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FIDE album Vol. 2 1914-1944 PDF

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Preview FIDE album Vol. 2 1914-1944

S A H 0 V S K A N A K L A D A NAKLADNO-IZDA ACVK! DOJEL SAHO VSKO G SAV EZA HR VA T SKE BIBLITOE KA »SAH OVSKE NAKL ADE« BR.4 4 IZDANJE»:S AHOVSKAN AKLADA«,Z AGREB Tisak» VJESNIKZ«a,g reb FIDE 1914-1944/11 ZAGREB 1972 Editor: Ing.N enadP etrovic Zagreb Tehnickuir ednik Ing.B .P rokop Pridrfonsav ap rava Copyrigh1t9 72b y »Sahovsknaa kladaZ«a,g reb R or;i;a 6y;i;eT 3aKOH'!erHp aH;i;1103rnH bPeTpo.cneKTl1BHhm aJib6oM, ·oxsaTb1Bnaerpo1114o11;i;i1s peMeH11O T 191;i;4o 1494 ro;i;a( 1IOCJieATHO11MM JJ; OJI2H:eBHb IBTl1B CJie;i;yror.rqoe;i;My ), 3TO6 y;i;eT6 0JibllCI0O6eb ITl1Be 113;i;a11pm.H�;i; a 11eHHhlX c60pHl1KOB UiaXMaTHh3laX;i; a'11! 3TIOJJ;OBBo. BCeMK OHKypcey '!aCTOBa1JI17O.3 3 KOMII0311111111M3K, O TOpblJJ;XJ IHa Jib60MBab 16paH2o .723. IIOKOJieH11JJ;HO JI2KHh6Ib 1Tb6 Jiaro;i;aPHMbHI2H: eHepy HeHa;i;y IIeTpOBl1'IKYO,T OpbIMC 03p;aJI3 T11 aJib60Mb1l1 c ;i;eJiaJI11 XB CeM ;i;ocTyIIHhIMM11b.I CJih0 6 113;i;aH111a1J ih6oMap o;i;11J1acbs BeHe B 1597r o;i;y,B CKOpen ocJioe6 pa30BaHl1HHa UieMK OMMCCMl1.O H, KaK HaUII Ipe;i;ce;i;aTeOJTi b1 95;i;8o 196r3o ;i;a,I IlfPfiHJI Ha ce6.fl 06H3aHHOCTb1 13JJ;aTTbp 11 aJih6oMaK,O TOPbiBeK JIIO'laJBIp11e M.fl OT 1945;i;o 1961I'. - HaCTOHlllYCIOOK POB11l.4H11QnYp 0113BeJJ;e<Ill1M 11cKyccTsaO.a Bee er.qe rrpo;i;OJI2H:aeBTb IIIOJIHHrnTrha 'HTCKJIO pa6oTy:I IPl1Hl1MaeOTT ;i;11peKTOPO11B3 6paHHble up0113Be;i;eHl1H, 3a- 60Tl1TCH0 IIe'laTaHaMJ11i b60MBaH,l1 MaTeJibpHeO;i; aKT11pyepTe we­ H11H 11 T.;i; . KpoMe Toro,C OCTaBJIHOe'T! eHqbe HHble;i; onOJIHeHl1.fl, KOTOpb!ec o;i;ep2H:aT 3aMe'-IaTeJibIHIhP!Oel1 3Be;i;eHl1HHe KOTOpbIX KOMII0311TOHpeO By,' !aCTBOBaUBI 11KXO HKypce. BJiaro;i;apttoC3Tah 3 TOTK o:.v.r611tt11posaHHahJIiMb 6o3:.v.ra cJIY2K11- saroTT,a K2H:e,;i; ecHTb;i; 11peKTOPO11B Tp11;i;qaTbc y;i;el1:3 a 11X1 1anpH- 2H:eHHb!l1:11 ;i;o6pocoseCTHThpIyM;i; .r .A JioiHba rJie-p ;i;o6pOBOJibHO II,il;c'·HO•fTaJI KOM!lbIOTOP'OIMT,O H 11 OJJ;11H KOM!l0311TO'PH en epeweJI rpaH11qy5 03 a;i;a'11!J I113 03 TIO;i;osr.. .ffMtto pTeHJeH- T02Kec a­ Moe,n o co6CTBeHHO11MH 11I�l1aTI1IBIep,o sep11MJHIO I'3Oa ;i;a'B! ,C MbICJie 11x op11r11HaJihHO11C BT0113 MO.lKHOC;i;Tp11y r11xtt e;i;ocTaTKOMBtt.o rne Haq110HaJihHhie COXIO0T3Hb Bl M,e HbUiei1M epe,H O IIOMIO'Jll13 a111M­ I11a11'.HH TepechCIB 011Xy :.viepUil1X KOMII0311HTyO2PKOHBO.B bipa311Tb oco6yrIoI Pl13HaTeJihHCOCCCTPb, IIOTO'M!YT o6 e3 11xqm uattcosoi:i IIO;i;;i;ep2KB11 ,- svr;i;e6 0Jiblli3l1aXK aJOB3,T OT 11 ;i;pyr11ea Jih60Mhl Hl1KOr;i;a6 bI'l1 He IIOHB11Jil1HaC bC BeT. OcTaeTcHe r.qeo ny6J111KOBaTnhp aB11JiaT peTberoP eTpOCIIeK­ Tl1BHoroa Jib50MKaO,T OpbrnB KJIIO'!IaIeeTp 11oB;i;p eMe11O1T1 1 913r ., cse ;i;o UieCTOrCoT OJieTlH1aH3 a;i;,K Or;i;a BIIepBbiyec TaHOBJieHO cyI11ecTBOBaIHI11eep soUi1i axMaTHO3Ha ;i;a'lH11a.;i; eeMcH•,1 