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FEMA-HomeShelter-H-12-4-0 PDF

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Preview FEMA-HomeShelter-H-12-4-0

W240 / Geter 1987 HOME SHELTER Plans For A Home Shelter OF Mesoney Bleek That » Provides Protection From Nuclear Fallout Radiation Zand Tornadoes * + FEDERAL BvEnNGENGy:anscew Perr ncerearecnenen a cee tan aca niee eeepc peas aideaee arian eee] DESCRIPTION OF THE SHELTER This protective shelter Is designed to serve as a family fallout shelter and. 5 sultan for otnar Unitarian purpeses a8 well—including use as a tornado stelier and everycay luretions of the residence, The shells is deslened lor piacemant in tho yare and primary is for Rouges without basements. To function #3 a falout stele, 1 bs duslgreel 1 have & prctecton factor {PF} cl a! least 40, wnich is tho rnin standaid ut puteution jo ‘arily and public sheite's recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The belowground local an af tho shater alco wil erovige some preteetion against biact and fre 0 nucleo expiosion “ihe taclty oloe ean covva an a storm sheltor in regions of 112 nallon where tornadoes are tommon, The 190" elructure of the sheltor is Sullably strong to resiel the mos! severe ternadoes, fd the belowgreund location prewites neniarsin for eccupents trom windblown debris and aven fReyp-sossinie rallanse nf nenrhy puidings The day.today ase far the parlicular design ilustrtod is for housing residential swimming ooal ‘iaton aquement in a wealhwr-protectod location ul of Sant in the yard. Gther ullilarian usas for the faciliy afa possib that may be more sued 10 a parlicuiar vomeouner’s needs—such a use fo Yard equipment starage cr use as & cellar for Storage o! petishable feads—ar she faci ily may be Used solely #5 a refuge from natural and maremade hazares 'AN elevates brick planter plage atop the root ‘of the shelter creates a landseaze fealira in tho Yard ano plovides ovemead protection agains! Tadioacive fallout ard tornada foreas. Allraclive langseeping anv enhances sfotection are acrieved wiry fis arrangement without burying the sheller ‘deeply Into tne ground Osher siting arrangements fosides the raisea lanier aie D2SSiLIe fur toe Dasle 91s ter Por ‘xample, the brick plante” walls can be sliminaied fn the concre-e root slab can te paved as a terrace al the yard level. Elimination of the soll ‘cover atov Ie shelter will reduce, bul nat make ineffective, the overall fallout radiator proteciion of the epaga, Wnataver landscape treatment ey be deferred, one plans shown 1 this bookiet ate vali for conetivet on of tre basis sheler PLANS FOR THE SHELTER Plane ilustearer inthis baoklala’e for a sheler te eccommadate up 19 sic adlls. Tha shelter nas Teintarced masonry black v3) planting area, with brick-aces garden walls, retains 42 241 deeo soil cover aver the root of the shatter [Access lo ihe steer is ty mears of a hatomway San 09 stat, Prowsians are made ror vont Mg the sheller soace by means of @ nenc-operated ccenirlugal Beaver Ar ivake and BxMEUS! pipes extend above ihe ground level othe planter Dimensional plans |1 hie booklet grovice suffcian: information for a prolessional contractor ‘o build ha chalior Fot tho nocies “do i yoursel bullae, a camaanion bootie, 12-2", 1s ava lable ‘rom the Fadoral Emargancy Managarnent Agency thal provides step-ay-stap instiuctions plus fanidtianal avails Int ennetrutinn af the eheltar lst of consti.elion ratarals proved on the back page at inis bed I neluses elantlies fot all materials naedea to complete the onstruction except “iscelianaaus. tems such as slates, nals, and olher fasteners. The companion nookiel, H-2-41, provides more detsies niormstion on § 288 and quar ilies of ralevals needed for each phase of he constuction, BUILDING