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Fenner and White’s Medical Virology Fenner and White’s Medical Virology Fifth Edition Christopher J. Burrell School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Colin R. Howard College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Frederick A. Murphy University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, United Kingdom 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, United States 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Copyright © 2017, 2011, 1999 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-375156-0 For Information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at https://www.elsevier.com Publisher: Sara Tenney Acquisition Editor: Jill Leonard Editorial Project Manager: Pat Gonzalez Production Project Manager: Julia Haynes Designer: Matt Limbert Typeset by MPS Limited, Chennai, India Dedication This book is dedicated to our friends Frank J. Fenner (1914– an independent scientific and medical discipline and a 2010) and David O. White (1931–2004), the founders of the significant contributor to human, animal, and environmental series of books now spanning five editions of MEDICAL well-being. We hope our students will come to understand VIROLOGY and five editions of VETERINARY VIROLOGY. the “big picture” of medical virology as well as Frank and They set a standard of scholarship that is impossible to David achieved throughout their outstanding careers. match and a joie de vivre that made the writing and editing We would also like to dedicate this book to our wives almost fun. and families, our teachers and mentors, together with our They taught us that the subject of virology must be seen students, all of whom have shaped our thinking and provided within the context of society as a whole as well as within the us inspiration over the years in so many different ways. context of science. They envisioned virology as extending broadly, from its roots in the science of microbiology and Christopher J. Burrell the practice of infectious disease, through its key roles in Colin R. Howard the development of molecular and cell biology, to become Frederick A. Murphy Foreword To say that this new version of the classic Medical Virology institutional structures that they established, or the insights text by Frank Fenner (1914–2010) and David White (1931– they developed. My current office is in the Department 2004) is timely is, to say the least, an understatement. It’s of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of been 21 years since the fourth edition, with authors Chris Melbourne, which was headed for many years by David Burrell, Colin Howard, and Fred Murphy building on that White. Perhaps, as Isaac Newton (1642–1726) said “we stand much respected foundation to produce a greatly refreshed on the shoulders of giants” though, when I’ve met the “giants” fifth edition. The basic philosophy and structure that made of science, they’ve pretty much turned out to be hard working, this such a useful volume for many generations of advanced smart, and dedicated people who quietly and systematically medical students, clinicians, and pathologists remain but, as built a body of knowledge and a tradition of scholarship. That all who have been even peripherally involved in molecular very much describes the discipline of virology. science over the past two decades will realize, there was an Thus, while reflecting on the up-to-date understanding enormous amount of new information that had to be read, of the authors, and of other researchers who have provided sifted, and selected for relevance to the information needs key insights concerning each particular pathogen, Fenner of this target audience. and White’s Medical Virology reflects a cumulated wisdom Basic virology has, of course, been well served by the that goes back to the early days of 20th century virology. many revisions of Bernie Fields’ (1938–1995) exhaustive Back then, the thinking and technical range of mammalian text and, following the example set by Field’s Virology, the virologists was very much focused on pathogenesis and fifth edition will appear as Fenner and White’s Medical disease process. Now, after decades of illuminating the Virology. It is a fitting tribute. Taken together, the original molecular characteristics of viruses and infected cells, it authors, and those responsible for this latest version, have is gratifying to see these precise investigative tools being variously been active and publishing on one or the other applied to the understanding of what actually happens in aspect of virus-induced disease and/or pathology since an infected individual. This is a great time for any medical 1948: and the virology lineage goes back even further! researcher who is fascinated by the linked issues of disease Frank Fenner was the student of MacFarlane Burnet