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Preview Femmes d'Esprit Spring 2004 Issue 4

• • CONTENTS 3 Letter from the Editor 13 Attempting to Capture. .. Kathryn Tyranski Alana Ruptak 4 Director's Letter 14 As We Grow Dr.Amy Bass Sarah H. Murray 6 Personal Bests 15 Fell in Love with a Boy ... And a Girl Rebecca Mui Richelle Fiore 7 Now. ..W here Were We 16 CaQturing the Moment: Photographs by Christina Simpson Alana Ruptak Alana Ruptak 8 SQring 2004: Honors Courses 17 Untitled 10 Honors Holiday Celebration 2003 AmyPary 11 More Medea! 19 Never to Return --· .... Ruth Santiago " 12 The Outsider Shirley DdValle .D t. Amy Bass Shirl~y Del Valle Richelle Fiore Sarah H. Murray R~becca Mui 2 Spring 2004 - Issue 4 - 'Femmes aP,sprit • • LETTER FROM THE EDITOR This is by far the hardest Board. Femmes is following the suit of thing I have to do when it the Honors Program. If you comes time to publish Fanmes. would like a position on the I have to search for a meaning- Editor-in-Chief board, please let me ful and insightful topic and Kathryn Tyranski know. .. there is room for eve- then words that describe said ryone. topic. What am I going to say Associate Editors For your reference, you can this time? Rebecca Mui e-mail thoughts, comments, To break the ice, let me Christina Simpson and contributions to welcome you back to CNR [email protected]. and the Spring Semester. News Editors Enjoy the beginning of the Happy New Year! I hope that Nada Ebrahim semester and just think. .. in a the winter break was relaxing, few short weeks, it'll be restful, and fun for all of you. Copy Editors Spring Break. Again, we have a great first lizaHagey One last thing. .. a confes- issue for the semester. Stu- Lacy-Ann Landell sion: my editorial letter was dents have reflected on begin- Megan Skrip the last thing to enter this ning anew and getting back magazine! I'm guilty of run- into another semester. Get- Photograph/A rt Editor ning my own deadlines! How- ting back into the groove of Sarah Worthington ever, I guess I did find my another semester is always topic and the words to go difficult, but before we know with it and until the next time it. .. we'll be wishing our sen- The board will help bring a Femmes deadline approaches, iors farewell. Allow me to tell more feedback to the Honors I will be searching again. you about some updates with magazine in order for it to Fanmes. improve and continually be Femmes is undergoing con- fresh and new. struction. The Honors Maga- The board plans to meet zine is looking for feedback. every other week but, anyone As the readers, contributors, who would like to stop by a Sincerely, and as the spirit of this maga- meeting with an idea, please zine, what would you like to feel free. This is your maga- see in the future? Is three is- zine. Come. Share. Contrib- sues per semester too much? ute. Are the themes too cliche? The Honors Program has These are important questions undergone immense changes Kathryn M. Tyranski that need answers and with in one semester and the Editor-in-Chief that thought in mind, I would change can be attributed to like to introduce you to the the motivational and inspira- tional director, Dr. Amy Bass. new Fanmes d'Esprit Editorial Pemmes d'P,sprit - Issue 4 - Spring 2004 3 • • DIRECTOR'S LETTER Dr.AmyBass It is amazing what kinds of things can con, day of sledding ahead of me instead of multipli, sume our attention. So much to think about in cation tables and verb conjugations: .. No this world of ours, but seemingly little control school, all schools, Berkshire County School over where our focus will lie at any given mo, System." ment. With snow plummeting from the sky in And now we're back, with books lying on our seemingly unprecedented amounts these past desks, unread and holding marvelous possibili, months, the weather has largely consumed New ties, and grades that might still all be A,pluses Yorkers heads, with many television minutes and beyond Graduation looms for some, while and headline inches expended to just how much the thought of becoming a veteran college stu, more we can take. dent hangs over the freshmen. Papers, not yet I will admit that I called the number every written, have the potential to be brilliant, and ten minutes or so: 914.654.5000. "Thank you while we have only just begun, spring break lies for calling the College of New Rochelle," the ahead - almost in reach. voice mercilessly intoned "If you are calling And yet, as our focus