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Field Excursion to the Southern Pyrenean and Ebro Foreland Basins, Spain 26th April to 4th May ... PDF

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Preview Field Excursion to the Southern Pyrenean and Ebro Foreland Basins, Spain 26th April to 4th May ...

HERITO � WATT � DiV!ESIRTY FielEdx cursitoont he SoutherPny reneaann dE bro ForelaBnads insS,p ain th th 26 Aprtiol4 May2,0 03 Leaders AndyG ardinePra,t riCcokr bett andH elenL ewis Brochucroem pilbeyd AndyG ardiner withc ontributifornosm ® PatriCcokr betJtu,l iaCnl arakn d Rob Ferguson Shell SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo usreS,p ain ApriMla/y,2 003 CONTENTS Chapters Page INTRODUCTION 1 l.l 11. GENERAGLE OLOGICINAFLO RMATION l.l 1.2A IMS OFT HEE XCURSION l.l 13. FORMATO FT HEG UIDEBOOK 11. 1.4A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1.2 GEOLOGICAHLI STOROYF T HES OUTHERN PYRENEES 21. 2 21. INTRODUCTITOOTN H EP YRENEES 21. 2.2D EVEOLPMENTO FT HEP YRENEES 2.1 2.12 . Stepha-nLiaatAnep tiRainf ting 21. 2.2.2L atAep ti-aLna tCer etacSetoruisk eD-esfloirpm ation 2.2 2.2.3L atCer etac-eMoiuosc eCnoem pression 2.2 2.3S TRUCTURINATLE RPRETATIOONFST HEP YRENEES 22. 2.13 . Thin-skMiondneeld 2.2 2.3.2T hick-skMiondneeld 2.2 2.3.3I nhomogeSnteroaMuiosnd el 23. 2.3.4T heE videonftc heEe C ORSP roifle 2.3 2.4S TRTAI GRAPHICANADLS TRUCTURDAELV EOLPMENTO F THE SOUTHP YRENEABNA SIN 23. 2.14 . Pre-comprSetsrsaitoing( rPaopshty- Hercynian) 2.4 2.4.2S yna-nPdo st-CompSrtersastiiognr aphy 2.4 2.4.3K eyS tructouftr heSesp aniPsyhr enees 2.5 2.5 THEU PPECRR ETACEOVUA SL LCARGAB ASIN- EXTENSIAONND INVERSION 2.6 2.6T HEE OCENSEO UTHP YRENEAFNO RELANBDA SINS 2.7 2.16 . Introduction 2.7 2.6.2T heA geSru b-basin 2.8 2.6.3T heT remp-GSruabu-sb asin 2.8 2.6.4T heA inSsuab -basin 21.0 2.6.5T heJ acSau- bbasin 2.11 2.7T HEU PPEERO CEN-EOLIGOCEJNAEC AB ASIN-FILL 21.1 2.8T HEE BROB ASIN 21.2 GardinCeorr,b eatntd L ewis Pagei i SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo ursSep,ai n ApriMla/y, 2003 REFERENCES 2b 2b.l FIELLDO CALITI-ETSH E ALLCARGAB ASIN 3 V FIELLDO CALITI-ETSHET REMP-GRAUS SUB-BASIN 4 FIELLDO CALITI-ETSH EA INSAS UB-BASIN 5 FIELLD OCALITI-ETSH EJ ACAS UB-BASIN 6 FIELLDO CALITI-ETSH EE XTERNALS IERRASA NDE BROB ASIN 7 GENERAL DIAGRAMS 8 NOTES 9 GEOLOGICAMLA P 10 LOCALITMYA P 11 GardienrC,o rbeatntd L ewis Pagei ti SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo ursSep,a in ApriMla/y, 2003 Itinerary Day (SaturdaAyp ril) 1 26th Fltyo B arcelona DritvoeT rem(pa ppr2o-xh3.o urs). Duet ot huen avoidlaatbel et fliimgewhsetw, i llh anvoteti moent hSea turday