process, pathology, and treatment. (1899–1985) who, applying technical and conceptual This fifth edition provides an accessible and informative approaches learned from his early studies with bacteriophage, account of medical virology, based on both contemporary pioneered quantitative mammalian virology, and genetics. science and what went before. It constitutes an excellent David White began his career as a virologist in the university resource for both the physician and the research investigator. microbiology department headed by Frank Fenner. Both Fred New discoveries are constantly being made and, while Murphy and I worked for a time and Chris Burrell completed much remains unclear, the rate of advance in understanding his PhD in that same department, where Rolf Zinkernagel and is extraordinary. Hopefully, we will not need to wait another I did the experiments in viral immunity that led to a Nobel 20 years for the next edition of this seminal text. Prize. Reflecting on lineages and the solid foundations that enable the work of subsequent generations, I realize that I’ve Peter C. Doherty met all the people named above in one or other professional University of Melbourne or personal context and have benefitted from either the December 10, 2015 xvii Preface Enormous strides have taken place since the fourth edition of responsible. Much of the approach adopted has been shaped this book in regard to our understanding of virus properties by the authors’ experience in teaching virology to science and how viral diseases can be controlled, treated, and and medical students and graduates—which has itself been prevented. Considerable advances have been made across shaped by earlier editions of this book. the whole spectrum of virology, particularly in relation to This edition is designed to meet the needs of advanced virus structure and replication, “point-of-care” diagnostics medical students, clinicians and pathologists, university and the wide use of antiviral therapies. This progress has teachers, researchers, and public health workers who are done much to contribute to a substantial improvement in seeking a single accessible source of key information about public health across the globe. the range of major human viruses and the options for treatment At the same time, we have seen the emergence of new and control. We have included historical perspectives, so that viral agents, and older agents in new guises, sometimes readers gain some insight into the paths and the personalities creating a need for radically new concepts to guide our involved in our reaching this current state of knowledge; understanding and clinical and public health actions. we have also highlighted gaps in knowledge, and unmet Notable examples include HIV/AIDS; SARS and its recently challenges in the management and control of virus diseases. appearing relative MERS; Hendra and Nipah viral diseases; However, in a book of this size it is not feasible to include all the more recent epidemic manifestations of Ebola; the details, and thus readers seeking a more complete discussion appearance in humans of novel influenza A viruses; and the of the diagnosis and management of a particular condition ever-increasing range of manifestations of “older” viruses should refer to the appropriate source. Similarly, although in immunosuppressed individuals. Paradoxically, other not intended as a comprehensive summary of current aspects of virology, for example, the clinical descriptions research into a particular viral agent, we hope to prime the of common infections and the principles of management, reader’s enthusiasm to explore further aspects in the scientific remain as valid as when they were first made. Our challenge literature. We are acutely aware of the need to foster the next is to transmit hard-learned experiences, within the context of generation of virologists, and if reading this book plays a new advances, to an ever-widening audience of newcomers small part in this process, then we will be gratified. entering the medical, scientific, and related professions. We wish to acknowledge a number of friends and In keeping with the advice of many colleagues, we have colleagues who kindly agreed to review certain chapters: renamed this edition Fenner and White’s Medical Virology. Peter Balfe (replication), Michael Beard (innate immunity, We have retained the layout of chapters as first set out in flaviviruses), Shaun McColl (adaptive immunity), Geoff 1970 by Frank Fenner and David White, as we believe Higgins (laboratory diagnosis), Yu-Mei Wen (oncogenic this structure still provides an excellent framework for the viruses, adenoviruses, paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses), discipline. Tony Cunningham (herpesviruses), Wendy Howard Part I deals with the principles of animal virology, and (influenza), Stephen Locarnini (hepadnaviruses), David