EEE ee cion nbtNraoiatncesk: e tfTse haet[u r]ne au rmea brteeidric tloefrsoi l(allC oAwsPiunImgTm aAtrLhieIe ZsdEa tDoe)f c,o nsrtueecvnhit se WdSr uibtmeomroeskr otfi1 t0la,ers t pic(2él1te asl —i casin)n,d d iapcnaodte emsns e,wp sa agueht ehnaoudrlmsib neoerfs. re(Tlvhoiewee wref dir cstab soseoekc)st.i, o nWao rndds directors of films, are alphabetized in subse quent sections. EDITORIAL HEARTS AND MINDS, Vesely-Flad, Ethan. Spring 10 p3 G = THE DINER, A VETERAN SPE AKS [poet- EtThEanR,M SSu mmOFe rE N1G0A pG3E MENT, Vesely-] george houser honored in the ur OpAF3vly4 ] ‘ , “VSmGIiHOtAhL,NE INLSCaTrErA,yN, SHAuyNnmemDse ,r T HH.1E 0 PaptM4r AicRiKa,E TS priPnLg AC10E pSW3U EB VTEHRET PEaOP LED,¢ Vesely-Folad,e E thaAnD,I GFMal,l 10 sGo uth n aZforinc ae,, SWaTnyhedm earIsn ,, BJaarsroyn,, riWetv i'nd ter 1 L p American Gandhi: My Truth Seeking with Hu Vesely-Flad, Ethan, Winte r 11 p3 2. ty / the C( rossroad ds, The > Meyer, Bernie, — War HasTo o Li Poet rev'd Summer 10 p35 , Ba Sed O} the te another path to alan disarmament: nuclear St Hoa d film], Reiss, Haydn, rev ”'dS pring 10 p43 Fie ‘ld, Connie. 1 ev'd weapon-tree zones, Kim, John H., Spring 10 p10 F HEALING MORAL INJUT RY:/ A LIFELONG _ RNEY,' ,M ejia, Camilio E.,W inter 11 p25 h Be 1 Bord } Doin g Justi li Becoming a Justice Seekis g ngregation ous dWi]o ra lil .y10 u pa34n Don: wih Hollyd WSpiol)l idatm 72 Kt.o, Groe«v 'di '} sS Juusstciacen er teivee, McElvaney, Zion: In Search of a Global Jeu Bonhoeff fer and King Th r Leg and Import , London, Charles, rev’d Spring 10 p40 fMMBPocArOIB TYNrCIIiChrdOAOieNNsT,t-, TiI aSSJn,e GRno AntSiEtofNlcLeiiOrIae lb N ,MV CT.Ih OLoOy(rNne LFnd,sEL .IN £)S,C C uJrTEmee'‘e d k riT nW1RAs i,N An1D0WtN ieSlPprllF iA2sOL: 1 R1I a pn3dS9 tTFhhAEeeC L TCLIuPreNOraGWec neSt H O&IU PoPTJlu isttiOFicFcaOl e RUMMUooNMmvC eeEnmRteT:n At INan d TY, Villasenor, Gilberto, Fall 10 p26 BOTTOM-UP STRATEGIES FOR ( ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, Mal 0 Gorc lor lov vdl ] 3 HIS OUR AFG HAN MOMI NTO! CW.A LeLnItN GAl iceA, LLF allG R10A Np4D7 MOTHERS poetry lCoyE, NNTiEleR,E DF allI N10 p2T5H E SPIRIT: CRI PEACE?, Mackey, Doug: and Hakir 1,S prir Capital Offer nse: How Washi gton’s Wise Mer AMTENITN,G VUeNraInT, Y CriIsNt inTa,H E FalMl OV10I p29 Hirsh,a M iLcmheraiecla ’s reFvu'tdu rWe inOtveerr 1t1o pW4al1l § DIALOGUE ACROSS DIFFER Summer LO p35C hristian, Selmanovi CHALLENGING CORPORATE MONEY IN ENCES: MOBILIZING A WIDER IT’S TIME TO END THE WAR] POLITICS: COMMON CAUSE LEADS BASE, Duerr, Maia, Fall 10 p27 \FGHANISTAN, Wild: FJoIhGnHsoTn , ONMa rCkI TC.I; ZaEndN SE stwUiNckI,T EDD.a phcnoem,p ilWeidn tebry MIGe'lLHiEOn