Ferroelectric domain patterns in barium titanate single crystals studied by means of digital holographic microscopy Pavel Mokry´,1,∗ Pavel Psota,1 Kateˇrina Steiger,1 Jan V´aclav´ık,1 Roman Doleˇcek,1 David V´apenka,1 and V´ıt L´edl1 1Regional Centre for Special Optics and Optoelectronic Systems (TOPTEC), Institute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Za Slovankou 1782/3, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic (Dated: May 4, 2016) In this Article, we report on the observation of ferroelectric domain pattern in the whole volume of the ferroelectric barium titanate single crystal by means of the digital holographic microscopy (DHM). Our particular implementation of DHM is based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer and the numerical processing of data employs the angular spectrum method. A modification of the DHM technique, which allows a fast and accurate determination of the domain walls, i.e. narrow regions separating the antiparallel domains, is presented. Accuracy and sensitivity of the method are discussed. Using this approach, the determination of important geometric parameters of the 6 ferroelectric domain patterns (such as domain spacing or the volume fraction of the anti-parallel 1 domains) is possible. In addition to the earlier DHM studies of domain patterns in lithium niobate 0 andlithiumtantalate,ourresultsindicatethattheDHMisaconvenientmethodtostudyadynamic 2 evolution of ferroelectric domain patterns in all perovskite single crystals. y Keywords: ferroelectricdomainpatterns;electro-opticalmaterials;digitalholographicmicroscopy a M I. INTRODUCTION charged head-to-head domain walls only. 3 Averyefficienttoolfora3Dobservationofferroelectric ] It is known that macroscopic properties such as di- domains in lithium niobate (LN) using the Digital Holo- i c electric constant, piezoelectric coefficients, and elastic graphicInterferometry(DHI)wasdemonstratedbyGrilli s compliance of ferroelectric samples are tremendously en- etal.15. Sofar,severalarrangementsoftheopticalinter- - l hanced by the existence of domain walls in the ferroelec- ferometerandseveralnumericalmethodsfortheprocess- r t tric sample1. In the research field called domain engi- ing of digital holograms have been used. The reflective m neering2 this effect is employed in a controlled manner grating interferometer to capture the digital hologram . and several methods for the preparation of domain pat- hasbeenusedbyGrillietal.15 andPatursoetal.16. Sev- t a terns to intentionally enhance particular physical prop- eral works5,17–21 have demonstrated domain pattern vi- m erties of ferroelectric samples has been demonstrated so sualization using the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The - far3–5. Anexampleofenhancementofpiezoelectricprop- captured digital holograms have been processed using d erties in ferroelectrics using the domain engineering was Fresnel diffraction formula approach15,16,22,23 or angu- n presented in6–10. Understanding the details of physical lar spectrum method17,19,20. Unfortunately, most of the o c processes standing behind the aforementioned enhance- ferroelectric domain patters observations have been per- [ ments requires non-destructive methods for the observa- formed only on LN and lithium tantalate single crystal tion of ferroelectric domain patterns, which allow a fast samples, which are characterized by large values of coer- 2 andaccuratedeterminationoftheirgeometricproperties. cive fields, stable domain patterns, and small values of v 8 Therefore, it is seen that the progress in domain engi- piezoelectric coefficients. 5 neering in ferroelectrics and recent improvements in di- In the work presented below, we demonstrate the ap- 8 electric characterization techniques stimulate the devel- plicability of the DHI for the observation of ferroelectric 2 opmentofmethodsthatallowthethreedimensional(3D) domains in the barium titanate (BT) single crystals. An 0 . observation of ferroelectric domains and domain walls. important task resolved in this work is the limitation 1 Since the ferroelectric domain walls and charged defects on the maximum electric field applied to the BT single 0 produce local variations of the electric and strain fields, crystal samples due to much smaller values of the co- 6 they can be studied on the atomic scale by means of ercive field. The small values of the coercive field put 1 : electron holography (EH)11,12. Since the presence of the requirements on the sensitivity of the implemented digi- v residualdepolarizingfieldduetotheuncompensatedsur- tal