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Fibrosis Research M E T H O D S I N M O L E C U L A R M E D I C I N E™ John M. Walker, SERIES EDITOR 125.Myeloid Leukemia:Methods and Protocols, 104. Stroke Genomics: Methods and Reviews, edited by Harry Iland, Mark Hertzberg, edited by Simon J. Read and David Virley, and Paula Marlton, 2006 2004 124.Magnetic Resonance Imaging:Methods and 103.Pancreatic Cancer: Methods and Protocols, Biological Applications, edited by Pottumarthi edited by Gloria H. Su, 2004 V. Prasadi, 2006 102.Autoimmunity: Methods and Protocols, 123.Marijuana and Cannabinoid Research: edited by Andras Perl, 2004 Methods and Protocols, edited by Emmanuel 101.Cartilage and Osteoarthritis: Volume 2, S. Onaivi, 2006 Structure and In Vivo Analysis, edited by 122.Placenta Research Methods and Protocols: Frédéric De Ceuninck, Massimo Sabatini, Volume 2, edited by Michael J. Soares and and Philippe Pastoureau, 2004 Joan S. Hunt, 2006 100.Cartilage and Osteoarthritis: Volume 1, 121.Placenta Research Methods and Protocols: Cellular and Molecular Tools, edited by Volume 1, edited by Michael J. Soares and Massimo Sabatini, Philippe Pastoureau, and Joan S. Hunt, 2006 Frédéric De Ceuninck, 2004 120.Breast Cancer Research Protocols,edited by 99.Pain Research: Methods and Protocols, Susan A. Brooks and Adrian Harris, 2005 edited by David Z. Luo, 2004 119.Human Papillomaviruses: Methods and 98.Tumor Necrosis Factor: Methods and Protocols,edited by Clare Davy and John Protocols, edited by Angelo Corti and Pietro Doorbar, 2005 Ghezzi, 2004 118.Antifungal Agents: Methods and Protocols, 97.Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer: Methods and edited by Erika J. Ernst and P. David Protocols, Second Edition, edited by Joseph E. Rogers, 2005 Roulston and John M. S. Bartlett, 2004 117.Fibrosis Research: Methods and Protocols, 96.Hepatitis B and D Protocols: Volume 2, edited by John Varga, David A. Brenner, Immunology, Model Systems, and Clinical and Sem H. Phan, 2005 Studies, edited by Robert K. Hamatake and 116.Inteferon Methods and Protocols,edited by Johnson Y. N. Lau, 2004 Daniel J. J. Carr, 2005 95.Hepatitis B and D Protocols: Volume 1, 115.Lymphoma: Methods and Protocols, edited by Detection, Genotypes, and Characterization, Timothy Illidge and Peter W. M. Johnson, 2005 edited by Robert K. Hamatake and Johnson 114.Microarrays in Clinical Diagnostics,edited Y. N. Lau, 2004 byThomas O. Joos and Paolo Fortina, 2005 94.Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, 113.Multiple Myeloma: Methods andProtocols, Second Edition, edited by Jochen Decker and edited by Ross D. Brown and P. Joy Ho, 2005 Udo Reischl, 2004 112.Molecular Cardiology: Methods andProtocols, 93.Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and edited by Zhongjie Sun, 2005 Thrombolytics,edited by Shaker A. Mousa, 111.Chemosensitivity: Volume 2, In Vivo Mod- 2004 els, Imaging, and Molecular Regulators, ed- 92.Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases, ited by Rosalyn D. Blumethal, 2005 Second Edition, edited by Rob Elles and Roger Mountford, 2004 110.Chemosensitivity: Volume 1, In Vitro As- says, edited by Rosalyn D. Blumethal, 2005 91.Pediatric Hematology: Methods and 109.Adoptive Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols,edited by Nicholas J. Goulden and Colin G. Steward, 2003 Protocols, edited by Burkhard Ludewig and Matthias W. Hoffman, 2005 90.Suicide Gene Therapy: Methods and 108.Hypertension: Methods and Protocols, Reviews,edited by Caroline J. Springer, 2004 edited by Jérôme P. Fennell and Andrew 89.The Blood–Brain Barrier: Biology and H. Baker, 2005 Research Protocols, edited by Sukriti Nag, 2003 107.Human Cell Culture Protocols, Second 88.Cancer Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols, Edition, edited by Joanna Picot, 2005 edited bySimon P. Langdon, 2003 106.Antisense Therapeutics, Second Edition, 87.Vaccine Protocols, Second Edition, edited by edited by M. Ian Phillips, 2005 Andrew Robinson, Michael J. Hudson, and Martin P. Cranage, 2003 105.Developmental Hematopoiesis: Methods and Protocols, edited by Margaret H. 86.Renal Disease: Techniques and Protocols, Baron, 2005 edited by Michael S. Goligorsky, 2003 M E T H O D S I N M O L E C U L A R M E D I C I N E™ Fibrosis Research Methods and Protocols Edited by John Varga, MD Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL David A. Brenner, MD College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY Sem H. Phan, , MD PhD University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI © 2005 Humana Press Inc. 999 Riverview Drive, Suite 208 Totowa, New Jersey 07512 humanapress.