BdaRA,OL A FDal Sl IT1SO0 TPpEE23RA HCOEO,D WePeAkVeEs.S CSCgCtLWCaWt1yohopouoiao] eyrranrl nrw e, iotit,lnrp frenR 1 e debrsegrP6rt nlotHti ah inciragetNnt 1henerrud10tiagi tc1P: sntc lse gpk Seaop. P3racfu,3ae9rer TGgtt6 o hu h.rrhme ne;ie , Dio vM oti'BRoainRdsoivnsD aammadse :bSvr emo i:pm7f eadM orf an,faei C!m tnr nAuESseeP,gl qoyn utsu,Stsitim h W1-n tioGRmos0yrraepre e M,tcip hei Worr3tagPvaHl6il ootie eswi rPm.iteo1osyeo nre0lr,n , yit Lp tTf,y8Mioai n. rcmon.n fs,d We t i rththeerSatM v tennr’.vdfaed' u:tr d e . IIPHIMI\RIEINENNOEHMEGNONNGGMNE EST PTTET NELT,,TOEMEAR ODP HNRIN,VRELM,NDJD EC I AEoAD oNhNTCNhLAPTnNBIT GeFTusEEIHNnto OA :EtO,nGCaR , N rET WM,EAI, HIFHlASMA LiESSOsN Oa Nhe TRM, arW To hFF kPo FiLOCOOa rdE.AVlWR,eUlW,NAE -A RE DVRCR,1FJITiF a 0UE asNlHS lls-TClpA W IiT M2MCTRnAHE15 OA1Eg 0 SE0V ,KA H p]SpI 2 N2 2 8 LL\rOvIihCeeGl HrAeT oLpHr oOinnUag S E 1 0] pP3IS1N GAZA Quixada, Fall 10 p27 RCraebabtliev-eR ouCsoemrmsu,n itAyct iviOsrtgsa n&i ziQnugi:e t LA oGvueirdse off orJ us SIlV!HEES HBOUIULSTE: WTOHRATK INPGRO GFROERS A tice, Kahn, Si, rev’d Fall 10 p39 MORE TOLERABLE PLANET, MAKING PEACE IN SOUTH D Cassinetto, Paul; and Ibardaloza ing 11 0 p3 24 Cassinetto, Aileen, Fall 10 p22 Daniel Berrigan: Essential gs, Dear, John, WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER, rev'd Spring 10 p38 Clausen de Montes, Le Anne, Fall 10 p24 pDFo2Es0Bs ,T , RayD ISV.P; AwRiItTh Y,Gr ecAo,N D ThDoImSaAs -H.I,P LWEiSnHtIePr, 11 nFal otood litnhe Jes ym? "Flai ow d JRoersdiasnta,r re WMiOnNteErY ,l l UpS3U8R Y, AND THE ECONOMICS sdptlea2cn oddiinngg otthheer ,m edJioah:n sounn,d erRsitc:h airndd iLn.g, seWlif,n tuenrd er11 JFpur4da0im tehs, rofe v'Wda r:S prWihnegn 10 is pL4i1f e Grievabl OMnHUF?S I> CP’SE ACEP, OWGEreRco , TO TMhAomKasE H.,P EJrA., CEW: intMeUr1S ] TDIESAXRMTINBG IOHNIO SITSKORRAYSE: L -DPUAALLE-SNTAIRNRE,. eZci!ImV E tFhree efWaolrll d AmIe c ornicoam, y,F reeSt iVgMl.i tIzr,R erJso seph E., rev'd CSuImAmNeSt WLIO TpHlO9 . BORDERS, Hass I bardo, Zara, Summer 1(0 p29 Summer 10 p33 My Spiritual Jour The Dalai Lama; with From Pacification to Peacebuildis 1 Call to Xever tia, re d Wi inter1 1 p40 -E Global Transformation, Francis, Diana. rev'd Winter 11 p37 SPRING 2011 ELLOWSHIP INDEX VOLUME 76 revd Spring 10 p43 and Siegel, Bill, rev'd Summer 10 p38 RETHINKING MONEY [edi torial], Johnson, western sahara: breaking the communication bar- Mark C., Winter 11 p14 riers, Martin, Nacho, Fall 10 p10 RHETORIC AND REALITY: THE IRAQ WAR WHERE YOUR INCOME TAX MONEY RE- SEVEN YEARS ON, Stieber, Josh, Fall 10 p32 ALLY GOES, War Resisters League, Winter 11 robotic age WV eapons challenged in groundbreak- p24 