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Preview Feeding preference of Heliconius erato (Lep.: Nymphalidae) in relation to leaf age and consequences for larvarl performance

JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 53(3),1999,108-113 FEEDING PREFERENCE OF HELICONIUSERATO (LEE: NYMPHALIDAE) IN RELATION TO LEAF AGE AND CONSEQUENCES FOR LARVAL PERFORMANCE Daniela Rodriguesand Gilson Rudinei Pires Moreira1 DepartamentodeZoologia,Institute)deBiociSncias,UFRGS,Av.PauloGama,40,90046-900,PortoAlegre, RS, BRAZIL ABSTRACT. InSouthBrazil,femaleHeliconiuseratophyllis (Fabricius)layisolatedeggsonbranchtipsofPassiflorasuberosa Linnaeus, leadingtoearlylarvaefirstcontactingyounghostplanttissues.Thesefeedonyoungtissues,buttheadaptivemeaning,ifany,forsuchanasso- ciationisstillunknown. Inthispaper,wedeterminewhatleafagesareusuallyconsumedbyeachinstar,theexistenceoffeedingpreferencein relationtoleafage,andtheperformanceofH.eratowhenfedeitheronyoungoroldleavesofP.suberosaunderlaboratoryconditions.Freshly- hatchedlarvaeweretransferredtotheterminalportionofisolated, intactshoots, andobserveddailyfororderofleafchoiceuntil pupation. Feedingpreferenceinrelationtoleafagewasevaluatedforallinstarsthroughchoicetestsusingleafdisksfromyoungandmatureleaves.Ad- ditionallytoevaluateinductionoffeedingpreference,larvaewererearedthroughfourthinstaroneitheryoungormatureleavesandthentested usingthesamechoiceprocedure.Growthperformancewasassessedbyprogressivelytransferinglarvae,accordingtoinstarnumber,fromintact shootstosectionswhereapicalportionwascutoff. Larvaefedstartingattheterminalbud(youngtissues) andmovingprogressivelytolower leavesofincreasingage(matureleaves). Larvaeofallinstarsconsumedmoreyoungleafdisks,andpreferenceforoldleavescouldnotbein- duced.Larvaerearedinitiallyonyoungtissueshadgreatersurvivorshipandgrewfasterthanthoseonmature,andthismayexplaintheoviposi- tionsiteselectionandlarvalfeedingpreferenceofthisbutterfly. Additionalkeywords:host-plantselection,heliconianbutterflies,passionvines,leafageeffects. Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius) (Nymphalidae) calportion ofhost-plants is also relatedto higher suit- is common inthe forests ofsouthern Brazil (Brown & abilityofthe correspondingtissues as larval food. Mielke 1972). Ituses anumberofpassionvine species In this paper, we address the latterhypothesis from as larvalhosts, afewbeingpreferredin agivenlocality a behavioral ecologyperspective. Feeding ofH. erato (Bensonetal. 1976, Brown 1979, 1981, Ramos &Frei- phyllis larvae and its consequences are evaluated re- tas 1999). Isolated eggs are laidprimarilyon terminal garding variation in leaf age on shoots of Passiflora buds of Passiflora shoots, young tendrils and young (Plectostemma) suberosa. This widely spread passion leaves (Benson 1978, Perico 1995, Mugrabi-Oliveira& vine is a primary host ofH. erato phyllis, and one of Moreira 1996a). Larvae feed initially on young leaves the most abundant passion vine species in southern near the apical portion of shoots (Alexander 1961, Brazil (Menna-Barreto & Araujo 1985, Perico & Benson 1978). Ovipositing females reject shoots de- Araujo 1991, Perico 1995). Informationonthephenol- privedoforwith adamagedapicalportion, andprefer ogyofP. suberosa and correspondingeffects on H. er- to lay on large shoots compared to small (Mugrabi- ato phyllis oviposition site selection are provided by Oliveira & Moreira 1996a). They also assess egg- and Mugrabi-Oliveira & Moreira (1996a). Specific goals of larval-load, and reduce daily oviposition rates under the current study are 1) to characterize the natural low host-plant availability (Mugrabi-Oliveira & Mor- feedingpatternofH. eratophyllislarvalinstars inrela- eira 1996b). tion to P. suberosa leafage, 2) to evaluate the feeding There are at least three hypotheses to explain Heli- preference ofeach instar regardingleafage, and 3) to conius oviposition and early larval feeding on young determine the consequences of feeding on leaves of Passiflora tissue, which are not necessarily mutually variableageonsurvivorship, growthrateandadultsize. exclusive. First, Benson et al. (1976) suggested that Materials and Methods Heliconius oviposition on passion vine tendrils would help to prevent egg-predation, because eggs on ten- Insects and plants. Larvae used in the experi- drils are less likelyto be attackedbyants. In addition, ments came from eggs obtained from an H. erato Benson (1978) hypothesized that the feeding