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Preview Federal Register Vol. 38, No. 214, November 7, 1973 [PDF 160207 KB]

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. WATERGATE SPECIAL PROSECUTION FORCE—Justice Department establishes office.....................-............... 30738 PHASE IV PRICES—CLC regulation regarding increases in volatile pricing of raw materials............................... 30733 TOXIC MATERIALS—HEW requests data regarding ex­ Z posure to certain chemical and airborne dust contami­ o < nants; comments by 2-6-74............................-.......... 30765 fl» 3cr COST ACCOUNTING—Cost Accounting Standards Board o establishes standards regarding negotiated national de­ fense contracts; effective date reserved...................... 30730 NEW ANIMAL DRUGS—FDA proposal regarding dosage 10 requirements for feed blocks; comments by 1-7-74 ...... 30746 NJ w ANTIDUMPING—Treasury announces 6-month withhold­ ■0 ing of appraisement on picker sticks from Mexico; com­ o» ments by 12—7—73-.................-....................-............ 30751 0Q (fi W MEETINGS— W Commerce: Computer Systems Technical Advisory Com­ O NJ mittee, 11—15—73...................-u-..........................-— 30754 HEW: National Advisory Council on Services and Facili­ ties for the Developmentally Disabled, 11—16 and U) 11-17-73 ...__________-----................;.......-.............. 30766 O 00 U.S. National Committee on Vital and Health Statis­ en tics, 12—4 and 12—5—73..................................—— 30765 CO Chemical/Biological Information-Handling Review Committee, 11—27—73................................ 30766 — ----- Radiological Health Research and Training Grants Review Committee, 11—13—73.——:......................- 30764 (Continued inside) PART II: AIR QUALITY STANDARDS—EPA approves and disapproves in part transportation control plans from Colorado, Springfield, .Mass., Minnesota, and Oregon (4 documents)___30818, 30825, 30827, 30832 PART III: SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT COMPANIES— SBA revises regulations effective 11—7—73.......... 30835 PART IV: HEALTH SERVICES—CLC proposal regarding in­ stitutional and noninstitutional providers of medical care; comments by 12—1—73................- 30849 No. 214—Ft. I------1 HIGHLIGHTS——Continued Pulmonary-Allergy and Clinical Immunology Advisory Music Consultants, 11-8, 11-9 and 11-10-73...... 30788 Committee, 11-20-73....................................... 30764 National Manpower Advisory Committee Subcommittee Interior: Arizona Strip District Advisory Board. on Professional, Scientific and Technical Manpower 12-6-73 ............—......— ...............................„ 30752 11-16-73 .......................................................r.....: 30789 Independence National Historical Park Advisory NASA: Historical Advisory Committee, 11-16 and Commission, 11-15-73.........................................’ 30753 Emergency Petroleum Supply Committee and the Sup­ 11- 17-73 ...................................—...........-.....-.......... 30788 ply and Distribution Subcommittee, 11-8-73............. 30753 Veterans Administration: Medical Research Service FCC: Cable Television Technical Advisory Committee, Merit Review Board (14 meetings) 12-4 through 11-19-73 ........................... ;. 30773 12- 18-73 ........... ................ . ................................... .........30797 STATE: Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, AEC: U.S. Nuclear Data Committee, 11-28 and 11-15-73 .......7..................................................30751 11-29-73 .................................................__ 30768 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities: CLC: Labor-Management Advisory Committee Theatre Advisory panel, 11-17 and 11-18-73....... 30788 11-13-73 .....................:....................................... 30772 & I -SVOMAL fvfU5Xi^0ndty F r l d a y (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services C*2O »cm Washington’ D-c- 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 600, as amended; 44 UJS.C, Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution o > ! is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, UJS. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, 8 w The Federal Register provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest,. S ! ? s The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for Individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 Contents AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL COAST GUARD EDUCATION OFFICE DEVELOPMENT Rules and Regulations Proposed Rules Exemplary projects in vocational Notices --; j Baltimore Harbor, Maryland; an­ education; criteria, selection, Advisory Committee on Voluntary chorage grounds...----------— - 30740 and receipt of applications----- 30747 Foreign Aid; meeting—--------- 30751 Certain records and duplicate Mission Director and Deputy documents, certificates, or li­ ENERGY POLICY OFFICE Mission Director in Indonesia; censes; fees and charges------... 30740 Rules and Regulations delegation of authority----¡a----- 30751 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Mandatory allocation program for AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE See also Domestic and Interna­ middle distillate fuels; removal of limitation imposed by term Rules and Regulations tional Business Administration; "customs territory of the United Maritime Administration; Na­ Expenses and rate of assessment States (2 documents)___ 30739, 30740 tional Technical Information for 1973-74 crop year: California Date Administrative Service; Social and Economic ENGINEERS CORPS Statistics Administration. Committee---------------------- 30734 Rules and Regulations Raisin Administrative Commit­ Notices St. Lawrence River, ifew York; tee ________________________- 30734 Audits Office; organization and navigation; revocation— .------ 30740 Meat and Poultry Inspection Pro­ functions_______________«------ 30757 gram; laboratory rate increase. 