ing conference, LumsdaiTneerr,o rists— _a nSdum Mmuse r 10 p5 working for a glob:i l treaty on conventional weapons, Shen , Tim, Fall1 0 p8 \, revd | Workin gin the v a dou 5 A Yor of Doing the Jobs Most Americans Won't Do, Thompson, Gabriel, rev'd Winter 11 p36 world owes you its gratitude: progress toward nu- clear abolition, the, Davis, Preston, Summer 10 dful Life, Hanh, Thich plo ung, Lilian, rev'd Fall 10 p37 , Zimmerman, Christopher YES DOC, I MEAN, SIR YES SIR: BLURRING THE LINE BETWEEN CIVILIAN AND MILI Ti \RY LIFE INCAMBODIA AND | E.. Deepak: I Oo! 1, I AFGHANISTAN, Fajardo, Natalia, Spring10 lamson Marianne, rev'd ] CAME [poetry], Hawah, Summer 10 p4 O alae oa rev'd Fall 10 p37 SPIRITU ALITY OF ae E, THE BECOMING THE DIALOGUE WE SEEK es VIE \ THE TRADITI( NS WI CHERISH, Back inter 11 I 2 re 2 INQ? J isdom of the Spiritu . Dixon-Banks, al Quest , Simmons, Ymani, Spring 10 p44 Bomb The , Zinn, Howard, Summer 10 p39 Book of Sins, The, O’Gorman, Angie, Summer 10 p39 Bread of Angels: A Journey to Love ane 1 Faith, as le ssons in Cc ivic he, Saldafia, Stephanie, Summer 10 p39 tt, Charles EF, tar All A Gui Le to Ore } ns and Service Members to Build a GI Resistance ME FOR MI poetr5y . Roh2d4e , Movement, Civilian-Soldier Alliance; Iraq Veter ans Against the War; and War Resisters League, VISITING PaZza, Vegosen, \riel Spring 10 p44 Coming Togetheinr t hL ) t Cen.t ury:i Th]e Bible’] s POEMS FROM TI I IE FIRST 100 DAYS y, DeYoung, Curtiss BAMA’S PRESIDEN CYV [poetry Al fa, Kahlil, Spring 10 p47 TOUGH Ol SIDE AND SWEI -T INSIDE, entley, PhilipJ ., Winter 11 p28 F areed- Ma’at, ‘Nashid, Sum amer 10 p39 \NSFOR MATIVI RELIGIOUSE XP ith oli THE KEY ! ee ORY, Ress ponse to the ] I Crisis, Miller, Richard W., Winter 11 p45 : |i ma: C assan Howard Thurman s Great Hope, Issa, Kai Jack d Summ Cha 10 p38 son; with Dawson, Arthur L. (illustrations), Spring 10 p44 Inside Fallujah: The Ur eml dded Story, Mansour, Ahmed, Spring |L (— ar to Peace Fron Vi lerusalem Testa t:P ales an Christians Speak, , Pedersen, Jerry, rev'd Fal ll 10 1988 2008, ba Kidasie Ae a ), Summer 10 p39 USING OUR HEADS, TOGETHER lesus a lical Messa Sut wversive Sermons for To- THE SOLDIER AS SUPER CITIZEN: A SUC day’ ¢ Medics 2 , Fall 10 p45 CESSFUI PIVIST-SCHOLAR COLLABO Laugh Yo irW i y to Grace RATION TO CHALLENGE THE JROTC, Ker ! Power of Hum or, Sparks, Susan, Fa ll.1 ( ) pds ner, Seth, Winter 32 p IG ION, AND REACTION. IS S. ASSISTANCI [O17T HE COLOMBIAN iKl”as usnegn , EnReaminedsy: andA MJaony ceua,l lS fporr inOgr di1n0a rpy4 4I P eople, L\INGDI OUTSH II SRT E REUDGOGMLI ANFDO RE QtAM ERALIICTAY ARREMSYP ONSAINBDI LEIXTYT RAJAUNDDI CGILAOLB ALKI