THE SHELTER Before commencing construction, the nomeswnar is advised to verity thatthe plens conform te vequiremants af tne local oui cing Copatireny Asie par showing wher fs skier ‘uauid be Iacatad in=ne yard relative 12 areperty lines and adjacent buildings may te reauired by the bulcing deoarimer: before a guiding permit wil be |s2uee, Mote Ir’ormation sn praparatian of a ats plan is turnieed booklet 12-41 IV the ahelor io lo be constructed by a too contractor. the homeowner is adv sed lo engage a relia 8 frm having reputation lor caing qual work snd fo enter ino # writen agreement wilh tha tantracton The writen agreement shove he specific as te the work to be done, the cualily of materials fom insta lad che yin ity workmanship. alg Ihe cost lo! (re Wk. Cost tors can be a fixed-price ype or aclual-cosrolustee ‘ype. The homeawre also Is advised fo require that the contractor furnish aroof of nsuranice protection ‘agzinst any lability or einer claims (such as Irom Imaveliale cuppliess) that might arse in the course ahconatructen, IF the shelter is to be canstruc:es by tne heme ‘owner, then tu comalianee with Satety requisticns | that apply in tne local area is advised Te homa- owner a0 Is advised 10 consult win +s hare insurer t assure that fe s protected against any Haeiniy eis tras igi arise a a result uf re cconsttuctien Layout ard Excavation Initia! ayout of the syelter entails the measuring inl sisi tesaroa'y to correcthy Faeate the feriity in the yard, Care should be exercised in ans phase UE the work ts agsure that che snelter will Ee ual where it is intended) and at the depth intended in elaansiir with yard elevations. SSide walls of the excavation sould be sloped su‘ticiontly 20: thot soil wall ot slough eff into the wrk atea, Alternatively, the side walls can ba shor FF the aoll ia especially Joozo, Dring. the excavation phase, do nat exc Ldespar than the bottom lewol a” ina slab 3° arsins9e Tl" amyl to aswe that the oesring sols 10: Misturbed Tootings and Floor Slab {A cantina footing ond tear sib ie dasianad for tie shelter. By thickering the sla at ts =9es, suppor ig pravided ‘or tho lack 9! Underarourd uli es saul be placed betore the Hoar sls wured auch e Hoar deine sump, watar fiping. A sump 5 proved for floor orsinane ff she dicier Wustotes, but ether dranage mothade en 52 ul proved thet the drainage water tas vermeplace 29 flow. ‘All oonerete should have a min mum comprasve svength 9f 2,600 loa, por sy, ineh (pail. Lecatone and 3.05 af rein‘orcement see are indicate in the Plone, All romsrcanin indicated in the plane exou'd fe installed ver snough i mght seer possble 10 Masonry Block Walle 2 tho shalier ara eoretructas wf saver a thick masonry binck, The biock wails are relnicrced oth fur cantally and vervies’y. Pratsbricstad trum wee re nfareoment is Used in horizontal joints, 230% Sontinuausly st wor sacond hed coures, Varvicl Teinfarcarvant No, 4 stel bars spzced at 8" on centers {gre bor noch biack eal). Every other vert cal bar fone nach block unit) '¢ secured 19 dowels formed ia the floor alse, Calis af tha black unis are croute hand Betwoan varies! rainforcument staal a Trawal 1 provide bles Lunes, Grau: ifs shoul not be greater than 4 feet for feng ans pour, Type S moran fs enseifar for olock rrasonry jones ano for grout, Roof Siab ‘A rebtorosd cxnerete roat slab 8" thick is desir for the sheter reson bile ve Shoring and formaork for the oo! Te roof slat: fs supported) on the sieserinat in tha someanion booklet, He 124. ‘Sues sro location of reinforcement stee! for the root aiab ore isieatad in tho glans hewn In tie boo et. Frunforcement censste ct No. 4 sars saved 8 0.6 running in the dirseion of the snort dimension of the shelter Isruccura’reforcement) and No, 4 bars sped ANTE tlclorg