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Field exercise and evolutions of infantry [microform] : as revised by Her Majesty's command, 1861 PDF

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Preview Field exercise and evolutions of infantry [microform] : as revised by Her Majesty's command, 1861

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II.(withMapsandPlans) 3 10 Ekoineee Opbbations from Feb. 1866, to the fall ofScbastopol,Sept. 1866, by MiHor General Sir Habrt Jones,K.C.B.,&c.Ac. m. 10 "AbtillertOpebatiovs beforeSebas- topolin1864and1865,byW.Edmund M. Bbillt, C.B.,Captain KcyalAr- tilleryandBrevetMajor. PrintedforBerMajesty'sStationeryOffice, AMDlOLUBT LoifaonjAdlusWo(,..GAHbl.eexeA.nl,lTeLhnookmaonmadnaCdso,.S,oan1n3sd,,"RAWobabbteeebryltosSot,rPePleaattc,eerD,nuLoboslntidenor.nB.ow: I Cri F IE NEW BDmON OP j'^; THE INFAI^RYSWORD i EXEHCIsl o M M n H t9 M H a H kiKTEDDNDEB l^niedun4*rth»Stipmrit^mdMee'qfS.M.SUttUmeryQfflee, ^"^1^tS^l!!l!^S°y^4^^^^^^^!^-Ou,WM»uid8oi A^l.»«ol?>ywA".iHJ.x.ATuHaOMiMTimddgoOyo.g,,laA,bWbnetyeSkt(re5etI.I1D1u0b&lin. : ; FIELD EXERCISE ' AHD EVOLUTIONS ov .\ INFANTRY, i.SBGVI8E0 1861, r 1 LONDON HKTBDDKDEETHESOPERlNTENDENCF.OFHEBMAJBSTT'SSTATIOMEEYOFriCK, AMDSOLDBT PARKER,SON,ANDBOURN,«5.WestStrand; W.CLOWESANDB0N8,14,CharingCross; 'tnMd.;MW.,.StCaltuUwmbesryanQfdflSeotj, .tJj ! AlsobyWH.AALRHE.RXIA.SLTOLNHEONAMNADNANDSD1O8CN6OS2S..O,,N1S36.9,,WAaPbatblelerylMoaSlotlrPel;eatac,neDdubhw. l) bWb»ietyerSitor«e)etP,tDwueb.lin. A*" PriceOneShilHttff- J 1 Field beenve^ landing j landatore of Trooj (;il,684.—10,000.—1/C2 systemnow to theii r^esty tr 'licit ob( 'ions, an( ofthe i by introd hasbeen ( By Co Ge m 5^ v?/" GENERAL ORDER. ^ , HorseGuards,S.W., £u1IgE FieldExerciseandEvolutionsof Infantry" been.evised HisRoyalHighness theoTn^U ^Jnudnaandmg ^n Chief ha, received the Queen^ JL torequireof all General Officerail comL nratemnow^^P'romu'l,g"a*t*e'*d.^""'P^lo"^ adherence to " • ^etosttyhetirrusstuspefroirnttehnedeenncfeoracnedniveingti%lfanpcerothlat plicit obedience to all General Orders and b8-yolofinn^tthreaondAdurcmiHnyigsoaRfnotyyhaedlerveiHaaiptgoihnonsneibsfUsriotrmyematihnesdyysawttiehmUe hasbeensanctionedbyHerMajesty. By Commajid of His Royal H.ghneaa the generalCommandingin Chief. J. YO^KE SCABLETT, A.G. A 2 £Ss=ii£_-

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