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Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls: A New Host for Protocalliphora sialia and Hesperocimex sonorensis in Arizona PDF

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Preview Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls: A New Host for Protocalliphora sialia and Hesperocimex sonorensis in Arizona

Wilson Bulletin 117(2):185—188, 2005 FERRUGINOUS PYGMY-OWLS: A NEW HOST EOR PROTOCALLIPHORA SIALIA AND HESPEROCIMEX SONORENSIS IN ARIZONA GLENN A. PROUDFOOX'J JESSICA L. USENER,^ AND PETE D. TEEL^ — ABSTRACT. While banding Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls (Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum) in Ari- zona, we removed three Protocalliphora sialia (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from the wing margin of one nestling. Subsequent inspection ofnest material revealed an additional 119 Hesperocimexsonorensis (Hemiptera: Cimic- idae), another hematophagous parasite. All nestlings {n = 3) fledged successfully, but on day 8 postfledging, two fledglings were found dead and one was missing. Although unsubstantiated, the subclinical effect (e.g., anemia) of these hematophagous parasites may have contributed to the fledglings’ demise. This is the first published record of P. sialia parasitizing Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls and the first documented infestation of H. sonorensis for nesting Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls. Received 2 August 2004, accepted 23 February 2005. Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls {Glauci- tional ectoparasites. To the best of our knowl- dium brasilianum cactorum, hereafter pygmy- edge, this is the first record of P. sialia par- owl) are secondary obligate cavity nesters that asitizing pygmy-owls. m require mature trees, including large columnar The nest cavity was 3.5 above ground cacti, for nesting (Proudfoot and Johnson level in a saguaro cactus {Carnegiea gigantea) ; 2000). In March 1997, the U.S. Fish and in the Altar Valley southwest of Tucson, Ar- i i Wildlife Service listed the pygmy-owl as en- izona. The entrance diameter (7.5 X 9.0 cm) dangered in Arizona (U.S. Fish and Wildlife was large enough to remove nestlings and nest Service 1997). In 1999, only 41 adult pygmy- material by hand. After the nestlings fledged, ! owls were known to exist in Arizona. In 2000 we removed and examined nest material for and 2001, population sizes in Arizona were 34 additional P. sialia; none were found. How- ! and 36 adults, respectively (U.S. Fish and ever, we did collect 119 Hesperocimex sono- ' Wildlife Service 2003). rensis (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), another he- On 2 June 2002, during a cooperative study matophagous parasite. To the best of our of nesting ecology and phylogeography of knowledge, this is the first published record of ] pygmy-owls in Arizona, we removed three H. sonorensis infesting a pygmy-owl nest cav- I dipteran larvae from the right wing of one ity. Due to funding and time limitations, nest pygmy-owl nestling. Larvae were incidentally material was not examined from any other discovered and then removed during routine pygmy-owl nest cavities. banding of nestlings. The larvae, later identi- The Calliphoridae mostly comprise ne- fied by T. L. Whitworth as P. sialia (Diptera: crophagous fly species that, in the larval stage, ' Calliphoridae), were on the wing margin be- consume carrion or decaying flesh in wounds, tanwdee7n, saencdon1d0arayndre1mI.igWees pnruemsbeerrved5 laanrdva6e,i6n aanndd aDreurgdeenenral2l0y02k).nowLanrvaaslblPorwotfolciaesll(iMpuhlolrean, 95% ethanol and vouchered samples as study however, are hematophagous parasites that specimens at the TexAa&sMCooperative Wildlife commonly feed on nestlings of nidicolous Collection at Texas University in Col- birds (Hill and Work 1947, Bohm 1978, Bo- lege Station. Subsequent examination of the