30734 Maritime Administration; orga­ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Notices nization and creation of posi­ Rules and Regulations Grain standards; Washington in­ tion -----------------------------— 30757 Transportation Control Plans; ap­ spection points; correction—— 30754 Social and Economic Statistics proval and promulgation: Administration; Organization Colorado ------------------- 30818 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT and functions--------------------- 30760 Massachusetts ________________ 30827 See also Agricultural Marketing Minnesota--------------- 30832 COMMITTEE FOR THE PURCHASE OF Service; Animal and Plant Oregon______________ —------- 30825 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF THE Health Inspection Service. BLIND AND OTHER SEVERELY HANDI­ Notices Notices CAPPED Interstate motor carrier noise Blackfeet Indian lands in Mon­ Notices emission standards; availability tana; feed grain donations------ 30754 of public background document; Products of the severely handi­ extension of time for comments. 30773 AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT capped ; addition to procurement list of 1973___._______________ 30772 Nebraska; state program ap­ Rules and Regulations proval for control of discharges Air Force Board for Correction of COST ACCOUNTING STANDARD BOARD to navigable waters--------------- 30773 Military Records; delegation of Rules and Regulations FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION authority-------------------------- 30739 Cost accounting period; standards Rules and Regulations ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH regarding negotiated national INSPECTION SERVICE defense contracts______________ 30730 Control zone and transition area; Negotiated defense prime con­ alteration ____________________ 30736 Rules and Regulations tracts and subcontracts.------- 30725 Transition area: Areas released from quarantined: Alteration (3 documents) _ 30737,30738 Exotic Newcastle disease--------- 30735 COST OF LIVING COUNCIL Designation (4 documents)— 30736, Scabies in cattle_______________ 30735 Rules and Regulations 30737 Meat and Poultry Inspection Pro­ Phase n volatile pricing authori­ gram; laboratory rate increase. 30736 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS zations; expiration— ------------ 30733 COMMISSION ARMY DEPARTMENT Proposed Rules Rules and Regulations See Engineers Corps. Health care; Phase IV regula­ Special Industrial Radio Service; ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION tions _____ 30849 allocation of frequencies--------- 30741 Notices Notices Proposed Rules Consumers Power Company; fur­ Institutional providers of health Dual-language TV/FM program­ ther prehearing conference____ 30767 services; criteria for determin­ ming in Puerto Rico; extension Detroit Edison Company; receipt ing new properties, services or of comment period---------------- 30748 of application for construction markets-----------------------—- 30798 FM Broadcast stations: permits_____’________________ 30768 Labor-Management Advisory Com­ Beaufort, South Carolina-----— 30748 Regulatory guides; issuance and mittee; determination to close Lexington, Missouri-------------- 30748 availability__________________ 30767 meeting--------------------------- 30772 U.S. Nuclear Data Committee; Notices meeting____________ 30768 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Cable Television Technical Ad­ Virginia Electric and Power Com­ visory Committee; meeting----- 30773 See Air Force Department; Engi­ pany; hearing._______________ 30767 Southern Radio and Television neers Corps. Corp.; renewal of license-------- 30774 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL Standard broadcast applications; Notices BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION availability for processing-------- 30774 American Airlines, Inc., et al; WLCY-TV, Inc.; application for fuel allocation program________ 30769 Notices construction permit-------------- 30775 Eastern Airlines, Inc.; prehearing Computer Systems Technical Ad­ <Continued on next page) conference___________ 30772 visory Committee; meeting— - 30754 30719 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 30720 CONTENTS FEDERAL CONTRACT COMPLIANCE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT OFFICE Rules and Regulations See also Fish and Wildlife Serv­ Rules and Regulations Bosque Del Apache Nàtional Wild- ice; Land Management Bureau; National Park Service; Oil a.r><j Prime contractor and subcontrac­ life Refuge, New Mexico; hunt­ tor; access to records and site ing (2 documents)___________ 30743 Gas Office. of employment_________________ 30741 Sport fishing: Notices Bosque Del Apache National Environmental impact statements; FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. 30743 availability: ADMINISTRATION Necedah National Wildlife Ref­ Master plan for Mount Rainier uge, Wisconsin______________ 30743 Notices National Park, Wash________ 30753 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Pond-Poso Improvement Dis­ Major disaster and related deter­ trict, CaUf_.--------------------- 30753 minations: Proposed Rules Proposed master plan for Ha­ Missouri______________________ 30766 Animal feed blocks; new animal waii Volcanoes National Park, Nebraska____________;________ 30766 drug requirements. _______ 30746 Hawaii---------1.--------------- 30753 Notices Proposed natural resources FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION management plan for Hawaii j Certain combination antacid- Volcanoes National Park_____ 30754 Proposed Rules anti-cholinergic drugs; cor­ Proposed wilderness areas; Ha­ rection •___ 30764 Imputed rate of return on juris­ waii Volcanoes National Park. 30754 LaWall and Harrison Research dictional rate base; termination Wilderness proposal for Mount Laboratories, Inc.; withdrawal of rulemaking proceeding;' cor­ Rainier National Park.