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1-17-97 Vol. 62 No. 12 Friday January 17, 1997 United States Government PERIODICALS Printing Office Postage and Fees P2ud SUPERINTENDENT U.S. Government Printing Office OF DOCUMENTS (ISSN 0097-6326) Washington. DC 20402 *i*n**^*i***i*ri%\*i*i*t<^*n»rg. Q j Qj •j A FR UMl 346U DEC 97 R OFFICIAL BUSINESS Penalty for private use. $300 UHl SERIRLS RC0UIS3T20NS PO BOX 1346 RNN ARBOR Ml 48106 1-17-97 Friday Vol. 62 No. 12 January 17, 1997 Pages 2547-2890 Briefings on how to use the Federal Register For information on briefings in Washington, DC, see announcement on the inside cover of this issue Now Available Online . Code of Federal Regulations via GPO Access (Selected Volumes) ' Free, easy, online access to selected Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) volumes is now. available via GPO Access, a service of the United States Government Printing Office (GPO). CFR titles will be added to GPO Access incrementally throughout calendar years 1996 and 1997 until a complete set is available. GPO is taking steps t so that the online and printed versions of the CFR will te released concurrently. The CFR and Federal Register on GPO Access, are the official online editions authorized by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register. New titles and/cu' volumes will be added to this online service as they become available. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr For additional information on GPO Access products, services and access methods, see page 11 or contact the GPO Access User Support Team via: ★ Phone: toll-free: 1-888-293-6498 •k Email: [email protected] II Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 12 / Friday, January 17, 1997 SUBSCaUPTlONS AND COPIES PUBLIC Subscriptions: Paper or fiche 202-512-1800 Assistance with public subscriptions 512-1806 FEDERAL REGISTER Published daily, Monday through Friday, (not published on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official holidays), by General online information 202-512-1530 the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records 1-888-293-6498 Administration, Washington, DC 20408, under the Federal Register Single copiesdiack copies: Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. 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Documents are on tile for public inspection in the Office of the Federal Register the day before they are published, unless NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE earlier filing is requested by the issuing agency. The seal of the National Archives and Records Administration The January 1997 Office of the Federal Register Document authenticates this issue of the Federal Register as the official serial Drafting Handbook publication established imder the Federal Register Act. 44 U.S.C. Free, easy, online access to the newly revised January 1997 1507 provides that the contents of the Federu Register shall be judicially noticed. Office of the Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook (DDH) is now available at: The Fedovl Register is published in paper, 24x microfiche and as an online database throi^ GPO Access, a service of the U.S. http://www.nara.gov/nara/CBdreg/ddh/ddhont.html Govenunent Printing Office. The online edition of the Federal This handbook helps Federal agencies to prepare documents Register on GPO Access is issued under the authority of the Acmiinistrative Committee of the Federal Register as the official for publication in the Federal Register. legal equivalent of the paper and microfiche editions. The online For additional information on access, contact the Office of databa^ is updated by 6 a.m. each day the Federal Register is the Federal Register’s Technical Support Staff. published. The database includes both text and graphics from Volume 59, Number 1 (January 2,1994) forward. Free public Phone: 202-523-3447 access is available on a Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) through the Internet and via asynchronous dial-in. 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The annual subscription price for the Federal Rq^er paper WHAT: Free public briefings (approximately 3 hours) to present: edition is $494, or $544 for a combined Federal Repster, Federal 1. The regulatory process, with a focus on the Federal Renter Index and List of CFR Sections Affected (L^A) Registers system and the public’s role in the development sumcription; the microfiche edition of the Feder^ Register of regulations. including the Federal Register Index and LSA is $433. Six month 2. The relationship between the Federal Register and Code subscriptions are available for one-half the annual rate. The charge of Federal Regulations. for individual copies in paper form is $8.00 for each issue, or $8.00 3. The important elements of typical Federal Register for each ^up of pa^s as actually bound; or $1.50 for each issue documents. in microfiche form. All prices include regular domestic postage 4. An introduction to finding aids of the FR/CFR system. and handling International customers please add 25% for foreign WHY: To provide the public with access to information necessary handling Remit check or money order, made payable to the to research Federal agency regulations which directly afiect Superintendent of Documents, or charge to your GPO Deposit them. There will be no discussion of specific agency Account, VISA or MasterCard. Mail to; New Orders, regulations. Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. WASHINGTON, DC There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register. WHEN: January 28, 1997 at 9:00 am' WHERE: Office of the Federal Register How To Cite This Publication: Use the volume number and the Conference Room page number. Example: 60 FR 12345. 800 North COpitol Street, NW Washington, DC (3 blocks north of Union Station Metro) RESERVA'nONS: 202-523-4538 Printed on recycled paper containing 100% post consumer waste III Contents Federal Register ‘ Vol. 62, No. 12 Friday, January 17, 1997 NOTICES NOTICES Housing guaranty program: Agency information collection activities: Ciech Republic [Editorial Note: The agency name was Submission for OMB review; comment request, 2644- inadvertently dropped from this entry in the table of 2646 contents in Ae F^eral Register of January 16,1997.) Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Agricultural Marketing Service Severely Disabled RULES NOTICES Grapes grown in California, 2547-2549 Procurement list; additions and deletions, 2643-2644 Olives grown in California, 2549-2550 Procurement list; additions and deletions; correction, 2644 Commodity Credit Corporation Agriculture Department RULES See Agricultural Marketing Service Export programs: See Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Agricultural commodities; foreign donation programs; See Commodity Credit Corporation correction, 2719 See Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Commodity Futures Trading Commission See Farm Service Agency NOTICES See Food Safety and Inspection Service Contract market proposals: See Forest Service Chicago Mercantile Exchange— Live cattle, 2657-2659 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service RULES Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Interstate transportation of animals and animal products Service (quarantine): NOTICES Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and swine— Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Rapid automated presumptive test; disease status Special reseaitdi programs— determination, 2550-2551 Pest management alternatives research; correction, 2719 NOTICES Potato research; correction,. 2719 Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Genetically engineered organisms; field test permits— Defense Department Geranium plants, 2641 RULES Acquisition regulations: Arts and Humanities, National Foundation Certification requirements for contractors and offerors not See National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities specifically imposed by statute; removah 2612-2615 Foreign military sales; contingent fees, 2616-2617 Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Foreign piurchase restrictions; authority to waive, 2615- People Who Are 2616 See Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Metalworking machinery; trade agreements, 2615 Severely Disabled Overseas military construction; architect-engineer contracts; restriction, 2857-2858 Overseas military construction; preference for U.S. firms, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2856-2857 NOTICES Procurement integrity, 2611-2612 Meetings; Individuals with EKsabilities Education Act (IDEA); Safety and Occupational Health Study Section, NIOSH, implementation; 2674 DOD dependents in overseas areas; provision of early intervention and special education services, 2565- Civil Rights Commission 2579 NOTICES Meetings; State advisory committees: Education Departinent California, 2644 NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.; Coast Guard Bilingual education and minority languages affairs— NOTICES Comprehensive school program, 2860-2884 Meetings: Program enhancement projects, 2830-2853 Chemical Transjiortation Advisory Committee, 2711 Employment Standards Administration Commerce Department NOTICES See Foreign-Trade Zones Board Minimum wages for Federal and federally-assisted See International Trade Administration construction; general wage determination decisions, See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2688-2689 IV Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 12 / Friday, January 17, 1997 / Contents Energy Department Texas. 