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Preview Fermat Surface and Group Theory in Symmetry of Rapidity Family in Chiral Potts Model

3 Fermat Surface and Group Theory in Symmetry of 1 0 Rapidity Family in Chiral Potts Model 2 n a J Shi-shyr Roan 2 2 Institute of Mathematics ] Academia Sinica G Taipei , Taiwan A (email: [email protected] ) . h t a m [ 1 v 0 Abstract 6 The present paper discusses various mathematical aspects about the rapidity symmetry in 2 5 chiral Potts model (CPM) in the context of algebraic geometry and group theory . We re- 1. analyze the symmetry group of a rapidity curve in N-state CPM, explore the universal group 0 structureforallN,andfurtherenlargeittomodularsymmetriesofthecompleterapidityfamily 3 in CPM. As will be shown in the article that all rapidity curves in N-state CPM constitute a 1 : Fermat hypersurfacein P3 of degree 2N as the naturalgeneralizationof the FermatK3 elliptic v i surface(N =2),weconductathoroughalgebraicgeometrystudyabouttherapidityfibrationof X Fermatsurfaceanditsreducedhyperellipticfibrationviatechniquesinalgebraicsurfacetheory. r a Symmetries of rapidity family in CPM and hyperelliptic family in τ(2)-model are exhibited through the geometrical representation of the universal structural group in mathematics. 2010 MSC: 14D06, 14E15, 14J70, 20F29 2008 PACS: 05.50.+q, 02.20.Bb, 02.40.Tt Key words: Rapidity curve, Chiral Potts model, Fermat hypersurface, K3 surface, orbifold singu- larity. 1 Introduction In the study of the two-dimensional N-state chiral Potts model (for a brief history account, see, e.g. [5] or [17] section 4.1 and references therein), ”rapidities” of the statistical model are 4-vector 1 ratios p = [a,b,c,d] in the projective 3-space P3 satisfying the following equivalent equations of an algebraic curve of genus N3−2N2+1: kaN +k′cN = dN, aN +k′bN = kdN, Wk′,k : ( kbN +k′dN = cN. ⇐⇒ ( k′aN +bN = kcN, (1.1) where k′,k are temperature-like parameters 6= 0,±1 with k2 +k′2 = 1. This high genus rapidity curve possesses a large symmetry group, which has played an essential role in the solvability of the N-state chiral Potts model (CPM) as the natural generalization of Ising-model (N = 2). It is easy to see that the following transformations of P3 preserve the equation (1.1): M(1) : [a,b,c,d] 7→ [ωa,b,c,ωd], M(2) :[a,b,c,d] 7→ [ωa,ωb,c,d], M(3) : [a,b,c,d] 7→ [c,ω12d,ω−21a,ω−1b], M(4) :[a,b,c,d] 7→ [a,b,ω−1c,d], (1.2) M(5) : [a,b,c,d] 7→ [d,ω12c,ω−21b,a], M(0) :[a,b,c,d] 7→ [ωa,b,ωc,d], 2πi where ω = e N , hence induce the symmetry of Wk′,k as elements in the automorphism group Aut(Wk′,k). Indeed, for N ≥ 3, Aut(Wk′,k) is an order 4N3 group generated by automorphisms in (1.2) ([2], [21] Proposition 1): Aut(Wk′,k) = hM(j)i5j=0, |Aut(Wk′,k)|= 4N3, (N ≥ 3). (1.3) The purpose of this paper is to explore the universal structure of Aut(Wk′,k) for all N, based in part on earlier quantitative studies in [21], then enlarge the Wk′,k-symmetry of a single curve to ”modular” symmetries of the complete family of rapidity curves for all (k′,k) including the degenerated k′ = 0,±1,∞. Theparameters (k′,k) of (1.1) can beidentified with the3-vector ratios [k′,k,1] ∈ P2 in a quadratic hypersurface of P2, which is biregular to P1 via the correspondence Λ := {(k′,k) ∈P2|k2+k′2 = 1} ≃ {κ′ ∈ P1}, κ′ = k′+ik = (k′−ik)−1 = (kk′′+−iikk)12. (1.4) Here κ′ is a complex parameter including ∞, identified with elements in P1 via C ∋ κ′ ←→ [κ,1] ∈ P1, κ′ =∞ ←→ [1,0] ∈P1. Notethatin(1.4), k′ = ∞iffk = ∞with ik = 1or−1,whichcorrespondstoκ′ = ∞,0respectively. k′ Then for each (k′,k) ∈ P2 in (1.4), the four equations in (1.1) defines a rapidity curve in P3, i.e. other than those in (1.1) for k′ 6= 0,±1,∞, the rest are degenerated curves consisting of N2 lines of P3 defined by Wk′,k, (k′,k) = (0,±1),κ′ = ±i :aN = ±dN, bN = ±cN; Wk′,k, (k′,k) = (±1,0),κ′ = ±1 :cN = ±dN, aN = ∓bN; (1.5) Wk′,k (k′,k) = (∞,∞±),κ′ = ∞±1 :aN = ∓icN, bN = ∓idN, where (k′,k) = (∞,∞ ) denotes the case (k′, ik) → (∞,±1) as k′ → ∞. The collection of all ± k′ rapidity curves in (1.1) and (1.5) form a family over Λ: W(= W(N)) = (k′k)∈ΛWk′,k −→ Λ, (1.6) F 2 which can be identified with a Fermat hypersurface in P3 of degree 2N (see, (3.1) in the paper). Hence the symmetry of Fermat rapidity fibration (1.6) over Λ can be studied in the context of algebraic geometry as the natural generalization of the elliptic fibration of Fermat K3 surface (N = 2). In this work, we identify the symmetry group of the rapidity family (1.6) as an extension of the automorphism group (1.3) with PSL (Z ) generated by two ”modular” symmetries T,S 2 4 of the fibration (1.6) (see, Theorem 3.1 in the paper). Due to the lack of difference property of rapidities in (1.1) for N ≥ 3, the computation of some physical interesting quantities in CPM, such as eigenvalue spectrum and eigenvectors [1, 4, 7, 18, 22, 23] or order parameter [8, 9], relies on the functional-relation methodin[10], byregardingCPMasadescendantofthe(six-vertex) τ(2)-model [11](see,also[24]),withtheτ(2)-spectralparameterlyingonsomehyperellipticcurvesreducedfrom (1.1). Through the principle of symmetry reduction, the algebraic geometry study of the rapidity fibration (1.6) can be carried over to the complete family of hyperelliptic curves. We are able to determine the geometrical properties and symmetries of the hyperelliptic fibration, especially the singularity structure around degenerated curves, by techniques of surface theory in algebraic geometry. In this paper, we conduct a qualitative investigation of symmetry about the chiral Potts rapidity family in (1.6), in contrast to the usual quantitative approach, where the discussion proceeds through the explicit form of symmetries as in (1.2). The common structural characters of the symmetry group for all N will be our main concern. Indeed, we build a mathematical model in group theory, which contains the universal structure of automorphism groups of the chiral Potts curve in (1.1) and the rapidity fibration in (1.6). Through the representation of the universal group, one obtains the quantitative expression of symmetries of the rapidity family (1.6), as well reproduces accurately the known ones in (1.2). This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we setup a mathematical model in the context of group-theory formulation for the study of symmetries of chiral Potts curves and rapidity family. The solvable groups and its PSL (Z )-extension, G ⊂G, G ⊂ G (N ≥ 2) (see, (2.1) (2.27) (2.5) 2 4 N N (2.32) in the paper), are