______ 30754 of petition for food additives___ 30764 rection _____,______________.___ 30749 Meetings: INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Notices Pulmonary-Allergy and Clinical Immunology Advisory Com­ Rules and Regulations Alaska Power Survey; Technical Advisory Committee on Eco­ mittee ....__________ 30764 Car service: nomic Analysis and Load Pro- Radiological Health Research Central Iowa Railroad and De- jection; meeting______._____ 30776 and Training Grants Review velopment Co____ 30742 Committee______...________ 30764 Lumber and plywood; restric­ Hearings, etc.:. tions on reconsigning________ 30742 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Algonquin Gas Transmission Notices Proposed Rules Co ______________________ 30776 Boston Edison Co____________ t 30776 Federal property management Lease and interchange of vehicles ; Consolidated Gas Supply Corp_ 30776 regulations; delegations of au­ extension of comment period__ 30750 Dan River Inc____________ 30781 thority (2 documents)___ 30787, 30788 Notices Duke Power Co_________.l-.____ 30776 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Assignment of hearings (2 doc­ Florida Gas Transmission Co. DEPARTMENT uments) ______ 30798 and United Gas Pipe Line Co_ 30776 Exemption under the mandatory See Education Office; Food and Georgia Power Co________ 30777 car service rule: Drug Administration; Health Great Lakes Gas Transmission Atlanta and West Point Rail Resources Administration; Na­ C o_____________ 30777 Road Co;, et al____________ 30798 tional Institute for Occupational Gulf Oil Corp__.____ 30777 Erie Lackawanna Railway Co__ 30806 Safety and Health; National Gulf States Utilities Co________ 30781 Missouri-Kansas Railroad Co., Institutes of Health; Social and D. L. Hannifin, et al________ 30781 and St. Louis-San Francisco Rehabilitation Service; Social Hughes and Hughes___________ 30778 Railway Co___;_____________ 30806 Security Administration. Idaho Power Co_______________ 30782 Norfolk and Western Railway Interstate Power Co__________ 30778 HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION Co., and Penn Central Trans­ Kentucky Utilities Co__________ 30782 portation Co________________ 30806 Notices Illinois Power Co____________ 30778 Seaboard Coastline Railroad Louisiana-Nevada Transit Co_ 30782 U.S. National Committee on Vital Co ------------------:__________ 30799 Marathon Oil Co________________30778 and Health Statistics; meet­ Expiration of third revised exemp­ McCulloch Oil Corp of Texas_ 30783 ing------_____---------------------- 30765 tion No. 22, ex parte 241_______ 30806 Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line Fourth section application for re­ HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Co. et al___:.______________ 30779 DEPARTMENT lief ______ 30799 Mobil Oil Corp______________ 30779 Motor carrier alternate route de­ See Federal Disaster Assistance Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of viations____________ 30799 Administration. America____________________ 30779 Motor carrier applications and Northern Natural Gas Co______ 30780 IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION certain other proceedings____ 30800 Ohio Power Co____________ 30783 SERVICE Southern Railway Co.; abandon­ Otter Tail Power Co. et al______ 30783 ment of trackage rights________ 30805 Rules and Regulations Pacific Gas Transmission Co___ 30784 Pennsylvania Electric Co______ 30784 Prescribed forms; notice to appli­ JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Phillips Petroleum Co_________ 30784 cant for admission detained for See Immigration and Naturaliza­ Public Service Co. of Indiana. _ 30780 hearing before Special Inquiry tion Service. Public Service Co. of Oklahoma. 30784 Officer; correction____________ 30735 Rodman Corp_________________ 30784 Rules and Regulations Roseau Electric Cooperative, INTERIM COMPLIANCE PANEL (COAL Office of Watergate Special Pros­ MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY) ecution Force; establishments_ 30738 Inc — ...------------------------ 30785 Notices Southern Natural Gas Co____ 30785 Valley Camp Coal Co.; applica­ LABOR DEPARTMENT Stone Oil Corp___________ 30780 tion for renewal permit; oppor­ See also Occupational Safety and Texas Gas Transmission Corp. 30786 tunity for public hearing. 30788 Health Administration. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 30721 CONTENTS NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Methods of transmitting orders Notices and other official papers; pro­ Investigation regarding adjust­ Notices posed amendment----------------- 30749 ment assistance: Independence National Historical Selection of nonvolunteer for al­ Don Gustin Shoe Co. Inc------- 30797 Park Advisory Commission; ternate service; proposed Nina Footwear Co. Inc— ----- 30797 meeting______________________ 30753 amendments---------------------- 30749 UND MANAGEMENT BUREAU NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Notices SERVICE Rules and Regulations Arizona Strip District Advisory Notices Small Business Investment Com­ Board; meeting-------------—— 30752 Government-owned inventions; panies; revision________________ 30835 Oregon; withdrawal and reserva­ availability for licensing--------- 30755 tion of land——-----—-------— 30752 Notices Wisconsin; filing of plat of survey OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH First Investment Corporation of (2 documents)--------------------- 30752 ADMINISTRATION Idaho: Application for license as a small business investment MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Proposed Rules company______________________ 30796 Notices Environmental impact state- Buis liQUid chemical carriers; ih- menta; proposed procedure.