pattern phyllis outdoor insectary maintained at the Zoology of heliconian larvae that use young tender growth, Department ofFederal University ofRio Grande do such as H. erato, was in part shaped by interspecific Sul, Porto Alegre, RS (see Mugrabi-Oliveira & Mor- competition with species specialized on older leaves. eira 1996a). P. suberosaplantswereobtainedfromcut- Also, it is known that host-plant selection by phy- tings that were transplanted into plastic pots. The tophagous insects is linkedtoplant suitabilityas larval plants originatedfromapopulationatAguas Belas Ex- food (Jones 1991, Bernays &Chapman 1994). Thus, it perimental Station, Viamao County. The plastic pots is expectedthatH. eratophyllis ovipositionontheapi- wereprovidedwith50cmhighwoodenframe support for shoot growth, coveredwith a fine mesh cloth and 1Fromwhomreprintsshouldberequested. maintained in an outdoor screened cage. Priorto the Volume 53, Number 3 109 tests,plantswere standardizedforsizebyremovingall branches except the main shoot in each pot. Experi- ments were conducted in alarge laboratory chamber, adopting the prevailing abiotic conditions for the re- gion duringthe summer (photoperiod 14L:10D, tem- perature 25 ± 1°C, humidity75 ± 5%). Feedingpattern. Todetermine larvalfeedingpat- tern in relation to leafage, twentyfreshlyhatched H. erato phyllis larvae were individually placed on the terminal bud of healthy growing shoots bearing 12 open leaves. Additional studies thathavebeen carried & out in ourlaboratory (S. S. Borges G. R. P. Moreira unpubl. data) showedthatin allcaseswhenyounglar- vae areputon anymatureleaf, theymove tothetip of P. suberosa shoots, always starting feeding on the ter- minal bud. Larvae were inspected for molting daily untilpupation. Ateachinspection,wenotedtheageof leafbeing consumed. To make sure that molts were not overlooked, larvae were gently markedwith small colored dots of enamel paint (Testors) on the dorsal part ofthe penultimate abdominal segment. Leafage was determinedbyleafposition in relation to the ter- minalbud(madeupofapicalmeristem, leafprimordia andunopen leaves) (Fig. 1A). Choice experiments. Feedingpreference in rela- tion to leafagewas evaluatedthrough leafdiskchoice Fig. 1. Schematic representation ofPassiflora suberosa shoots used to determine influence ofleafage on Heliconius erato larval tests. Trials were conducted in plastic pots, following performance. A, intact, with terminal budandten open leaves; B, the methodology described in Hanson (1983). The lowersection,withfivematureleaves (terminalbudandfiveapical same twenty larvae were used over all instars; corre- openleaveswerecutout).TB,terminalbud;L,openleaf. Numbers indicate position in relation to shoot apex. Tendrils and stipules sponding rearing procedure followed that descrived associatedwithopenleaveswerenotdrawn. above. Unless noted, two leaf age categories were adopted: young (consisting of the first and second open leaves on actively growing branch) and mature using the leaf-disk choice test described above (18 (sixth andseventh open leaves). Disks were cutwith a disks ofeach ageperlarvae). corkborer (diameterof6.75 mm; 35.78 mm2in area), Feeding was measured as area of disk eaten, and a fixed number offered (3, 3, 6, 12 or 18 disks of recorded by placing the disks against graph paper at each age per larvae tested from first to fifth instar, re- the endofeachfeedingtrialandcountingthenumber spectively). Young leaf disks alternated with mature of square millimeters corresponding to the missing ones in the pot. To keep leaf disks from drying out, leafarea. Ifonlyyoung leaves were damaged, or over potswerecoveredwith aplasticfilm. Leaveswerecol- twice the area of young as mature leaves was con- lectedfrom differentplants everytime. Totalleafarea sumed, larvae were scored as having discrimated in offeredagiveninstarwas adjustedto double the aver- favour of young leaves. Conversely, if only mature ageleafareaconsumedbyagiveninstarin5hours (C. leaves were consumed, or over twice the area ofma- A. Barcellos & G. R. P. Moreiraunpubl. data). All tri- ture as young leaves was missing, then larvae were alslastedfor5hours, afterwhichlarvaewerereturned scored as having chosen mature leaves. Feedingtrials to theiroriginal rearingplants. were recorded as neutral when neither leaf-age cate- To evaluate possible induction of feeding prefer- goryhadmorethantwicethedamageoftheother(see ence in relation to leafage, additional 40 larvae were Thomas 1987). To test the hypothesis that consump- reared up to third instaronyoung leaves. After molt- tion ofyoung leaves was greater than mature, scores ing to fourth instar, halfofthem were transferred to were tested using one-tailed sign tests, following the cuttings containing only mature leaves; the remaining procedure describedin Conover (1980). 