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise without written permis- sion from the Publisher. Methods in Molecular Medicine™ is a trademark of The Humana Press Inc. All papers, comments, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This publication is printed on acid-free paper. ∞ ANSI Z39.48-1984 (American Standards Institute) Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. Production Editor: C. Tirpak and Melissa Caravella Cover design by Patricia F. Cleary Cover Illustration: From Fig. 4 in Chapter 10, "Morphological Methods for Assessment of Fibrosis," by Rakesh K. Kumar and Fig. 1 in Chapter 12, "Approaches to Evaluation of Fibrogenic Pathways in Surgical Lung Biopsy Specimens," by Cory M. Hogaboam, Kristin J. Carpenter, Holly Evanoff, and Steven L. 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Printed in the United States of America. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 eISBN 1-59259-940-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fibrosis research : methods and protocols / edited by John Varga, David A. Brenner, Sem H. Phan. p. ; cm. -- (Methods in molecular medicine ; 117) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-58829-479-X (alk. paper) 1. Fibrosis. 2. fibrosis–Research–Methodology. [DNLM: 1. Fibrosis. 2. Cultured Cells. 3. Extracellular Matrix–metabolism. 4. Models, Animal. QZ 150 F4436 2005] I. Varga, John. II. Brenner, David, 1953- III. Phan, Sem Hin, 1949- IV. Series. RB150.F52F54 2005 616.7'42–dc22 2005006567 Preface Fibrosis or scar, defined pathologically as inappropriate repair by connec- tive tissue, is increasingly recognized as an important feature of many chronic diseases (Table 1), and as such, represents an enormous health burden. The United States government estimates that 45% of deaths in the United States can be attributed to fibrosing disorders. Fibrosis can affect virtually every tissue and organ system. Traditionally, fibrosis has been viewed as the irreversible, end-stage sequel to a multitude of diverse disease processes (Table 2). Excessive scarring following physical, thermal, metabolic, ischemic, infectious, inflammatory, or immunological injury can occur in any part of the body, and can cause destruction of the affected structures. Fibrotic tissue is characterized by a loss of normal architecture, paucity of stromal cells, and replacement of blood vessels and other essential parenchymal structures by dense, homogeneous, and increasingly stable extracellular matrix. The scar is composed primarily of type I collagen, but types III and IV collagens, proteoglycans, fibronectin, glycoproteins, and matricellular proteins are also prominent. The process leads to progressive distortion of tissue architecture with consequent dysfunction and ultimate failure of fibrotic organs. Many of the key morphological features of fibrosis are common to scarring affecting the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the heart, or the skin. Fibrosis is the “dark side” of normal tissue repair. Following injury, a com- plex and tightly orchestrated repertoire of cellular responses is called into play, and normally the wound is rapidly and efficiently repaired. This process is spatially and temporally self-limited. In contrast, under some conditions repair is excessive, resulting in pathological scar formation. The pathogenesis of fibrosis remains poorly understood. Fibrosis involves a “fibrogenic cascade” integrating multiple molecular pathways and cellular targets. Historically, the link between inflammation and fibrosis has been emphasized, providing the rationale for anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive therapies for fibrosis. It has become increasingly evident that these types of interventions are generally ineffective. The lack of effective treatments, and the high mortality and increasing morbidity attributed to chronic fibrotic diseases, has stimulated an explosion of research into the cellular, molecular, and genetic basis of fibrosis. Recent research progress has led to new and evolving concepts regarding the mechanisms that drive the process of fibrosis. Novel insights include the identification and characterization of an increasingly large panel of molecules v vi Preface Table 1 Selected Diseases Where Fibrosis Is a Major Cause of Morbidity or Mortality Organ-specific Lung fibrosis (idiopathic and drug-induced pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, sarcoidosis, COPD) Liver fibrosis (alcoholic cirrhosis, posthepatitis C cirrhosis, schistosomiasis, primary biliary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis) Kidney fibrosis (diabetic nephropathy, lupus glomerulossclerosis) Heart fibrosis (post-MI scar) Vascular fibrosis (postangioplasty arterial restenosis, atherosclerosis Skin fibrosis (burn scar, hypertrophic scar, keloid, nephrogenic fibrosing dermatopathy) Eye fibrosis (retro-orbital fibrosis, postcataract surgery, proliferative