— 30744 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION tention to issue environmental 0|L AND OFFICE impact statement_____________ 30755 Notices Notices Survey of retail sales, purchases, NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE Emergency Petroleum Supply and inventories; consideration ADMINISTRATION Committee and Supply and Dis- to continue survey---------------- 30763 Notices tribution Subcommittee; meet- SOCIAL AND REHABILITATION SERVICE NASA Historical Advisory Com- in&-------------------------------------30753 Notices mittee; meeting------------------ 30788 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE National Advisory Council on NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS COMMISSION Services and Facilities for the Notices Notices Developmentally D isabled ; Architecture and Environmental earings, etc.: meeting_________-— ----------- 30766 Program; special instructions American Bancshares Fund, and procedures for submitting Tnr._________________ 30790 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION city options grant applications— 30789 BBT, Inc___________—________ 30794 Proposed Rules Columbia Gas. System, Inc., et Income for aged, blind and dis­ NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS a l________________ 30790 abled; eligibility and payment AND THE HUMANITIES Equity Funding Corporation of factors; correction_____ ’-------- 30748 America_________ 30794 Notices Indiana & Michigan Electric Co. 30790 STATE DEPARTMENT Meetings: Jersey Central Power & Light See Agency for International De­ Music Consultants--------------- 30788 Co — ___——_______30795 velopment. Theatre Advisory Panel---------- 30788 Metropolitan Edison Co—----------- 30791 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPA­ Middle South Utilities, Inc----- 30795 TARIFF COMMISSION TIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Penn General Agencies, Inc----- 30794 Notices Pennsylvania Life Co------------- 30794 Convertible game tables and com­ Notices Royal Properties Inc------------- 30796 ponents thereof; rescheduling of Certain airborne dust contami­ Science Investments, Inc-------- 30796 date set for resumption of hear­ nants and chemical agents; re­ State Mutual Life Assurance ing ______________________^----- 30797 quest for information------------- 30765 Company of America (2 docu­ ments) _____________ 30792, 30793 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Triex International Corp_------ 30794 See Coast Guard; Federal Avia­ Notices U.S. Financial Inc---------------- 30794 tion Administration. Chemical/Biological Information- Wealth Inc____________________ 30796 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Handling Review Committee; meeting___________________ — 30766 SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM Notices Picker sticks from Mexico; anti- Proposed Rules NATIONAL MANPOWER ADVISORY dumping______________________ 30751 Effect of mailing communication; COMMITTEE revocation__________ 30749 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Notices Notices Subcommittee on Professional, Medical Research Service Merit Scientific and Technical Man­ Review Boards; meetings— —- 30797 power; meeting____________— 30789 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 30722 CONTENTS List of CFR Parts Affected______ The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears following the Notices section of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. In the last issue of the month the cumulative list will appear at the end of the issue. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1973, and specifies how they, are affected. ■' 4 CFR 14 CFR 32A CFR 331__-----------—_________________ 30725 71 (8 documents)_________ 30736-30738 EPO Reg. 1___-----------------•------ 30739 351------------------------------ 30728 400 (2 documents)________________ 30730 18 CFR . EPO Reg. 7---------------------------- 30740 401 -----------------*_____________ 30730 Proposed Rules : 33 CFR 402—.____ 30730 260---------- 1__________________30749 1 ---___-------------_____----------30740 403--------------------------- 30730 110-----------------------------______ 30740 404— ____________________________ 30730 20 CFR 207__-----------------------------------30740 406—------------ 30730 Proposed Rules: 40 CFR 416_— -----__^-------------------------30748 6 CFR 52 (4 documents) ________________ 30818, Rulings___________________ 30733 21 CFR 30825,30827,30832 Proposed Rules: P13r5o-p-o--s-e-d-- -R--u-l--e-s--:------------- 30746 41 CFR 150------------------_------------------- 30850 60-1—-----_________— __________30741 28 CFR 7 CFR 0______— _____---------___--------- 30738 45 CFR 54_ 30734 Proposed Rules: 70_ 30734 29 CFR 103----------------------------------------30747 987 30734 Proposed Rules: 47 CFR 989 30734 1999______________________________ 30744 2 ----------------------- 30742 32 CFR 89_i----------— ------------------------30742 8 CFR 91— _—._------------------------------ 30742 865_____________________________ 30739 299—------------ 30735 Proposed Rules: Proposed Rules: 73 (3 documents)_________________ 30748 9 CFR 1604— — ----------------- 30749 1641_________ 30749 49 CFR 73---------- 30735 82------------------------------------___ 30735 1660-------------------------------------30749 1033 (2 documents)_______________ 30742 350------------------------------ 30736 Proposed Rules: 355----------*-------------------------- 30736 1057-------- 30750 13 CFR 50 CFR 32 (2 documents)________________ 30743 107—___------------------------------- 30736 33 (2 documents)____________ _ 30743 M FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 30723 REM INDERS u«ma In tv«to Hat TOW« «ditoriallv compiled as an aid to Fedeeal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal^niflcanc? Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today 1RS—Income tax; allocation and ap­ NOVEMBER 13 portionment of deductions— 28682; Customs Service—Customs bond regu­ Note: There were no items published after 10-16-73 lations................. 25995; 9-17-73 October 1, 1972, that are eligible for in­ —First published at............ 15840; NOVEMBER 14 clusion in the list of Rules Going Into 6-18-73 TARIFF COMMISSION—Acrylonitrile- Effect Today. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—Schedule II butadiene-styrene type of plastic Next Week’s Deadlines for Comments on controlled substances; physical secu­ resin; investigation, to be held in Proposed Rules page no. rity controls for practitioners. Washington, D.C.. 28984; 10-18—73 and date 29479; 10-25-73 NOVEMBER 7, 1973 MARITIME ADMINISTRATION—Mari­ Weekly List of Public Laws CAB—Oral and informal contracts and time carriers; uniform system of ac­ This is a listing of public bills enacted by agreements_____ 28929; 10—18—73 counts requirements............ 28682; Congress and approved by the President, together CAB—Filing of agreements---- 28928; 10-16-73 twhieth Ut.hSe. lSatwat untuems bceirt,a ttihone . dSauteb soefq uaepnptr olvisatls, awnildl 10-18-73 MINING ENFORCEMENT AND SAFETY appear every Wednesday in the FEDERAL REG­ NOVEMBER 12 ADMINISTRATION—Distinctly col­ fIrSoTmER t, haen dU .Sc.o pGieosv eorfn mtheen tl aPwrsin mtinagy Obeff icoeb.tained AEC—Carbon-14 in vitro clinical or ored hard hats or caps for inexpe­ laboratory testing; general license for rienced miners....... 27621; 10-5—73 H.R. 6691-... -..—....... Pub. Law 93-145 use ............... 26813; 9-26-73 MINING ENFORCEMENT AND SAFETY Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COM­ ADMINISTRATION—Rollover protec­ 1974 MISSION—Exemption of isosorbide tive structures and failing object pro­ (Nov. 1, 1973; 87 Stat. 527) dinitrate-containing sublingual tab­ tective structures for mobile equip­ H.R. 8250............— . Pub. Law 93-140 ment...............— 27841; 10—9—73 District of Columbia government, pro­ lets and chewable preparations from child protection packaging require­ SEC—Accounting Series Release No. grams and activities; authorization 16—Effect of Treasury stock trans­ (October 26, 1973; 87 Stat. 504) ments................. 25195; 9-12—73 actions on accounting for business H.R. 8825................... Pub. Law 93-137 EPA—Effluent limitations guidelines combinations....s,. 28819; 10-17—73 Department of Housing and Urban and standards of performance and SEC—Financial statements; disclosure Development; Space, Science, Vet­ pretreatment for inorganic chemicals of significant accounting policies. erans, and Certain Other Independent manufacturing point source cate­ 28948; 10-18-73 Agencies Appropriation Act, 1974 gory___________ 28174; 10—11—73 SEC—Transactions by an issuer (Oct. 26, 1973; 87 Stat. 491) EPA—Feedlots category; effluent limita­ deemed not to involve any public tions__,............ 28974; 10—18—73 offering.—.......... 28951; 10-18-73 H.R. 9590—.............. Pub. Law 93-143 FCC—FM stations in Lexington, Mo.; VA—Vocational rehabilitation; defini-, Treasury, Postal Service, and General table of assignments. Government Appropriation Act, 1974 tion and categorization of the pe­ 27303; 10-2-73 F&D—Restriction on level of copper in riods of basic eligibility..... 28844; (Oct. 30, 1973; 87 Stat. 510) 10-17-73 H.J. Res. 748..............Pub. Law 93-142 animal feed; list of substances that are generally recognizable as safe. NOVEMBER 16 International financial institutions, ap­ 25694; 9-14-73 APHIS—Dressed poultry; deletion from propriations inspection regulations those provi­ FHLBB—Proposed penalties for vio­ (Oct. 26, 1973; 87 Stat. 510) sions allowing production, labeling, lations of rate control rules. movement between establishments, S. 907— .——........ Pub. Law 93-144 28081; 10-11-73 or importation........ 24374; 9—7—73 To authorize the appropriation FHLBB—-Applications procedures for FCC—Aviation Services; aeronautical $150,000 to assist in fmanc».g ifie branch offices (2 documents). mobile (R) VHF band..... — 29077; 29090-29091; 10-19-73 10-19-73 arctic winter games to be held in the HEW—Programs for the education of FCC—FM Broadcast stations in certain State of Alaska the handicapped.. 28230; 10-11—73 cities in Missouri and in Marion, (Nov. 1, 1973; 87 Stat. 527) NOVEMBER 13 Ohio...__— .....— 28574; 10-15-73 S. 2282.................... Pub. Law 93-141 FPC—Reliability of electric and gas FCC—FM Broadcast stations in Prince­ New Hope Dam and Lake, North Caro­ service............... 29821; 10—29—73 ton, III............... 28840; 10-17-73 lina, name change NOVEMBER 14, 1973 FDA—-Bacitracin and combinations; EPA—Water pollution control; reim­ change of moisture determination. (Oct. 26, 1973; 87 Stat. 510) bursement grants; priority for pay­ 26006; 9-17-73 S. 2486.................— Pub. Law 93-139 ment of funds appropriated by FDA—Control of electronic product Trotters Shoals Dam and Lake, Geor­ Public Law 92-399—........- 28572; radiation; product identification and gia and South Carolina, name change 10-15-73 initial reports........ 26007; 9-17—73 (Oct. 26, 1973; 87 Stat. 503) FAA—Alteration of transition area at FHLBB—Transactions with affiliates by S.J. Res. 164............ Pub. Law 93-138 Crookston, Minn..... 28703; 10-16-73 service corporation subsidiaries of FAA—Alteration of VOR Federal Airway subsidiary insured institutions. Former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, between Grand Canyon, Utah, and 10-16-73 franking privileges, extension Bryce Canyon, Ariz.— 28572; 10-15—73 (Oct. 26, 1973; 87 Stat. 503) FAA—Alteration of Jet Routes between Brownsville and Corpus Christi, Tex. Next Week’s Hearing The President vetoed S. 1317, United 28572; 10-15-73 NOVEMBER 12 States Information Agency Appropria­ NOVEMBER 15, 1973 TARIFF COMMISSION—Alleged unfair tions Authorization Act of 1973 and H.J. FMC—Rules governing the filing of in­ methods of competition and unfair Res. 542, War Powers Resolution. Mes­ creases in contract rates on less than acts in the importation and sale of sages dated Oct. 23, 24, 1973, respec­ statutory notice in the event of tariff certain writing instruments; to be currency depreciation.......... 29343; held in Washington, D.C. tively; Weekly Compilation of Presidential 10-24-73 28874; 10-17-73 Documents, Vol. 9, No. 39. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 30725 Rules and Regulations This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents having general applicability and legal effect most of which are keyed to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510. The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each month. ___________________ Title 4—Accounts (c) A “defense subcontractor” is any authority of section 8(a) of the Small person other than the United States who Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)). CHAPTER III—COST ACCOUNTING contracts, at any tier, to perform any (4) Any contract made with a labor STANDARDS BOARD part of a defense contractor’s contract. surplus area concern pursuant to proce­ * NEGOTIATED DEFENSE PRIME (d) “National defense” is any program dures providing for a partial set-aside CONTRACTS AND SUBCONTRACTS for military and atomic energy produc­ for such concern as set out in ASPR 1- Miscellaneous Amendments tion or construction, military assistance 804, 32 CFR 1.804; and FPR 1-1.804, 41 to any foreign nations, stockpiling, space, CFR 1-1.804. The purpose of this publication by the and directly related activity. (5) Any contract awarded to the Ca­ Cost Accounting Standards Board is to (e) The definition of “established nadian Commercial Corp. in accordance amend Parts 331, 351, 400, 401, 402, 403, catalog or market prices of commercial with the terms of the agreement of and 404 of its rules and regulations. The items sold in substantial quantities to the July 27, 1956, as amended, between the amendments, which are minor clarifica­ general public” set out in the Armed Department of Defence Production tions to the regulations, were published Services Procurement regulation (32 CFR (Canada) and the U.S. Departments of in the Federal Register of September 5, 3.807-l(b) ), in effect at the date of the the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and 1973 (38 FR 23971). The amendments: contract, shall be used. the Defense Supply Agency. (a) Re-number Parts 331 and 351 to fa­ (f) A “negotiated subcontract” is any (6) Any contract awarded to Western cilitate insertion' of future modifications subcontract except a firm fixed-price Electric Co. for materials, supplies, or to those parts; (b) clarify one section of subcontract made by a contractor or sub­ services which are standard items of the the contract clause at § 331.5; and (c) contractor after receiving offers from at Bell System. This paragraph 6 expires modify certain definitions in Parts 400, least two firms not associated with each on June 30, 1973. 401, 402, 403, and 404 for the purposes other or such contractor or subcontrac­ (c)(1) Upon request of the Secretary of uniformity among the various Parts. tor, providing (1) the solicitation to all of Defense, the Deputy Secretary of De- Only one comment in response to the competing firms is identical, (2) price is fense, or the Assistant Secretary of De­ September publicatioh has been received the only consideration in selecting the fense (Installation and Logistics), or out­ by the Board. This expressed agreement subcontractor from among the competing side the Department of Defense, of offi­ with the proposed changes. firms solicited, and (3) the lowest offer cials in equivalent positions, the Cost In view of the foregoing, the following received in compliance with the solicita­ Accounting Standards Board may waive amendments to the Board’s regulations tion from among those solicited is all or any part of the requirements of are being made effective November 7, accepted. paragraph (a) of this section with re­ 1973: (g) A “Disclosure Statement” is the spect to a contract or subcontract to be PART 331—CONTRACT COVERAGE Disclosure Statement required by Cost performed within the United States, or a 331.10 Purpose and scope. Accounting Standards Board regulation contract or subcontract to be performed 331.20 Définitions. (Part 351 of this chapter). outside tiie United States by a domestic 331 AO Applicability, exemption, and waiver. § 331.30 Applicability, exemption, and concern. A domestic concern is an in­ 331.40 Solicitation notice. waiver. corporated concern incorporated in the 331.50 Contract clause. United States or an unincorporated con­ 331.60 Post-award disclosure. (a) The head of each relevant Fed­ cern having its principal place of busi­ 331.70 Interpretation. eral agency shall cause or require the ness in the United States. (In the con­ 331.80 Effective date. clause set forth in § 331.50 captioned text of this subparagraph, “concern” re­ Authority: Sec. 108, 84 Stat. 796 (50 U.S.C. cost accounting standards to be inserted fers to a prospective or actual contractor. App. 2168). in all negotiated defense contracts in Thus, a contract with a foreign subsidiary excess of $100,000, other than contracts § 331.10 Purpose and scope. or foreign branch or business office of a ottered into by the agency where the UJ3. corporation would not be a contract The regulations contained in this part price is based on; (a) Established cata­ with a domestic concern. Conversely, a are promulgated to implement the stand­ log or market prices of commercial contract executed by a foreign salesman ards and the rules and regulations estab­ items sold in substantial quantities to or agent on behalf of a domestic concern lished by the Cost Accounting Standards the general public, or (b) prices set by would nevertheless be a contract with a Board pursuant to 50 U.S.C. App. 2168 law or regulation. Additionally, all so­ domestic concern since the basic con­ (Pub. L. 91-379, August 15, 1970). licitations, likely to result in a contract tractual and legal responsibility resides The requirements set forth herein shall in which the clause set forth in § 331.50 with the domestic concern.) Any request be binding upon all relevant Federal must be inserted, shall include the notice for a waiver shall describe the proposed agencies and upon defense contractors set forth in § 331.40 