90ST0W PUBLIC LIBRARY -op'ey Square Boston MA Official Know-K-AII Guide™ ADVANCED HYPNOTISM Your Absolute, Quintessential, You Wanted Know, All to Complete Guide Dr. Rachel Copelan Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc. SOUTH BOSTON Fell's Official Know-lt-AII Guide Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc. 2131 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 305 Hollywood, Florida 33020 954-925-5242 e-mail: [email protected] Visit our Web site at www.fellpub.com Reproduction, translation, or use in any form by any means of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Depart ment, Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc., 2131 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 305, Hollywood, FL 33020. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding thatthe publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. Iflegal advice or other assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From A Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee oftheAmerican BarAssociation,and a Committee of Publishers. Interior Design: Rodrigo C. Pinto, Jimmy Navarro, Edgar Roa, and Sergio Negrette Cover design by: Lora Horton & Carey Jacobs Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Copelan, Rachel. Fell's official know-it-all guide : advanced hypnotism / Rachel Copelan. p.cm. SB BR Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-88391-060-8 (pbk.) RC498 .C67 1. Hypnotism-Popular works. I. Title: Advanced hypnotism. II. Titie 2001 RC498.C67 2001 615.8'512-dc21 WIKV 2002 2001004333 1 © Coyright 2001. All rights reserved. CONTENTS: ADVANCED HYPNOSIS UPDATED INTRODUCTION - Dr. Rachel Copelan Chapter 1: Early Humans Used TheTrance 03 Medicine Men, Mystics, Voodoo Magic Hypnosis For Interplanetary Travel Chapter 2: GetTo KnowYourAmazing Brain 21 Hypnosis Actualizes Your Potential Induction Into Your Trance Level Chapter 3: Core - CenterOf Radiant Energy 37 Change Your Mind and Change Your Life Tap Family History - Solve Its Mystery Chapter 4: Subliminal Persuasion By Media 53 Television Images Invade The Mind Addictive Habits Can Be Eliminated Chapter 5! Violence, CrimeAnd Punishment 69 Both Gangs and Cops Need Hypnosis "Correctional" Prisons Don't Work Chapter 6: Group Training ForSelf-improvement 83 Reprogramming Anti-Social Behavior Building Self-Esteem and Confidence Chapter 7: Success By Overcoming Obstacles 99 Plan Your Work - Work Your Plan Motivation - Not Procrastination Chapter 8: Spiritual And Psychic Development 117 Past-Life Regression - Transmigration You Can Become Your Own Best Psychic Glossary 135 Encyclopedia Hundreds oftime tested solutions, Reference Strategies,Treatments, Techniques IV INTRODUCTION 1-1 Here we are - in a new century with old century problems still clinging like tentacles of an octopus. Fortunately, there's hope. Mind to body healing is now mainstream, and hypnosis is at the cutting edge. It is now accepted within the field of psychology, that hypnosis can shorten the time of behavior modification, in dealing with addictions. This is equally true in the area of physical healing. People who use hypnosis reduce visits to doctors by 30% to 60%." Hypnosis training is a popular part of health programs in various medical centers and teaching facilities. In the first issue of 2000, Prevention Magazine cites numerous examples of how hypnotic "energy" healing is proliferating throughout the country. In New York City, the Center for Health and Healing, a department of Beth Israel Hospital, is training patients to use hypnosis for mind-body health care. Also, at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, patients in the Heart-Assist Program are given the option ofvarious therapies, with hypnosis leading the list. In California, UCLA's Healthcare Newsletter announces "Hypnosis and Mind- Body Medicine to affect healing, modify physical symptoms and promote well- being." 1-2 In addition, between the East and West coast, there's Boulder, Colorado's Pain Alleviation Center. People who have tried and failed to ease pain with medication and surgery, are now getting relief the natural way, with mind-power. This is just one of many mushrooming groups, which teach hypnosis empowerment for health. This book presents hundreds of techniques to enhance life from womb to tomb, from painless birth to vigorous old-age. In group therapy, hypnosis is the most cost effective way to correct massive problems such as: Alcohol; Drug Addiction; School violence; Dyslexia and illiteracy. With its use, we can train the unemployed. Enable the disabled. Diminish crime. Curb gang warfare. Assist prison rehab.. Diminish recidivism. Help the homeless, etc. Millions are being spent treating sick people who should not have gotten sick in the first place. Caught up in the gusty swirl of time, most people reach the end of life without having lived in health and happiness. Because of the enormous number of afflicted, addicted people, group hypno- therapy is the fastest, most efficient means. There are many compelling issues to be resolved. Building self-esteem for youth, will be a priority. A computer network will be used to enlighten and recruit volunteers. Individuals already trained will become counselors and mentors to others in need of help. Hypnosis is the simplest, least expensive way for society to help millions of lost souls struggling to find their way to a better life. We need to bring hope to the hopeless and security to the insecure. Groups will gather at sites that already exist - churches, schools, community centers, union halls, or any structure with a meeting room. Hospitals are already in the vanguard of this new approach. In the United States, one of the most advanced countries in the world, we have only one doctor for every 3,171 persons. The number of people who depend on a doctor has tripled since 1931. There's a universal need for the kind of higher consciousness that hypnosis provides. If ever a time cried out for expanded wisdom, it is now. The future of human life on this planet requires eliminating gross selfishness and replacing it with communal involvement. Change can only come when people care and share. When the richest help the poorest; when the healthy help heal the sick; when the most intelligent help the least; when the able enable the disabled. Part One: FOR BEGINNERS Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/fellsadvancehypnOOrach