20 larvae were kept on cuttings bearingyoung leaves. Larval performance and adult size. To deter- Theywereallthenindividuallytestedinthefifthinstar mine leafage effects on performance, larvae were in- ; 1 110 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society Table 1. ExperimentalschemeadoptedtotestinfluenceofPas- (Fig. 1). Six different treatments were used. Larvae siflora suberosa leaf age on Heliconius erato larval performance. were transferred from plants with intact shoots (type Treamentscorrespondtonumbersofinstarstayingonintactshoots. 1) tothosewith matureleaves (shoottype2) according Shoottypeoffered sfood to instarcompletion (Table 1). Forexample: "In treat- Treatment Intact Lowersection ment0, larvaewereplaceddirectlyonshootswith ma- allinstars ture leaves; in treatment 5, larvae were allowed to 1 instarI instarsII-V complete all five instars on intact shoots". A com- 23 iinnssttaarrssII-aInIIdII iinnssttaarrssIIIVIa-nVdV pletely randomizedblock designwas adopted; the ex- 4 instarsI-IV instarV periment was carried out ten times (dates = block ef- 5 allinstars fect), one replicate per treatment was conducted on each occasion. Since there was no block effect, data were treated within an one-way design (10 replicates dividuallyrearedonpottedplants receivingone ofthe pertreatment). Larvaewere checkeddailyformolting following shoot types: 1) intact, with ten leaves and until death, or up to emergence to the adult stage. terminalbud; 2) lowersection,with five matureleaves Forewing length offreshly emerged adults was mea- (terminalbudandfiveapicalopenleaveswerecutout) sured with callipers. Data from development rates (L. hi IV L10 L1 10 11 12 13 14 IS age of larvae (days) Fig.2. SequentialfeedingpatternofHeliconiuseratolarvae(n=20)inrelationtoPassiflorasuberosaleafageandinstarnumber.TB,ter- minalbud;L,openleaf. Arabicnumbersdesignatepositionofleafinrelationtoshootapex. Romannumbersrepresentlarvalinstars. Closed circlesandassociatedbarsdenotethemedianandcorrespondingintervalofleafageeatenbyagiveninstar. Volume 53, Number 3 111 Table2. SelectionbydifferentinstarsofHeliconiuseratolarvae uu (n = 20) foryoungvs. oldleaves ofPassiflorasuberosa. Datashow numberoflarvaefallingintoeachpreferencecategory. Seetextfor 80 descriptionofdiscriminationcategories. Preferredleafcategory 60 Instar Younger Neutral Older p* o I 20 <0.001 E> 40 II 19 1 <0.001 3 in 18 1 1 < 0.001 (0 20 IV 18 1 1 <0.001 V 9 9 2 <0.04 *probabilitiescalculatedfromsigntests. I II III IV V c instaroftransfertomatureleaves were logtransformed forthe analysis ofvariance, fol- Fig. 3. Heliconius erato larval stage survivorship when trans- lowing the criteria described in Sokal and Rohlf ferredfromyoungtomatureleavesofPassiflorasuberosashoots.C, (1981). Differences amongtreatmentsweretestedus- control =treatment5. ing Fisher's Protected Least Significant Difference multiple comparison tests, when analyses ofvariance preferred young over mature leaves when reared ei- were significant. theronyoung(p < 0.002) ormature (p < 0.005) leaves To determine specific effects of leaf age on adult ofP. suberosa. size, 40 additional larvae were tested. These were Leafage affectedH. erato survivorship during early rearedonyoungleavesuptothirdinstar, andaftermolt- instars (Fig. 3). Therewas asignificant associationbe- ingforthefourthinstar, halfofthemwerekeptfeeding tweenthe ageoftransferto matureleaves andpercent on young leaves while the remaining fed on mature survivorship (Spearman's rank correlation test, Rho = leaves untilpupation. Afteremergence, adult forewing 0.975, n = 5, p < 0.05). When transferred to mature lengthwas measured, anddatawerecomparedthrough leaves during first and second instars only 30% and unpaired, two-tailed t-tests. There was no indication 60% of larvae respectively survived until pupation that size ofmales and females differedin these exper- (Fig. 3). When transferred to mature leaves during iments, and thus data were grouped. Unless noted third, fourth and fifth instars, larvae had similar sur- measurements are given as mean ± standarderror. vivorshiptothosekeptonintactshoots (Fig. 3). Larval development rates were significantlylongerwhen lar- Results vaewere transferred to shoots containingonlymature Ingeneral, the larvae first ate the terminalbud, fol- leaves as firstorsecondinstars, buttherewasnoeffect lowed by the first open leaf and progressively de- on laterinstars (Fig. 4). voured older leaves, as they grew (Fig. 2). They con- sumed all P. suberosa shoot parts, including tendrils, 18 stipules and stem. In general, the terminal bud pro- to videdenough foodto complete the firstinstar. During i>. 