introduced in Subsection 2.1, where the structures and properties of the e e groups are discussed in detail by using the approach of mathematical derivations. In Subsection 2.2, we discuss the (Z ×D )-structures as quotients of the CP group G in group theory, where 2 N N D is the dihedral group which, together with Z , describes the symmetries of hyperelliptic curves N 2 in τ(2)-model of CPM. The relationship of these (Z ×D )-structures under the action of modular 2 N symmetries is also examined through the group structure of G . Section 3 is devoted to the alge- N braicgeometry study of rapidity family (1.3) in CPM and thehyperelliptic family in τ(2)-model. In e Subsection 3.1, we first precisely identify the rapidity family (1.3) of N-state CPM with a degree- 2N Fermat hypersurface of P3 (see, (3.1) in the article). Through the representation theory of structure groups introduced in Section 2, the automorphism group of Wk′,k in (1.1) is correctly reproduced via the geometrical representation of G , as well as the modular symmetries of (1.3) N which generate the extended group PSL (Z ) in G . Furthermore, G is geometrically character- 2 4 N N ized as the automorphism group of the rapidity-fibered Fermat surface (Theorem 3.1 in the paper). e e In Subsection 3.2, we investigate the geometry and symmetry structure of the hyperelliptic(-curve) families in CPM, which are related to the rapidity fibration of Fermat surface by the symmetry 3 reduction. However the global structure of the hyperelliptic family is drastically affected by the reduction process, in particular, the orbifold singularities that occurs in the degenerated fibers. By using techniques in algebraic surface theory and toric geometry, we explicitly construct the minimal resolution of the hyperelliptic-fibered surface. An analysis about the geometry properties and global symmetries of the surface is performed in details by the method of algebraic geome- try. In Subsection 3.3, we focus on the N = 2 case, where the rapidity family is the well-known Fermat elliptic K3 surface, and the rapidity discussions in previous sections (in Ising model case) can be also illustrated in the context of uniformalization of elliptic curves. The demonstration provides a conceptual insight about the group-theory approach of CPM symmetry in this work that deserves to be known, as well as some additional informations valid only for N = 2. By using the theta-function representation of rapidity variables, the symmetry of the Fermat K3 elliptic fibration is well described by elliptic and modular transformations of uniformalization parameters. Geometrically, all rapidity families for N = 2 are elliptic K3 surfaces over H/PSL (Z ). 2 4 Notation: In this paper, we use the standard notations in group theory. Let G be a group, and H,H′ be subgroups, B be a subset of G. We denote hBi := the subgroup of G generated by B, hhBii := the normal subgroup of G generated by B, N (1.7) N(H,H′) := {g ∈G|gHg−1 = H′}, N(H) := N(H,H) the normalizer of H in G. 2 Algebraic Theory in Symmetry of Chiral Potts Model In this section, we build a mathematical model in group theory, based on common properties of rapidity symmetries in CPM. The algebraic formulation of the symmetry groups contains the universalstructureandessentialcharactersofautomorphismgroupsappearedinthestudyofCPM. However, in contrast to the usual quantitative approach in CPM, discussions in this section are carried out in a form of abstract mathematical derivation in group theory, knowledges in rapidities and CPM not required. The connection between the abstract groups in mathematic and the symmetry in CPM will be discussed later in Section 3. 