vitreoretinopathy) Bone marrow (idiopathic and drug-induced myelofibrosis) Other (Peyronie’s disease, thyroid, Dupuytren’s contracture, dermatomyositis) Systemic Systemic sclerosis Chronic graft vs host disease Table 2 Association of Fibrosis With Types of Injury: Representative Examples Burn Skin and soft tissue scarring and contraction Physical Hypertrophic scar, keloid, postangioplasty vascular restenosis Radiation Pulmonary fibrosis; skin fibrosis; myelofibrosis Surgery Adhesions of visceral organs Metabolic Alcoholic cirrhosis, diabetic nephropathy, dialysis-related fibrosing dermatopathy Ischemic Post-MI cardiac fibrosis, post-stroke brain scarring Autoimmune Systemic sclerosis, myositis, lupus nephritis, chronic graft vs host disease Inflammatory Retroperitoneal fibrosis, asthma, sarcoidosis, atherosclerosis, primary biliary cirrhosis Infectious Hepatitic C-associated cirrhosis, schistosomal cirrhosis, HIV- associated lymphoid fibrosis Malignant Myelofibrosis Preface vii that mediate abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix, as well as the cellular constituents that produce and/or react to these molecules. Significant unan- swered issues involve basic cellular and molecular mechanisms related to cell proliferation, motility, differentiation, and gene expression. For instance, recent discoveries on the heterogeneity of fibroblast populations in fibrotic lesions have relevance to understanding cellular differentiation and program of gene expression that determines cell phenotype. The demonstration of epithe- lial–mesenchymal transdifferentiation as a key element in the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis illustrates the need for further research into basic mechanisms to advance the field. The importance of the myofibroblastic phenotype requires improvement in current understanding of how activation and/or trans- differentiation is regulated in the context of progressive fibrosis. Elucidation of mechanisms involved in the regulation of extracellular matrix production and degradation is critical for understanding the basis for the abnormal deposition of connective tissue elements that is the hallmark of fibrosis. The advent of powerful techniques for global assessment of gene expression in cells and tissues should prove an impetus for rapid progress in this area. At the tissue and organismal level, improvement in methods for evaluating the extent, severity, and activity of fibrosis is essential for more precise and less invasive diagnostic and prognostic assessment, as well as for monitoring of therapeutic efficacy. It is now widely appreciated that the diverse fibroproliferative diseases, be they immunological, metabolic, inflammatory, genetic, or iatrogenic in nature, all have important pathogenetic features in common. That is to say, despite their differing anatomic distribution and clinical manifestations, etiology and natural history, the pathogenesis of these disorders appears to be related. Thus, regardless of whether fibrosis involves the lung parenchyma or airways, the renal glomerulus or interstitium, the parenchyma or biliary tree of the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, the heart, the dermis or tendons, or the eye, in each case secretion and activation of profibrotic cytokines, particularly transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, expansion and activation of mesenchymal cell populations, and extracellular matrix synthesis and organization similarly result in progressive destruction of normal tissue (Table 3). Fibrosis research is an emerging field. The challenges facing investigators engaged in fibrosis research are many: to describe and annotate the full reper- toire of fibrotic mediators and effector cells involved in the fibrotic response, and characterize their deregulation in pathological fibrosis; to identify genes and their variants linked to fibrosis, and define their role in pathogenesis; to recognize shared pathogenetic themes that are common to distinct forms of fibrosis; and ultimately, to translate these insights into the development of specific viii Preface Table 3 Underlying Pathophysiologic Processes Common to Different Fibrotic Diseases Genetic susceptibility Inflammation T-cell activation, Th2 polarization; macrophage activation; eosinophil and mast cell chemotaxis; cytokine and chemokine production Vascular injury, endothelial adhesion molecule upregulation Mesenchymal cell activation Increased synthesis of extracellular matrix Secretion and activation of TGF-β, other fibrotic cytokines, autocrine stimulation and amplification Migration Cell differentiation Myofibroblast transdifferentiation Epithelial–mesenchymal transition Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cell influx and differentiation Scar formation