LLIMIPNLGIS¢: RTohbee rLtu nc(hil lTuhsiterfat,i onBsr)o, mlWeiyn,t erA nn1e1; pw4i5t h Casilla, l-Mu’id, | i 1O0c cpup3a0Il t ic PToIlaOnNdS, FJoOhRn , HSuUmMmAerN 1R0 IpG2H1T S, Lindsay CO1o1n pGdasnZue N 1 12'SE cP aOtnhN OMTBCo bs , SMwiall sn,' s SWtoeprhka nfioer, PeWaicnet earn d d Fall 10 p41 My! Persistent Voice: Marian Franz and Conscientious of Cry]. Objection to Milit iry Taxation, A, Bassett, David WAR (¢ JN PEACE: HOW U.S. FOREIGN POL- X.; Ratzlaff, Steve; and Godshall, T ‘om (eds.), IGY PI ’'S US ALL AT RISK, THE, Sundas, Spring 10 p44 Samina, Spring 10 p29 Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Preparing to Prac- Washington Rules: America’s Path . Permanent tice, The, Shapiro, Rabbi Rami, Winter 11 p45 hanni Dr1o} vke rev< eia 1n sIb aoll1r] ou10g hp,3 9 Patri WWaEr , ABRaEce viCcRh,E AATnIdNrGew AJ .,N rEevW' d RFaIlVlE R1:0 p 3F5E L- ASceltfi-oLni betroa tEinond: a AD icGtuaitdoer shtio p Storra tOetgihce rP lOapnnpirnegs sifoonr, restiess energy apan S peace movement, Lindsay LOWSHIP INTERVIEWS VINCENT HARD- Sharp, Gene; with Ragib, Jamila, Fall 10 p45 ING, Johr nson, Lucas, Fall 10 p13 Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Chal- Greenwald, ] Robert, Weath er U) iderground, The [film], Green, Sam: lenging Times, Loeb, Paul Rogat, Fall 10 p45 FELLOWSHIP mae FELLOWSHIP INDEX VOLUME 76 eSspti rSietlufa liint y Diffofri cBulrto keTninmeess,s : A,D iTsacyolvoerr,i nTge rrYy,o urS uDmem eepr- LHaErNtCsEou,g h,S prDianvgi d 10 p26 SPoulmnemre,r Mu1r0r apy3,6 book reviews, Spring 10 p42, VV11ia]0 ls utp4eo3 n39sa nidn CEonnmfiltiyc,t : AlIsnttoenr,n atBiroinaanl C.Pe rs(peedc.t )i, vWeisn toenr t--Hcuabirsovesio,ll k e Srr,iur gemhvLtmiasee uwrr,ra e,u F1na0ilM loU pnS8 1I 0o Cfp’f4eSr1 s PinOsWpiEraRt ionT Of orM AthKe Ef u GSFRaITRmOeRENyUE,, GD GOAILMbNrE Da h AimFNR OEDRAA bCdETiAQlIM-UOMEANuRL’:IiI dCT,AYI SN,LR A\CFRMaElE ,lL AI1NR0GED ILp IO3]0UT HSE hWWaiorlrtl,k eRrEo. g t (iCcyeD) i,sR ceWoaidvneertr:ei nrg E s1st1eh enp t4iS5 o uill Worfi tAimnegrsi coan, REelbie-r - SHPuaEwmAamCheE r: M10U Sp1I9C IANS WITHOUT BORDERS, WRRioanhntdkeeor,w , S11tL eippzh6a,e n,b ooTkH ErNev ie Tw,H ESYp rin gA M10E p37F OR MI gtihoian (aendds. ),L abFoarl,l 1A0, pH4e5i ne, Joy; and Brooke, ( ‘yn- S-ap rlionnge ly1 0o cpe1a2n : we've almost eaten all the fish, SRcohseeinb,e l,B ranJti,m , bbooookk rreveiveiye wVvS, , OprFailnl 101 0 p3p94 0 -YET, I CAME, Summer 10 p4 Shenk, Tim, working for a globalt : SBaliS D RS OF WHiIlCeLa ES=: TSS aHso wlleeststo,n s Cihna rclievisc Fa.,n,d t esaocchiialn g repsepaocnes ibainld ittoy,l erWainncteer Stimointahl, wLeaarproy,n s,A T FaTlHlE. 