includes chapters on basic virology and viral replication, Shaw (retroviruses), Sharon Lewin (retroviruses), Barbara host immunity, pathogenesis of infection, viral oncogenesis, Coulson (reoviruses), Lorena Brown (orthomyxoviruses), viral diagnostics, vaccinology, chemotherapy, epidemiology, Peter McMinn (picornaviruses), Bill Rawlinson (caliciviruses, surveillance, and emergence. astroviruses), and Mike Catton (viral syndromes). We also Part II systematically examines in turn each of the virus thank our graphic artist Richard Tibbitts for his work on the families containing human pathogens. Chapters in Part II diagrams, and Steven Polyak for the chemical structures of are for the most part set out in a standardized format to antiviral drugs in the chapter “Antiviral Chemotherapy.” allow the reader more rapid access to the information being Christopher J. Burrell sought. Of course, virus infections in clinical practice Colin R. Howard present as syndromes and do not identify themselves by their virus family, so a key final chapter associates common Frederick A. Murphy viral syndromes with the etiological agents usually xix Chapter 1 History and Impact of Virology the development of medical thought overall, particularly Infectious disease is one of the few genuine adventures left in in applying scientific rigor in understanding pathological the world. The dragons are all dead and the lance grows rusty processes. Advances in understanding infectious agents in the chimney corner.... About the only sporting proposition have led to improvements in human health and well-being that remains unimpaired by the relentless domestication of a once free-living human species is the war against those that arguably have exceeded the contribution of any other ferocious little fellow creatures, which lurk in the dark corners branch of science. Indeed, no less than 35 workers in this and stalk us in the bodies of rats, mice, and all kinds of and closely related fields have been awarded the Nobel domestic animals; which fly and crawl with the insects, and Prize in Physiology or Medicine in recognition of their waylay us in our food and drink and even in our love. achievements. Infectious disease discoveries have had a profound So wrote the great microbiologist Hans Zinsser in his book effect on life expectancy and well-being across the world. Rats, Lice and History, written in 1935, as he reflected on For example, epidemics of smallpox, yellow fever, and his life in infectious disease research. Zinsser’s thoughts poliom yelitis, commonplace until well into the 20th have stimulated generations of students and professionals century, have been virtually eliminated by the application of ever since. Infectious diseases of today present challenges various prevention and control strategies. However, hitherto that are different but just as demanding as those facing unrecognized diseases have emerged over the past half- Zinsser over 80 years ago. century at the rate of at least one per year. Many of the viruses This book presents the subject of medical virology from dealt with in this edition were unknown when the first edition the perspective of its traditional base as a life science and was published over 45 years ago. The epidemiology of other its application to clinical practice and public health. It is the viruses has radically changed as humans continue to alter perspective established by Frank Fenner and David White, the environment in so many ways. Meeting the challenges who in 1970 conceived the rationale for this book, and posed by emerging diseases requires the medical virologist maintained it through the previous four editions. It is the to acquire ever more increasing expertise and access to ever perspective that many others have used to teach and learn more complex technologies. Today diseases such as HIV/ medical virology. AIDS, hepatitis C, influenza, and diarrheal diseases represent The foundations of the science of medical virology significant threats to public health. Tomorrow it will be are intertwined with the other life sciences, particularly other diseases, the nature and means of control for which are microbiology and infectious diseases. Medical virology has largely unpredictable. One positive note is that all emerging a relatively brief history, spanning just over a century, but it viral diseases of recent years have been found to be caused is crowded with intriguing discoveries, stories of immense by members of previously recognized families of viruses. personal courage and numerous practical applications, Thus a thorough knowledge of representative members many of which have had an overwhelmingly positive of each family is likely to facilitate and inform the rapid benefit on humankind. Its origins involved the replacement development of knowledge about any new pathogen. of centuries-old beliefs and theories with