finally turns away from from a touch tone phone. .... " the weather and toward what we're supposed "Any luck?" my husband asked after I hit re, to be doing, we are sidetracked by one of the dial the twentieth time or so. events that signals that spring is around the "Nope," I glumly replied, looking out our liv, corner and winter can be put to rest: the Super, ing room window at a quickly disappearing Bowl. Seriously, how is one supposed to focus Central Park. "It must be snowing an inch an on schoolwork ( or the presidential campaigns, hour at this point!" the ongoing situation in Iraq, "mad cow", etc.?) I called again and found that my perseverance when issues of such monumental importance had paid off. The voice, once merciless and apa, abound? thetic, took on a tone of caring and compassion: Lots of folks, it seems, are in trouble. The it informed me that the campus was shut down FCC claims that over 200,000 television view, due to inclement weather. Suddenly ten years ers have filed complaints regarding the expo, old again, I shouted from the living room, sure of Janet Jackson's breast at the hands of "SNOW DAYllll!!I" My husband, who had to go Justin Timberlake, who called the incident a to work the next day regardless (he kept mut, ~ardrobe malfunction," during the SuperBowl tering "network news knows no weather"), halftime show. FCC Chair Michael Powell, turned a relatively deaf ear. deeming the incident a "classless, crass and de, We had been into the spring ( and I use that plorable stunt," has initiated what he describes word loosely) semester a mere two days when as a complete inquiry. CBS has apologized and, Mother Nature graced us with a reprieve, and after its own investigation, has found itself in, while everyone's syllabus suddenly needed a nocent of all charges. Viacom, which owns both little tweaking to adjust for the missed day, it MTV and CBS, has apologized, also claimed made the transition into school a bit easier to innocence, and in its own version of the Patriot bear. It reminded me of my days in elementary Act has pulled a series of "edgy" videos out of school when I would flip the radio dial inces, MTV's prime time lineup, figuring that in times sandy until I heard the chant that meant I had a of crisis in America, self, censorship has always 4 SprinlJ 2004 ,.. Issue 4 ,.. Pemmes d'<Esprit • • done the trick. from FuseT V, the upstart cable channel devoted Powell, it seems, only watched halftime, and to becoming 'i:he alternative to mainstream mu- even then, not too closely (for if he did, he un- sic television." On February 5, Fuse took out a doubtedly would have found that the lip- full page ad in the New York Post (yes, I read the synching of the "'live" performers offered far Post) entitled "'An Open letter to MTV." In its more of an offensive scenario than anything "'letter," Fuse empathized with MTV regarding Janet - "'Miss Jackson if you're nasty" - did) If "senseless, brutal wardrobe malfunctions, acci- he had watched the sidelines, for example, he dents, and outright crimes," and suggests that would have seen half-naked women with big the two networks join together to support IF- hair cheering on men in g]adiator outfits. If he DADANT (The Institute for the Development of had watched the commercials, he Advanced Double Adhesive would have enjoyed flatulent Nipple Tape). While MTV horses hawking beer. If he had has allegedly been engaging watched the marching band, he in a series of nefarious would have witnessed a horn sec- strategies to prevent artists tion slaughter OutKast and practi- from appearing on Fuse, it cally injure themselves in the proc- would appear that Fuse has ess. If he had watched the game, he won a minor round against would taken pleasure in watching music television's Goliath. men engage in a sport so violent And what else, as Bobby that helmets and excessive padding Brady often said at the end are required just to take part and of an episode, have we referees are needed to remind play- learned from all this? TiVo, ers to "'roll off" one another in a Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake atthe that wonderful device that pile-up. 2004's Superbowl Halftime Show. helps out those of us who So w ha t 1. s the f'a-u11o Ut!