eventiond goo uurs ubarli ienft rodutcott higeoe no loogfty h Pey renIenesst.e ad, wew ildlr isvter atioTg rhetm fJpr laa dtien ner. NigahttT remp Day (SundayA pril) 2 271b Introdutoct thtieeo cnt osneitcta innsdge dimefnitolaftlr h yse o uthPeyrnr enean forelbaansdi ns. Shallmoawr isneed imiennt thVsea llcBaarsgiaTn h.eV allcBaarsgiiasna s mall, extensbiaosnwiahnli cwha sa ctibveef otrheme a iPny rendeeafno rmaatnisdoo n , pre-dtahtseeo su thPeyrrne nfeoarne lBaansdiT nhseu. p ppearr otfi tfsi ilnlc ludes thlea tereaxltleynA sn!invs ea nds(tooArnn e� Fno rmation). LatePsatl eocAernesena ndsatroonueIn sdo nTah.ew ell-exsphoasleldo w • marine/shdoerpeolsoiiftnt hesAe r esna ndswtiolnbleee xamitnoet dhe ea sotf thteo wonfI sonLaa.ti entr h dea ya,f teexra minaotfti hoflenu visaeld iments arouMnodn tafiwaenm aa,ya lsvoi stihtAe r esna ndsattot nhteey pleo caltiot y, allcoowm paroifst ohfneo rmaitnit ohdnei ffelroecnatl ities. Fluvainasdl h almlaorwi sneed imiennt thTser emp-GBraasuisn Introdutcott hiteoe nc tosneitcta inndsge dimefntioalftrl hy Te r emp-Graus • Basin. Examinaotfei xocne llentlflyu-veixaplo sseedid nti hmMeeo nnttsa fiaarneaa . • Thesien clculdaes esxiacm polfer si bbon-like meansdaenrdisntgo ncehsa,n nel oftweint ehx cellentlyl-aptreaercsacelrr evsteuidro fna acswe esla,l sm ulti­ storey/mulftliu-vslihaaetlsee atrn adls tTohneeo sv.e rbsaendki mceonmtmso nly contcaailnc arseoohiuols r iz(ocnasl craenttdeh sew)si elb lee xamined. Oligocfelnuevc ioanlg lomeNr oafBt eensa barre • TheSipsa laeo-vallolnegy- ls-aesadt iimnsegun ptpc loyn diunittto hT er emp­ • Grauasn Ed brboa sins NigahttS erraduy Day (Monday April) 3 281b Shallmoawr iRnoed Saa ndstone GardineCro,r beatntd L ewis Pagei v SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo usreS,p ain April/Ma2y, 003 Shallow-maarriinsneae/n edssbtaaunrd stooftn heReso dSaa ndstnoenaRero da. • Ainsa tBuarsbiinsd eidtiem ents. ForadFaadualS tt.r ikef-asuallttit hp ne o rthmeargrnio nf t hAei nBsaas in • Overvoifet whA ei nsa fBraosGmir ni ebFarlot.mh vei ewpoaitG nrti ebiaitls , • possitbosl eete h ger osstsr atiogfrt ahdpeeh eyp -wsaetdeirm wehnitcsfh o rm thleo wpearr otft hfei olftl h Aei qBsaas iCno.m plcehxa nnsnaenld boodciceusr withaid no minantly fsiuncecs-eigsoronafi,i n nfeedrs ruebdm arsilnooepr ei gin AinIsa an do vervViieeww.a, c rotshrsee serovfot ihArei, n Is a channel 11 • sandbody, ienaxq puoasrSero dyfA insTah.eA insas andbfoodrymt shfe i rst 11 cliafttf h teo opf t hseh ale-dosmilaoanpbteoe vtdeh q eu arry. Moriclhlaon cnoemlp lDeext.a ielxaemdi naotfia oc no mplcehxa nsnealnb do dy. • Examinaotfti hosene dimenstuacrcye sasnicdoo nm