Tos cJie­ ;i;yror.qer:vio ;i;y6 y;i;eTJ aKOH'ICAHJ ih60M1 965-1967. Mbl JJ;a2H:e He B COCTOHHl1B11 ;i;ocTaTO'!HMOCHp e oqeHl1TbB a2H:­ IO!CTb 3Tl1X C60PHl1KOBH.e rrp06JieMl1CTOaHM11 yp;a'IHO11 npo­ CTO IIOMOI'yTI l03HaKOMl1TbCcH Jly'!W11Ml1 IIP0113Be;i;e1mHMB11 o6JiaCTUli1a xMaTHb!KXO MII0311ql1al1: ,JJ; JIHK OMII0311TOP-OBTI OCJiy­ maT CTl1MYJIOJJ;MJ IHU OBblX11 CKaHl1H.A Jib60Mb-l ;i;parO·QeHHbIB c6opmrKs cex ;i;ocT112H:emri1;i; o HacTOHr.qersop eMeH11.P eUiaIOiq11M 3a,1a1q11 - 0H11 B Te'!ett11H11e ;i;eJihM,e c.Hqes1 1;i; a2KeJ ieT6,y ;i;yT JaIIOJIHHHOTsho l1:p a,n:ocTbI1O1 x;i; ocyr. Tiel1ttTOH,A srycT1 972 KaM11Hc M3ttcci>11JI;i; 5 W hent hem ammothR etrospecAtlibvuems pannintgh e yearfsr om1 91t4o 1 94i4s c omplet(etdh lea svto lume ofi ts houaldp peaera rlnye xyte ari)tw ilble a prominent lnadmarikn t hep roductoifto hne svea luabalnheto logoifec sh ess probleamnsds tudiNeosl .e stsh a1n1 73c3o mposibwieornees n tered fort hew holceom petitoiofwn h,i c2h7 2h3a veb eens elecftuerd pubilcation. Posterwiitlyol w ea tremendoduesb to fg ratittuodI en g. NenadP etrovfiocrb eintgh ea rctheicatn dm ovinsgp iroiftt he AlbumIst.w asb acki nV iennian1 95s7o,o anf teoru rC ommission hadb eefno rmetdh,a tth e� deoaf c reattihnegm w asf irmsoto ted. Aso urP residfernotm1 95t8o 1 96h3e w asr esponsfiobrol reg a­ nisitnhge t hreweh iccho vertehde y earfsr om1 94t5o 1 96-1 a veritatbrleea sure-ohfoa urstei swtoirck sH.e still continues the colostsaaslok f r eceivtihnesg e lecwtoerdk fsr omt heD �rectors andp ilottihnegm thrtohugeph r intearfst,erc arefuedliltyin g thes olutieotncHs.e alspor eparveasl uabAlnen execso ntaining outstanwdoirnkgbs y somec omposewrhno didn otp articipate. Fort hep resecnotm binAeldb umg ratetfhualn kasr ee xtended tot he1 0D irectaonrd3s 0 J udgefso rt heiarr duoaunsd 'P ainstak­ ingl abou(rsso metiumnedse rtaaktes nh ornto ticteof, i lvla can­ ciesM)r..A loiNsa gler keinnsdulrybe ydc omputtehra nto c om­ posehra de xceedetdh el im,iot5f 0 p robleomrs3 0s tudiMers.J. a n Mortensveonl untatreisltye d moaft nhye e ntrifeosro riginality ando thefra ulItnsa . l esser dmeagnryne aet iosnoaeclti iheesl ped byl ookianfgt etrh ei ntereosftt hse idre ceasceodm poseTrrsi.b ute musta lsboe p aitdo t heU .S .S .R .w,i thowuhto sfei nanchieallp byp romislianrggo er dertsh,iA sl bum( antdh eo thermsa)yn ever haves eetnh el ighotfd ay. Itn owr emaitnosa nnountcheer ulefso rt heT hirRde tro­ spective Awlhbiucmwh,i lclo vetrh ep eriofdr om1 91b3a ckt o theV IthC enturwyh,e nt hee arlikensotw nc hespsr oblewmesr e recordIetd . hiosp edt hatth e1 965-196A7l bumw ilble r eady next year. Thei mportaonfct eh esaen tholso cgainenobte e xaggerated.. To theu ninititahteefydo rma readayn di nexpenmseiavneos f accetso a llt haits b esitn t hec hespsr obleamr tT.o existing composetrhse ayc ta s sap utro g reateefrf oarntd a rea valuable recool'.'fdw hath asa lreabdeye anc