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Preview Fencezine Volume 3 Issue 1

TICKETS F2SpROM THEFENCESHO?: +UNKHOWNPLEASURES From Washboard to Beatbox: MC Quake Climbs the Fence ‘an you below Is bean ta yaae of Fare area. kno, eno en, ar ets mindlowing and satel at fl isl eam sey shisch my memories of ‘vers ay Fanos bark a ims wall sore te King had boan sowned belo te Jin deg, and ecor tr ym heel ean Pippa Te-am once one of he fv the roc tha dereated-@ remit ofthe Sxbhie Duh Gest! =e “What does tha nave odo with Fac’: #0" Armory?” ps na sak Weal So EVIE TaN feet & 9 SIU pad te) 9 Ba esha eon. was orv los le play washboard in ony of he meamatirs of the Shes Cubl Gees an ayperznce une any aber =i then--hger-le Me vt Renny and Zeal to tpl Ron's, ec tn aa ad Een 6p froune ard gol sevove abovt mnginy she mecoaars, Rvs eat che tn oote" an tiara ru brushee back ten, Een eae rcaby plein) Ie ugh base. ih an embryic cinvo-me! tao ele rag °g on 9. fr unes) 22 the Fran ste oul at besame Caplin Goel he oad Austr. Tabu. fou Tinted out slong ie pr. ey open aga ohms sr tene fax nthe a3 fprpning sets ‘ics yn pu he taean Seats St Se Sndrava and Sunde} In France ie "coved up wih Exe the Fronch Seas Be ht Sean, snl boson aur vane.cet af ore les al sce3s Eurooo a * Lo 1 Kanny ancourags: me to keep 3 jv ou eyo, ening that we - 25, "taan Vers cf #9 ~ Ie appreciates balng able a lok back anal in sme deal ov irre tes ii, wo | nomena) lige Fed ew tal "Sk (pouldave been a se: feferance fortis peca, | could have epped inl 2g Fouts meer steno ae harocsanatde'e ike these elt he cad Penis player enor aes days “ann eked Ered Bajar”, ra fury aofy about gating siren crave = same Frarch ese, seeing 7 aon fe Fan re Fase ee a ne "Beak ha ey af Re ck, fring us etn the path across he sta orca ht ot Bary ane “nc aneayy Ivins Wor tan’ Cor gana: vaneing erparion auto the fan Eid hace to Sealand ANC have nthe o| ov Pomesensed passes Gusicsts.) ‘Safe eouge cf dee ten ‘mavae ence those heady busking days, | =eam 0 ava maple aed journal (of eomse len son sto > Et tata pa ft ‘Aonay. lang stay shor ios 28 nese suerte wn an enclose sing of fy ety, oul and lalgee. and aving. and beet. an several slznens "sign Haan = of mer soe sak a hich | cena fo be tho comucir and Insigetor= mmm ert Gon) Alene I reaned hme key mundane hee ing Crests) tong errr uf ssetle tape, 1 rbd fg, 90 le Tames ch any subjoa tar came “0 mind sas way Soir than syirg fo mle feihing down and ¢ cou pack In much rioreInarmaton. Ever Me hove, any began ia mine thse casete eter fl carboes nat ner one pin anes tunes, simuding tha -eloveen-taching diatibe “Wich Hat on Fence very fist treat the shuctta Gan Graneatirs 8 nw Ct, hia jou shou om ava Sours gray le pas, {afer 07 would bein fo eetbuta my oh "ginal make inthe For of pia ences. ‘ses citrine, cf Ween You may of mas Nol a-saay He amis. But MC Quek logan hie Fence roreer ts lking See! agp ito SOO mo King Greve Soa ‘Good ring hve never ace shy ab: eeunng hs an ii! ~ a Bue Tp at ange 01 Sete FZ, Thea ot To Kah, fro a am asprin ain a i ly seen sy YG ena Tee fol ha ogc: 3 9ec¢ pao he Wed Tor evar yout: al cod Sol Tame a nn cd rg pape be te ee ech 6 cay pov Reo ety sel ag ka vl hassel hate "Dla Saeed ws a twrlfced some fv oery Cp no pes orcs al I sceos cane say pein. a ng een er afer saletsectons sid we ngraan che rat Foie aptaee in fl me cra’ toe oa 1308 ce er a nero eleyaty ca ca aches ple Me ete a eg Fay vt 6, sees er aur amet bya ene on) ect ear adam eu Bec et ale Se ely oe Win Pe 29 nt elven he 9 Li a Yon be tart, suo ope aera seer er averral oa ih iene re Teva ut Fe ae ne ane eg Ia $2 a, aR MME, ES, ateoto ng «ple vera tenses agony sown pos re eee ae Ws fect 20a kat ci ars so ae cent eo B= eral cia chase vr 21 wha rao nt ne (hea ane 2af ue ale aziotssteued wes 2 aca treated naa Re Fain eran bly sow eles) a een ae FO sy cate Uy paukaie icabewe tev yz 2 Bevo we Ince HE! Tee vo in fer ene and Bes ever chne8.