and persistence; tissue destruction Connective tissue contraction Blood vessel obliteration, defective vasculogenesis, tissue hypoxia Matrix stabilization, collagen crosslinking Defective matrix remodeling and degradation and sensitive diagnostic tools and safe and effective therapies to slow, prevent, and reverse organ fibrosis. For this undertaking to succeed, interactions be- tween laboratory researchers and clinical investigators and clinicians from many different specialities is a must, since fibrosis impacts all fields of Medi- cine. The 22 chapters of Fibrosis Research: Methods and Protocols highlight the interdisciplinary nature of fibrosis research, and emphasize the broad applicability of these experimental methodologies to all areas of fibrosis research. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 features a brief introduction to the problem of fibrosis, with clinical overviews of pulmonary and renal fibrosis as examples illustrative of the many fibrosing disorders listed in Table 1, and a bird’s-eye view of TGF-β as a paradigm profibrotic mediator. Part 2 focuses on widely used research methodologies utilizing cultured cells to model various aspects of the fibrotic response in vitro. The isolation, characterization, and propagation of mesenchymal cells are described, highlighting similarities and differences between methods that are appropriate for different types of Preface ix fibroblasts. Chapters 7 to 10 discuss approaches for studying collagen gene regulation and TGF-βproduction. Part 3 focuses on experimental methodologies utilizing animal models to study the pathogenesis of fibrosis, discussing the advantages and limitations of each. Part 4 covers the evolving genetic approaches to identifying “fibrosis genes” or allelic polymorphisms in human populations, microarray studies for describing global patterns of gene expression associated with fibrosis, and proteomic approaches to the same. As editors of this new and innovative book, Fibrosis Research: Methods and Protocols, we hope that it will reach a broad audience, and prove to be helpful to investigators studying any aspect of pathological fibrosis. It is our further hope that the book will stimulate discussion and promote interdisciplinary research collaborations, with the goal of understanding the daunting problem of fibrosis. We wish to acknowledge Francesco Ramirez, Sergio Jimenez, Humphrey Gardner, William Schnaper, Partricia Greenwel, Steven Ackerman, and the many other colleagues who have provided helpful suggestions and stimulating discussion in preparation of this book. John Varga, MD David A. Brenner, MD Sem H. Phan, MD,PhD Contents Preface ..............................................................................................................v Contributors .................................................................................................. xiii PART I. THE CLINICAL SCOPE OF FIBROSIS 1 Pulmonary Fibrosis David A. Zisman, Michael P. Keane, John A. Belperio, Robert M. Strieter, and Joseph P. Lynch, III....................................3 2 Renal Fibrosis H. William Schnaper...........................................................................45 3 Transforming Growth Factor-β: A Key Mediator of Fibrosis Alain Mauviel......................................................................................69 PART II. REGULATION OF EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX METABOLISM: CULTURED CELLS 4 Isolation and Culture of Skin Fibroblasts Laure Rittié and Gary J. Fisher...........................................................83 5 Isolation and Culture of Hepatic Stellate Cells Ralf Weiskirchen and Axel M. Gressner.............................................99 6 Isolation and Phenotypic Characterization of Lung Fibroblasts Carolyn J. Baglole, Sireesha Y. Reddy, Stephen J. Pollock, Steven E. Feldon, Patricia J. Sime, Terry J. Smith, and Richard P. Phipps...................................................................115 7 Methods for Measuring Type I Collagen Synthesis In Vitro David C. Rishikof, Ping-Ping Kuang, Mangalalaxmy Subramanian, and Ronald H. Goldstein..............129 8 Methods for Assessing the Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Gene Regulation Richard A. Rippe and Branko Stefanovic..........................................141 9 Methods for Measuring TGF-β Using Antibodies, Cells, and Mice Vladimir Jurukovski, Branka Dabovic, Vesna Todorovic, Yan Chen, and Daniel B. Rifkin....................................................161 PART III. STUDYING FIBROSIS USING ANIMAL MODELS 10 Morphological Methods for Assessment of Fibrosis Rakesh K. Kumar...............................................................................179 xi

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