BOLYAI SOCIETY MATHEMATICAL STUDIES socrsrv BOLYAI MATHEMATICALSTUDIES SeriesEditor: GaborFejesT6th PublicationBoard: GyulaO.H.Katona-LaszloLovasz.PeterPalPalfy AndrasRecski.AndrasStipsicz.DomokosSzasz ManagingEditor: DezsOMikl6s 1. Combinatorics,PaulErdllsisEighty,Vol.1 D.Miklos,V.T.S6s,T.Szonyi(Eds.) 2. Combinatorics,PaulErdllsisEighty,Vol.2 D.Mikl6s,V.T.S6s,T.Szonyi(Eds.) 3. ExtremalProblemsforFiniteSets P.Frankl,Z.Fiiredi,G.Katona,D.Mikl6s(Eds.) 4. TopologywithApplications A.Csaszar(Ed.) 5. ApproximationTheoryandFunctionSeries P.Vertesi,L.Leindler,Sz.Revesz,J.Szabados,V.Totik(Eds.) 6. IntuitiveGeometry I.Barany,K.Boroczky(Eds.) 7. GraphTheoryandCombinatorialBiology L.Lovasz,A.Gyarfas,G.Katona,A.Recski(Eds.) 8. LowDimensionalTopology K.Boroczky,[r.,WNeumann,A.Stipsicz(Eds.) 9. RandomWalks P.Revesz,B.T6th(Eds.) 10. ContemporaryCombinatorics B.Bollobas(Ed.) 11. PaulErdllsandHisMathematics1+11 G.Halasz,L.Lovasz,M.Simonovits,V.T.S6s(Eds.) 12. HigherDimensionalVarietiesandRationalPoints K.Boroczky,Ir.,J.Kollar,T.Szarnuely(Eds.) 13. SurgeryonContact3-ManifoldsandSteinSurfaces B.Ozbagci,A.I.Stipsicz 14. APanoramaofHungarianMathematicsintheTwentiethCentury,Vol.1 J.Horvath(Ed.) 15. MoreSets,GraphsandNumbers E.Gy6ri,G.Katona,L.Lovasz(Eds.) 16. Entropy,Search,Complexity I.Csiszar,G.Katona,G.Tardos(Eds.) 17. HorizonsofCombinatorics E.Gy6ri,G.Katona,L.Lovasz(Eds.) 18. HandbookofLarge-ScaleRandomNetworks B.Bollobas,R.Kozma,D.Miklos(Eds.) 19. BuildingBridges M.Grotschel,G.Katona(Eds.) o. Gyula H. Katona Alexander Schrijver Tamas Szonyi (Eds.) Fete of Combinatorics and Computer Science ~ Springer JANOSBOLYAIMATHEMATICALSOCIETY GyulaO.H.Katona ManagingEditor: AlfredRenyiInstituteofMathematics GaborSagi HungarianAcademyofSciences AlfredRenyiInstituteofMathematics Realtanodau.13-15 HungarianAcademyofSciences Budapest1053 Realtanodau.13-15 Hungary Budapest1053 e-mail:[email protected] Hungary e-mail:[email protected] AlexanderSchrijver CentreforMathematics andComputerScience SciencePark123 1098XGAmsterdam TheNetherlands e-mail:[email protected] TamasSzonyi EotvosUniversity DepartmentofComputerScience PazmanyPetersetanyl/C Budapest1117 Hungary e-mail:[email protected] MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):05XX,68XX LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2010928477 ISSN1217-4696 ISBN978-3-642-13579-8 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN978-963-9453-12-8 JanosBolyaiMathematicalSociety,Budapest Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerial isconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broad casting,reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthis publicationorpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawof September9,1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer. ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience-sBusinessMedia ©2010JanosBolyaiMathematicalSocietyandSpringer-Verlag PrintedinHungary Theuseofgeneraldescriptive names,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnot imply.evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotec tivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Coverdesign:WMXDesignGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper 44/3142/db- 543210 CONTENTS CONTENTS ....... .... ... ........... .......... .... ................... 5 PREFACE....... ... ................................ ............ ...... 7 N. ALON and N. WORMALD: High Degree Graphs Contain Large- Star Factors 9 S. BUTLER and R. GRAHAM: Iterated Triangle Partitions 23 F. CHUNG and W. ZHAO: PageRank and Random Walks on Graphs . 43 J. CIBULKA, J. KYNCL, V. MESZAROS, R. STOLAR and P. VALTR: Solution of Peter Winkler's Pizza Problem 63 B. CSABA, I. LEVITT, J. NAGy-GYORGY and E. SZEMEREDI:Tight Bounds for Embedding Bounded Degree Trees 95 G. ELEK: Betti Numbers are Testable 139 T. JORDAN: Rigid and Globally Rigid Graphs with Pinned Vertices .. 151 G. KALAl: Noise Sensitivity and Chaos in Social Choice Theory ..... 173 A. KOSTOCHKA, M. KUMBHAT and V. RODL: Coloring Uniform Hypergraphs with Small Edge Degrees 213 E. MARCHANT and A. THOMASON: Extremal Graphs and Multi- graphs with Two Weighted Colours 239 V. RODL and M. SCHACHT: Regularity Lemmas for Graphs 287 B. SZEGEDY: Edge Coloring Models as Singular Vertex Coloring Models 327 T.