#, ‘i cake The npc rattan hein cer he ee CRs en, ‘Shabar i be Skoebaie Doh ase verwan Heroes als Tas et islet, 'Shoe Mant Hoe, "The Cera Ki Creat the ey a he oe tt beer strong sig. The Renoir he shes De sane aor cues Shi tine puns meal ene. The owl suber tan fae et a a {ho nag te, hun Lhe Sey Ud ane. Page ee 30 lowest singe! Maybe etc of lua dil pe! Kaye ts Arig oad ang on ese Ie Mae ying" eel un esos ‘Setorejutas Rayhe is aboot sing gy? Tren? Ms net Sb aboet SN ee er {sb sce ofthe Dubs ig ally ang been Engh ap KRegaba, Aa Abdo and tan dig erase fn Rabrgh I oa treat icing ofa Ur, Spel saan i Crs) e Leton ty Fm now on aaa Hes ‘so, was ta tied of Rocke nRol.— E> Bae Net of Fe! 1 dat et ¢ eave aE | how tive ant soi gig atthe Sabway’ in Edbacg. They weve good ‘Tay were slaying baugats wid anja nr et Ko suf’ but| Buse Thee mp band ‘araihead rh Laas Serko 1) pase te Hous Copr Fetes in OO for nas 927 on he Gc naeletegele, eke, retin! “he tat wie 004. te fakes Nee sige ver oie! "sy tnt slic aocn eer ths Fert ad onal encogh, co dd Kean, Aon Te joe Fores and soo whe happen. nas creed Keren Hoes = aicugh de dns Da LP as see andor hares. eae so-up telly wee che Kt. unde ike a nears sonnet of de. Mucpss. Sa, Folk, Pu and, sly hep he anya he wba spatter ayer thet bd and ioc ne ly save gBO4 nears, Aang ale apse ogy | osge Saute in of 100 pple We toured aon Soe oF Eat and plas a Harchbs ip en we esirdad ag and nso ante ‘head be ‘realy craig ane; lon yl rshrocem ad pane lt Super [asain opera slope eng hag a Roa cage Ce 1 played a vst rae og, ae wore spi a, fuged a Fo an ea tonne Enos ree ir A _ attest LP Teo snentione! 1 ae tk Klatoun Moroes was he ue bgiving of Fence, oF posily when he crewed bn a. sib 3s the sollsion af sles and oF tint frome Hee ll ed lat chasing a ecm an ing Be popstar ns Shute oto wang lu wa hs impstnt hing, Sine then, Tse Bed Seren toc emg wth Hensal asta with Reuben, dl dbe Hh, Key renace ad festuttel te oper fr dlysallg i te slo wut of King Croco = esa meting he sel Fave Jue cae Ler, leh bs peubly dor ere 3 sale fing Not coms sly seaing ison wim pring aut he oa eds, Ae ie tet relng 1" ur i bros ten ad Gaede, and Den bia rea. Teac? fel has even e-cne 2 uf nn So he ollie vas bm an has 00% vo 2 euyetng ng alo Plt wi ad yea per Tho stow of ance 32 Be the cary stag what outs fare eve of dg The fn of aking mes. Ws ne Mute econ Tvl elt a: lo abot prac independence epost saving 203, Ove Her vod ‘alg sie th sea Jane B, The Lone Pigeon, and Me eves Jare Bitkin that frst did it for me... | mean the criminally under‘sted King Creosote poo clastx, 26 Sppased to tre somewhat overTated Aral 1 oe Re T fra go te ow fe St Andeons Gftzons when as wotng a1 Aran’ fay-iato back n the winer of 1958. Nex any sid they maka a nice aresk fom execrable sudent ineia aancs, bul Ihay also had songs Ike Jate 8, and ‘would do thngs Fe hand out Ile “oys 12 members ofthe audience, and end up wih the ertie oar playing slang ws part o* te band. Having soent ny teenaze years on a -Onden sndle ¢.cuf that ell worshipped the guy from Maneweer asa Kid of aemigod, there was. scmthing se wonder ity inalusive and unsnotbist n their performances tat las insta hoowed. # iso cug thal twa of tho guys ftom the Citizens ran the only cecen: cord store in ‘vn that would be Fence Records on South Street) enc didnt seem te mind me hanging out tering tp Sonic You racords for Sva hours at ech whe acta bay anhing o | tated scheing my eit ot ‘he be” aroun Citizens nights. #5 well 35 King Creosete sala shavs 4 ‘oule usualy feerre sets fem The Jase and /er the merortal Gumi Bake, ‘A few rants late: someshing very aporant happend. | was belind the ba. KC nas pissing, amd ho Induced a ar'al, opatded tan who walked ‘sth stcoper shoulders, and his eyes cas: dow oh the toc. So Ls uncononaole Toasng guy gece up and starts playing in fte and stems, = ong. faily mmaroinieus, ‘song about Moses. He slops playing. He slars