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Femtochemistry and femtobiology: ultrafast events in molecular science PDF

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PREFACE This book reflects the heights of knowledge of ultrafast chemical processes attained in these early years of the XXIst century: the latest research in femtosecond and picosecond molecular processes in Chemistry and Biology, carried out around the world, is described here in more than 110 articles. The results were presented and discussed at the Vlth International Conference on Femtochemistry, in Paris, France, from July 6 to July 10, 2003. The articles pubhshed here were reviewed by referees selected from specialists in the Femtochemistry community, guaranteeing a collective responsability for the quality of the research reported in the next 564 pages. Femtochemistry is an ever-growing field, where new research areas are constantly opening up, and one which both stimulates and accompanies the development of ultrafast technologies. The award of the Nobel Prize to Ahmed H. Zewail in 1999 testifies to the world-wide recognition of this field of Chemistry. Since the first Femtochemistry Conference, held in Berlin in 1993, the studies of primary molecular events have quickly expanded to include a large variety of molecular media —isolated molecules and clusters in supersonic jets, solutions and liquids, polymers, solids and nanoparticules, nanostmctures and surfaces— and an increasing variety of molecular systems with a clear growth in the number of studies devoted to complex molecular ensembles and biological molecules. Progress in determining molecular routes and mechanisms as well as in femtosecond optical pulse shaping has helped to propel advances in the control of molecular dynamics, including complex molecular systems and biological molecules in condensed phases. The increasing interest in femtobiology and chemistry at the frontier with biology is an obvious indicator of the present impact of life sciences in our society. New materials and reactions at surfaces are also some of the relatively new topics that promise rapid developments. New methodologies and technologies for probing and following in real time molecular dynamical phenomena have appeared within the last ten years or so. These methods, based on multidimensional IR spectroscopies, ultrafast X-ray and electron diffraction techniques, are well represented in this book. Of ever-improving performance, they are now applied to the characterization of structural dynamics of an increasing number of chemical and biological systems. This book reports the state of research in Femtochemistry and Femtobiology presented at Paris, at the Maison de la Chimie, in July 2003, representing the tenth anniversary of the VI conference. The five previous meetings of the series were held in various cities of Europe : Berlin (1993) organized by Jorn Manz, Lausanne (1995) by Majed Chergui, Lund (1997) by Villy Sundstrom, Leuven (1999) by Frans De Schryver and Toledo (2001) by Abderrazzak Douhal. We wish to thank them all here for their help and support, with a particular acknowledgment to our immediate predecessor Abderrazzak Douhal who was so generous with his advice. Among the novel research efforts presented at the Paris meeting were the Keynote Lecture given by Ahmed Zewail (USA) and the six Plenary Lectures given by Huib Bakker (The Netherlands), Herschel Rabitz (USA), Robin Hochstrasser (USA), Michael Wulff (France), Graham Fleming (USA) and Gerhard Ertl (Germany). We thank them all for their contributions. We express our sincere thanks, for their generous contribution to the success of the meeting, to the distinguished senior scientists who chaired a session at the meeting : Savo Bratos (France), Guy Buntinx (France), A.Welford Castleman (USA), David Clary (England), Frans De Schryver (Belgium), Ken Eisenthal (USA), Yann Gauduel (France), Bertrand Girard (France), Joshua Jortner (Israel), Takayoshi Kobayashi (Japan), Karl Kompa (Germany), Jorn Manz (Germany), Claude Rulliere (France). We also express our gratitude to Pierre Potier, member of the French Academy of Sciences, President of the Foundation of Maison de la Chimie for having honored us by his presence at the opening of the Conference and his warm welcome to his "house". We also express our appreciation to Pascale Briand, who was the joint Director of Ecole Normale Superieure for Sciences during the preparation of the meeting, for her support and her heartening and visionary talk at the opening session. Let both receive our warmest thanks. The organization of the meeting in Paris gave