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Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations: RILEM-fib International Symposium on FRC (BEFIB) in 2020 PDF

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Preview Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations: RILEM-fib International Symposium on FRC (BEFIB) in 2020

RILEM Bookseries Pedro Serna Aitor Llano-Torre José R. Martí-Vargas Juan Navarro-Gregori   Editors Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations RILEM-fib International Symposium on FRC (BEFIB) in 2020 Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations RILEM BOOKSERIES Volume 30 RILEM, The International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials,SystemsandStructures,foundedin1947,isanon-governmentalscientific association whose goal is to contribute to progress in the construction sciences, techniques and industries, essentially by means of the communication it fosters betweenresearchandpractice.RILEM’sfocusisonconstructionmaterialsandtheir useinbuildingandcivilengineeringstructures,coveringallphasesofthebuilding process from manufacture to use and recycling of materials. More information on RILEM andits previous publicationscan be found onwww.RILEM.net. Indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar and SpringerLink. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8781 Pedro Serna Aitor Llano-Torre (cid:129) (cid:129) é í Jos R. Mart -Vargas Juan Navarro-Gregori (cid:129) Editors Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations fi RILEM- b International Symposium on FRC (BEFIB) in 2020 123 Editors PedroSerna Aitor Llano-Torre ICITECH ICITECH Universitat PolitècnicadeValència Universitat PolitècnicadeValència Valencia, Spain Valencia, Spain JoséR. Martí-Vargas JuanNavarro-Gregori ICITECH ICITECH Universitat PolitècnicadeValència Universitat PolitècnicadeValència Valencia, Spain Valencia, Spain ISSN 2211-0844 ISSN 2211-0852 (electronic) RILEM Bookseries ISBN978-3-030-58481-8 ISBN978-3-030-58482-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58482-5 ©RILEM2021 Nopartofthisworkmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformorbyany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permissionfromthePublisher,withtheexceptionofanymaterialsuppliedspecificallyforthepurposeof being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Permissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromtheownerofthecopyright:RILEM. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregard tojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Preface 2020, a weird year. I always considered that writing the preface for the BEFIB2020 Proceedings would be an interesting moment with a great responsibility to summarise in a few wordswhatwasexpectedfromthemostimportantsymposiumonFibreReinforced Concrete, which we can only enjoy once every four years. Unfortunately, the suddenappearanceoftheCOVID-19representedadrasticchangeinallapproaches. Althoughweconsideredatthebeginningthatwecouldovercomethiscrisis,finally itwasnotpossibletoensureoptimalsafetyconditionsandwedecidedtopostpone the symposium for one year. As Organising Committee, we were aware of the effort already done in both writing and reviewing the scientific papers: a total of 153 papers were accepted from the 252 submitted abstracts. At this point, we considered that awaiting one additionalyearwouldhaverepresentedanexcessivedelaytomaintainthescientific novelty. Therefore, to ensure the quality level of the conference and to take advantageofthegreatworkdonebytheauthorsandthescientificcommitteeduring thepeerreviewprocess,theBEFIB2020OrganisingCommitteedecidedtopublish an online edition of the BEFIB2020 proceedings considering all the accepted full papers and make a new call for abstract for the next BEFIB2021 symposium edition. However, we assumed that one of themainobjectives when submitting a paper for a conference is the oral presentation of the work to our colleagues and discuss about them in person. Therefore, considering the postponement, the Organising Committeegavethechoicetotheauthorstowithdraworpublishtheircontribution in the BEFIB2020 online publication without oral presentation. Consequently, some authors preferred to wait for another publishing opportunity to submit their work and decided to withdraw their contribution for this publication. Thisbookentitled“FibreReinforcedConcrete:ImprovementsandInnovations” istheresult ofthepeer