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Preview Field observations on the feeding of the Nudibranch Gymnodoris spp. in Japan

THE VELIGER The Veliger49(2):91-96 (July2. 2007) <: CMS, Inc., 2006 Field Observations on the Feeding of the Nudibranch Gymnodoris spp. in Japan NAKANO RIE Department ofChemistry, Biology, and Marine Science, Faculty ofScience, University ofthe Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan KOTARO TANAKA Diving Club Concolor, Mitsune 4419-6, Hachijo-jima Is, Tokyo 100-1511, Japan DEWA SHIN-ICHI Diving Service Umi-annai, Masagohoncho 7-7, Kagoshima, Kagoshima 890-0067, Japan KENJI TAKASAKI Asada 820, Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi 753-0871, Japan AND ATSUSHI ONO Dive Service Ono Nyi Nyi. Ama 532-1, Zamami, Okinawa 901-0032. Japan Abstract. Here, we report field observations of the diets of some Gymnodoris species (Nudibranchia: Opisthobranchia) inhabiting warm waters in the vicinity of Japan. Some Gymnodoris species appeared to feed exclusively on a single species: G. ceylonica fed on Nakamigawaia sp.; G. okinawae on Elysia sp.; G. striata on Elysia ornata; and an undescribed Gymnodoris sp. fed on Glossodoris cincta. In contrast, other Gymnodoris species fed on multiple species: G. citrina fed on G. okinawae and eggs of nudibranchs; G. inornata fed on G. rubropapulosa and Dendrodorisfumata; and G. rubropapulosa fed on C/iromodoris annae, C. strigata. Chromodoris sp., Hypselodoris festiva, and Me.xichromis multituberculata. INTRODUCTION Few studies have reported on the diets of other Gymnodoris species, particularly in their natural Except for some species ofCephalaspidea, Sacoglossa, habitats. To date, diets have been reported for nine aronuds.AEnaascphidceaar,nivoopriosutshoobpriasntchhobmroalnlcuhskfseedasreoncapranritvioc-- Gymnodoris species (Table 1). Some Gymnodoris spe- cies appear to feed exclusively on a single species, ular prey items, e.g., sponges, hydroids, bryozoans, or whereasothers feed onmultiplespecies. However, there ascidians. Some carnivorous opisthobranchs prey on is considerable doubt whether animals in the laborato- other opisthobranchs and their eggs (see Behrens, ry show their natural food habits. Therefore, data on 2005). These opisthobranch-feeding opisthobranchs the feeding behavior of Gymnodoris species should be include Chelidonura (Gosliner et al., 1996), Navanax collected in their natural habitat. To this end, we (cPhaaienae,(B1a9t6t3l)e,&PhNilyibnaopkskiesn(,Ru19d9m8a),n,Gy1m9n72o)d,orPilseu(roKbaryan&- wexaarmminweadtedrisetisnotfhesovimceiniGtyymnoofdJoarpiasn.species inhabiting Young, 1969), Roboastra (Farmer. 1978), Melibe (Kay, 1979), and Godiva (Gosliner, 1987b). Gymnodoris species usually feed on opisthobranchs and/or their MATERIALS and METHODS eggs, except for Gymnodoris nigricolor, which appar- ently lives on some species ofgoby (Osumi & Yamasu, From 2000 to 2006, Gymnodorisspeciesfeedingon prey 1994), such as Amblyeleotris japonica (Williams & in their natural habitats were directly obsei^ved by Williams, 1986), by grasping the fins using their buccal SCUBA diving at Hachijo-jima Island, Tokyo (33'6' apparatus. N, 139 46' E). Ohomi-jima Island.Yamaguchi (34 25' Page 92 The Veliger, Vol. 49, No. 2 Table 1 Summary ofthe proceeding studies on the diets of Gymnodoris spp. Predator Prey Condition Reference Gymnodoris alba (Bergh, 1877) Aeolidiella sp. undescribed Kay & Young, 