16 this instar some larvae ate partofthe firstopen leafas 0) well. Leafdamage extended to the third, fourth and E £ fifthopenleaves duringinstars two, three andfour,re- 14 a> spectively(Fig. 2). Therewasconsiderablevariationin E Q. t be fifth instar consumption rates. This variation in leaf § 12 f consumptionwasexpected, becauseleavesvaryinsize. a> About half the larvae required seven open leaves to 10 complete larval development; however, some con- sumedup toten leaves before pupation. I II III IV V c instaroftransferto mature leaves Larvae rearedon intactP. suberosa shoots discrimi- natedbetweenthetwoleafcategoriestested(Table2). Fig. 4. Heliconius erato larval stage development time when All instars preferred young over mature leaves in the transferred from young to mature leaves of Passiflora suberosa leaf-disk choice test. Type ofleafage offered during shoots. Ccontrol = treatment5.Values followedbythesameletter arenotsignificantlydifferent(Anova-logtransformeddata,n=48, fourth instar did not influence choice oflarvae during p < 0.001; Fisher's ProtectedLeast Significant Difference multiple fifth instar (one-tailed sign tests, alpha = 0.05); they comparisontests,p<0.001). 112 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society The size ofadults that emerged from larvae trans- (Hanson 1983, Bernays & Chapman 1994; but see ferred during fourth instar to cuttings containing ma- Bernays &Weiss 1996). Contraryto mostoftheselep- tureleaves (36.97 ± 0.42mm)was notsignificantlydif- idopterans that are polyphagous, H. erato is oligopha- ferentfrom that ofthosekeptfeedingonyoungleaves gous, using a few Passiflora species as larval hosts in (38.08 ± 0.37mm) (unpaired, two-tailedt-test, n = 36, southern Brazil (Perico & Araujo 1991, Perico 1995). p > 0.06). Similarly, the size attainedin the adult stage In an additional study carried out in our laboratory, was not affectedbytransferenceimposedon allinstars Kerpel (1999) failed to showinduction oflarval feed- intheexperimentdesignedtotesteffectsofleafageon ingpreferenceregardingthetwopreferredhosts (Pas- larvalperformance (one-wayAnova, n = 35, p > 0.37). siflora misera and P. suberosa) ofH. erato phyllis in Rio Grande do Sul State. Discussion The data showed that P. suberosa leafage strongly Our data confirmed field observations in that H. affectsH. eratophyllis larvalperformance. Althoughit erato phyllis larvae feed continuouslyfrom the termi- is not known to what degree mechanical and nutri- nal bud (young tissues) to the basal portion (mature tionalfactorscontributetotheseeffects, theymaycon- leaves) of P. suberosa shoots. Young tissues are pre- stitute the proximate cause forthe maintainance ofat ferred by all instars, and this preference is related to leasttwoegg-layingbehaviorsofH. erato. First, itmay larval survivorship and development rates. As already explain why females selectively oviposit on terminal pointed out, young larvae move to the terminal bud portion ofintact P. suberosa shoots (Lopes 1991, Mu- when placed on any mature leaf. Thus, larvae start grabi-Oliveira & Moreira 1996a); females thateventu- feeding on the apical portion ofthe plant not simply allyoviposit on shoots lackingorwith damagedtermi- because that is where the female laythe eggs. Larvae nalportion maybe in disadvantage comparedto those begin feeding on the apical portion of P. suberosa layingon intact shoots due to lowerlarval survivorship shoots because the corresponding tissues are more andperhaps inferiorperformance. Second, itmayelu- suitable for development offirst larval instars. Larvae cidate why females lay only isolated eggs on P. feedonawiderrangeofleafagesinthelaterinstars. A suberosa shoots (Mugrabi-Oliveira& Moreira 1996b,). progressive loss in selectivity as larvae age has been By avoiding multiple oviposition they may reduce in- found in some insects, howeverthe underlying mech- traspecific competition for