again. He nologisas to he susionse. Ha bugins the entre song again. The aulence Tages interest and goes hace -c their conversatons, Hut then forthe br Moment nes im the zona - aad dalvars one verse with the Tost Beast ietensiy “had eve" seen Thea tre moment is gona and he stops playing ahogotrr, apologises to he audience, and shuflas of dont tink anycne ise nefosd shot magic moment, dey had last alae in th Stange guy ha couldn | frish his aw songs, ul | was deeply effected. Somehow thet ‘ater ag oerfornance comoired the graca Cla ambsen dour learirg 10 Wok, ‘hth the graze ef a stag that has ust agen shot 3 fr ataggers before cies. | ‘nent nf the ile seared guy 23 we wove c'eating up tye bar ard said that Lead his shove. Ha said ne as the Lone Pigeon an he became one cf ry closest funds. That vos" was a lough onz for both Gorden and “we. 4 suffered with ss heath and! os: some heres Mc halpud each other ala Batre | ek St Andrews “wartee te gota couple af my songs recarded 1 askud Ke-ny tz help me oul. le set re up ina yoom wit: John and Gourley from The Jose, and sing ar elgh zk, tw mics, and his phen anal “ler, Somehow made my congs sound alight Ie never ‘ealy eroorded anyeing afore, ana aight dull realise how muea 2a fave was aBkeng o pocale sanding 9 losd of tme on =y stuff (bu: hen, Tve alays been 3 bit of a chaneat). Kenny wes fuly amazing in bre iene and care he teak cver my songs; K vas such a yeracas afd eval thing fora genus eorguiier 9 de tank yur King Crecsotel The other really sol ting he cid wir my S098 was to ‘cleasy thorn | etl vemeinber Fuicing Lets Get This Ship On Te ose. “of the fist time ad thinking sh. a pnelego Rae to G2 pat ct someting #9 genie, open. end cere ere gr ‘80 now. 3 fair few veers Iter and [rm wing tis crunk: ater 8 practi. with The Alens, Gordon Ardarsor's naw band, who lve just stared alayng guitar for, Somehow hare's a rice ciculanty 1 that. Qvel tre past faw years Ive iad te explain Ferce te a ‘ot of people. Not everyone has got, even cose fiends and band malo have totally misuncerstood what Fanca is. Cs not Far everyone, Bu the pecple whe get I eal gett | sea great tings for Fence, its awandertl, geactful, and wid thing o's Keep ttt way Lovet aliaF yas js te RK the gospel according to gummi bako,/ -* Me ee i Treey brmettare noe Lek! N [Tae eevee Aires seule hn AMOUR Some ante on fe nae evryning you sould yoy dose athough ster re) Rtas oe of 1 mismcrenie Besesners at pavers you fer lng let You ual sorathing Tove mares? wth yout fe Waybe We ony natu tp vere Ah nado, te {Fernght condhces ane fight of struaon, mings can auto aly emer ev thee}. ne row? anyway, ang burned sau2d nS fer gos few Yop | gue ie inentabe that | wail eventual stumbe Int the amereRous ory tet woud ee Da ta Fanee rat we tnoe' 9d ave vem. ok Ree goat splisiee ieee ay Poses yew betes te eany ov he {Union ane! end enuck to Skuobhie Dobh Senesve gg” tee Yaunze Hel Twas ‘ood 2kto rember ruck boll ta each apaftTran he ig 3t bases oF no beards, the EL look keane nguend-bory wow baa tears and yee ter imine fo er Akay Bs ‘Sear senate be he place rere al he wer Bows hang aut might Revs had sewing 10 0 Wh the late feast ees [pabsaly rat fo do wih te fact nat everyone new sorta Wee irked tare and 9 af, Sic oe) Mat | yes cto ofan down Tent en one onan te watt acc her bat thee bait Afeurof my fens set irhed In The St Bparae Claes. veer we Superaroup, Expt Haart mye up, wt Pepa € hela tote tha {atinasenertaion and gonantonal ake or ertetcnme, vet ns ti movpted Its Sry tad (oat a Lt tara) King Crassta Cle show. My fe glmpse a? the right way on oro f these 7 ats, (a beer wring add ronge fr 8 ae whl end on ‘lac ard “Harika tcsonas 49 bp 2 inlet It sang R aung @ NC set The oncn bong that Td haa stay Up" stage night. tink thas wore he sug na To ty i |e ty dann Son vif a at Taye rea orn are 9 her nthe Alias Mu : Bac troy, notm oan than no, sla runt ana lang. Wen ane Ik te Jord end lt wide ote