2.1 CP group and modular CP group First we define the group which characterizes the universal structure of automorphism groups of a rapidity curve (1.1) for all N. Definition: The universal CP (chiral Potts) group G is the group generated by u ,u ,U with 1 2 elements Umun2un1 for m,n ,n ∈ Z, whose generators satisfy the relations: 2 1 1 2 (i) u u u−1 = U2u−3, 1 2 1 2 (2.1) (ii) u Uu−1 = u−1Uu = U−1u2 (i = 1,2). i i i i i 2 4 The conditions (2.1) are equivalent to the following relations: (2.1)(ii) ⇔ u Uu−1 = U−1u2, u2U = Uu2, i i i i i ⇔ u Uku−1 =U−ku2k (k ∈ Z), ⇔ u−1Uku = U−ku2k (k ∈ Z), (2.2) i i i i i i (2.1)(i) ⇔ u u = u U−2u , 1 2 2 1 where i= 1,2. By (2.2), one obtains u u2u−1 = u−2, u2u2 = u2u2, 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 (2.3) u u u−1 = U−2u4u , u u2u−1 = u−2. 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 Hence G is a solvable group in which u2,u2,U generate a abelian normal subgroup of G with the 1 2 quotient group Z2: 2 G = hu2,u2,Ui(≃ Z3)(cid:1)G −→ G := G/G = hu ,u i(≃ Z2). (2.4) 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 In general, we define Definition: For N ≥ 2, the (N-state) CP group G is the quotient group of G by the abelian N (normal) subgroup G generated by u2N,u2N,UN: N 1 2 G = hu2N,u2N,UNi(≃ Z3)(cid:1)G −→ G := G/G = hu ,u ,Ui, (2.5) N 1 2 N N 1 2 where u (= u ),U(= U ) are the classes of u ,U in G . 2 i iN N i N Since G ⊃ G , by the projections in (2.4) and (2.5), G is a solvable group of order 4N3: N 1 N G = hu2,u2,Ui(≃ Z3 )(cid:1) G −→ G /G = hu ,u i(≃ Z2), |G | = 4N3. (2.6) N,1 1 2 N N N N,1 1 2 2 N where G := G /G and G /G = G. Indeed, the group G is characterized as the group N,1 1 N N N,1 N with three generators u ,u ,U satisfying the relations in (2.1) and the finite-order condition: 1 2 u2N = u2N = UN = 1. (2.7) 1 2 Furthermore, the relation GN′ ⊇ GN is equivalent to GN′ −→ GN, (u1,u2,U)N′ 7→ (u1,u2,U)N iff N|N′. We now describe the center of G and G : N Lemma 2.1 Cent(G) = id, and for N ≥ 2, id, N : odd; Cent(G ) = (2.8) N ( huN,uNi (≃ Z2) N : even. 1 2 2 Proof. First,weconsiderthecaseGandwriteanelementvinthecenterCent(G)byv = Umun2un1 2 1 and n ≡ ǫ (mod 2) with ǫ = 0,1 for i = 1,2. By (2.2), u Umu−1 = U−mu2m , u un2u−1 = i i i 1 1 1 1 2 1 (U−2u−3)ǫ2u−n2+ǫ2, and u2(U−2u−3)ǫ2 =(U−2u−3)ǫ2u2(−1)ǫ2. Hence 2 2 1 2 2 1 v = u vu−1 = U−m−2ǫ2u−n2−2ǫ2un1+2m(−1)ǫ2, 1 1 2 1 5 which yields U−m−2ǫ2 = Um,u−n2−2ǫ2 = un2,u2m = 1, equivalently 2 2 1 m = 0, U2ǫ2 = u2n2+2ǫ2 = 1. (2.9) 2 Since Uu U−1 = U2u−1, we have i i un2un1 = v =UvU−1 = un2−ǫ2(U2u−1)ǫ2un1−ǫ1(U2u−1)ǫ1 = U2ǫ2+2ǫ1(−1)ǫ2un2−2ǫ2+4ǫ1ǫ2un1−2ǫ1, 2 1 2 2 1 i 2 1 equivalently ǫ = ǫ = 0, i.e. n ≡ n ≡ 0 (mod 2). (2.10) 1 2 1 2 Then u vu−1 = un2u−n1, i.e. 2 2 2 1 u2n1 = 1. (2.11) 1 Then by (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11), v = 1. In the case G (N ≥ 2), (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11) again N hold for an element v ∈ Cent(G ), i.e. v = un2un1 with n ≡ 0 (mod 2) and u2ni = 1 for i = 1,2. N 2 1 i i Hence follows the relation (2.15). 