us the opportunity to gather French experts of the field in a French Advisory Committee : Jean-Yves Bigot (Strasbourg), Savo Bratos (Paris), Guy Buntinx (Lille), Alain Fuchs (Orsay), Geoffrey Gale (Palaiseau), Yann Gauduel (Palaiseau), Bertrand Girard (Toulouse), Jean-Louis Martin (Palaiseau), Claude Rulliere (Bordeaux), Benoit Soep (Saclay), Michael Wulff (Grenoble). Let them find here our deep thanks for their advice, contibutions and help. We are very grateful to the members of the Local Organization Committee: Irene Burghardt (Paris), Pascale Changenet-Barret (Paris), Guilhem Gallot (Palaiseau), Thomas Gustavsson (Saclay), Damien Laage (Paris), Isabelle Lampre (Orsay), Jean-Pierre Lemaistre (Paris), Christian Ley (Paris), Severine Martrenchard (Orsay), Pascal Plaza (Paris) and Vll Rodolphe Vuillemier (Paris), who all worked hard in a collective effort so that the meeting would run smoothly, and who exhibited examplary responsibility, solidarity and friendship. We also thank three PhD students and a postdoctoral fellow, Agathe Espagne, Mathilde Mahet, Olivier David and Bruno Nigro, for their active and cheerful help. We also express our gratitude to Dominique Ho Tin Hoe and Sandrine Faure who worked efficiently and enthusiastically, most often behind the scenes. We wish to emphasize Sandrine Faure's dedication in helping for the preparation of the present book and wish to thank her here once more. We are also thankful for the assistance at the Department of Chemistry of ENS-Paris, from Yvon Poncel, Anne Halloppe, Cristelle Berezaie, Daniel Jaouen and Jean-Frangois Sallefranque. Finally we gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following Agencies, Companies and Institutions : European Science Foundation, Scientific Programme on Femtochemistry and Femtobiology ULTRA, Conseil regional d'lle-de-France, Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, Ministere Delegue a la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, Departement des Sciences Chimiques du CNRS, Departement de Recherche sur I'Etat Condense, les Atomes et les Molecules (DRECAM)/CEA/Saclay, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques du CNRS, Section Ile-de-France de la Societe Frangaise de Chimie, Optoprim, Thales-Laser, Photon Lines, Hamamatsu France, Laser 2000, Spectra-Physics, Coherent, Melles Griot Industrie, Newport Micro-Controle, Excel Technology France, Clark-MXR Europe-jyhoriba GmbH, Gibert-Joseph Book Store, Paris. Monique M. Martin UMR CNRS-ENS 8640, PASTEUR, Department of Chemistry, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France James T. Hynes UMR CNRS-ENS 8640, PASTEUR, Department of Chemistry, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA December 2003 Femtochemistry and Femtobiology M.M. Martin andJ.T. Hynes (editors) © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Transient Complex Structures — From Gas Phase to Crystallography Ahmed H. Zewail Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 U.S.A. ABSTRACT This article highlights the recent development of ultrafast electron diffraction at Caltech. This development has made it possible to resolve transient structures both spatially (0.01 A) and temporally (picosecond and now femtosecond) in the gas phase and condensed media, surfaces and crystals, with wide ranging applications. We also present some advances made in the studies of mesoscopic ionic solvation and biological dynamics and function. 1. ULTRAFAST ELECTRON DIFFRACTION (UED) The dynamics of molecular systems has now been studied with atomic scale resolution, spanning the very small (Nal) to the very large (DNA, proteins and their complexes) [1]. X-ray and electron diffraction, if endowed with ultrafast temporal resolution, can provide the unique ability of revealing all intemuclear coordinates of transient structures with very high spatial resolution. In our laboratory, the method of choice has been ultrafast electron diffraction, for the following reasons: First, the cross-section for electron scattering is six orders of magnitude larger compared to x-ray scattering. Second, UED experiments are 'tabletop' scale and can be implemented with ultrafast (femtosecond and picosecond) laser sources. Third, electrons are less damaging to specimens per useful elastic scattering event. Fourth, electrons, because of their short penetration depth arising from strong interaction with matter, can reveal transient structures in gases, surfaces and (thin) crystals. The development of UED has evolved through different phases. The "dreaming phase" was conceptual and was followed by technical and theoretical advances in order to