parwiistoahGn a mmLao g measuirnte hdfe i eld. NigahttA insa Day (TuesdayA pril) 4 29th Modelloifsn tga ctkuerdb icdhiatnen els Examinaotfti hoAeni nscah ancnoemlp lIedxe.n tifainccdao triroenl oaft ion 11 • indivisdaunadlb owdiitehtsih nce o mplDeixs.c iuosonsf s eisrmeisco loutfi on simisluacrc esisnti hosenu ssb urface. Discusosfmi oodne lliisnsguI edse.n tifoifmc oadteilolni ng Deilsecmuesnstiso.n • ofp aarmetleirkste olc yo ntrreosle rbveohiarv iour. Generaotf2i Dom no deolfts h Aei nsac hancnoemlp lFelxo.sw i mulation 11 • (using EVcalriipasotefit) ho.men o detloes x amisneen sitivities. NigahttA insa Day (WednesdaAyp ril) 5 30th Summyao rft hAei nsBaas in Guasoov ervViieewow.f n orthpeatrnro ft hAei nBsaa sisnh,o wicnogn toefx t • thdee ep-wsaetdeirm aenntdth soe v erldyeilntgsa hiacl,ml aorwi annefd l uvial sedimwehnitcsch o mpltehtfeei o lftl h bea sin. 'Sorbardbeel tsah'a lmlaorwi sneed imseonutotsfh G uaso. • EscanFiml.fl lau vial saetOd lism6enn,t s • Introdutcott hiJeoa nc a Basin GardineCro,r beatntd L ewis Page v SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo usreS,p ain ApriMla/y,2 003 Day (FridaMya y) 7 2od TheH uesflcuav idails trisbyusttaermy Contineuxeadm inaotfti hoHenu esca dfliusvtirailsb yusttaermy Examinaotfti hoheni gher neti-nttoe-rgvraolsss PertuHsiag.h neert -to\s -ugcrcoesssis nai m oonr per oxipmaaroltft hfel uvial • distrisbyusttaEersmyt. i maotfti horena toifco h antnoen lo n-chafnancieels . Identifoifmc oadteiloleneil mnegn atnsld o ggoifns gh osretc ttioeo snt ablish likreelsye rpvaoriarm eters. AngUeAsd.d itihoingnahel t -tos-egcrtotisoaos dn td o d atabfaosmreo delling • studies. DriveC atsop e Modelling Lataef ternoone/veeanriilnnhy go t-edli scusosffi ulovnim aold elliisnsgu es. • Measureomfoe unttc praonpe alnsdd igipthaolt ogrtaoip dhesn stainfdyb ody dimensions. NigahttC aspe Day (SaturdaMya,y ) 8 3rd Finimsohd elelxienrgc ise Buialr da nogfe2 Dfl uvial mtooed xealmsit,nh ieem paocfdt i ffenreetn-tt o­ • grorsast isoasn,d bdoidmye nsfiloonosd,p clhaairna ctearnipdse ttircosp hysics. Floswi mulatthiroontu hgmeho dels Exhumfleudv icahla nnaenldcs h anbneellit nts h seo uthEebrnrB oa sin. Exhuemdfl uvicahla nnaenldcsh anbneellit nts h Cea spaer eEar.o soifot nh e • interveningfi nfelhsoa olsde pmflatna flyiu nv icahla nneexlpso saessd a ndstone ridgTehsec. h annteylpsli lchaya vleo wa spercatt ainocdso mmonsltyat cok fornma rrmouwl ti-ssatnodrbeoyTd hiepe lsa.n fsohramop fet hessaen dbodies cabne c leadrelmyo nstarnatdth ecedo ,n tbaecttw eseann dbocdaibnee s demonstartsa etveedlr oacla lTihtiise sia.str heseau bjoefac c tu rrGePnRt (GrouPnedn etrRaatdiansrgt) u