discoveries borne out of rigorous scientific investigation. Targeted prevention WHY STUDY VIROLOGY? and control strategies could only be developed and implemented once the concept of the specificity of disease As many bacterial infections have succumbed to treatment causation had been accepted, namely that infectious diseases with antibiotics, viral infections now pose proportionally are caused not by some common miasma (a mysteriously a much greater threat to global public health than was poisonous substance), but rather by specific agents. In a wider the case, say, a half-century ago. Viral diseases exact a sense, the microbial sciences have played a pivotal role in particularly heavy toll among young children and infants in Fenner and White’s Medical Virology. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-375156-0.00001-1 © 22001172 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 3 4 PART | I Principles of Virology the economically less developed nations where healthcare This was despite the thesis of Girolamo Fracastoro resources are limited. Ironically, there is a resurgence of who suggested as early as 1546 that epidemic diseases interest in viruses that target bacteria (bacteriophages) as were disseminated by minute particles carried over long an alternative strategy for the control of some increasingly distances. Anton van Leeuwenhoek first saw bacteria drug-resistant bacterial infections (e.g., cholera). through his microscope in 1676 and Lazarro Spallanzani Although this book focuses on viral infections of medical first grew bacteria in culture in 1775. Remarkably, Edward significance, the reader needs to be aware that viruses are Jenner developed vaccination against smallpox in 1796 a major threat to livestock and plant species, and thereby against a backdrop of prevailing opinion that such diseases of great importance in human nutrition and food supply. were caused by environmental factors rather than specific Human adaptation to diseases of livestock and crops has microscopic agents. played a major role in the development of all civilizations. The establishment of microbiology as a scientific Virology is much broader than linking a particular discipline owes much to the work of Louis Pasteur, who in disease to a specific pathogen: there are literally hundreds of 1857 discovered the specificity of microbial fermentation, new viruses being discovered that do not apparently relate who then went on in 1865 to elaborate the nature of diseases to any known pathological condition of either animals or of silkworms. But it was his work on rabies that signaled humans. Many of these may in the future be linked to human the start of the virus discovery era. In 1885, Pasteur looked illnesses and thus the reader needs to be aware of the wider on as his first rabies vaccine was given to a boy, Joseph scope of the virological landscape, if not in detail at least Meister, bitten severely by a rabid dog, thus opening up the to the point of “expecting the unexpected.” Conversely, the strategy of vaccine development through a process of virus tantalizing goal remains to clarify what role, if any, viruses attenuation (Fig. 1.1). may play in well-known diseases of uncertain etiology, for The early pioneering work of the 19th century linking example, multiple sclerosis. disease to specific bacteria was greatly assisted by the The vast majority of new viral threats emerging earlier development of the unglazed porcelain ultrafilter by annually either originate from an animal host (zoonosis) or Charles Chamberland who worked in Pasteur’s laboratory. are the result of host range extension (that is, “host species These filters originally were used to sterilize water and jumping”), or other changes in the epidemiology, ecology, other fluids by preventing the passage of bacteria. Dimitri and/or pathogenicity of the etiological agent. Since the last Ivanovsky (1892) and Martinus Beijerinck (1898) showed edition of this book, virus emergence has become a major that the agent causing mosaic disease in tobacco plants focus of virological research. (now known to be tobacco mosaic virus [TMV]) passed The discovery of a new human pathogen often stimulates through ultrafilters retaining bacteria. Beijerinck realized the discovery of related, but hitherto unidentified agents he was dealing with something other than a microbe but that may, or may not, present threats to human health at erroneously thought that the entity that passed through the some point in the future. A prime example is the emergence ultrafilter was an infectious liquid and not a particle—he of SARS virus, a coronavirus, and the subsequent explosion called it a “contagium vivum fluidum.” Friedrich Loeffler in our knowledge of coronaviruses of animals. This helped and Paul Frosch were the first to correctly conclude that an in the later rapid recognition of another