1 0 DpI8 NER, A rVe iET EoRn AcNo nven Almustafa, Kahlil, THREE POEMS FROM THE 11 p6 SPEAKS, Summer 10 p47 FIRST 100 DAYS OF OBAMA'S PRESIDENCY, Hughes, Katherine, book review, Spring 10 p36 Smith, Liza, i sing a song of change. Spring 1 Spring 10 p47 HMyAneRsK, ETH.P LPaAtrCicEi a, OAFF GVHIAOLNEINSCTEA,N SpArNinDg 1T0 HE SItRieAbQer , WAJoRsh , SREHVEETNO RIYCE ARASN D ON,R EFAalLl IT10Y p3 Ambrogi, Thomas J., book review, Fall 10 p35 p34 Sundas, Samina, THE WAR ON PEACE: HOW WBaEc kmSaEnE,K VJoIhAn, TBHEEC OTMRIANDGI TITOHNES DWIEA LCOHGEURE JJaonhsnmsao,n , RuLduic,a s,b ooWkE reAviReEw CSRuEm m\eTrI N1G0 pA3 5N EW UR.ISS. K,F OSpRrEinIgG N1 0 Pp2O9L ICY PUTS US ALL AT BIeSnHt,l eyW,i ntPheirl ip1 1J .p,é TOUGH OUTSIDE AND CRIEVNETR : HFAERLDILNOGW,S HIFaPll 1I0N pT1E3R VIEWS VIN ae), Fa\lll ex1e0y , pO6 N HEALTH CARE (USA SWEET INSIDE, Winter 11 p28 Johnson, Mark C. Velensucla Gabriel, abiolosk review, Winter Billings, David, book review, Fall 10 p40 -book review, Spring 10 p39 Buttar, Shahid, RESTORING THE -INTERNATIONAL PEACE-MAK Ve\g oLsIenG,H TAHriOelU SE IN GAZA, Spring 10 p31 WFEO,U RTTHHE APEMOEPNLDEM, ENCTAN: WHION W MINEGN T,A NDFa ll T1H0E p2A8N TI-WAR MOVE Vterhaen ,s o-Ccrailsletdi naot,h erC: EN\ TEoRmED gIazNa, STpHrIi ng | OVER WASHINGTON, Fall 10 p22 -RETHINKING MONEY, Winter 11 p14 SP RIT: CREAT ING UNITY IN THI CCTCaaaHjsseAsseiiT,nn eettMttPaooRs,,’ OoGAPoiadRlu,eEl e Snba,Sn oIdoT VkH EIEbSra e rvdiHaeBOwlU,oUI zLSaFT-Ea: l l 10 p36 CTJLIoIEChTSNnI:sGZ oInEC,NN OSGM M aMrUCkNO OINRCT. PE; DOaC,RnA dAU TWSEiEsEnt tweirLcM kEO,A1 N1D EDSpaY 1p 6h FnIeIG,NH T POCOLHAINI \MfH , eiOEslVemAl Ey1R rMTevEISi N]le aw Td,, ,A NSEtDuh maFmanMle Ir1N1 0D1 SL0O p,r p2 |3 9 8Sp ring 10 p3 CWBhLOiElRd eKrPIsL,NA NGLEa uTr,iFe O,R Fa rlleA s p1Mo0 OnpdR2iE2n g TtoO LviEoRlAen-c e with uni JJsoothhannndssioonnng,, sMRelaifrc,y h,au rndbd eoroLsk. t adrneedvciioendwgi, n goF tahltelr h,e1 0W miepnd3it7ae :r l—l_y SWTUEEB RVMTESHR ET O FP ETOEHPENL EG,DA OGMFEaIMlNlE ANN1T0T , p 3 SPuAmRmAeDrI GA10 ty: interfaith peacemaking in oregon, Winter 11 p6 Kelly, Linda E.,b ook review, Winter 11 p40 Winter 11 p3 Clausen de ‘ais Le Anne, WE ARE Kershner, Seth, A SUCCESSFUL AC TIVIS I’ Villasenor, Gilberto, ACTING OUT BETTER TOGETHER, Fall 10 p24 SCH( dL a COLLABORATION TO CHAL OF UNCERTAINTY, Fall 10 p26 Cohen, Ilise, INTERVENING FOR LENGI “9 JROTC, Winter 11 p32 JUSTICE IN THE MIDDLE EAST Kim, ‘oka , another path to nuclear disarma X akel ice Ly nch, Joseph, book revie J all 11 pi AND AT HOME Fall 10 p25 ment: on weapon free zones, Spring 10 p10 WEaRSl,k er,Fa ll Ali1c0e , p4(7 ALLING ALL G RAND A OTH Davis, Preston Levin, Alan, film reviews, Spring 