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Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America PDF

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Preview Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America

K u Advance Praise for l l Feeling Betrayed Feeling Betrayed THE ROOTS OF MUSLIM ANGER AT AMERICA F e e l i n g B e Steven Kull t r a y e d Cover photo ©REUTERS/Jerry Lampen Jacket Design by Peggy Archambault StevenKull_6.indd 2 3/10/11 9:45 PM Brookings_Kull_SoftCover.indd 1 3/14/11 5:43 PM 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page i FEELING BETRAYED 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page ii 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page iii FEELING BETRAYED The Roots of Muslim Anger at America Steven Kull brookings institution press Washington, D.C. 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page iv ABOUT BROOKINGS The Brookings Institution is a private nonprofit organization devoted to research, education, and publication on important issues of domestic and foreign policy. Its principal purpose is to bring the highest quality independent research and analysis to bear on current and emerging policy problems. Interpretations or conclusions in Brookings publications should be understood to be solely those of the authors. Copyright © 2011 THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 www.brookings.edu All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the Brookings Institution Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data Kull, Steven. Feeling betrayed : the roots of Muslim anger at America / Steven Kull. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: “Explores the depth of anti-Americanism felt by Muslim populations in the Middle East and South Asia by reporting on opinions expressed during focus group sessions and in-depth surveys over several years, complemented by data from Gallup polls, World Values Survey, and Arab Barometer”—Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-0-8157-0559-8 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. United States—Relations—Islamic countries. 2. Islamic countries— Relations—United States. 3. Anti-Americanism—Islamic countries. I. Title. JZ1480.A57I74 2011 303.48’27301767—dc22 2010053915 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed on acid-free paper Typeset in Sabon and Strayhorn Composition by R. Lynn Rivenbark Macon, Georgia Printed by R. R. Donnelley Harrisonburg, Virginia 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page v Contents Preface vii Introduction: America, Radical Islamist Groups, and the Muslim People 1 1 The Scope of Muslim Anger and Support for Violent Anti-American Groups 8 2 The Narrative of Oppression and Betrayal and the Inner Clash of Civilizations 24 3 The United States as Coercively Dominating the Muslim World 42 4 The United States as Hostile to Islam 72 5 U.S. Support for Israel 89 6 The United States as Undermining Democracy 102 7 Views of Al Qaeda and Other Radical Islamists 114 8 What Do Muslims Want? 146 9 What the United States Can Do 194 Notes 239 Index 247 v 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page vi 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page vii Preface O n September 11, 2001, I was in Washington just over the river from the Pentagon when it was attacked and several blocks from the White House—the apparent target of the fourth hijacked jetliner. Like most Americans I was struck by the intensity of feeling that would lead nineteen young men to immolate themselves in the effort to kill several thousand civilians going about their daily business, civilians that could have easily included me. This led me to ask what was occurring in the larger Muslim society that could have bred this extreme hostility. Surely the feelings that were expressed that day were not developed sui generis, in complete isolation from the culture in which these young men were born. Indeed, when the 9/11 attacks were reported in some cities in the Muslim world, many peo- ple openly expressed celebratory feelings. To understand such feelings, being a psychologist as well as an inter- national survey researcher, I felt a need to go to the Muslim world to sit down with Muslims and let them speak. It took little prompting before they poured out their feelings, often aimed at me as the most available tar- get and symbol of America. These feelings turned out to be complex and layered. At the most immediate level was a narrative based on the image of America as a force that seeks to coercively dominate the Muslim world, exploit its resources, vii 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page viii viii Preface and undermine its religion. With time, though, a more subtle level of feel- ings emerged in which people showed a strong sense of rapport with America and the values it represents. This was coupled with a deep sense that America has betrayed the Muslim people by proffering these values as a basis for amicable and trusting relations and then failing to live up to them. It was, however, at this level of discussion that the Muslims I spoke with revealed some implicit hope that relations between America and the Muslim world could be redeemed. Out of these direct conversations in focus groups I began to develop survey questions to determine how wide- spread these various feelings were. Developing these surveys was a joint venture with many other individu- als who made major contributions in writing questions and analyzing the results. Particularly helpful were other staff members at the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) where we spent many hours carefully crafting questions. Most notable was Clay Ramsay, research director and cofounder of PIPA. In addition to making invaluable contributions to the questionnaire development, Stephen Weber managed the complex process of conducting the surveys in numerous countries. Evan Lewis managed the statistical data. Ebrahim Mohseni worked diligently to ensure that I under- stood the deepest nuances of the Muslim perspective. Melanie Ciolek coor- dinated the survey partners and together with Abe Medoff carried out numerous critical functions in the process of gathering and organizing the data and performing other research assistance. A key adviser was Shibley Telhami, who cotaught seminars with me on Muslim public opinion and made many valuable contributions to the drafts of the book. Others who gave useful advice were Abdel Latif, Fares Braizat, Mathew Warshaw, Nabil Kukali, Zsolt Nyiri, Flynt Leverett, and Marina Ottaway. The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland was a major source of support for the first two sets of surveys conducted in four countries and for some of the writing of the text. Scholars at START made key contri- butions to developing the questionnaires, especially Clark McCauley, Arie Kruglanski, Mansoor Moaddel, and Gary LaFree. Others at START who played important roles in bringing these surveys to realization were Gary Ackerman, Kathy Smarick, Victor Asal, and Laura Dugan. The surveys for START, subsequent surveys, and the recruitment of focus group participants were conducted by survey centers that were part 00A-0559-8 FM:0305-1 3/3/11 1:51 PM Page ix Preface ix of the WorldPublicOpinion.org network. These included A.C. Nielsen Pakistan and SEDCO in Pakistan, Attitude Market Research and the Emac Research and Training Center in Egypt, Deka Marketing Research and Synovate in Indonesia, the Center for Strategic Studies at the Univer- sity of Jordan, Leger Marketing in Morocco, the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion in the Palestinian Territories, the ARI Foundation/Infakto Research Workshop in Turkey, D3 Systems/Afghan Center for Social and Opinion Research in Afghanistan, the International Center for Social Research in Azerbaijan, Org-Quest Research Limited in Bangladesh, and the Asharq Research Center and D3 Systems/KA Research in Iraq. In many cases the researchers at these centers made important contributions to the development and refinement of the questionnaires and provided insights into the findings as well. The first surveys for START were supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security through the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), grant number N00140510629. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommen- dations in this document, however, are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect views of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Support for surveys in additional countries, for further surveys in countries included in the first START surveys, and for the analysis and writing of this book was provided by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Calvert Foundation. The United States Institute of Peace supported some of the polling in Iran and Pakistan. Christine Fair and Paul Stares, then at the institute, made valuable contributions to questionnaire development and analysis. Some of the polling in Iran was also conducted in conjunction with Search for Common Ground. William Miller, John Marks, and Sonya Reines contributed to the development of the questionnaires and the analysis. My partner, Nancy Lindborg, deserves special credit. She tolerated and was an important sounding board for endless noodling about what it all meant. Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to the people who really made this book possible—the participants in the focus groups in majority- Muslim countries who sincerely tried to communicate their feelings to a stranger from America, trusting that I would present their words fairly and with respect. I hope they feel the trust was warranted.

Though it has been nearly a decade since the attacks of September 11, the threat of terrorism emanating from the Muslim world has not subsided. U.S. troops fight against radical Islamists overseas, and on a daily basis, Americans pass through body scanners as part of the effort to defend against ano
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