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FEDERAL REGISTER Vol. 78 Wednesday, No. 20 January 30, 2013 Pages 6195-6724 OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER II Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 20/Wednesday, january 30. 2013 SUBSCRIPTIONS AND COPIES Tlu! FKDHRAI. KKtOSTKR (KS.SN 0007-032(1) is i)iil)lislio() daily, Monday lhron}>h Friday, (!X(;(;|)I official holidays, by tho OlTico PUBLIC of lh(! Ftuloral Kogistor. National Archivos and R(HX)nls Adininislralion. \Vasliin{>lon. DO 2040H. imd(!r the I'odoral K(!^isl(!r Sed)sc:riplie)ns: Act (44 ll.S.fi. (di. l.'i) and the riignlations of tho Administrative! Paper e)r fie.he 202-312-1800 (ioininittoe! of tho Fodciial R(!gistor (1 (d'R (ih. 1). I ho Assistane:e! with pnhlie; sid)se:ri])tie)ns 202-312-1800 .Sii])(!rintondont of Docinnonts. U..S. (iovornmont Printing Offico. Washington. DCi 20402 is tho oxchisivo distrihutor of tho official Oeiieral online infenination 202-312-1330; 1-888-203-0408 (xlition. Periodicals postage is paid at Washington. Dfi. Single e:e)pieis/l)ae;k e;eipie!s: The FKDFRAL RKfOSTFR i)rovidos a uniform system for making Paper e)r fie:he! 202-312-1800 available to the ])nhlii; reignlations and legal nolic(!S issued by Assislane;e! with ])uhlie; single e;e)pie!s 1-800-312-1800 Feideral ageincies. These include! Pre!siele!ntial preeelamatiems anel (I’oll-Fiee) Exeuaitive! (frelers. Feulend ageiuA’ ele)e:nments liaving geineaal FEDERAL AffENCIES apj)lie:ahility anel le!g;il effeied. ele)e:mne!nts re!epiire!el te) he! pid)lishe!el Suhse:riplie)ns; by ae:t eef ('.eengress. anel eether Fe!ele!ral age!ne:y ele)e;ume!nts e)f piihlie: inte!re!sl. Piipe!)- e)r fie:he! 202-741-0005 Assislane:e! with Feieleral age!ne:y suhse:ri])tie)ns 202-741-0005 Deieannenls are e)n file fe)r pnhlie: inspe!e:tie)n in the Offiea! e)f the Feeleral Re!giste!r the! elay he!fe)re the!y are! ])nl)lishe!el. unless the! issuing age:ne:v re!e|ueists eiirliea' filing. Fe)r a list e)f ele)eanne!nts fi:i)i;k.\i. rixiistfr workshop eairre!ntly een file fe)r pnhlie: ins])e!e:lie)n. see! \vu n-.ofr.‘>ov. THi; I I.I)F.RAI. RIXilSTFR: WIIA I IT IS AND HOW K) USi; IT 'The! si;al of the National Archives and Ree;ords Adininistratieen aiithenlii:ates the Federal Riigister as the e)ffie:iid se!rial |)id)lie:atie)n FOR; .\ny person who uses il)e I'ederal Register and (x)de e)f e!stal)lishe!el unelea’ the! Fe!ele!ral Reigister Ae:t. llnele!r 44 U..S.(i. I.a07, I’ederat Regulatieens. the! eremtents e)f the Fe!eleral Register shall he! juelie;iidiy ne)tie;e!el. "The Federal Register is jjidelisheel in paieea emel e)n 24x mie:re)fie;he!. W ttO: Spons))reet hy ll)e Oftiee e)f ilie t'ecteral ttegisier. It is alse) eivaihihle! emline ;il ne) e:harge! iit nai iv./e/.sa'.s.ge;e'. a se!rvie:e! Wit AT: I'l'ee pulilic t^rietings (approximately ,3 lioeirs) U) present: e)f the Oe)ve!rnme!nt Printing ()ffie;e!. 1. Tile regtilaioi'y pi'oeess. will) a feeeus e)n the IVderal 'The e)nline! e!elitie)n e)f the Feeleral Reigister is issue!el unele!r the! Register system anel tlie piitilie's reile in tlie eievelop- autheiiitv e)f the! Administrative (’.ennmitteH! e)f the Fe!eleral Re!<>iste!r ment ol regtilatieins. :is the! oifie;ial le:gal eapiivalent e)f the! pape!r anel mie:re)fie:he! e!elitie)ns (44 II..S.O. 4101 anel 1 OFR .a. 10). It is upelale!el hv 0:00 a.m. eiiie:h 2. tlie retationsliip lietween the I'ederal Register and eliiy the Feuleral Reigister is ])nhlishi!el anel ine.lueleis heith text anel Coele e)l I'ederal Regulations. graphie:s freem Veilnme .aO. 1 Oanuary 2. 1094) fenavarel. Fe)r mene! infe)rmalie)n, e:e)nlac:l the! (iPO (aisteiineir (ieintae:! ('.eiiiter. ll-.S. fi. The important elements e)f typical I'eeleral Register doc¬ (hiveirnmeiiil Printing ()ifie:e!. Pheine 202-312-1800 e)r 80(i-312-1800 uments. (te)ll freei). F-mail, gpej@e i/.s7/iei//}.e;e;/n. I. ,\n introdtietion to the finding aids of the I R/(3 R sys¬ 'The annual sid)se:rii)lie)n prie:e! fe)r the Feieleral Register jeapeir tem. eidition is .S749 plus peistiigei, e)r .S808. jilus liosteige!. fe)r ii e:e)mhine!el WITS': To provide the public with access to information nec¬ Feehiral Reigister, Feeleral Reigister Inele:x anel List e)f (d'R .Se!e:tie)ns Affe!e:te!el (L.SA) suhse:riptie)n; the! mie:re)fie:he! e!dition e)f the! F'eeleral essary to research Federal agency regulations which di¬ Reigister ine:lueling the F’eeleral Reigister Inehix anel L.SA is .$1(i,a. rectly affect them. There will lie no disctission of spe¬ ])lus ])e)slage!. Six inemth suhse:riptie)ns are available fe)r eiiiei-lndf cific agency regulations. the annual rate. 'The! i)re!vailing jieistid rates will he: a|)plie!el te) e)rele!rs ae:e:e)reling te) the ele!live!rv me!the)el re!eiue!ste!el. 'The prie:e! e)f a single e:e)py e)f the! elaily F’eeleral Reigi.ster, ine:lueling peistage, W IIFN; l uesdax, Feliruarx 12. 