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Preview Federation of European Biochemical Societies. FEBS Letters 1992: Vol 302 Table of Contents

Volume 302, number 3 FEBS LETTERS May 1992 Contents to volume 302 Hypothesis Kinetic analysis of translocation into isolated chloroplasts oft he Pseudouridine in the large-subunit (23 S-like) ribosomal RNA: purified ferredoxin precursor (FEBS 10996) M. Pilon, PJ. The site of peptidyl transfer in the ribosome? (FEBS 10966) Weisbeek, B. de Kruijff B.G. Lane, J. Ofengand, M.W. Gray Purification of the 28.5 kDa cytosolic protein involved in the activation of NADPH oxidase from guinea pig neutrophils (FEBS 10995) A. Someya, S. Yomogida, I. Nagaoka, K. Research Letters Iwabuchi, T. Yamashita Production of a unique multi-lamella structure in the nuclei of Distribution of 4a-hydroxytetrahydropterin dehydratase in rat yeast expressing Drosophila copia gag precursor (FEBS tissues: Comparison with the aromatic amino acid hydrox- 11004) K. Yoshioka, A. Fujita, S. Kondo, T. Miyake, Y. ylases (FEBS 10999) M.D. Davis, S. Kaufman, S. Milstien Sakaki, T. Shiba Cellobiose oxidase of Phanerochaete chrysosporium enhances Left-handed topology of super-secondary structure formed by crystalline cellulose degradation by cellulases (FEBS !1000) aligned a-helix and f-hairpin (FEBS 10976) A.V. Kajava W. Bao, V. Renganathan (Model) studies on vanadate-dependent bromo/iodoperoxidase A large conductance ion channel in the nuclear envelope of a from Ascophyllum nodosum: VO** is not incorporated into the higher plant cell (FEBS 10997) A.J.M. Matzke, C. Behensky, active site (FEBS 10978) K. Kniittel, A. Miiller, D. Rehder, H. T. Weiger, M.A. Matzke Vilter, V. Wittneben A Ca**-dependent protein kinase _ phosphorylates Assembly and processing of subunit II (PsaD) precursor in the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in maize (FEBS 11002) N. isolated photosystem-I complex (FEBS 10977) Y. Cohen, R. Ogawa, S. Okumura, K. Izui Nechushtai Solution structure of FK506 bound to FKBP-12 (FEBS 10971) Involvement of a non-proton pump factor (possibly Donnan- C.A. Lepre, J.A. Thomson, J.M. Moore type equilibrium) in maintenance of an acidic pH in lysosomes Design, synthesis and solution structure of a renin inhibitor: (FEBS 10984) Y. Moriyama, M. Maeda, M. Futai Structural constraints from NOE, and homonuclear and Level of expression controls modes of gating of a K* channel heteronuclear coupling constants combined with distance ge- (FEBS 10973) O. Moran, W. Schreibmayer, L. Weigl, N. ometry calculations (FEBS 11005) M.D. Reily, V. Thanabal, Dascal, I. Lotan E.A. Lunney, J.T. Repine, C.C. Humblet, G. Wagner C-CAM (Cell-CAM 105) is a calmodulin binding protein (FEBS 10983) I. Blikstad, T. Wikstrém, M. Aurivillius, B. Obrink Hypotheses Cloning of a bovine voltage-gated K* channel gene utilising partial amino acid sequence ofa dendrotoxin-binding protein Order and disorder in 30 nm chromatin fibers (FEBS 10979) from brain cortex (FEBS 10982) P.F. Reid, O. Pongs, J.O. J.A. Subirana Dolly Mechanism of catalysis of Fe(II) oxidation by ferritin H chains Up-regulation of interleukin (IL)-6 receptor gene expression in (FEBS 10998) A. Treffry, J. Hirzmann, S.J. Yewdall, P.M. vitro and in vivo in IL-6 deprived myeloma cells (FEBS Harrison 10986) M. Portier, D. Lees, E. Caron, M. Jourdan, J.-M. The pleiotypic response to amino acid deprivation is the result Boiron, R. Bataille, B. Klein of interactions between components of the glycolysis and pro- Recognition of an antiparallel 6-sheet structure of human epi- tein synthesis pathways (FEBS 10993) M. Rabinovitz dermal growth factor by its receptor: Site-directed mutagene- Different sequence environments of cysteines and half cystines sis studies of Ala-30 and Asn-32 (FEBS 10987) H. Koide, Y. in proteins: Application to predict disulfide forming residues Muto, H. Kasai, K. Hoshi, H. Takusari, K. Kohri, S. (FEBS 11024) A. Fiser, M. Cserzé, E. Tiidés, I. Simon Takahashi, T. Sasaki, K.-i. Tsukumo, T. Miyake, T. Fuwa, T. Miyazawa, S. Yokoyama Research Letters Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in rodent testis: Presence Isolation and characterization of the MHC linked f-type pro- of bFGF mRNA and of a 30 kDa bFGF protein in pachytene teasome subunit MC13 cDNA (FEBS 11006) S. Frentzel, U. spermatocytes (FEBS 10980) G. Lahr, A. Mayerhofer, K. Graf, G.J. Hammerling, P.