develop the methodology and obtain our first UED images—the "exploration phase". The two phases culminated in the breakthrough developments (in 2001) of the third-generation apparatus (UED-3) for the gas phase [2] and (in 2003) the fourth-generation apparatus (UED-4) for the condensed phase and biological systems [3, 4]. These two generations launched the "explosion phase", where we have been able to image complex molecular structures in the four dimensions of space and time with atomic-scale resolutions. The detection sensitivity of structural change is as low as 1% in the gas phase, and less than a monolayer in the condensed phase. A variety of phenomena have been studied (Fig. 1), and a comprehensive review of the principles and some applications has recently been published [5]—original citations of developments are in [4, 5]. In UED, several disparate fields of study are involved: femtosecond pulse generation, electron beam optics, CCD detection systems, ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) technology and advanced computation. For UED-3 of isolated reactions, output from a femtosecond laser is split into a pump path and an electron-generation path. The pump laser proceeds directly into the vacuum chamber and excites a beam of molecules. The probe laser is directed toward a back-illuminated photocathode where the laser generates electron pulses via the photoelectric effect; the electrons are accelerated, collimated, focused, and then scattered by the isolated molecules. The resulting diffraction patterns are detected with a CCD camera, and the images are stored on a computer for analysis. The UED-3 apparatus is also equipped with a time-of- flight mass spectrometer (MS-TOF) to aid in the identification of species generated during the course of chemical reactions. In UED-4, the new features include three interconnected UHV chambers—the sample preparation, load-lock and scattering chambers. The crystal is mounted on a computer- controlled goniometer for high-precision (0.005°) angular rotation; it can be cooled to a temperature of 100 K. The preparation chamber has sputtering and cleaning tools, and is also equipped with low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and Auger spectroscopy (AS) for characterization of the crystal surface. Molecules can be studied on the surface either as physisorbed or chemically functionalized entities. In UED-4, as in UED-3, we have characterized the electron and light pulses used. For the 30-keV electrons, we used in situ streaking techniques and, for light, the now standard autocorrelation method. We have obtained the fastest streaking speed of 140 ± 2 fs/pixel in UED-4, thus approaching the state-of-the-art in streak cameras. For the extraction field of 10 kV/mm, the spreading time is -20 fs. The measured streaking broadening ("pulse width") is 322 ± 128 fs. Using the same electron gun design, Jianming Cao, a former member of this group and now at Florida State University, has achieved -300 fs pulses, albeit with a streaking speed of 250 fs/pixel. Dwayne Miller's group in Toronto recently reported - 600 fs resolution. The coherence time of electrons is 10 fs or longer giving a coherence length on the order of a micron. The initiation laser pulse duration is typically 120 fs, and the overall temporal resolution is determined by the geometry of the experiment and the relative widths (shapes) and speeds of the two pulses (see Fig. 2). The temporally and spatially resolved transient structures elucidated by UED include structures in radiationless transitions, structures in non-concerted organic reactions, structures in non-concerted organometallic reactions, structures of carbene intermediates, dynamic pseudorotary structures, non-equilibrium structures and conformational structures on complex energy landscapes, transient structures of surfaces and bulk crystals, and solid-to- Conformations on Complex Energy Landscapes Bifurcations r Non-Equilibrium -—<\ Geometries Negative Radiationless Processes Temperature Spin States Reaction Pathways Pseudorotary Transition-States Reactive intermediates \ GAS PHASE ^^^ COMDINSID PHASi-x Crystals "^ \ Phase Transitions Surfaces Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Fig. 1. Scope of UED applications UED-3 MS'TOF Accelerating grids ScaUBring Chamber Electron Detection Gun System .Lens ^^. Time Delay *^/' Lens^ 4^ ^ ^ \ • Jl^Oetey 3 ^ I W 8S Laser Chopper MS'TOF MS'TOF r% Flight tube MCP detector UED-4 pixel Fig. 2. UED-3 and UED-4 schematics, and the electron pulse streaks measured in UED-4 liquid phase transitions. These studies were reported in the references cited above; for reviews see [4, 5]. Here we give one prototypical example for gas phase reactions and another for crystal surface restructuring and melting. 