holographic microscope (DHM). The main objective i X facechargesstronglyaffectstheEHpatterns,theirinter- of the work is to observe the periodic 180◦ domain pat- pretation requires a comprehensive and careful analysis tern in the BT single crystal sample and to develop a r a includingthepreciseknowledgeofelectricboundarycon- simple and fast method for the accurate identification of ditions of the observed sample13. Recently, a Cherenkov the fundamental geometric parameters of the observed second-harmonic generation (CSHG) has appeared as a domainpattern,namelythedomainspacingandthevol- powerfultoolforthevisualizationofdomainwallsinfer- ume fractions of the anti-parallel ferroelectric domains. roelectric bulk crystals with superb optical resolution14. In order to achieve the objective, a DHM based on the Unfortunately, CSHG method allows the visualization of Mach-Zehnder interferometer has been constructed and 2 l E given by the sum of the constant spontaneous polariza- l tion P0,i (whose orientation alters from domain to do- main) and the linear dielectric response of the crystal lattice to the external electric field E : i P =±P +χ E , (2) i 0,i ij j h whereχ isthedielectricsusceptibilitytensorofthecrys- ij tal lattice. When Eq. (2) is substituted into Eq. (1), the optical indicatrixcanbe expressed as the functionof the -P 0 appliedelectricfieldE andthespontaneouspolarization i P P0,i within each domain: 0 x x (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) 1 2 3 x1 n2 = n2 δij+giTjklP0,kP0,l±2giTjklP0,kχlmEm. (3) ij 0 The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (3) ex- FIG.1. Geometryoftheconsidered[001]-orientedferroelec- presses the linear electro-optic effect, which is the source tricsinglecrystalofbariumtitanate. Vectorsofspontaneous oftheopticalcontrast,i.e. thedifferenceintherefractive polarizationintheadjacentferroelectricdomainsareoriented index ∆n , between the adjacent anti-parallel ferroelec- ij inthedirectionofx3 axis. Thicknessoftheferroelectricsam- tricdomainsatagivenconstantappliedelectricfieldEk: pleisdenotedbythesymbolh. Theperiodicdomainpattern with the half-period denoted by the symbol l is considered. ∆n (E )=n3rT E , (4) ij k c ijk k the angular spectrum method is used for the numerical where processing of the interferometric measurements. rT =gT χ P (5) ijk ijnm c,nk 0,m is the unclamped linear electro-optic coefficient tensor II. METHODS andn =n −(1/2)gT n3P2 standsforthevalueofthe c 0 11 0 0,3 refractive index along the polar axis in barium titanate. In order to implement the methods for the DHI ob- The essential point, which is expressed by Eq. (5), is the servation of ferroelectric domain patterns, it is necessary fact that the value of the linear electro-optic coefficient to specify basic requirements for the examined samples. is proportional to the spontaneous polarization P . We consider a [001]-oriented ferroelectric single crystal 0 In order to measure the spatial distribution of the re- of barium titanate, which is shown in Fig. 1. Vectors fractive index in the ferroelectric single crystal, the fer- of spontaneous polarization P in the adjacent ferroelec- 0 roelectric sample is illuminated by a light beam along tric domains are oriented in the direction of x axis. It 3 the direction of the polar axis x . In the absence of is considered that the periodic domain pattern with the 3 the electric field in the ferroelectric sample, the wave- half-period denoted by the symbol l is formed in the fer- front of the optical wave passes through the ferroelectric roelectric sample and that all domain walls crosses the sample without any distortion. In the presence of the whole thickness h of the sample. electric field E , the wavefront becomes distorted with a Theobservationofferroelectricdomainsusingtheopti- 3 phase shift ∆φ, which is spatially modulated as the op- calinterferometryisbasedontheemploymentofnonlin- tical waves passes through the crystal with anti-parallel earpolarization-opticeffect,i.e. therelationbetweenthe domains. Thephaseshiftconsistsofthesumoftwocon- refractiveindextensorandthepolarizationofthecrystal tributions: due to the electro-optic effect and due to the lattice. This physical phenomenon can be expressed us- crystal elongation produced by the piezoelectric effect24: ing the Taylor expansion of the optical indicatrix tensor in terms of the polarization vector components: πn3 (cid:20) 2 (n −n ) (cid:21) (cid:18)n12(cid:19) (P)= n12 δij +giTjklPkPl, (1) ∆φ=− λ0c r3T33− cn3c g d333 hE3. (6) ij 0 The symbol λ stands for the wavelength of light