1969; Kay, 1979 Favorinus sp. undescribed Kay & Young, 1969; Kay, 1979 Sakuraeolis modesta laboratory Hughes, 1983 Flabellina alisonae laboratory Hughes, 1983 Phyllodesmiitm sp. laboratory Hughes, 1983 Gymnodoris aurita (Gould, 1852) Marionia sp. field Behrens, 2005 Gymnodoris bicolor (Alder & members of Gymnodoris undescribed Young, 1969 Hancock, 1866) (<G. citrincP.Y Gymnodoris okinawae undescribed Young, 1969; Kay &Young, 1969; Kay, 1979 the eggmasses ofGymnodoris undescribed Young, 1969 okinawae Gymnodorisplebeia undescribed Young, 1969; Kay &Young, 1969; Kay, 1979 Gymnodoris ceylonica (Kelaart, Stvlocheilus longicauda undescribed Johnson & Boucher, 1983 'l858) Gymnodoris citrina (Bergh, 1875) Gymnodoris citrina laboratory Young, 1969 Gymnodoris citrina field Johnson&Boucher, 1983;Johnson 1992 Gymnodoris okinawae field Johnson, 1992 Gymnodorisplebeia field Johnson, 1992 several Gymnodoris species field Johnson & Boucher, 1983 unknown Gymnodoris spp. field Johnson, 1992 eggsofother Gymnodorisspecies field Johnson&Boucher, 1983;Johnson 1992 eggs of Gymnodoris ceylonica field Johnson, 1992 Gymnodoris inornata Bergh, Chromodoris orientalis laboratory Hughes, 1983 'l880 Doriopsilla miniata laboratory Hughes, 1983 Gymnodoris okinawae Baba, various species ofthe genus undescribed Kay & Young, 1969 1936 Elysia members ofElysiidae undescribed Young, 1969 cephalaspidean undescribed Johnson & Boucher, 1983 did not eat Elysia laboratory Johnson & Boucher, 1983 Gymnodoris rubropapulosa Hypselodoris iacida field Behrens, 2005 (Bergh, 1905) Gymnodoris striata (Eliot, 1908) Flakobranchiis ocellatus field and Johnson & Boucher, 1983 laboratory ' Gymnodorisbicolor(Alder& Hancock, 1866)isregardedasthejuniorsynonymofG. ctrina(Bergh, 1875)bymanyauthors(e.g., Risbec, 1953; MacNae, 1958; Baba, 1960), although Young (1969a) described their internal morphologies discriminate G. bicolor. N, 131°13' E), Nagashima Island, Kagoshima (32°13' RESULTS AND DISCUSSION N, 130"11' E), Kinko-wan Bay, Kagoshima (31°33' N, 130°37' E), Aka-jima Island, Okinawa (26 12' N, All feeding observations for Gymnodoris spp. are 127°17' E), Gahi-jima Island, Okinawa (26=13' N, summarized in Table 2. We observed sixteen individ- 127°17' E), and Zamami-jima Island, Okinawa (26°13' uals of seven species of Gymnodoris. All individuals N, 127° 17' E). Predators and prey were identified by swallowed the prey whole, even if the prey's body their external morphology and were photographed in length was the same as that ofthepredator. In onecase situ. Body lengthsweremeasured insituusinga ruleror of G.citrina (No. 3) and in two cases of G.amakusana determined from the photographs. We observed the (No. 14 and No. 15), the predators were smaller in following species: Gynmocloris ceylonica (Kelaart, body length than their prey and bit offpieces from the 1858), G. citrina (Bergh, 1875), G. inornata Bergh, prey. 1880, G. okinawae Baba, 1936, G. rubropapulosa Johnson & Boucher(1983) reported that G. ceylonica (Bergh, 1905), G. striata (Eliot, 1908; > G. amakusana feeds on the sea hare Stylocheilus longicauda; however, [Baba, 1996]), and an undescribed Gymnodoris sp. This we believe they misidentified S. striatus (Quoy & undescribed species is often found around the Okinawa Gaimard, 1832) as S. longicauda. Because of their Islands and is recognized by its Japanese common similarity in body color, S. striatus is often misidenti- name "Shirobonbon-umiushi" (cf. Ono, 2004). fied as S. longicauda (Rudman, 1999a). but habitat use 1 " R. Nakano et al., 2006 Page 93 O O * * o o VoO o >O* o O (OON (N^ oori orj (oN Ooo or) ooVD no (f_U^' O(N (5EN X53>, oo oO cr 3 <") X1,1u XE 3>.1x o8 X5PI C3>. oo 5 tu < l< |2 o> m Z >> :3 Sn r-i o c •cu prrl CO •a ^ou •-o1 ^o ^o ^oo ^o ^<J ^o arut •o>3n>Ta3>)i OUu •o u " £ u £ g E p a; p Qi E a: E ^ — m z o Z Z o U-) IT) s m CQ >:s c/5 CA y5 E Xo) —p-K•/!J .