infested nestling's siblings revealed no addi- land et al. 1989, Merino and Botti 1998). Few studies have shown a direct link between Pro- I toccdliphora infestations and nestling mortal- I ' Dept, of Wikllifc ami bislicrics Sciences. Texas ity or reductions in nest productivity (Ciold A&M Univ., 2258 TAMU. College Station. TX 77843. and Dahlsten 1983, Roby et al. 1992). How- USA. A&M ever, recent stutlies have found evidence of TA‘MDUep,t,CoolfleFgjeitStoamtoiloong.y,TXTe7x7a8s43, USA.llniv., 2475 indirect links between hematophagous para- ’Ctirrespomling author; e-mail; sites and nestling-to-fledgling survival. I'or gproiKlfootC«hamu.edu example, in House Wrens ( /roglodytes aedon) 186 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. !17, No. 2, June 2005 a >25% loss in hemoglobin levels was attri- numbers that are underextreme environmental buted to blood feeding by P. parorum and stress. Denncmyssus hinidinis (a mite; Acari; Mesos- The three nestlings banded on 2 June 2002 tigmata: Dermanyssidae). A hemoglobin de- were monitored to fledging (15 June) and for ficiency of this magnitude may significantly 8 days postfledging. Eight days postfledging, reduce the transport of oxygen to tissues. If the nestling from which we removed the P. fledglings retain low hemoglobin and oxygen sialia was found dead at the base of a saguaro levels, their anemic state may have a negative cactus. The carcass was intact with no sign of effect on the birds’ survivorship by reducing depredation or scavengery. That same day, an- the ability to sustain flight and escape preda- other fledgling was found dead. The carcass tors (O’Brien et al. 2001). In Blue Tits {Pams was found in a saguaro cavity, and pluAckGeFd caeruleus), there was a strong negative cor- feathers were visible at the entrance. relation between the heritability ofchick body (Arizona Game and Fish Department) re- size and Protocalliphora infestation, as young searchers could not determine whether the of infested nests produced offspring with a ntehsetnliwngaswasscadveepnrgeedda.tedAorcoinfcietnthraadteddiedeffaonrdt shorter than average tarsus (Charmantier et al. (~1 hr) by six researchers failed to locate the 2004). remaining fledgling. AGFresearchers returned The Cimicidae includes about thirty species of blood-feeding ectoparasites world wide. In to the nest area on three occasions and could birds, infestation of Oeciacus vicarius was at- pneorts.loccoamtme.)th.eBtehciardusfelepdyglgimnyg-o(Dw.l Jf.leAdbglbiantges tributed to the abandonment of nest houses do not disperse from their natal area until —56 used by adult Purple Martins (Progne subis), days postfledging (Proudfoot and Johnson and to the death of 10 nestlings that fledged 2000; GAP pers. obs.), AGF researchers as- prematurely (Loye and Ragan 1991). In Ne- sumed the remaining fledgling was also dead. braska, high infestation of O. vicarius was Although pygmy-owls commonly reuse nest credited with reduced body condition and sea- cavities (Weidensaul 1989), this nest cavity sonal decline in reproductive success of Cliff was not active during the next season (2003; Swallows {Petrochelidon pyrrhonota\ Brown D. J. Abbate pers. comm.). Notably, Cliff and Brown 1986, 1999). Continued study Swallows avoid nesting in areas with previ- showed that parasitized nestlings had in- ously high infestation levels of O. vicarius creased asymmetry in wing and tail feathers, (Brown and Brown 1992). possibly due to nutritional stress resulting There is no direct evidence that parasitic from blood loss. Feather asymmetry may im- blood loss had an effect on the survival of pair flight performance and reduce foraging these pygmy-owls. It is possible that drought efficiency, a possible fitness cost to Cliff conditions in the Tucson Basin during 2002 Swallows (Brown and Brown 2002). In New (http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/twc/climate/ Mexico, infestation of Haematosiphon ino- seazDM.php) were a contributing