in a 0 where n is the virtually temperature independent vacuum, n is the refractive index along the polar axis, 0 c isotropicrefractiveindexintheparaelectricphaseofper- n is the refractive index of the surrounding medium, g ovskites and gT are the unclamped polarization-optic d is the piezoelectric coefficient. ijkl 333 coefficients, and P is the polarization vector. Let us The spatial dependence of the wavefront distortion, i consider the hard-ferroelectric approximation where the i.e. the spatial dependence of the phase shift ∆φ, polarization response of the ferroelectric single crystal is which corresponds to the spatial distribution of the 3 spontaneous polarization within the ferroelectric do- the object plane, which contains the phase information main pattern, can be measured using a digital holo- of the object wave, is calculated by the Sommerfeld for- graphic microscopy (DHM). The contemporary conven- mulawhichdescribesthediffractionofalightwavebythe tional Charge-coupled device (CCD) or Complementary hologram grating in the distance d from the hologram: metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) digital cameras al- low to measure only the intensity of the incident optical 1 (cid:90)(cid:90) U(x , x )= H(ξ ,ξ )× wave, which corresponds to the amplitude of the wave. 1 2 jλ 1 2 0 Unfortunately, the phase component of the wave is lost exp(jkδ) during the measurement process. Ur(cid:63)ef(ξ1,ξ2) δ dξ1dξ2, (8) Inordertodealwiththisdrawbackofdigitalmeasure- ments and to obtain information about the phase profile where of the transmitted optical wave, the superposition with (cid:112) an additional reference wave is used. This approach is δ = d2+(ξ1−x1)2+(ξ2−x2)2. called the Digital Holography Interferometry (DHI) and The symbols x and x stand for the coordinates at the consists, in general, of two steps. 1 2 object plane. The symbols ξ and ξ stand for the coor- Inthefirststep,amicro-interferencepatternproduced 1 2 dinates at the hologram plane. by the superposition of the reference wave U and a ref TheSommerfeldintegralcanbesolvedbyseveraltech- the wave U reflected from (or transmitted through) the o niques25. For the purpose of DHM, we use the Angular measured object (it will be further referred as the object Spectrum(AS)method,sinceitprovidesvaliddiffraction wave) is captured using the CCD or CMOS camera. It fields even for small distances d. In the AS method, the should be noted here that the functions U and U are ref o reconstruction formula Eq. (8) can be interpreted as a treated as complex numbers where their absolute values superposition integral: and arguments correspond to the values of the ampli- tudesandphasesofparticularopticalwaves. Thedigital (cid:90)(cid:90) camera captures the intensity of the superposition of the U(x , x )= H(ξ ,ξ )× 1 2 1 2 reference and object waves and the captured digital ob- ject is called the digital hologram H: Ur(cid:63)ef(ξ1,ξ2)g(x1−ξ1, x2−ξ2)dξ1dξ2, (9) H =|U +U |2 =|U |2+|U |2+U U(cid:63)+U(cid:63) U . (7) where g is the impulse response. ref o o ref ref o ref o In practice, the integral in Eq. (9) is computed using In the second step, the phase parameter of the object Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) as follows: wave is extracted numerically from the digital hologram H usingfundamentalpropertiesofthewavepropagation, U(x , x )=FFT−1 {FFT [H(ξ ,ξ ) × interference and diffraction. Usually, the second step in 1 2 ν1,ν2 ξ1,ξ2 1 2 U(cid:63) (ξ ,ξ )](ν , ν ) G(ν , ν )}(x , x ). (10) the DHI is called the digital hologram reconstruction. ref 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 In order to capture a hologram, which allows the nu- wherethesymbolGrepresentsthetransferfunctionwith merical reconstruction of the parameters of the object spatial frequencies ν and ν : 1 2 wave, the both interfering waves are supposed to be co- herent with the same polarization direction. The digi- (cid:20) 2πd(cid:112) (cid:21) tally recorded hologram is transferred to a computer as exp − λ 1−(λ0ν1)2−(λ0ν2)2 0 a matrix of numbers, which are proportional to the in- G(ν , ν )= (11) 1 2 for (λ ν )2+(λ ν )2 ≤1, tpernospiatygagtiiovnenobfyoptthiceaflufinecltdiosnisHcominpEleqte.ly(7)d.escSriinbceedtbhye 0 otherw0is1e. 0 2 thediffractiontheory,thenumericalreconstructionofthe In order to measure the spatial distribution of the optical field can be processed numerically as an array of phaseshift∆φ(x , x )givenbyEq.