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Field guide to the stemborer larvae of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in eastern and southern Africa PDF

40 Pages·2001·0.42 MB·En
by  OverholtW.A
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Preview Field guide to the stemborer larvae of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in eastern and southern Africa

Field Guide to the Stemborer Larvae of Maize, Sorghum and Sugarcane in Eastern and Southern Africa W. A. Overholt, K.V.N. Maes and F. R. Goebel Field Guide to the Stemborer Larvae of Maize, Sorghum and Sugarcane in Eastern and Southern Africa Prepared by W. A. Overholt International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) P. O. Box 30772 Nairobi, Kenya K. V. N. Maes AgroBioSys International Kleine Smetledestraat 192 B-9230 Wetteren, Belgium F. R. Goebel C1RAD South African Sugar Association Experiment Station Private Bag X02 Mount Edgecombe, 4300 South Africa Photographs: Busseoia fuses, Sesamu caU . Chilo sacchariphagus, F. R. Goebel Identification key and damage section; K. V. N. Maes Chilo orichalcocilkllus adult R Copeland Chilo sacchariphagus larva: F. R. Goebel Scsamia calamistis adult: A- Polaszek Chilo sacchariphagus adult: F. R. Goebel All other pictures: R- Copeland Field Guide to the Stemborer Larvae of Maize, Sorghum and Sugarcane in Eastern and Southern Africa Published by IC1PE Science Press P. O. Box 72913, Nairobi, Kenya Printed by Regal Press (K) Ltd Edited by: D.Ouya Typesetting: I. Ogendo & G. Sequelra CIS maps: L. MacOpiyo Cover design: I. Ogendo Proofreading: D. Osogo 02001 The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Contents Introduction. Key to the larvae of common stemborers in eastern and .3-7 Fact sheets Chile purteiiwi .8 Chile erichakecllellui HuivtJa Huai toumis.'is Srsoima creiica. 19 Ihianu sarti&rma Chtc yucOianphagu* .27 Damage symptoms Samplirg stemborers ,25 Scaring stemborers for idenhfiration .76 Preservation of larvae . 26 Shipment of specimens for identification .27 Rotererces . General references .31 Introduction Lepidopteran stemborers are generally considered to be the most important group of insect pests that attack maize, sorghum and sugarcane in many areas of the world. In eastern and southern Africa, there are several important species. Correct identification of the stemborers occurring in an area is the first step towards developing an appropriate pest management strategy. The objective of this publication is to provide agricultural scientists and extension workers with a simple, user-friendly taxonomic key to allow the rapid identification of larvae of the major stemborer species found in mwhaiizceh, ssourmgmhuamri saen din sfuogrmaractainoen i onn e atshtee rgne aongdr aspohuitch edrinst Arifbruictaio. Fn,a cbti sol h' eets host plant records, and economic importance of the stemborers arem included. Additionally, brief sections on collecting, rearing Key to the larvae of common stemborers in eastern and southern Africa: Busseola fusca, Sesamia calamistis, S. cretica, Chilo partellus, C. orichalcociliellus, C. sacchariphagus and Eldana saccharina Crochets on ventral prolegs arranged in a linear pattern + go to page 7 >page 5

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