~ Ja net Photo: http://money.cnn.com nee d to watch as muc h t el e- went missing in action, a no-show at the vision as possible, keeps track of what we pro- Grammy Awards because her people claim she gram (how else would the company know that was disinvited. Justin not only showed up, he the "'Janet incident" is the most TiVo-ed mo- won best pop male vocalist, and offered another ment in its history?) in the most Big Brother of glib apology (allegedly mandated by CBS) that manners. Thousands of families in America demonstrated his belief in his own victimiza- watch television while eating dinner, as their tion. Yes, Justin, you are a victim. You engaged complaints to the FCC indicate. And the dress in a scenario that involved a white man ripping that Jennifer Lopez wore four years ago to the off a black woman's top before a gargantuan Grammy awards (you remember, it involved cheering audience populated overwhelmingly tape) is so, well, four years ago. with other white males. Is that the only way to On his first appearance on the Steve Allen view it? Absolutely not. But it is one perspec- Show way back in the 1950s, Lenny Bruce ar- tive. gued that it was silly to consider his comedy act Perhaps the best perspective, however, comes offensive when folks like Orval Faubus and Continued on Page 17 Pemmes aP.sprit - Issue 4 - Spring 2004 5 • • PERSONAL BESTS Rebecca Mui For Mr.Rod love is not envious or boastful or delivered Paul's words as I It is called Parkinson's arrogant or rude." have never heard them be- disease. That's what my -1 Corinthians 13. 4 fore, with more passion than mends later told me. I use I could have ever hoped to that term now, only to keep These immortal words, invoke. His body became a myself from inexcusable po- practically printed on every vessel, a hollow shell used to litical incorrectness. To me, Christian wedding card, concentrate his strength and however, it had no name; I (past, present, and future), unite it all for the sole pur- saw just a thin old man who brought instantly to my pose of embodying the kept shaking. I watched him mind my many memories of words he read through voice. stand across from me in I have heard many smooth, hearing them spoken by church as Father Joe led us other lectors, mends, and deep readings of this pas- in prayer. I watched him, even myself. The words sage, but I have never heard a and I wondered how this reader convey its meaning so were the same here, but the man who could not control vibrantly. feeling was very different. It his body would be able to seemed the longer I listened, This is my point: we as deliver a reading, as he was the more aware I became people should embrace our- one of the lectors for the that I had been ignorantly selves for who we are instead Mass. I mused that, perhaps, wrong to expect or even of constantly trying to be- his voice would be a channel wish for this lector to speak come what we assume soci- of strength, flowing from his in a smooth, continuous ety expects us to be. My dear trembling body in a defiantly stream. mend Mr. Rod repeatedly rippleless stream and direct advised me that we should This man's body shook opposition to his visual im- and his voice followed suit, always strive to do our age. I held my breath in an- but in his tone·I found the "personal best." He never ticipation as he began to most wonderful comfort. He cared much for comparisons read I Corinthians 13.11, the or specific results. He as- famous "Love" passage. sured me that my personal I recognized the words at best would be good enough once through his rather ". .. we as people for everyone's expectations tenuous tone. I'll admit, I as long as I strived to make it should embrace was somewhat disappointed good enough for mine. that my previous theory was Now, years later, while ourselves for who so quickly disproved, but I sitting in the campus chapel, ,, was soon captivated by the listening to familiar words we are ... breathtaking words of Paul: and subconsciously drawing up this article, I finally un- "Love is patient; love is kind; derstand what he meant. 