captioned disclosure contract or subcontract for which waiver and subcontractors. STATEMENT----COST ACCOUNTING PRACTICES is sought and shall contain (i) an un­ § 331.20 Definitions. AND CERTIFICATION. equivocal statement that the proposed (a) A “relevant Federal agency” is any (b) The requirements of paragraph contractor or subcontractor refuses to Federal agency making a national de­ (a) of this section shall not be applica­ accept a contract containing all or a fense procurement and any agency whose ble to: specified part of the Cost Accounting responsibilities include review, approval, (1) Any contract made pursuant to Standards clause and the specific reason or other action affecting such a procure­ a special method of procurement known for that refusal, <ii) a statement whether ment. as “Small Business Restricted Advertis­ the proposed contractor or subcontractor ing”; Vi as accepted any prime contract or sub­ <b) A “defense contractor” is any con­ tractor entering into a contract with the (2) Any contract made with a small contract with any Federal department or business pursuant to partial small busi­ agency containing the Cost Accounting United States for the production of ma­ terial or the performance of services for ness set-aside procedures; or Standards clause, (iii) the amount of the the national defense. (3) Any contract entered into under proposed award and the sum of all FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973 No. 214—Pt. I-----2 30726 RULES AND REGULATIONS awards by the department or agency re­ ards Board. Any offeror submitting a propos­ (3) Comply with all Cost Accounting questing the waiver to the proposed con­ al, which, if accepted, will result in a contract Standards in effect on the date of award of tractor or subcontractor in each of the subject to the requirements of the Cost Ac­ this contract or if the contractor has submit­ preceding 3 years, (iv) a statement that counting Standards Board must, as a condi­ ted cost or pricing data, on the date of final no other source of the supplies or serv­ tion of contracting, submit a Disclosure agreement on prioe as shown on the con­ ices being procured is available to satisfy Statement as required by regulations of the tractor’s signed certificate of current cost the needs of the agency on a timely basis, sBuobamrdi.t teTdh ea sD ai spcalorstu oref tShtea toefmfeeronrt’s mpruospto sbael ocro mpprliyc inwgit hd aatnay. CThoset cAocnctoruancttoinrg sShtaalnl daalrsdo (v) a statement of any alternative meth­ under this solicitation unless, in compliance which hereafter becomes applicable to a ods of fulfilling the project or program with agency procedures, the offeror has al­ contract or subcontract of the contractor needs and the agency’s reasons for re­ ready submitted a Disclosure Statement dis­ Such compliance shall be required prospec­ jecting such alternatives, (vi) a state­ closing the practices used in connection with tively from the date of applicability to such ment of the steps being taken by the pro­ the pricing of this proposal, or unless post­ contract or subcontract. curing agency to establish other sources award submission has been authorized by the (4) (A) Agree to an equitable adjustment of supply for future procurements of the uCloantitorancst ionfg tOhfef icCeor stin A accccoourndtainncge Swtaitnhd arredgs­ acso nptrraocvtid iefd t hien ctohnet racchta ncogsets isc laauffseec teodf btyh ias products or services for which a waiver Board (see 4 CFR 331.60). If an applicable change which, pursuant to (3) above, the is being requested, and (vii) any other Disclosure Statement has already been sub­ contractor is required to make to his estab­ information that may aid the Board in mitted, the offeror may satisfy the require­ lished cost accounting practices whether evaluating the requested waiver. ment for submission by providing the follow­ such practices are oovered by a Disclosure (2) Upon request of the Secretary of ing information:1 Statement or not. Defense, the Deputy Secretary of De­ Certification (Applicable Only to Pro­ (B) Negotiate with the contracting officer fense, or the Assistant Secretary of posals Resulting in Contracts Subject to to determine the terms and conditions under Defense (Installation and Logistics), or Cost Accounting Standard Board which a change to either a disclosed cost Requirements ) accounting practice or an established cost outside the Department of Defense, of accounting practice, other than a change officials in equivalent positions, the Cost By submission of this offer, the offeror cer­ under (4) (A) above, may be. made. A change Accounting Standards Board may waive tifies that his practices used in estimating to a practice may be proposed by either the all or any part of the requirements of costs in pricing this proposal are consistent Government or the contractor, provided, paragraph (a) of this section with re­ with the cost accounting practices disclosed however, that no agreement may be made spect to a proposed contract or subcon­ in the applicable Disclosure Statement. under this provision that will increase costs paid by the United States. tract to be performed outside the United § 331.50 Contract clause. (5) Agree to an adjustment of the contract States by a foreign government or a for­ The following clause shall be inserted price or cost allowance, as appropriate, if eign concern. A foreign concern is a con­ in all contracts subject to Cost Account­ he or a subcontractor fails to comply with cern that is not a domestic concern, as ing Standards Board requirements: an applicable Cost Accounting Standard or defined in paragraph (c) (1) of this sec­ to follow any practice disclosed pursuant to tion. Any request for a waiter shall de­ Cost Accounting Standards subparagraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) above scribe the proposed contract or subcon­ (a) Unless the Cost Accounting Standardsa nd such failure results in any increased tract for which waiver