10 p43, Summer War Resisters League, WHERE YOUR INCOMI -book reviews, Summer 10 p33, Fall 10 p37 10 p38, Fall 10 p46 TAX MONEY REALLY GOES, Winter 11 p24 -homecoming: new le:a dership at the buddhist Lindsay Pelasd, Shen Weekes, Melinda, GLOBAL SISTER peace fellowship, Spring 10 p11 -restless energy: japan’s peace movement, Spring HOOD PAVES THE ROAD TO -the world owes you its gratitude: progress toward . p9 PEACE, Fall 10 p23 nuclear abolition, Summer 10 p10 ).S. ASSISTANCE TO THE COLOMBIAN Wildman, David, IT’S TIME TO ENI Deats, Richard, book reviews, Summer 10 p33, ae AND EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS: WAR IN AFGHANISTAN, Spring 10} Fall 10 p33, Winter 11 p37 RESPONSIBILITY AND GLOBAL IMPLICA Wyman, Jason Dekar, Paul book review, Winter 11 p39 TIONS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, Summer 10 p21 george houser honored in Dixon-Banks, Josephine, A STATE OF FEAR, -book review, Winter 11 p40 south africa, Winter 11 p6 Winter 11 p17 Lumsdaine, Peter, robotic age weapons challenged Doucot, Christopher J., book review, Fall 10 p38 in groundbreaking Reenetesiee, Summer 10 p5 Zbiomobka rdroev,i ewZ,a raW,i ntD ItSer, 1\ R1 MIp4N1 G HISTORY Duerr, Maia, DIL ALO GUE ACROSS Mackey, Doug; and Hakim, IS THIS OUR DUAL-NARRATIVE TEXTBOOKS IN ISRAEI WDIIFDFEERR EBNACSEES, : FalMl OB10I Lp2I7Z ING A pAlFsG HAN MOMENT OF PEACE?, Spring 10 ZPiAmLmEeSrTmIaNnE,, ChSruimsmteoprh er1 0 Mp.2,9 seeking peace in in Dull, Ralph, nuclear weapons are national liabili- MacMaster, Eve, where there is hate, extend hos- dia, Summer 10 p6 ties, not national assets, Fall 10 p12 pitality: interfaith solidarity in gainesville, Fall 1 Zun, Moe Thee, POEM AGAINST VISITORS Eddy, MacGregor, book review, Spring 10 p36 p7 REGISTRATION IN BURMA, Winter 11 p47 Fager, Chuck, book review, Summer 10 p34 Malloy, Nile, BOTTOM-UP STRATE- Fajardo, Natalia, YES DOC, I MEAN, SIR YES GIES a JR ENVIRONMENTAL JUS SIR: BLURRING THE LINE BETWEEN CIVIL- TICE, Fall 10 p25 IAN AND MILITARY LIFE IN CAMBODIA Martin, Nacho, western — breaking the com AND AFGHANISTAN, Spring 10 p23 munication barriers, Fall1 0 p10 \hmad, Shamshad, Rounded Up Foran, Kate, book review, Winter 11 p38 Mejia, Camilio E., HEALING MORAL INJURY: ists and Muslim Entrapment Foss, Ray V.; with Greco, Thomas H., Jr., a A LIFELONG JOURNEY, Winter 11 p25 p36 DISPARITY, AND DISCIPLESHIP, Winter Mian, Zia, MAKING PEACE IN SOUTH ASIA, Bacevice, Andrew J., Washi p20 Spring 10 p32 Gamber, Jenifer, book review, Summer 10 p35 Mika, Gaia, book review, Spring 10 p41 Baldwin, Lewis V., Ne o Leave us Gottlieb, Lynn Miller, Jonette O’Kelley, book review, Spring 10 Prayer Life