2639-2640 See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Telecommunications Act of 1996; implementation; Common carrier ser\'ices— Environmental Protection Agency National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc., Board of RULES Directors; changes to make Board more Air pollutants, hazardous; national emission standards: representative of telecommunications industry, Synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry and 2636-2639 other processes subject to equipment leaks negotiated regulation, 2722-2828 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Air quality implementation plans; approval and NOTICES promulgation; various States; air quality planning Meetings; Sunshine Act, 2666-2667 purposes; designation of areas: California, 2597-2607 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Air quality implementation plans; approval and NOTICES promulgation; various States: Hydroelectric applications, 2662-2663 ; Colorado, 2585-2587 Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Florida, 2587-2590 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., 2659 Indiana, 2591-2597 Mice, Inc, 2659-2660 New Jersey, 2581-2585 Minnesota Power & Light Co., 2660 Toxic substances: Mississippi River Transmission Corp., 2660 Testing requirements— Montana Power Co., 2661 Phenol, 2607-2611 Revelation Energy Resources Corp., 2661 . . * ‘ PROPOSED RULES TransColorado Gas Transmission Co., 2661 Air quality implementation plans; approval and Transwestem Pipeline Co., 2661-2662 promulgation; various States; air quality planning ^ Wyoming Interstate Co., Ltd., 2662 purposes; designation of areas: California, 2636 Federal Labor Relations Authority Air quality implementation plans; approval and RULES promulgation; various States: Federal Service Impasses Panel procedures: Colorado, 2634—2635 Clarification and simplification; correction, 2547 Florida. 2634-2635 Indiana, 2635 Federal Maritime Commission New Jersey, 2633-2634 NOTICES NOTICES Agreements filed, etc., 2667 Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Agency statements— Federal Reserve System Comment availability, 2663-2664 PROPOSED RULES Weekly receipts, 2663 Bank holding companies and change in bank control Meetings: (Regulation Y): Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board, 2664—2665 Nonbank subsidiaries; limitations on underwriting and Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 2665 dealing in securities; review, 2622-2632 Repiorts; availability, etc.: NOTICES Enviroiunental health risk management bamework Banks and bank holding companies: (Volume 1), 2665 Change in bank control, 2667 Superfund; response and remedial actions, proposed Change in bank control; correction, 2667 settlements, etc.: Formations, acquisitions, and mergers, 2667-2668 Torch Lake Site. MI, 2665-2666 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 2668 Water pollution control: Clean Water Act— Federal Trade Commission Class n administrative penalty assessments, 2666 NOTICES Interlocking directorates: Farm Service Agency Clayton Act Section 8 jurisdictional thresholds, 2668 RULES Premerger notification waiting periods; early terminations, Farm marketing quotas, acreage allotments, and production 2668-2671 adjustments: Prohibited trade practices: Peanuts; correction, 2719 Douglass, Jeanette L., 2671-2672 Federal Aviation Administration Fresenius AG et al., 2672 Koninklijke Ahold nv et al., 2672 RULES Airworthiness directives: Loewen Group Inc. et al., 2672-2673 Fairchild. 2552-2554 May Department Stores Co., 2673 Syncronys Softcorp et al., 2673-2674 Federal Communications Commission RULES Fish and Wildlife Service Radio stations; table ohassignments: NOTICES Colorado, 2611 Marine mammals: PROPOSED RULES Incidental taking; authorization letters, etc.— Radio stations; table of assignments: Northern Geophysical of America, Inc., Exploration, et Oklahoma. 2639 al.. 2678-2679 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 12 / Friday, January 17, 1997 / Contents National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands; See National Park Service revision, 2680-2681 See Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office NOTICES Food and Drug Administration Meetings: RULES Alaska Land Managers’ Forum, 2678 Organization, functions, and authority delegations: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, 2554—2558 Internal Revenue Service NOTICES PROPOSED RULES Organization, functions, and authority delegations: Income taxes: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research; Testing and Computer programs transfer transactions; classification; Research Office and Pharmaceutical Science Office, correction, 2633 2674-2675 International Trade Administration Food Safety and Inspection Service NOTICES RULES Antidumping: Meat and poultry inspection: Beryllium metal and high beryllium alloys from— Pathogen reduction; hazard analysis and critical control Kazakstan, 2648-2653 point (HACCP) systems— Dynamic random access memory semiconductors from— Sanitation standard operating procedures and E. coli Korea, 2654-2655 testing requirements; technical conference, 