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Preview Fermi arc in doped high-Tc cuprates

Typeset with jpsj2.cls <ver.1.2> Full Paper Fermi Arc in Doped High-T Cuprates c Takashi Yanagisawa1, Mitake Miyazaki1,2 and Kunihiko Yamaji1 1Condensed-Matter Physics Group, Nanoelectronics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba Central 2, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba 305-8568, Japan 6 2Department of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin University, 5-10-1 Fuchinobe, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-0558, Japan 0 0 (ReceivedFebruary6,2008) 2 We propose a d-density wave induced by the spin-orbit coupling in the CuO plane. The n spectral function of high-temperature superconductors in the under doped and lightly doped a regions is calculated in order to explain the Fermi arc spectra observed recently by angle- J resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We take into account the tilting of CuO octahedra as 6 well as the on-site Coulomb repulsive interaction; the tilted octahedra induce the staggered 1 transferintegralbetweenpx,y orbitalsandCut2g orbitals,andbringaboutnontrivialeffectsof spin-orbit coupling for the d electrons in the CuO plane. The spectral weight shows a peak at ] around (π/2,π/2) for light dopingandextendsaround thispoint forming an arc asthecarrier l e density increases, where the spectra for light doping grow continuously to be the spectra in - the optimally doped region. This behavior significantly agrees with that of the angle-resolved r t photoemission spectroscopy spectra. Furthermore, the spin-orbit term and staggered transfer s . effectively induceafluxstate, apseudo-gapwith time-reversal symmetrybreaking.Wehavea t a nodal metallic state in thelight-doping case since the pseudogap hasa dx2−y2 symmetry. m KEYWORDS: spectral function, high-Tc cuprate,distortion, spin-orbit coupling, stripes - d n o In recent years, oxide high-T superconductors have spin-orbitcoupling betweent orbitalsisnotdecoupled c 2g c beeninvestigatedintensively;anomalousmetallicbehav- from e networks.[8,9] For the spin-orbit coupling [ g iors as well as high critical temperatures T have been 1 focused in the study of high-T cuprates. Clcarifying the Hso =ξℓ·s, (1) c v origin of an anomalous metal with a pseudogap is also matrix elements exist between t orbitals: 9 2g 2 a challenging problem attracting many physicists. Re- hd (r)↑|H |d (r)↑i=−(i/2)ξ, (2) 3 cently,a peak crossingthe Fermi levelinthe node direc- xz so yz 1 tion of the d-wave gap has been observed in a lightly 0 doped La Sr CuO (LSCO) by angle-resolved pho- hdyz(r)↑|Hso|dxz(r)↑i=(i/2)ξ, (3) 2−x x 4 6 toemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The spectral weight 0 hd (r)↓|H |d (r)↓i=(i/2)ξ, (4) / shows a peak at around (π/2,π/2) for the light-doping xz so yz t a case and it extends along the Fermi surface with in- hd (r)↓|H |d (r)↓i=−(i/2)ξ. (5) m creasingcarrierdensity.[1,2]The existenceofincommen- yz so xz - surate correlations has also been reported by neutron- We have also matrix elements between t2g orbitals and d scattering measurements, suggesting vertical stripes in e orbitals: g n an underdoped region and diagonal stripes in a lightly o doped region.ModulationvectorsareQ =(π±2πδ,π), hdxz(r)↓|Hso|dx2−y2(r)↑i=ξ/2, (6) c s v: fQocr =the(±h4oπleδ-,d0o)pi(nogr rQaste=x(≥π,0π.0±5,2wπδh)e,reQδc =ind(i0c,a±te4sπtδh)e) hdyz(r)↓|Hso|dx2−y2(r)↑i=−iξ/2, (7) i X approximately linear dependence δ =x.[3-5] and those for reversed spins obtained by multiplying by r Inthe lightlydopedregionforx<0.05,the suggested −1. The matrix elements induced by the tilting are a modulation vector is Q = (π ±2πδ,π ±2πδ) and the s hp (x−a/2,y)σ|H |d (r)σi=−t eiQ·r, (8) deviation from the linear dependence exhibits δ < x.[4] x pd xz xz From the experiments of resistivity in the lightly-doped hp (x,y−a/2)σ|H |d (r)σi=−t eiQ·r, (9) region of LSCO, the system holds a metallic behavior y pd yz yz belowT ,whichmaybeduetotheformationofmetallic wherer=(x,y),Q=(π,π),aisthelatticeconstantand N charge stripes.