woecr a ocr Cece yarns et nih pubs Goa B foe ad inep ehatgns tan you gould 9 4 pot Hove, te hor! te Pens OOPS Es 2S a Ta experience wea oe tives Eratters éndsiaon. Kew “cing Cente fen emens; {alk ovat Gordor "Lave Paar (race-nduhg mayne ie ana Eer "F Dpltt {ater oftalureriatgcally serard ae) aus lg ohe ulate mca in ah as hes, tan the ere "than sombine hbacene somttrgsypet 426d. Py ‘ois a nes tat boy cole he 30k Trieed ts cop ie ‘he Fanen shop af wore onuee es fb fr al-019 Of era heragane Falla ould dip in rd dop ot: at at fe tr Lforunatly Fat en ot ts bougit any rgarss 2a ha shop ovens flaca. Ge hats anatver gtr, Mes hee ‘at | san te 1 nomevae Feros a's ©” <enry'arecormandsbon «pbk Up Wes Hiraid Gt Soe ca Gunpl” #0"? and one geona 25 Scrat Trak” Ths wae sick fn aa: oparee anata eoorelencedup Gang try ct copy io tat opted ne ard ‘at i. eo oa : ey . . ’S fet tena Pence as renay nave ruer ot -esance beso the cy Wats These we Sobate but wes nora ct yo are (hich im ae ape ef yeu wuld ove) Bn ansbing alse ors ela fly rapaaert ne soning cali, Sosa tha bask coop ‘ha oskad logue tom orstaty mest se snes ih the et) 1 Gee Boost [Mare wera quit a fe ove those cay (some tinge rev char ge ~ 21) ond ae Fane may be "terested tc ung trate extern where yoo" oe ome a eerion Foroa panance a9 ¢ “a3 of Unce Boclys iana’s mgneloge raring] Lita dt ian ‘hat ar ndend tre chonzy Peto, te ein teeter to? guass Fe nea chat ws woul suly gate sup oslacvaNexae above Ta Fes in hitvo tanhen. Kenny wna ta ulna calles Oar Preeeme wie ed ¢ Lab-eeson hart cal unt zs Dae had sr atthe Bone gh ge fo sbaut S seks ard fated the HC iva band to aek hi up. [ink Colm Shar and Bevel wire ls nthe ard thet cl kus dete ha el be good ta cepiaae an elation hat fe shoe Wold rng ana tle 2 hee Ferce semblor reves Go Pisin) “0 ae ae: be [Shas The Peas Gor a Rett @@ Sock Semen ore wa theta beta the area fr Sumplo iz.. Say te ath te probaly De beet Pag bout Ou :0 to fel hat karyone wos ol petri to gat te 20 was Hrd cecled tage. | een xn hao many cples of tatu ct ere but ero! tat every coos can ave # ane Ins Faweyer war amiestne, Hwa he 1! Fetes retusa te nave an Aratson Bro orl frst tan 100% wg aly 2 all fc befor od byt do a propor era ~ 4 shots! Lois Pigs fairies to "fa or be sas hs al lly Mare, ‘ping reomer fo pick up w notch ox to. “ete foie wore sang to be tear info peses (hares w the sering eas of IY & co | and the geed fois rere seared he from 2 ial fat he beet curse ef aor neta do na rdibkabe and reaae a SEA co fut tallest The Fagin Wad Sorcer AIS ety he tot foots. fs sa“ et ‘tlosen tthe time sd | ember Aan cama urd cha night and goved a fs B precara the arwvork for sng How coud too tre ld ran fiom Dal Marka rude? Eni vad temambercd sta rads: an he back ta eoe hin say “eur Dol Teese an acting sve rthoaa one Feros wae avery ace and ereal ane: Thee wars cuntecs Sunday Seca alkdeyare st pales fer evn sonason, 240 ray "are ate {a tat be taney dae. Gre right se wen had DIZ Cel pst aan he DA fete mere Ad fois knew ht because every rig: wae alvays so deter and you fever, Failte expec et te a gd ob toa rsa probed wat tt eve gt wy x_n ae aa a So Plans ware hated far Fees 1" mego-alg. tier har cru olf of Asma’ ul of bore Konny Bian heed ‘ne oo Ceamce Cone. Lookrg back at rom, # vse probably (vs pres-homtegame. ‘ve ted ano Pence metros, Mo, PO, Le, JY, GB * The {had bege: 21d Fonee Tarp for Gesgen, Fatlopec! and boyord Yau. ofen some Seausty? peal Cueto ove sak or anata | gor real We 9300 Me 9264 Rae BU ‘afevunts wr had pest baack pany The Lore ®geon doaaseniyanteurowd tall Int ofwme abet ply ta glostant cong tho werd He then precoeded 10 sa3h Up Ms coum par nd ehooes or the Fares. eam! ago down area So dd he vodka, ‘itor nd preealy wry [eRe I eu the nest orig. Later et day raed sul toe ata he Fence stor lm tire | ang @gopae of lenry Cast buon tobe rae en oo mary “ns eae and ated In Borough he ercld Gt"n hasty a ty ard rake 300° Wel, thal