201.^ is l)iise!el e)n the! number e)f peiges: .Sll fe)r an issue! e:e)ntaining hiSS than 200 pageis; .S22 fe)r an issue e:e)ntaining 200 te) 400 ]);iges; 9 a m.-12:30 p m. anel .S33 fe)r an issue! e:e)ntaining meere than 400 |)iige!s. .Single issue!s W llliRi;: Office of the l ederal Register e)f the mie:re)fie:he! e!elition may ne! pureihaseul fe)r .$3 ])e!r e:e)i)y. Conference Room. Suite ’’OO ine:lueling peestage. Remit e:he!e:k e)r meniey e)rele!r, maele! peiyahle! te) the! .Su|)e!rinte!nele!nt e)f De)e:uments, or e:harge! te) ye)ur (iPO sot) .North Capitol Street. NW . De|)e)sit Ae:e:e)unt. VLSA, Miisteirfdirel, .'\me!rie:im lix])re!ss, e)r W ashington. DC 20002 l)ise:ove!r. Miiil te): IJ..S. f;e)ve)rnment Printing ()ffie:e!—Ne!W Orele!rs, P.O. l}e)X 970030. .St. Louis, MO 03197-9000; e)r e:all te)ll free 1- RFSFRVA'TIONS: (202) '' il-fiOOS 800-312-1800. DO areia 202-312-1800; e)r ge) te) the ll.S. (;e)ve!rnme!nt Online! He)e)kste)re! site, seui hookstow.opo.oov, 'Theirei eirei ne) re!strie:tie)ns e)n the re!pul)lie:alie)n e)f mateirial appeiaring in the! F'eeleral Reigister. Heew 'Te» tiite 'This Puhlie:atie)n: Use the! ve)lume nnmheir anel the! ])iige! nnmh)!r. Example; 77 FR 12343. Peistmaster: .Se!nel aelelress e:hange!S te) the! Supe!rinte!nele!nt e)f De)e.ume!nts. Fe!ele!nd Re!giste!r. U..S. (;e)ve!rnme!nt Printing Offie;e, W:ishingie)n, DCi 20402. ideeng with the! e!ntire! mailing lah(!l fre)m the! last issue! re!e:e!ive!el. Printed on recycled paper. Ill Contents Fediual Register Vol. 78. No. 20 Wtuliuisday. )amiarv :U). 2013 Agriculture Department NOTICES ■SVf? Animal and Plant Unalth In.sjiocfion Service ICstimates of the Voting Age Population for 20 1 2, (5289- .See F'onj.st .Serx'ice (5290 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service NOTICES PROPOSED RULES Meiitings; .Sunshine Act, (530(5 Iinjiortation of Avocado.s from (lontinenlal .Spain. H222- (5227 Defense Department Imjjortation of Fresh Apricots from Continental Spain, RULES (5227-(5232 Voluntary Education Programs; .Stay, (5208 Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Department of Transportation RULES .See Pipeline and Hazardous Materials .Safety Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Standards under Administration Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z), (i4()8-(5(52() PROPOSED RULES Drug Enforcement Administration Ability to Rejiay .Standards under Truth in l.ending Act NOTICES (Regidation Z), (i(522-(i(i72 Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposals, .Submissions, and Approvals: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Annual Reporting Reejuirement for Manufacturers of NOTICES Listecl (ibemicals, (i349-(i3.'i() Agency Information Collection Activities; Fropo.sals, Manufacturers of Controlled .Sub.stances: Applications: .Submissions, and Ajiprovals, (i327-(i328 PCA.S-Nanosyn, LLC, (i3.'5() ("barter Renewals: Board of .Scientific Coun.scdors, National Center for Health Education Department .Stati.stics, (5328 NOTICES Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Applications for New Awards: (Committee, (5328 Educational 'recbnology. Media, and Materials for Meetings: Individuals with Disabilities Program; .Ste])ping-u]) ("linical Lahoratorv Improvement Advisory Committee, Tecbnologv Im])lementation, (i3()(5-(i313 (533()-(i331 Di.sea.se, Disability, and Injury Prevention and Control Energy Department iSjiecial Em])ha.sis Panel, (532()-(i33() .See Federal Energy Regidatorv (Commission Healthcare Infection Control I’ractices Advisory PROPOSED RULES Committee, (5329 Energy Conservation Program: Test ITocedures for Conventional (Cooking Products with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Induction Heating Technology, (5232-15247 PROPOSED RULES Environmental Protection Agency Medicaid Programs: Alternative Benefit Plan; Eligibility Notices. Fair Hearing, RULES National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Aj)])eal Processes, and Cither Provisions; (Correction, for Reciprocating Internal Combustion fCngines: (527.'5 New Source Performance Standards for .Stationary NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Projiosals, Internal (Combustion FCngines, (5(574-8724 .Submissions, and Approvals, (5331-15332 Tolerance Exemj)tions; .Stvrene-2-EtbvIbexvl Acrylate Copolymer. (5213-821(5 PROPOSED RULES ' ' ' Civil Rights Commission Pesticide Petitions: NOTICES Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on V^arions Meetings; .Sunshine Act, (5289 Commodities; Withdrawal. (i274-827.'5 Coast Guard Executive Office of the President RULES .See Management and Budget Office Drawbridge Operations: Culf Intracoastal Waterway: Belle Cba.sse, LA, (i2()8-(i2()9 Export-Import Bank .Safety Zones: NOTICES Columbia and Willamette Rivers; Crain-.Sbijnnent Economic Impact Policy, 8322 Ve.ssels. (52()9-(5213 Federal