[6] H denotes the hybridizationterm. The factor eiQ·r in- pd The purpose of this paper is to investigate the spec- ducedby the tilting ofoctahedraina staggeredmanner, tral function of doped high-temperature superconductor which leads to the doubled unit cell. t and t are as- xz yz inordertoelucidatetherecentlyobservedARPESFermi sumed to be given by sinθ for the tilt angle θ. In the arc spectra, taking into account the stripe orders sug- low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) phase, the spin-orbit gested by neutron-scattering measurements. We empha- coupling may be significantly smaller than that in the size the importance of distortions of CuO octahedra. low-temperature orthorhombic (LTO) phase, since the ThetiltingofCuOoctahedrainducestransferintegrals integrals between oxygen p and Cu t orbitals remain 2g between p orbitals and Cu t orbitals, and then the zeroalongthe tiltaxis,whereoxygenatomsnevermove: x,y 2g t =0 if the tilt axis is in the y direction. yz 2 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName The dispersion in the presence of distortions for the -2.6 five-band p-d model is shown in Fig.1. The parameters are as follows: ǫ = −2, ǫ = 0, ǫ = ǫ = −1, -2.8 dx2−y2 p dxz dyz t = 0.2, ξ = 0.1, and t = t = 0.3 in units of pp xz yz t ∼ 1eV where t is the transfer between d and p -3.0 pd pd orbitals and t is that between neighboring oxygen p pp E orbitals. For the parameters shown above, the splitting -3.2 k at X = (π,0) is of the order of 10meV≈100K. Each curve is a twofold degeneracy, i.e. Kramers degeneracy -3.4 as it should be. This structure near the Fermi energy is well understood, using the single-band model with the -3.6 reduced Brillouin zone, as -3.8 H = [ξ c† c +∆ c† c ], (10) 0 X k kσ kσ kσ kσ k+Qσ kσ -4.0 where ξ =−2t(cos(k )+cos(k ))−4t′cos(k )cos(k ), (11) -4.2 k x y x y G X M G and Q denotes the wave vector Q = (π,π). ∆ is a k kσ complex parameter satisfying ∆ =∆∗ . (12) Fig. 1. Dispersionrelationforthethree-bandd-pmodel.Thepa- k+Qσ kσ ∆kσ is taken as[10,11] r−a1m,ettpeprs=a0r.e2,aξs=fol0lo.1w,sa:nǫddxt2x−zy=2 t=yz−=2,0.ǫ3pin=u2n,itǫsdxozft=pd,ǫdwyhzer=e ∆ =iσsinφ·(−2t)Y(k) (13) tpd is the transfer between d and p orbitals and tpp is that be- kσ tweenneighboringoxygenporbitals.ThesplittingatX=(π,0) with Y(k)=cos(k )−cos(k ) in order to reproduce the isoftheorderof10meV.Eachcurveisatwofolddegeneracy,i.e., x y Kramersdegeneracy. dispersion for the five-band CuO model near the Fermi energy, where φ = λθ; θ is the tilt angle between the Cu-O plane and the Cu-O bond, and λ is a constant 1 estimated as λ ≈ 0.2.[11] The dispersion relation of the noninteracting part H in eq. (10) is 0 0.8 1 E = [ξ +ξ − (ξ −ξ )2+4|∆ |2]. (14) k k k+Q q k k+Q kσ 2 At half-filling, the low-energy excitations are described 0.6 by the Dirac fermion since there is a Fermi point at (±π/2,±π/2). A light hole doping results in a small N(w ) f = 0.03p Fermi surface around this point with the excitation gap near (π,0). This peculiar feature induces a pseudogap 0.4 f = 0.01p in the density of states and we obtain a nodal metallic f = 0 state.The pseudogapinducedbythe spin-orbitcoupling has a dx2−y2 symmetry as apparent from that of ∆kσ. 0.2 The density of states for small φ shown in Fig. 2 clearly indicates a pseudogap structure for a small excitation energy. 0 TheeigenstateofH0resemblesthed-densitywavepro- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 posedforananomalousmetallicstateintheunderdoped w / t high-T cuprates[12], and possesses the following order c parameter Fig. 2. Densityofstatesforφ=0,0.01πand0.03π.Wesett′=0. i∆ Y(k)=hc† c i (15) DDW k+Qσ kσ for a real constant∆ . Although the d-density wave DDW linear dependence of δ on x has been explained by vari- state appears as a solution of the mean-field equations, ational Monte Carlo (VMC) methods[16], and further- this state is hardly stabilized in variationalMonte Carlo more, the saturation of incommensurability δ for x > calculations.Thus,we are motivatedto consider the lat- 0.125is alsoconsistentwiththose obtainedbythe VMC tice distortion, which is going to stabilize the d-density methods.Thereisalsoatendencytowardstheformation wave cooperating with the spin-orbit coupling. of stripes under the lattice distortions, with vertical or The inhomogeneous ground state under the lattice horizontal hole-rich arrays coexisting with incommensu- distortion in the underdoped region has been investi- rate magnetism and superconductivity (SC).[7] gated intensively using the two-dimensional (2D) Hub- We are going to evaluate spectral functions in the bard model.[13-16] Within the 2D Hubbard model, the J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName 3 lightly to optimally doped regions. The tilt angle for 1 4 LSCO is estimated as 14◦-18◦ by EXAFS.