fd ot ong. Sweep ellng ma base to ry rusanal on Inet oly Spent ‘more nein tas yee" an‘ Ecmourgh Pd pon Ken's ranger fort gh = Crank ep Faves Pt cng te 29, Wh the odd to Adarean's he sake and Saat Rk el fore all tat gn cane vec seas alone : ‘Corsubina ce wa the arr oth dey ate (4 cy rs right long seared Ua aeons feaved‘nuebnean tha vbum being comotad wid ts he: aleabe Ist sour of the race Eetitaekag end ogalananarigers raked in tat heeo of a recor. tm nt vere Be pee o ete jst an) Uw wes a Fae ta ors garrce'sagrasrionts ar ov fe Seo eh gc Fa ‘Concise Ree producton ees Sok cabal of Eee. Nek Ie Tere | ‘Noa 2 hand record seco there salle The Blrete ‘uv nls hes hare tar am te numer Aner Heroes that help ake etch ey inthe Ease suk ang baa Sore ag Tomecarit ae an my bithaay ae Sipergureitet we eaty ma: Jemy Casi (oka MS Ginokre! Shed teankosclng azou tra Neue sce. well eu shout is at ed's fgirend enelireg, but ao rarer ner aang thc sd seen ta Kr2our Hels (gin Cra Hal shih" suresmen you eat stot Anate sho going e S0G2', We Seecred er fs & deme tog ser nearing fat shed boot rocerdgon he ae och ape deck sores. We ed, She gave vs 8079 shotbtesd 7d same scone (0 imrmorgtiked the ne. - 2 [ater be shah rama als of Serpe 429 oe Tough Ke be wise ts evan cme Fore nahes dan 78 par and realy go or ok. Doing #9 ABU Fenoe Cchece san oom the ber! a go abou re B: rox movinghnont record sich hag we res burt nee tao rat we Kew ane erage n sore fa bake carga, wich then ju"dlee ph ar ald topamt tore cag ter sack 98 TsoMe eer Wess ‘wondors, 0d 38 jou Pah expoct sate gat sponta ond fs qua ml wc as real fe even Sooo ste nest agg fer Ua 2ecauco wo “ony” mde OOD Wat wars “Stinking? yet heraver we ink eve un Oc anaersrglod stays ua Up. The latobarocce ety must say al Bf a a axel odvestrers ie Mastre ohn vs nad sat se here in Callao znd hed gt in vouey oft A about a. They anacged fo est ata Cuvee righ and wae eg « patntaly ga Fence & at 2 fe gal ex orig Poar sone ‘he teon ink Kenny 6a kook in of eae fader tho ue hI puch ho later tno as: iu azen aie andvwre pay Peaks th alana ag 2d HELL sauned or thoval | de ik | re tevat I fe ear secpoves ering 0 {8 nocumal shah an any te ore npr as rice 4 ge Tes Ina sos ‘pied met andy aa athe i Bethe Fenee oadabin 9F he 0. Be rs uckiy vr we are on tot ang haley idan hs Fook Ue "0 He Moen, hy atthe oa ad gone We became wee ae | ng siesid heaton ncaa rofen gs Upunt ie cate en E bet cont pal ha Darteaar tek ny rapaoleagah | oeld go on ara on about oe? see tt you kro ‘that hy ey, "what hngpene on eur stays on Ort probally secause you canta lnase youve beer treughk 00, Gaede there ure oor —<__ Ec! tm geting of tack. a cacaed le mala © pamanent rove badko Pe ae | apext hoe otiny tne tre arywey. For a wile alagenty summa 1 up H48 Goseres coon relist and nad fo sneak "othe fen ah tra neon lanel' (ho ed Frat #208 ae diastd 2 the whi of fe Ite panels Ir the bese geden Aaah, et ‘ senieat aa aie 3 "As Here was no rest ana ar on saat hele are “zt, ha ees, hough romans, wes tai rectal forte lang dave ar nights shea My erent nt us.» gas hat w tae PY tis supoftrezero,mayse «ste gas nal 48 yoo Rest the matvese og f f2 run on vanes al etna. don nv... bi ove tgs for sore we sera evr U sssrs and suits tan enginacred pelos puzaereprinady au cnmar-eurart One Yar rap @Plagautanunt on Vis ebate end fg «Lynch (eta been ing mae org wth hs Pistey Tall dereg fr serene} somehen' won ne ales ld Pe te racers. recon he's probaly ight Yeu ae, he pie nas x Pane a9°V3. ty dont Yyouaschim abou &? Fe migh make t vers jour wba) se i Fay enough a yon ea 4 Acerans at ret emer senng “anny pron tg a fy stress ig comedy coke ty Hay Thacher. Sow mings rove caangel Are YoU kno wha? | ut te wt, 2c’ hat the Fanon ap ba Foxe stern ati pron dow a: heath de ‘ | ruite g rola EA ‘The wo'd ‘Fance” sarod lis usleal oor notations for me when Kenry tale me rea wns buying Te auld record shop in Seah Stat. I thaught he was mad — are's baen many weo “2oard shops in St A, but they've alvays closed down wily na year oF Ho, dve fo “he "ight of Manzies & !Mactes. Pris ta that fr ve "Fess" ws ject x wes logo on ihe Amfstice cassette whica Is worth ‘geting “or che tack Leslie, Anyway fal 4? the band I's been in, due ta lleshiess and hatred ofthe mesic wa wote playing, Fd te-so: my cxams. and Banned Io yo hack 2 colere. and be @ pOmAL But bafter hen" was going loge f 18 monfrs doing my own music. Jus: $0! could say ka “nyse I ‘done i, Somehaw Ihaugh td make the fost af my I'S easier ts lwe. Being fn the doke Waent a whove heap of fun thaugh, so fd gradurted info = par tine ob ct hoatshen Yee Nel aa BT "pinensver 1 coed though 1d stared comng along to Kenny's eabaret shows al aikma7', Playing a bi of Mardelin, bass, whatzvar Aca Ct Spates on 2 ‘mandoy? Im your nan. was a vary Fee otmcsahere ~ 98 in, any one cad oy, they really wanted And, havirg soent the last fow years ce arcing ES Seme 10 scngs aver and aver, that Feedom appcaleo tp me. | remember |: inary sting a he sl af te stage playing along wth some singer ot ‘tior £4 never *el picking out notes to songs Te raver neard on ty st siting busida me a young loss was doirg exactly the sam= fon tat file and she dent know the sengs ether Wran | say Pat syons ‘auld play i they searted, +e goed the wa the scialiness of “he whole aff pt he Brown Eve Gat brigade of, Thank Tae Lovd Team there | fret saw Gardon play —ho was a-azng. dow #app'7gy g90d. | ‘ememaer fellng ¥ty Gory Tor wricever had ta folos hrs, Kenny 98 prety mesh paayirg Dubh & Kranoum smu thar, alangskie sone new Wings ad Some hmorovised madraes. ‘There eousned 1 be a few regulars ‘UMS UP, | ene o” whom anpeo'ed t ‘sally not ike the music, act fen wen: lapoed Ike defies if we attampred a ‘radticna tune | guess there's ot so "Uc Ive inise MUA ee MeCN oo ‘Trete was lords cf ater nonsense going an zlso - one of my songs hac 4 been alayed By Pool and itd tied Uo a Bi of intrest from a “ee labels ed Jazz, 2AD and a Lorde labe As a rrsuk. Td hae "Moving Ua Seurty, ‘ioofing The Gospel released by moveind Bad Jac2. | put Bad Jaze 1a mie Aurareatert A Wy toch wit Lone Pigeon. and wo del ost tsa ik Bad Jas cid 3 ‘ole Pioge ait also? | put Bed Jazz in ouch: wlth King C-eosote and they ghtas vpS00 copies of Se Foor at pomp fi tem andes th bus Sorry aout at Kenny, However, found tr sel beng in te buat sitsstor of weoad bythe London label holt heard me on Peel Strangely though, they adn ke 7 instr-mentaion, o1 ny choles of unes. Hicin.‘Mhen they fe hearé “Lang Teun! hey complained about the smalkpipes and s.ggusiad | renlaoac iv 2 Moog. They cide fink musk of my compericns, thw Bolh my Supgestons af Kng Grecsaie & Lone Pgeon were clsmessed (foo Scat f ise grzat expense Although tke Lenton lavel were nice people, hel supers were not. They all "kad UINPOC though. Huzzat Mayee ‘hey had Swedish Hood. B ‘Anya, Kenny kindly let ma put ar album <:a dough Fence wh'st | waited forthe Lovderlabal fa get thet nates together, 01 put tegebver 9 11:7) ‘rack 24 — mosily the demos fram oy fret bun “proper. That as goad. IL 390g yo Ea rds : ‘round Wal Sve, Td bean aa Fukne Plok RA show wth my ol pal Kis, iter the show. wren most peosle wad Ioft the venue. Dara was Us guy Standing by himsat® looting a litle sheenisn, “rafe LB fron Domina’ said Mike “er's get him auctor a pit = he's a dacent tei" (Mive knew be London liga). So, we io jest that. cian reat his abe , aed a vas jst #hos te ‘igi 70 thé tendo’ fatal | fe Lav eee t schr-sove Se we gat on quite we H He sok me about a: these neop'e whose recor he Fleasadl, ane | ta in Abou: all my pals ‘rom Fifa. Tas evening wanton prety ls —we ended up in Fl tna vast End backaacvers, wih Riley & Jan (now absrekly).play.ng Grain Parsons tenes cn an a upight pana 2t der. Oh, and same crazy Malan Uy uth chest oper wth a doe, Hin, ut. Le & I sare e-unkce, Pend ‘Next rarang. | tguied re never