diransion ftemaerature w#in'areementh Fwinforcament around the ratenseay ovaning, also No. 4 bar, ie insiewtad the alan Dampprocting / Waterpraofing | Protection of be sindcrgraunel faciity tm ston moisture penetration is vecomrendol. if i cond tione wre slativoly dy and if tera is gird ae Cees water drainage, then darraproo‘ing should Go sufficient TH ground water it boarved In the excavation are she rxcnval on i Tikely 1 becme a sllocer basin for Water, then walerprocting prozehy wil be maressy to achieve ¢ dry shelter space, Damppracting and ‘sates proating concept and sackman ar soarrined in the compinion kocklet, H 12-4, Planter Walls lls ef the surcqunding plartor are oonstructes after the basis shells ic mnpled ana ater hecklil pled up 109 level ot se fora ar the planter walls erate tnstnngs far the parser si shes be sal bbeow the “ost line depth far ke rayon where the shelter ie bul Planter walls consise o* 4" stand: feew brick and Be backup block, he planive wale ore capped wits brick, [ype $ moriaralap is specified far 7 work. Thoie wale da not eine granting or vertical ‘sintorcerrent bars unis the heigh= ct the wal s above Ihe surlaeo of che aro is grey than shout 3 feet Hoczortal jaint rinforesment for a 12" wall should fesse ip elernate ed entreys ef hn blnck Brick saps oading to the harchway are indicatos in tha plang *cr che svelon Ventilaion ‘Tor entiation system for tha sicher corsists of a hand ‘er fagal blower, at intake piss with fiver hw with hood, Ae intake ‘arch discharge pipes are placed an opposite O° adjacent | Sells othe sulla sear In pire optimum maverent Df ventilation ait. Piping should rw plac ith ou tore n+ eee a th eights abe na flac lev 3 the Sallar as shown in the plans, Piping and fittings may ‘2 bo either galvanized steel or ABS Iolastia Thea intake oe is ites wit a neod and scrcon fier so that raicac.ve gar-ic ws will nol be culled iai0 the snelser spoce by the bower. The air EXMRUST Dine is toes, but ne Titer 8 yeede CContituga b overs can be purchased commercially, ‘One such supplier Spee Al Ine. Dalas, Tes. 75240 Electrical service torte also my be aided, Elacirical surviee stoutd be from 23 separate coun ang with a brareh crou't brecke” insde the shelt= that hss qrourd feult protectior. ‘An oserically powered concttagal blower may ba sutstituted for the hand-oparsted blower. It stould b= Fecnynized that electrical povcr 10 the seller may > disrupted by a tornado or nuclear exolosior. Air intake flier ard exhatst Rong est be Tebricatoa ig ana power equ prim by @ local sheet-metal shop in the Fomenwner'saraa in agenrdance with details meluded ir the plans, MOUIFIGATION OF PLANS: ne shelter plans sion on subaequert pegs may be modified within certain limiatiogs as may be necessary to "oot particu ar needs ef tne nomecwner, 10 accom moda: more than six iesupants, increase the length of thw shaller 2-6" fer each two adkitional occupants, ‘The wisth of she shelter should nol be inereaged Unless tha feof sttuccure '$ redesignes. ‘The root structure of ‘the sheler iluststed is designed to soam in tie stort Jimersion, and new ergincering analysis ts needed fer Forget spans. ‘Other desiens for an elevatac planter anc! tor access into tre shelter are possible withcut changing che bac sheite, Earh hamanwner's praferenca for anascape characler can be met in chs phase ot the werk. Piping for sa’er may ba zee during corsruction— Such ag “Or the ssimming pao! “iter equipme: thet is iaaated UL COOL i's TL PLAN OF PLANTER AND HATCHWAY AT YARD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN OF THE SHELTER PLAN SHOWING PLANTER WALLS AND HATCHWAY WALLS SECTION C-C AT HATCHWAY eee EE Si i ROOF SLAB REINFORCEMENT PLAN HATCHWAY COVER DETAILS 8

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