^j^COs= .^u^:rO:-x-:Oeo=^g" E X X(O3XaOXCJ X jH:,. XZCsrt '0"'0 Ncc^ U zQ^ u ou zOizQi u u u u u u U"^ U OS in fN (N tN E c E o E E a OO Q "Is s E E S^EE E E nM, ^« ^^ ou-1 ort- Oh ">oO> «i .^ ^-o .2 ^ £ ?3i XI ^a!o ^:Is^ os Is 0£0 '^ a2 o£ ^£ 055 -^S '£'^ '§c -"^S ^ p ^3 O Q kj u U <o U i; >-£ P P p p p p o C E E o£ £ oc £ £ 00 ^ oa n ~ •ca ^(U 3 %3 "P o '^ -^ "S io ^iX. ^•2:<. -u.:a*:. OXN s ° s C5^.0000 s^^; ^rO"nS ^s~: CuuQ. C OS ^ C>0 Z Di o^ C5" Page 94 The Veliger, Vol. 49, No. 2 Figure 1. Gyivnoclorisspeciesfeedingonopisthobranchsin theirnatural habitats. (A) G. okinawae(right)feedingonasacoglossan Thuridilla sp. (left). (B) G. rubropapiilosa (left) feeding on Mexic/ironiisimdtituberciilata (right). (C) G. amakiisana (left) feedingon Elysia ovnata (right). (D) Gynmodovis sp. (right) feeding on Glossodoris cincta (left). Scale bars = 10 mm. clearly differs between the species. Stylocheilus longi- okinawae and G. plebeia, in the field (Johnson & cauda is usually found on drifting brown algae in the Boucher, 1983; Johnson, 1992), and on the eggs of open ocean, where G. ceylonicanever occurs (Rudman, congeners, such h as G. ceylonica, in the field and in 1999b). whereas S. striatiis is benthic, and is often aquaria (Young, 1967; Johnson & Boucher, 1983; found with G. ceylonica. We observed that G. ceylonica Johnson, 1992). Moreover, G. citrina is cannibalistic. feeds on Nakamigawaia sp. (Aglajidae, Cephalaspidea). Young(1967)observeda 10-mmspecimenconsumea6- mm This undescribed species is often found in Japan and is specimen in an aquarium and reported that this recognized by its Japanese common name "Kuro- occurrence was probably induced by unnaturally bouzu" (cf. Ono, 1999). Nakamigcmaia sp. is usually crowded conditions in the aquarium. However, John- found on the sandy bottom. This observation indi- son (1992) observed this behavior in the field, in cates the possibility that G. ceylonica feeds not only on aquaria, and even in collectingjars, and concluded that 5". striatus, but also on other species in the same cannibalism is normal behavior for G. citrina. Thus, it habitat. appears that G. citrina preys on several congeners and Two individuals of Gymnodoris citrina fed on the their eggs, as well as on conspecifics. congener G. okinawae, and one individual fed on the We observed that Gymnodoris inornata fed on G. eggs ofa nudibranch. Gymnodoris citrina was reported rubropapidosa and Dendrodorisfumata in the field. In to feed on several Gymnodoris species, including G. previous studies, G. inornata was reported to feed on R. Nakano et al., 2006 Page 95 Chromodoris orientalis and Dendrodoris miniata whether Gymnodoris species locate their prey using this (Hughes, 1983), but this was only observed in aquaria. same method. To gain a better understanding of the Further field surveys are required to determine whether distinct food habits of these opisthobranch opistho- G. inornata feeds on these non-Gymnodoris species in branch-feeders, we should