is sought and shall Board has prescribed rules or regulations ex­ costs paid by the United States. Such ad­ contain (i) the amount of the proposed setmanpdtianrgd st,h er ucloenst, raacntodr orer gtuhliast icoonnst rapcrto mfrouml­ jiunsctrmeaesnedt csohsatlsl tpor tohveid Ue nfioterd rSectaotveesr yt oogef ththeer award and the sum of all awards by the gated pursuant to 50 U.S.C. App. 2168 (Pub. with. Interest thereon computed at the rate department or agency requesting the L. 91—379, August 15, 1970), the contractor, determined by the Secretary of the Treasury waiver to the proposed contractor or in connection with this contract shall: pursuant to Public Law 92-41, 85 Stat. 97, or subcontractor in each of the preceding 3 (1) By submission of a Disclosure State­ 7 percent per annum, whichever is less, from years, (ii) a statement that no other ment, disclose in writing his cost account­ the time the payment by the United States was made to the time the adjustment is source of the supplies or services being ing practices as required by regulations of effected. procùred is available to satisfy the needs the Cost Accounting Standards Board. The (b) If the parties fail to agree whether of the agency on a timely basis, (iii) a required disclosures must be made prior the contractor or a subcontractor has com­ statement of any alternative methods of to contract award unless the Contracting plied with an applicable Cost Accounting Officer provides a written notice to the con­ fulfilling the project or program needs Standard, rule, or regulation of the Cost Ac­ tractor authorizing post-award submission and the agency’s reasons for rejecting counting Standards Board and as to any cost in accordance with regulations of the Cost such alternatives, (iv) a statement of Accounting Standards Board. The practices adjustment demanded by the United States, the steps being taken by thé procuring disclosed for this contract shall be the s«.mA such failure to agree shall be a dispute con­ cerning a question of fact within the mean­ agency to establish other sources of sup­ as the practices currently disclosed and ing of the disputes clause of this contract. ply for future procurements of the prod­ applied on all other contracts and subcon­ (c) The contractor shall permit any au­ ucts or services for which a waiver is tracts being performed by the contractor thorized representatives of the head of the being requested, and (v) any other in­ and which contain this Cost Accounting agency, of the Cost Accounting Standards Standards clause. If the contractor has noti­ formation that may aid the Board in Board, or of the Comptroller General of the fied the Contracting Office that the Dis­ evaluating the requested waiver. closure Statement contains trade secrets and United States to examine and make copies of any documents, papers, or records relat­ (3) In the event the' agency head de­ commercial or financial information which ing to compliance with the requirements of termines that it is impractical to secure is privileged and confidential, the Disclosure this clause. a required Disclosure Statement in ac­ Statement will be protected and will not be (d) The contractor shall include in all ne­ released putside of the Government. cordance with the contract clause and gotiated subcontracts which he enters into § 331.60, he may authorize award of such (2) Follow consistently the cost account­ the substance of this clause except para- contract or subcontract. He shall within ing practices disclosed pursuant to (1) graph (b), and shall require such inclusion 30 days thereafter submit a report to the above in accumulating and reporting con­ in all other subcontracts or any tier, except Cost Accounting Standards Board, set­ tcroancttr apcetr. foIrfm aannyc ec choasntg ed aitna cdoisnccleorsneidn gp rtahcis­ tnheagto ttiahties d rseuqbuciorenmtreanctts sihn aelxl caespsp loyf $o1n0l0y,0 0t0o ting forth all material facts. tices is made for purposes of any con­ where the price negotiated is not based on: (4) The authority in this § 331.30(c) tract or subcontract subject to Cost Ac­ (i) Established catalog or market prices of shall not be delegated. counting Standards Board' requirements, commercial items sold in substantial quanti­ the change must be applied prospectively to ties to the general public, or § 331.40 Solicitation notice. this contract, and the Disclosure Statement Disclosure Statement—Cost Accounting must be amended accordingly. If the contract (ii) Prices'set by law or regulation. Practices and Certification price or cost allowance of this contract is However, if this is a contract with an agency affected by such changes, adjustment shall which permits subcontractors to appeal final Any contract in excess of $100,000 re­ be made in accordance with subparagraph decisions of the contracting officer directly to sulting from this solicitation, except con­ (a) (4) or (a) (5) below, as appropriate. the head of the agency or his duly authorized tracts where the price negotiated is based on: representative, then the contractor shall in­ (1) Established catalog or market prices of clude the substance of paragraph (b) as well. commercial items sold in substantial quanti­ 1 (The agency issuing the solicitation Note: In any case where a subcontractor ties to the general public, or (2) prices set by should specify the data which it will accept determines that the Disclosure Statement in­ law or regulation, will be subject to the re­ if any in lieu of resubmission of. a Disclosure formation is privileged and confidential and quirements of the Cost Accounting Stand- Statement already submitted.) declines to provide It to his contractor or FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 214— WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1973

T. R. S argent,. Vice Admiral, V.S. Readout Device; filed 30 July 1971, Pat ented 12 September the following notice is issued:' A petition (FAP
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