of Martin I a r King, Ir Winter 11 -BOYCOTTS, NONVIOLENCE, AND PALES- p39 539° TINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT TRANSFORMA- Moore-Vissing, Quixada, TEN PLAT Bichlbaum, Andy; and Bonanno, Mike, 7 TION, Summer 10 p12 FORMS FOR INCREASING THE Men Fix the World [film], Fall 10 p46 -book review, Summer 10 p37 PEACE, Fall 10 p27 Black, Jan Knippers, The Politics of Human R Greco, Thomas H., Jr., MONEY, USURY, AND Nevins, Joseph, book review, Winter 11 p36 Protection, — 11 p40 THE ECONOMICS OF PEACE, Winter 11 p22 New-Walker, Anissa, book review, Fall 10 p35 ros Ron (ed.), The Politics of Baseball: Essays on Harris, Rabia Terri, ON ISLAMIC NONVIO- Pace, Rosemarie, book review, Spring 10 p38 he Pastime and Pow er at Home and Abroad, Sum- SPRING 2011 45 FELLOWSHIP INDEX VOLUME 76 2 mer 10 p36 Spring 10 p43 Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Butler, Judith, Frames of War: W he #2 18 I ife Griev Hanh, Thich Nhat; and Cheung, Lilian, Savor: Change the World, Fall 10 p39 able?, Spring 10 p41 Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, Fall 10 p37 Reiss, Haydn, Every War Has Two Losers: A Chopra, Deepak; Ford, Debbie; and Williamson, Herrman, Cassandra; and Whalen, Kelly, Tu/za, Poet’s Meditation on Peace, Based on the Journals The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Texas [film], Summer 10 p38 of William Stafford [film], Spring 10 p43 r of Your True Self, Fall 10 p35 Hirsh, Michael, Capital Offense: How Washing Reticker, Gini; and Disney, Abigail, Pray the Devil na; with Stril-Rever, Sofia, My Spiritual ton’s Wise Men Turned America’s Future Over to Back to Hell [film] Fall 10 p46 Wall Street, Winter 11 p41 Safi, Omid, Memories of Muhammad: Why the Jenkins, Willis; and McBride, Jennifer M. (eds.), Prophet Matters, Summer 10 p37 Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import Sanders, Barry, The Green Zone: The Environ- for Christian Soctal Thought mental Costs of Militarism, Summer 10 p34 Kahn, Si, Cr »Com ty Organizing: A Selmanovic, Samir, It’s Really All About God: Re- Fall1 0 4 Guide for Rabble-Rousers, flections of a Muslim Atheist Jewish Christian, 111 ins Lovers of lustice, Fall 10 p39 Summer 10 p35 Kauftman-Lacusta, Maxine, Refusing to Be Ene Stiglitz, Joseph E., Freefall: America, Free Mar tantcees: Ptoa lethset inIsiraane lia nd liio nN,o nFvaiollle 1n0 tp 4lRe sis kets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, Sum- mer 10 p33 Kovac, Jeffrey, Refusing \ffirming Thompson, Gabriel, Working in the Shadows: A History of Civilian Public Service Cam Year of Doing the Jobs Most Americans Won't Do, Cascade Locks, Spring 10 p42 Winter 11 p36 