hievTeode .x istsionlgv etrhse y pro'.'iwdeee ksm,o nthasn,d e veny earosf f urtheenroj ymenint a smaclolm pass. Paignton, EAnuggluasn1td9,.7 2. CominMsa nsfield 7 W nnd asr etrospeGkrboisvse- Albduamsd, i eJ ahrvea n 1914b is1 94u4m fasbsete,n dweitr d( delre tzBtaen ds oll zuB egindne s nachJsathernee sr scheiwnierndd) a,s e in hervroragenMdaerrk stienid ne rV eroefnftlichduinegsw eerr tvol­ lenA ntholodgeireS nc hcahorobluenmdeS tudiseeni n. Nicht weni­ gera ls1 1373K ompositinoanmheenn a nd emg anzeWne ttbewerb teidla,v ownu rde2n. 783 ausguenwdpa uhbllti ziert. DieN achwelt dwe.miS rtdi futnedrA nregdeerr A lbenH,er rn IngN.e nadP etrovgirco,s Dsaen kbarksecihtu ldDeine.I defei lr dieH eruasgabdee rA lbeenn tsta1n9d5i 7n W ienk urz nach Ent­ stehuenns erKeorm missiAolnsu. n sePrr asidveannt1 95b8i s1 963 ilbernearhd mi eV erantworftiunldgri Hee rausgdaebrde r eAil ben, died ieZ eitspavnanne1 945b is1 96u1m fassuennd e inwea hre Schtazkammedre rK unswterked arstelElre vno.l lbrinnogcth limmeeri nuem fangreiche Arbeerid ti,ev anid nednDe imr ektoren auserwahWletreknie lbernimumntds iena,c hdeemrd ieL osuenog genauersetd igihearttz, u m Druokewne iterleuistwe.Et b enso verfassetrw ertvoNlalceh tra-geh ervorra.gendjen eeWre rke Komponisdtieena ,m Wettbewenribc htte ilgenomhmaebne n. Gleichzgeeibtiilgdh errtD ankf ildri eses kombAilnbiuemr te den1 0D irektournedn3 0R ichtefrinli rh rea nsrtengenudned milhevAorlbleei Hte.r rA loiNsa glehra te ntgegenkommenderweise durcdhe nC omputer feststedlalseksne iAnlu atsosdrei neG, r enze von5 0P roblemoedne r3 0S tudiielnb erschhraittH.te ernrJ an Mortensheantb ereitwdiilePl riogb leimneB ezuga ufi hrOer igi­ nalituantde twaiagnede rMea ngeill berprIiml kflte.i neAruesn­ masshea beanu cdhi en aitonalVeenr banmdiet geholifnednes,mi e Interesisherne r verstoKrobmepnoenni swtaehnr nahmeMna.n mussA nerkennuanugc hd erU dSSRe rstatwteeinlo, h nei hre finanzHiiellfldeeu rcihh rger ossAeunf tradgaesE rscheidnieens es Albums (awuicehd e ra nedrene)v entuneilclhm to gligcehw esen ware. Esv erbleuinbsnt u rn ocdhi eRe geldne sd rittreent rospektiven Albumbse kanntzugdeabsde ineZ, e itspavnann1e 9 1r3i lckblickend bizsu ms echsJtaehnhr unde-ratldsa se rstuen sb ekannStceh ach­ problaemuf gezeicwhunredt-e umfassweinr dE.b ensbol eiubnts dieH offnundga,sd sa sA lbum1 96-51 967n achstJeash bre endet wird. DieB edeutudnige sAenrt hologkiaennnn ichgte nubge tont werdenD.en N ichteingewweeirhdteesnni ea ufg eschicukntde einfache Weisdea sBh eesltafeue sdn e rK unsdte rS chcahprobleme kennenzuledrennKe onm;p oniswteernd esni Aen regufnigl nro ch grosseArnes trengugnegbeenni ,n dems ied enend ieb isherigen HochstleiszteuinggeDenin.e sKeo mpositiwoenredne dne nL ose.rn filWro cheMno,n ate, JsaohgraGere nsusb ieten. Paignton, 1A9u7g2u.s t CominMsa nsfield Q f)llCIZfigeR. ql./RGe.MOVGR.$' } PGXXO,l/OSKU

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