FEVER, HEAT REGULATION, OLIMATE, AND THE THYROID ADRENAL APPARATUS BY W. CRAMER, PH:D., D.Se:, M.R.C.S. IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH FUND, LONDON LATE LECTURER IN CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY, EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY WITH ILLUSTRATIONS LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO. LTD. 89 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK, TORONTO CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, AND MADRAS 19f18 B. L. No. 64. Imperial Veterinary Research Institute Library, . MUKTESWAR.612 eRA. , Class. Phy sioloCY Register No. 4627 Room No. Inward N<h. 3103 f} Shelf No.. I I Receiyed. 28-7-45 Book No. QIPD-SI-863 Dr. IVRI ~ruk~osar-4·u·40-Z00. FEVER, HEAT REGULATION, CLIMATE, AND THE 'rHYROID ADRENAL APPARATUS BY THE SAJfE AUTHOR DIRECTIONS FOR A PRACTICAL COURSE IN CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY Crown 8vo. 48. 6d. net. Interleaved with Writing Paper for Notes. 5s. net. LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO., LTD. LONDON NEW YORK TORONTO CALCUTTA BOMBAY AND MADRAS Afa .de in Great Britain CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II THE HISTOCHEMICAL METHOD-THE ADRENAL MEDULLA A~ REST 15 CHAPTER III THE ACTIVE ADRENAL GLAND 23 CHAPTER IV THE THYROID GLAND 37 CHAPTER V THE THYROID AND ADRENAL GLANDS AS ENDOCRINE FACTORS IN THE CONTROL OF METABOLISM AND OF HEAT REGULATION 54 CHAPTER VI THE GLYCOGENIO FUNCTION OF THE LIVER 70 CHAPTER VII SELF-CONTROL AND INHIBITION IN THE ADRENAL GLAND 95 V vi FEVER AND THYROID-ADRENAL APPARATUS CHAPTER VIII PAGE THE PATHOLOGY OF THE THYROID-ADRENAL APPARATUS. 109 CHAPTER IX THE THYROID-ADRENAL APPARATUS IN MAN. CLIMATE AND CIVILISATION • 137 INDEX 151 LIST OF ILL USTRATIONS PLATES CHAPTER II PLA.TES BETWEEN PAGES I. Normal adrenal gland of mouse 22 2. Resting medulla of normal adrenal gland of mouse . and 3. Light islet of medullary cells . 23 } 4. Adrenal medulla of rat with nerve fibres CHAPTER III 5. Active secretion of adrenalin in sympathetic fever 6 and 7. Phases of active secretion produced by bacterial vaccines 8. Active secretion of adrenalin after exposure to cold 9. Exhaustion of adrenal gland by exposure to cold 36 and 10. Exhaustion of medulla by exposure to cold 37 II. Effect of ether anresthesia on adrenal medulla 12. Effect of asphyxia on adrenal medulla 13. Effect of insulin on adrenal medulla 14 and 15. Effect of adrenal activity on corticallipoids CHAPTER IV 16. Thyroid gland of normal and of thyroid-fed rat 17. Thyroid gland of thyroid-fed mouse 18. Effect of cold on thyroid gland of mouse 52 19. Hremorrhage into centre of a thyroid alveolus and 53 20 and 21. Effect of cold on thyroid gland of rat. 22. Passage of colloid from thyroid alveoli into the circulation vii viii FEVER AND THYROID-ADRENAL APPARATUS CHAPTER VII PLATES BETWEEN PAGES 23 and 24. Effect of adrenalin on adrenal gland.-" Self Control" 25. Effect of prolonged thyroid feeding on adrenal gland 108 26 and 27. Recovery of adrenal from effect of thyroid and feeding 109 28. Effect of heat on adrenal gland . 29,30 and 31. Adrenal glands of a mouse with exoph thalmic goitre CHAPTER VIII 32. Adrenalotoxic effect of gas gangrene on adrenal medUlla} 33. Thyroid gland of rat in sympathetic fever. . 136 34. Thy rOl' d g 1a nd 0 f man m. case 0 fm"en mgr. tIs. . 1a3n7d 35. Thyroid gland of man in case of miliary tuberculosis CHAPTER IX 36. Human adrenal:!. Cross sections of right and left gland. 37. Adrenal of premature baby 150 38. Permanent cortex and central body of the same and adrenal 151 39 and 40. Disappearance of central body in human adrenal after birth . TEXT FIGURES FIGUl\E PAGE 1. Pictographic summary of cycle of secretory changes in medullary cells - 25 2. Pictographic summary of histological appearances in resting and in active thyroid gland 43 3. Thyroid gland of mouse kept at room temperature 46 4. Thyroid gland of mouse after exposure to heat 47 5. Thyroid gland of mouse after exposure to cold 48 6. Temperature curve of rat before and after thyroid feeding 51 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix FIGURE -.,. PAGE 7 -9. Production of fever in normal and in thyroidecto- mised rabbits 52 10. Pictogra.phic summary of factors affecting the glyco- genic function of the liver . 87 11. Pictogra.phic summary of changes in different parts of the adrenal gland in the conditions of rest, secretory activity and inhibition . 102