reviewprocessperformed during2020 andincludesatotal of 101 papers representing the contemporary topics of interest for the FRC researchers and practitioners. Fresh and hardened concrete properties are covered v vi Preface fromrheologyandearly-agepropertiesandtechnologicalaspectstothemechanical properties and quality control. But also, it can be observed an important effort on studying analytical and numericalmodelsandatendencytostructuraldesign,codesandstandardscovering interesting case studies and FRC structural applications which foreshadow a good future for the FRC. Durability and long-term properties and special FRC like UHPFRC or other smart FRC, textile concretes are still challenging topics that cover some needed advances or new concepts for the continuous progress. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of all the authors and their com- prehension, as well as the great work done by the members of the scientific com- mitteetoguaranteehigh-qualitypublications.Withoutyouthisworkcouldnothave been done. I would also like to thank the support of my colleagues from the Organising Committee in the management, structuring and finalising of this pub- lication, especially Aitor Llano-Torre for his constant and meticulous dedication and the collaboration of José R. Martí-Vargas. I would like also to acknowledge the sponsor companies KrampeHarex and SCE, FIBRAFLEX, ArcelorMittal Fibres, BASF Construction Solutions and RIMSAMetalTechnology,fortheirsupportandconfidenceinourevent.Iwishwe could enjoy a great even with their support next year in the BEFIB2021 edition. Finally, I want to finish these words with my most alive desire to beat the COVID-19andtoachievetheobjectiveofourcongress,whichisnoneotherthanto bring together all the people who work at the FRC in the same room. Please, be careful,staysafeandworkhardsinceIwouldliketowelcomeallofyounextyear in Valencia for the BEFIB 2021. Ihopethat thequalityofthisworkcontentwillcover theinterestofthereaders and the authors objectives. Thanks to all of you for your great contribution. Pedro Serna BEFIB2020 Chairman Organisation Committees Organising Committee Pedro Serna (Chairman), Spain Aitor Llano-Torre (Secretariat), Spain José R. Martí-Vargas, Spain Juan Navarro-Gregori, Spain Scientific Committee M. A. Aiello, Italy E. Cuenca, Italy A. Aguado, Spain F. Dehn, Germany C. Aldea, Canada A. De La Fuente, Spain S. Al-Toubat, UAE E. Denarie, Switzerland S. Austin, UK M. di Prisco, Italy G. L. Balázs, Hungary Y. Ding, China N. Banthia, Canada A. Fantilli, Italy B. Barragan, France L. Ferrara, Italy J. A. O. Barros, Portugal A. Figueiredo, Brazil E. S. Bernard, Australia S. Foster, Australia A. Bettencourt Ribeiro, Portugal J. Gálvez, Spain S. Billington, USA E. Garcia-Taengua, UK J. Bolander, USA R. Gettu, India P. Borges, Brazil G. M. Giaccio, Argentina W. P. Boshoff, South Africa S. Grunewald, Netherlands N. Buratti, Italy P. Kabele, Czech Republic S. H. P. Cavalaro, UK T. Kanda, Japan J. P. Charron, Canada T. Kanstad, Norway A. Conforti, Italy I. Khan, Saudi Arabia vii viii Organisation K. Kobayashi, Japan K. A. Rieder, Germany M. Konsta-Gdoutos, Greece M. Roig-Flores, Spain M. Kunieda, Japan P. Rossi, France V. Li, USA E. Schlangen, Netherlands Y. M. Lim, South Korea P. Serna (Chair), Spain A. Llano-Torre, Spain S. Shah, USA I. Löfgren, Sweden F. Silva, Brazil K. Lundgren, Sweden V. Slowik, Germany P. Lura, Switzerland S. Soleimani-Dashtaki, Canada J. R. Marti-Vargas, Spain L. Sorelli, Canada B. Massicotte, Canada H. Stang, Denmark C. Mazzotti, Italy J. Sustersic, Slovenia A. Meda, Italy G. Tiberti, Italy V. Mechtcherine, Germany R. D. Toledo Filho, Brazil F. Minelli, Italy F. Toutlemonde, France B. Mobasher, USA L. Vandewalle, Belgium C. Molins, Spain G. Van Zijl, South Africa A. Naaman, USA J. Walraven, Netherlands J. Navarro-Gregori, Spain Y. Yao, China B. Nematollahi, Australia D.-Y. Yoo, South Korea G. Parra-Montesinos, USA Y.-S. Yoon, South Korea G. Plizzari, Italy C. Zanotti, Canada D. Redaelli, Switzerland R. Zerbino, Argentina J. Resplendino, France Institutions Organised by UPV ICITECH Universitat Politècnica de València Institute of Concrete Science and Technology Organisation ix Supported By RILEM fib ACI International Union The International Amercian Concrete Institute of Laboratories and Experts Federation for in Construction Materials, Structural Systems and Structures Concrete Sponsors Gold Sponsor

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