-L. WONG, D. YANG and X. ZHU: List Total Weighting of Graphs 337 OPEN PROBLEMS 355 PREFACE This book is the second volume of mathematical papers to commemorate the 60th birthday of Laszlo ('Laci') Lovasz on March 9, 2008. Prominent mathematicians that were inspired by Laci were invited to contribute to the celebrations of this milestone in the Summer of 2008. The response was overwhelming, and therefore two conferences were organized, the first from 5-9 August 2008 in Budapest, and the second the week after, from 11-15 August 2008 in Keszthely, at the borders of Lake Balaton. The first meeting was baptized Building Bridges - Between Mathematics and ComputerScience,the second Fete ofCombinatorics and ComputerScience. These names also adorn the two volumes published to commemorate the celebrations. The two names very well reflect the power and the beauty of Laci's work. Many of his results indeed can be characterized by building new, powerful bridges between and within mathematics and computer science, and these are really feasts to the combinatorial and algorithmic mind. Sev eral ofthe methods found by Lovasz have opened up new areas of research in discrete mathematics and algorithmics. Often, these methods were ob tained by Lovasz by developing beautiful new techniques based on algebra, geometry, ortopology,thus layingfundaments forthe important roleofclas sical mathematics in more modern fields like combinatorics, optimization, algorithmics, and complexity. Laci Lovasz has obtained so many pioneering results that it would be quite impossible to describe a reasonable part of it. Let us just givea brief selection. He solved several important open problems in discrete mathe matics, likethe perfect graph conjecture, Kneser's conjecture, the Shannon capacity problem, the matroid matching problem, and the matching lat tice problem. He proved the now called 'Lovasz Local Lemma', basic in probabilistic combinatorics and randomized algorithms. Hepointed out the significanceofthe ellipsoid method and semidefinite programming for com binatorial optimization, and he designed the lattice basis reduction method, with a wealth of applications in discrete mathematics, combinatorial opti mization, integer programming, number theory, algebra, and cryptography. Other basic algorithmic results were found for volume computation and 8 Preface communication complexity. Recently, Laci was the main inspirator of the new area of graph limits, with its connections to extremal combinatorics and mathematical physics. Laci's deep insight in the combinatorial and algorithmic potentials of geometry and topology isunique. Severalofhisresults are ground-breaking, and there seems little chance that they would have been detected without him. They have inspired and directed the work of a huge part of the researchers in discrete mathematics, optimization, and algorithmics. Laci's reputation is beyond any measure not only because ofhis results and insights, but also because of his very pleasant modesty, his willingness to cooperate and to exchange ideas, and the extreme transparency of his lectures, which form usually exciting eye-openers. The inspiration and charismatic ambiance offered by Laci and his wife Kati have given them many friends and collaborators, all over the world and in a wide range in mathematics and computer science. We are very happy that many ofthem have reacted enthusiastically to our invitation to contribute to the volumes, and that wereceivedso many excellent articles. Like the first volume, also this second volume forms an expression of the impact of Laci Lovasz's work and of the inspiration given by him to many scientists world-wide. Budapest Gyula Katona August 2009 Alexander Schrijver Tamas Szonyi BOlYAI SOCIETY Fete ofCombinatorics, pp. 9-21. MATHEMATICAL STUDIES,20 HIGH DEGREE GRAPHS CONTAIN LARGE-STAR FACTORS NOGA ALON* and NICHOLASWORMALDt Dedicated to Laszl6 Loudsz, for his 60th birthday Weshowthatanyfinitesimplegraphwith minimum degreedcontainsaspanning starforest inwhicheveryconnectedcomponentisofsizeat least n((djlogd)l/3). This settles a problem ofHavet, Klazar, Kratochvil, Kratsch and Liedloff. Dedication This paperisdedicatedto LadLovasz,forhis60th birthday. It settlesa problem presentedbyJanKratochvilat theopen problems sessionofthe meetingBuilding Bridges, whichtook place in Budapest inAugust 2008,celebratingthis birthday. TheLovaszLocalLemma isapplied extensively throughout theproof. Thiswork is therefore a typical example illustrating the immense influence of Laci, who not only provided the community with powerful tools and techniques, but also stimulated research by his books, lectures and organization ofconferences. 1. INTRODUCTION All graphs considered here are finite and simple. A star is a tree with one vertex, the center, adjacent to allthe others, whichare leaves. A starfactor ofa graph G is a spanning forest ofG in whicheveryconnected component is a star. It is easy to see that any graph with positive minimum degree contains a star factor in which every component is a star with at least one "Researchsupported in part by ERC advanced grant, by a USA-Israel BSF grant, by NSF grant CCF 0832797and by the Ambrose MonellFoundation. tSupported bythe Canada Research Chairs Program and NSERC. 