Aviation Administration Commerce Department RULES .See International Trade Administration Airworthiness Directives: .See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admini.stration Roll.s-Royce pic Turbofan Engines, 8208-8208 IV Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 20 / Wednesday. January 30, 2013 / (Contents The Boeing C’.oinpany, (i2()2-(j2()(i Retpie.sts for Rehearings: 'I’he Botiing Conij)any Airplanes, ()20()-()2()2 Eastern I Ivdroelectric (^orp., 0319 Special Conditions: Reipiests under Blanket Authorization: Airhns. Moilel A31H-112 Airplane (,S/N 3238); ANR Pi])(!line Co., 0319—0320 CcM'titicalion of Cooklo])s, ()198-()2()() .Staff Attendance: Binhraer S.A., Model fiMB-.'i.'iO Airplanes; Flight California Independent .System ()])erator Meeting. 0321 Fnvelope Protection, etc., 81‘).')-()15)8 .Southwest Power Pool Regional Entity Trustee, Regional PROPOSED RULES .State Committee and Board of Directors Meetings, Airworthiness llirectives: 0320-0321 The Boeing (Company Airplanes, (j247-()2.'j7 Transfers of Exemjition: Class C Airspace: Ainendinents; .Stiiphen Phillips to Brentwood Dam Ventures, LLC, Nashville International Airport. TN. (i2.'j7-(i2,'58 0321-0322 Class F Airspace: Ainendinents: Criflin. CA. (i2(il-(i2(i2 Federal Maritime Commission Kingston, NY. ()2(i()-(i2(jl NOTICES West Palm Beach, FL. ()2.'i8-(j2(i() Agreements Filetl, 032.5 Class F Airsjiace: Establishment: Ocean Transportation Intermediarv License Ajijilicants, Immokalee, FL. ()2()2-()2(i3 0325 NOTICES Federal Reserve System Meetings: Results of FAA Nitrous Oxide BLEYF Characterization NOTICES Formations of, Acijuisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Testing, 8400 Holding Com]janies. 0320 RTCA S])ecial Committee 147, Minimum ()])erational I’erformance Standards for Traffic Alert and Collision Fish and Wildlife Service Avoidance Sy.stems Airborne Fiinipment, 0401 NOTICES RTC'.A Sjiecial Committee 203, Unmanned Aircraft lindangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Systems. 0400 Recovery Permit Applications. 0343-0344 Release of Aeronautical l^roperty at the Wilke.s-Barre/ .Scranton International Aii'iiort. Avoca, PA, 0401-()402 Food and Drug Administration NOTICES Federal Communications Commission Meetings; RULES .Science Board. 0332-0333 Facilitating the use of Microwave for Wireless Backhaul and Other IJ.ses: Forest Service I’roviding Additional Flexibility to Broadca.st Auxiliary NOTICES .Service and Operational Fixed Microwave Licen.sees, Environmental Inijiact .Statements; Availability, etc.: 0217 Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. OR; Invasive Plants Outage Reporting: Treatment. 0289 Interconnected Voice Over Internet Protocol Service and Broadband Internet .Service Providers: Correction. Health and Human Services Department 0210 .See Centers for Di.sea.se Control and Prevention PROPOSED RULES .See Centers for Medicare & Medicaid .Services Aviation Communications, 0270-0278 .See Food and Drug Administration NOTICES .See National Institutes of Health y\gency Information Collection Activities; Projiosals, NOTICES Submissions, and Apjirovals, 0322-032.5 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, .Submissions, and Approvals, 0320-0327 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NOTICES Homeland Security Department Applications: .See (ioast Cnartl Monadnock Pajier Mills. Inc., 0314-0310 Housing and Urban Development Department Pacific Cas and Electric Co.. 0313-0314 Tennessee Cas Pipeline Co.. LLC, (>313 NOTICES (iomj)liance Filings: Housing Choice Voucher Program Funding Awards for Enterpri.se Texas Pipeline LLC. 0310 Fiscal Year 2012, 0334-0342 Exeinjit Whole.sale Cenerator .Status: Interior Department Big Blue Wind Farm, LLC: Calpine Bo.sque Energy Center, .See Fish and Wildlife .Servic:e LLC: Homer City Ceneration, LP: et al., 0310 RULES Filings: Freedom of Information Act Regulations; C.orrection, 0210 fimpire Pipeline, Inc., 0310-0317 NOTICES License Amendment Applications: Meetings: Public Utility District No. 1 Chelan County, 0317-0318 U..S. Extractive Industries Transjiarency Initiative License Applications: Advisory Committee. 0342-0343 Algoiupiin Power Co., 0318 Petitions for Rate Approval: Internal Revenue Service .SonrceCas Distribution LLC, 0318-0319 PROPOSED RULES Recommended Parameters for .Solid Flame Models for Land IR.S Truncated Taxpayer Identification Nnmhers; Based Liiiuefied Natural Gas .Sjiills, 0319 Correction, 0273 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 20 / Wednesday, january 30, 2013 / Contents V .— . . Rules Relating to Additional Medicare 'I’ax. (>273 Endangered and 'I’lireatened Wildlife; | Rules Relating to Additional Medicare Tax; Correction, Finding on two Petitions to List White Marlin as f ()272 Threatened or Endangered under Endangered .Species Act, 0299-0303 International Trade Administration Environmental Impact .Statements; Availahilitv. etc.; 1 NOTICES Effects of Oil and Cas Activities in the Arctic Ocean, | Anti(lnni))ing Duty Administrative Reviews; Results. 