[17] Thus, 3 θ is approximately 0.1π. If we use λ ∼ 0.2, we have 0.5 2 φ = λθ ≈ 0.02π. Here, we use a slightly larger value, φ=0.05π,inactualcalculationstoobtainsufficientpre- ky/p 0 1 cision because of the numerical difficulty for the small 0 splitting.Clearly,wecanexpectthatthisdoesnotchange -0.5 the peculiar feature of the spectra. We determine the variational parameters g and ∆Q so as to minimize the -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 ground state energy for U = 4 and the carrier density kx/p in the range of 0 < x < 0.2 by the VMC methods. The Hamiltonian is Fig. 3. Contourmapofdensityofstatesforthediagonallystriped H =H +U n n , (16) stateatdopingratex=0.03withφ/π=0.05.∆Q=0.08,α=0 0 X i↑ i↓ andt′=−0.2. i 1 4 whereH isgivenineq.(1).Thewavefunctioniswritten 0 in a Gutzwiller form: 3 0.5 ψ =P ψ . (17) 2 G MF ky/p P is the Gutzwiller operator 0 1 G 0 PG =Y(1−(1−g)ni↑ni↓), (18) -0.5 i andthe mean fieldwavefunction ψMF is obtainedas an -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 eigenfunction of the Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian kx/p HMF =H0+X[δni−sign(σ)(−1)xi+yimi]c†iσciσ. (19) Fig. 4. Density of states at doping rate x = 0.0612 with φ/π = iσ 0.05. Vertical stripes with a 16-lattice periodicity are assumed. δni and mi are expressed by the modulation vectors ∆Q=0.10,α=0andt′=−0.2. Q and Q for the spin and charge part, respectively.[7] s c Equivalently, we use the form given by[7,18] 1 4 3 δni =−αXcosh((xi−xsjtr)/ξc), (20) 0.5 2 j ky/p and 0 1 m =∆ tanh((x −xstr)/ξ ). (21) 0 i QY i j s -0.5 j The diagonally striped state has hole arraysin the diag- -1 onaldirection,while the verticallystriped state has hole -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 arraysinthedirectionparalleltothexorydirection.Al- kx/p ternatively, it is also possible to determine the order pa- rameter ∆ = hc† c i (ℓ =0,1,··· ,M −1) Fig. 5. Density of states at doping rate x = 0.125 with φ/π = ℓQsσ Pk k+ℓQsσ kσ 0.05. Vertical stripes with an 8-lattice periodicity are assumed. for δ = 1/M consistently.[19] We obtain the diagonally striped state for x < 0.05 and the vertically striped ∆Q=0.16,α=0andt′=−0.2. state for x > 0.05 as the ground state by the VMC 1 5 methods.[16] Among the diagonal stripes, the bond- 4 centered striped state is the most stable when we vary 0.5 3 the wave function from the site-centered stripe to the 2 bond-centeredstripe by the VMC methods. We mention ky/p 0 1 herethatthespin-orbitcouplingstabilizesthediagonally 0 striped state in the light doping region.[20] -0.5 In the evaluations of spectral functions, we consider the effect of P within the mean field theory since we G -1 must consider the excited states as well as the ground -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 state. We then evaluate the spectral weight from the kx/p eigenvaluesE andeigenfunctions(u ) oftheHamil- σm σm j tonian (Hσ ) in the real-space representation, where Fig. 6. Densityofstatesfortheverticallystripedstateatdoping MF ij i and j are site indices. Green’s functions are ratex=0.197withφ/π=0.05.Verticalstripeswithan8-lattice periodicityareassumed.∆Q=0.08,α=0andt′=−0.2. (u ) (u )∗ σm i σm j g (i,j,iω)= , (22) σ X iω−E σm m 4 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper AuthorName 1 5 trast to a theory considering p-orbitals in apical oxygen 4 atoms. [22] We have taken into account the incommen- 0.5 3 surate structure observed by neutron-scattering exper- 2 iments. Furthermore, we can expect the following fas- ky/p 0 1 cinating physics: pseudogap, nodal metal, time-reversal symmetry breaking, diagonal stripes, and string-density 0 wave as a generalization of the d-density wave. In the -0.5 half-filledcase,weobtainaFermipoint,andthus,apeak exists near (π/2,π/2) in the density of states that ex- -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 tends to form the Fermi arc spectra as the doping rate kx/p increases.[2] In the low-doping case, we obtain a nodal metallic state in the diagonally striped state, since the Fig0..179.7wDitehnsφit/yπo=fs0t.a0t5e,s∆foQrt=he0naonrdmta′l=st−at0e.2a.tdopingratex= pwsiethudtohgeaepxphearsimaendtxs2−oyf2ressyismtimvietytr.[y6,]wThhiecharcisiscoexnpsiesctteendt to expand with increasing temperature to form the full Fermi surface above the splitting gap ∼100K.[1]Lastly, 1 gσ(k,iω)= N Xe−ik·(Ri−Rj)gσ(i,j,iω), (23) we comment on a possibility of superconductivity along a ij stripes.Thecoexistenceofsuperconductivityandstripes has been pointed out for vertical stripes by the VMC where N is the number of atoms.The spectralfunction a methods.[7]Itisdifficulttohaveastablecoexistentstate is calculated using the formula ofSC andstripes for diagonalstripes inthe VMC meth- 1 Nσ(k,ǫ)=− Imgσ(k,ǫ+iδ). 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