2 For an element v ∈ G, the conjugation of v on G will be denoted by C : G−→ G g 7→ vgv−1, (2.12) v which preserves the normal subgroup G in (2.4), and induces the identity of the quotient group 1 G. Furthermore, G in (2.5) is preserved by C , which induces the conjugation of v ∈ G on G : N v N N C : G −→ G g 7→ vgv−1. (2.13) v N N By Lemma 2.1, G can regarded as a subgroup of the automorphism group Aut(G) of G by the conjugation (2.12): C :G ֒→ Aut(G), v 7→ C , (2.14) v and (2.13) defines an embedding of G /Cent(G ) in Aut(G ): N N N Cent(G )֒→ G →C Aut(G ). (2.15) N N N Using (2.2), one finds the relations (U−1u−3U)u = u−3u3 and u = u U−2(u u−1). By which, 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 the following correspondences of generators give rise to two automorphisms of G: S :G −→ G, (u ,u ,U) 7→ (u ,U−2u3,U) = (u ,U−1u U,U), 1 2 2 1 2 1 (⇔ S−1 : (u ,u ,U) 7→ (U2u−1,u ,U)) =(Uu U−1,u ,U)); 1 2 2 1 2 1 (2.16) T :G −→ G, (u ,u ,U) 7→ (U2u−1u ,u ,U) = (u u−1,u ,U), 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 (⇔ T−1 : (u ,u ,U) 7→ (U2u−3u ,u ,U) = (u u ,u ,U)) 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 which satisfy the relations: S2 = (ST)3 = CU−1, T4 = Cu2. (2.17) 2 The first equality in (2.17) is equivalent to STS−1 = (TST)−1, which implies S2TS−2 = (ST−1S−1)T−1S−1 = T, i.e. S2T = TS2. 6 Indeed by S2 = CU−1, S2T = TS2 ( or T−1S2T = S2) is equivalent to CT−1(U−1) = CU−1 (or T(U) = U). Since the automorphisms in (2.16) preserve G ,G in (2.4) and (2.5) by 1 N S :(u2,u2,U) 7→ (u2,u2,U), 1 2 2 1 (2.18) T : (u2,u2,U) 7→ (U2u−2u−2,u2,U), 1 2 2 1 2 S,T induce the automorphisms of G and G : N S,T :G −→ G, S(u ,u ) = (u ,u ), T(u ,u )= (u u ,u ); 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 (2.19) S,T : G −→ G , S(u ,u ,U) = (u ,U−1u U,U), T(u ,u ,U) = (u u−1,u ,U). N N 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Theautomorphismsin(2.16), (2.19)thengeneratetheautomorphismsubgroupsofG,G ,denoted N respectively by hS,Ti ⊆ Aut(G), hS,Ti ⊆ Aut(G ), hS,Ti ⊆ Aut(G), (N ≥ 2), N compatible with the projections of G to G ,G in (2.5), (2.6) respectively: N hS,Ti −→ hS,Ti −→ hS,Ti (2.20) With the identification G= Z2 in (2.4), one finds hS,Ti = SL (Z ): 2 2 0 1 1 0 S (= S)= , T (= T) = ∈ SL (Z ). (2.21) 2 2 1 0 ! 1 1 ! Proposition 2.1 The correspondence of hS,Ti to hS,Ti induces the canonical isomorphisms: hS,Ti/(hS,Ti∩C(G)) ≃ hS,Ti/(hS,Ti∩C(G )) ≃ PSL (Z ) (2.22) N 2 4 with (S,T)↔ (S,T)↔ (S,T∗) satisfying the relations: e e e e S2 = (ST)3 = T4 = 1, (2.23) where S,T∗ are the standard generatores of PeSeL (Z )e: 2 4 0 −1 1 0 S = , T∗ = . (2.24) 1 0 ! −1 1 ! Proof. Note that u Uu−1 = U−1u2 6= U and u u Uu−1u−1 = Uu2u2 6= U, in G (or G by i i i i j j i 2 1 N N ≥ 2). Since both S,T fix the element U, hS,Ti ∩ C(G) ⊆ C(G ) where G is the abelian 1 1 subgroup in (2.4). Indeed, by (2.16), (2.17) and (S−1TS)4 = C , one finds u2 1 C(G)∩hS,Ti = hhS2,(ST)3,T4ii = hS2,T4,(S−1TS)4i= C(G ) (cid:1)hS,Ti; N 1 (2.25) C(G )∩hS,Ti = hhS2,(ST)3,T4ii = hS2,T4,(S−1TS)4i = C(G ) (cid:1)hS,Ti N N N,1 where hh∗···∗ii is the normal subgroup defined in (1.7). Hence the relation (2.23) holds. By N a well-known characterization of PSL (Z ), hS,Ti is a quotient group of PSL (Z ) by assigning 2 4 2 4 e e 7 S,T∗ in PSL (Z ) to S,T respectively. Together with the induced homomorphisms of quotient 2 4 groups in (2.20), we obtain the following group epimorphisms of quotient groups: e e PSL (Z )−→ hS,Ti −→ hS,Ti −→ hS,Ti = SL (Z ). 