(6),twodigitalholo- complex numbers representing the amplitude and phase 1 2 grams are captured. The first hologram is captured in of the interfering waves. In a comparison with the clas- the initial (reference) state of the ferroelectric sample at sical “analog” holography, the reconstruction process is the absence of the electric field in the ferroelectric sam- done completely numerically in the case of DHI. ple. The reconstructed object complex wave U in the Let us consider that the digital camera is located in a 1 reference state has the form: distancedfromtheferroelectricsample,wherethephase distribution is of the interest. (It will be further referred U (x , x )=|U (x , x )| exp[jφ (x , x )]. (12) 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 as the object plane.) In order to obtain the phase distri- bution of the object wave, the recorded digital hologram Thesecondhologramiscapturedwhenanon-zeroexter- H ismultipliedwithanumericalmodeloftheconjugated nalelectricfieldE isappliedtotheferroelectricsample. 3 reference wave Ur(cid:63)ef. It is convenient to consider the sim- The reconstructed object complex wave U2 in this situa- plest case of the planar reference wave of the unite am- tion has the form: plitude, so that we can put U(cid:63) = 1 at the hologram ref plane. ThenumericallyreconstructedcomplexfieldU at U (x , x )=|U (x , x )| exp[jφ (x , x )]. (13) 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 Finally, the spatial distribution of the phase shift thenumericalapertureof0.10. Thehighnumericalaper- ∆φ(x , x ) is computed from the fraction U /U using ture of the ML reduces the spatial frequency of the sam- 1 2 2 1 the formula: ple in the image plane in order to fulfill the Nyquist cri- terion in the hologram plane and therefore the lateral (cid:26)Im(U U(cid:63))(cid:27) (cid:26)U(cid:48)U(cid:48)(cid:48)−U(cid:48)U(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:27) resolution in the image plane can reach the diffraction ∆φ=arctan 2 1 =arctan 1 2 2 1 . Re(U U(cid:63)) U(cid:48)U(cid:48) +U(cid:48)(cid:48)U(cid:48)(cid:48) limit. TheL2lensdivergestheRWwiththeaimtomatch 2 1 1 2 1 2 the curvature of the RW with the curvature of the OW (14) in the hologram plane. The both waves are recombined Such an approach has several advantages, which can be using the beam splitter (BS2) and create an off-axis dig- beneficially used during the interpretation of numerical ital hologram that is captured by the IDS digital camera data. (CAM) with 2048 × 2048 pixels having the size 5.5 µm each. ThepositionoftheCAM(alsocalledthehologram plane) is close to the position, where the image by the MLisformed. Thephotographoftheconstructeddevice III. RESULTS is shown in Fig. 4. Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show the captured digital holo- In our experiments, the [001]-oriented single crys- grams H at zero electric field (Fig. 5(a)) and H at tals of pure barium titanate of the thickness h = 1 2 E =0.8 kV/mm (Fig. 5(b)). Each of the holograms H 0.5 mm (Forschunginstitut fu¨r mineralische und met- 3 1 and H isused forthecomputationof thecorresponding allische Werkstoffe Edelsteine/Edelmetalle GmbH., Ger- 2 complex wave U and U , respectively, according to the many) have been examined. In order to obtain a high 1 2 procedure described by Eq. (10). Figure 5(c) shows the quality optical surface, the BT samples have been pol- intensity of the optical wave U transmitted through the ished in two steps. At first, the surface has been lapped 1 observedvolumeofthecrystalinthereferencestate. The with a free silicon carbide abrasive with a grain size intensity of the transmitted optical wave shows no evi- 18 µm and then polished with cerium oxide on the dence of the presence of 90◦ domain walls, which would polyurethane substrate. In order to provide the external be otherwise clearly indicated by bright and dark stripes voltage to the bulk of the ferroelectric single crystal, the due to different orientations of the refractive index el- opticalcellwithsapphirewindowsandliquidtransparent lipsoid in the adjacent domains. Figure 5(c) shows the electrodes (solution of barium chloride, BaCl , in water 2 phase of the transmitted optical wave U , which is com- with the mass concentration of approx. 