factor. dorus was credited with the abandonment of However, after reviewing recent research on one Prairie Falcon {Falco mexicanus) nest Protocalliphora and Cimicidae, we would not (three eggs), and with the death of seven Prai- rule out parasitic blood loss as a factor con- rie Falcon (broods of three and four) and two tributing to the mortality of these fledglings. Red-tailed Hawk {Buteo jamaicensis) nest- Using hand removal of nest material, we col- lings (Platt 1975). lected 119 H. sonorensis (~40/nestling). Av- We know of no studies citing Protocalli- erage infestation of O. vicarius in Barn Swal- phora or Cimicidae infestation as the cause of low and Cliff Swallow nests was 19 and 32/ a significant reduction in overall numbers of nestling, respectively (Orr and McCallister any avian species; thus, it is likely that a co- 1985). Brown and Brown (1992) reported av- existence has developed between parasite and erages of 199 and 565 O. vicarius/nest site. host (Gold and Dahlsten 1983). However, we Assuming we collected 100% of the ectopar- would not rule out the possibility that heavy asites from the nest cavity, the parasite load hematophagous parasite infestations may be ('--40/nestling) we report exceeded levels re- detrimental to populations ofspecies with low ported by Orr and McCallister (1985), but it . Proudfoot et al. • PROTOCALLIPHORA AND HESPEROCIMEXIN PYGMY-OWLS 187 A&M was considerably less than the deleterious in- vided by the Entomology Department at Texas j festation levels reported by Brown and Brown University. 1 (1986, 1992, 2001, 2003). Cimicidae, how- LITERATURE CITED ever, are considered nocturnal and are known to crawl into cracks and crevices during day- Adams, J. O. and M. J. R. Hall. 2003. Methods used for the killing and preservation ofblowfly larvae, light (Usinger 1966). Thus, extracting nest and their effect on post-mortem larval length. Fo- material by hand during daylight most likely rensic Science International 138:50-61. provided a conservative representation of H. Rohm, R. T. 1978. Protocalliphora infestation in Great sonorensis infestation. Hand removal of nest Horned Owls. Wilson Bulletin 90:291 material also may have resulted in failure to Boland, S. R, J. A. Halstead, and B. E. Valentine. i 1989. Willow Flycatcher nestling parasitized by extract mobile P. sialia larvae or puparia that larval fly, Protocalliphora cuprina. Wilson Bul- were located in cavity crevices. In addition, as letin 101:127. poikilothermic organisms, the growth rate of Brown, C. R. andM. B. Brown. 1986. Ectoparasitism Protocalliphora is essentially a function oftem- asacostofcoloniality inCliffSwallows{Hirundo perature (growth rate increases linearly with pyrrhonota). Ecology 67:1206-1218. temperature; Adams and Hall 2003). Thus, with Brown, C. R. andM. B. Brown. 1992. Ectoparasitism an average daily high temperature of >30°C as a cause of natal dispersal in Cliff Swallows. Ecology 73:1718-1723. during May and June in Tucson, Arizona Brown, C. R. and M. B. Brown. 1999. Fitness com- (http://wc.pima.edu/Bfiero/tucsonecology/ ponents associated with laying date in the Cliff climate/stats.htm), we suspect that the life cycle Swallow. Condor 101:230-245. ! of P. sialia in the Altar Valley of the Sonoran Brown, C. R. and M. B. Brown. 2001. Egg hatch- i Desert is at or near the 18-day minimum for the alboiwlsi.tyJoiunrcnraelasoefs Fwiietlhd cOorlnointyholsiozgeyi7n2:C1li1f3f-1S2w3a.l- I species (Sabrosky et al. 1989). Because its life Brown, C. R. and M. B. Brown. 2002. Ectoparasites ; cycle in Arizona may be considerably shorter cause increased bilateral asymmetry of naturally than the average time nestling pygmy-owls selected traits in a colonial bird. Journal of Evo- spend in the nest cavity (28 days; Proudfoot and lutionary Biology 15:1067-1075. 1 Johnson 2000), it is possible that multiple P. Brown, C. R. and M. B. Brown. 