bdyyt hGee neUtniicPt rso jaetHc etr iot-Watt. Summarmye eting/de-briefing NigahttC aspe Day (SundayM ay) 9 41h Duet ot heea rfllyi tgihmtwe e,w illle aCvaes pbee fobrree aktfoaa srtr,ii vne Barcel(oanpap roxi3m-ah4to eulfryrs o Cma spien) tfiomcreh eck-in. Return to UK GardienrC,o rbeatntd L ewis Pagev ii SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo ursSep,a in AprliM/ay, 2003 Hoteald dresses Date Hotel Phone Fax 9) (003 4 th Satur2d6aAyp,r il HotSeelg le XX 736 50000 73 665122 Plad�eal aC re8u , DP2 5620 Tremp ' th Sunda2y7,A pril HotCeals Pae ix 745 44430 745 444 60 Serraduy th Mon2.8 and HotDeols R ios 745 009 61 745 100 25 th Tue2s9.A pril Av da. Central 74 500 043 DP2 2303 Ainsa th Wednesd3a0yA,p riHlo tRealm i1r o 743 613 67 743 613 61 C.d eCla rmen 23 DP2 2700 Jaca Thursld aMya y HostJaola cChofsnt a 742 41 7747 42 413 51 st C.J oacChfons ta 22003 DP Huesca nd Frid2aMya y HotMealg a116n 766 302 22 766 3000 3 rd Satur3dMaayy PlaOzbai sCpuob eles DP5 0700 Caspe Emaihlo:t [email protected] www.iawol.coam/ghaoltleolnm GardineCro,r beatntd L ewis Page vlii SouthePrny reneaanndE broB asiFni elCdo ursSep,a in April/M2a0y,0 3 1 Introduction 1.1 GENERAL GEOLOGICALI NFORMATION TheS outhePrny renebaans ifnosr meddu ritnhge T ertiaarsfy o,r elbaansdi tnost he developPiynrge nemaonu ntacihna inT.h em ainS outhePrny reneBaans iwnh,i ccho nsiosft s fousru b-bastihneAs g,e rT,e mp-GraAuisn,s aan dJ acsau b-baswianssa ,c tidvuer ing the EoceneI.ts se dimentfialrilys d ominatbeyad w esterdliyre catxeidad le positisoynsatle m, whicdhe posimtaeidn lcyl assteidci meinnta sw ider angoefd epositeinovni ronmeTnhtes . easteprna rotft heb asiinsd ominatbeyfld u visaeld imenwthsi,cp ha swse stwaridnst o shorelainndse h eldfe posaintdsfi nalilnyt moa rinteu rbidiDtueets o.r enewetdh rust activdietpyo,s itwiaosrn e stridcutreidn g latthEeeo cenaen dO ligocetnote h ew esternmost JacEax ternaSlu b-basLiant.et rh rusptrso pagafutretdh esro uthwarfdosr,m itnhgeE xternal Sierrwahse rteh ecyu tu p-sectTihoinls.e dt ot hed evelopmoefna st e confdo relbaansdi n, theE broB asitno,t hes outohft heE xternaSli errDaesp.o sitiinto hneE broB asidnu,r itnhge Oligo-Miocweansde o,m inatbeyad l luvfiaanlfl, u viaanld l acustsryisntee ms. 1.2 AIMSO F THE EXCURSION Thea imosf t hee xcursairoetn o e xamintehe s edimentfairloylf ts h eS outhePrny renean Basiann dt hen ortheprna rotf t heE broB asiann dt herierl atiotnosc hoinpt emporaneous tectoancitci viItnry e.c eyneta rast,t emphtasv bee emna det od escritbhees uccessiino n termosfs equenscter atigrmaopdheilacsn ,dt hea pplicaboiftl hietsmyeo deltsof oreland basiwnisl ble d