-M. Kloetzel Seidl, S. Bucher, C. Grothe, W. Knéchel, M. Gratzl Evidence that dopachrome tautomerase is a ferrous iron-bind- The influence of the target structure on the efficiency of alkyla- ing glycoprotein (FEBS 11001) A.K. Chakraborty, S.J. Orlow, tion of single-stranded DNA with the reactive derivatives of J.M. Pawelek antisense oligonucleotides (FEBS 10981) O.S. Fedorova, L.M. The oligosaccharides in a recombinant hepatitis B virus surface Podust, G.A. Maksakova, V.V. Gorn, D.G. Knorre antigen (HBsAg) carrying the pre-S2 region derived from Murine ST2 gene is a member of the primary response gene yeast (FEBS 11003) M. Kobayashi, J. Ban, T. Asano, M. family induced by growth factors (FEBS 10988) K. Utsunomiya, S. Kusumoto, K. Nishi, K. Kato Yanagisawa, T. Tsukamoto, T. Takagi, S.-i. Tominaga Ordered phosphorylation of a duplicated minimal recognition A comparative study of the relationship between thermostability motif for cAMP-dependent protein kinase present in cardiac and function of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetases from Escher- troponin I (FEBS 11023) K. Mittmann, K. Jaquet, L.M.G. ichia coli and Thermus thermophilus (FEBS 10991) E.V. Heilmeyer Jr. Bobkova, V.G. Stepanov, O.1. Lavrik Effective detergent/lipid ratios in the solubilization of phosphat- The path of a protein chain can be approximated by the confor- idylcholine vesicles by Triton X-100 (FEBS 11031) M.A. mation dictated by interpeptide ionic bridges (FEBS 10992) Partearroyo, M.A. Urbaneja, F.M. Gori VI. Lim, C. Venclovas, N.A. Kurochkina Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding human tumor necro- Rapid agonist-induced beta-adrenergic receptor kinase translo- sis factor 8 from B lymphoblastoid cell RPMI 1788 (FEBS cation in C6 glioma cells (FEBS 10994) /. Garcia-Higuera, F. 11007) N. Matsuyama, N. Okawa, Y. Tsukii, T. Endo, A. Kaji Mayor Jr. Volume 302, number 3 FEBS LETTERS May 1992 Characterization of the yeast BMH/ gene encoding a putative Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of acDNA protein homologous to mammalian protein kinase II activa- encoding the main f-neurotoxin from the venom of the South tors and protein kinase C inhibitors (FEBS 11008) G.P.H. American scorpion Tityus serrulatus (FEBS 11029) M.F. van Heusden, T.J. Wenzel, E.L. Lagendijk, HY. Martin-Eauclaire, B. Céard, A.M. Ribeiro, C.R. Diniz, H. de Steensma, J.A. van den Berg Rochat, P.E. Bougis Identification and characterization of two dermorphins from Phosphorylation sequences in h-caldesmon from phorbol ester- skin extracts of the Amazonian frog Phyllomedusa bicolor stimulated canine aortas (FEBS 11027) L.P. Adam, C.J. (FEBS 11009) G. Mignogna, C. Severini, M. Simmaco, L. Gapinski, D.R. Hathaway Negri, G. Falconieri Erspamer, G. Kreil, D. Barra Separation of fibronectin from a plasma gelatinase using immo- Oligo(2’-O-methyl)ribonucleotides: Effective probes for duplex bilized metal affinity chromatography (FEBS 11028) L. DNA (FEBS 11032) M. Shimizu, A. Konishi, Y. Shimada, H. Smilenov, E. Forsberg, I. Zeligman, M. Sparrman, S. Inoue, E. Ohtsuka Johansson Primary structure of three minor isoforms of amphioxus sarco- Interleukin-4 stimulates collagen gene expression in human fi- plasmic calcium-binding proteins (FEBS 11041) 7. Takagi, L. broblast monolayer cultures: Potential role in fibrosis (FEBS Valette-Talbi, J.A. Cox 11030) P. Gillery, C. Fertin, J.F. Nicolas, F. Chastang, B. Determination of the sequence coding for the 8 subunit of the Kalis, J. Banchereau, F.X. Maquart human high-affinity IgE receptor (FEBS 11010) K. Maekawa, TNF-mediated IL6 gene expression and cytotoxicity are co- N. Imagawa, Y. Tanaka, S. Harada inducible in TNF-resistant L929 cells (FEBS 11034) V. Functional expression of a plant plasma membrane transporter Vandevoorde, G. Haegeman, W. Fiers in Xenopus oocytes (FEBS 11011) K.J. Boorer, B.G. Forde, Truncation of recombinant vimentin by ompT: Identification of R.A. Leigh, A.J. Miller a short motif in the head domain necessary for assembly of Protein deamidase from germinating wheat grains (FEBS 11012) type III intermediate filament proteins (FEBS 11035) M. 1A. Vaintraub, L.V. Kotova, R. Shaha Hatzfeld, H. Dodemont, U. Plessmann, K. Weber Cloning and sequencing