2 4 2 2 Since the kernel of the homomorpheisme from PSLe (eZ ) to SL (Z ) is equal to h(T∗2,ST∗2S−1i(≃ 2 4 2 2 4 Z2), which contains no proper non-trivial normal subgroup of PSL (Z ), the projection from 2 2 4 PSL (Z ) to hS,Ti must have the trivial kernel by T2 6= 1, then follow the isomorphisms in (2.22). 2 4 2 e e e Remark. The PSL (Z )-structure of hS,Ti in (2.22) for N = 2 can be explicitly derived by the 2 4 group structure of G , where the conditions, (2.1) and (2.7), for the G -generators u ,u ,U are 2 2 1 2 e e equivalent to u4 = u4 = U2 = 1, u u = u u , Uu U−1 = u−1 (i = 1,2). (2.26) 1 2 1 2 2 1 i i Hence hu ,u i is a normal abelian subgroup of G . By (2.19) and (2.26), both hS,Ti and C(G ) fix 1 2 2 1 U, and leave hu ,u i(≃ Z2) invariant, with the generators represented by the following elements in 1 2 4 SL (Z ): 2 4 (S,T,C ,C ,C ) ↔ (S,T∗,−id.,id., id.). U u2 u2 1 2 By (2.17), hS,Ti∩C(G ) is generated by the −id. in SL (Z ), hence hS,Ti ≃ PSL (Z ) in (2.22). 1 2 4 2 4 2 e e Consider the semi-product of G and hS,Ti, G∗hS,Ti, with the group-multiplication (v∗M)·(v′ ∗M′) := vM(v′)∗MM′ for M,M′ ∈ hS,Ti, v,v′ ∈ G, and define Definition: The universal CP modular group G := G∗hS,Ti /hhU∗S2,U∗(ST)3,u−2∗T4ii . (2.27) 2 N (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 e Lemma 2.2 The normal subgroup in (2.27) is isomorphic to G in (2.4) by: 1 hhU∗S2,U∗(ST)3,u−2∗T4ii = {u−1∗C ∈G∗hS,Ti| u ∈ G }. (2.28) 2 N u 1 Proof. In G∗hS,Ti, one finds (u−1∗Cu)∗(u′−1∗Cu′) = (uu′)−1∗Cuu′, v∗(u−1∗C )∗v−1 = u−1∗C , M∗(u−1∗C )∗M−1 = M(u)−1∗C , u u u M(u) foru,u′ ∈ G , v ∈G,M ∈hS,Ti. Hencetherighthandsideof (2.28) isan abeliannormalsubgroup 1 of G∗hS,Ti. Then (2.28) follows from the following equalities: U∗S2 = U∗(ST)3 = U∗CU−1, u−22∗T4 = u−22∗Cu2, u−12∗(S−1TS)4 = u−12∗Cu1. 8 2 By (2.25), (2.28), with the identification of G and the inner automorphism group of G via the conjugation (2.14), G in (2.27) can be regarded as an automorphism group of G: e G≃ hC(G),S,Ti ⊂ Aut(G). (2.29) By Lemma 2.1 and (2.28), G and heS,Ti are embedded as subgroups of G. For convenience, we shall write the class of v ∈ G again by v, and the class of 1∗S,1∗T or 1∗M ∈ hS,Ti in G by e S,T or M respectively. Note that MvM−1 = M(v) in G, so M is identified with CM := CM|G, e the restriction of C on G, where C := the g-conjugation of G for g ∈ G. By (2.22), (2.28) and M g e e (2.29), one obtains e e e e G(cid:1)G= GhS,Ti, S2 = (ST)3 = U−1, T4 = u2; G/G ≃ PSL (Z ); 2 2 4 (2.30) G∩hS,Ti = G = hhS2,(ST)3,T4ii = hS2,T4,(S−1TS)4i (cid:1)hS,Ti. 1 N e e Indeed, G is defined the first three properties in (2.30) as follows: Proposietion 2.2 G is charactered as the group generated by G and S,T satisfying the relations: SveS−1 = S(v), TvT−1 = T(v), S2 = (ST)3 = U−1, T4 = u2, (2.31) 2 where v ∈ G, and S,T are defined in (2.16). Proof. Let