5 g/l) has been 1 putedfromthedigitalhologramH . Thephaseprofileof fabricated. Thesurfaceroughnessofthesamplehasbeen 1 thecomplexfieldU givesinformationonthespatialdis- measuredusingthewhitelightinterferometer(NewView 1 tribution of the refractive index in the observed volume 7200,ZygoCo.,USAequippedwith20×Mirautypelens of the BT single crystal at the zero applied field (with withnumericalapertureequalto0.4)intheintermediate respect to the complex field in air). The difference be- stageoftheDHIexperiments. Figure2showstheresults tween maximum and minimum values of the phase of U of the surface roughness measurements. The root mean 1 is about 3.6 rad, which clearly indicates a great optical square values of surface roughness of 4.3 and 24.3 nm homogeneityoftheobservedpartBTsinglecrystal. The were measured. These values are much smaller than the spatial variation of the refractive index is smaller than wavelength of the used laser source. The crystallization 10−5,whichprovidestheclearevidencethattheobserved oftheBaCl nucleifromitswatersolutionisexpectedto 2 partoftheBTsinglecrystaliseitherthea-domainorthe be the main source of the measured surface roughness. c-domain. Fig.3showstheschemeoftheconstructeddigitalholo- The the distorted profile of the wavefront due to the graphic microscope (DHM) in the transmission configu- anti-paralleldomainpatterninthe[001]-orientedBTsin- ration. The arrangement is based on the Mach-Zehnder gle crystal is then computed from the known complex interferometer. The head of a Sapphire single frequency fields U and U using Eq. (14). The resulting profile is laseremitsabeamhavingthewavelengthof488nmand 1 2 shown in Fig. 6. thepowerof50mW.Behindthemechanicalshutter,the beamisspatiallyfiltered(SF),collimated(CO)andsplit bythepolarizingbeamsplitter(BS1),equippedwithhalf wavelength retardation plates in two beams. Half wave- IV. DISCUSSION length retardation plates are used to set the intensity and polarization of each beam. The first beam acts as a At the beginning of the discussion, it is necessary to reference wave (RW) and could be further attenuated if determinewhattypeofadomainpatternisobservedus- necessary by a set of gray filters placed in filter wheels. ing the DHI experiment. Since the observed part of the The second beam called object wave (OW) is condensed BTsinglecrystaliseitherthea-domainorthec-domain, by the lens (L1) and transmitted through the BT single the phase difference ∆φ, which is produced by the appli- crystal sample. cationoftheexternalfieldduetothelinearelectro-optic The magnification of the image is achieved using the effect, indicates the presence of 180◦ domains. Since the 4× Olympus plan achromat microscope lens (ML) with 180◦ domains in the a-domain are undetectable by the 5 0.058 mm -0.141 (a) (b) 0.445 mm -0.382 (c) (d) FIG.2. RoughnessofthesurfaceoftheexaminedBTsinglecrystalsampleusingwhitelightinterferometer(ZygoCo.,USA). Figures (a) and (c) show the roughness on the selected area of the opposite surfaces of the ferroelectric single crystal sample. Figures (b) and (d) show the roughness at the cross-sections indicated by lines in Figs. (a) and (c), respectively. linear electro-optic effect produced by the external elec- addition,thefollowingnumericalvaluesareconsideredin tric field along the x -axis, the only possibility for the our experiment: h = 0.5 mm, λ = 488 nm, n = 1.33, 3 0 g observed phase difference ∆φ remains that the observed and E =0.8 kV/mm. When the aforementioned values 3 part of the crystal is in the c-domain, where the vector are substituted into Eq. (6), the theoretical peak value ofspontaneouspolarizationisorientedalongthex -axis. of the phase shift is 3.08 rad. It means that the relative 3 difference between measured and theoretical values are In the next step, it is necessary to check whether the smallerthat5%. Thisindicatesareasonablygoodagree- observed distortions of the transmitted wavefront are in mentbetweenmeasureddataandtheavailablenumerical anagreementwithmaterialparametersofBTavailablein values. literature. Figure6showsthatthe application oftheex- ternalelectricfieldof0.8kV/mmhasproducedthephase The particular implementation of the DHM and the shift by -2.94 rad in the areas on the sample surface, numerical processing of the captured digital holograms where the spontaneous polarization in the ferroelectric accordingtoEq.