- credibility sources, and they attributed this ferent levels of threat in the subjects' com- result to the possibility that the subjects may prehension of the factual content of the have further discredited the source in reject- communications (Fischer et al., 1967; Gold- ing the message. Related to this suggestion stein, 1959; Gollob & Dittes, 1965; Janis is one made by Katz (1960), that when there & Feshbach, 1953; Millman, 1968; Singer, is no clear relation between the punishment 1965). and the desired behavior in a threatening Although there is considerable evidence message, then the effect of high threat may that threat level does not influence how much be merely to create negative attitudes toward is learned, one study suggests that threat the person (s) associated with the negative level may influence what is learned from the sanctions (i.e., the source of the communica- content of a persuasive communication. tion). Such a result appears to be more Janis and Milholland (1954) compared the likely if the source were low in credibility verbatim recall of high-fear versus low-fear than if he were highly credible. information and, although they too found no In conclusion, there is considerable evi- differences in the recall of the major content dence that source credibility does interact theme or the recommended conclusion, they with fear and thus is an important variable did find a selective-recall tendency for cer- in determining whether high fear or low fear tain specific information. That is, although is more effective. High fear may be more there was apparently no marked loss in over- effective than low fear when the source all learning efficiency as a result of strong credibility is high but not when the source threat appeals, there may have been a selec- credibility is low. tive learning of certain types of information. However, this result may have been con- Learning of Message Content founded with the different lengths of their It may be that subjects exposed to different messages. It is not too surprising that sub- levels of threat learn different amounts of the jects would tend to recall different material factual materials presented in the communica- from two messages, one of which contains tions and that this differential learning affects almost 50% more material than the other. their attitude change. Duke (1967) sug- The best conclusion that can be drawn gested that this is so. Duke felt that the from the research relevant to learning of mes- variable of communication length may have sage content is that level of threat is not been confounded with level of fear in the Janis and Feshbach (1953) study, in which significantly related to learning of factual the high-fear messages were longer than the content. Thus, comprehension of the message low-fear messages. In fact, the high-fear is probably not a variable mediating differing FEAR AROUSAL AND THREAT APPEALS 433 persuasiveness of different levels of fear in exposing oneself to such a message if one arousal. has the choice. Interest POSSIBLE SOURCES op INCONSISTENCY One situation in which strong fear may AMONG STUDIES be effective in persuading may arise when The studies reviewed thus far have been one wishes to arouse interest before per- concerned with the nature of the recommen- suading. This suggestion was made by Janis dations, personality characteristics of the re- and Feshbach (19S3), even though they cipients, source credibility, learning of factual found low fear more effective in their study. content, and interest value of threat. In each Some subsequent studies have supported this of these areas, as well as in the general con- suggestion. Berkowitz and Cottingham (1960) clusion regarding the persuasiveness of high presented high- and low-threat messages on versus low threat, there has been conflicting the use of safety belts and found that strong evidence. There may be some considerations fear was indeed more persuasive than weak that have not been explicitly studied which fear when the communication was initially may have contributed to the inconsistency of low in interest value and that the dramatic findings across studies. One conceptual con- value of the strong-fear communication sideration and four methodological considera- made it more interesting than the weak-fear tions are suggested here. message. Fear oj What? Robbins (1962b) also found that fear level appeared to be positively related to attention; An important assumption underlying the subjects seemed to show more interest in research on fear-arousing appeals is that the listening to a recording concerning smoking studies have been investigating the same phe- and cancer (developed by Robbins, 1962a) nomenon because they have all been con- as the recording increased in anxiety-arousing cerned with "fear arousal" and "threat." level. However, it may be that the only thing all As with most variables related to fear- of these studies really have in common is arousing communications, the research on the their concern with the arousal of different role of