of the 23 kDa mouse photoreceptor A novel ET, antagonist (BQ-123) inhibits endothelin-1-induced cell-specific protein (FEBS 11014) J.F. McGinnis, P.L. phosphoinositide breakdown and DNA synthesis in rat vas- Stepanik, W. Baehr, I. Subbaraya, V. Lerious cular smooth muscle cells (FEBS 11036) S. Eguchi, Y. Hirata, Fluorescence study of the nucleic acid binding site of vimentin M. Ihara, M. Yano, F. Marumo (FEBS 11013) M. Kooijman, M. Bloemendal, P. Traub, R. The haemoglobin-like protein (HMP) of Escherichia coli has van Grondelle ferrisiderophore reductase activity and its C-terminal domain Effects of solubilization and vanadate/glutathione complex on shares homology with ferredoxin NADP* reductases (FEBS inhibitor potencies against eosinophil cyclic AMP-specific 11053) S.C. Andrews, D. Shipley, J.N. Keen, J.B.C. Findlay, phosphodiesterase (FEBS 11015) J.E. Souness, C. Maslen, P.M. Harrison, J.R. Guest L.C. Scott Crystallization of human gelsolin (FEBS 11037) PJ. The application of 'H NMR chemical shift calculations to dia- McLaughlin, J. Gooch stereotopic groups in proteins (FEBS 11016) M.P. Williamson, The polypeptide chain fold in tyrosine phenol-lyase, a pyridoxal- T. Asakura 5’-phosphate-dependent enzyme (FEBS 11040) A.A. Antson, Site-directed mutants of human myeloperoxidase: A topological B.V. Strokopytov, G.N. Murshudov, M.N. Isupov, E.H. approach to the heme-binding site (FEBS 11019) A. Jacquet, Harutyunyan, T.V. Demidkina, D.G. Vassylyev, Z. Dauter, H. V. Deleersnyder, L. Garcia-Quintana, A. Bollen, N. Terry, K.S. Wilson Moguilevsky Evidence of cytosolic iron release during post-ischaemic reperfu- The proteasome/multicatalytic-multifunctional proteinase: In sion of isolated rat hearts: Influence on spin-trapping experi- vivo function in the ubiquitin-dependent N-end rule pathway ments with DMPO (FEBS 11039) F. Boucher, S. Pucheu, C. of protein degradation in eukaryotes (FEBS 11038) B. Coudray, A. Favier, J. de Leiris Richter-Ruoff, W. Heinemeyer, D.H. Wolf Identification of individual amino acids in platelet-derived Interaction of mannose-6-phosphate with the hysteretic transi- growth factor that contribute to the specificity towards the tion in glucose-6-phosphate hydrolysis in intact liver micro- B-type receptor (FEBS 11042) M. Jaumann, D. Tatje, J. Hoppe somes (FEBS 11020) H. Vidal, A. Berteloot, M.-J. Larue, J.-F. Structural analysis of the putative regulatory region of the rat St-Denis, G. van de Werve gene encoding poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (FEBS 11043) Interchain and intrachain crosslinking of actin thiols by a bi- F. Potvin, J. Thibodeau, J.B. Kirkland, B. Dandenault, C. functional thiol reagent (FEBS 10990) H. Faulstich, D. Heintz, Duchaine, G.G. Poirier G. Drewes A single step purification for recombinant proteins: Characteri- Pregnancy hormones, estrogen and progesterone, prevent HIV- zation of a microtubule associated protein (MAP 2) fragment 1 synthesis in monocytes but not in lymphocytes (FEBS which associates with the type II cAMP-dependent protein 11021) A.S. Bourinbaiar, R. Nagorny, X. Tan kinase (FEBS 11044) R.E. Stofko-Hahn, D.W. Carr, J.D. Lethal oxidative damage to human immunodeficiency virus by Scott human recombinant myeloperoxidase (FEBS 11022) N. Evaluation of the expression of the cationic peptide gene in Moguilevsky, M. Steens, C. Thiriart, J.-P. Prieels, L. Thiry, various types of leukocytes (FEBS 11047) I. Nagaoka, S. A. Bollen Yomogida, S. Nakamura, A. Someya, K. Iwabuchi,_ T. Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone encoding a major aller- Yamashita genic protein in rice seeds: Homology of the deduced amino Selective inhibition of membrane fusion events in echinoderm acid sequence with members of a-amylase/trypsin inhibitor gametes and embryos by halenaquinol sulfate (FEBS 11048) family (FEBS 11026) H. Izumi, T. Adachi, N. Fujii, T. S. Ikegami, N. Kajiyama, Y. Ozaki, Y. Myotoishi, S. Matsuda, R. Nakamura, K. Tanaka, A. Urisu, Y. Kurosawa Miyashiro, S. Takayama, M. Kobayashi, I. Kitagawa Possible involvement of superoxide anion in the induction of cyanide-resistant respiration in Hansenula anomala (FEBS Author Index to Volume 302 11025) N. Minagawa, S. Koga, M. Nakano, S. Sakajo, A. Yoshimoto Contents to Volume 302

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