(6)hasaveryconvenientfeature,which domain was oriented along the applied electric field (in- is the fact that the narrow regions, where approximately dicatedbybluecolorinFig.6). Intheareascorrespond- a zero-rad phase shift is computed, correspond to the ing to anti-parallel domains, the phase shift by 3.32 rad cross-sectionofthedomainwallsandthesamplesurface. has been measured (indicated by red color in Fig. 6). Thispropertyofourapproachmakesitpossibletoeasily Letusconsiderthefollowingnumericalvalues,whichare locatethedomainwallsanddistinguishthedomainswith available in literature24 for BT single crystal: n =2.36, thevectorofspontaneouspolarizationorientedalong(i.e. c d =90×10−12 C/N, and rT =105×10−12 m/V. In P )andagainst(i.e. −P )theappliedelectricfieldusing 333 333 0 0 6 L2 LASER with the vector of spontaneous polarization oriented M3 M2 along and against the vector of applied electric field, re- spectively. The values of v and v can be easily de- CAM NF up dn sample termined by summing up the white and black pixels in RW Fig. (7). The field dependence of the net spontaneous OW M1 BS2 ML L1 BS1 CL SF polarization(normalizedbythespontaneouspolarization P )isshowninFig.8. Theredcircularmarkersindicate 0 HV the measured values. The thick blue line indicates the median values determined by the non-parametric quan- FIG.3. Schemeoftheconstructedexperimentalsetupforthe tile regression. The thin blue lines indicate the first and three-dimensionalmesoscopicobservationsofferroelectricdo- 10-th deciles, respectively. It is seen that the accuracy mainwallsusingthedigitalholographicmicroscope. Themi- of the DHI method reduces with a decrease in the ap- croscope consists of laser source (Laser), three mirrors (M1, pliedelectricfield. Ontheotherhand,anincreaseinthe M2, and M3), two beam splitters (BS1 and BS2), a spatial magnitudeoftheexternalfieldmayinfluencenetsponta- filter(SF),collimatinglens(CL),twolens(L1andL2),micro- scopiclens(ML),neutraldensityfilter(NF),anddigitalcam- neouspolarizationofthedomainpattern. Therefore,the era (CAM). The microscope has the Mach-Zehnder arrange- choice of the magnitude of the applied field represents a ment. As the external voltage provided by the high-voltage delicate procedure of the DHI experiment. source (HV) is applied to the ferroelectric single crystal liq- In order to determine the optimal amplitude of the uid transparent electrodes, the phase of the impinging beam external electric field, we have proceeded the following (object wave, OW) is changed due to the linear electro-optic procedure. We have performed a series of DHI experi- effect in the ferroelectric domains. The phase-modulated ob- ments at different magnitudes of the external field from ject wave then interferes with the reference wave (RW) and 0 to 1.2 kV/mm. Then, we have analyzed the evolution the resulting micro-interference pattern is captured by the digital camera as a digital hologram. of the observed domain patterns according to procedure described above. Figure 9 shows the relative change in pixels produced by the increase in the magnitude of the M2 Laser externalfield. Thetotalrelativechangeinpixelswithan L2 direction increase in the external field magnitude is controlled by two contributions: (i) by the increased accuracy of the Sample BS1 DHIexperimentduetogreatermeasuredphasedifference BS2 ∆φ, and(ii)bythechangeinthenetspontaneouspolar- CL ization due to the increase in the external electric field. Since the total relative change in pixels can be measured and the net spontaneous polarization can be reasonably CAM estimated, the relative accuracy of the DHI observation direction can be estimated. Results of these estimations are pre- sented in Fig. 10. It should be noted that the computed numerical value FIG. 4. Photograph of the constructed digital holographic of the net spontaneous polarization may be affected by microscope. Symbols standing by the optical elements are theoversimplifiedconsiderationofthepiezoelectriceffect described in Fig. 3. inEq.(6). Indeed,theformulaforthephaseshift,which is presented in this work by Eq. (6), has been calculated under the consideration of the single-domain ferroelec- a simple criterion of negative and positive value of the tric sample. This is clearly not the case of the particular computed phase shift ∆φ, respectively. situation of our experiment. Actually, the elastic inter- Figure 7 shows the visualization of the 180◦ domain action of the adjacent domain under the application of pattern computed from the phase difference shown in theexternalelectricfieldresultsin“smearing”thesharp Fig. 6 using the procedure described in the above para- interface between domains, which is of a sub-nanometer graph. The results in Fig. 7 indicate a clear plate-like scale in BT single crystal. Nevertheless, the numerical domain pattern with the average value of the domain phase-field simulations of the similar system26 indicates spacing identified as l = 47.7 µm. The observed specks that the stray elastic fields in the domain wall regions are produced by the surface contamination from the liq- does not affect the DHM result. uid electrodes. Another advantage of our measurement arrangement Further processing of the domain-state image allows is the