London, Charles, Far From Zion: In Search of a Wise, Tim, Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Global Jewish Community, Spring 10 p40 Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity, Win- McElvaney, William K., Be ter 11 p36 ing Congregation: Respondin Wittner, Lawrence S., Confronting the Bomb: A ive, Summer 10 p33 Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Meyer, Bernie, The Ly72¢ r1CC Movement, Spring 10 p36 Seeking with Humanity at the Crossroads, Sum Woehrle, Lynne M.; Coy, Patrick G.; and Maney, mer 10 p35 Gregory M., Contesting Patriotism: Culture, Pow Mosley, Don; with Hollyday, Joyce, Faith Beyond er, and Strate gy in the Peace Movement, Spring 10 Borders: Doing Justice in a Dangerous World, Fall p39 LO p34 Wright, Scott, with Duran, Octavio (photos), Os- Pedersen, Jerry, Unfinished Journey: From War to car Romero and the Communion of the Saints, Fall From Viol ss, Fa1l0 lp3 4 10 p40 Perry, Susan (ed.), Holiness and the Feminine Zwick, Mark and Louise, Mercy without Borders: Spirit: The Art of Janet McKenzie, Spring 10 p39 The Catholic Worker and Immigration, Winter 11 Reinsborough, Patrick; and Channing, Doyle, p38 I agining Che ge How to | Is Story Based = Using the Internet, the Fellowship of Topic themes we are currently offering include: 4 oe Reconciliation and Witness for Peace ¢ The role of internationals in supporting Colombian es nonviolent movements 5 are offering U.S. audiences the oppor- ¢ The role that international human rights structures tunity to virtually invite guest speakers play in the Colombian conflict to your classrooms, church groups, ¢ History of Colombia: The conflict and social movements ¢ Antimilitarism in Colombia: the resistance of nonvi- labor unions, and other community olent youth to mandatory recruitment settings. Hear from people who live ¢ Mining in Colombia: Where Colombia’s natural re- the everyday of international solidari- sources are going ¢ US. - Colombia Free Trade Agreement ty, face the pressing realities affecting e U.S.’s drug war in Colombia Colombian communities, and under- * Future role of multinationals in Colombia stand how U.S. policies affect Latin ¢ Systematic persecution of journalists in Colombia ¢ The plight and struggle of the Sugar Cane Cutters America. Our speakers offer not only © Colombia’s plan for land restitution personal experience and professional expertise, but even better, they'll still If we’ve piqued your interest, talk with your groups and allies to propose this opportunity. Then e-mail us be in Colombia while talking to you! at [email protected] to arrange a virtual meet-up. EP OE EST ETE ieee TEI FELLOWSHIP