2003. Testis size ^ sialia parasitized pygmy-owl nestlings, com- increases with colony size in CliffSwallows. Be- havioral Ecology 14:569-575. ' pleted their life cycle, and left the cavity as Charmantier, a., L. E. B. Kruuk, and M. Lam- adults before we extracted nest material. Re- 1 BRECHTS. 2004. Parasitism reduces the potential ' grettably, we did not search nest material for for evolution in a wild bird population. Evolution pupal cases. 58:203-206. The effect of hematophagous parasites on Gold, C. S. and D. L. Dahl.sten. 1983. Effects of pygmy-owl productivity and nestling survival parasitic flies {Protocalliphora spp.) on nestlings ' is not known and additional study is needed oWfilsMoonunBtualilentinan9d5:C5h6e0s-t5n7u2t.-Backed chickadees. i to assess the potential impact of these para- Hill, H. M. and T. H. Work. 1947. Protocalliphora sites on the endangered pygmy-owls of Ari- larvae infesting nestling birds ofprey. Condor49: zona. The intent of this paper was to increase 74-75. I awareness of the parasitic association of l\ Loyi;, j. and T. W. Riioan. 1991. The cliff swallow j sialia and //. sonorensis and pygmy-owls, and bug Occiacus vicarias (llemiptera: Cimicidae) in I Horida: ectoparasite implications for hole-nesting to raise the possibility of postfleding mortality birds. Medical Veterinary Entomology5:5 1-513. I attributable to these parasites. Ml rino, S. and .1. Porn. 1998. Growth, nutritIion ami I blow lly parasitism in nestling Pieti I'lycatchers. ! ACKN()WLi:iXiMi:N IS (’anadian Journal ol Zoology 76:936-941. We tliank D. .1. Abbale, ti. Dubrovsky, M. t' Ingral- MillvIeItNe,riGn.arky. eAnNtDomI.o.loAg.y.DlrAdcia.dn.em2i0c02I.’rMesesd.icSaaln aDnid- j cli, S. .1. I.ant/, S. t! I.owery, W. S. Kicliarclsoii, aiui k. ego, ('alirornia. L. Wilcox tor assistance in the (ielcl; T. L. Whitwortli O'Bkiin, 17 L., B. L. Mokkison, and L. S. .Ioiinson. for providing a positive iilentification ol P. sialia'. k. 2001. Assessing the ellect o( hematophagous ec- M. Mohrand three anonymous reviewers lor[irovirling toparasites on the health ol nestling birds: hae- comments on an earlierdratt ol this manuscript, tniml- matocrit vs. haemoglobin le\els in Mouse Wrens ing was provitled by Arizona Game ami l ish Depart parasiti/eil by blow lly larvae. Journal ol Avian ment, Pima C’ounty Ailministrations Olfice. ami L.S. Biology 32:73 76. t ish ami Wikllile Service; logistical support was pro- ()KR. r. \Ni) G. \1( ('\i I isii R. 1985. American swal- 188 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 117, No. 2, June 2005 low bug, Oeciacus vicarius Horvath (Hemitera: notes on the Palearctic species. Smithsonian In- Cimicidae), in Hirundo rustica and Petrochelidon stitution Press, Washington, D.C. pyrrhonota nests in west central Colorado. Great UsiNGER, R. L. 1966. Monograph of Cimicidae (He- Basin Naturalist 47:345-346. miptera-Heteroptera). Entomology Society of Platt, S. W. 1975. The Mexican chicken bug as a America, College Park, Maryland. sourceofraptormortality.Wilson Bulletin87:557. U.S. Fish and Wildliee Service. 1997. Endangered Proudfoot, G. a. and R. R. Johnson. 2000. Lerru- and threatened wildlife and plants; Determination ginous Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium brasilianum). of endangered status for the Cactus Ferruginous The Birds ofNorth America, no. 498. Pygmy-Owl in Arizona. Federal Register 62: Roby, D. D., K. L. Brink, and K. Wittmann. 1992. 10730-10747. Effects of bird blowfly parasitism on Eastern U.S. Fish and Wildliee Service. 2003. Cactus Fer- Bluebird andTree Swallow nestlings. Wilson Bul- ruginous Pygmy-Owl {Glaucidium brasilianum letin 104:630-643. cactorum) draft Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish and Sabrosky, C. W., G. E Bennett, and T. L. Whit- Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. worth. 1989. Bird blow flies (Protocalliphora) in Weidensaul, S. 1989. North American birds of prey. North America (Diptera: Calliphoridae), with Gallery Books, New York.

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