fact that the wavefront distortion ∆φ, which is the computation of the net spontaneous polarization, measured using DHM, averages the spatial distribution which is defined by the formula: ofthespontaneouspolarizationoverthewholevolumeof P =P (v −v ), (15) the sample. It may happen that the 180◦ domain wall N 0 up dn is not perpendicular to the surface of the sample due to where v and v are the volume fractions of domains arbitrary orientation of the sample or due to the pin- up dn 7 0 0 200 200 400 400 ) ) m m m 600 m 600 ( ( x2 x2 800 800 1000 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 x (mm) x (mm) 1 1 (a)H1 atE3=0.0kV/mm (b)H2 atE3=0.8kV/mm 0 0 1.8 200 200 400 400 ) ) m m 0 m 600 m 600 ( ( x2 x2 800 800 1000 1000 -1.8 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 x (mm) x (mm) 1 1 (c)|U1|atE3=0kV/mm (d)argU1 atE3=0kV/mm FIG.5. (a)and(b)showmicro-interferencepatternscalleddigitalhologramsH andH capturedusingdigitalcameraduring 1 2 the observation of ferroelectric domain pattern in the BT single crystal at zero and 0.8 kV/mm external electric field. The cleardifferenceinthehologrampatternsisproducedduetothelinearelectro-opticeffect. (c)showstheintensityoftheoptical wavetransmittedthroughtheobservedvolumeoftheBTsinglecrystal. (d)showsthecomputedwavefrontdeformationofthe optical wave transmitted through the BT single crystal at zero applied field. ning of the domain walls to crystal lattice defects. In sider that the applied electric field produces the optical such a situation, the wavefront distortion is given by the contrast in the adjacent domains, which is measurable average contribution of the material as the light passes bytheparticularimplementationoftheDHM.Therefore, through the thickness of the sample h. As a result, the ourmethodissuitablefortheobservationofdomainpat- net spontaneous polarization computed using Eq. (15) terns even for those perovskite single crystals, where the corresponds to the volume-averaged value. It should be exact numerical values of linear electro-optical parame- noted that the same interior information on the ferro- ters are not available. The numerical value of rT can 333 electric domain pattern can be provided by means of be roughly estimated from Eq. (5): amplitude-basedtransmissionopticalmicroscopy. Thisis acompletelydifferentsituationascomparede.g. withthe r3T33 =g1T1χcP0, (16) domain pattern observation using Piezoresponse Atomic where gT =0.17 m4C−2 is almost temperature indepen- Force Microscope (PAFM), where the domain pattern is 11 dent and universal material parameter for all perovskite monitored from the surface response of the sample. materialsandthelatticepermittivityχ andspontaneous c Additional advantage of the presented method for the polarization P can be determined using basic dielectric 0 observationofdomainpatternsisthatitisnotnecessary measurements. On the other hand, when the complete to know the exact values of spontaneous polarization or set of tensor components of rT is known for the given ijk linear electro-optical coefficients. It is sufficient to con- sample, the precise measurements of the wavefront dis- 8 0 0.4 3 0.3 0.2 200 0.1 2 (1)P0 0.0 400 1 /PN --00..21 ) -0.3 m m 600 0 -0.40 500 1000 ( 2 x Electric field (V/mm) -1 800 FIG. 8. Net spontaneous polarization (normalized by the -2 spontaneous polarization P0) as a function of the external 1000 fieldE3. ThevaluePN/P0 iscomputedusingEq.(15)where thevaluesofv andv aregivenbysummingthewhiteand up dn 0 200 400 600 800 1000 black pixels in the domain pattern image [see Fig. (7)]. x (mm) 1 1 6 FIG.6. Observeddistortionofthewavefront∆φ(seeEq.6, 4 ipnatrtaedr)noifntthheeli[g0h0t1]w-oarvieenttreadnssminigttleedcrtyhsrtoaulgohfbthaeri1u8m0◦tidtoamnaatien. nge (1) 0.12 a 6 Tsahmepalepptlhieicdknfieeslsd.of 0.8 kV/mm has been applied across the e pixel ch 0.0124 elativ 46 0 R 2 0.001 0 500 1000 200 Electric field (V/mm) FIG.9. Relativechangeinpixelsofthedomainpatternimage 400 (seeFig.7)producedbytheincreaseinthemagnitudeofthe external electric field. ) m m 600 ( 2 methodisgivenbytheframerateoftheavailabledigital x camera and the bandwidth of the data transfer from the 800 camera to a computer processing numerical data. There exist two limitations of the DHM based on the electro-optic effect. The first limitation is the necessity 1000 oftheexternalappliedfield,whichmayinfluencethedo- 0 200 400 600 800 1000 main pattern or even induce the ferroelectric switching x (mm) 1 25 FIG. 7. Visualized 180◦ domain pattern computed from the phase difference shown in Fig. 6. Black and white color indi- -30) 