near om the guy again, ut wtow days ate ha sant we © dozer. or 3a Domino ors, Wow. Same ofits pretty 20d Stuf too Faut Tet, Papa M, Sing. Crivens, Thave 2 g90d wee lal he's got gaia, So. 1 sens him a oa of Fence tunes including 4 sons sacl by Lone Pigecn 1 King Crocsato | UNPOS 2. Wight Frasents and afew! of et rancor -Bily Pranm, ete HMS G vaen-tin mi eonsiousness a hate, Gr she'd'va been on there LE liked ‘he ot end the Hen of @'soene’ $0, Ne care up tu ea us al Flay, tthe St Andress Cosmes ert. Whe boing yell anymore with reasons $0 dd the Skerchbouk fad azz! Mkte : 48 Sram ta coun fr Fé. Has ln gute she Conon Pigeon a9 1g oe vols and dense ikea messiah and we ended he night a iat GG freetorm arg Tour, featuting KC {LP 1 JY { Pip Dyin / Uncle Beesty ? Reuben Doaftute pus arcther few pepe wne I cart quite vlace. Bray a8 3 i Evil 35 2 Kl, |hink Wit was Te feet tiene thet I Pane Happy Sona) (aod ent, 98 Baulcop Wout say Domina enced ue puting reeerds out by KG LP f UNFOC. JY, wich rly halved tras along press and stenion wise. We statec fncing ourselves Giterwrl putts of he old, mesty spar, uk someteres parlly togerhe’ — F] Sweden springs to mine, wih tre UNPOC live band, sang Bavchop f KC 1 || Picish Tre 7 JY, plus Lene xeon playing or the same bil. Thal Lave Figean shove In Stockhe'n vos irmanne, as O'Nall nol d emp. Pidge ala tad ‘wth tat brifart ture whore ha's payng @ scmy church organ, Eetore ‘lds into ina Sta WVare theme, After 8 few miru:es of thal he slats Aow.ng ‘on top. I ahaye gers me. The susience were kaflad and wide eyed. But they ‘Were hapoy wih his star jumps. Easier tc gel. Everyone knows a qood scar jmp wher Inoy see one. Later on That four. we mere playing an a town handstand (ike #2 ene in fort of the Riv‘). a font of a few hundhed crszy UNPOC fans, but thay Fecognised al of us, and wa all got to de 3 wee i though Hey shaught ru was the dares showoiace, Even Jchrny Pictish Player Sabby George, But to-es too rary memorat'a Farce weanls lo ontio~ prcoety Green ban fesvale, each une unpocsbyy beter fran the previous; the hour show ve cid al Lyncon & Lyemout the reck star Mojo fueled wedi in Savarla where ? of the female guests wore m shock neving taken a michight § val ard secovared 2 locale Peking & row, the J¥ 1 KC eure af the UK & elsewhere... (dom puta drunk KG in Font of a Welon audlenee, by Ue wey}: Snnouncieg an HMS.G tune onstage Ih Gantada and heering fom the anders '| cen her da Lice Deesy & Kete binging “heir Baia vo the Edircurgh Caves shaw Rea & dul ss ater-vadaiag shebang wne-2 Key. dernmny & myset sung OW Marl for an haur straight wih every verse becoming ~wofe ucieraus ard insulting @1 rave a frend aaled Kenny, F's no handsone 1 guid looking’), Hopefllytherell be = few more. Wie ken ‘who we Walt be fn 10 years? Pisteh Ira wil have won a Mercury, UNPOD the Swocish enty ‘or Evrovsion, HMS Ginatore wil ba a sea caplah, “he Lore Pigeon a pale, and Pip Dylan wllko a famous ltset. KC'lro coubt | fe He cam ohal she. wd? hbo bce athe baokshn, out wong ft vive. Thats progress. skuobhie dubh orchestra ea new cate fe sat alo recorded 2y the skuobie dubh orehosua as argubly ur bow. "a navy cat” was ineredihiy I played, bray honest and veingowrth' eat tee fonly te bal broke up alos raoeisel after x was mixed doven and suit Yas aver released. ah, we ado maybo OD casseme copies, Lut i snow 10 yeacs on, and everyone invelve as moved un, the aistery of his ford anc the demise oF Ue le were catalysts fy Tanoe Ad king remote, a where boner 40 tell Ue ordi ale a i this anniversary edition ofthe enesvine! 