iscussed. Althouwgehw ilclo nsideexrp loratioins-ssucdeauslr ei tnhge e xcursiwoenw ,i lclo ncentrate ont her eservosicra laen dw ildli scutshsel ikerleys ervobierh avioofut rh es andbodsieeesan t outcrTohpe.e xcelleexnpto suarlelso twh e2 -dimensiaonnd3a -ld imensional ogfet ohmee try sanbdo dieasn,dt heiinrt erconnectteobd ene exsasm,i niendd etaainldw ew ildli scuas s rangoefr eserviosisru eisn,c ludriensge rvodiers cripmtoidoenbl,u ildiflnogw,s imulation andw eltle stiantog u,t crToope .n abulset od ot hiwse,w ildlr awo na w ider angoefs tudies ing eoscieanncdee n gineewrhiincghh a vbee ecna rrieodu ta tH eriot-WUantitv ersity. 1.3 FORMAT OF THE GUIDEBOOK TheS outhePrny reneaarne haa sb eetnh es ubjeocfmt u chd etaiwloerdkd uritnhge l ast twentfiyv ey earTsh.e a rehaa sb eewne ldle scriibnet dh el iteraatnudsr eev erfaile gludi des tot hea reeax isSte.c ti2o onft higsu idebocookn taaib nrsi seufm maroyft heg eological histooryft heS outhePrny reneaanndE brob asiannsd i sf ollowbeyda ne xtensive bibliogrFaoplhlyo.w itnhgis su mmartyh,eb ulokf t hei nformaotnii onnd ivildoucaall ities (Secti3o tno7s ) t aketsh ef orm ofd iagraimnsc,l udmianpgs s,e dimentlaorgycs r, oss-sections andd epositimoondaell sT.h esdei agrawmislf lo rm theb asiosfd iscussiinot nhsefi eld. 1.4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Theg eologiscuamlm aryi nS ecti2o insb aseodn a ne arlsiuemrm aroyft heS outhern Pyrenebaans ibnysT revoErl liooftL ti verpUonoilv erswihtiyc,hh a sb eeunp dataendd extendteocd o vetrh eE broB asiMna.n yo ft hed iagraumsse idn t heg uideboaorkeb aseodn publicatliiosntisen td h eb ibliogrfaopwrhh yi,c whe thantkh ea uthoWres .a lstoh anJku lian Clarfko prr ovidmiuncgh n ewm ateroinat lh eA insBaa sin. Thiesx cursrieocne ivfienda ncisaulp pofrrto mS helElx praon dt heA berdeFeonr mation EvaluatSioocni eftoywr,h icwhe o ffeoru rs incetrhea nks. GardinCeorr,b eatntdL ewis Page1 .1 SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo ursSep,ai n April/Ma2y, 003 2 GeoloHgiisctoaoftlr h Syeo uthPeyrrne nees 21. INTRODUCTITOOTN H EP YRENEES TheP yrenaerepesa rotft hAel piMnoeu ntBaeilnot fS outhEeurnr opeex,t enfdriontmgh e AsturiinNa osr thSeprna in eatsotP wraorvdeisnnS c oeu thFerrna ncTeh.em ountbaeilnt develofpreotdmh lea Ctree tacteoPo luiso cteinmeeA s n.o trh-socurtoshse sc ttihorno ugh thPey renreeevse saelvse driaslt inscttriuvcet ur(aFli gzu2or.nae1ens sd2 .2). i) TheA quitBaaisniienn S outhFerrna nwchei cihsi ,np aratf ,o relbaanstdio tn h e Pyrenees. ii) A zonoefn orth-vtehrrgueasnnttfds o lds. iii)T heN ortPhy renFeaaunZl otn -eas tefeapu zlotnw ei tlho cadlelvye lozpoendoe fs higsht rianiM