6 Sprino 2004 - Issue 4 - 'Femmes a'E.sprit • • Now. .. WHERE WERE WE Christina Simpson "We're all adults here," I continued to tell Nalda, went, the insomnia of excitement and that laughing and intoxicatal from the light,headed ambi, youthful you in the reflection of your compact ance. Once again, our jeers, cheers, and laughter rever, mirror. Then, you wake up, voice deepened and stockings snugly fit; you wake up and say, "I'm a berated throughout the somewhat quiet restaurant Our grown,up now. I may not feel like· it. .. but I waiter, Jason, tolerated us with a smile and somewhat think maturity's on to me so should I hide or witty behavior. It took around three different waiters to just tie myself to the tracks while I still can?" serve us our dinner. We liked the last one, a busty woman So, what do these college years, now, count with a curly updo because she said, "shit". for? The four fastest years ... it's the time that These were not the same people I knew dur, doesn't count. It doesn't matter. I return know, ing the summer. And, yet, they looked the same. ing that this is not where I come to be a sur, I still hear the laughter that resembles some, geon, a black feminist, a writer, or even a film, thing during the hotter nights we all spent to, maker (which is a path I think I chose for my, gether. But, there's a shift in the seasons. The self). I return here where I was in the beginning moisture on the windows began to clear and I of the year: I'm finding myself under the small, realized we all brought something back from est of spaces and through the darkest of comers. college that wasn't there before. Josh G. repelled us with his encounters of Josh and I don't blame anyone, though. We could Danielle, this girl Josh sleeps around with And all the never go back to our comfortable selves, these while, Josh could do nothing but shrug while we laughed homes we build out of each other. I've known at our own horrible imaginations. Trevis looked at me some of my friends since the fourth grade. Some, I just met. and I knew everyone knew. Everyone knew about Josh At the expense of my boredom during Christ, and I. Trevis made it evident with his own jokes. I mas vacation, I started developing a novel based punched him now and then but I didn't say much because on these foreign friends of mine. The drafts left it was true, that fucking bastard. Just staring at him over from that month were a chronicle of made me reconsider my choice of the first guy I'd ever lie thoughts, actions, and events that concluded in down to. an interesting question. We all remember the These are not the years I would tell my hus, last days of high school, the radiance of our skin band over breakfast some TwilightZonemoming, from the sun's endless opportunities. The trag, when the curtains with their golden fringes are edy and Shakespearean dramas written in blood welcoming and spread so far apart. I would on the lunchroom walls, the guilt,ridden, the keep this hidden in the heart where my daugh, romantics, the punks, the preps, the nerds, ters cannot find it, for they'll discover it them, geeks, and human pincushions. I can still hear selves, hopefully (This should account for the those silent screams, desperation to leave, and conservatism or subtle fears of our mothers the regret of not going forward when we left for college). Then, some four years later, we are wearing This is and will be an affair to remember, my the shoes and ties of our fathers. We count the friends. We mustn't talk of this or else it would, days through income taxes, paydays, and bill n't be as special and secretive. And no one else collectors. And we wonder where those night we love will understand this union between you Continued on Page 18 Pcm.mes tf'<&prit - Issue 4 -Sprino 2004 7 • • SPRING 2004 : HONORS COURSES Ennes HON217: PSYCHOLOGY AND This course is designed to introduce students to the ethical principles that guide the work (and life) of psychologists. In addition to studying the current ethical code established by the American psychological As, sociation, students will investigate the purpose of having an ethical code, study ethical models of decision making, and apply the ethical code to realistic situations. Thus, this course will take a philosophical, historical, cultural, and practical approach to the study of ethics in psy, chology. The books being used for the course include: LOWER EAST SIDE Fisher, C. B. (2003). Decoding the Ethics Code. A Practical guide for Psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications TENEMENT MUSEUM Freeman, S. J. (2000). Ethics. An Introduction to Philosophy and Prac, Photo: http://www.tenement.org tice. Stamford, CT: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Dr. Lisa Paler Psychology Department -----------t HON386: HONORS COLLOQUIUM II: AMERICA IN THE WORLD The second half of the one,year, six credit experience, builds on the Fall Seminar, "America in World." Oper, ating primarily as a Directed Study, students will de, sign an individual project on some aspect of the previ, ous semester's