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by  N.A.
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Few NoAs on A Recent Trea! ; Efbrartan Wrtarpara Joykrisboe: Pobtio Librap Govt. of Wert Booual iy FEW NOTES on A RECENT TRIAL |. InLearnanive OF MOPUSSIL JUDICOATURE Arvin heving bean aubjocted to wprosceutian protmcted for steven months, diving whiol period my aniinary oepations ‘were, in consagics, almost totally auspended —eftor being pat to expense, which to «wan of ordinary meas would have proved almost ruiuowy~atter adféring yore wooks’ imprison ment, I have born declared by the highest Criminal Comet of the Realm ignuesnt of all laid to my charge 1b sixtker me that it raay not be without profit bn Iny hefuro the publis « waratine of the proededings which have ened ne somuch uaffering. Pousily it may he deernod ragyestive of ‘some reforn in those courts whicl have beca the scene of the travaictions to whidhit relates, nud which, exercising functionsy as well exsoutive aa judicial, possess powers which my cave ‘hows tay bo need to wonk auch oppression, Tbalin divloaes 4 womewbot enziots suomaly, thet whereas in other counties ‘woalth is eupposod in wome dagresto protent its pouseasot from ‘wrong, bere it operates to prevent him from obiaining that msssine of justion which i¢ omsidered the due of poorer Individaale "Ths ryote of my. enlate of Bullootay ia the ‘Thooash Doom Jas, Zila Howrah, leagued themeelves together ins coumpi= ‘acy or dlivrmoghuit with the avowor object df opposing aud ¥ Cty. Injucing me by every moana within their power. E huve every reasm ta suspect, though i might be impossible to prove judicially, thot a powerfid neighboring ¢eminrar, with whom Tiiave Jong been on bud terms, was bebind the scones, In fustherauoe af the object of the conspiracy onc of the asso” ciated! ryote, by name Muldon Dey, on the 8th of Jamuney 1858 presented @ petition to Mr, Grey, the magistrate of Howrah, stating his apprehension that my gomacteb of Bulloo tes ndronsuth Moraoundac) world take foreilde means to cevit 8 chou, ot fourth part, of the puschase munay of @ house suid to bave been a short tine previously sold by the petitioner, and prayer foe protection, On this the mugistrate orderol the derayah of Doonajoor to twhe wack messures fi proweviny Ube porco as night appear to him proper, ‘The Aarugah, withom making any enquiry, regnined Toth the gomastak and the complainant to enter into a mochulka or recngnisanie to keep die pose ‘The sume Mnddon on the 1th of Jamury again complain eat to the magistrate, aioe oF the dbavogh having token the muchulkn from the gonmasizh, the talwokelar, iu canuveq aacuniag mysclf, had become very angry, and had onlored the gouuastah to pluudor Muddon's bovis and te arest, Muddow Rimoulf ; and thar, in pursuacee of thot order, the gomastal, od aseonbled Iatecals (chibmen) in different places on his estate. Upun this the magistrate iemed orders, directing the darogab, if he should find thas there was probability of ee, peace being brokou, to send the complainant to give au jjalar (statement) anu to send the gomastah and andyees or iatorals to give puncbulkas hetore the usggistrate. The dareega accordingly sent buth parties on the 27¢h January Lefore the assistont magistrate at Hownd, who, withont hearing any evidence, tnok a muchuika or resoguizance from the gomasiah, the naib gumastuh, and one nndgee and Uiree pykes, in 500 Rupees each, CMe on C3) ‘Tho gomasiah and others appaled te the ssivas judge from the order of the assistant magistmte, but the julye upheld tho order, On the 16th Junuary 1858 the gomasteh, Fadoonautl, prevonted a petition to the magistante, ia which he reprouented that be hed never demauded sny chout frou Mrddou Dey, nor vwed any fhronts towards hitn ; but that a large amount of rent wos due ftom Muddin, with s view to avuid the pmuymenté of which he was playing off these trioks, and prayed! that Mnddon might bo punished for having brought a false com- plaint, ‘The magistrate torwarded this petition to the durugah, sau directed him, if uecewsnry, to send in Buddon tw give a mnchulls, Oa the 24th January Muidon Dey coupiained, daring the sbeonre of the darngoh, to the jemwlar of the thannah, that the gomaastah of Kristopore, a ncighboring village, bud under the pretext of levying a distraiut under Regulation XX. in the name of Goluk Grose and Kalikristo Napit: plundered his property, ‘The jemnJar noted this complaint io the thannab daily book. Op ihe 92nd Jemary 1838 Maddon again appear beforn the magisirate, and complained that the gumiastah, Judoo Mouzocmndur, with veveral othice persons fad carried off his property to tho amount of 1,000 Rupees from the shop of Togounndee, with whom ho alleged that bo was in partnership; on which the magistrate directed the darogah to inake « full report on the eubject, The daroysh deputed the thanuah mchurrir to hold an enquiry on the spot, The mohurrir ‘eportad on the 12th Februsry that of the alleged outrage, which hie ascribed to the influence of the zemindar, 00 proof wa forthcoming, and that Fugommndes and other wituomes had deposed thal the pmperty alleged to have boon plundered had been scld under process of law. ‘Tho mohurrir, however, alleged that he had satisfied himself by private omquicy that

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