determine how they detect nature. and identify their prey, despite their low mobility. In our field observations, Gymnodoris okinawae fed on Thwidilla sp. (Sacoglossa; Fig. lA). This unde- Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Euichi Hirose (Univer- scribed TIniridilla species is commonly found in csiotmypolfettihoenRyofuktyhuiss)pafpoerr.prWoveidailnsgoctonhsatnrkucDtaivveidadWvi.ceBefohrretnhse southern parts ofJapan, and is known by its Japanese (Sea Challengers) and Constantinos Petrinos (photographer) common name "Fujiiro-midorigai" (cf. Ono, 2004). for kindly providing valuable information. Kay & Young (1969) reported that G. okinawae fed on various species of Elysia (Sacoglossa). These observa- LITERATURE CITED tions suggest that G. okinawae preys on the sacoglossan family Elysiidae. In contrast, Johnson & Boucher Baba, K. 1960. TheGenera Gymnodorisand Nembrothafrom (1983) reported that their specimens did not feed on Japan (Nudibranchia, Polyceridae). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8:71-74. cseevpehraallasEpliydseiaansspienciuensdeisncraiqbueadricao,ndibtuitonsf.edWeondosmnaoltl BattPllee,uroKb.ra&nclJi.aeNaycbaalikfkoernni.ca 1M9a9c8f.arTlhaend,fee1d9i6n6g (hOapbiiststhoo-f know whether their specimens showed normal feeding branchia: Notaspidea) in Monterey Bay, California. behavior, because the habitat in which they were Veliger 41:213-226. observed feeding, i.e., field or laboratory, was not Behrens, D. W. 2005. Nudibranch Behavior. New World described. Further field studies should be conducted to Publications: Jacksonville, PL, USA. 176 pp. clarify whether G. okinawae feeds on cephalaspideans Farmer, W. M. 1978. Tambja and Roboastra (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from the Gulf of California and the in nature. Galapagos Islands. Veliger 20:375-385. We observed that Gymnodoris rubropapulosa fed on GOSLINER, T. M. 1987. Nudibranchs of Southern Africa, Chromodoris strigata, Chromodoris sp., Hypselodoris a guide to Opisthobranch Molluscs of southern Africa. festiva, and Mexichromis multituberculata (Fig. IB). Sea Challengers: Monterey, vi + 136 pp. Behrens (2005) reported that G rubropapulosa fed on GosLiNER, T. M., D, W, Behrens & G. C. Williams. 1996. H. iacula. This species also fed on Glossodoris Coral reef animals of the Indo-Pacific. Sea Challengers: Monterey. 314 pp. rufomarginata, H. doUfusi, H. krakatoa, and M. marieri Hughes, H. P. I. 1983. Feeding in Gymnodoris inornata (Behrens, personal communication). Chromodoris sp. is (Bergh) and Gymnodoris alba (Bergh) (Opisthobranchia). an undescribed species that is commonly found only in Pp. 627-633 in B. Morton & D. Dudgeon (eds.). the vicinity of Hachijo-jima Island and the Bonin Proceedings of the Second International Workshop Islands, and is recognized by its Japanese common on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and southern name "Kongasuri-umiushi" (cf Nakano, 2004). These China, Hong Kong. Hong Kong University Press: Hong G Kong. voabrsieoruvsatisopnesciessugogfestthethaftamilyrCuhbrroopmaopduolroisdaidfaeee.dsWoen Johncsiotrni,naS(.Be1r9g9h2,.1C87a7n)n.ibHaalwiasimiaanndShemlaltiNnegwsin40G:y3m-6n.odoris observed that G. amakusana fed on Elysia ornata Johnson, S. & L. M. Boucher. 