1.1. Structures in Reactions We have directly observed the structural dynamics of isolated chemical reactions via changes in diffraction patterns, using what we have termed the diffraction image referencing (diffraction-difference) method. A prototypical case is that of the non-concerted elimination reaction of dihaloethanes. It demonstrates the UED methodology of using different electron pulse sequences to isolate the reactant, intermediates in transition, and product structures. The reaction involves the elimination of two iodine atoms from the reactant to give the product. The structures of all intermediates were unknown, and the challenge lay in determining the structural dynamics of the entire reaction. As detailed elsewhere, this was achieved by referencing the diffraction to different time frames (-95 ps, 0 ps, and +5 ps). The temporal evolution of the two steps of the reaction was also recorded; for the fmal step as a rise (25 ± 7 ps) and for the intermediate as a decay (26 ± 7 ps). The molecular structure of the C2F4I intermediate was determined from the diffraction- difference curves AsM(t; 5 ps; s). Both the bridged and classical C2F4I structures were considered in the analysis of the diffraction data. The theoretical curves for the classical structures reproduce the experimental data very well, whereas the fit provided by the theoretical bridged structure is vastly inferior. Thus, we conclude that the structure of the C2F4I radical intermediate is, in fact, classical in nature—^the iodine atom does not bridge the two carbons. The structural parameters of the C2F4I intermediate are given in Fig. 3. The C-I and C-C distances of the C2F4I intermediate are, respectively, longer and shorter than those of the reactant, while the C-F' intemuclear distance in the radical site (-CF'2) is shorter than that of the -CF2I site. These results elucidate the increased C-C and decreased C-I bond order resulting from the formation of the transient C2F4I structure. Moreover, the ZCCF' and ZIF'CF' angles become larger than the corresponding angles of the reactant (by --9° and -12'' respectively), suggesting that the radical center (-CF'2) of the C2F4I intermediate relaxes following loss of the first I atom. The structures and dynamics reported for this reaction are vital in describing the retention of stereochemistry in such class of reactions, and this is the first example of resolving such complex structures during the transition. 1.2. Structures of Surfaces and Crystals In UED-4, we studied the temporal evolution of bulk and surface structures with atomic scale spatial resolution. The first study was on crystals of silicon, with and without adsorbates. Referencing the diffraction-difference (Fig. 4) to the ground-state structure shows the changes in the structure caused by the initiating pulse, from ground state pattern at negative time to the observed change at positive time. The structural change is evident in the shift with time of the in-phase Bragg peak of the rocking curve, while the increase in vibrational amplitude is reflected in the broadening. The evolution takes place as a rise to a ~aS 1 1 h- <P CM CO CM ^~ ''" CO CNJ O CoO CO 2 ^ <D O O CD -H E -H -H oo iS CO CM to < Q C?LL 6 O GO 6 • t^ »^ s 1 CO r^ T CO CN O 00 CO a 1^ O:3 lOo 1^^_ ''*^-; TO-)' O'0^0 - 'T0T0-- ' 0OO 0 C"^^O ^ CTTM--" •^ D) CO CO gO> '^ '*" CTM- '^ "§ '^ '^ "*" '*" X3 ^ -c S2 CM S -^ CO r^ 00 o CO 00 Csi OCJ "^ -r^ Jg in CO T CO O ««- O T- 1- c/> T- ^ CM ^ 0^ 8 CO 0 ^ 2 rv. 2 r^ c c: A S2 5 ^ q ^ ^ ^ o q j"555 QJ P O H O c CO CO ^ CO 1^ 1 -H +1 +1 +4 +1 b •a^ -«H >4o4 -KH i-^H < cp o o C3> oq .>< fe 3: 2 r-- 00 lO CO h-' 0> O ^ O T- ^ ! Uj "^^ C^O ^C M CM^ iT^iTCirLL. oiTrz^tr \6666(J Q 0 0 , 0 0 OO^LL^OLL v^ >^ w. u. a s a s d a; o $ O CO ti \ (O oo 0> GO r^ ^J- ^: r^ CM ICDM hQ$ C§D lTO-c <Or-^ CTM OT~ ^"—^ ^O— CD O •5 ^ en m^ -^ CCMO C^M <in^ O CD ^ O c: m <*^. 'f- cj> T^ SS o CO CD ^- ^ Csi O T- O 00 CD 0 CO o c <^ 2 D:: -9? s i"cSo gc: oo oo oo c .3 b ^ •1 ^-H G-HO C-HO < r^ (O oo ^-^o C0O) Q. COCNCO 1 ^- fe 1 ° I >< m CO ^ [^ ^ ^ CM 2 O O 6 rS ^ 94^9^ CQ 666 OOU^PI CO 1 u. w. w. d a d V ^ be •i-H UED: Diffraction Image Referencing Phase Transition f. ^ Fig. 4. UED of condensed phases — crystals and solid-to-liquid phase transitions. Shown are the difeaction from the crystal (top); diffraction image referencing of Bragg spots (middle) and of amorphous-to-liquid transition (bottom).

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