ne sozmoeitca sediamneldnh tesr zpooldist.e iv) TheA xiZaoln e, coomfp? oPsreedc amtboCr airabno nifmeertoausse digmneenitsss, domeasn gdr anitwohiidccehos n,s taiH teurtcey nmiaasns if. v) A zonoefs outh-vtehrrgueasnnttdfs o lodnst hSep anissihdo eft hPey renees. vi)A southseyrns toeffm o relbaansdit nots h meo untbaeil-ntt h Seo utPhy renBeaasni n (AgeTrr,e mp-GArianusasan, Jd acSau b-baasnitdnh sEe)b rBoa sin. Thee xcurissci oonnc erneexldcu siwvietlthyh eev oluotfif oonre lbaansdio nnts h seo uthern, Spanisisdhoe ft hPey renaenetdsh eliirn wkistd he formaitnti hoseno uth-vtehrrgubesentltt antdh aex izaoln e 2.2D EVELOPMEONFTT HEP YRENEES Threper incsitpaagclea sbn e r ecogniints hedede velopomfte hnPety renMeoaunn tBaeilnt : 2.12 S.tephatnoLi aatnAe p tiRiafnt ing Stephatnoli aaAtnpe t irainf tbientgw eIebne arniFdar anbceeg ainnp ost-Hertciymneisa,n duritnhgle a Sttee phaanniPdae nr miaanncd,r eaitnetdr a-conetxitneennsotirao ln al transtebnassiio(nnSsap le ksn1i9j8d5eC)ro.,n tinruiefdla innsdgu bsidientn hcTeer iassic andL iasesviecn turaelsluyil ntt ehfdeo rmaotfia om na ribnaes wihni cphe rsitshtreodu ghout thLeo wearn dM iddJluer as(sPiuci gdefaanbSdro eugqaus1e 9t8,6 T)h.ep rincipal rifling phabseeg adnu ritnhgKe i mmeridagnidca onn tiinnutetodhl ea Atpet ihaenr,a ltdhien g openionftg h Bea yo fB isc(aPyi neetat l ., 1A9 r8i7f)mt.aer dg wiansp roduactte hdBe i scay margoiftn h Fer enpclha atnend u merootuhsbe ars iwnesre en hanactte hdit si m(ee .tgh.e ParenBtaissi Tnh)e.ri esn oe videfnoctreh e ex istoefon cceea cnriucbs ett wetehnIe b erian ·anEdu roppelaanit net shP ey renean region. GardinerC,o rbeatntd L ewis Page 2.1 SouthePrny reneaannd E broB asiFni elCdo ursSep,a in April/May, 2003 2.2L.a2t Aep titaoLn a tCer etacSetoruisk e-slip Deformation LatAep titaoln a Ctree tacsetoruisk e-slip Ndoerftohrwemaxarttdei noosnfi.t o hAnet lantic spreacdeinntgar netd h ien itioafst eiao-nf slporoera idnit nhBgea yo fB iscianly a te Aptni/aeaArllbyi (aJn- ano1m0a1M lay),c ausaem da jocrh anignpe l amtoet iownistI,hb eria begintnoim nogv seo uth-ienaa s sitn issternwasilet rhe spteotc htFe r enpclha te (Boillot, 1984T)h.ic sh anignpe l amtoet iownassa lmoesntt iarcecloym modiantt heCede ntral Pyrenneoersm;fa alu wletrsre e actiavssa ttreidk e-salniflpdo wfeasrut lrtusc wteurree s produlcoecda plalryt,i counlt ahnreol ryt h(eFrnr enscihd)Te r.a nsteansssioocniw aitttehhd e openionfB ga yo fB iscfaoyr meexdt ensbiaosni(anels. t gh.Ve a llcBaarsgiasn e,Se e ction 2.5w)h icwhe raec tiuvnett ihlbe e g\tiinnogf a lpicnoem pression. 