2551- Grain-oriented electrical steel firom— 2552 Italy, 2655-2656 Antidumping and covmtervailing duties: Foreign-Trade Zones Board Administrative review requests, 2647-2648 NOTICES Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Justice Department Texas See Immigration and Naturalization Service Phillips Petroleum Co.; oil refinery complex, 2646- ' See Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Office 2647 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Office Forest Service NOTICES NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Clearwater National Forest, ID, 2641-2643 Proposed collection; comment request, 2687-2688 Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Health and Human Services Department President’s Crime Prevention Council; youth substance See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , use prevention program (FY 1996), 2886-2889 See Food and Drug Administration See Health Resources and Services Administration Labor Department See Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services See Employment Standards Administration Administration See Occupational Safety and Health Administration NOTICES Health Resources and Services Administration Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 2689- NOTICES Agency information collection activities: 2690 Proposed collection; comment request, 2675 Meetings: National vaccine injury compiensation program: Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy Labor Advisory Health insurance policy; average cost revision, 2675-2676 Committee, 2690 Housing and Urban Development Department Land Management Bureau NOTICES PROPOSED RULES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Land resource management: Facilities to assist homeless— Management, use, and protection of public lands Excess and surplus Federal property, 2677-2678 Criminal law enforcement provisions; consolidation. 2636 Immigration and Naturalization Service NOTICES NOTICES Meetings: Asylum and asylum-related applications; special filing Resource advisory councils— instructions for ABC class members: John Day-Snake, 2680 Address changes and ABC Post Ofiice Box temporary Upper Snake River Districts, 2679 closure, 2684-2685 Motor vehicle use restrictions: Foreign student/exchange visitor program pilot; volunteers New Mexico. 2680 request, 2685-2687 Oil and gas leases: Meetings: New Mexico. 2680 Citizens Advisory Panel, 2687 ' Sxuvey plat filings: New Mexico, 2679 Interior Department Oregon, 2681-2682 See Fish and Wildlife Service Withdrawal and reservation of lands: See Land Management Bureau New Mexico, 2682-2683 VI Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 12 / Friday, January 17, 1997 / Contents National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Applications, hearings, deterwinations, etc.: NOTICES PECO Energy Co. et al., 2694-2695 Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 2690- Occupational Safety and Health Administration 2691 RULES State plans; standards approval, etc.: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Alaska et al., 2558-2565 RULES Fishery conservation and management; Ounce of Prevention Council Northeastern United States fisheries— NOTICES Northeast multispecies, 2619-2621 Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: PROPOSED RULES President’s Crime Prevention Council; youth substance Fishery conservation and management; use prevention program (FY 1996), 2886-2889 Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone— Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish; correction, Public Health Service 2719-2720 See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NOTICES See Food and Drug Administration Fishery conservation and management: See Health Resources and Services Administration Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone— See Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Acceptable biological catch and overfishing; Administration definitions, 2656 Permits: Research and Special Programs Administration Endangered and threatened species, 2656-2657 RULES Pipeline safety: National Park Service Natural gas transportation, etc.— RULES Service lines; excess flow valve performance standards; Spiecial regulations: reconsideration petition, 2618-2619 Badlands National Park, SD; commercial vehicle traffic, 2579-2581 Securities and Exchange Commission NOTICES Concession contract negotiations; PROPOSED RULES Gateway National Recreation Area, NY; marina and food Securities; service facilities and services, 2683 Broker-dealers books and records requirements, 2633 Meetings: NOTICES Self-regulatory organizations; proposed rule changes: Aniakchak National Monument Subsistence Resource . Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., 2702-2703 Commission, 2683 International Securities Clearing Corp., 2703-2704 National Science Foundation New York Stock Exchange, Inc., 2704-2706 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., 2707-2709 NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: Proposed collection; comment request, 2691 Public utility holding company filings, 2696-2697 Meetings: SoGen Variable Funds, Inc., et al., 2697-2701 Advanced Scientific Computing Special Emphasis Panel, TrustFunds Institutional Funds, 2701-2702 2691 TrustFunds Mortgage + Plus Trust, 2702 Biological Sciences Special Emphasis Panel, 2691 Chemistry Special Emphasis Panel, 2691-2692 Small Business Administration Civil and Mechanical Systems Special Emphasis Panel, NOTICES 2692 Agency information collection activities: Information, Robotics and Intelligent Systems Special Proposed collection; comment request, 2709 Emphasis Panel, 2692-2693 Disaster loan areas: Materials Research Special Emphasis Panel, 2693 California, 2709-2710 Mathematical Sciences Special Emphasis Panel, 2693- North Carolina, 2710 2694 Physics Special Emphasis Panel, 2694 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services United States Antarctic Program Blue Ribbon Panel, 2694 Administration NOTICES Nuclear Regulatory Commission Agency information collection activities: NOTICES Proposed collection; comment request, 2676-2677 Meetings: Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee, 2695 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Reactor Safeguards Advisory Committee, 2695 NOTICES Organization, Unctions, and authority delegations: Agency information collection activities: Local public document room relocation and Proposed collection; comment request, 2683-2684 establishment— Houston Lighting & Power Co. South Texas Project, Surface Transportation Board 2695-2696 NOTICES Strategic assessment and rebaselining initiative: Railroad services abandonment; Phase II stakeholder interaction report availability, 2696 Illinois Central Railroad Co., 2711 Federal Register /.Vol. 62. No. 12 / Friday, January 17, 1997 / Contents vn Thrift Supervision Office Separate Parts In This Issue NOTICES Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of Part II V ^ 1991: Environmental Protection Agency, 2722-2828 _ Capital and accounting standards; summary of differences; report availability, 2711-2717 Partin Transportation Department E)epartment of Education, 2830-2853 See Coast Guard See Federal Aviation Administration Part IV See Research and Special Programs Administration Depiartment of Defense, 2856-2858 See Surface Transportation Board RULES Organization, functions, and authority delegations: Part V Maritime Administrator, 2617-2618 Department of Education, 2860-2884 NOTICES Aviation proceedings: Part VI Agreements filed; weekly receipts, 2710 Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Certificates of public convenience and necessity and Delinquency Prevention, 2886-2889 foreign air carrier permits; weekly applications, 2710-2711 Treasury Department Reader Aids See Internal Revenue Service Additional information, including a list of public laws, See Thrift Supervision Office telephone numbers, reminders, and finding aids, appears in the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue. United States Enrichment Corporation NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 2718 Electronic Bulletin Board Veterans Affairs Department Free Electronic Bulletin Board service for Public Law NOTICES numbers. Federal Register finding aids, and a list of Medical care reimbursement rates (1997 FY), 2718 documents on public inspection is available on 202-275- 1538 or 275-0920. Vin Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 12 / Friday, January 17, 1997 / Contents CFR PARTS AFFECTED IN THIS ISSUE A cumulative list of the parts affected this month can be found in the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue. 5 CFR 73 (2 documents). ......5639 2470.... .....2547 48 CFR 2471. .2547 203. .2611 2472. .2547 215 (2 documents). .2611, 2473. 2612 7 CFR 219. .2612 729 . . 2719 225 (6 documents). .2612 925. .....2547 2615,2616,2856,2857 932. .2549 226. .2612 1499..•.. .2719 227. .2612 233. .2612 9 CFR 236 (2 documents). .2856, 78. .2550 2857 304. .....2551 252 (5 documents). ......5611 308. 2612.2616.2856.2857 310. .2551 320. .2551 49 CFR 327. ..2551 1. .2617 381. .2551 192. .2618 416. ..2551 50 CFR 417. 648. .2619 12 CFR Proposed Rules: Proposed Rules: 679. .2719 225. ..2622 14 CFR 39. .2552 17 CFR Proposed Rules: 240. .2633 , 21 CFR 5. .2554 26 CFR Proposed Rules: 1. ..2633 29 CFR 1952. ..2558 32 CFR 57. .2565 36 CFR 7. ..2579 40 CFR 52 (6 documents).. 2581 2585,2587,2591.2593,2597 - 63. .2722 81.. 5297 799.. .2607 Proposed Rules: 52 (6 documents)_. 2633 2634,2635,2636 81.. 2636 43 CFR Proposed Rules: 2800. ..2636 2920. ..2636 4100. ..2636 4300. .......2636 4700. .2636 5460. ..2636 5510. .2636 8200. .2636 8340. ..2636 8350.. ..2636 8360. ..2636 8370. .5636 8560. .5636 9210. .5636 9260. .5636 47 CFR 73. .5611 Proposed Rules: 69. ,.2636

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