interest is not entirely consistent. kinds of negative affective responses to Nunnally and Bobren (19S9) found that different topics. high-anxiety messages actually depressed Thus, the question may be asked of the public interest concerning communications on "fear arousal" literature—fear of what?2 mental health; and Cannell and MacDonald This question consists of two parts, which are (1956) suggested that threat-avoidance may considered separately. The first is, what is be an explanation for their findings that this thing called "fear"? The second is, what smokers read fewer articles about cigarettes is it that the subjects fear? and cancer than do nonsmokers. Concerning the first question, the nature There is thus no clear relationship between of the "fear" that is aroused by threat ap- fear level and interest value. However, it may peals, Leventhal (196S) and Janis and Leven- be noted that the above studies suggesting thal (1968) have suggested that the reason that high fear may arouse interest were in a fear motivates some people, but not others, laboratory setting, whereas those indicating to act is that the messages may arouse dif- that high fear may depress interest were in a ferent kinds of fear. Thus, the arousal of field setting. It may be that with a captive "neurotic anxiety" by fear-arousing stimuli audience high fear arouses the interest of may cause subjects to attempt to reduce fear those audience members who have no choice by eliminating thoughts about danger (via but to receive the message, whereas in natural repression, denial, aggression, etc.), whereas settings people have the choice of avoiding those subjects in whom "realistic fear" is the communication altogether. High fear may 2 This consideration was suggested to the author by be more effective in getting the attention of W. C. Redding (personal communication, September both groups of people but may depress interest 1968). 434 KENNETH L. HIGBEE aroused may take realistic action (e.g., adopt Not only may the experimental manipula- the communication's recommendations) to tions of fear have produced different kinds of eliminate or avoid the danger. fear but the criteria used for measuring the Further support for the suggestion that effectiveness of the fear-arousal manipulations the "fear" in all fear-arousal studies may not also indicate that "fear" may mean different be the same thing is given in a study by things in different studies. Thus, several Leventhal and Trembly (1968). These au- studies have measured fear as the sum of a thors felt that stress films on automotive series of reported reactions such as fear, accidents, which they showed to high school anxiety, nausea, depression, panic, anger, students, created at least two distinct states tension, disgust, nervousness, and discomfort of fear. "Anticipation fear" was a conse- (see Leventhal et al., 1966; Leventhal & quence of descriptions of threat agents, their Singer, 1966; Leventhal et al., 1965; Leven- approach, and their method of attack, and thal & Trembly, 1968; Leventhal & Watts, was characterized by muscular tension and 1966; Leventhal et al., 1967). Some studies attention to the environment and to methods have considered fear primarily as the sub- of avoiding danger. "Inhibitory fear" seemed jects' reports of anxiety (see Goldstein, 1959; to follow descriptions of destruction and was Miller & Hewgill, 1966; Moltz & Thistle- accompanied by inner tension (nausea) and thwaite, 1955; Powell & Miller, 1967). Other attention to actual or potential damage to studies have defined fear arousal primarily the self. Their study suggested that a focus in terms of the subjects' reported worry or on anticipation fear would facilitate coping concern (see Chu, 1966; Hewgill & Miller, activity, whereas the focus on inhibitory fear 1965; Janis & Feshbach, 1953, 1954; Powell, would lead to depression, anger, and a sense 1965). Finally, in some studies fear has been of loss. measured mainly in terms of reported fear Consistent with the above suggestions by (see Dabbs & Leventhal, 1966; Leventhal & Leventhal (1965), Janis and Leventhal Niles, 1965). (1968), and Leventhal and Trembly (1968) The second part of the question—fear of concerning two kinds of fear, an analysis of what?—concerns just what it is that the the published studies on fear appeals sug- subjects fear. The consideration here is more gests that these studies may have involved with the object of the fear, whereas the the manipulation of at least two different preceding discussion was more concerned with kinds of fear. The first type, corresponding to the feeling of fear itself. There has been con- neurotic anxiety or inhibitory fear, may be siderable variation in the topics of the fear- a nauseated, sick feeling aroused by grue- arousing communications (see Table 2). It some, vivid descriptions and pictures of such seems unlikely to the present author that scenes as automobile accidents (e.g., Berko- such fears as losing one's teeth, contracting witz & Cottingham, 1960), infected gangrene tuberculosis or