10 N. Alon and N. Wormald edge. AconjectureofHavet et al. [9], communicatedto usbyJan Kratochvil [10], asserts that if the minimum degree is large then one can ensure that all stars are large. More precisely, they conjectured that there is a function g(d) that tends to infinity as d tends to infinity, so that every graph with minimum degree d contains a star factor in which every star contains at least g(d) edges. Our main result shows that this is indeed the case, for a function g(d) that grows moderately quickly with d, as follows. Theorem 1.1. There exists an absolute positive constant c so that for all d ~ 2, every graph with minimum degreed contains a star factor in which every star has at least cd1/3j(logd)1/3 edges. The motivation for the conjecture of Havet et al. arises in the running time analysis ofa recent exact exponential time algorithm for the so called L(2,I)-labeling problem of graphs. See [9] for more details. As preparation for the proof of the main result, weprove the following simpler statement. Theorem 1.2. There existsan absolute positiveconstantc' such that forall d ~ 2, every d-regulargraph contains a star factor in which every star has at least c'd]logd edges. This is optimal, up to the valueofthe constant c'. Throughout the paper we make no attempt to optimize the absolute constants. To simplify the presentation we omit all floor and ceiling signs whenever these are not crucial. We may and will assume, whenever this is needed, that the minimum degree d considered is sufficiently large. It is easy to find, in any graph with all vertices ofdegree at least 1,a star factor with stars of at least two vertices each, so the theorems then follow for all d ~ 2. All logarithms are in the natural base, unless otherwise specified. Our notation is standard. In particular, for a graph G = (V,E) and a vertex v E V, we let Nc(v) denote the set of all neighbors of v in the graph G, and let dc(v) = INc(v)1 denote the degree ofv in G. For X c V, Nc(X) = UxEXNC(X) is the set of all neighbors of the members of X. The rest of this short paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the simple proof of Theorem 1.2, and in Section 3 the proof of the main result. Section 4 contains some concluding remarks and open problems. High DegreeGraphs Contain Large-Star Factors 11 2. REGULAR GRAPHS Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let G = (V,E) be a d-regular graph. Put p = (2 + 210gd)jd and let C be a random set of vertices obtained by picking each vertex of G, randomly and independently, to be a member of C, with probability p. We will show that, with positive probability, some such set C willbe a suitable choicefor the set ofcentres of the stars in the desired star factor. Foreachvertex v E V, let Av be the event that eitherv has noneighbors in C or v has more than 3pd neighbors in C. By the standard known estimates for binomial distributions (c.f., e.g., [4], Theorem A.1.12), the probability of each event Av is at most (1- p)d+ (e2j27)2+2logd < e-P+ (lje)2+2logd < Ijed2. Moreover, each event A is mutually independent of v all events Au except those that satisfy NG(v)nNG(u) =1= 0. As there are at most d(d- 1) < d2such vertices u we can apply the Lovasz Local Lemma (c.f., e.g., [4], Corollary 5.1.2) to conclude that with positive probability none of the events A holds. Therefore, there is a choiceof a set C C V so v I I:::; that for every vertex v, 0 < NG(v) nC 3pd= 6+6logd. Fix such a set C, and let B be the bipartite graph whose two classesof vertices are C and V \ C, where each v E C is adjacent in B to all vertices u E V \ C which are its neighbors in G. By the choice of C, for every c, vertex v E C, dB(V) ~ d - 6 - 610gd and for every vertex u E V \ o< dB(U) :::; 6+ 6logd. It thus follows by Hall's theorem that one can assign to each vertex v E C a set consisting of d- 6- 610gd d -,-+------:-:--~>-- 6 6logd 7logd ofits neighbors inV\C, where nomember ofV\C isassigned to more than one such v. (To see this from the standard version of Hall's theorem, split + each vertex v in C into (d- 6- 6logd)j(6 6logd) identical 'sub-vertices', each with the same neighbours in V \ C as v, and find a matching that hits every sub-vertex using Hall's theorem. Then for each v E C, coalescethe subvertices of v back together to form v.) By assigning each unassigned vertex U of V \ C arbitrarily to one of its neighbors in C (note that there always is such a neighbor) we get the required star factor, in which the centers are precisely the members of C and each star contains more than dj(710gd) edges.