2 sats will he bres ep of ‘he ocignai som 1994, we'd jus bund eur rae te. "khan eros" whe g comple of Une mui players esides te alla sty, coimidentlly, sa coo had edinburghs "simetchend”™. wo had 9 gytarist singer anda vss player; Mey had an eletcic gars? singer aus a drummer Fit.» gases hut append ext well. the won halves eam tagither m1 Sum er 1504, Tearned to ply lout, sn dell the hlartaunt heres as 4 ew ata separate sy altogether in the sutmsr of 1905 ine khartoum, korbes coved a enuple nf shows 1 europe vweld sper Hetcuury cecording devmes. weld played quite a few vet gigs Ahroughe the spring, but the exrapeen ti Yl been povited nirid wut to Be JRF tlhe too shows = ore im a xgumt chub an lone, ane other a eailege 6's oinewezo in helgium? we besn hoping tor aout iv tbe wb, 0 me dese "well gu tusking befime and aftr our fe shew, fesninds ke areal ven, ‘boc act we had am absolute blast, Ye took a Fry fo cherboury,u rive down th Ta torhele ar x fe ebont the nid of feanoe store the est gt cl ogi ithe squat sin ellowed us to stzy m leidon and 10 play ante pub gig tun Ere ec Ler 240 gues plas as muck tee white bao as w> could swallow. 5 swallowed alot, and had eas of ste bom shows hangars of sur vosrlony cases, (Ge busking was 4 Lough, we 2 Teaned skilMe. ve pit a couple uf big dens in 2 "ab. the Rand cemng home fore that mip was vot v4 as Lexpisined, the Mhartaum aerose we <viginally (poets misao, Ue pani skyolie dub onelestu, bu ow we has a weuple uP ences, 0 mits tr plus more acquis shows, wo wanted os husk, aint we waned eWarthine to he Supple. an yore rehearsals, demns. debts anc game ples, just mate shove in Dubs, and mace inwveling i8 sumiter our ells Ind sifted back to Hut oF the skuobbie dubhs, and alli sok to exchange dram stick fo blast ecks wa ie suns and w heeled angutnen or te. cue band tal emerged Fur the callapte of te hawrioum hesues wl Me end Sommer 1995 seamed koa on a relum te if, we cled thie new hand “shoe save hour, but wea we syed frst shows in st andeews pubs Hike ie mes iin. the ather'e and fikin anc the wiley pat vere, many Haden in ele Sd and th seus cemebiere! the signal sdn Pom their Ls, your al uni hey tuna tt in dives 09 so0 us, and they ignered ou Gi shoe stark Ro" niche. Appuvntly we fone ual svanded Tat Eke ths sdo af cl! nnsanny reall seeing {re were Ee pa grginal sdb anyersy. in abe sutimat se ema 9 we Someone (har caused incredible upheaval tor oversbody. und iC wus in his weird fomotienal’y charged environmen that we booked stadia tie, with ve buik af ny favinys { bocksd a ieket me the us, of, In 369 my ld sing, nempadre je feller, we had even ibetiod a hie moneepo este!” 1 worked very Sand organising aud playing shows. # staned havi artacks. > ving am almighty yer uaclss crush i wat about be kiesed out of ny sefage na teases esate wilh its cele Jaw sont. we play 3 or 4 tm 1 vec wp La clistoyas, 904 tos zn etwoen ebritaas end ues yea an nn the [st ney isan january 2nd i eluene fo ay wee hase hing is a Siiple mater of pasting a few things tne the holiday fd booked only e find the pes and deg Tis! then apent hours with Lresiag water talaing down on fy hosd, and as it gol dark outie | “ad a> salvage diaries, storcos, pes ad furituce. ered, lghiod. shouted, evi and Wughed rouue ad coun, aba O ful order, we the ese ownor mmr bles arrived aed i x pluamy volee sat aaa, where's your slopcock?" vow i ont Black for cua § yeas. he seagnt mand, never saa lady ‘char than his ull bounehecper sour io place, and be vamos his 3 doukeys aller ‘ak gir reads - yer, gana, susan dene other ~ tad for a while J 8 his lyse, thi ment drivin hu (various sennish gl? courses ac hich spec For hime fose 150 yu er Hele afler el over per Role whilst burned ss uct Fully leaded asi fl like 1a the rremncire.jsamed 80 suid Lara afleracon’s wor, ‘lass np ancede of over 135 tap on thy 990, bre never nee heard bam use the wont “spook” thas Inapbe the Leeson we couldnt ind “ee dam thing st 6 ‘selack on jamafy 29d. es too stunned. nut oul ba © aever ean bia ws the ‘wenk bade heard anyone uss the seord aud hl bed him carey! hat id Senvedto Kal? ew * definitely nesde! that holitay, for a month i enuld weashe sleslep bua stray lag Bla ates, home e286, stress toss eed a Tew aurres a a

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