03()3-()3().'l Extensions, Aniendinents, etc., ()2ni-(>2()7 Meetings; Antidumping Duty New Slii])per Reviews; Results, New England Fishery Management Council, 03().'> f l‘]xtensions. Amendments, etc.; (iertain Frozen Msh Mllets Irom the Socialist Republic of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vietnam, (>297-{>25)8 NOTICES A|)plications for Approval; International Trade Commission Proposed Indirect Transfer of Control of (k)nstruction NOTICES Authorization for Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Complaints; Facility, Aiken, .SC; Correction, 03.50-03.'>7 [ Certain Wireless Commnnications Base Stations and Occupational Safety and Health Administration Comjjonents Thereof, (>344 NOTICES Justice Department Agency Information (k)llection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals; S(!H Drug Enforcement Administration Personal Protective Equipment for Ceneral Industrv, NOTICES Agency Information (Collection Activities; Proposals, (>3.'>2-(>3.53 I Submissions, and Ap|)rovals; .Standard on 4,4'-Methylenedianiline for (kmeral Industrv. Applications for Registration and Registration Renewal (>3.'>()-(i3.'‘>2 under Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act. etc., Office of Management and Budget (>348-(')349 .See Management and Budget Office Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement. (>34.'>-(>34(> Certification of Qnalifving State Relief from Disabilities Personnel Management Office Program, (>34(> NOTICES Relat(;d Unfair Em])loyment Practices Charge f’orm, (>347 Agency Information (Collection Activities; Proposals, Relief of Disabilities. (>347-(>348 .Snhmissions. and Approvals; Semi-Annual Progress Report for the Sexual Assault Fingeiprint Chart .Standard Form 87, (>3.’>7-83.‘>8 Services Program, (>34.'> Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 1 Labor Department 1 NOTICES .SV’e Occupational .Safety and Health Administration 1 Pil)eline .Sahity; Accident and Incident Notification Time Limit. (>402- I Management and Budget Office (>403 j NOTICES 2012 Statutory Pay-As-Yon-Ck) Act Annual Report, (>3,'>3- Postal Regulatory Commission s (>3.'>.'> NOTICES New Postal Proilucts. (>3.'>8-(>3(>() National Archives and Records Administration NOTICES Postal Service Records Schedules; Availability, (>35!>-(>3.‘>(> NOTICES Product (Changes; National Institutes of Health Exjjress Mail and Priority Mail Negotiated Service NOTICES Agreement, (>3(>1 Meetings; Exj)ress Mail Negotiated .Service Agreement, (>3(>()-(>3(>l i Center for .Scientific Review, (>334 Priority Mail Negotiated .Service Agreement, (>3(>1 ! National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Di.sorders, 0333 Presidio Trust PROPOSED RULES National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Public Use Limit on (Commercial Dog Walking; RULES Revised Dispo.sal Conditions; Extension of Comment Fisheries of the Caribbean, (kdf of Mexico, and .South Period. (>273-8274 Atlantic; Reef Ei.sh Fishery of the (kdf of Mexico; Amendment 38, Securities and Exchange Commission 0218-0221 NOTICES PROPOSED RULES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Submissions, and A])i)rovals; Bering .Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab Rationalization Form N-8F, 8382 Program. 0279-0288 Rule 17a-8, 8384-838.'> NOTICES Rule 17j 1. 8382-8384 Endangered and Threatened S])ecies; Rule 248.30, 8381-8382 Take of Anadromous Fish; Correction, 0298-0299 Rule 807. 8384 VI Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 20/Wednesday. January 30, 2013/Contents .Self-Regulatory Organi/ations: Propo.sed Rule Changes: Veterans Affairs Department FIXiA Exchange, Inc.. (i304-(i39H NOTICES EIXiX Exchange. Inc., (>373-(i377 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, ICE (dear Enro])e Ltd.. 0371-0373 .Submissions, and A])provals: Miami International .Securities Exchange LIX',. 03().'j-0308 Loan Analysis, (>404 NASDAQ OMX HX. Inc... 030»-(j371, 0391-0304 .Supplemental Information for (diange of Program or NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, 0380-()389 Reenrollment after Unsatisfactory Attendance. New York .Stock Exi:hange LL(k 038‘)-(i391 Conduct or Progress, 8405 NY.SE Area, Inc... 0385 .Survey of (dironic (ia.strointestinal Illness in Persian Cnlf Options (dealing (]orp., 0378-0379 Veterans. 8404-8405 The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, 0379-0384 Me(;tings: Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans, 8405-(i408 State Department Ceriatrics and (jerontology Advisory Committee, 8408 PROPOSED RULES Exchange Visitor Frograin: Fees and (diarges, 0203-020t) International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Separate Parts In This Issue Munitions List: Category XVI; Amendment, 0209-0272 NOTICES Part II Culturally .Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 8408-8820 Determinations: Picas.so Black and White, 0398-0399 Part III Easing Ban t)n Imports from Burma. 0399 Bureau of (’.onsumer Financial Protection, 8822-8872 Meetings: Overseas .Security Advisory (Council, 039t)-04()() Part IV .Shipping Coordinating (d)mmittee. 039‘) Environmental Protection Agency, 8()74-8724 Transportation Department .See Federal Aviation Administration Reader Aids .See Pipeline and Hazardous Materials .Safety Consnlt the Reader Aids section at the end of this jiage for Administration phone numh(;rs, online resources, finding aids, reminders, and notice of recently enacted ])nhlic laws. Treasury Department To subscribe to the Federal Register Table of Contents .See Internal Revenue .Service LLST.SERV electronic mailing list, go to htt]i:// NOTICES list.serv.access.gpo.gov and select Online mailing list Agency Information Collection Activities; Projiosals. archives, FEDRECHTHbL, Join or leave the list (or change .Submissions, and Approvals, 04()3-()404 .settings); then follow the instructions. Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 20 / Wednesday, january 30, 2013 / Contents VII CFR PARTS AFFECTED IN THIS ISSUE A cumulative list of the parts affected this month can be found in the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue. 7 CFR Proposed Rules: Proposed Rules: 319 (2 documents).6222, 6227 10 CFR Proposed Rules: 430.6232 12 CFR 1026.6408 Proposed Rules: 1026.6622 14 CFR 25 (2 documents) ....6195, 6198 39 (3 documents) ...6200, 6202, 6206 Proposed Rules: 39 (3 documents) ....6247, 6251 71 (5 documents) ...6257, 6258, 6260, 6261, 6262 22 CFR Proposed Rules: 62. .6263 121.. 6269 123.. 6269 124.. 6269 125.. 6269 129.. 6269 26 CFR Proposed Rules: 1 (3 documents)... ...6272, 6273 31. .6273 301. .6273 32 CFR 68. .6208 33 CFR 117. .6208 165. .6209 36 CFR Proposed Rules: 1002. .6273 40 CFR 60. .6674 63. .6674 180. .6213 Proposed Rules: 180. .6274 42 CFR Proposed Rules: 430. .6275 431. .6275 433. .6275 435. .6275 440. .6275 447. .6275 457. .6275 43 CFR 2.. 6216 45 CFR Proposed Rules: 155. .6275 47 CFR 4.. 6216 74.. 6217 Proposed Rules: 87.. 6276 50 CFR 622. .6218 6195 Rules and Regulations Fechiral Riigi.ster Vol. 78. No. 20 \V<!(lii(!S(l:iy. laiuiary 80, 2018 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER for corporate flight, fractional, charier, ine:e)r])e)rate!.s the! .same! e)r similar ne)vel contains regulatory documents having general and i)rivate owner opmations. The e)r unusual eie!sign feature, the speuaeil applicability and legal effect, most of which aircraft has a conventional configuration e:e)nelitie)ns weeidel eilse) apply te) the e)the!r are keyed to and codified in the Code of with low wing and T-tail empennage. me)eh!l uneler 4? 21.101. Federal Regulations, which is published under The primary structure! is metal with hi ciehlitie)!! te) the a])plie:al)h! 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510. composite empennage! anel e;e)ntre)l airwe)rlhine!s.s re!gulatie)ns anel s|)e!e;ial The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by snrfae;es. The Me)ele!l I‘iMB-550 airplane e:e)nelitie)n.s, the Moelel EMB-550 the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of is elesigneel fe)r 8 pas.se!nge!r.s, with a airplane must e;e)mply with the fue!l vent new books are listed in the first FEDERAL maximum e)f 12 passengers. It is anel eexhausl emissieen re!eiuire!me!nts e)f REGISTER issue of each week. e!epiipj)e!el with twee He)ne!ywe!ll 14 CFR part 84 anel the! neeise HTF7500-E meelium bypass ratie) e:ertifie;atie)n re!ejuire!me!nt.s e)f 14 CFR lurl)e)fan engiiuis memnteel e)n aft ])art 81) anel the I-’AA must issue a DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION fuse!lage pyleens. Eae:h engine pre)elue;e!.s fineiing e)f reigulateery aeh!epiae;y uneler appreeximately 0,540 pe)imd.s e)f thrust ^ ()11 e)f Fnhlic Law 92-574, the "Ne)ise Federal Aviation Administration fe)r normal takeioff. The primary flight Ce)ntre)l Ae:t e)f 1972.” e;e)ntrols eiemsist of hyelraulie:ally The FAA issues special e;e)nelitie)ns, as 14CFR Part 25 pe)we!re!ei fly-hy-wire elevatejrs, aileneens elefineel in 14 CFR 11.19, in ae;e;e)relane:e! [Docket No. FAA-2012-1199; Special anel rueleler, e:ontre)lle!el by the! pilot or with 4} 11.88, anel theiy l)e!e;e)me! ])art e)f Conditions No. 25-476-SC] e:e)pile)t siele!stie;k. the tvpe-e;ertifie;atie)n basis uneler Embraer S.A. has ine;orpe)rateel an S 21.17(a)(2). Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., ATRLS fnne;tie)n inte) the engine e)f the Neivel eir Unusual Design Feuitures Model EMB-550 Airplanes; Flight Me)elel EMB-550 air|)lane!. It has a fidl Envelope Protection: Performance aiithe)rity eligital eleulrejiiie: e:e)ntre)l The Embraer S.A. Meeelel EMB-550 Credit for Automatic Takeoff Thrust system are'.hiteelnre. Embraer S.A. airplane has an A'lTCS that is u.se!el fe)r Control System (ATTCS) During Go- pre)j)e)se!el alle)wing perfeHinaneai e;re!elit l)e)th take!e)ff anel go-arounel functions. Around fe)r this fnne;tie)n elnring gee-areeunels te) .Seelie)!! 25.904 anel part 25 appenelix sheew e;ompliane:e! with the reupiirements 1 refer to eeperatieens e)f ATTC.S eenly agency: rodoral Aviation e)f S 25.121(el) leer ai)pre)ae:h e:liml) elnring takeeeff. The Embraer S.A. Meeelel Administration (FAA). DOT. j)e!rfe)rimme:e!. Sineie! the airweertliiiuhss I’]MB-550 airplane alse) preevieles fe)r u.se ACTION: Final sprunal conditions. reuinirements eh) ne)t e;e)ntain a])])re)priate! e)f ATRLS her ge)-are)unels. As a reesidt, if SUMMARY: 'I’lieso special conditions are safe!ty stanelarels leer a])])roae;h e:limh an engine! failure oexairs eluring a go- issued for the Finlrraer S.A. Model pe!rfe)rmane:e! using AT R^S, speuaal are)unel, the remaining e!ngine l‘;MB-r)5() airplane. This airplane will e;e)nelitie)ns are! re!epiire!el te) eistahlish a aute)matie:ally applie)s maximum ge)- have a novel or unusual design feature level e)f safe!ty eupiivalent te) that e)f the are)unel thrust. In aelelitieen, in the e:a.se! associated with the use of an Automatic re!gnlatie)ns. e)f an a])proae;h with e)ne engine alre)aely Fart 25 apj)e!nelix 1 e;e)ntains stanelarels ine)pe!rative. if it is ne!e;e:s.sary to perfeerm Takeoff Thrust Control System (ATTCS) fe)r use e)f ATRLS elnring lakeKeff. These a go-are)unel, the eepeniting engine during go-aronnd. The ap])lical)le s])e)e;ial e:e)nelitie)ns establish stanelarels te) aute)matie:ally applie)s maximum ge)- airworthiness riigulations do not contain e!xtenel the! use of ATl’CLS te) the ge)- aroimel thru.st. aderpiate or appropriate safety standards are)unel phase. These ,spe)e:ial e:e)nelitie)ns are inteneleKl for this design feature. These special to ensure that the ATTCS fune:tie)n.s conditions contain tin; additional safety Type (]ei'tirie:atie)ii Basis e;e)rree;tly anel meets e!xj)ee:teel standards that the Administrator Uneler the ])re)visie)n.s e)f Title 14. Cejele pe!rfe)rmane;e requirennents eluring go- considers necessary to establish a level e)f Feuleral Regidatie)ns (14 CFR) 21.17, aronnels when the airplane is limiteel by of safety equivalent to that establi.shed Embraer S.A. must .show that the Moelel weight, altituele, anel/e)r te!m})erature! hy the existing airworthiness standards. EMB-550 airplane me)e!t.s the applie;iil)le eluring an appre)ae:h. DATES: liffHclive D(i1(^: March 1. 2013. pre)visie)ns e)f part 25, as ameneleul hy Discussion FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: )oe Amemehnents 2.5-1 through 2.5-127 [acohsen. FAA. Aiiplane and Flight therede). Sine;e current airworthineiss Oew Interface Branch. ANM-111. If the Aelministrate)!' finels that the reupiireiinents eh) ne)t e:ontain .safety Transport Airplane Directorate. Aircraft ap])lie;al)le airwe)rthine).ss re!gidatie)ns stanelarels to alle)w creelit for ATTC.S in Certification Service. KiOl Lind Avenue (i.e., 14 CFR part 25) eh) ne)t e:e)ntain eledeM'inining ap])re)ae:h e;liml) SW.. Renton. Washington 98()57-335(); aehupiate e)r appre)priate! safety .stanelarels |)erfe)rmane:e, the!se! .spee;ial eaenelitieens telephone 425-227-2011: facsimile fe)r tlie Moelel EMB-550 airplane are re!epure!el te) e!stal)lish a level e)f safety 425-227-1149. he!e:anse of a ne)vel eer unusual eh!sign eKienvalent te) that e)f the re)gulatie)ns. The SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: feujture, .spee:ial e:e)nelitie)ns are definitie)!! e)f a e:ritie:al time interval fe)r presea iheul uneler the ])re)vi.sie)ns e)f the a])pre)ae;h e;limh e:ase similar to the Background t? 21.10. e:ritie:al time inter val fe)r take!e)ff elefineel On May 14. 2009. Embraer S.A. S])e!cial exenelitions are initially in ])art 25 appemelix 1 is e)f primary applied for a type certificate for their applie:al)h! to the meeelel fe)r whie:h they im])e)rtane;e. During an approae;!) e;limh, new Model EMB-550 airplane. The are issueul. Shouhl the tyj)e e:ertifie;ate it must he extremely impre)l)al)le te) Model EMB-550 airj)lane is the first of for that meeelel he ameneleel later te) vie)late a flight j)ath haseel on the ediinh a new family of jet airplanes designed incluele anv other moelel that graelient re!quire)ment of S25.121(el). 6196 Federal Register/Vol. 78, No. 20/Wednesday, January 30, 2013/Rules and Regulations This cliinl) gradient requirement imi)lies of airplanes. It is not a rule of general simnltaneons engine and ATTC.S a minimum one-engine-inoperative applicability. failure, the resulting apjiroach climb flight path capability with the airplam; flight ])ath intersects a flight path List of Subjects in 14 (CFR Part 25 in the api)roa(:h configuration. The originating at a later point on the same engine may have l)(;(;n inoperative Aircraft, Aviation safety. Reporting approach jiath i;orresj)onding that IxTore initiating the go-arouiul. or it may and recordkeeping r(!