hG,S,Ti be the group generated by G and S,T defined by the relation (2.31). Then there is a group epimorphism, ℘ : hG,S,Ti −→ G which is the identity on the normal subgroup G. By the characterization of PSL (Z ), ℘ induces an isomorphism between hG,S,Ti/G and G/G, 2 4 e hence Ker(℘) ⊂ G⊂ hG,S,Ti. Then ℘ defines the isomorphism between hG,S,Ti and G. 2 e By (2.18), the abelian normal subgroups G1,GN of G in (2.4) (2.5) are also normalein G. Definition: For N ≥ 2, the modular (N-state) CP group is the quotient group of G by G : N e G (cid:1)G −→ G := G/G = hG ,S,Ti, e (2.32) N N N N where S(= S ),T(= T ) are the celass of thee G-eleements S,T in G . 2 N N N By (2.6), (2.30) and Proposition 2.2, we obtaine the following resuelts: Proposition 2.3 (i) G is charactered as the group generated by G and S,T satisfying the N N relations: e SvS−1 = S(v), TvT−1 = T(v), S2 = (ST)3 = U−1, T4 = u2, (2.33) 2 where v ∈ G , and S,T are defined in (2.19). N (ii) G and G (= G /G ) are normal subgroups of G with the following relations: N N,1 1 N N G (cid:1)G = G hS,Ti −→ G /G ≃ PSL (Z ), e |G |= 96N3; N N N N N 2 4 N (2.34) G ∩hS,Ti = G = hhS2,(ST)3,T4ii = hS2,T4,(S−1TS)4i (cid:1)hS,Ti. N N,1 N e e e 9 2 For an element V ∈ G , we denote the V-conjugation of G by C , and its restriction on G by N N V N e CV := CV|GN :GN −→ GN, eg 7→ VgeV−1. which is the same as Cv in (2.13) foer v ∈ GN. The first two relations in (2.33) mean C = S, C = T, (2.35) S T by which, M ∈ hS,Ti ⊂ G corresponds to M ∈ hS,Ti with the relation C = M. By (2.22), the N M conjugation morphism e C :G −→ C(G )hS,Ti ⊂ Aut(G ), V 7→ C , (2.36) N N N V gives rise to the isomorphisme G /G ≃ hS,Ti/(hS,Ti∩C(G )) ≃ PSL (Z ). (2.37) N N N 2 4 Since Cent(PSL2(Z4)) =e1, the kernel of C in (2.36) is contained in GN, and by (2.15), 1 = Cent(G ) ⊂ Ker(C) = Cent(G ). (2.38) N N IndeedforevenN,by(2.18)S(uN1 ,uN2 )=e(uN2 ,uN1 )andT(uN1 ,uN2 )= (uN1 uN2 ,uN2 ),henceCent(GN) = {v ∈ Cent(G )|SvS−1 = TvT−1 = v} = 1. Note that by composing with the morphism in (2.20), N e the projection in (2.37) gives rise to the isomorphism G /hG ,T2,ST−2S−1i −∼→ SL (Z ), (v,S,T) 7→ (1,S,T), (2.39) N N 2 2 where v ∈ GN and Se,T are defined in (2.21). 2.2 CP group and Z ×D 2 N The spectral parameter of τ(2)-model in CPM lies in a hyperelliptic curves with (Z × D )- 2 N symmetry, where D is the dihedral group. In this subsection, we study the (Z ×D )-structures N 2 N reducedfromtheCPgroupG fromthegroup-theorypointofview, andexaminetheirrelationship N under the action of G . First, we consider the subgroup of G in (2.4), which is normal in the N 1 universal CP group G: e e G′1 = hV0,V1,V2i (≃ Z3)(cid:1)G, G′1 ⊂ G1, (2.40) V := U2u−2u−2, V := u2, V := u2, 0 2 1 1 1 2 2 e where the G-conjugation on the generators of G′1 is given by CU|G′1 = id, and e C ,C : (V ,V ,V ) 7→ (V−1,V ,V−1),(V−1,V−1,V ); u1 u2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 (2.41) S,T : (V ,V ,V ) 7→ (V ,V ,V ),(V ,V ,V ). 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 For N ≥ 2, the image of G′ in G under the projection in (2.32) will be denoted by 1 N G′ = hV ,V ,V i (cid:1)G , G′ ⊂ G , V := U2u−2u−2, V := u2, V := u2, (2.42) N,1 0 1 2 N N,1 N,1 0 2 1 1 1 2 2 e 10

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