20 RToetlaalt irveel aptiixveel pcihxaenl cghea dnugee to domain pattern catesthedomainwiththevectorofspontaneouspolarization ge (1 15 DHM relative accurary oriented along and against the applied electric field, respec- an h tively. el c 10 pix ative 5 el tortions due to the changes in the refractive index make R 0 it possible to distinguish the orientation of the polariza- 0 500 1000 tion in particular domains. Finally, since the refractive Electric field (V/mm) indexintheperovskiteferroelectricissensitivetothede- polarizing field, the DHM measurements offer a tool for FIG. 10. Total relative pixel change (thick blue line) as a distinguishing the charged and neutral domain walls. sum of the relative pixel change due to the domain pattern The greatest advantage of this experimental approach evolution (dashed blue line) and the DHM relative accuracy stemsfromthepossibilitytoobserveferroelectricdomain (Thickredline). Thecurvescorrespondtothemeasuredme- patterns at a rather high speed. The speed limit of the dian values presented in Figs. 8 and 9. 9 in the sample. Due to the practical image processing pute the wavefront distortion of the optical wave trans- reasons, the minimal required phase shift ∆φ to observe mitted through the ferroelectric sample with a domain the domain pattern is about 0.5 rad. Such a phase shift pattern, two micro-interference patterns (called digital can be achieved in a BT single crystal by applying the holograms) were captured by our DHM and processed externalfieldofthemagnitudeofabout0.2kV/mm(see using the angular spectrum method. The first digital Figs.8and9). Thisvalueismuchsmallerthanthecoer- hologramiscapturedatzeroappliedelectricfieldandthe civefield1kV/mminBT,sothattheDHMcanbeused second one is captured when the external electric field is to study the intermediate switching stages in BT. The applied to the sample. Using this approach, the wave- second limitation is the spatial resolution of the DHM front distortion of the optical wave has a useful prop- method, which is given by the diffraction limit and the erty, since the anti-parallel domains can be easily dis- wavelength of the used light. In the case of the present tinguished by the sign of the wavefront distortion. The experiments, it is approximately 500 nm. domain wall regions corresponds to areas on the sample surface, where the wavefront distortion equals zero. We have demonstrated that using this approach, it is possible to observe the domain patterns in an arbitrary V. CONCLUSION perovskite single crystal sample disregarding the knowl- edgeofnumericalvaluesofparticularlinearelectro-optic In this Article, we have briefly reviewed the physi- coefficients. In addition, the method allows the mea- cal principles that allows the observation of ferroelec- surement of the volume fraction of anti-parallel domains tricdomainpatternsbymeansofdigitalholographicmi- in the whole volume of the sample, which is of interest croscopy (DHM). The principle of the DHM is based on in many applications. Finally, the method allows a fast thelinearelectro-opticeffect,whichallowstodistinguish observation of the domain pattern evolution during the theanti-paralleldomainusingtransmissioninterferomet- physical phenomena such as ferroelectric phase transi- ric measurements, since the value of the electro-optic co- tions,ferroelectricswitching,interactionsofdomainwalls efficient is proportional to the value of the spontaneous with crystal lattice defects, etc. polarization, which alters the sign from domain to do- main. When the external electric field is applied to the ferroelectric polydomain sample, the wavefront of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT originally planar optical wave is distorted according to the spatial distribution of spontaneous polarization in The authors would like to express their sincere grat- the domain pattern. The wavefront distortion can be itude to Jan Pleˇstil for his help in the design and con- measured using a method called digital holographic in- structionoftheopticalcell,andtoTom´aˇsSlukaformany terferometry (DHI). discussiononopticalobservationsofdomainwallsinbar- Theconstructiondetails ofourdigitalholographicmi- ium titanate and for reading the manuscript. This work croscope(DHM)havebeenpresented. OurDHMisbased was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In order to com- Grant GACR 14-32228S. ∗ [email protected] 6 S. Wada, S. Suzuki, T. Noma, T. Suzuki, M. Osada, 1 J. Fousek and L. E. Cross, Ferroelectrics 293, 43 M. Kakihana, S.-E. 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