lung cancer, being killed in mouths (e.g., Janis & Feshbach, 1953), and an automobile accident, or being killed by an surgery on cancerous lungs (e.g., Leventhal atomic holocaust are perceived as equivalent & Niles, 1964). The second type of fear, fears with regard to such factors as serious- perhaps corresponding to realistic fear or ness, imminence, or realism. However, these fears do have at least one thing in common; anticipation fear, appears to be somewhat they all involve some kind of physical danger more concerned with the likelihood of the to the subjects. subjects' experiencing the threat than with Some fear-arousal studies have used threats the gruesome seriousness of the threat (e.g., involving undesirable consequences other than Chu, 1966; Gollob & Dittes, 1965; Hewgill & physical danger. Threats have included social Miller, 1965). That is, the threat to the sub- disapproval (Powell & Miller, 1967), un- jects is that of a high probability of experi- pleasant army life (Leventhal & Perloe, encing the portrayed consequences if they 1962), undesirable grading system (Cohen, do not accept the communication's recom- 1957), undesirable effects of overpopulation mendations. (Frandsen, 1963; Millman, 1968), mental FEAR AROUSAL AND THREAT APPEALS 435 illness (Millman, 1968; Nunnally & Bobren, Thus, it may be that the concept of 1959), and harm to other people valued by "threat" or "fear arousal" has been viewed the subject (e.g., family—Hewgill & Miller, in so many different ways that the studies 1965; Powell, 1965). It seems that these on fear-arousing communications have not types of threats may not be equivalent to actually been studying the same phenomenon. each other nor to the physical threats Differences in the nature of the fear and in enumerated above. If it is true that the the objects of the fear may have contributed "threat" in various fear-appeal studies is not to the inconsistency of the findings on the equivalent, then it is not surprising that the arousal of fear in persuasion. studies have yielded different findings on the Topics effectiveness of high threat versus low threat. Further support for the suggestion that the The variability in topics used for threat- topics studied may not yield equivalent threat appeal studies can be seen in Table 2. Even is indicated by some studies which have though threat-appeal studies have used at shown that fear of physical dangers and fear least 16 different topics, this diversity has of other types of danger may not be equiva- seldom been considered as an important lent. For example, Miller and Hewgill (1966) source of inconsistency in findings. For ex- found that, for a sample of college students, ample, Duke (1967) designed a study as a fears of losing loved ones by accident or test of the Janis and Feshbach (1953) find- separation scored higher in "meaningfulness" ings. However, Duke used a different topic than fears of death or of annihilation of the (syphilis rather than dental hygiene), as well human race in a nuclear war. Similarly, a as different subjects (college students rather than high school students). It is not sur- factor analysis of a fear survey schedule by prising to this author that Duke's findings Rubin, Katkin, Weiss, and Efran (1968) concerning learning of factual content were indicated that fear of death and illness consti- different from those of Janis and Feshbach. tuted a factor distinct from fear of inter- One reason that topic areas may contribute personal events. Finally, Hodges (1968) found to differences in results among studies may that threats to self-esteem (ego threats) and be the differences in the subjects' knowledge threats of physical pain led to different of a topic. It is probable that such diverse degrees of anxiety arousal. topics as smoking, dental hygiene, tetanus, TABLE 2 TOPICS USED IN RESEARCH ON THREAT APPEALS Topics Representative Studies Dental hygiene Goldstein (1959), Janis & Feshbach (19S3), Janis & Feshback (19S4), Janis & Milholland (1954), Leventhal & Singer (1966), Moltz & Thistlethwaite (1955) Smoking Insko et al. (1965), Janis & Terwilliger['(1962), Leventhal & Niles (1964), Leventhal & Watts (1966), Leventhal et al. (1967), Stern et al. (1965) Tetanus Dabbs & Leventhal (1966), Leventhal et al. (1966), Leventhal et al. (1965) Safe driving Fischer et al. (1967), Leventhal & Niles (1965), Leventhal & Trembly (1968) Fallout shelters Hewgill & Miller (1965), Powell (1965) Population growth Frandsen (1963), Millman (1968) Mental health Millman (1968), Nunnally & Bobren (1959) Cancer Gollob & Dittes (1965), Robbins (1962a, 1962b) Safety belts Berkowitz & Cottingham (1960) Roundworms Chu (1966) Grades Cohen (1957) Tuberculosis DeWolfe & Governdale (1964) Syphilis Duke (1967) Viewing sun Kraus et al. (1966) Army life Leventhal & Perloe (1962) "" Donating blood Powell & Miller (1967)

Research on threat appeals has yielded conflicting findings concerning the relative effectiveness of high threat versus low threat in persuasion.
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