2.2L.a3t Cer etacteoMo iuosc eCnoem pression Compresrseisounfl rtoeamdf urtchhearn ignpe l amtoet iwohni,c wha sc ausbeytd h e northweaxrtde nosfit ohNneo rthA tlanstpirce acdeinntgar netd h cee ssaotfsi eofanl oor spreaidnit nhBgea yo fB iscaTyh.et imionftg h icsh anigsde a taet7d 5 M ab yt haeg oef t he lasseta -fmlaogonres ttircii npt ehB ea yo fB iscaAyc.c ordtioPn ugi gdefaabnrSde oguaqsu et (9186t)h eea rliest Alpimnaeyh asvhbeoe redtnue teno ti rnagn spresstsriiokneba-ulstb ,ly i p thPea leocaec noen,v ermgaerngthi andd e veloapnedtd hE eu roppelaanwt aesb eing subdubcetneedIa btehr Tihar.u spteisrne wg a sc onfitnote hdie m medivaitcei onfit thye mountaibn uabtse slotc,i ated deexftoernnmdoaertdti hownca arudssii,nn vge rosfei aornl ier basionnts h Fer enscihda en idn itidaitaipnigr isemt a l(1.P9,i8 n7eT)th. ec ompressional direcwtaisNo NnE -SSaWn eds timoafst heosr tehnaivanem g e avna loufea rou1n00dk m. 2.3S TRUCTULR INATERPRETATIOOFN ST HE PYRENEES Numeromuosd ehlasv bee epnr opotsoee xdp ltahisent rucsttuyralaneldd evelopomfte hnet Pyrendeuersit nhgae l pionreo geTnoyd .a tneo,n oeft hemsoed ehlasv aec hieav ed consentshumesa ;ia nr eoafsc ontenatriieo) tn h aet tiotfut dhteeh rautsd te ptihit;)h e signifoifct ahNneoc retP hy renfeaaunal ntdi; i tih)o er igainnsd i gnifoifca 1na5k c me southwdaorwdn sitnte hpMe o hob enetahtNeho rtPhy renfeaaunwl hti,cw ha si dentiinf ied earsleyi swmoirck T.h remeo declasbn e i dentaitfp ireeds ent. 2.13 T.hin-skMiondneeld Thimso deilsf avoubryWe idl liaanmdFs i hsec(r 9 l84w)h oi nterpars eyts toefhm i gh-level thruwshtiscl,hi ndko wnwairndtaslo o w-asnogllteeh rwuhsitc dhi pnso ratt6h d egrees (Fig2u.r3eM) o.s otft hseh orteinsdi inrge cstoeudt hwaanrtddh sne o rthwsahrodrt enoinn g thFer enchi sas titdrei tboau b taecdk thfrauwnhs itc bhr ancfhreosm thteh rsuwosilttei,h t s extenisnifoenrrt eold ib ee netahtAehq uitBaaisnieTn h.ee videfnoctreh M eo hos tep direbcetnleyta htpehr esoeunttc orfot phN eo rtPhy renfeaaunil sit g noirnet dh imso del. 2.3T.h2i ck-skMiondneeld Deramoentad l( .1 98i4n)t erapt rheitn -skinned atthh irgulhse tv ewslhysis,cst hte eme paetn s deptchu,tt shc er ust-mantlaen dpb aosusniednsata rdo ye collebmeetnwtet ehnce r ust and mantnloert ohf t hNeo rtPhy renfeaaunlT th.er estolroewdec rr uissmt o raet tenuiantt heids interprwehtiactihisi o nkn e,e pwiintgth h eea rleixte ern siaonntda rla nstehnissitooonfra yl thaer eOan.c aeg aihno,w evtehrMe,o hos teipsi gnoirnet dh imso del. GardineCro,r beatntd L ewis Page 2.2

This excursion received financial support from Shell Expro and the Aberdeen (Ager, Tremp-Graus, Ainsa and Jaca Sub-basins) and the Ebro Basin.
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