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Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (What's New in Engineering) PDF

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CVR_FRAN5717_08_SE_IFC — 2017/11/17 — 13:26 — page 1 — #1 CVR_FRAN5717_09_SE_IBC — 2017/11/17 — 16:07 — page 3 — #1 TableofLaplaceTransforms Number F(s) f(t),t 0 ≥ 1 1 δ(t) 1 2 1(t) s 1 3 t s2 2! 4 t2 s3 3! 5 t3 s4 6 m! tm sm+1 7 1 e−at (s+a) 8 1 te−at (s+a)2 9 1 1t2e−at (s+a)3 2! 10 1 1 tm−1e−at (s+a)m (m−1)! a 11 1−e−at s(s+a) 12 a 1(at−1+e−at) s2(s+a) a b−a 13 e−at−e−bt (s+a)(s+b) s 14 (1−at)e−at (s+a)2 a2 15 1−e−at(1+at) s(s+a)2 16 (b−a)s be−bt−ae−at (s+a)(s+b) a 17 sinat (s2+a2) s 18 cosat (s2+a2) s+a 19 e−atcosbt (s+a)2+b2 b 20 e−atsinbt (s+a)2+b2 (cid:29) (cid:28) a2+b2 a 21 (cid:31) (cid:30) 1−e−at cosbt+ sinbt s (s+a)2+b2 b main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 1 — #1 ChronologicalHistoryofFeedbackControl Driverless cars Drones Automotive stability augmentation systems Farm tractor auto-steering via GPS GPS Unmanned aircraft High precision disk drive control Computer-aided control design Internal model control Feedback control of automotive engines Aircraft auto-landing Microprocessor Apollo digital autopilot Aircraft stability augmentation LQG design Inertial navigation Maximum principle Dynamic programming Numerical optimization Optimal filtering Sampled data systems Root locus Nyquist stability Frequency-response tools Feedback amplifier Autopilot Stability analysis of governor Routh stability Fly-ball governor Incubator 1600s 1700s 1800s 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 2 — #2 This page intentionally left blank main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 3 — #3 Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems Eighth Edition Global Edition Gene F. Franklin StanfordUniversity J. David Powell StanfordUniversity Abbas Emami-Naeini SCSolutions,Inc. 330 Hudson Street, NY, NY 10013 mmaaiinn__11 —— 22001199//24//52 —— 1170::5450 —— ppaaggee 44 —— ##41 Director,PortfolioManagement:Engineering,Computer ManufacturingBuyer,HigherEd,LakeSide Science&GlobalEditions:JulianPartridge CommunicationsInc(LSC):MauraZaldivar-Garcia Specialist,HigherEdPortfolioManagement:NorrinDias SeniorManufacturingController,Global PortfolioManagementAssistant:EmilyEgan Edition:KayHolman AcquisitionsEditor,GlobalEdition:MoasenlaJamir InventoryManager:AnnLam ManagingContentProducer:ScottDisanno ProductMarketingManager:YvonneVannatta ContentProducer:CaroleSnyder FieldMarketingManager:DemetriusHall SeniorProjectEditor,GlobalEdition:K.K.Neelakantan MarketingAssistant:JonBryant WebDeveloper:SteveWright CoverDesigner:LuminaDatamatics,Inc. Manager,MediaProduction,GlobalEdition: CoverArt(orCoverPhoto):DimaZel/Shutterstock VikramKumar Full-ServiceProjectManager:GeorgeJacobandPhilip RightsandPermissionsManager:BenFerrini Alexander,IntegraSoftwareServicesPvt.Ltd. Creditsandacknowledgmentsborrowedfromothersourcesandreproduced,withpermission,inthistextbook appearonappropriatepagewithintext. (cid:2) (cid:2) Matlab andSimulink areregisteredtrademarksofTheMathWorks,Inc.,3AppleHillDrive,Natick,MA. PearsonEducationLimited KAOTwo KAOPark Harlow CM179NA UnitedKingdom andAssociatedCompaniesthroughouttheworld VisitusontheWorldWideWebat:www.pearsonglobaleditions.com (cid:2)c PearsonEducationLimited,2020 TherightsofGeneF.Franklin,J.DavidPowell,andAbbasEmami-Naeinitobeidentifiedastheauthorsofthisworkhave beenassertedbytheminaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. AuthorizedadaptationfromtheUnitedStatesedition,entitled FeedbackControlofDynamicSystems,8th Edition,ISBN 978-0-13-468571-7byGeneF.Franklin,J.DavidPowell,andAbbasEmami-Naeini,publishedbyPearsonEducation(cid:2)c 2019. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyform orbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withouteitherthepriorwrittenpermission ofthepublisheroralicensepermittingrestrictedcopyingintheUnitedKingdomissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgency Ltd,SaffronHouse,6-10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS. Alltrademarksusedhereinarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. Theuseofanytrademarkinthistextdoesnot vestintheauthororpublisheranytrademarkownershiprightsinsuchtrademarks,nordoestheuseofsuchtrademarks implyanyaffiliationwithorendorsementofthisbookbysuchowners. Forinformationregardingpermissions, request forms,andtheappropriatecontactswithinthePearsonEducationGlobalRightsandPermissionsdepartment,pleasevisit www.pearsoned.com/permissions. ThiseBookisastandaloneproductandmayormaynotincludeallassetsthatwerepartoftheprintversion.Italsodoes notprovideaccesstootherPearsondigitalproductslikeMyLabandMastering.Thepublisherreservestherighttoremove anymaterialinthiseBookatanytime. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN10:1-292-27452-2 ISBN13:978-1-292-27452-2 eBookISBN13:978-1-292-27454-6 TypesetbyIntegra main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 5 — #5 To Valerie, Daisy, Annika, Davenport, Malahat, Sheila, Nima, and to the memory of Gene main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 6 — #6 This page intentionally left blank main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 7 — #7 Contents Preface 15 1 AnOverviewandBrief HistoryofFeedbackControl 23 APerspectiveonFeedbackControl 23 ChapterOverview 24 1.1 ASimpleFeedbackSystem 25 1.2 AFirstAnalysisofFeedback 28 1.3 FeedbackSystemFundamentals 32 1.4 ABriefHistory 33 1.5 AnOverviewoftheBook 40 Summary 41 ReviewQuestions 42 Problems 42 2 DynamicModels 46 APerspectiveonDynamicModels 46 ChapterOverview 47 2.1 DynamicsofMechanicalSystems 47 2.1.1 TranslationalMotion 47 2.1.2 RotationalMotion 54 2.1.3 CombinedRotationandTranslation 65 2.1.4 ComplexMechanicalSystems(W)** 68 2.1.5 DistributedParameterSystems 68 2.1.6 Summary: Developing Equations of Motion forRigidBodies 70 2.2 ModelsofElectricCircuits 71 2.3 ModelsofElectromechanicalSystems 76 2.3.1 Loudspeakers 76 2.3.2 Motors 78 (cid:2) 2.3.3 Gears 82 (cid:2) 2.4 HeatandFluid-FlowModels 83 2.4.1 HeatFlow 84 2.4.2 IncompressibleFluidFlow 88 2.5 HistoricalPerspective 95 Summary 98 ReviewQuestions 98 Problems 99 **Sections with (W) indicates that additional material is located on the web at www.pearsonglobaleditions.com. 7 main_1 — 2019/2/5 — 17:55 — page 8 — #8 8 Contents 3 DynamicResponse 111 APerspectiveonSystemResponse 111 ChapterOverview 112 3.1 ReviewofLaplaceTransforms 112 3.1.1 ResponsebyConvolution 113 3.1.2 TransferFunctionsandFrequencyResponse 118 3.1.3 TheL−LaplaceTransform 128 3.1.4 PropertiesofLaplaceTransforms 130 3.1.5 InverseLaplace Transformby Partial-Fraction Expansion 132 3.1.6 TheFinalValueTheorem 134 3.1.7 UsingLaplaceTransformstoSolveDifferential Equations 136 3.1.8 PolesandZeros 138 3.1.9 LinearSystemAnalysisUsingMatlab 139 3.2 SystemModelingDiagrams 145 3.2.1 TheBlockDiagram 145 3.2.2 Block-DiagramReductionUsingMatlab 149 3.2.3 Mason’sRuleandtheSignalFlowGraph(W) 150 3.3 EffectofPoleLocations 150 3.4 Time-DomainSpecifications 159 3.4.1 RiseTime 159 3.4.2 OvershootandPeakTime 160 3.4.3 SettlingTime 161 3.5 EffectsofZerosandAdditionalPoles 164 3.6 Stability 174 3.6.1 BoundedInput–BoundedOutputStability 174 3.6.2 StabilityofLTISystems 176 3.6.3 Routh’sStabilityCriterion 177 (cid:2) 3.7 Obtaining Models from Experimental Data: SystemIdentification(W) 184 (cid:2) 3.8 AmplitudeandTimeScaling(W) 184 3.9 HistoricalPerspective 184 Summary 185 ReviewQuestions 187 Problems 187 4 AFirstAnalysisofFeedback 208 APerspectiveontheAnalysisofFeedback 208 ChapterOverview 209 4.1 TheBasicEquationsofControl 210 4.1.1 Stability 211 4.1.2 Tracking 212 4.1.3 Regulation 213 4.1.4 Sensitivity 214

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