1983. Notes on some (Fig. IC). In contrast, Rudman (1999c) referred to G Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Mar- amakusana as a junior synonym of G striata, which shall Islands, including 57newrecords. PacificScience 37: feeds on Plakobranchus ocellatus (Johnson & Boucher, 251-291. Kay, E.a. 1979. Hawaiianmarineshells, reefandshorefauna 1983). IfG. striata and G. amakusana are synonymous, of Hawaii, section 4: mollusca. Bernice P. Bishop theymay showthe same food habits. Gymnodoris sp. or Museum Special Publication. 653 pp. Shirobonbon-umiushi differs from all other gymnodor- Kay, E. a. & D. K. Young. 1969. The Doridacea ids in shape and color (Rudman, 1999d). It has a white (Opisthobranchia, Mollusca) of the Hawaiian Islands. body with many large, puff-like pustules. We observed Pacific Science 23:172-131. this species feeding on Glossodoris cincta. This is the MacNae, W. 1958. The Families Polyceridae and Goniodori- didae (Mollusca, Nudibranchia) in Southern Africa. Trans- first observation ofits diet (Fig. ID). actions of the Royal Society of South Africa 35:341- As described above, the diet of each Gymnodoris 372. species encompassesa particularrange ofspecies. Some Nakano, R. 2004. Opisthobranchs of the Japanese Islands. Gymnodoris species feed on various nudibranchs, Rutles: Tokyo, Japan. 304 pp. [In Japanese]. whereas others have more selective diets. However, Ono, a. 1999. Opisthobranchs of the Kerama Islands. TBS little is known about why and how Gymnodoris species Ono,Brai.ta2n0n0i4c,a:OpTiosktyhoo,brJaanpacnh.s o1f84thpep.Ry[uInkyJaupaInselsaend]s.. Rutles: identifyand select theirprey. Forinstance, Paine(1963) Tokyo, Japan. 304 pp. [In Japanese]. observed that the opisthobranch Navanax inermis OSUMI, D. & T. Yamasu. 1994. The nudibranch Gymnodoris locates its prey by contact (not distance) chemorecep- nigricolor Baba, parasitic with marine gobies. Zoological tion via the mucus trail of the prey. It is unknown Science 11:54. Page 96 The Veliger, Vol. 49, No. 2 Paine, R. T. 1963. Food recognition and predation on Slug Forum:http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet. opisthobranchs by Navanax inermis (Gastropoda: cfm?base=gymnstri. Opisthobranchia). Veliger 6:1-9. RUDMAN,W.B.1999d.Gymnodorissp.5.SeaSlugForum:http:// RiSBEC, J. 1953. Mollusques nudibranches de la Nouvelle- www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet.cfm?base=gymnsp5. Caledonie. Faune de FUnion Frangaise 15:1-189. Williams, E. H. & L. B. Williams. 1986. The first RUDMAN, W. B. 1972. A comparative study of the genus association ofan adult mollusk (Nudibranchia: Doridae) Philinopsis Pease, 1860 (Aglajidae, Opisthobranchia). and a fish (Perciformes: Gobiidae). Venus, The Japanese Pacific Science 26:381-399. Journal ofMalacology 45:210-211. RUDMAN,W.B. 1999a.StylocheihislongicaudaandStylocheilus Young, D. K. 1967. New records ofNudibranchia (Gastro- citrina nomenclatural discussion. Sea Slug Forum: http:// poda: Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia) from the Central www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet.cfm'?base=stylnome. and West-Central Pacific with a description of a new RUDMAN, W. B. 1999b. Stylocheihis hmgicauda (Quoy & Gai- species. Veliger 10:159-173. mard, 1825). Sea Slug Forum: http://www.seaslugforum. Young, D. K. 1969. The functional morphology of the net/factsheet.cfm?base=stylcaud. feeding apparatus of some Indo-West-Pacific dorid RUDMAN W. B. 1999c. Gymnodoris striata (EHot, 1908). Sea nudibranchs. Malacologia 9:421^146.

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