the limited amount of anisms forsuch an ontogenetic changes still not being leaves available on many host plants. H. erato larvae clearly understood (Lewis & van Emden 1986). This are cannibalistic, which is also an adaptation to host- ontogenetic change in feedingpreference maybe re- plant size limitation (Brower 1997). Mugrabi-Oliveira lated to changes in nutrition, plant chemistry or me- and Moreira (1996a) found for a P. suberosa popula- chanical barriers offered by young and mature P. tion ofViamao County, RS, that in more than halfof suberosa leaves. Later instars may be better able to H. erato eggs arelaidonplantswhosetotalleafareais overcome defenses ofolder leaves and differences in less than that required for larval development. Food foodqualityhavemosteffectonthe earlyinstars; thus, shortage in the fifth larval instar has profound effects the necessity to make the correct choices may be onsurvivorship andsize attainedintheadultstage (D. & greatestforearlyinstars (Reavey 1993). Rodrigues G. R. P. Moreiraunpubl. data). The choice tests showedthatlaterinstarlarvaepre- Thus, we confirm the importance ofvariation in in- feryoungleaves independentofthe experience in the traspecific attributes ofP. suberosa plants, more pre- previous instar. Thus, they are expected to be found cisely leaf age, in relation to preference and perfor- mostly on the youngest surviving portions of host- mance ofH. eratophyllis larvae. Feedingpreferences plants under field conditions. Results also indicated for young Passiflora auriculata tissues had already that the age ofleaves consumed in agiven instar does been demonstrated through choice experiments by not influence choices made by larvae during subse- Denno and Donnelly (1981) for larvae ofHeliconius quentinstar. Evenfifth instarlarvae,whichwerecom- sara in Costa Rica. The physiological basis for such a parativelyless selective in relation to leafage, showed feeding specialization in earlierinstars remains unde- preference for young leaves when fed mature leaves termined. Itisknownthatseveralchemicalandphysi- duringfourth instar. Thus, H. eratophyllis larvalpref- caltraits ofleaftissues, such as pubescence, hardness, erence couldnotbe inducedin relation to P. suberosa water content, nutrients and secondary metabolic leafage. compounds, vary according to age. It is also known Inductionoffeedingpreference, asaresultofprevi- that these leafcharacteristics can play amajor role in ous experience regarding particular plant species of- host-plantselectionorperformance ofherbivorous in- & fered as larval food, has been demonstrated through sects (e.g., Scriber 1984, Slansky 1993, Bernays choice tests performed with several lepidopterans Chapman 1994, Fernandes 1994), includingfleabee- Volume 53, Number 3 113 W tSimeisltehyatanudseWiPassdsiofmlo(r1a98as5)hofsotunpdlaantssig(niTfhiocamnatsco1r9r8e7l)a.- CDoennonWvoiel,ery,R,.NF.eJw&. YM1o9.r8k0.A.. DProancntieclallyn.on1p9a8r1a.mePtartiteersntsatoisftihcesr.b2invdo.ryedo.n, tion between leaf nitrogen content of several sym- Passiflora leaf tissues and species by generalized feeding patricPassiflora species andlarvalgrowthrates ofHe- insects. EcolW. Entomol.6:11-16. liconius ismenius and Heliconius melpomene in Costa Fernandes, G. 1994. Plantmechanicaldefensesagainstinsect herbivory. Revta.bras. 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Early instars of some phyllis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Unpublished M.Sc. Dissertation,InstitutodeBiociencias,UniversidadeFederaldo grasshoppers and lepidopterans do not feed upon fa- RioGrandedoSul,PortoAlegre. vored tissue or mature leaves because the mandibles Lewis,A.C. &H. F.VanEmden. 1986. Assaysforinsectfeeding, are eithernothard enough for effectivelychewing, or pinpt.er9a5c-t1io1n9s..ISnprJi.ngRe.r-MVielrllearg,&NTe.wA.YoMrikl.ler (eds.), Insect-plant their gape is not wide enough to grasp thick tissues Lopes, F. S. 1991. Padroes sazonais e evolucaodousode plantas (Bernays 1991). hospedeiras de larvas por Heliconius erato phyllis (L.) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) na Serra do Japi, Sao Paulo. Acknowledgments Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Instituto de Biologia, UniversidadeEstadualdeCampinas,Campinas. WethankEInaMugrabi-Oliveiraforsupplyingtheplantsandlarvae Menna-Barreto, Y. & A. M. Araujo. 1985. Evidence for host used in the experiments. Cassiano S. 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