human respiratory ultrafilterable infectious agent was indeed a submicroscopic coronavirus—MERS coronavirus (Middle East Respiratory particle. Studying the cause of foot-and-mouth disease Syndrome coronavirus). of cattle, Loeffler and Frosch found that the causative agent passed through a Chamberland ultrafilter but not the finer Kitasato ultrafilter. Thus these first virologists saw A BRIEF HISTORY OF VIROLOGY ultrafiltration in a new way—they focused attention on what The history of virology can be divided into a number of eras: passed through the ultrafilter rather than what was retained, these span (1) the discovery of viruses as entities distinct and thereby established an experimental methodology widely from other disease-causing pathogens, (2) the association adopted in the early 20th century. In quick succession, further of many major human diseases with causative viruses, diseases were shown to be caused by ultrafilterable agents: (3) the development of methods for virus isolation and in 1900 the first human virus, yellow fever virus, and its characterization, (4) the defining of the chemical properties mosquito transmission cycle was discovered by Walter Reed, of viruses, and (5) the design and application of vaccines James Carroll and the US Army Yellow Fever Commission and therapeutics. A summary of the major milestones in the in Havana, Cuba, a discovery that was guided by the earlier development of virology is given in Table 1.1. work of the Cuban physician Carlos Findlay (Fig. 1.2). Virology has its foundations in the initial discoveries The concept of ultrafilterable infectious agents became of bacteria and related diseases. Up to the 19th century the more widely acceptable when Karl Landsteiner and Erwin prevailing view was that diseases of humans and animals were Popper showed conclusively in 1909 that poliomyelitis was the result of miasmas and other environmental influences. caused by an ultrafilterable agent. Importantly, as early as History and Impact of Virology Chapter | 1 5 TABLE 1.1 Some Milestones in the History of Virology Date Discoverer(s) Discovery(ies) 1796 E. Jenner Application of cowpox virus for vaccination against smallpox 1885 L. Pasteur Development of rabies vaccine 1892 D. Ivanovsky, M. Beijerinck Ultrafiltration of tobacco mosaic virus 1898 F. Loeffler, P. Frosch Ultrafiltration of foot-and-mouth disease virus—clear proof of virus etiology of disease—discovery of the first virus 1898 G. Sanarelli Discovery of myxoma virus 1900 W. Reed, J. Carroll, A. Agramonte, Discovery of yellow fever virus and its transmission by J. Lazear, C. Finlay mosquitoes 1903 M. Remlinger, Riffat-Bay, A. di Vestea Discovery of rabies virus 1907 P. Ashburn, C. Craig Discovery of dengue viruses 1909 K. Landsteiner, E. Popper Discovery of polioviruses 1911 P. Rousa Discovery of the first tumor virus: Rous sarcoma virus 1911 J. Goldberger, J. Anderson Discovery of measles virus 1915 F. Twort, F. d’Herelle Discovery of bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) 1918 Beginning of global pandemic of influenza 1919 A. Löwenstein Discovery of herpes simplex virus 1930 K. Meyer, C. Haring, B. Howitt Discovery of Western equine encephalitis virus 1931 M. Theilera Attenuation of yellow fever virus—vaccine development 1933 C. Andrews, P. Laidlaw, W. Smith Isolation of human influenza viruses in ferrets 1933 R. Muckenfuss, C. Armstrong, H. McCordock, Discovery of St. Louis encephalitis virus L. Webster, G. Fite 1934 C. Johnson, E. Goodpasture Discovery of mumps virus 1934 M. Hayashi, S. Kasahara, R. Kawamura, T. Taniguchi Discovery of Japanese encephalitis virus 1935 W. Stanleya Purification/crystallization of tobacco mosaic virus 1936 C. Armstrong, T. Rivers, E. Traub Discovery of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus 1937 L. Zilber, M. Chumakov, Discovery of tick-borne encephalitis virus (Russian spring N. Seitlenok, E. Levkovich summer encephalitis virus) 1938 B. von Borries, H. Ruska, E. Ruska First electron micrograph of viruses (ectromelia, vaccinia viruses) 1939 E. Ellis, M. Delbrück Development of one-step growth curve—bacteriophage 1940 K. Smithburn, T. Hughes, A. Burke, J. Paul Discovery of West Nile virus 1941 G. Hirst Discovery of agglutination of red blood cells by influenza virus 1945 M. Chumakov, G. Courtois, colleagues Discovery of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus 1948 G. Dalldorf, G. Sickles Discovery of Coxsackieviruses 1949 J. Endersa, T. Wellera, F. Robbinsa Development of cell culture methodology for polio, measles, and other vaccines 1950 L. Florio, M. Miller, E. Mugrage Discovery of Colorado tick fever virus 1952 R. Dulbecco, M. Vogt Development of plaque assay for animal viruses— polioviruses, Western equine encephalitis virus 1953 W. Rowe Discovery of human adenoviruses (Continued)

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