seminar, assisted by faculty and librarian mentors, and attend resource workshops and group process meetings with Dr. Ong. These meetings will be bi,monthly, and serve as a way for students to share research techniques and resources, make progress re, ports, participate in peer critique, and plan the Honors Conference Day. Dr. Nelson Ong Political Science Department 8 Spring 2004 - Issue 4 - Pemmes aP.sprit • • HON108: TOPICS IN IDENTITY This spring, the Honors This semester, the course West's seminal collection oJ Program welcomes a new hosts 14 students - 10 fresh- essays, Race Matters. Students course into its fold: Honors men and four sophomores. As will read the book, attend the 108 makes its debut, some- well, senior honors student convocation with Dr. West, what replacing a bevy of Richelle Fiore is sitting in on and then integrate their ex- courses that have historically the seminar as part of her cap- periences in an essay. Other followed the required fall stone project in Women's books include Dalton Conley's freshman course .. The Self in Studies. As a group, students Honky; Julie Otsuka's When the Context." Entitled ..T opics in will plunge into an investiga- Emperor was Divine; Michael Identity," the course contin- tion of W.E.B. Du Bois's 1903 Gold's Jews without Money, Zora ues the investigation into statement that "the problem of Neal Hurston's Their Eyes were identity by merging members the Twentieth Century is the Watching God, and Esmeralda of the freshman cohort, who problem of the color-line." Ex- Santiago's When I Was Puerto sit in relative academic isola- amining identity via the lens of Rican. Other assignments in- tion in the fall semester, into race and ethnicity, the class volve poetry by Langston the broader honors prograin. will engage with a wealth of Hughes and Claude McKay; Open to freshmen and sopho- cultural attitudes, ideas, and the music of Billie Holiday, mores, .. Topics in Identity" perceptions of race and ethnic- Eminem, and Stephen Sond- will continually rotate ity in the United States. The themes, meaning that it can be syllabus consists of poetry, heim; and films such as Zoot taken more than once for fiction, film, music, and essays Suit and Bullworth. As well, the credit. While its theme this that inspire consideration on class will attend the smash semester, for example, is race how race and ethnicity are Broadway show Avenue~, and and ethnicity, next spring the constructed and maintained, take field trips to places like course will focus on gender challenged and contested, and the Lower East Side T ene- and sexuality, and be taught the roles that each play in ment Museum and the by Dr. Roblyn Rawlins, chair America's cultural fabric. Schomburg Center. of both the sociology depart- Thus, the readings for the ment and Women's Studies course are, indeed, diverse. Dr.AmyBass Program. First on the syllabus is Cornell Director of Honors Program Building on the research begun in HON490, seniors will use their disciplinary training to explore an issue related to the theme, .. Dimensions and Directions of Health: Choices in the Maze." Under HON491: SENIOR the guidance of a faculty mentor, they will research a topic from their major field of study and lead a fully developed seminar presenta- SYMPOSIUM II tion/discussion. It is intended that the presentation will engage stu- dents in multi-level cross disciplinary study discussion. Dr. Cynthia Kraman English Department Pemmes aP,sprit - Issue 4 - Spring 2004 9 • • 2003 HONORS HOLIDAY CELEBRATION The Honors Holiday Celebration was another huge success this past December. The Honors Freshmen, Class of 2007, hosted the event. Decorations were festively arranged in the Student Campus Center, Room C, and an array of refreshments were served. The celebration received visits from students from all across the Honors Program as well as Faculty. Congratulations to the Honors Fresh- men on a successful holiday party! The Class of 2008 will surely have something to top! Counterclockwisef rom top: Ruth Santiago '06 and Betsy Skrip '06 participate in the festivities at the Honors Holiday Celebration; Nisha Feliz '06 reades the latest edi- tion of Femmes at the holiday celebration. Sarah Murray '07, Tung Nyguen '07, '"'-----~---'-A'.------'-------- and Megan Skrip '07 pose for a picture at the Honors Holiday Celebration. Photos: A Bass 10 Sprino 2004 - Issue 4 - <Femmes a'E.sprit

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