(|uirements. corresponds to the 14 (iFR part 25 one- Ixicome inoperative during the go- The authority citation for these engine-inojierative approach climb around. The definition of the critical special conditions is as follows: gradient. 'I’he period of time from the time interval mn.st consider both Authority: 49 U.S.C. lOtifg), 40113. 44701. point of simnltaneons engine and possibilities. 44702.44704. A'lTC.S failure to the intersection of The propidsive thrust used to the.se flight paths mn.st he no .shorter determine comj)liance with the The Special (Conditions than the time interval n.sed in evaluating approach climb re(|uirem(;nts of Accordingly, pursuant to the the critical time interval for takeoff §2.1.121(d) is limited to the les.ser of; authority delegated to me by the beginning from the point of • The thrust jirovided by the ATTCS, Administrator, the following special .simnltaneons engine and ATTCS failure or conditions are issued as jiart of the type and ending ujion reaching a height of • 111% of the thrust resulting from certification basis for Emhraer .S.A. 400 feet. the initial thrust .setting with the ATTCS Model EMB-550 airplanes. failing to perform its nptrim function 1. The Model EMB-55() airplane mn.st (ii) The critical time interval ends at and without action by the flightcrew to comply with tlu; retjuinnnents of 14 CFR the jioint on a minimum jierformance, re.set thrust. 25.904 and ajipendix I to 14 CFR jiart all-engines-operating go-around flight This requirement serves to limit the 25 and the following requirements path from which, assuming a adverse i)erformance effects of a pertaining to the go-around phase of simultaneous engine and ATTC.S combined engine and ATTCS failure, flight: failure, the resulting minimum and ensures adecpiati; performance of an 2. Definitions ap})roach climb flight path intersects a all-engines-op(!rating go-aronnd. a. 'rakeoff/go-around (TO(CA): flight path corresjionding to the 14 (’.FR Throttle lever in takeoff or go-aronnd jiart 2.5 minimum one-engine- Iliscussinn of (Comments position. inoperative approach climb gradient. Notice of proposed sjjecial conditions h. Automatic takeoff thrust control The all-engines-operating go-aronnd No. 2.1-12-()(i-SC for the Emhraer S.A. system (A'lTCCS): The ATTCS in Model flight ])ath and the 14 CFR part 25 one- Model EM13-.'j5() airi)lanes was EMB-550 airplanes is defined as the engine-inojierative apjiroach climb ])nhlished in the Federal Register on entire automatic system available during gradient flight jiath originate from a Novemh(!r 9. 2012, (77 FR 07309). No takeoff and in go-around mode, common point on a 2.5 degree ajqiroach suhstanlitve comments were received, including all devices, both mechanical jiath. 'I'he jieriod of time from the point and the special conditions are adoptcul and electrical, that .sense engine failure, of simnltaneons engine and ATT(kS as proposed. transmit signals, actuate fuel controls or failure to the intersection ofthe.se flight power levers (or increase engine jiower jiaths must he no shorter than the time Applicability by other means on operating engines to interval used in evaluating the critical As discn.ss(!d above, these spec:ial achieve scluulnled thrn.st or power time interval for the takeoff beginning conditions are a])plicahle to the Emhraer increase), and furnish cockpit from the jioint of simultaneous engine S.A. Model EMB-5.'50 airplane. Should information on system operation. and ATTC.S failure and ending upon Emhraer S.A. ai)ply at a later date for a c. Critical time interval: The reaching a height of 400 feet. change to the tyj)e certificate to inchule definition of the critical time interval in (2) The critical time interval must he another model incor])orating the .same 14 CiFR appendix I 25.2(h) must he determined at the altitude resulting in novel or nnnsnal design feature, the expanded to include the following: the longe.st critical time interval for special conditions would apply to that (1) When conducting an approach for which one-engine-inoperative approach model as well. landing using ATTCS, the critical time climb performance data are jnesented in interval is defined as follows: (Conclusion (i) The critical time interval hagins at the airplane flight manual (AFM). This action affects onlv certain novel a point on a 2.5 degree ajijiroach glide (3) The critical time interval is or unusual design features on one model path from which, a.ssuming a illustrated in the following figure: Federal Register/Yol. 78, No. 20/Wednesday, jamiary 30, 2013/Rules and Regulations 6197 - * -►l I I * The engine and ATTCS failed time interval must be no shorter than the time j interval from the point of simultaneous engine and ATTCS failure to a height of j 400 feet used to comply with i25.2(b) for ATTCS use during takeoff. j _f 3. Perlorniance and system reliability power or thrust controls with the for the airplane under the exi.sting recjiiinanents: 'I’lie a])j)li(;ant must ATT(;S failing to reset thrust or power conditions through tlx; use of the jjower comjjly with the performance and and without any action by the lever. For air])lanes equipj)ed with A'FTC.S reliability r(;(iuirements as flightcrew to res(!t thrust or pow(;r. limiters that automatically j)revent the follows: 4. Thrust setting engine; f)])erating limits from being a. An ATT(«S failure or a comhination a. 'fhe initial go-aronnd thrust .setting exceeded under existing ambient of failures in the ATTC^S during the on each engine at the beginning of the conditions, other means may he us(;d to critical lime interval: go-aronnd ])ha.se may not lx; less than increase the thru.st in the event of an (1) Must not j)r(!vent the insertion of anv of the following: A'lTC.S failure, provided that the means: the maximnm apj)rove(l go-around (1) That recpiired to permit normal (i) Is l(x;ated e)n or hx'ward of the ihrnsi or j)ower, or must h(! shown to lu; op(!ration of all safety-relatcul .systems power levers; a remote evcml. and (Kinipment depemhmt upon engine (ii) Is easily identified and o])erat(;d (2) Must not rcisnlt in a significant lo.ss thrust or power hiver j)o.sition: or under all o])erating c;onditions by a or reduction in thncst or power, or mu.st (2) That shown to lx; free of hazardous single action of either ])ilot with the he shown to he an extnmiely improhahle engine re.sjx)n.se charact(;ri.stics and not hand that is normally used to actuate ev(;nt. to result in any unsafe aircraft operating the ix)wer levers; and h. The concurrent existence of an or handling characteristics when thrust (iii) Meets the requirements of ATT(;S failure and an engine failure or pow(!r is advanced from tlx! initial § 2.5.777(a), (h).and (c). during the critical time interval must he go-aronnd position to the maximnm (3) Provide a means to verify to the shown to he extremely improhahle. ajjproved power setting. flightcrew before beginning an approach c. All ai)j)licahle performance h. For aj)j)roval to use an A'lTfi.S for for landing that the AITC.S is in a recpiinanents of 14 CFR part 25 must he go-arounds, the thru.st setting procedure condition to operate (unless it can he met with an engine failure occurring at must he the same for go-arounds demonstrated that an ATTCS failure the most critical point during go-aroimd initiated with all engines ojjerating as combined with an engine failure during with the ATTCS functioning. for go-around initiated with one engine an entire flight is extremely d. The prohahility analysis must inoperative. improhahle); and include consideration of ATTCS failure .5. Power])lant c;ontrols occurring after the lime at which the a. In addition to the nxpiirements of (4) Provide a means for the flightcrew llightcrew last verifies that the ATTCiS § 2.5.1141, no single failure or to d(;activate the automatic fuix:tion. is in a condition to operate until the malfunction, or jjrohahle comhination riiis nx;ans must he d(;.signed to pr(;vent Ix'ginning of the critical time interval. thereof, of the A'nTi.S, including inadvertent deactivation. e. The ])roj)ulsive thrust obtained a.ss{x:iated sy.stems, may cause the (j. Powerplant instruments: In from the oj)erating engine after failure of failure of any poweri)lant function additi(m to the r(;(]nirenu;nt.s of the critical engine during a go-around n(x;essary for safety. §2.5.1305: n.sed to show com])liance with the one- 1). The A'lTC.S must he designed to: a. A nx:ans must he j)rovid(;d to engine-ino])erative climh recpiinanents (1) Apply thrust or power on the indicate when the A3TCS is in the of §2.5.121(d) may not he greater than opmating (;ngine(s), following any one- armed or ready condition; and tlu! lesser of: engine failure during a go-aronnil, to 1). If the inher(;nt flight charac:teri.stic.s (1) 'I'he actual j)ropul.sive thrust achieve the maximnm a])proved go- of the air|)lane do not |)rovide ad(;quate resulting from the initiiil setting of around thrust without excecxling tlu; warning that an engine has failed, a power or thrust controls with the engine o])erating limits; warning system that is independent of ATTf’.S functioning; or (2) Permit manual decrease or the ATTC.S must he i)rovided to give the (2) 111% of the j)ropnlsiv(! thrust increase in thrust or power ii]) to the jjilot a clear warning of any engine resulting from the initial setting of maximum go-around thrust approved failure during a go-around.

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